SAmantha SUDY Ar c hi tect
Desi gn er
M u lt i - D i s c i p l i na r y
in a nutshell I’m a hunter , in constant search of intimate discussion. It stirs creative thinking that breeds good design, while open-mindedness oils the machine. As designers, we must keep an open mind. Diversity in thought directly affects design. This dynamic fascinates me — overlapping professions energized by collaboration. I seek environments that foster this sort of complexity, generating controversial dialogue in which my eager voice aspires to partake. I believe that when thoughts are voiced, great ideas can spring forth. The world could use some more great ideas.
I love minions [kids]. I’ve coached little league basketball and led architecture classes at local schools. When I was 16, I received a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, alongside my dad. My travel experience includes places such as New Zealand, South Africa, Norway, and many points in between.
university of oregon
crazy turnip llc
Washington state university b.s . Archi tectu ral st u d i es - 2 0 12
Developed an architectural brand image for Caffe Umbria, schematic renderings, construction and cabinetry drawings.
Contributed to firm projects through design charettes, concurrently completed the hosted studio course.
Works partnership
MEYSEN Academy
Red-line edits, study models and interior elevation drawings, concurrently completed my graduate thesis project.
Instructed English as a Foreign Language for early childhood development of Japanese children in Sendai, Japan.
ADA analysis of GSA and other government-based projects, project cost estimates, and specifications.
Drafted electrical circuit boards and developed a database of hydraulic valve characteristics.
master o f archi tectur e - 2 0 14
I nt e r n A r c hit e ct - 201 4
sk etchup a u to ca d v r ay a r tla n ti s
I nt e r n A r c hit e ct - 201 2
p o d i um a d o b e su i te
I nt e r n A r c hit e ct - prese nt
# 360.204.4594
portland, or
St ude nt resi de nt - 201 0
Int e rn V olunt e e r - 2008
sum m e r E ngi ne e ri ng Ai de - 2006 & 2007
let’s connect. linkedin
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