Salvationist 9 nov 2013

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Essential reading for everyone linked to The Salvation Army // 9 November 2013 // No. 1423 // Price 60p // Also available digitally

When I am gone To fight, you said, was right for me, A chance to show my soldier’s brawn, But if I meet a grisly end Will you remember me, my friend, When I am gone? I must believe, you gently said, The darkest hour precedes the dawn But when death comes from high above Will you remember me, my love, When I am gone? I’ll never know my unborn boy Or see him run along our lawn, And when he’s grown, a bold, strong lad, Will he remember me, his dad, When I am gone? And if we fail to banish war, Our brazen lines of battle drawn Where countless more will fight and fall, Will you remember me at all When I am gone?

Pages 11 – 13




4. PAPERS This week’s quotes from the papers and caption competition 5. – 8. NEWS IHQ // Rwanda // Australia Eastern // Gateshead // London // Greenock // Leadgate // Rushden // Portadown // Merthyr Tydfil // Alton // North Scotland // Driffield // Horsham // Southern // Lincoln // Bourne // Swansea // Southampton Shirley // 8.




10. Go deeper



11. – 13. FEATURE Service life is not all plain sailing 14. MISSION MEANS Telling the story 15. Rags for royal robes


16. Storming Home An Evening At The Citadel 17.



18. – 19.


20. – 23.





FRONT COVER The front cover carries pictures of UK Armed Forces personnel who lost their lives in Afghanistan. The poem, ‘When I am gone’, is by Stephen Pearson; cover design is by Archie Bagnall All images © Crown Copyright

SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS Scripture quotations in Salvationist are from the New International Version (2011), unless otherwise stated 2

Salvationist 9 November 2013


WE WILL REMEMBER SOME years ago I accompanied my late father to a dinner attended by former and retired naval officers. In conversation at the table a fellow diner remarked: ‘Of course your father would have been too young to have seen any action during the war’, to which I replied: ‘He may have been young but in 16 crossings of the North Atlantic he saw plenty of action.’ He was typical of his generation, who as teenagers or in their early twenties served during the Second World War. Some made the ultimate sacrifice of their young lives; for others the experience of their wartime service would in some way impact the rest of their lives. In his 80th year my father made his first flight across the Atlantic to return to St John’s, Newfoundland – a destination of many wartime convoys. It was to be a trip down memory lane, as he identified places on snapshots taken some 60 years earlier. He also recalled Salvationists who had welcomed him into their hearts and homes – something that is still happening today as reflected in the accounts of service life on pages 11 to 13. We include the story of Gordon Cowley who, along with other Second World War veterans, recently received the Arctic Star in recognition of his service on Arctic convoys. On page 16 Cadet Helen Froud, a former military officer now in training at William Booth College, contributes a book review of the story of another former military officer whose life spiralled out of control through alcohol and drug misuse and who was transformed by the power of God. Helen highlights the need for God’s love

SALVATIONIST GENERAL INQUIRIES (tel) 020 7367 4890 (email) (web) EDITOR Major Jane Kimberley – (tel) 020 7367 4901 MANAGING EDITOR Stephen Pearson – (tel) 020 7367 4891 EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Laura Barker – (tel) 020 7367 4893 Kersten Rieder – (tel) 020 7367 4894 Captain Andrew Stone – (tel) 020 7367 4892 DTP DESIGNER Colin Potter – (tel) 020 7367 4895 DTP OPERATOR Denise D’Souza – (tel) 020 7367 4896 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Archie Bagnall – (tel) 020 7367 4883 ADMINISTRATOR Stella Merino – (tel) 020 7367 4881

among people who, at any time, have counted themselves part of the military community. It hardly seems possible that we have reached the conclusion of ‘Mission means…’ – a series written by Chick Yuill focusing on practical discipleship. In the final part he writes about ‘telling the story’ and gives a checklist to encourage us. Also in this issue, on page 10 Captain Stephen Oliver contributes the final part of the ‘Go Deeper’ series as he explores praise and thanksgiving. A new series is planned for 2014 to expand the Commitment Sunday theme, Reaching Up – Reaching Out. As we remember those who gave their lives in service for their country during two world wars and in other conflicts since, let us give thanks for their sacrifice and remember those within the Armed Services today and the many nations still ravaged by war. Peace in our time, O Lord, To all the peoples – peace! Peace that shall build a glad new world, And make for life’s increase. O living Christ, who still Dost all our burdens share, Come now and dwell within the hearts Of all men everywhere. (SASB 827)


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A registered newspaper published weekly by The Salvation Army (United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland) on behalf of the General of The Salvation Army and printed by Wyndeham Grange, Southwick. © André Cox, General of The Salvation Army, 2013. The Salvation Army Trust is a registered charity. The charity number in England and Wales is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399.

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Salvationist 9 November 2013



THIS WEEK’S QUOTES FROM THE PAPERS POPE URGES FAMILIES TO PRAY TOGETHER Pope Francis has challenged Catholic families to pray together with ‘simplicity’ and to be patient with one another, telling them they will have ‘joyful’ homes only if they cultivate the ‘welcoming, merciful and respectful’ love of God… Francis told married couples… to pay no attention to the ‘makeshift culture’ of today’s society, but to commit themselves to one another for life… He said creating a ‘healthy family’ required the use of… ‘Please, thank you, sorry’. He added that grandparents were ‘like the wisdom of the family’ and ‘the wisdom of a people’… He called for greater care for children and the elderly… ‘A society that abandons children and marginalises the elderly severs its roots and obscures its future,’ he warned. The Tablet

OUR COURTS ARE NO LONGER CHRISTIAN, SAYS TOP JUDGE Christianity no longer holds sway in the legal system… Sir James Munby, the President of the Family Division, said that judges should not ‘weigh one religion against another’, or pass judgment on their tenets and beliefs. He added: ‘Happily for us, the days are past when the business of judges was the enforcement of morals or religious beliefs.’ Today judges had rightly abandoned their claims to be ‘guardians of public morality’, just as Christian clerics had ‘by and large moderated their claims to speak as the defining voices of morality and of the law of marriage and the family’…

Although this country… has an established Church, which is Christian, we sit as secular judges serving a multicultural community of many faiths, sworn to do justice to all manner of people.’ The Times

WELBY: ECONOMIC GROWTH NOT ENOUGH Without ‘a deep spiritual base in the Christian tradition’, economic growth by itself was ‘insufficient’ for the country’s well-being, the Archbishop of Canterbury said… The Archbishop gave the example of a painter-and -decorator from the North East, who… took 18 months to secure a £200 loan to start… a [painting-anddecorating] business… ‘He started it, he paid off the loan in three weeks, and he has a full order book… [Archbishop Welby said]. ‘We have to have a financial-services system that recognises the dignity of that human being, his integrity, and enable him to take risks, to succeed, and to fail… Church Times

DUTY CALLS FOR BIBLE A Second World War veteran will be reunited with his RAF-issue Bible after it completed a second tour of duty with his grandson.Alfred Collins gave the tome to Corporal David Coles, who returned to Cambridge after six months in Afghanistan. Metro

PICTURE CAPTION COMPETITION Lance Corporal Richard Brown (Chalk Farm) of the Irish Guards Band gets a little help from his nephews Daniel, Charly and Jack promoting the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Send your suggested captions for this picture to salvationist@ with the subject line ‘Picture caption competition’ or by post to Salvationist, 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN. A selection of the best captions will be printed in Salvationist next month.


