Portfolio Salvatore Bucchieri_EN

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lighting designer site safety consultant architectural restoration

A r c h . S a lvat o r e B u c c h i e r i









CURRICULUM VITAE SALVATORE BUCCHIERI (IT) +39 380 7521588 (EN) +44 7827 768605 salvo.bucchieri@gmail.com Linkedin: Clik here CV completo: Clik here

Architect lighting designer site safety consultant architectural restoration

eDUCATION 2009-2012 Roma Tre University – Faculty of Architecture Master’s degree in architecture Final grade: 110/110

2013 CEFME/CTP Roma Diploma in management of prevention and protection service RSPP course – 112 hours

2006-2009 Bachelor Degree in Architectural sciences Roma Tre University – Faculty of Architecture

2012 CEFME/CTP Roma e Diploma in Management of site safety Workplace safety – 120 hours 2001-2006 Scientific secondary school “E. Fermi” – Ragusa


work experience 2012 - 2014 Fabertechnica s.a.s. Lighting designer, Project manager

Main project: Sistine Chapel - Maesurements and lighting project. (Vatican City)

2012 - 2014 (PART time) ROMATRE UNIVERSITY

Teaching support lighting design cours Responsible for the start up of the new lighting laboratory Main Field: teaching lighting, students support, laboratory activities support (measurments, reports, theaching)

Event “Bulgari and Style�- Project, istallation supervision. (Milan) Papal Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi - Coordination, measurements, and lighting project. (Assisi)

Luneur Park (amusement park) - functional and scenography lighting project (Rome)

Street light masterplan at Pescara City Project, coordination, client care. (Pescara)


2013 (part time) site safety consultant Main activities and responsibilities: Control of safety compliance on site and project consultant for site safety



Dissertation award: “Nunzio Leggio” - ALUI, Associazione per la Libera Università degli Iblei. Ragusa, June 2013

Dissertation publication “The Development of the Processes of Site Analysis as an Effective Tool for the Lighting Project: the Case of Santa Maria delle Scale path in Ragusa, Sicily” -- www.architettura.uniroma3.it (Rome, settembre 2013) Author: Salvatore Bucchieri -- “Luce&esign” (Milan, ottobre 2013) Author: Arch. Sara Berta

personal statement I am a scrupulous, ambitious and creative professional. I am accustomed to having important responsibilities and deciding autonomously if it is required. I have an excellent ability to work in team. I am good at coordinating and problem solving. I have excellent communication skills with team members, customers and institutions. I have developed ability in organizing my work and defining priorities as well as taking responsible decisions in order to respect deadlines and targets not overlooking my working ability in stressful situation.


lighting design

Dissertation “The development of the processes of site analysis as an effective tool for the lighting project: the Case of Santa Maria delle Scale path in Ragusa, Sicily�

The aim was developing a standard to do context analysis to value the site and discover criticalities.


Analisi The main basic was “know to recognize�, i.e. to be able read to the context in the best way. So I identified the most important architectures and these were analyzed.


An investigation on the peculiarities of the sicilian baroque was made through direct and indirect sources with the support of local architectonic experts and the excellent contribution of Prof. Francesca Romana Stabile of the RomaTre University.


menti, ai quali sono stati attribuiti parametri illuminotecnici che fungeranno da linee guida per le successive fasi progettuali.

Analisi e concept Through an analytical method developed in this thesis, the landscape was broken up in different parts. For each part, there was a specific lighting value to give a correct weight to each element.


Another type of analysis was made on historical buildings. Therefore, different solutions of lighting systems were tested. The results of these tests were compared. The lighting strategy that used the architectonic analysis as guide, was the best. In this page there are some extracts from the thesis.


Led4art project - sistine chapel led system - vatican city A Fabertecnica S.a.s project with OSRAM and University of Pannonia Main responsibilities: Lighting project and rmesurements supervisor.


Processing data about luminance of the Michelangelo’s vault.




Daylighting - Luminance value according to the seasons


Studies and simulations


4000 k

3500 k

3250 k

Mock up - Color temperature testing


New LED system for Papal Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi - Fabertechnica S.a.s (Assisi) Main responsibilities: Coordination, measurements and lighting project.


Definition of different scenarios: museum, services, emergency, gala.


Simulations of the different scenarios, below are some examples.



Mock up on nave and on transept


Mock up on nave. On the right the new project, on the left the system how it is now.


Street light masterplan to Pescara City - Fabertechnica S.a.s Main responsibilities: Project manager, lighting project, client care.


Location of the street lamps that are against the law for the lighting pollution. The street lamps were divided by typology.


Location of the interventions that were divided by typologies.


Every intervention was verified according to the law.



Survey of Stati Maccarani palace by Giulio Romano - Laboratory of monumental restoration 3m Prof.ssa Elisabetta Pallottino


Study of typologies of the walls and catalogation - Domus of Gorgons, Ostia Antica - Laboratory of architectonic restoration 2m - Prof. Antonio Pugliano


Survey and stratification of the east wall - Domus of Gorgons, Ostia Antica - Laboratory of architectonic restoration 2m Prof. Antonio Pugliano


Trilateration of Domus of Gorgons, and geometric study of the decoration of the mosaic, Ostia Antica - Laboratory of architectonic restoration 2m - Prof. Antonio Pugliano


Technical details for the philological reconstruction of the Domus delle Gorgons, Ostia Antica - Laboratory of architectonic restoration 2m - Prof. Antonio Pugliano


Longitudinal section of the “Casale Strozzi�, Rome - Laboratory of architectonic restoration - Prof. Michele Zampilli


Philological reconstruction of the floors of the “Casale Strozzi�, Rome - Laboratory of architectonic restoration


Philological reconstruction of floors of the “Casale Strozzi�, Rome - Laboratory of architectonic restoration



Project of a gallery in via Giulia, Rome - Laboratory of architecture design - Prof. Fulvio Leoni


Project of a gallery in via Giulia, Rome - Laboratory of architecture design - Prof. Fulvio Leoni


Project of a gallery in via Giulia, Rome - Laboratory of architecture design - Prof. Fulvio Leoni



Project of a single family home made of wood - Laboratory of the innovation technology - Prof. Gabriele Bellingeri


Project of a single family home made of wood - Laboratory of the innovation technology - Prof. Gabriele Bellingeri


A r c h . S a lvat o r e B u c c h i e r i

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