Craving For Financial Freedom.

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Have you ever felt trapped in a Rat Race and wished to retire quickly but rich? Have you ever felt that you are spending way too much time working with your boss at your office instead of with those you love? Your spouse, children, friends? Have you ever felt frustrated because you are so deep in debt that you think you won't be able to retire because as soon as you do, the money will stop coming and thus you won't be able to pay off your mortgages and credit card? Have you ever felt that you have no control over your life anymore in terms of time? Think about it: can you take a vacation just anytime whenever you want/ need it and as long as you want/ need it? Have you ever wished that you can work whenever you want and wherever you want? You are not the only one! Too many people are trapped in a Rat Race because they have to. There are too many bills to pay, and too many dreams to fulfill. To them it seems that there is just no way to quit their job and enjoy life, travel and see the world with their loved ones. Most people work because their bills tell them to, not because they really love to do it. Most people enslave themselves to their debt or job, because (they think) they have no choice. This is when the craving for achieving financial freedom come in. Freedom to choose when to work, without worries about income cuts. Freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, without worries about your employment or your boss. Freedom to take an expensive vacation, without worries about retrenchments thereafter. Freedom to do what you like, instead of what you've got to do, without worries about whether or not what you like generates enough income for you. If you seriously crave for financial freedom, finding a better job with a higher paycheck is not going to work. Higher paychecks would usually mean more expensive lifestyle, more needs, more mortgages you THINK you can afford, more responsibilities thus more working hours and more time to spend at the office instead with your loved ones. And there is always the same problem: as soon as you stop, the money stops. If you understand this, you will come to see that financial freedom is not measured by how much

money you make by working, but by how long your money can support your normal lifestyle when you stop working. And financial freedom is definitely not about accumulating abundant riches. It is about a golden chance to live abundantly! Imagine! With financial freedom, you will have more quality time to spend with your family and friends. You will have more control over your life to do whatever you want, whatever you love, whatever you're passionate about. You will be able to give more, help others, make your part of the world a better place to live! You will be able to spend as much or as little time with your business as you choose. You will be able to come and go at will. What a great chance to live abundantly! Is craving for financial freedom realistic? Yes it is. It is not impossible to achieve it. Ordinary people have achieved financial freedom. They may not have their own luxurious yacht, but they have the time and the money to take their family on an expensive cruise to the most expensive spot on earth. There are basically only two fundamental things ordinary people have known for decades to achieving financial freedom: 1. Manage your time and money! Time and money are the only two factors that keep people from achieving financial freedom. To duplicate the success of people who have reached financial freedom, you do not need to have self-confidence, super intelligence, high education, great luck, hard-work or great career path. Although those are all good characteristics, they are not fundamental to achieve financial freedom. All you need is a good time and money management, which would also result in high productivity! Invest your time in creating extra money that you can later invest. You can do that by taking up a part-time job or working overtime. As soon as you have more extra income, be a responsible manager of your own money! Live less than your income so you can start investing. It is from investing in a business that will one day generate income for you and sets you financially free from having to work for a living. As much as possible avoid borrowing money for anything at all. I believe everybody has been taught about the negatives of being in a debt, but very few have been taught to consider the benefits of being debt-free. By being debt-free, you will have more money to invest. Ask yourself this question: how difficult would it be to create an extra $1,000 a month by cutting expenses and by investing the money you normally use to pay your debt? 2. Start investing in your own business to create passive income! Passive income is income which requires little or no work at all. The example would be writing a

book and get paid forever on it, traditionally investing huge capital or starting your own business. As a passionate home-business owner myself, I believe that having your own home-business is by far the most powerful way to create passive income. It takes only small start-up capital and you will have extra tax benefits. It is easier to generate passive income by having your own business than by traditionally investing. If your goal was generating $40,000 annually you would need $1,000,000 to invest at 4% interest. Very few people have this much start-up capital. But there are many ordinary people who have become home-business entrepreneurs and generated $40,000 annually by investing very small capital. Finally, quoting Robert Bolton, "A belief is not merely an idea that the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind", the idea that even ordinary people like you can achieve financial freedom should possess your mind and you will not be denied.

Dinar P. Wiria-Atmadja is the owner and writes for, helping families and individuals achieve financial freedom in years instead of decades. Visit the site here at You are free to publish this article to your site as long as you include the resource box with the author's name and an active link to and the article is not changed.

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