Bus 475 integrated business topics complete class

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BUS 475 Integrated Business Topics /Complete Class Purchase here http://www.chosecourses.net/product/bus-475-integrated-business-topics-complete-class/ or http://chosecourses.com/product/bus-475-integrated-business-topics-complete-class/

Description BUS 475 Integrated Business Topics /Complete Class

BUS 475 Week 2 Individual Assignment - Strategic Plan, Part I- Conceptualizing a Business Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business’s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Include the following: Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.o Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future. Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.o Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization’s strategic direction.o Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Prepare to discuss this assignment with the class.

BUS 475 Week 2 Team Assignment - Value Alignment Discuss with your Learning Team an existing organization with which you are familiar that is different than the one you used for the Conceptualizing a Business paper. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the individual values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Include the following in your paper: Analyze the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of your personal and workplace values. Explain how your individual values drive your actions and behaviors, and analyze the alignment between your values and actions and behaviors.

Analyze the degree of alignment between the organization’s stated values and the organization’s actual plans and actions. Explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Discussion Questions What is a SWOTT analysis? What is its purpose in strategic planning? Must you conduct a SWOTT analysis to have an effective strategic plan? Why or why not? Describe SWOTT analysis? What role does it play in strategic planning? To develop effective strategic plan is it necessary to do SWOTT analysis? Give reasons. In the development of strategic plan what are main internal contemplations to an organization? Which contemplation holds the most important position and why? In the development of strategic plan what are main external contemplations to an organization? Which contemplation holds the most important position and why? Enlist major factors of planning for competitive success? Give an example where company achieved competitive success due to effective planning. Also give an example where company fails to achieve competitive success due to ineffective planning.

BUS 475 Week 3 Individual Assignment - Strategic Plan, Part II- SWOTT Analysis Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business. Discuss with your Learning Team the forces and trends below that must be taken into consideration while developing a strategic plan. Given today’s business environment and each Learning Team members’ selected business idea, provide a list of the lessons learned from your Learning Team’s discussion for each of the items listed below. Use this discussion to complete this assignment. Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. External forces and trends considerations: Legal and regulatory Global Economic Technological Innovation

Social Environmental Competitive analysis Internal forces and trends considerations: Strategy Structures Processes and systems Resources Goals Strategic capabilities Culture Technologies Innovations Intellectual property Leadership

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word synopsis in which you analyze at least seven of the forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following: Include economic as well as legal and regulatory forces and trends. Critique how well the organization adapts to change. Analyze the supply chain operations of the organization. Identify issues and/or opportunities: Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis above. Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis. Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

BUS 475 Week 3 Team Assignment - Functional Area Interrelationships Select one organization of the Virtual Organizations from the student Web site. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you complete the following: State the primary reasons for the organization’s existence from an analysis of the mission, vision, values, and goals. Analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure employed by the organization, and identify the key positions that support that organizational structure. Identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process among the functional areas that must be employed to achieve organizational goals, and prepare an action plan to implement the collaboration process. Identify and provide an example of the use of lateral collaboration and vertical collaboration within the organization, and prepare an action plan to use lateral and vertical collaboration. Identify the key stakeholders and their roles needed to achieve the organizational goals, and recommend the collaborative interactions among the key stakeholders to facilitate the organization’s success. Discussion Questions What are the different types of strategies? What are the differences among these strategies? How do you determine which type of strategy is most appropriate for your organization? Enlist different types of strategies? Explain the differences among these strategies? Which strategy is best suited to your organization how will you decide? Explain strategic objectives and its purposes? How does a strategic objective become effective? Give examples of strategic objectives for your organization or a similar organization. Explain the difference among strategic objectives, long-term objectives and short-term objectives? How are objectives and goals related? Give example of this relationship. Define corporate governance? What is its role in strategic planning and how is it important? Illustrate your answer with an example.

BUS 475 Week 4 Individual Assignment - Strategic Plan, Part III-Balanced Scorecard Resources: Exhibit 7-1 in Ch. 7 of Strategic Management Develop the strategic objectives for your business in the format of a balanced scorecard. The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them

consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis. Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives: Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Market share Revenues and costs Profitability Competitive position

Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Customer retention or turnover Customer satisfaction Customer value

Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Measure of process performance Productivity or productivity improvement Operations metrics

Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Employee satisfaction Employee turnover or retention Level of organizational capability Nature of organizational culture or climate Technological innovation Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the following four balanced scorecard areas identified above (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week Three. Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential

risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection. For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, "The percentage of increase in market share." The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of "Increase market share" could be "Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years" of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.) Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that explains your critical thinking on how you derived your objectives from your vision, mission, values, and SWOTT analysis. Format paper according to APA guidelines.

