Ashford bus 433 entire course new business strategy

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ASHFORD BUS 433 Entire Course New Business Strategy purchase

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ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 1 DQ 1 Nature of Strategic Planning

Nature of Strategic Planning. In a 250-300 word post, answer the following questions: What is strategic planning? How does it differ from other forms of planning? Why is the strategic planning process important to entrepreneurs in starting a new venture? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 1 DQ 2 Strategic and Entrepreneurial Thinking Strategic and Entrepreneurial Thinking. In a 250-300 word post, respond to the following: Provide a definition of entrepreneurial thinking. What role does entrepreneurial thinking play in strategic planning? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 1 Quiz 1.Question :To make winning moves, managers must find _______ and ______ that meet customer demands.

sales, products

business models, products

profitable patterns, business models

business models, sales

2.Question :What a company currently is best at is incorporated into its _____________.





3.Question :_____________ strategies differ from _______________ ones.

Original, adapted

Original, realized

Realized, intended

Intended, original

4.Question :Changes in the rules of the “game� of strategy occur not only because of variations in the legal and ethical climate, but also because of changes in technology and __________.





5.Question :To achieve sustained competitive advantage, a manager must

Lower prices

Locate in another territory

Meet customer demands

Have presence on the Internet

6.Question :A strategic inflection point may arise from

new technologies

transformations in competitor values and preferences

constant regulatory conditions

all of the above

7.Question :

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism to protect a firm’s sustained competitive advantage (SCA)?

The industry structure

Peculiar configurations of resources, capabilities, and competencies

Continuous positioning and repositioning

All of the above are protection mechanisms

8.Question :EVA means

Every value available

Enhanced value added

Economic value advantage

Economic value added

9.Question :______________ is the evolution of a general idea through continually changing circumstances.





10.Question :The goal of strategic management is

sustained customer advantage

sustained comparative advantage

sustained competitive advantage

sustained collaborative advantage ASHFORD BUS 433 Complete Week 2 Quiz and DQs ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 2 DQ 1 Internal Competencies

Internal Competencies. In planning, one component to explore is how an entrepreneurial organization’s internal competencies help to achieve a strategic advantage in the marketplace. In a 250-300 word response, answer the following: What steps/actions would an entrepreneur take to determine whether the entrepreneurial venture has the appropriate internal competencies to achieve competitive advantage? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 2 DQ 2 External Feedback

External Feedback. Select a company and in a 250-300 word response, identify what you believe are the company’s “listening posts” (key opportunities) for getting feedback from the external environment. Could the company expand its listening posts? How? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 2 Quiz

1.Question :The strategist should examine the ______ and ______ of an industry.

development, evolution

development, attractiveness

structure, development

structure, attractiveness

2.Question :____________ sees the organization as a combination of resources, capabilities, and competencies.

IO economics


The stakeholder view

The industrial economics view

3.Question :In a matrix structure, employees have _______ reporting arrangements.





4.Question :_________ theory explains how to scrutinize, investigate, and break down an organization’s strengths and weaknesses.





5.Question :The most sensible choice if one’s company cannot be the dominant player in its industry is to _____________.

scale economies

differentiate product


increase capital

6.Question :__________ constrain the prices of industry’s products.

New entrants

Existing rivals



7.Question :Scale economies relate to

per-unit costs

selling prices

bargaining power of suppliers

bargaining power of customers

8.Question :Which of the following is NOT one of Porter’s five industry forces?

existing rivals

new entrants



9.Question :By value, Porter essentially meant _______.





10.Question :___________ provide access to new markets, give customers benefits, and are difficult for competitors to imitate.




Core competencies ASHFORD BUS 433 Complete Week 3 Quiz and DQs

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 3 DQ 1 New Opportunities

New Opportunities. Most successful businesses are focused on existing markets and may not have the vision to spot new products and services. Respond to the following in a 250 -300 word post: Is this happening where you work? Does this lack of vision provide you an opportunity to develop an entrepreneurial venture? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 3 DQ 2 Expansion

Expansion. Identify an entrepreneurial venture and in a 250-300 word response, answer the following questions: What circumstances might encourage the entrepreneur to enter into a new business area by acquisition? What different circumstances would encourage the same entrepreneur to merge with another company? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 3 Quiz

1.Question :Corporate strategy deals with __________.

how the firm competes

the scope of the firm

role of each function

deciding what functions to perform

2.Question :____________ are critical elements in successful M&As.

Management strategies


Portfolio management


3.Question :According to the BCG matrix, the strategy for _______ is to invest in them and increase their share of the firm’s overall business.

cash cows


question marks


4.Question :A sensitivity analysis is based on

levels of awareness

different assumptions about motivations

organizational politics

all of the above

5.Question :___________ movers take risks in anticipation of high returns.