Salvationist 9 November 2013

NEWS Salvation Army responds to increasing refugee numbers RWANDA

The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Nancy Roberts receive warm welcome IHQ A SENSE of fun and relaxation at the welcome to Chief of the Staff Commissioner William Roberts and World Secretary for Women’s Ministries Commissioner Nancy Roberts did not mask the spiritual task facing the new leaders. However, the Chief refused to be intimidated – telling staff and officers gathered that in his own strength he would fail, but that God would give him the power to succeed. General André Cox welcomed the Chief and Commissioner Nancy Roberts, highlighting their ‘great international experience’ and assuring them: ‘God has been preparing you.’ He also greeted special guests General John Larsson (Retired), Commissioner Freda Larsson and Commissioner Gisèle Gowans, and recognised the presence of delegates to the 219th session of the International College for Officers. After a prayer by World President of Women’s Ministries Commissioner Silvia Cox, Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries in South Pacific and East Asia Commissioner Eva Marseille welcomed the new World Secretary for Women’s Ministries. International Secretary for Africa Commissioner Joash Malabi read from Scripture before International Secretary to the Chief of the Staff Commissioner William Cochrane welcomed the Chief. He described the new Chief of the Staff as being ‘chosen by the General and anointed by God’ and told him that, while many

people would know him as an effective administrator, ‘I know you have a pastor’s heart’. ‘You bring strength, courage, integrity and experience,’ he concluded, ‘but above all a great heart for the work of The Salvation Army.’ The General prayed for the new international leaders, asking that God would give them ‘wisdom, grace, strength and courage’. The Chief of the Staff spoke about his experience since he left IHQ in December 2007. He said: ‘We have seen the world from another perspective... We appreciate what we are and who we are,’ he explained, ‘as well as appreciating what we are not and who we are not.’ This international experience has made him realise ‘we are all connected... the same God made us all, so we are all related. Our Father is the same!’ ‘All over the world,’ said the Chief, ‘in mud-walled rooms, places without roofs, under trees, in modest churches or great cathedrals lives are changed – we have seen it again and again. Life can be better than it is, because of God.’ He concluded with an admission that, even after 42 years as an officer, he is still surprised by God, before calling for this surprising God to be ‘God of our lives, God of his Salvation Army and God of this IHQ’. Music support before and during the meeting was provided by a band and a gospel choir comprising staff and officers from IHQ. – K. S.

THE Salvation Army in Rwanda is responding to the growing number of refugees fleeing across the border to escape ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A transit centre at Nkamira – initially built for 2,000 people then extended to 5,000 – now houses in excess of 9,000. Now a new camp has been set up in Mugombwa, and people are already being moved there from the transit centre. Most refugees have fled with only what they deemed to be necessary items. Many have respiratory problems and almost 90 per cent of the transit camp’s residents are women or children. Having shown its experience and expertise in procurement and

distribution – particularly of essential non-food items – The Salvation Army was approached by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees with a request to provide refugees arriving at the new Mugombwa site with mattresses and kikoyis (a cloth used both as clothing and a blanket). The Salvation Army is also part of a government steering committee, created by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees Affairs, which is responding to the crisis. Initial funds have now been sourced – including $28,000 from IHQ – and The Salvation Army hoped to be able to provide mattresses and kikoyis to the first group of 1,500 refugees arriving in the new camp. – A. R.

Salvationists support as fires bring devastation AUSTRALIA EASTERN SALVATION Army emergency service crews were on hand in fire-affected areas of New South Wales, staffing evacuation centres and serving meals to emergency services personnel and residents forced out of their homes by bushfires. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed and many hundreds of people forced to evacuate. As well as providing meals, The Salvation Army is giving pillows, blankets and immediate aid to affected individuals and communities. The Salvation Army has

emergency services volunteers and personnel at various evacuation centres across New South Wales. A Bushfire Relief Appeal was launched in response to the devastation, with more than A$500,000 released by the Army to aid the bushfire relief and recovery effort. The Army continues to provide care and support to people affected by the fires. Major Jeff Winterburn thanked Australians for their tremendous generosity and offers of support. – A. R.

Salvationist 9 November 2013



Many guests attend opening ceremony GATESHEAD COMMUNITY CHURCH TERRITORIAL leaders Commissioners Clive and Marianne Adams officially opened and dedicated the new hall. More than 150 people attended the opening ceremony as the TC cut the ribbon with corps members Alice Wheatley and Casey Jones. Divisional leaders Majors Darrell and Katrina Thomas and the previous divisional leaders Lieut-Colonels Melvin and Suzanne Fincham (THQ and London Central DHQ), respectively, attended, as did the Deputy Lieutenant of Tyne and Wear

(Peter Magnay), the Mayor of Gateshead (Councillor Jack Graham) and other councillors and community members. Lieut-Colonel Melvin Fincham and Major Darrell Thomas spoke about the past and present. Commissioner Clive Adams looked to the future, emphasising that corps folk must focus on the people outside their walls and bring them into the Kingdom of God. On Sunday Commissioner Marianne Adams spoke about how to be a healthy church, as modelled by the early disciples. – M. D.

GREENOCK: Clydebank Band’s visit commenced the autumn programme of events. ‘The Great Celebration’ set the tone for an evening of praise. Music ranged from Salvation Army to classical, and band items were interspersed with cornet, horn, euphonium, clarinet, piano and vocal solos. Greenock Songsters contributed two contrasting songs. Major Dean Logan (Clydebank) reminded the congregation of the sacrifice of Christ. The evening ended with ‘Emblem Of The Army’. – K. K.

LEADGATE: For the third year running the corps hosted a coffee morning in aid of the Macmillan Cancer Support World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. A huge cake stall and a large photographic display helped to raise £2,000. – D. P. RUSHDEN: Geraldine Brill, members of Enigma Singers and Mairi Addy (accordion) participated in the well-attended First Sunday evening, featuring, among other items, Irish and Scottish melodies. – G. E.

Members of Portadown’s Sally’s Songs eagerly wait for some cake to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the music and movement group

Reliance Bank tops poll for ethical banking LONDON RELIANCE Bank has received one of the highest ratings for its ethics and the second highest score for its ethical current account out of more than 70 providers, according to Move Your Money UK. The campaign group gave the bank a 92 per cent ethical rating – one of the best in the UK – and a ‘switch score’ of 88 per cent for its current account, based on assessments of its honesty, customer service, culture, impact on the economy and ethics. The switch score enables consumers to make a more informed choice when changing banks. The five assessment categories also took into consideration the number of payment protection insurance (PPI) mis-selling cases, the number of women on 6

the board and corporate bonuses. The bank also scored full marks on its honesty and customer service and top scores for a lack of risky behaviour, reasonable directors’ pay and a high degree of customer control. The report from noted that the bank could improve its score by having more women on its board and by being more willing to lend to the real economy, but added: ‘Reliance remains among the top five current account providers, and with its strong ethical profile, remains one of the highest scoring banks.’ Reliance Bank, formerly known as The Salvation Army Bank, gift aids 75 per cent of its operating profits to the Army’s work. – A. R.

