The Texas - Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International Invite ALL Leaders to
Mid-winter GROWTH Conference Presented by Governor Bill Your T/O Growth Team
Governor Bill and First Lady Carol Invite you to join us, February 7 - 8, 2014 At the DFW Airport Marriott 8440 Freeport Parkway, Irving, TX
Please register online at for the conference Call the Marriott for your reservations at 972.929.8800
Happy New Year to You And Your Club!
Dear Texas Oklahoma District Kiwanians: We would like to personally invite you and your club members to our upcoming Mid Year Conference on February 7-8, 2014 at the DFW Marriott. This year we are rolling out a new and different type of Mid Winter hosted by our Growth Team. We also are beginning our Kiwanis International Campaign for Growth. Each club is asked to send current President and President elect. We will have growth specialists on hand to help you construct a plan specific to your club’s needs. Workshops will be geared at providing you with all the tools needed to help you plan a successful membership campaign. Texas Oklahoma is faced with a challenge. Our sponsored leadership programs continue to grow leaving us with a very serious issue – There are not enough Kiwanis clubs and member to support these students. Key Club alone expects to exceed 18,000 members this year. How will we work together to grow our clubs to support these important programs – join us to find out how! Growing this District is number one on our agenda! In the first two months of this year
we have seen an increase of +111. These are very promising results. Please mark your calendar to join us for this weekend of growth. Hope to see you there!
Governor Bill Rauhauser
Governor-elect Colleen Biggerstaff
KI Trustee to Texas Oklahoma Dennis Oliver
Greetings and a Very Happy Healthy New Year to My Texas-Oklahoma Friends!!
As your Counselor, I learned early on of your many years of innovative service and a history of outstanding leadership. Now, as Kiwanis’s 100th birthday is fast approaching in 2015, I can’t imagine a more exciting time to be a Kiwanian. Governor Bill and Susan Hennum have introduced the “I LOVE MY CLUB” materials, and are rolling out a much needed growth initiative that will impact every club. New clubs will be built in communities where children have been denied the Kiwanis experience. There are opportunities for all members to get involved at the Club, Division, and District Levels. Your Mid-Year Convention will outline each club’s plan to grow so “JUMP IN” and find where you can best contribute. As your No. 1 cheerleader, I can’t wait to celebrate your victories!! Dennis Oliver Board Counselor, T/O District
Join us Friday Evening when the Past Lt. Governor’s Association honors our Past and Present Sponsored Leadership Program Administrators. Come say thank you to those who helped us build one of the largest and best programs for students in all of Kiwanis International. Cost of Dinner $30 per ticket
Breakfast on your Own Saturday and Sunday $12.00 per ticket Order tickets at
Is it your time to lead? Having the right leaders in place to help grow your club Calling All CLE Trainers—If you are a current CLE trainer or are interesting in becoming a CLE trainer, this workshop is for you! Stepping up to Serve as Lt. Governor—Are you interested in serving as Lt. Governor next year. Come find out what you can expect as one of the District leaders. Sam Curry Chairman Education/Training
Lt Governor Meet with New Club Building Chairs This forum is for Lt. Governors and their Division New Club Building Chair. It will help you meet this year's goal of selecting a location where your Division can build a new club within 5 years. Learn how new clubs strengthen the critical mass of your division, build support for new Service Leadership Programs, and expand the Kiwanis image of service. Jim Walther and John Martin District Co-Chairs New Club Building
How Can The T/O Geek Squad Help You?? Come find out! How to Market your club and its projects to your community Let our Geek Squad teach you how to market your club activities Making technology work for you Be sure your club has everything it needs to be competitive in today’s market. Marshall Kregel Technology Chairman
You Will Leave This Weekend with Your Own Club Growth Campaign Getting Your Club Ready to Accept Members Is Your club Open For Business or Do you Need to be flipped! Making your club attractive to younger members How do you solicit Young Professionals?
Susan Hennum KI USA Region 3 Growth Campaign Chair T/O Membership Chair
Wondering where your next member could come from? Need some contacts to add members to your Kiwanis Club? Well let me offer a suggestion, there are about 18,000 Key Club members in the Texas-Oklahoma District that all have parents that should be on your prospective membership list. Why, because they see the service and reward Key Club membership brings to their son or daughter and to the community. Besides the opportunity to establish new contact, there is an opportunity to also use the service work as a marketing tool for your club. Let’s get together at MidWinter and talk about how we use this network of Key Clubs to grow our local clubs." Walt Roetter Key Club District Administrator
Greg Beard Kiwanis International Co-Chair Lead and Major Gifts Eliminate Campaign
Greg has been a Kiwanian since 1995 when he joined the Kiwanis Club of Alexandria, Louisiana. He served as the 2011-12 Distinguished Governor for the Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee (LaMissTenn) District. He is a Life Member and a Past Distinguished President. Greg is a Hixson Ambassador and a Walter E. Zellar Charter Fellow. Greg and Lisa are a Major Gift Donor to The ELIMINATE Project. Greg is currently serving as a Co-Chair for The ELIMINATE Project’s Lead and Major Gifts Committee. He is also the USA-Region 2 Growth Chair for the Campaign for Growth. Greg is a former member of Builder’s Club, Key Club and Circle K. Greg graduated from Alexandria Senior High School and received his Bachelor of General Studies from Louisiana State of University in Baton Rouge. He received his Juris Doctorate from Southern Law Center in Baton Rouge. Greg is a partner with his brother in Beard & Beard, LLC-Attorneys. He is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association and the Louisiana Cattlemen’s Association. Greg also serves as a Deputy Sheriff/Diver for the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Department. Greg is married to the former Lisa Ware of Rayville, Louisiana and they reside in Alexandria. Greg and Lisa have one son, Tyler, who is 17 years old. Greg was ordained a deacon in 1999 at Calvary Baptist Church. He has served as Chairman of the Calvary Deacon Body. He currently serves on various church committees.
