Salvationist 25 February 2023

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For everyone linked to The Salvation Army 70p / 25 February 2023

Are you listening?

‘GLORY to God in the highest Heaven, and on Earth peace to those on whom his favour rests’ (Luke 2:14). No, it’s not Christmas quite yet! Those were the first words spoken on the radio by Reginald Fessenden on 24 December 1906.

In this week’s issue we celebrate the launch of Salvationist Radio. This is not a new medium for the Army – indeed, as George Tanton explores on page 5, it has been using radio for many years to comfort and communicate in times of challenge.

Long before radio, the apostle Paul sought to encourage the church in Thessalonica to live lives worthy of God in a hostile context. On pages 6 and 7, Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts uses Paul’s words to pose us some challenging questions around living out our faith in today’s society. Are we making the most of every opportunity that we have to proclaim the good news and to live lives that mirror our message?

Our responsibility as Jesus’ disciples is to share the gospel story by whatever means available to us and then to be expectant that the Holy Spirit will stir the hearts of those that choose to listen.

EDITOR Major Julian Watchorn


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Simon Hope, George Tanton, Lyn Woods, Major Margaret Bovey

ART DIRECTOR Hannah Holden

GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Mark Knight, Louise Phillips


CONTACT US 020 7367 4890 (main)



Salvationist Publishing and Supplies (Periodicals), 66–78 Denington Road, Wellingborough NN8 2QH 01933 445445 /


From the New International Version (2011), unless otherwise stated

FOUNDER William Booth

GENERAL Brian Peddle


Commissioner Anthony Cotterill


Major Julian Watchorn


101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN 0845 634 0101

The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland is SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland is CHY6399.

Salvationist 25 February 2023 2
For everyone linked to The Salvation Army 70p / 25 February 2023 SALVATIONIST ON THE RIGHT WAVELENGTH SALVATIONIST RADIO LAUNCHES Kids Alive! Introducing the spring special Self-Denial 2023 Read, watch and give ON THE WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE TO GET YOUR WEEKLY COPY
@SalvationistOnline @SalvationistUK
Published weekly by The Salvation Army and printed on paper from sustainable sources by CKN Print, Northampton. © The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. ISSN 2516-5909. SALVATIONIST
Visit 6+7 BIBLE STUDY Speak to your corps officer or sign up at salvationist EASTER MUSIC COURSE 8 TERRITORIAL CHANGES: AN UPDATE 14 WHAT’S ON SALVATIONIST RADIO? 9-12
Issue No 1898

Ready to try

THIS weekend sees the Six Nations rugby tournament continue, with Italy versus Ireland (on ITV1), Wales versus England (on BBC One) and France versus Scotland in Paris (on ITV1). Tackles, tries, kicks and ‘heaves’ have been a backdrop to many living rooms in recent weeks, as the six teams compete in the annual rugby union championship.

Ireland are playing inspired rugby, Scotland are shining, France are giving everything they’ve got, Italy are much improved and Wales have been humbled more than once, while England are a work in progress. There is still time for things to change, though, before the final weekend on 18 March, as each team started from the same place, from the same line. In sport, success isn’t always immediate – it can take time.

I recently heard a story about someone watching a triple jumper in training. The onlooker presumed that the triple jumper would just run to the pit and jump, and the jump would be ‘the thing’. The jumper hopped and skipped for 40 minutes and only did a few jumps at the end.

After the session, the onlooker asked why they didn’t do the full sequence, to which the triple jumper replied: ‘There is no leap into the pit unless you first learn to take a little hop and a skip.’

Maybe this is a little like our faith lives: a little bit of hopping, a little bit of skipping

and a little bit of jumping. We should never dismiss the importance of the first two steps, as there is no jump without the hop and the skip.

For any athlete, whether it’s rugby, triple jumping or another arena entirely, one of the most important things is the preparation and nurturing that goes into training. As Christians, we are called to sow seeds, because it is an act of faith. In 2 Corinthians 9:6, it says: ‘Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.’

When we sow generously, we are trusting that God will provide for us. Like the sower, we need to be cultivating a faith that’s always ready for action.

Is there something you’re trying to achieve in your life? Something you might be cultivating in order that you might take a leap of faith for God and the Kingdom? Might sport be the mission opportunity for you to move out from your secure community to engage his world with genuine love and vulnerability? We may not know what the plan is. However, we will find it along the way with God as he promises he will be with us, that he will make a way and that he will go before us!

What is going on in your community – in the square mile your church is in, at all-weather pitches, in the green spaces,

recreation grounds and parks, at the gym, on the running tracks? The question is: would you like to know?

Is there a missional gap or opportunity in your context to start something new? Might God be calling you to join in with something that’s already happening? Pray, prepare and nurture your faith so that you can take the big leap and make the big tackle this year.


How might you consider using sport to engage with others in your context?

What might the hops and skips be to enable you to engage further with those opportunities?

What leap of faith are you considering and what’s your next move?

Credit: Marco Iacobucci Epp /
Salvationist 25 February 2023 3
Italy versus France at the Stadio Olimpico, Rome
Continuing a series of topical reflections, Rob Moye asks if we are prepared to tackle challenges ahead

seconds with...

Sam Davidson

Publishing Department, THQ

‘Are you coming back?’

Captain Kate Gregory (Brighton Congress Hall) and Welcome Sergeant Wally share how a warm welcome made all the difference

WALLY has been attending Brighton Congress Hall Corps for approximately four years. He came to the corps café with his friend, George, one day in 2019 and they enjoyed a coffee together. When Wally went to leave, George said: ‘Are you coming back?’ Wally replied: ‘I’ll think about it.’ He didn’t need long to think about it and came back the very next day!

After a few visits to the café, George had asked about attending on Sundays. Eventually Wally started coming on Sundays too. When the Covid-19 lockdowns ended, a new lunch club started. Wally was the first on the list to come.