Salvationist 9 November 2013

Fun-filled praise party MERTHYR TYDFIL THE first children’s weekend for many years started with a visit from children’s entertainer Doug Horley. Through his Crazy Science Praise Party he presented a Christian message in a funfilled way. Many parents and children attended. On Sunday the junior soldiers

and Jam Club members participated in prayers and songs in a meeting based on the theme, This Wonderful World God Has Given Us. In the evening Kathryn Stowers spoke on What’s In A Name?, with participation from the songsters and fellowship band. – L. B.

NEWS SASWE exceeds expectations during enjoyable evening HORSHAM THE Salvation Army Symphonic Wind Ensemble presented a Saturday programme themed God On Our Side. Compèred by music director Bandmaster Andrew Mackereth (Nuneaton), the evening featured contrasting music arrangements. The closing piece was ‘Let The Children Sing!’ – I. M.

Asaph ensemble presents music for prayer and praise ALTON AS part of the Music For Pleasure series, an ensemble from the Asaph Christian Trust, which aims to promote outreach through music, presented a programme. The classical concert included ‘Concerti For Two Trumpets’, ‘Panis Angelicus’ and ‘Messe Di Gloria’. The evening concluded with a sparkling performance of Mozart’s ‘Alleluia’. Proceeds went towards the ensemble’s trip to Bursa, Turkey, to encourage and help the small Christian community there. – E. P. NORTH SCOTLAND: Major Anthony Colclough (THQ) led adult and family ministries rallies at Peterhead and Inverness using the theme Going Deeper. Various AFM groups around the division participated through drama, song and timbrel items. A team from DHQ presented the dramas 12 Days Of Digging and Dig, Dig Deep. – O. L. DRIFFIELD: Harvest celebrations began with a meal and musical entertainment by outreach centre leaders Territorial Envoys Andrea and David Robinson. On Sunday morning, the theme God’s Bounty And Our Responsibility To Share It was explored and all food from the Harvest display went to a food bank. – D. L.

Members of the Eastleigh AFM group take part in the Southern Division’s Adult and Family Ministries Rally, led by Major Val Mylechreest (THQ); divisional AFM groups raised £25,000 for the helping-hand appeal

As part of its two-day tour, London North-East Fellowship Band presents a lunchtime concert at Lincoln Cathedral; other stops included a garden centre in Grantham, RAF Cranwell and an evening concert for Sleaford Corps in the Methodist church

The 35-strong Anglia Youth Chorus visits Bourne to lead Sunday meetings Salvationist 9 November 2013


NEWS On his journey through South Wales, Andy Peddle checks in at Swansea for a coffee and cake day held in support of his fundraising efforts; he is pictured with Checkers Coffee Shop manager Kim Davies

WEEK 37 Monday 11 November Colossians 3 – Paul gives the Christians in Colossae guidelines for holiness O vv18–21: how practical or relevant are these words? Are they only applicable to when the letter was written? O What would be the danger of taking these verses literally and without consideration to context, then and now? O v18: can a wife submit to her husband ‘as is fitting in the Lord’, and in a way that is not an example of mere sexism? O vv18 and 19: is it possible that the combination of mutual submission and love could actually be a proposal for equality? Tuesday 12 November Colossians 4 – Paul ends the letter with further instructions and final greetings O vv5 and 6: consider what interaction you may have with ‘outsiders’. In what way can your ‘conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt’? O v14: more information telling about Luke, the author of the Gospel and Acts Wednesday 13 November 1 Thessalonians 1 – Paul, Silas and Timothy write their first letter to the church in Thessalonica O v10: the people were waiting for ‘Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath’ Thursday 14 November 1 Thessalonians 2 – Paul reminds the church of his last visit and his eagerness to visit again O v13: what is ‘the word of God’? O v18: do you think Paul believed that Satan is real? O What do you believe, and why? Friday 15 November 1 Thessalonians 3 – Paul congratulates the Thessalonians for their progress O v5: who is ‘the tempter’? O What would be your weaknesses if the tempter were to attack you? O How can you guard against this?

Father and son Stephen Smith (Trowbridge) and Matthew Smithi(Hedge End) proudly display their medals after completing theiBournemouth Half Marathon; Stephen raised more than £500 inisponsorship for the Army’s H2O project in Southampton, whichiMatthew manages 8

Salvationist 9 November 2013

Majors Chris and Liesl Baldwin (WBC) return to their home corps of Southampton Shirley to lead the YP annual prizegiving, themed Drenched With God


A CALL FOR HELP NEXT year marks the centenary of the start of the First World War. At the Schools and Colleges Unit we are researching the work of The Salvation Army at that time. Our aim is to create a series of lessons and assemblies to help support corps in their schools work. If you have any stories or copies of photographs you could share with us about The Salvation Army, at home or abroad, during the First World War, we would love to hear from you and would really appreciate your help. Please contact the schools team by email ( or by telephone (020 7367 4706). Fiona Johnson, Primary Resource Development Offjcer, Schools and Colleges Unit, THQ

Write to Salvationist (Letters), 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN or email Readers sending letters by email should include their name, full rank if applicable and full postal address O

WORK IN INDIA SHOULD BE REMEMBERED THE accompanying photograph of the Booth-Tucker memorial party was taken on the steps of Clapton Congress Hall in 1913. It includes my father and his first wife. My father was Thomas Henry Carr and his wife was Prudence Carr, née Malborn. They went to training out of Hanley (Stoke-on-Trent). The Booth-Tucker memorial party was assembled to go to India to commence the criminal tribes work as a memorial to Commissioner Booth-Tucker, who pioneered The Salvation Army in India.

As I am an appendage to that history by birth, I am interested to inquire if there are others who might have connections to that part of Army history. As a century has passed, I am curious to see if the Army is willing to celebrate the dedication of those officers – many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice – and make known to today’s generation what the Lord has done for that country through The Salvation Army. John Carr, North Walsham

GET OUT OF GOD’S WAY WHAT a great article about what God is doing in New Addington (Salvationist 26 October). I have recently been concerned by comments suggesting that The Salvation Army should serve suffering humanity only as a means to save souls, and that serving our communities is not worthy in its own right. This makes me feel as if people are being targeted as potential ‘scalps’ for the Kingdom rather than being seen as precious children loved by and made in the image of God.

