1 minute read
Walking with Jesus
When we first explore Christianity, we may have lots of questions. In this series, some of the basic principles of the faith are explained
The Trinity
FUNDAMENTAL to the Christian faith is the concept of the Trinity – that is, the three-in-one God. God as Parent, God as Son and Saviour, and God as Holy Spirit, the constant presence.
In our 21st-century societal structure, it’s very easy to over-separate things. People may think of God the Father as the boss, the one who is really running the show and the main player. Jesus runs the PR department; he’s the face of the campaign. The Holy Spirit does all that touchy-feely stuff, hovering somewhere in the background.
God does not leave us bereft
In reality, all three are equal players and are of equal status, but all have distinctive characteristics.
Jesus says he and the Father are one and the same and yet, in the form of Jesus, God laid down his status, aligned himself to us with empathy and compassion, and climbed under the skin of humanity even to the point of being tortured by crucifixion.
But, being God, Jesus never lost sight of his divinity – he could not be less than who he truly is. He could not deny his power. He beat death, rising from the dead and making a way for humanity to be in eternal relationship with the three-in-one God. He overcame the human condition and makes us co-winners alongside him.
On leaving the Earth in flesh-form, God does not leave us alone, rejected and bereft. He sends the Holy Spirit to comfort, direct and speak to us in many and various ways. The Bible says the Spirit is poured out on all people. When we move towards Jesus, we become alive to the Holy Spirit, who shows us the truth, opens our eyes and directs us towards completeness.
Jesus said: ‘I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you for ever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you’ (John 14:16 and 17 New International Version).
Excerpt taken from First 30 Days of Walking with Jesus by Carrie and David Grant, published by SPCK. ISBN 978-0-281-08678-8
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