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New commitments

SOUTHSEA Bob Crutchley was welcomed as an adherent by corps officers Majors Alan and Carol Young on Remembrance Sunday. Bob has been part of the corps fellowship for some time. He said that taking this step expressed his commitment to surrender all to Jesus. – CY

NELSON Dagmar Williams was welcomed as an adherent by corps officers Captains Ian and Wendy Hall. Dagmar gave a powerful testimony about her relationship with a God who is real and her calling to serve Jesus and make him known to others. Dagmar was joined by family and friends who enthusiastically gathered around her in prayer. – IH

BIRMINGHAM CITADEL Cheryl Clayton was enrolled as a soldier by corps officer Captain Clare Allman. She was supported by Major Bryan Snell, who was Cheryl’s corps officer when she was a child at Birmingham Aston. Cheryl’s daughter and four grandsons all attend the corps and her eldest grandson, Colour Sergeant Krystian Clayton, invited her to come to a meeting. Eventually Cheryl felt it was the right time to become a soldier. She has been sharing her faith with people she meets. – RO STOTFOLD Noah and Olivia were enrolled as junior soldiers by corps officer Captain Nicola Brooksbank. They were encouraged to live out the promise they made in such a way as to bring out the ‘God colours’ in the world. Noah and Olivia are pictured with Children’s Ministry Co-ordinator Sandra May. – HT

BELFAST CITADEL Ann Russell was enrolled as a soldier by corps officer Major Mark Waghorn. She went to Ballynafeigh Corps as a child and started attending Belfast Citadel when her local corps closed in 1986. She always sits in the front row, smiling at the meeting leader. She recently decided that it was time to become a soldier. Following her enrolment she shared a favourite verse: ‘Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men’ (Colossians 3:23 King James Version). She is pictured with Major Mark and her sister, Major May Hart. – NM

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