Language games

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Teacher : Mrs Salwa Mellekh

LANGUAGE GAMES (for beginners) GAME 1: Changing the word letter by letter : [words with FOUR (=4) letters!] I will post a word and the next person must change only one letter of it to make a new word. So, if I put "WALL", the next poster could change the letter W into T to make it TALL, and the person after that could put "TALK". Easy, isn't it?!

GAME 2: Associations One person gives a word and next player is supposed to write his/her association for this word. Next person writes association for the association. It could look like this: person A: a nut person B: a squirrel (association for the nut) person C: a park (association for the squirrel)

GAME 3 : Word chain Everybody knows chainwords. Let's have our own) Remember the rule? The last letter of one word is the first letter of the next one. OK, let's see how long our chain can be) My first word is - teacher -

GAME 4 : Odd Word Out (which word does not fit with the others?) Find the word which does not fit with the others:

EXAMPLE: bicycle - taxi - bus - airplane - car - truck

CORRECT ANSWER: "airplane" does not fit with the other words, because it isn't a land vehicle.

Teacher : Mrs Salwa Mellekh

Game 5 : Words that sound the same - but have different spelling and meaning (omophones) - and there are hundreds of them like to/too, our/hour, whole/hole and so on. The idea is to make combined words and to make the next word with the last part of the former word. Game 6: Combine and connect The idea is to make combined words and to make the next word with the last part of the former word.

Let me give you an example: racehorse - horsefly - flywheel - wheelchair - ...... Both parts of the combined words should be real words. Game 7: Word in Disorder (FIVE letters) Could we try to play the same game with FIVE letters? And maybe that would give more than just one result... Let's give it a try and see how it runs Let me give the first mix: a c h r m = march n u l e c = uncle e i l m s = smile Smile and the whole world smiles with you!l

game 8 : Most Europeans read words from left to right but in other culture people are used to reading the other way (from right to left). Let's play a game in which words can be read both ways, shall we? for example: on - no stop - pots

Teacher : Mrs Salwa Mellekh

So you're invited to suggest such words. (we may end up with a nice collection) I'll start with top - pot

game 9 : the ministers cat Know the game? The aim is to invent as many adjectives, as we can. To make game in the forum easier, each person has to put adjective on the next letter of the alphabet. I start with 'a', the next person needs to use 'b' and so on. After 'z' we return to 'a'. The minister's cat is an abandoned cat.

Game 10 :Find the mistake in this sentence (ONE mistake) Usually we try to avoid making mistakes in what we write - but in this game the aim is to compose sentences with ONE mistake which has to be found from other users.

The user who added the correct version of the previous sentence in his answer leaves another incorrect sentence with ONE mistake (any mistake - like wrong spelling, incorrect word order, wrong preposition etc)

Could be a nice section for users with lower English level, if the sentences are not too difficult...

game 11 :spelling quiz 1 - Which is the correct spellling? Which is the correct spellling? a) misterious b) mysterious a) acommodate b) accomodate c) accommodate d) acomodate a) opportunity b) oppertunity

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