1 minute read

No Sweat(er

A few hand stitches and you’ve got yourself a fall-inspired craft.

Here’s a super-simple DIY: upcycling a thrifted wool sweater into a small pumpkin for your autumn décor. Supplies Needed: sweater, scissors, needle and thread, scrap fabric or other material for stuffing, leather cord, green felt (optional). Step 1 Head to your local Salvation Army thrift store and find a wool sweater. Depending on your décor, go with an orange, grey or off-white one. Next, felt the sweater by washing it in hot water. Step 2 Cut one of the sleeves off. This will make the pumpkin and stem. Step 3 Turn the sleeve inside out. Knot one of the ends, then turn it outside in. Step 4 Fill the sleeve three-quarters full with the stuffing. Stitch the top closed. Step 5 Now you’re ready to create the curves of your pumpkin. Start with a stitch at the top, then stitch the bottom and pull the thread for the bumps in your pumpkin. Do this six to eight times and pull the thread tight. Adjust the vertical thread as needed, and knot the threads. Step 6 Wrap the stem using a leather cord. Tie it at the top, then trim the remaining wool. Next, you can hide the ends of the cord in the top of the stem. Finally, use felt or an upcycled wool sweater for the leaves. And you’re done! You can make one more pumpkin using the other sleeve.

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(left) Denise Corcoran (aka Thrifty By Design) is an author, upcycler, community builder and workshop facilitator based in North Vancouver. She shares her enthusiasm for crafting and upcycling by facilitating “Crafternoons” throughout Vancouver. She is also a creative expert for The Salvation Army’s thrift stores. Find a thrift store near you at thriftstore.ca. The Salvation Army continues to provide its essential services to the vulnerable, but to ensure the safety of clients and staff, some thrift stores remain temporarily closed due to COVID-19.

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