How wonderful it is to see evidence in this article of what happens when we stop trying to build God’s church for him and instead seek his Kingdom of love, grace, justice, hospitality and service to our neighbours! How much more wonderful it would be if we all got out of God’s way, by losing our agendas but loving his people! Annette Wicks, Lieutenant, Wimbledon Salvationist 9 November 2013


FEATURE ‘I will not take for the Lord what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing’ (v24). To go deeper in praise is to offer worship that costs us something. This shouldn’t surprise us. How is it possible to enter the presence of a Holy God, who graciously, through Christ, draws us near to him, and yet remain unchanged by the experience? True worship demands sacrifice: the gift of ourselves. FRUITFUL PRAISE

IN PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING by Captain Stephen Oliver WE go deeper in praise and thanksgiving when we recognise that worship is a matter of intentional choice rather than emotional response. Worship driven by human emotion will eventually become superficial – lacking the substance and depth of experience that enable the worshipper to offer the Lord praise and thanksgiving even in the most difficult circumstances. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews helpfully captures this theme for us: ‘Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name’ (13:15). Here, we are reminded that our praise and worship must be continual, sacrificial and fruitful. CONTINUAL PRAISE

Song 326 (SASB) declares, ‘I feel like singing all the time’. Of course, every believer knows that this isn’t true. The mature Christian recognises that we ‘rejoice with those who rejoice [and] mourn with those who mourn’ (Romans 12:15). However, we can have a faith that is deeply grounded in the reality that God is present in every aspect of the human experience. Regardless of circumstances we are still to praise God, simply because God is and he is to be worshipped as an expression of the relationship with God for which we were created. 10

Salvationist 9 November 2013

Yet if our understanding of worship is confined to an activity we do for an hour or so on a Sunday, we will struggle to cultivate a real depth of spirituality. On the other hand, if our worship is about our attitude to the whole of life then, while we may not feel like singing all the time, we will be able to offer praise and worship to God in bad times as well as in good.





In 1 Chronicles 21 we read the rather unsavoury story of what happened when King David decided to assess the strength of his army. It was an act of pride and self-reliance that demonstrated a lack of trust in God. In verses 11 to 15 we read how the result of David’s sin is a plague that claims 70,000 lives. To end the plague, David builds an altar on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite (v18) who offers to provide all that is needed for the sacrifice. Finally, David has a moment of insight when he declares:

To engage in mission is also to engage in worship. When we are Kingdom people ‘declaring the wonders of God’ (Acts 2:11) we provoke the questions that enable others to find their way into God’s family. A life characterised by worship is, surely, a life characterised by mission – a natural desire that others, too, should come and worship. Theologian James Torrance argues that worship should not be something that we do but rather that worship is ‘the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son’s communion with the Father – of participating, in union with Christ, in what he has done for us once and for all in his life and death on the cross, and in what he is continuing to do for us in the presence of the Father and in his mission to the world’. True worship, then, is not just that which draws us near to God, but also that which sends us out to show and tell the good news about Jesus. In going deeper in praise and thanksgiving may we learn to worship continually, sacrificially and, in so doing, enable others to encounter the God who created them just for the pleasure of knowing them.



Service life is not all plain sailing Four Salvationists who serve or have served in the Royal Navy tell their stories STEVE CALLISTER, who is serving in a warship in the Indian Ocean, shares the challenges and opportunities he faces as a Salvationist sailor


GREW up going to Falmouth Corps, but when I was 16 I turned my back on God. I joined the Royal Navy and spent many years working in the Iraqi desert. In 2009 I was on an 18-month promotion course in Portsmouth. One afternoon, I decided to look up Christians in the Armed Forces on the internet. ‘It’s amazing how one Google search can change the path of your life. I discovered the Naval Christian Fellowship and subsequently met a group of Christian sailors. I started hanging out with them and going to church. When I was drafted to RNAS Culdrose in Cornwall, I decided to go back to Falmouth Corps. It felt like I had returned home. ‘In January 2012 I was enrolled as a soldier. It wasn’t an easy decision to make. I was not sure if being a soldier in The Salvation Army was compatible with life in the Armed Forces, but I soon had the opportunity to find out; just a few months later I was drafted to a ship on anti-piracy patrols in the Indian Ocean. I have been on the ship for almost five months on my present rotation. ‘Life at sea can be very challenging. I am the only Christian on my ship out of a company of nearly 200 people, so maintaining my integrity is a daily struggle. ‘In every situation people are always watching to see how I react. It is like walking a tightrope; wobble too far

one way and you will be branded a “Bible basher”, but if you act the same as everyone else, people will not even know you are a Christian. I have found this balancing act very tough and there have been many times when I have wobbled one way or the other. ‘A particular challenge is the drinking culture. The bar area is the only space to relax and socialise, so there is often a lot of pressure to drink alcohol, but because I stand my ground, people have learnt to respect my decision. My reasons for not drinking are also a good conversation starter. ‘Another aspect I struggle with on the ship is isolation. I have spent 11 months out of the past 13 at sea which puts a lot of strain and pressure on almost all my relationships at home. However, being a Salvationist also allows me to develop relationships on the ship. Many people come into my office to chat about home, work, hopes and fears for the future, even faith – just about everything! If all I have achieved in the past 11 months is

helping a few people with their problems then I feel as though my service has been worthwhile. ‘Obviously one of the biggest




challenges is maintaining my faith. I am so far away from other Salvationists and I don’t have a church that I can attend each week. To keep strong I immerse myself in Bible study and prayer. I am also taking part in the New Testament Bible Challenge and write in my prayer diary every day. Fortunately, I have occasionally been able to attend some Salvation Army CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

Steve Callister

Salvationist 9 November 2013



meetings in Dubai and have made many new friends there. ‘The internet is also extremely beneficial in maintaining my faith. I created a Facebook group called Salvationist Armed Forces Fellowship. There are around 30 members. Most are bandsmen in various regiments and some serve in the Navy and RAF. We support each other and some of us have even been able to meet. This kind of support is essential when away from home and the Army for such a long time. I also write a weekly blog on being a Christian in the Navy. ‘Being a Salvationist in the Armed Forces is not easy. It takes a lot of integrity and you have to earn the trust of those around you, but if you stick with it the rewards and satisfaction are worth the effort and sacrifice.’ O To read Steve’s blog visit www.

‘I attended Portsmouth Citadel, which provided me with a family away from home. The support I received was second to none. As military



LIEUTENANT STEVEN FINCHAM (Hammersmith) grew up in the Army, encouraged by his officer parents, until his life took a different turn when, at the age of 14, God called him to missionary work


