3 minute read

Through the week with 16 and

of discovery

QUESTION O How did Jesus help the disciples understand their experience?

Jesus explains the mind of God and outlines God’s salvation plan as revealed through his word: ‘Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself’ (v27).

Jesus Christ is the thread woven throughout these passages. He can be discovered through the central theme that binds Scripture together – God’s salvation. We find Jesus in God’s provision of the sacrificial lamb to Abraham, God’s assurance to Moses that he had heard his people’s cry for deliverance and his salvation through the Exodus from Egypt, the suffering servant in Isaiah, the pierced one in Zechariah and the messenger of the covenant in Malachi, and many other passages. Even though they don’t know it, the two disciples are walking with their living Lord. Jesus cares enough to listen to them and hear what is weighing heavily on their hearts. He visits them not only to prove that he is alive but also to show the light of his presence and to reveal the truth about what he had accomplished.

Never again would they have any reason to be disappointed in Jesus. Indeed, he had redeemed Israel as they had hoped, albeit differently from how they had expected – not with a mighty army but by his death and resurrection.

It is late and the disciples urge the stranger to stay and share a meal. As Jesus takes the bread, gives thanks and breaks it, they recognise him; then he vanishes from their sight. They know Jesus in his familiar action of breaking and blessing bread. Their world comes together again. Jesus is not dead; the cross and the tomb are empty. Jesus is alive.

Immediately, the disciples leave the house and return to Jerusalem. They could have waited until the morning but some news just can’t wait.

While travelling on the road to Emmaus they really do experience a journey of discovery. But this discovery happens because they welcome a stranger and show him hospitality. Then, once they realise just who the stranger is, they rush to share the news with the others.

QUESTIONS O How good are we at sharing hospitality? O How do we welcome a stranger? O How do we share the good news?


WEDNESDAY When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognised him, and he disappeared from their sight. (Luke 24:30 and 31) THURSDAY I know thee who thou art,/ And what thy healing name;/ For when my fainting heart/ The burden nigh o’ercame,/ I saw thy footprints on my road/ Where lately passed the Son of God.

(SASB 79) Prayer Dear Lord, as we tread life’s pathway, help us always to recognise you walking beside us. May we not be distracted by events that surround us, or the difficulties we encounter on our journey. Help us never to lose sight of you.

FRIDAY They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, ‘It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.’ Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognised by them when he broke the bread.

(Luke 24:33–35) SATURDAY Let nothing draw me back/ Or turn my heart from thee,/ But by the Calvary track/ Bring me at last to see/ The courts of God, that city fair,/ And find my name is written there.

(SASB 79)

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