Who are you and what do you do for a living?

I am Sam Davidson, and I am the audio content editor for THQ, including Salvationist Radio.

What’s your favourite Bible verse or passage?

Philippians 4:13: ‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me’ (English Standard Version).

What’s your most-played song at the moment?

‘I’m So Blessed’ by Cain.

What’s the most-used app on your phone? YouTube.

What do you do in your spare time? I like to play golf.

Which country would you like to visit and why?

New Zealand. I’d love to explore the beautiful landscapes and visit Hobbiton (from The Lord of the Rings).

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Pray! Remember to pray in the good times, hard times and everything in between.

‘It’s a laugh,’ he said. He has since become a really important person in that group. He helps set up and helps tidy everything away afterwards too. He also welcomes people in.

Wally explained that before he arrived at The Salvation Army he didn’t know anyone. He helped out at Connections, at the corps lunch club, and was asked to be the official corps welcome sergeant.

in the café, the place where his Army journey started.

It is never too late to become part of The Salvation Army and part of a corps family. Wally uses his spiritual gifts of helping and hospitality to make everyone feel supported and happy. It’s been a joy to get to know him since 2021, when I joined as corps officer.

Wally was one of the people who made me feel most welcome when I arrived at the corps. He proudly wears his adherent badge all week and is now considering the next steps in his faith journey, which may include becoming a soldier. Watch this space! God is doing amazing things in the lives of people in Brighton.

Have you got a testimony to share? We’d love to hear your faith journey! Get in touch at salvationist@


To read more testimonies online, scan the QR code or visit

that he put his framed cer tifica p

Today Wally is a happy face for people to be greeted by when coming to church. He loves his new appointment so much that he put his framed certificate up

TESTIMONY Salvationist 28 January 2023 4
25 February 2023

Love on the airwaves

George Tanton explores The Salvation Army’s early radio ministry

IT was from the Atlantic Ocean in 1908, aboard the SS Philadelphia, that General William Booth sent a wireless telegram to International Headquarters ‘to call upon my people everywhere for renewed desperate fighting’. He was one of many pioneers to recognise that wireless communication could help the gospel reach every household.

In December 1922, a vocal quartet from Salisbury Band made history by becoming the first Salvation Army music section on the radio, thanks to an amateur wireless enthusiast who had a licence to broadcast from his home. A year later, bandsmen from Govan became the first Salvationist music ensemble to broadcast on national airwaves. In 1934, the radio enabled Salvationists to listen to retiring General Edward Higgins’s last message as head of the international Army, broadcast from Congress Hall in Clapton. Following that, in 1936, General Evangeline Booth even delivered a radio broadcast in Zurich during Ascensiontide celebrations.

During the Second World War in particular, Salvation Army radio broadcasts played a major role in reinforcing public morale. The BBC Home Service frequently featured Salvation Army music, which typically included performances from the International Staff Band and corps bands. These radio slots also appeared in the BBC’s Forces Programme, which was listened to by British and Commonwealth servicepeople in the UK and abroad. Radio broadcasts helped galvanise support for the Army’s relief work.

High-profile public figures such as Lady Rachel McRobert, who lost two sons in the conflict, appealed through the radio on behalf of the Army in 1942.

After the conflict, radio was recognised by The Salvation Army as an effective promoter of its vision to rebuild a war-weary world. General Albert Orsborn, within hours of his appointment, was broadcasting over the Columbia network to American Salvationists in aid of the Army’s post-war recovery campaign, which sought to rehabilitate refugees and displaced peoples in war-torn countries, but also assisted wounded Allied servicemen and their families.

A radio broadcast on 22 March 1946 with Commissioner Catherine Motee Sladen, discussing the Army’s post-war relief efforts in Holland, Belgium, France and Germany, revealed how Salvationists were assisting ‘the starving people of Europe’ with ‘love that exceeds all political and national boundaries’.

Commissioner Sladen emphasised the suffering she witnessed to those listening in the safety of their homes, as well as the Army’s assistance in ‘every phase of relief work’.

The radio allowed the Army to reach out to British audiences and provide spiritual comfort in times of mourning and remembrance. On 15 September 1946, General Orsborn delivered a nationwide broadcast from Croydon Citadel.

With technical support from BBC engineers, the broadcast coincided with the commemorative events

for Battle of Britain Day. A BBC memorandum asked General Orsborn to ‘find an appropriate place in which to include a prayer of thanksgiving and commemoration’. It also said that the corporation was ‘keen that the broadcast should exhibit the freedom and informality which is so characteristic of the services of the Army’.

General Orsborn called upon listeners to remember before God ‘the young and brave who flung … their lives into a victorious struggle for our homeland and our freedom’.

Before the broadcast, the corps officer for Croydon Citadel, Major Gardiner, wrote to the General, stating that he hoped it would ‘be full of blessing and inspiration, not only to those gathered in the citadel, but also to that larger congregation who will “listen in”’. In response, General Orsborn confirmed: ‘We want the broadcast to do good, and to help the Kingdom of God.’

In April 1948, he went on to give the first worldwide radio broadcast by an international leader of the Army. From remembrance to spiritual encouragement, the radio was cemented as a tool with which the Army could help God’s Kingdom.

Salvationist 25 February 2023 5 ARMY
for Batt tle of Br B itain Da D y A GEORGE TANTON Editorial Assistant Salvationist Evangeline Booth, 1936

Live lives worthy of God

Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts considers how we can nurture believers


‘JESUS is coming back –Thessalonian church is ready!’ If newspapers had been printed in the first century, this might have been the headline in the Macedonian Echo This week we study a theme from a letter written to a church that had a distinctive outlook. In the face of opposition, they were strong in their faith and eagerly looked for Christ’s return. I wonder what it was in Paul’s preaching and teaching that captured their hearts and stirred their imagination to respond in a way that no other church had done previously.


What is distinctive about the outlook of your corps or church?