DIDN’T want that for my life,’ Steven admits. ‘I stopped having anything to do with the Army or Christianity. By the age of 16 I rarely went to church.’ On leaving school, Steven joined the Royal Navy and decided to work in submarines because the pay was better than serving in ships. ‘For two years I lived the life of a sailor, without any Christian element to my life. I had no belief or understanding of God and no desire to find out. I lived and played hard and really enjoyed it.’ personnel passed through the corps Then Steven was sent on a on a regular basis, they really knew deployment where the submarine he how to welcome me and make me was in would not surface for four feel included. Every week months. It was the longest I would look forward to period of time he had spent attending band practice submerged, drinking JAMES HOUSE (Norwich Citadel) and the Sunday meetings. distilled water and joined the Royal Navy in June 2012. ‘Academically, training breathing recycled air. He has just qualified as an Air was the hardest six ‘We were four days into Engineering Technician. He shares months of my life. I had the trip and I was going how going to church helped him to sit a total of 18 exams about my work when I through his training and some evenings I was heard a CD of a Salvation Lieutenant in tears on the phone to Army band,’ he recalls. S I prepared to join the Steven Fincham my girlfriend and family. ‘I wondered why it was Armed Forces I knew life I felt that I couldn’t go being played so I went as a Salvationist was on any more. I was into the compartment to see and never going to be easy, really struggling. discovered there was a church service but I also knew if I kept God at the ‘I am presently completing my going on. centre of my life and lived according to training at HMS Seahawk or RNAS ‘There were only five people there my faith, I could get through anything. Culdrose, in Cornwall, miles away from and, as one of them was the captain, ‘Part of my basic training at HMS anywhere and an eight-hour drive from I felt I had to go in and sit through Raleigh involved going my home in Norwich. I was the service.’ to church on a Sunday very worried when The service was being led by the and having classes with I moved to Cornwall as the submarine’s lieutenant-commander, the chaplaincy team. support I received from who was a Salvationist. He would not This activity was corps folk in Portsmouth normally have been on the trip, but compulsory, whether we was one of the main had been called up at the last moment believed or not. Many reasons that I was able after two other officers who should people were not interested to complete my training. have been aboard pulled out because in it, but I looked forward to Fortunately I have found of ill-health and injury. it. Going to church got me a small corps in Falmouth At the end of the service he through the intense training James House and attend regularly on a approached Steven and asked him regime; many times I would Sunday when work why he was there. lie in bed and say my commitments allow. ‘I explained that I had recognised prayers, asking for help to get through ‘Jeremiah 29:11 has been my the band and told him about my the next day. favourite Bible verse since I started background. At the end of the Training was physically and the process of joining the Royal Navy. conversation he asked if he could mentally draining. It gives me the confidence to know that pray with me and I replied: “All right, ‘From HMS Raleigh I was drafted God is with me and that everything that if you want.” to my next establishment, HMS happens is part of his bigger plan.’ ‘Because we worked in the same Sultan in Gosport.



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Gordon at Government House with his daughter Jill Collings and grandson Nick, receiving the Arctic Star from His Excellency Adam Woods, the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man

areas of the submarine and were on the same shifts, he would chat and pray with me every day. But I was only being polite and humouring him. I wasn’t really interested but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. ‘I started to go to the services on a Sunday but only because they served port afterwards. It was the only place in the boat where you could drink alcohol.’ Slowly, though, it was not only the port that attracted Steven to the services. He remembers becoming aware of a change in his life. ‘God took hold of me again. I asked for a Bible and began reading it and praying on my own. After a couple of months I had given my life to God again.’ When the four-month trip was over, Steven began to attend churches near to the naval bases he was stationed at. Once again God began speaking to Steven about serving him overseas and the final confirmation of this calling came when Steven attended a service at a church near his base in Scotland. ‘The minister stared at me throughout his sermon about missionary service,’ he remembers. ‘Afterwards he said that God had told him to preach that sermon for me. So I contacted the Army’s international development team and took part in the Journey project, working in Chikankata hospital, Zambia. ‘While I was there, God told me to become a Salvation Army officer. I returned to England on Christmas Eve 2008 and went to the training college in September 2009.’ Steven was commissioned two years later and is the corps officer at Hammersmith with his wife, Lieutenant Susanne Fincham.

As Steven looks back on the last few years, he cannot help but reflect on the similarities between his life and a wellknown Bible character. ‘I really was like Jonah,’ he says. ‘God called me to another country but I ran away to sea. Then I was stuck under the water with nowhere else to go. There I gave my life to God because I met a Salvationist who would not normally be working in that submarine. That experience has made me who I am today.’ RETIRED BANDMASTER GORDON COWLEY (Douglas) survived three torpedo strikes


URING the Second World War Gordon served on Arctic convoys – a mission Winston Churchill acknowledged as ‘the worst journey in the world’. The convoys distributed vital aid to the Soviet Union, but were subject to bitter conditions and attacks by enemy battleships, U-boats and planes. Gordon was recently awarded the

Arctic Star – a new military medal – acknowledging his role in the convoys. When he was just 19 years old, Gordon joined HMS Edinburgh. He recalls that many Salvationist bandsmen, like himself, were posted to warships as members of the Royal Marines Band. In April 1942 HMS Edinburgh left Murmansk, Russia, with a company of 800 and 465 Russian gold ingots (then worth £1.5m) to pay the US for arms. En route, a German U-boat fired two torpedoes, badly damaging the ship. If it sank, the company would have frozen to death within minutes in the icy sea. The ship stayed afloat in this condition for about 40 hours, sustaining further attacks by bombers and a third torpedo strike, breaking the ship’s back. ‘My memories of 70 years ago are still with me in great thankfulness that so many of us survived. Unfortunately 58 were lost,’ says Gordon. The surviving company were taken back to Murmansk. ‘The ship’s chaplain held a short service and said: “You have not been saved by chance but for a purpose.” My purpose was to be helpful to the public in my 52 years’ Post Office employment and serving with the Salvation Army band, including 40 years as bandmaster.’ During the 1980s the Russian ingots were discovered in the ship’s grave. Unfortunately Gordon’s trombone, which went down with the ship, was never found. In the words of Agatha Christie, he adds: ‘One is left with the horrible feeling now, that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one.’

Gordon with the Red Shield Band, Egypt, 1944

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TELLING THE STORY Chick Yuill presents the last of a three-part epilogue to his series entitled Mission Means… THERE’S an often-told tale about Francis of Assisi. Francis invited a young monk to go with him to preach the gospel. The two men walked through the nearby village without saying a word before returning to the monastery. The young monk was puzzled and asked why they hadn’t actually preached, to which Francis replied: ‘Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.’ The story is usually cited as evidence that the witness of our lives is sufficient to communicate the truth of the gospel. It’s a powerful anecdote and, in so far as it reminds us that our words have credibility only if they’re matched by our lives, it serves a useful purpose. But I’m certainly not alone in my suspicions that the story is apocryphal rather than historical. To put it bluntly: it probably never happened. For a start, it doesn’t square with all we know about Francis who, history tells us, would sometimes preach in as many as five villages in a day. Even more importantly, it doesn’t match up with what we learn in the New Testament. Jesus perfectly embodied the love and grace of his Father. Wherever he went he brought healing and forgiveness. But he also used words more powerfully than any other man has ever done to communicate his message. What’s more, in the book of Acts there’s a recurring pattern: the demonstration of God’s power is always followed by the explanation of God’s purposes made known through his Son. And, in his first letter, Peter leaves us in no doubt that the gospel has to be shared in both words and deeds: ‘Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the 14

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reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience’ (1 Peter 3:15 and 16). For some years, I’ve been working with churches across the denominations on discipleship and mission, and I think I know why the story about Francis and the young monk has become so popular. I’ve discovered that it isn’t too difficult to get churches and individual Christians involved in practical service to their neighbours. We will happily and effectively organise community fun days, carry out street clean-ups and




run an enormous variety of effective social outreach programmes. But to a considerable degree, we’ve lost confidence in knowing how to talk about Jesus and how to share the gospel in a multicultural and largely secularised society. The hard truth is that, only as we recover that confidence will we be effective in mission. So, as we come to the end of this series, let me share with you some simple principles I’ve learnt as I’ve sought to address this issue in the company of fellow disciples.

