3 minute read
Suspicious minds
truth be told
Psychologist is under suspicion in ITV drama
TV preview by Claire Brine
DS Riya Devi is troubled by the murder case
brilliant clinical psychologist being framed for a heinous crime or is he using his insight into human nature to get away with murder?’
While it appears that Joe may be hiding something, Peter suggests that many characters in The Suspect could be living a lie. In the end, he promises, everyone’s truth will emerge. ‘There’s nothing more compelling, sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrifying, than a person revealing who they really are,’ he says.
Peter’s right. The moment when we learn the truth about someone is often significant.
Sometimes it’s because what we hear is surprising and wonderful. Other truths may be a bit more complex to hear and take us longer to understand.
When Jesus’ followers learnt the truth about who he was and accepted the love
HE doesn’t look like a killer. But is he?
That’s the question facing the police when they encounter Dr Joe O’Loughlin in the ITV drama series The Suspect, which starts on Monday (29 August).
As a respected clinical psychologist, Dr Joe (Aidan Turner) appears to have it all – a loving family, a successful practice, a media profile and a publishing deal. As far as others can see, his life is perfect.
But a closer look reveals that many things are far from rosy. Joe has earlyonset Parkinson’s disease – and he is finding it difficult to accept the diagnosis. His doctor and friend, Dr Gerald Owens (Adam James) explains that, as well as the physical symptoms such as hand tremors, Joe is likely to experience extreme changes of temperament. In other words, that his Father, God, had for them, their he may find himself suddenly feeling angry lives were changed for ever. or anxious. Jesus told them: ‘If you hold to my
To help him put his Parkinson’s to teaching … you will know the truth, and the back of his mind, Joe tries to throw the truth will set you free’ (John 8:31 and himself into work. But 32 New International Version). then a young woman’s body is found in a Other truths are Jesus’ teachings to his followers included the good news that God cared graveyard and the police think it’s murder. complex to hear about them, listened to them and was willing to forgive their mistakes. The truth They wonder if Joe was that God was able to offer a fresh can help them get to the bottom of the start to anyone who turned to him and crime. Detective Sergeant Riya Devi (Anjli would help them through every difficulty Mohindra) asks him: ‘Can you help us to they faced. understand the sort of person who could Two thousand years later, God’s love inflict such a torture?’ for us is still available. It’s a truth that,
Joe agrees to assist the police, but his when uncovered, can bring us freedom reaction when he sees the victim’s body from despair, guilt and shame about our arouses suspicion. Is he shocked by the past. Its transforming power can set us brutality of the killing or is he hiding some free to pursue a new kind of life in the information that connects him to it? future – one that is full of peace, hope and
Screenwriter Peter Berry puts forward joy. In every case, there’s nothing more another question: ‘Are we watching a compelling than that.