What are you focused on?

Paul wrote this letter after Timothy reported back to him following a visit to the Thessalonian church that they had planted.

Paul and his companions had first travelled to Thessalonica from Philippi, where they had been mistreated and forced to leave by those who opposed the gospel. Undeterred by this, Paul, Silas and Timothy continued to preach the word of God, and a strong faith community was established among the Thessalonians (see v2). Later, they too would experience persecution.

Paul commends these Christians for their response to the gospel, which had become a byword in the region of Macedonia: ‘They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from

Heaven, whom he raised from the dead – Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath’ (1 Thessalonians 1:9 and 10). Today, in many parts of the world, there is opposition to the gospel and Christians are persecuted for declaring their faith.


Does it require a different kind of courage to stand for Christ in a context where there is great freedom of religious expression?

Apostles, who were faithful to God’s call to declare the gospel, planted the church at Thessalonica. Paul is very clear that he preached not to flatter or deceive, or for monetary gain. He writes: ‘We speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts’ (v4).

As an apostle, Paul could have claimed some financial support for his ministry. However, Paul and his companions preferred to support themselves in order not to be a burden. They worked hard and paid their own way (see v9).

In the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Leon Morris explains that Paul’s courage and confidence are rooted in his assurance that ‘the gospel is not of human origin … our age can do with the reminder that the Christian faith is not the accumulated wisdom of pious souls nor the insight of men of religious genius but the divine plan for dealing with man’s sin.’

Paul’s integrity is evident, as is his sense of accountability to God, not people. In this letter we also find an unusually strong expression of pastoral care alongside the preaching; both a

maternal (see vv7 and 8) and a paternal (see vv11 and 12) tenderness was the spirit in which the new believers were nurtured. They were regarded as precious children. Paul spoke with them personally and says, ‘we cared for you’ and ‘we loved you’ (v8). There was an individual approach for he refers to ‘each of you’, not ‘all of you’.

It takes time and energy and patience to care for people and to listen on a one-to-one basis. We remember that Jesus took time to be with individuals as well as addressing great crowds. The personal encounters, such as those described in John 3 and John 4, were life-changing, life-giving conversations. Both Nicodemus the Pharisee and the anonymous Samaritan woman found their lives dramatically changed once they had spent time with Jesus.


Who has had an impact on your life through sharing a personal conversation?

Who might be encouraged by you taking time to ask them how they are growing spiritually?

As parents of four adult children, my husband and I often say that our aim was to give our children roots and wings. We look back on many happy, busy years as a family of six. We also remember how we felt as they each went to live independently. It is a blessing to know they are engaged in purposeful work and pursuing all kinds of adventures –although it was a surprise when our son moved to Brazil seven years ago!

I hope that Paul was sometimes similarly surprised by his spiritual

Salvationist 25 February 2023 6

children and rewarded as he saw those who came to faith grow into strong active disciples of Jesus and move out in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Paul explains the purpose of the careful spiritual parenting that he, Silas and Timothy engaged in. It was to encourage the believers to: ‘Live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his Kingdom and glory’ (v12).

This theme is echoed in his words to the believers in Ephesus as he spells out more explicitly what is required by this calling: ‘I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace’ (Ephesians 4:1–3).

As Christians we both participate in the Kingdom of God now and wait for the return of Christ when we will share his glory.


How will we respond to the challenge to ‘live lives worthy of God’?

What does it mean to be called into his Kingdom and glory?

Prayer Matters contains daily devotions covering specific areas in the territory, current worldwide situations and personal reflection and relationship with God. A PDF of the unedited booklet is available to download from



‘My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?’ (Psalm 42:2). Lord, I am tired of the processes of church life. I long for a vibrant, real, living encounter with you. I am thirsty for more. I need healing and transformation in my own life, Lord. I long for you. Amen.


As we pause from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘Lord, make Calvary real to me,/ Lord, make Calvary real to me;/ Open mine eyes to see victory in Christ for me;/ Lord, make Calvary real to me’ (SASB 182).


‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer’ (Romans 12:12). Lord, thank you for the example in which you approached the most trying of times: with the hope of being with your Father for ever, patient in affliction as you suffered the inhumane ridicule of a godless society, and faithful in prayer even in the most challenging of times. Help me to live out these virtues in my current situation. Amen.


‘They take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse. Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him’ (Psalm 62:4 and 5). Is there a person or some people who seem to claim your attention negatively? Is it time to let them go and find restoration in God? I declare my freedom through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.


‘I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope’ (Psalm 130:5). Lord, thank you for the reminder this Easter that hope is alive. Revive my hopes and dreams, help me to pick them up and follow them for your glory. Amen.


‘All come from dust, and to dust all return’ (Ecclesiastes 3:20). Have you shared your life story with anyone recently? Are you aware it hasn’t ended and there is much more to come? Lord, thank you that my story, whatever it contains, is a powerful witness to your glory. Help me to share it with people. Amen.


‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4). Help me, Father, to arm myself with Scripture. Help me to learn it, live it and use it, especially when the heavy pull of temptation drags me down. Amen.


Do you have something or someone you’d like us to pray for? Email with ‘prayer request’ in the subject line and the Territorial Prayer Network will uphold them in prayer.


A fun-filled week

Paul Sharman and Stephanie Lamplough introduce this year’s Easter Music Course

‘IAM looking forward to next year and would highly recommend the course.’ Those are the words of a delegate who attended the Easter Music Course (EMC) last year. Arranged by Music and Creative Arts, the music school for over-30s is a hidden gem in the territorial calendar, filled with music, Bible study, fellowship and fun.

Every year, on Easter Monday, Salvationists and friends of The Salvation Army from across the territory – we also have regular overseas delegates – meet together for the five-day retreat. This year, it takes place from Monday 10 to Friday 14 April at King’s Park Conference Centre in Northampton. The course provides an opportunity to leave your everyday life and concerns behind and join in fellowship with other Salvationists.


