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Feature I Lent resources


by Secretary for Spiritual Life Development Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts

DURING the weeks of Lent you are invited to pray with Scripture, to meditate on God’s word and seek to apply the daily text personally.

TEMPTATION Sunday 17 March ‘Then the Devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, the Holy City, set him on the highest point of the Temple, and said to him, “If you are God’s Son, throw yourself down, for the Scripture says, ‘God will give orders to his angels about you; they will hold you up with their hands, so that not even your feet will be hurt on the stones’ (Matthew 4:5 and 6 Good News Translation). We may not readily identify with this temptation to perform a stunt that would win the adulation of a large crowd, confident that angels would come to the rescue. Yet the response of Jesus in this situation, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test’ (v7) challenges us to seek a deeper understanding of God’s will in everyday life.

Monday 18 March ‘Then the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in all their greatness. “All this I will give you,” the Devil said, “if you kneel down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8 and 9 GNT). Here is the temptation to compromise, to take the easy way, to turn aside from obedience to God. Take time to reflect on what represents the ‘kingdoms of the world’ for you and ask God for grace to follow him wholeheartedly.

Tuesday 19 March ‘Jesus answered, “Go away, Satan! The Scripture says, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!’ (Matthew 4:10 GNT). Jesus responds to each temptation with Scripture and overcomes the tempter’s suggestions and lies. Ask the Lord today to equip you through his word to follow the example of Jesus.

HEALING Wednesday 20 March ‘When shall I come unto the healing waters?/ Lifting my heart, I cry to thee my prayer,/ Spirit of peace, my Comforter and healer,/ In whom my springs are found, let my soul meet thee there’ (SASB 742). After days spent thinking about repentance and temptation, the theme of healing brings opportunity for comfort and hope on this journey. Take time to reflect on these beautiful words of Albert Orsborn. Pray for a deeper experience of God’s peace and healing. There may be others for whom you also want to pray today.

Thursday 21 March ‘Wash from my hands the dust of earthly striving;/ Take from my mind the stress of secret fear;/ Cleanse thou the wounds from all but thee far hidden,/ And when the waters flow let my healing appear’ (SASB 742). What does ‘the dust of earthly striving’ represent for you? Pray today that God will bless you in the work of your hands that is necessary to provide for your material needs. Thank him for meeting your physical and spiritual needs.

Friday 22 March ‘Wash from my hands the dust of earthly striving;/ Take from my mind the stress of secret fear.’

Stress, fear and anxiety are so prevalent, and God’s people are not immune from them. This may prompt personal reflection and also prayer for others for whom you are concerned in this respect.

Saturday 23 March ‘Cleanse thou the wounds from all but thee far hidden,/ And when the waters flow let my healing appear.’

These lines may prompt difficult memories and unresolved issues. Yet in every situation God offers healing and strength. Ask for his grace today to meet your need.

8 Salvationist 16 March 2019 Seeking to reach friends, neighbours and the community EXETER TEMPLE

TEMPLE Praise – a quarterly musical outreach event – began with the corps band playing ‘Exeter Temple’, a march specially written for the corps centenary. Guest soloist Songster Naomi Blowers (Bristol Easton) delighted and moved the congregation with her heartfelt singing of ‘This Little Light Of Mine’, ‘There’s Never Been A Mountain’ and ‘How Great Thou Art’.

Through Yorkshire dialect, Bandswoman Oriel Morehouse told the engaging story of the Exodus and God’s provision for his people during their wilderness wanderings.

Bandsman Keith Gibson, accompanied by Retired Bandsmaster Kenneth Downie on piano, played two cornet solos ‘Ave Maria’ and ‘O Waly, Waly’.

Using the theme Predictive Texts, Major Nigel Bovey challenged everyone to respond to God’s messages as highlighted through chosen Scripture texts.

The songsters’ singing of ‘When The King Returns’ provided further thoughtprovoking moments. – M. B.

Safe becomes Enabled THQ

THE Salvation Army Fellowship of Endeavour (Safe) has changed its name to Enabled. The new name was chosen from a number of suggestions made by members. Chris Stringer, Learning Disabil ities Inclusion Develop ment Manager, THQ, says: ‘Enabled means to give authority and make possible, which sums up what we are trying to achieve.

‘In the new logo the shield shows we are from the Army, the tick shows positivity and the strapline makes it clear what we want to do. This is more than a change of name; we will also have a new focus and some new initiatives, including a number of launch events throughout the year.’ – A. R.

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