For Tickets Go to
Kiwanis Disaster Relief Backpack Project During our forum you will learn how your club can get involved in this project on the local level as well as on the district level. You will learn about suggested items for each age/ gender for the backpacks, best places to purchase items or get items donated for the project, how it can and will benefit your local community, suggested places and ways to use this project in your community and to get the recognition that your club deserves. Robin Meyer District Chair
How To Use The Eliminate Project In Your Club “Serving the Children of the World,� the motto of Kiwanis International, is what motivates Kiwanians and Kiwanis Clubs to participate in The Eliminate Project. Membership growth, personal growth, generosity in giving, new fundraisers, visibility in the community, and building relationships with our Service Leadership Programs are just a few of the ways that participation in The Eliminate Project has made a difference in Kiwanis Clubs around the world. Learn how we can join together to build our clubs in so many different ways. The Eliminate Project is an opportunity to come together and get creative about how to make your club bigger and better than ever before. Francine Eikner T/O District Eliminate Chair
Dear Club Presidents, You have spent all morning learning and collecting information. Now it is time to put your pen to paper and write a Growth Plan tailored to your specific club. Representatives from the International and District Growth Campaign will be on hand to help you complete this task. It is our goal that you will leave with a plan in hand to immediately start to grow your membership. Susan Hennum Texas Oklahoma District Membership Chair Kiwanis International USA Region 3 Growth Campaign Chair
Still have questions regarding the Governance proposed Changed from Long Range Planning. Representatives from the LRPC will be on hand Saturday afternoon from 5:10—6:00 to answer any questions that you have. Will Be Held in Workshop Room
TIME: 6:30 PM
Be sure to look for our booth and get your raffle ticket!
Print and Bring With You Friday 1:00 -5 pm
Board Meeting
Govenor Bill
2:00 -5pm
Zone Campaign Chair Training
Earl Forbes, KI Regional Development Strategist Susan Hennum KI USA 3 Regional Growth Chair
6:00 pm
Dinner $30
Opening of Mid Winter
Governor Bill
Honoring Our SLP Administrators of the Past and Present Hosted by the PLGA
Darrell Hawkes President, PLGA
Saturday Breakfast on your Own - $12/ticket Morning Workshops 8:00 – 8:50 am How to Market your club and its projects to your community
Marshall Kregel
SLP – Using Kiwanis Kids Programs to Grow
Margaret Davis
Is it your time to lead?
Sam Curry
9 – 9:50 am Getting Your Club Ready to Accept Members
Susan Hennum & Jim Walther
SLP – Using Builders Club Programs to Grow
Dennis Hogan
Calling all CLE trainers…is this job for you?
Sam Curry
10:00 – 10:50 Making your club attractive to younger members
Susan Hennum
SLP – Using your Key Club to market yourself
Walt Roetter
Stepping Up to Serve as Lt. Governor next year!
Colleen Biggerstaff & Sam Curry
11:00 – 11:50 am Making technology work for you
Marshall Kregel
SLP – Are you capturing your local CKI graduates? Why starting a CKI is a good idea!
Scott Kimball
Lt. Governors to meet with New Club Building Chairs & Earl Forbes
12:00 noon Lunch
Guest Speaker Greg Bead
Everyone sits with their Lt. Governor. Will have Division and Club reservation signs on tables. 1:00 pm – 5pm Open Afternoon Session
Governor Bill
Everyone will stay in the main ballroom
District Backpack Project
Robin Meyer & Marshall Kregel
How all clubs can use the District Backpack project to promote their club Putting together the project in your club How to market the project Eliminate
Francine Eikner
Growth Team & Earl Forbes
How to use Eliminate in your club
Putting Together a Growth Campaign
This will be a 2 hour work session. Lt. Governors and Zone Growth Chairs will work with individual clubs to put a plan on paper. Multiple clubs can work together to form city wide campaigns 5:10 – Question and Answers for Governance Proposals
Will be held In Workshop room Dinner 6:30 Sophomore of The Year District Winners
Sunday Board Meets
Goodbye & Good Luck with your Club Growth Campaign!!!!
T-O District Foundation
Register Online Today !! All Kiwanians must register at or mail in the attached registration form. Online / Mail-in Registration is $20/ member. Registration the day of the conference is $25/member and participation in meal functions will NOT be guaranteed to those not pre-registered before the conference.
Please print and use the following form IF you choose to register by mail. PLEASE NOTE that all HOTEL registrations must be made by January 21st to insure the $99.00 rate. PLEASE NOTE that all MAIL-IN registrations for the conference MUST be made by January 21st .