This year the band will be led by Assistant Director of Music and Creative Arts (Brass and Choral) Paul Sharman and the female vocal by Assistant Director of Music and Creative Arts (Creative Arts) Stephanie Lamplough. The main study options will meet three times a day to share together in music-making, looking at music old and new, and, once a day, all the delegates will come together to share in a mixed voices rehearsal. This will be led by Susan Avison, who is also the week’s accompanist.

Each year, we also welcome a Salvation Army music section, who present a concert just for the delegates. And, on the final day, there is a musical revue where delegates perform to each other the music that they have been working on during the week.


Each day a guest Bible study leader takes us through Scripture. This year, we will be joined by Captain Ian Standley (William Booth College), who is the spiritual director for the week. We will also be joined by Captain Nicola Brooksbank (Southend Citadel and Southend Southchurch) and Captain Callum McKenna (William Booth College) who will open God’s word to us, giving us an opportunity to develop and share together.


Sharing in fellowship is a hugely important part of the week. There is time to rekindle old friendships and make new friends with organised activities like timbrels, Dance Fit and Drawing Closer, but there is also plenty of time just to chat and enjoy each other’s company.


At Easter Music Course there is plenty of fun. The delegates enjoy themed evenings, quizzes and a talent night. If you enjoy making music within The Salvation Army or if you remember fondly your time at Salvation Army music schools, then why not come and join us for this fun-filled, God-inspired week alongside other like-minded people?


WHEN: 10 to 14 April

WHERE: King’s Park Conference Centre FIND OUT


Salvationist 25 February 2023 8
Previous delegates say...
I now have more confidence in my playing. I found the EMC group and staff friendly and immediately felt part of the family.”
I soon found out that this was not just a music week but also a spiritual uplift week and a fun week! I was quickly made to feel at home and included.”
“ We had lots of fun and laughter as well as God-inspired moments. Why not come and join us?”


ON Tuesday 28 February, Fortress Radio will officially become Salvationist Radio. When the online radio station launches, content for anyone and everyone linked to The Salvation Army will be available in print, online and on-air.

It’s been such an exciting 12 months. On 17 May 2022 we launched and

just a week later Sam Davidson joined us as audio content editor to drive the launch of Salvationist Radio. Starting on Sunday 5 March will be a Sunday schedule packed with new and familiar content that we hope will bring people together across the territory – turn the page for a taste of what’s to come!

Sam and I would like to take the opportunity to thank some key people. First, the founders of Fortress Radio, Stuart Hall and Austin Burn, for inviting the territory to take on the development of the station – we know how important the station has been to listeners, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, and we are grateful for this opportunity.

Second, to the dedicated volunteers and teams who work on the shows – many are continuing, some have decided to take a step back and others are joining us with new content. This station would not exist without the passion and creativity of them all.

Finally, our trading company and, in particular, World of Sound. Not only have they enabled access to Salvation Army music recordings, they have provided technical support throughout the transition period and we are grateful they will continue to partner us once Salvationist Radio has launched.

The territory’s five mission priorities help to articulate our aims for the station but there are two in particular that have been at the forefront of our minds: we have been praying that the station will be effective in sharing the good news and in helping nurture disciples of Jesus. Please join us in praying that God will give us wisdom in how we do this and that he will use the station for his Kingdom.

Bethany Gibson introduces the new station for everyone linked to The Salvation Army


What is Salvationist Radio?

Salvationist Radio is an online radio station for everyone linked to The Salvation Army and anyone who wants to explore faith with us. We’ll be playing your favourite Salvation Army and Christian music 24/7, and broadcasting special programmes for all ages on Sundays.

How will I be able to listen?

You’ll be able to listen online at Dedicated apps and the ability to listen via Amazon Alexa devices and Google smart speakers will be coming soon – keep an eye on for the latest information.

Will I be able to listen to programmes as podcasts?

We will be making new podcasts available when we launch Salvationist Radio and will feature highlights from Sunday programmes. Unfortunately, we can’t make all programmes available on demand due to music licensing restrictions.

How can I get in touch?

We want our listeners to help us develop the station, so please share any ideas or comments you have with us via radio@

What’s on

Your guide to the programmes available on Salvationist Radio

Salvationist Radio will be playing a varied mix of Salvation Army and Christian music 24/7, including old classics, new favourites and everything in between. We’ll also be broadcasting an array of special programmes for all ages on Sundays, and featuring a number of podcasts from the Children and Youth Department, the Music Editorial team and more. Here’s a guide to what you can expect...

Sunday Wake-Up with Lyndall Bywater

Sunday, 7–9am Weekly

Ease yourself into the day with a relaxed mix of music, chat and a few inspirational moments to stir your soul.

Morning Praise with Kids Alive!

Sunday, 9-9.30am Weekly

Get your Sunday started with half an hour of music, prayer, a thought and lots of giggles!

Sunday Worship

Sunday, 11am Weekly Join Salvationists across th music, prayer and a Bible me


Evening Jazz with Richard Mingay

Second Sunday of each month, 7pm Monthly

Sit back and relax as Richard Mingay shares the good news through his love of jazz and gospel music.

Me and My Playlist

Third Sunday of each month, 4pm Monthly

Get to know a young person linked to The Salvation Army as they share five tracks they love.

The All Terrain Podcas Monthly

Join Jo Taylor as she take hypothetical hike and in choices and answer four

Salvationist 25 February 2023 10


For the latest updates and schedule information, visit

he territory in worship, with essage from a guest speaker.

Sunday Lunch

Sunday, 1–2pm Weekly

The musical side to your Sunday lunch, featuring your favourite Salvation Army music.




Sing to the Lord with the ISS

First Sunday of each month, 5pm Monthly Enjoy favourite recordings from the International Staff Songsters chosen by a special guest.

