1 minute read

Love spilling over

MAKING an impact can be a positive or a negative thing. As we consider our environment in this week’s issue, we are each encouraged to think about reducing our negative impact on the planet. The Salvation Army is calling on the government to play its part and, as it declares a climate emergency, is also declaring what it will do to be better stewards of the resources that God has given us. It’s long-term thinking and is therefore not just about us but also about others and those who will hopefully inherit the world we leave behind.

In our Bible study, Territorial Envoy Roger Coates describes the early Church and the way in which they had to respond to the needs of others as they grew and became established as a movement. He asks if our glasses are full to overflowing.

In our abundance as a society, what is overflowing into our world is evidence that we are using more than we need without regard for others. Our challenge, surely, as God’s people is to ensure that our overflowing is instead evidence of the abundance of his love, which is available to all.

May it be so for each of us.



Issue No 1912

Helping-Hand Appeal 2023

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