6.Question :________ firms diversify to a minor degree, but typically no more than 30 percent.





7.Question :The ability to achieve new resource configurations is a _______________________.

core competence

dynamic capability

distinctive competence


8.Question :Superior advantage in a ______ position comes from managing critical ________ well.

differentiated, cost drivers

differentiated, value drivers

low-cost, value drivers

low-cost, cost drivers

9.Question :Quick strategic moves that remake ________ and do not elicit adequate responses from rivals are crucial for success.

corporate strategies

business strategies

business models

value chains

10.Question :______ emphasizes the importance of considering the timing of the moves of one’s competitors with the timing of one’s own moves.


Game theory


Value chain

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 3 Strategy Change

Strategy Change. In a 2-3 page paper, identify an organization that has changed its strategy

(example: moving from differentiation to low cost) in the marketplace. Why do you think the company has

made its strategic change? How did it determine the appropriate time to make the change? What have been

the results? Use at least three references, two from ProQuest. ASHFORD BUS 433 Complete Week 4 Quiz and DQs

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 4 DQ 1 Process of Innovation

Process of Innovation. Respond to the following in a 250 -300 word post: Discuss the four main elements needed to bring an innovative idea to the marketplace. What are then some of the difficulties facing successful innovation? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 4 DQ 2 Global Expansions

Global Expansions. In a 250-300 word post, answer the following questions: Are

there different ethical risks an entrepreneur faces if entering a market in a developed country as compared to a market in an undeveloped country? Identify those ethical risks. What recommendations would you make to such an entrepreneur about ethical risks? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 4 Quiz

1.Question :According to Porter, the diamond framework affects the competitiveness of ________ and ___________ as well as firms.

competitors, complementors

nations, regions

customers, suppliers

suppliers, competitors

2.Question :In new ventures, financial projections and risk analysis are part of a ___________.

strategic plan

corporate plan

business plan

loan plan

3.Question :“Conventional wisdom argues that domestic competition is wasteful. It leads to __________ and prevents companies from achieving economies of scale . . .�

duplication of effort

higher prices

fierce domestic competition

downgrading of the sources of competitive advantage

4.Question :In the _____ method of forecasting, successive requisitioning in light of initial answers sharpens the results obtained.

Trend analysis

Alternative scenarios


Time series

5.Question :Comparative growth rates of nations in the major industrial nations after World War II was ___________.




remained the same

6.Question :A firm that is considering doing business abroad must have a rationale and logic for how it can compensate for and overcome the liabilities and disadvantages that arise from its _______________.





7.Question :The evolution of ___________ is a critical element in the formulation of a company’s strategy.


business strategy

corporate strategy

industry structures

8.Question :In the __________ stage of industry evolution, there is a shakeout among the competition.





9.Question :_____ ensures _______’s broad application.

invention, innovation

innovation, invention

innovation, exploitation

invention, exploitation

10.Question :The technology-push model of innovation starts with ___________.

discoveries in basic science and engineering

business venture

exploiting new technologies


ASHFORD BUS 433 Complete Week 5 DQs and Final Paper

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 5 DQ 1 Challenges to Industry Giants

Challenges to Industry Giants. In your lifetime, do you think companies such as Coke, McDonald’s, or Google will be overtaken by new, entrepreneurial companies? In a 200-250 word response, indicate why you selected your answer. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 5 DQ 2 Industry Change

Industry Change. Select an industry. In a 250-300 word response, describe the strategic turning points that caused change in the industry. Identify and describe how one company within the industry successfully reacted to the need for change. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

ASHFORD BUS 433 Week 5 Final Paper

Focus of the Final Paper

Imagine that you are the entrepreneur who has created a successful new venture. The venture is posed to expand domestically and internationally. In a 6-8 page paper, excluding title and reference pages, address the following:

1. Identify what strategic leadership skills are needed for your entrepreneurial venture to take it to the next growth level. How will you evaluate the leaders in your venture to determine if they have the strategic leadership skills needed?

2. In planning to take the entrepreneurial venture to another country, identify the challenges/problems the venture may face. What guidelines will you provide for managers to deal with the challenges/problems?

3. What is the current level of entrepreneurial activities in the United States? Overall, is the climate for entrepreneurship improving or worsening? Your evaluation will determine whether strategic moves will be made to expand the venture domestically.

4. As you work on your strategic plan for expansion, what kind of expansion model will you use: internal venturing, acquisitions, mergers, etc? What were the circumstances that influenced your choice?

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