Podcasts available via Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more

Fully Scored Monthly

Explore the music, message and history of Salvation Army brass band repertoire with host Matthew Frost and special guests.

Salvationist 25 February 2023 11
Visit uk/radio Salvationist Radio iOS and Android apps (coming soon) Smart speakers (coming soon)
es a guest on a vites them to make four questions. Battle Drill with Captain Rob A weekday devotional from Captain Rob WestwoodPayne, sharing hope and encouragement we read the Bible together.

Behind the mic

Get to know two of the faces working on Salvationist Radio shows


Major Richard Mingay (William Booth College) talks to Lyn Woods

What’s in the show?

It focuses mainly on jazz and gospel music. Each show includes a Christian thought and a word of encouragement. I hope listeners will feel nourished in their faith.

What drew you to jazz?

I come from a musical family. My mother was a Guildhall graduate in singing and piano and my father was in the International Staff Band in the 1960s. From six years old I was encouraged to take music lessons, so I studied piano, taking exams, and have kept learning pretty much ever since. In the past 10 years I’ve taken jazz piano lessons and, over the past 18 months, I’ve played jazz piano music at a restaurant. I get to meet lovely people and I jazz up a hymn tune or two – it’s always appreciated (I think).

Have you been on radio before?

Years ago, I presented a weekly Sunday morning show from Pebble Mill Studios. I also wrote and presented Christian material for BBC Radio Merseyside.

How do jazz and the Army go together?

The Army has been blessed with many great musicians who have inspired us. While I think it’s been hard for Army musicians to branch out from our original music blueprint, this has been happening more and more. I know of a number of young people in the Army exploring the jazz scene. I believe there is a bigger audience than we think wanting to hear good jazz. Gospel has always been a major influence on jazz and the link between jazz and faith is inextricable. There are some wonderful young professional musicians, who are also professing Christians, emerging all over the world. I look forward their talents with listeners – it will be a joy to do that in Jesus’ name.

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Evening Jazz with Richard Mingay is on the second Sunday of each month



der Nancekievill talks to Tanton

ISS Leader Dorothy Nancekievill talks to George Tanton

How did the show come about?

I was asked to organise some vocal works for the radio. I wanted to make a monthly programme and, rather than using members of the ISS to present, I asked their families and friends. About 14 people put themselves forward and chose songs from the ISS’s vast repertoire of nearly 700 songs.

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s role?

What is your role?

I choose the presenters, advise if necessary, and listen to everything before it’s signed off. During the Covid-19 lockdowns, I was very aware of the ISS’s ministry; it supported people during times of great sadness and influenced them in times of joy. The motivation was to continue that ministry.

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Do you have a favourite song or genre that’s been featured? It depends on the mood I’m in, but I love uplifting choral and accompanied music. The programme is a platform for a whole variety of things. People have chosen older songs, newer songs, serious songs and light-hearted songs. Interestingly, one piece that’s regularly chosen is ‘Count Your Blessings’. It’s a great toe-tapping number, but that possibly reflects people’s underlying anxieties about the world.

How effective is radio in communicating the gospel?

The Covid-19 lockdowns were awful in lots of ways, but we learnt lessons through them. We acknowledged the importance of being able to effectively reach people. A lot of people lost confidence and felt they could no longer attend meetings after the lifting of restrictions. However, the radio programme allows the Army to share love, hope and redemption with people who may be housebound or can’t get to church regularly. We can all see God differently and for many of us it’s through music. I strongly advocate the sung word because it connects with people, particularly if they are familiar with the lyrics.

Sing to the Lord with the ISS is on the first Sunday of each month from 5pm

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THIS year’s Self-Denial Appeal runs from 5 February to 5 March with a focus on children and young people and how The Salvation Army is supporting, enabling, caring for and being changed by children and young people around the world.

The Salvation Army’s Joytown school in Kenya has nearly 700 students over two sites. The primary school offers places for children from the age of seven, with a wide range of disabilities. Next door, the secondary school takes students from the age of 14 and they study here for four years.

‘I’m sort of a new student,’ says Josfridah. ‘I’ve stayed here for three months. I’ve learnt a lot. It’s fun with a lot of activities and the students are really taken care of. This school is awesome to me.’

Around the world the Army has over 2,000 schools educating more than 500,000 children. In Kenya, there are 500 Salvation Army schools across its two territories, including 13 special schools.

‘My disability is spina bifida,’ explains Josfridah. ‘Here we call it “SB”. I came to recognise myself here, to know more about my disability, to know what I can do and what I can’t do.’

There’s a lot of stigma associated with disability in Kenya. Josfridah has suffered more than her fair share of discrimination.

‘Life was difficult,’ she says. ‘It still is. Ever since I was young, I had this difficulty of really accepting myself. I was bullied. They used to see me as an odd one out, an exception because I was different from them. In Kenya, if I tell someone that I’m disabled, they look at me and say it’s witchcraft or they say my mum is a witch and that’s why she gave birth to a disabled child. That’s what we face.

‘I really thought of myself as a burden but when I came to Joytown, I saw kids in wheelchairs and they were really happy. They are being helped – they can’t walk, they need to be supported to go to the washroom or to clean – and they are happy. That’s when I started practising things. I engaged in different activities. I tried to associate with people, tried to be social, tried to be me.’

In an ideal world most students here would be integrated into mainstream schools, but making schools accessible is out of reach for

many lower-income countries and changes like this take time.

Joytown school offers tailored instruction, specialised support and the resources and services that the young people need. Students are involved in growing and harvesting food for the kitchens. Across the two sites they have specialist physiotherapy and medical support: there’s a dedicated team who repair and maintain wheelchairs and a hydrotherapy pool. The welfare of students is at the heart of everything, and Salvation Army chaplains are always around for support. Like all Salvation Army schools, everyone wants to enable the young people to thrive and flourish.

