5 minute read
The f the S
Brian Colley y (Clowne) considers ho ow the Holy Spirit helps us to be like Jesus
THE writer of Ecclesiastes says that there is ‘a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens’ (3:1). That was more obvious for fruit and vegetables when they were only available in certain months, but now we can seemingly buy produce throughout the year.
A lot of it comes from abroad, where of course it will still be seasonal in the places where it is grown. It gets to us quickly and, being transported in ideal conditions, is kept fresh.
Right at the start of Creation, God ensured a plentiful supply: ‘Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds”’ (Genesis 1:11). That refers to physical provision, but in the New Testament we read about the fruit of the Spirit.
In Galatians 5 we are told what this is in detail. ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love’ (v22), and because ‘fruit’ is singular some theologians suggest love is the basis of all the others listed: joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Certainly, when Paul describes what love is and is not in 1 Corinthians 13, we can see that love does indeed encompass all those other qualities.
Without love it is surely impossible to have every one of them.
This fruit can’t be bought or mass-produced, it is a gift from
God to born-again believers and is planted in the heart by the God to born-again believers and is planted in the hea
Holy Spirit. It has to be planted and cultivated, so that we are Holy Spirit. It has to be planted and cultivated, so that ‘like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in ‘like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields it season and whose leaf does not wither’ (Psalm 1:3). season and whose leaf does not wither’ (Psalm 1:3).
There is a need to move on from initial salvation and accept There is a need to move on from initial salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit to widen our experience, praying the gift of the Holy Spirit to widen our experience, pra words like those penned by Albert Orsborn: ‘Come, Holy words like those penned by Albert Orsborn: ‘Come, H
Spirit, and abide with me,/ My heart is longing to confide in Spirit, and abide with me,/ My heart is longing to conf thee;/ Such wondrous grace thou hast provided me,/ Holy thee;/ Such wondrous grace thou hast provided me,/ Spirit, abide with me’ (SASB 297).Spirit, abide with me’ (SASB 297). The opposite of the fruit of the Spirit is The opposite of the fruit of the Spir shown when we are unloving, self-promoting, shown when we are unloving, self-pr unforgiving, anxious and impatient. The fruit unforgiving, anxious and impatient. Th of the Devil? of the Devil? Someone once said: ‘The fruit of the Spirit Someone once said: ‘The fruit of the S grows only in the garden of obedience.’ When grows only in the garden of obedience.’ W we have this fruit within us we start to we have this fruit within us we start become Christlike. become Christlike.
To be like Jesus! To be like Jesus! This hope possesses me, This hope possesses me, His Spirit helping me, His Spirit helping me, Like him I’ll be. Like him I’ll be. (SASB 328)(SASB 3
A Pentecostal Prayer
Spirit of purity, Spirit of love, Spirit of gentleness, heavenly dove, Spirit of faithfulness come with your power, Baptise your people in this holy hour.
Come like a mighty wind, purge with your fire, Come in your power your people inspire, Come in your patience and help us to grow More like the Saviour whose presence we know.
May your Church witness that Jesus is King, Telling the people of his suffering, How bearing the sin of the world when he died, God’s love was poured out in Christ crucified.
Spirit of truth, who proclaims Jesus King, Help us to worship and his praises sing. Jesus, the living Lord, show us the way, Come by your Spirit and fill us today.
Glimpses of Glory
Let me tell you my story Of glimpses of glory.
Distanced hugging, kisses and smiles, Stretching over miles and miles; Windows painted rainbow coloured, New musical joys discovered; Kind volunteers without number, Human angels, what a wonder.
Hands from pavements I’ve been lifted, With loving strangers I’ve been gifted; Health workers serving selflessly, Just like Jesus did for me Through his stark, dark and dreadful death, As he drowned in his final breath.
When I was broken with despair And ‘Jesus help me’ was my prayer, He saturated me with love, And grace provided from above.
And that is my story Of glimpses of glory.