O The first thing is to get to know someone.You’re highly unlikely to share your faith with your next-door neighbour if you haven’t even bothered to share a coffee and discover their name. O The best way to earn the right to tell your story is to ask the person to whom you’re speaking: ‘Tell me how life is for you?’ When you’ve listened to them, they’re much more likely to listen to you. O Remember you’re a witness, not the judge. Your first duty is to tell them that God loves them and that Jesus died for them, not to let them know what’s wrong in the way they’re living. O You don’t have to be a theologian or a preacher and tell them every detail of the gospel story. Most people can only hear a little bit at a time. When you share your faith, drip-feeding is more effective than force-feeding! O Don’t think you have to be able to answer every question about suffering in the world or the difficult bits in the Bible. People actually respect us more when we admit we don’t know all the answers. But, if we do know Jesus, who is the answer, that’s what really matters! And people are probably much more ready to hear about him than we realise.



Rags for royal robes The second in a three-part study on Ephesians by Major James Bryden STUDY PASSAGES EPHESIANS 4:17–24; 3:14–21


LOVE the feel and fragrance of putting on a clean, freshly ironed shirt. By contrast, one cold winter’s day in London, my wife helped peel off the foul-smelling rags of a street sleeper, while her friend bathed his swollen, wounded feet. His eyes glistened with tears and shone with hope. After a hot meal – and dressed in the best – he left in striking silence.

WHICH LIFE? Paul is dealing here with two kinds of life. One is futile, without meaning, promise or even reality. Pride and self-possession have pushed God out of the picture. The light has been turned off: ‘They can’t think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion’ (4:19 The Message). The other life, in union with Christ, is transformed. Those living it, walk in the light of God, their minds renewed. They have stripped off the old way of living and put on the clean fresh clothes of a new life from God. WHO TAKES CENTRE STAGE? Our society promotes fame and fortune, and values popularity and pleasure more than sacrifice and service. Singers, actors, talk-show hosts, sportsmen and women and celebrities occupy centre stage. Shockingly, sexual promiscuity and violence to women and children are widespread. Untamed desire craves more and more satisfaction. Although sexuality and pleasure are not bad in themselves – they are, after all, gifts from God to be used in ways that

honour him – they can become masters exerting a tyrannical power. What’s the answer? God calls us to throw away the old and put on the new; to exchange rags for royal robes.This way, the old ‘me’ gives way to a new person (4:22–24; Colossians 3:9–11; Romans 6:3 and 6). And what is the new me? The very character of God in me!




BEYOND WORDS During a visit to Phoenix, Arizona, my wife and I watched an eagle soar and glide with great ease high in the prairie sky. In this prayer (3:14–21) Paul is, as it were, flying in heavenly places. Like an eagle carried on the thermal wind, he is able to view the vast, extravagant dimensions of the riches of Christ and strives to articulate the indescribable. Paul can hardly believe it; those far from God, dubbed the ‘outsiders’, are now made alive in Christ. Each has priceless access into the very presence of Almighty God. The only way to respond to such truth is to fall on your knees before the Father of all. As a Jew, Paul was required to stand and pray – but how could he? Instead, he prostrates himself before God’s glorious majesty. When we pray, posture is less important than the passion, pleading and praise we bring to it.

BOUNDLESS LOVE Paul longs for the Ephesians to be ‘rooted and established in love’ (3:17). Through the Spirit’s power, he prays that they may know the boundless depths and dimensions of Christ’s love (vv16 and 19). Only the Spirit can make it happen. Only the Spirit empowers and enables the believer to know the ‘deep things of God’ (1 Corinthians 2:10–12). Only the Spirit brings us into line with God’s will. God’s love is the source by which believers are nourished. To know Christ’s love is to be transformed by that love and share in the very fullness of God. As children of our loving heavenly Father, we are urged to ‘reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God’ (Ephesians 3:18 and 19 The Message). When this happens, the drive to reach others is powerful: to bless those who hate us, bring hope to the hopeless, food to the hungry and life to the dying. On us, the Spirit has lavished God’s treasure surpassing measure. FOR REFLECTION O What steps must we take if there’s to be less of the ‘old me’ and more of the ‘new me’ in Christ? O What do you make of the fact that we are not only made by God, but that he is reproducing his character in us?




VALUABLE GIFT OF TESTIMONY IN THE ARMED FORCES Cadet Helen Froud reviews Storming Home by Billy Gilvear and Eric Gaudion AS we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in conflict, we should also think of those who have been injured in body, mind or spirit by war or the preparation for combat. Storming Home tells the true and compelling story of Billy Gilvear, a former British soldier and officer whose life was misspent in alcohol and drug misuse, and who was taken to the brink of suicide. Desperate and lonely, he was transformed by the saving power of God. Gilvear joined the British Army in 1986 – the same year I did – and experienced the same tough, harddrinking culture that many of us recall from those times. A highly successful infantry soldier who then made the

difficult shift to the life of a Sandhurst-trained British Army officer, he suffered loss, betrayal and hurt. The book documents his long slide into alcoholism, drug misuse and violent crime – and his subsequent, chaotic life as a bodyguard in Britain’s celebrity culture after his military career. Billy grew up in a missionary family, but lost sight of God at an early stage. His story is a sobering reminder of the need for those of us who profess Christianity to be consistent in word and deed in our family life. Alienated by alcohol, drugs and crime from those he loved, he nevertheless found Jesus in a surprising place, and by the grace of God slowly turned his life around. Reconciled with his parents,

wife and children, he experienced insight and forgiveness. This book is a reminder of the desperate need for God’s love among people who, at any time, have counted themselves part of the military community. It is an encouraging read for those who witness to people who, it seems, are hopelessly lost. It will be a useful tool for those who work with men and women who have served their country and a valuable gift of testimony to those who are in the uniformed services. Storming Home is available from (Lion Hudson) priced £8.99 O

A DEFINITE WORSHIP EXPERIENCE Malcolm Quinn (Staines) reviews An Evening At The Citadel by musicians of Norwich Citadel YET again, World of Sound has come up with an innovative concept, embracing all that is good about Salvation Army music in enhancing worship. While the CD title has an historic feel, there is certainly nothing ‘old’ about this production. It includes many modern contributions from, and for, all age groups and where better than Norwich Citadel to kick-off what this reviewer certainly hopes will be just the beginning of a series of similar productions. The flow of the recording is to be commended, along with the enclosed booklet containing photography and words with a most attractive clarity. The high quality of the recording is one 16

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that we have now come to expect from World of Sound engineers, being very much leaders within their profession. Norwich Citadel has an immensely strong heritage of warmth and friendship that, over many decades, has manifested itself through musicmaking at the very highest level. The featured items have a continuity that guides us comfortably through the CD. The context behind this recording is set in the citadel’s suite of buildings, identifying their place in the community as being very much ‘the church on the street’. The band shares not only music of quality, precision and warmth of sound, but also demonstrates a strong

feeling of wholesomeness, while the songsters express a mature cohesiveness of sound, particularly when moving into the harmony sections. The YP band contributions are vibrant and the youthful sound of the singing company is tuneful and sincere. Norwich Citadel’s music ‘performance’ – interspersed by relevant chosen Scripture readings and words linked so eloquently directly to the music – will bring to the listener a sincere worship experience. O An Evening At The Citadel is available through SP&S priced £13.95 plus £2.95 postage and packing




3. 7.