‘I have these high goals I want to achieve and for me to achieve that I must work hard and read a lot,’ says Josfridah. ‘I really want to become a doctor, a neurosurgeon. I want to become a person who can show the world that being disabled doesn’t mean that you can’t do things. Being disabled doesn’t mean that you’re a nobody.

‘When I was younger, I used to love music, but I couldn’t sing in front of people because I was afraid to be judged. When I came here, I gave it a try because I love music so much. It’s where I can lift the weight off my shoulders and become free. The way the notes flow, the way the highness and the lowness of the pitches mixing makes this beautiful sound. You feel like you’re in Heaven – that’s what I feel. Joytown has helped me because I’m opening a new chapter where I can at least write a story in a new and positive way.’

Based on this week’s Self-Denial Appeal video, available to watch online at

Salvationist 25 February 2023 13
Use the envelope or this year’s collection box. Visit selfdenial
Or, if you have a standing order set up already, you can make a payment that way.
“ I want to show the world that being disabled doesn’t mean that you can’t do things.

Assembling the jigsaw

Lieut-Colonel Dean Pallant presents the February update from the Structure Co-ordination and Design Group

THE work of the Structure Coordination and Design Group has felt like a massive jigsaw puzzle. With your help over the past couple of years, we’ve identified the pieces and have started to see the bigger picture of local mission flourishing together.

It might appear that not much is happening but, in the background, THQ and DHQ teams are collaborating and are making progress. It’s complicated dismantling what doesn’t quite work and rethinking how the pieces fit. We’re also having to create some new pieces. Please be reassured that, while the picture might not yet be visible, the parts are coming together, and the end result will see local mission flourishing. But I know that warm, comforting words of hope are not enough, so let me share some of the detail.

Service Design Groups in Business Administration, Communications, Personnel, Mission and the Chief Secretary’s office are continuing their work to improve the support and oversight given to corps and other local mission expressions. A more integrated and streamlined structure is our desired outcome, achieved through continuous improvement. This isn’t quick work, but we’re making progress.

Some 18 per cent of the issues raised during the Structure Co-ordination and Design Project listening phase have now been closed. Of the remaining 82 per cent, most of these are related to current and new projects/initiatives that will take some time to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Here’s what’s already under way:


A Management Data Project has been instigated to develop tools that will allow everyone to use key data in a consistent way, month on month. This will result in operational information being readily available that is easily understood to support decision-making at various points in the organisation from local mission expressions through to THQ.

A review of THQ and DHQ boards and councils is also under way to ensure more streamlined, efficient approaches to decision-making.


A project to digitise and automate processes pertaining to corps rolls, transfers, Pastoral Care Council reviews, etc, has been instigated. A review of the Mission Journal has taken place with updates made in light of Divisional Design Group comments. This will soon be presented to the Territorial Operations Board.


Safeguarding A review of the safeguarding purple box resource is under way, as is a re-examination of safeguarding roles and responsibilities across the territory.

HR In response to the need to improve our recruitment process, HR has launched its HireRoad tool to simplify and streamline recruitment for managers. The team, in response to organisational feedback and concerns about the lack of meaningful performance reviews, is also leading a cross-function project group to revise current performance management processes and policy, dovetailing it with our values and mission priorities. Officers and other spiritual leaders Work is ongoing reviewing our policies and practice for officers and other spiritual leaders.


Property The implementation of the property review continues under the banner ‘Making It Easier’ – there have been structural changes to provide a better service to local mission expressions, and supply chain concerns are being addressed with greater local input. A more appropriate tender evaluation methodology has been approved and customer focus groups and surveys are being used to monitor progress.

Finance The team is working on deploying a new module to the accounting system that will significantly improve the compiling of budgets and subsequently the reporting of financial information through the year, providing a summarised and visual presentation without losing the ability to look at the detail if necessary.

Fleet The team has engaged a second commercial vehicle management company in an attempt to improve the customer experience following negative feedback about the current management company.


A project is in progress to replace the current implementation of OurHub (the information intranet available to people with a Salvation Army email address). This is a major undertaking and will take some time to come to fruition – an initial launch in autumn 2023 is the target. Meanwhile, the launch of salvationist. is improving access to resources to help people in corps and centres deliver the mission.

On 9 January the next phase of new divisional boundaries was implemented and I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our headquarters’ teams for all their hard work ahead of these changes, and for all they’re doing towards ensuring local mission is flourishing. We continue to learn and make improvements as we go forwards, and we appreciate the grace we have been shown as we do so. Please keep sharing your feedback with us via so we can continue to learn, improve and adapt all we are doing.

Salvationist 25 February 2023 14
LIEUT-COLONEL DEAN PALLANT Secretary for Communications THQ Secr


General signs letter supporting women’s rights AFGHANISTAN

GENERAL Brian Peddle has signed an open letter to the United Nations and Organisation of Islamic Co-operation expressing significant disquiet about the rights of Afghan women.

The letter, signed by faith leaders and other global leaders, highlights ‘deep concern’ about the latest developments in Afghanistan, where the higher education ban for women was reaffirmed and announced at the end of 2022, followed by a ban on women working in non-governmental organisations and international non-governmental organisations.

The letter asks UN Secretary-General António Guterres to note this ‘calamitous regression in human rights’.

The General said: ‘The Salvation Army is an international Christian movement and, as such, our International Social Justice Commission is represented at the UN. Our role is to advocate for human dignity and social justice with the world’s poor and oppressed.’ – AR




HOMELESSNESS Rough sleeping rises amid cost of living crisis


DUNSTABLE Fundraising for a new flag was boosted by a donation from Maureen Dunn in memory of her husband, Bandsman Haydn Dunn. Corps officer Major Steve Brevitt and Colour Sergeant Mark Edmunds hoisted the flag. Corps officer Major Lindsay Brevitt said that it would not just fly on a Sunday but would be a continual indication that ‘the King is in residence here’ and hoped that it would prompt meaningful conversations with those who see it. – SB


IHQ The Everyone Needs an Army exhibition – produced by the Canada and Bermuda Territory’s communications team and advertising agency Grey Canada – featured a documentary alongside display panels showcasing stories of Salvation Army community response and service during the Covid-19 pandemic. The documentary is available to watch online at – AR


STAPLE HILL Twice-weekly warm welcome sessions offer refreshments and meals, along with puzzle books, jigsaws and newspapers. Many people pop in and some stay for most of the day. A number have started attending worship and others have linked up with Messy Church. – VW

THE Salvation Army has warned the rising cost of living is fuelling a homelessness crisis, as new figures show an increase in the number of rough sleepers.

