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Through the week with 16 and

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the men were saying, Jesus was alive and they were not going to need the spices they had brought to anoint his body.

Remembering The men encouraged the women to remember what Jesus had told them. What we remember and how we make sense of events or conversations can change as we gain new understanding or as circumstances change. As the women heard again the words of Jesus at a new time and in a new place, they remembered with new insight and began to make sense of what they were experiencing that day. This was the beginning of a journey towards understanding, learning that God does not always work in the way that we expect, and discovering that, at a time of least human hope, he can bring renewal.

So they went to tell the disciples. QUESTION O Remember a time when God surprised you with new meaning and new life. What did you discover?

Wondering As they stared into the empty tomb, the women had been perplexed, but now they had a story to tell and they couldn’t help but share it. It is hardly surprising that they were not believed. But perhaps Peter discerned a glimmer of hope, so he went to the tomb. It was empty except for the linen cloths that had covered the body of Jesus. He left the tomb ‘wondering’ – some translators say ‘amazed’. More unexpected events would happen and it would take time for Peter to understand their significance and find his place in the story that was unfolding. But, in going to see the empty tomb, he had started on a new journey of discovery and discipleship. The women and Peter did not expect to be part of the pivotal story of

history. They did not yet understand that the tomb was empty for ever, or that subsequent generations would know Jesus as living and continually active in the world. In that moment, it was enough for them to make their own response and to be open to the new thing that God was doing.

The unexpected had happened. Jesus is alive and through him God offers reconciliation and new life.

QUESTIONS O Have you discovered your unique place in God’s story? O What might you need to do to allow God to transform you into what he calls you to be?


WEDNESDAY Have you ever heard of Jesus/ Who was buried in the tomb,/ And was mourned by his disciples/ In despair, defeat and gloom?/ By the power of God eternal/ He arose on Easter Day,/ And he lives for our salvation:/ He is just the same today! (SASB 138)

THURSDAY Suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!’ (Luke 24:4–6) FRIDAY Up from the grave he arose,/ With a mighty triumph o’er his foes./ He arose a victor from the dark domain,/ And he lives for ever with his saints to reign./ He arose! He arose!/ Hallelujah! Christ arose!

(SASB 228) SATURDAY When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense.

(Luke 24:9–11)

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