6. 1. LORENE CHANGATA Soldier LIVERPOOL STONEYCROFT LORENE was enrolled as a soldier by corps leaders Territorial Envoys Craig and Gemma Gaudion on the day of her wedding blessing. She testifies that she knows God’s hand is upon her life and is thankful for his saving grace. Pictured alongside Lorene and the corps leaders is her husband, Gordon. – G. G. 2. JEAN EVANS, MARGARET UPTON Soldiers ROSE PERCIVAL Adherent member CLAY CROSS CORPS folk celebrated as Major Bernard Pyman enrolled Jean and his sister-in-law Margaret as soldiers and welcomed Rose as an adherent member. Margaret attended Wirksworth Corps until it closed and is pleased to return to the Army. Jean is thrilled to make an active commitment to soldiership again after a time away, and to reunite with her friends at the corps. Rose grew up in the Army and previously was a junior soldier, before making a further commitment as an adherent member. She helps at the weekly coffee morning. – P. R. 3. NIAMH STANDLEY Junior soldier CHALK FARM FRIENDS and family supported Niamh as she was enrolled as a junior soldier by Major Denise Cooper (THQ). Niamh shared her



desire to tell her friends about Jesus. She is pictured with her dad, corps officer Lieutenant Ian Standley, her great-nan and nan. – I. S. 4. PIETER ANDREWS Soldier HADLEIGH TEMPLE WHEN Pieter was 14, he and his family moved to the area, leaving behind friends and a school he loved. Pieter became unhappy and turned away from God. However, making new friends at the corps and finding encouragement from the youth leaders, he was led back to God. At summer school he felt called to soldiership and chose the songs ‘I Would Be Thy Holy Temple’ and ‘Guardian Of My Soul’ to express his testimony. Associate officer Major Geoff Ashdown enrolled Pieter as a soldier. – B. N. 5. MARGARET WALKER Soldier MABLETHORPE CORPS folk were delighted to welcome Maggie back into their midst. She was enrolled as a soldier by Cadet Wendy Leisk. – T. J. 6. & 7. BRENDA BARNES, BEVERLEY COLLINGS Soldiers CHLOE SWIFT Junior soldier NORTHAMPTON EAST CORPS officers Major Michelle and Captain Carl Huggins enrolled Brenda and Beverley as soldiers. Chloe was enrolled as a junior soldier by Major Michelle Huggins. They are pictured with Chloe’s prayer partner, Mandy Crook. – N. R. Salvationist 9 November 2013


ANNOUNCEMENTS ARMY PEOPLE APPOINTED Effective 16 January 2014: O Major Rosslyn Casey, additional appointment, Divisional Candidates Officer, Central South Effective 30 January: O Majors Jackie and Michael Bainbridge, Associate Officers, Wetherby and North Yorkshire Team Ministry MARRIAGES O Major Jeffrey (John) Roberts to Pamela Wigfall at Newton Abbot by Major William Slade O Bandsman/Songster Tony Feasey to Bandswoman/Songster Emily Hague at Regent Hall by Major John Martin DEDICATED TO GOD Toby, son of Philip and Nicolette Balkham; Grace Mary, daughter of Jonathan and Julia Gregory, both at Cradley Heath by Captain Liz Hancock O Zac, son of Richard and SCL Helen Williams, at Wrexham by Major Ian McCredie O Evie Faith, daughter of Lawrence and Debbie Bennett, at Winton by Major Paul Johnson O Tyler Josh Tendai, son of Robert and Elsie Mubvumba-Makachiya, at Kirkcaldy by Captain Carrie James O Emily Kate Patricia, daughter of Christopher and Judith Bracken, at Belfast Sydenham by Majors Jacqueline and Paul Wright O Elisha Ruth Makiese, daughter of O

Ephragie Sangi, at Southwark by Lieutenant Lee Raggett BEREAVED O Doreen Telfer, Edinburgh City, of her husband Stanley, Lieut-Colonel Ivor Telfer, THQ, of his father O Captain Lynne Edwards, Bridlington, Susan Blythe,Terry Adams and Michael Adams of their mother Freda Adams O Major Keith Manning of his sister Brenda Craig O Lieut-Colonel Maureen Wood of her brother Keith Ford O CS Derek Rylander, Thornaby, of his mother Margaret O Brenda Snowball, Grantham, of her husband Stuart O Fiona Searle of her husband Mark, Jonathan (Boscombe), Matthew, Daniel and Cameron of their father, David and Pat of their son and Paul (all Plymouth Exeter Hall Whitleigh) of his brother O Cynthia Warren of her husband Dennis, Susan and Anthony of their father (all Plymouth Exeter Hall Whitleigh) RETIRED OFFICERS Birthday congratulations: O Major Alfred Shields (85 on 2 November) O Major William Harding (85 on 15 November) PROMOTED TO GLORY Songster Joyce Ely, Castleford O Ellen Allen, Poole O

ENGAGEMENTS GENERAL ANDRÉ COX AND COMMISSIONER SILVIA COX: O Kenya West, Wed 6 Nov - Sun 10 O ICO, Sun 17 O Uganda, Th 21 - Mon 25 O Australia Southern, Tu 26 - Mon 2 Dec O Italy and Greece, Sat Sun 8 THE CHIEF OF THE STAFF (COMMISSIONER WILLIAM ROBERTS) AND COMMISSIONER NANCY ROBERTS: O Germany, Fri 8 Nov - Sun 10** O Brazil, Fri 15 - Tu 19 O Liberia (25th anniversary celebrations), Th 5 Dec - Tu 10 COMMISSIONER BIRGITTE BREKKE-CLIFTON: O Eastern Europe, Th 21 Nov - Fri 22 COMMISSIONER WILLIAM COCHRANE: O Geneva (Conference of Secretaries/Christian World Communion), Mon 18 Nov - Fri 22 COMMISSIONER GILLIAN DOWNER: O The Philippines, Tu 19 Nov - Wed 27 COMMISSIONERS TORBEN AND DEISE ELIASEN: O USA Central, Mon 18 Nov - Fri 22 COMMISSIONERS JOASH AND FLORENCE MALABI: O Democratic Republic of Congo, Fri 15 Nov Th 21 O Congo (Brazzaville), Th 21 - Wed 27 COMMISSIONER DORITA WAINWRIGHT: O Norway, Iceland and The Faeroes (Nordic Women’s Conference), Th 14 Nov - Sun 17 **husband will not accompany


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TRIBUTES MRS IVY WARBEY, LEYTONSTONE IVY was born in 1930. Her first contact with the Army was through an evening open-air meeting. As a teenager she and her friend were invited to the torchbearers, where she met her husband Alf. Ivy became a dedicated Salvationist and loved being a Sunday school teacher, singing company sergeant and songster sergeant. She was especially known for her wonderful performance of ‘An Army Cup Of Tea’. In recent times, Ivy found it difficult to attend meetings, but witnessed from home by ringing family and friends with an encouraging word. She is sadly missed by her devoted husband and four sons – Robin, David, Keith and Colin – grandchildren and great-grandchildren. – L. L.