Findings from the Combined Homelessness and Information Network show that 3,570 people were recorded as sleeping rough in London in October and December 2022. Of those experiencing homelessness, 1,700 were doing so for the first time.

This marks a 21 per cent increase in the total number of individuals experiencing homelessness and a 29 per cent rise in first-time rough sleepers compared to last year.

Homelessness Services Unit Director Nick Redmore said: ‘The cost of living has not only put tremendous pressure on vulnerable people but also on the services designed to help them. Benefits are meant to be a safety net, but local housing allowance hasn’t kept up with inflation so doesn’t cover the full cost of accommodation. There is a growing number of people at risk of homelessness because they are unable to pay their rent.’ – AR


EASTBOURNE Divisional Envoy Jim Woodgate and Home League Secretary

Marlene Woodgate

(Eastbourne Citadel) led a service at Emmanuel Church – a partnership between the Methodist and United Reformed Church – at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. – JW

Salvationist 25 February 2023 15
CONSETT The corps held its first ladies’ fellowship. Those who attended reflected on Psalm 89 and were introduced to Bible journaling using the Drawing Closer art resource. – HM The mayor, Councillor Nigel Weaving, and Consort Phyllis Weaving present a cheque to Major Vincent Wall (Ripley) to support the corps food bank

JOAN West encountered the Army in Kirkcaldy about 12 years ago, when she moved from the Nottingham area to be near her son. She later became an adherent and, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, decided to explore soldiership. After the national lockdowns, Joan decided it was the right time to sign the Soldier’s Covenant. She is pictured with corps officer Captain Andrew Manley and flag bearer Major Norman Waddington. – AM

COVENANT Sunday featured the enrolment of three junior soldiers. Penny, Connor and Melissa read the Junior Soldier’s Promise together and showed off their preparation activity books, which included photos of them as babies. After, the corps shared a specially commissioned cake. Pictured with them are corps officer Captain Mark Cozens and YPSM Gary Pearson. – MC



AFTER relocating and being connected with the corps for several years, Mel Robinson was re-enrolled as a soldier. As a former officer, Mel used the words of the song ‘Reckon on Me’, his sessional dedication song, as his testimony. Mel is always ready with a listening ear and words of support and comfort just when they are needed. As well as taking his place in the band and the songsters, he supports the community programme. Mel is pictured with corps officer Major Yvonne Andrews and his family. – SR


NOAH was enrolled as a junior soldier by corps officer Lieutenant Keith Scales. Noah is excited to make this step and tell others about what an amazing friend he has in Jesus. He is pictured with Lieutenant Keith, YPSM Melanie Ralph and Songster Leader Stuart Hook holding the flag. – KS

EVIE was enrolled as a junior soldier by corps officer Major Richard Welch. Evie read the Junior Soldier’s Promise to the congregation and knelt at the mercy seat to sign it and pray, before sharing her testimony about how she trusts God, what he means to her and how she turns to him in prayer when she faces difficult situations. Evie is shown with Major Richard and acting YPSM Jo Williams. – RW

Salvationist 25 February 2023 16


CORPS officer Major Jonathan Greetham was awarded the South Western Ambulance Service Chief Executive Commendation for Volunteering. Major Jonathan has been a community first responder in Dorset since 2015. During the presentation speech it was said that, ‘Jonathan has shown true commitment to the CFR scheme and his passion for delivering excellent patient care in the community is recognised, particularly in stepping forward during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to support ambulance crew in chaplaincy and welfare’. Major Jonathan is pictured with the South Western Ambulance Service’s chief executive, Will Warrender. – KG


CORPS officer Major Alan Norton presented John Kerridge with a certificate in recognition of 65 years’ service as a bandsman. John joined the band after a friend invited him to the corps and he is still a faithful member, playing every week and doing a great stint during carolling. May the Lord give him strength for as long as he needs. – AN


CORPS officer Major Mark Billard presented Songster Leader Andrew

with a certificate of appreciation on his retirement from the role. Major Mark thanked Andrew for his 10 years’ service to the brigade and for his willingness to use his musical and leadership skills for the Lord. Andrew invited songsters past and present to join in singing ‘Showers of Blessing’ as he led them for the last time. – LB


Salvationist 25 February 2023 17 PRESENTATIONS
CORPS officer Captain Andrew Jarrold presented Bernard Smith with a certificate of appreciation for 30 years’ service to mark his retirement from the band. – DC CORPS officer Captain Andrew Jarrold presented Graham Spall with a certificate recognising his 42 years’ service, following his retirement from the band. – DC Mair


Local officers appointed





Wedding anniversaries


DEREK AND RS MARIE CHAMBERS, Staveley, on 11 February

Dedicated to God

CHARLOTTE ELISE TRAQUAIR at Wrexham by Captain Claire Durrant

Retired officers’ birthdays

MAJOR IRIS CLAY, 85 on 6 March


Promoted to Glory



LEN BURT, Wrexham, on 4 December

JESSIE SPOWART, Bo’ness, on 11 January

GRAHAM FARMER , Birmingham Citadel, on 29 January

BANDSMAN JOHN PAYNE, Sheringham, on 31 January

RTD CSM KEITH ADNAMS, Burton-on-Trent, on 1 February

CPR KEITH SLATER , Swindon Citadel, on 1 February

LIEUT-COLONEL FREDA RILEY from her home in Cumbria on 13 February


CS JANET ADNAMS, Stockport Citadel, Gill Beser and Sharon Milligan of their father Rtd CSM Keith Adnams

MARION FARMER , Birmingham Citadel, of her husband

Graham Farmer, Gaynor Sharman and Tim Farmer, both Birmingham Citadel, of their father

SONGSTER BEVERLEY LINDEN, Coventry City, and Alastair Taylor-Payne of their father Bandsman John Payne, Penny Hippey, Susan Cox and Melody Lindberg of their stepfather

BRIAN USHER , Staple Hill, of his brother Stan Usher

DEREK SPOWART, Bo’ness, and Ian Spowart, Watford, of their mother Jessie Spowart

ELSIE WALFORD, Bromley, of her husband Brian Walford

GRAHAM WARBURTON, Swanage, of his wife

Rtd CT Margaret Warburton, Sarah Warburton and Colin Warburton of their mother, Irene Rawles, David Crabb, Christine Swallow, Bath Citadel, and Mary Peach, Winton, of their sister


General Brian Peddle and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle

Wed 22 Feb – Tue 28 Feb Caribbean Territory

Sat 11 Mar – Sun 12 Mar Chatham

Chief of the Staff Commissioner

Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner

Bronwyn Buckingham

Sat 25 Feb – Sun 5 Mar SPEA Zonal Conference

Territorial Commander Commissioner

Anthony Cotterill and Commissioner

Gillian Cotterill

Mon 27 Feb – Thu 2 Mar Divisional leaders

training and consultation

Sat 4 Mar – Sun 5 Mar Bedford Congress Hall

Thu 9 Mar Buckingham Palace*

Sat 11 Mar Chatham

Chief Secretary Colonel Paul Main and Colonel Jenine Main

Mon 27 Feb – Thu 2 Mar Divisional leaders

training and consultation

Sat 4 Mar – Sun 5 Mar Scarborough (142nd anniversary)

Mon 6 Mar – Wed 8 Mar North East Division officers’ retreat

Sun 12 Mar William Booth College (Exploring Leadership Day guest speaker)**

*Commissioner Anthony Cotterill only

**Colonel Jenine Main only


Drawing Closer

On 1 March at 7:30pm, join the free online launch for this new resource to find out how it can help explore the Psalms creatively through art. For more information, email

Generous Discipleship

Find out about gifting your time, talent and treasure using new resources from the Generous Discipleship programme, which include a guide to help answer any questions, a PowerPoint presentation and a six-part Bible study based on Psalm 100:1–5. Read more on or contact generous.disciples@

SOUNDS Beyond Me

Journey through Lent with an audio version of Beyond Me by Major John McLean (Hendon), produced by the online Plexus Corps. Episodes are released daily and a Facebook group provides a forum where listeners can share experiences and responses. Join the conversation at

Listen online at

Salvationist 25 February 2023 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS



Join our team

The International Development Services team is working with its network of community development programmes, health programmes, sponsorship and institutional care services to meet human need.

An opportunity has arisen within the IDS Team for an innovative, organised person who is able to support people from a wide range of cultures and contexts.

They will be responsible for co-ordinating a large portfolio of development projects, regular communication with staff in project countries, maintaining records of project progress and working with team members who are technical specialists, co-ordinating communication within the team and with partners around the world, including managing the website and social media.

Applicants should have some experience of project management processes and understanding of related financial matters, organisational skills and a culturally sensitive approach to problem solving. Verbal, written and digital communication skills are a must as well as confidentiality and the ability to remain calm under pressure.

Occasional travel overseas, show flexibility, maturity and the ability to work independently and within a team.

The successful candidate will have sympathy with the aims and objectives of The Salvation Army and be enthusiastic about enabling sustainable development for some of the poorest communities and marginalised people around the world.


Salary £35,016.50 pa (35 hrs per week)


Contributory pension scheme, travel to work allowance up to £3,500 pa plus 25 days plus 8 bank holidays

Annual leave 25 days’ annual leave, plus 8 bank holidays per annum.

Closing date Thursday 2 March at 11am

Interview date Wednesday 8 March

Apply at: CVs will not be accepted.

As a disability confident scheme employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the vacancy



Saturday 11 March, 7pm

Free entry with a retiring collection taken at the end of the concert.

All adverts carried in Salvationist are subject to house style and carried at the editor’s discretion.

For more details email advertising@


Saturday 1 April, 6pm


South Western Fellowship Band, Bandmaster Norman Cassells, Soloist Naomi Blowers Tickets £5. Please call Major David Wise on 07518 111092


Saturday 11 March, 5.30pm


Rochester Cathedral

with local Salvation Army bands and songsters and guests:

General Brian and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle

Commissioners Anthony and Gillian Cotterill

Mayor of Medway, Lord Lieutenant Kent, Kent High Sheriff, members of parliament, church representatives and the community

All welcome, free admission with ticket

An undated edition you can use before and during the Easter holidays. Ideal for...

School assemblies!

Holiday clubs!

Children’s outreach!


Sunday 5 March, 3.30pm


Exeter Temple Band, Songsters and soloists, followed by refreshments Park at ‘Cathedral and Quay’ EX1 1DE, exit at the top and turn right


Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 June


by Colonels Paul and Jenine Main If you have previous connections with the corps please contact or 07906 078972
Led spring special 2023 formerly –50p Th w d ongest- n ng pub t n or h d n The world's longest-running publication for children! t KidsAlive! is available online go to this week...thisweek Spring Spring Scrapbook Scrapbook Easter Story in KidsAlive! s a a ab e o l ne – go t is available online – go to sa vat st o g uk/kidsal Holy Week Happenings Hello Spring! S p ri n g ! Includes Easter story pull-out!
‘Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given.’
Mark 4:24
Living Translation

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