ROBERT CHARLTON, KIRKCALDY BORN in 1919 to Salvationist parents, Bob gave his heart to Jesus at an early age and was a soldier for 79 years. He married Olive in 1946 and they served the Lord together at Hetton-le-Hole, where Bob was a bandsman for many years. In 1991 they moved to Glenrothes, soldiering at Kirkcaldy. Bob was a quiet, gentle, loving family man. He loved reading his Bible and was a great Christian example. He worked as a miner in the pits and – despite being ridiculed for his faith – was highly respected for living what he believed. – T. J.

RETIRED HOME LEAGUE TREASURER MRS ETHEL BEE, HARPENDEN ETHEL was born in Winteringham, near Scunthorpe. She attended the Army with her mother, where she met and married her husband Bill. They worshipped together at Scunthorpe Citadel until a move south became necessary in order for Bill to find employment. They settled in Harpenden and entered into corps life. Ethel enjoyed singing in the songsters and

served as home league treasurer for 28 years. She attended regularly until entering a care home aged 94. She was No 1 on the roll. Promoted to Glory 12 days after her 101st birthday, Ethel is sadly missed by her children – Michael, Maureen and John – grandchildren and great-children. – M. B.

SONGSTER RESERVIST GRAHAM BAWDEN, STAPLEFORD GRAHAM was born in Falmouth in 1935, and was very proud of his Cornish roots. The family moved to Camborne and then to London, worshipping at Hammersmith where Graham was a bandsman and met his wife Dot. They were married for 56 years. After they moved to Guisborough – Dot’s hometown – Graham was corps secretary for many years and also played bass in the band. Further moves to Kirkby-in-Ashfield and Tunbridge Wells preceded a final move to Stapleford, where Graham was a songster and ‘unofficial’ welcome sergeant. A good Christian man who lived out his Christianity wherever he was, he leaves his wife and son, Alan, and two granddaughters. – F. T.

RETIRED BANDMASTER GEORGE ROBINSON, GLOUCESTER BORN in 1928 in Skelton, North Yorkshire, George attended Guisborough Corps. He joined the RAF and met Kath at Wombwell. They married in 1951. His 22 years of RAF duties – mostly as bandmaster – took him to many UK corps, including Uxbridge and Blackpool. After a period in Germany he was stationed near Gloucester, where his musical ability and leadership qualities led to the positions of bandmaster and YP band leader. He also found great fulfilment as a peripatetic brass and woodwind teacher. First and foremost, George was a fine Christian and Salvationist. His words of encouragement were an inspiration and his prayers were from the heart. A proud father, grandfather and greatgrandfather, his faith in God was totally unshakeable. – A. B.

ERNEST HILL, MALTBY A LIFELONG Salvationist, Ernest transferred to Maltby from Clowne when he married Ivy 65 years ago. He was an enthusiastic bandsman and songster and was delighted to accept the role of songster leader, a ministry he fulfilled for more than 20 years. Ernest played in the band until he felt that he was ‘too old’, but – together with Ivy – continued to support the corps as a valued member of the congregation. He influenced many people at the Army and within his family, to which he was devoted. He was always ready to give advice and reassurance when he saw a need; his quiet, spiritual presence is deeply missed at home and in the corps. – J. A.

DENNIS WARREN, PLYMOUTH EXETER HALL WHITLEIGH DENNIS was born in Plymouth in 1936 and attended church as a small boy. He met Cynthia at Rally Street Sunday school; they married in 1959. Together with their children, Susan and Anthony, they started attending meetings at Plymouth Exeter Hall Whitleigh and became Salvationists. Dennis soon took an active part as assistant corps sergeant-major. He particularly loved open-air work and directing the traffic as the band marched to and from the Barbican. In recent years ill-health prevented his attendance, but he loved watching Songs Of Praise and conducting the old favourites. Dennis is sadly missed by family and friends. – K. S.

MARK SEARLE, PLYMOUTH EXETER HALL WHITLEIGH MARK was born to Salvationist parents, David and Pat, in Plymouth in 1960 and grew up at Devonport Morice Town where he played a vital part in the Army’s music ministry. He married Fiona in 1986 and they had four lively lads – Jonathan, Matthew, Daniel and Cameron. The family later moved to Plymouth Exeter Hall Whitleigh, where Mark was YP

band leader for many years. His sudden promotion to Glory has left many shocked and saddened. The large number of friends and colleagues who joined family members at Mark’s service of thanksgiving showed how much he was loved. His legacy will live on in the corps. – J. S.

MRS MARY COX, POKESDOWN BORN in 1928, Mary was brought up by her great-aunt and uncle from the age of 11. It was because of their Christian influence that her own faith started to grow. When she was 15, Mary determinedly overcame rheumatic fever and later joined the WAAF where she met her husband. They had four children. In 2009 Mary became an adherent member, the result of having been warmly welcomed at a coffee morning while looking for a spiritual home. In 2012 – despite pain and failing eyesight – she became a soldier, after feeling God’s call to give more of herself. Mary’s strong, unwavering faith and determination to enjoy each day as a gift from God were an inspiration to everyone. Her lovely presence is greatly missed. – S. L.

MRS MARGARET HARDING, SHILDON INVOLVED in Army activities since childhood in a Salvationist family at Spennymoor, Margaret McAdams was commissioned corps cadet guardian at 18. Many of her members came from nonSalvationist families and some became officers. Commissioned in 1951 from the Ambassadors Session, Margaret also became an officer – serving at Holmewood, Eckington, Swallownest and Masbrough. After marriage to Robert, she served with him at Denaby Main, South Elmsall and Londonderry. In one of many tributes received by her family, a former work colleague writes about how impressed he was by her diligence, expertise and unflagging Christian commitment. Her clients also thought the world of her. Margaret served the Lord with gladness and was a caring lady, who was always available to listen and offer comfort. – R. H. Salvationist 9 November 2013



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Through the week with ‘Salvationist’ – a devotional thought for each day Saturday And God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. (Genesis 9:12–15)

Sunday Have faith in God, my heart, Trust and be unafraid; God will fulfil in every part Each promise he has made.

of the Lord are loving and faithful towards those who keep the demands of his covenant. (Psalm 25:9 and 10)

Tuesday I rest upon thy word; The promise is for me; My succour and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from thee. But let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide Into thy perfect love. (SASB 596)


(SASB 723)

Monday He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways

This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbours, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all

know me, from the least of them to the greatest. (Hebrews 8:10 and 11)

Thursday By the love that never ceased to hold me In a bond nor life nor death shall break, As thy presence and thy power enfold me, I would plead fresh covenant to make. From before thy face, each vow renewing, Strong in heart, with purpose pure and deep, I will go henceforth thy will pursuing, With my Lord unbroken faith to keep. (SASB 534)

Friday Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20 and 21)

Praying around the world... India Northern Please pray for the new corps opened in New Delhi and the work in this area, specifically in the slums, where food and clothes are distributed. Pray that everyone involved will realise their value to God.

Poppies. Picture: ADRIANO SILVA

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