BUS 475 Week 4 Team Assignment - Communication Plan Outline Develop a generic communications plan and template. This template will be used to develop a communication plan for your Final Strategic Plan, due in Week Five. Discussion Questions Why is it important to continuously update the implementation and communication of a strategic plan? Who should be responsible for updating and communicating a strategic plan? Why? Explain the reason of constant and essential updating of implementation and communication of a strategic plan? Who should be the in charge of the task i.e. updating and communicating a strategic plan? Why? Was the strategic plan of your organization been communicated to you? If yes then who and how was it communicated? If not how does it affect you organizational effectiveness? In general is it essential for the employees of the organization to know the strategic plan? Support reasons. What factors should be taken into account while developing a roadmap for a strategic plan? Give examples of external and internal change agents? What role change agents perform in the implementation of a roadmap for a strategic plan?

BUS 475 Week 5 Final Strategic Plan and Presentation Resources: Vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecards, and communication plan Write a 700- to 1,050-word section for your strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics. Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Finally, recommend actions needed to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and how they can improve corporate citizenship.

Combine your completed strategic plan. This includes the vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecard, and communication plan. Your consolidated final strategic plan should be 2,800 to 4,200 words in length. Prepare three to five MicrosoftÂŽ PowerPointÂŽ slides, in which you briefly outline the vision, mission, values, and balanced scorecard that you have developed for your business. Share your presentation with your classmates and provide substantive feedback by commenting on the work of your classmates.

Discussion Questions What are examples of regulatory issues that affect the controlling aspect of a strategic plan? What are examples of organizations that have failed to comply with regulatory requirements in controlling their strategic plans? What were some repercussions that these organizations have faced? Why supervision and management of strategic plans is essential? Who should be in charge for supervising and managing strategic plans? Why? What are the drawbacks faced if fall short of supervising and managing the strategic plans? As an employee describe your role in the strategic planning process of an organization. Also highlight your role in implementation process and in supervisizing and managing processes of an organization Week 1 Discussion Question Select a small business that you may want to start. What is strategic management and planning? Why would a strategic plan be important to the success of this business? How are the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing a strategic plan? Week 2,3 and 4 Summaries are Included BUS 475 Integrated Business Topics /Complete Class Product Code: BUS 475 Availability: In Stock $20.00 Qty + Description BUS 475 Integrated Business Topics /Complete Class

BUS 475 Week 2 Individual Assignment - Strategic Plan, Part I- Conceptualizing a Business

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business’s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Include the following: Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.o Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future. Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.o Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization’s strategic direction.o Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Prepare to discuss this assignment with the class.

BUS 475 Week 2 Team Assignment - Value Alignment Discuss with your Learning Team an existing organization with which you are familiar that is different than the one you used for the Conceptualizing a Business paper. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the individual values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Include the following in your paper: Analyze the origin(s) and subsequent evolution of your personal and workplace values. Explain how your individual values drive your actions and behaviors, and analyze the alignment between your values and actions and behaviors. Analyze the degree of alignment between the organization’s stated values and the organization’s actual plans and actions. Explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization’s values as reflected by the organization’s plans and actions. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Discussion Questions What is a SWOTT analysis? What is its purpose in strategic planning? Must you conduct a SWOTT analysis to have an effective strategic plan? Why or why not? Describe SWOTT analysis? What role does it play in strategic planning? To develop effective strategic plan is it necessary to do SWOTT analysis? Give reasons. In the development of strategic plan what are main internal contemplations to an organization? Which contemplation holds the most important position and why? In the development of strategic plan what are main external contemplations to an organization? Which contemplation holds the most important position and why?

Enlist major factors of planning for competitive success? Give an example where company achieved competitive success due to effective planning. Also give an example where company fails to achieve competitive success due to ineffective planning.

BUS 475 Week 3 Individual Assignment - Strategic Plan, Part II- SWOTT Analysis Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business. Discuss with your Learning Team the forces and trends below that must be taken into consideration while developing a strategic plan. Given today’s business environment and each Learning Team members’ selected business idea, provide a list of the lessons learned from your Learning Team’s discussion for each of the items listed below. Use this discussion to complete this assignment. Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table. External forces and trends considerations: Legal and regulatory Global Economic Technological Innovation Social Environmental Competitive analysis Internal forces and trends considerations: Strategy Structures Processes and systems Resources Goals Strategic capabilities Culture

Technologies Innovations Intellectual property Leadership

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word synopsis in which you analyze at least seven of the forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following: Include economic as well as legal and regulatory forces and trends. Critique how well the organization adapts to change. Analyze the supply chain operations of the organization. Identify issues and/or opportunities: Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis above. Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis. Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

BUS 475 Week 3 Team Assignment - Functional Area Interrelationships Select one organization of the Virtual Organizations from the student Web site. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you complete the following: State the primary reasons for the organization’s existence from an analysis of the mission, vision, values, and goals. Analyze the reason for the type of organizational structure employed by the organization, and identify the key positions that support that organizational structure. Identify and explain the steps of the collaboration process among the functional areas that must be employed to achieve organizational goals, and prepare an action plan to implement the collaboration process. Identify and provide an example of the use of lateral collaboration and vertical collaboration within the organization, and prepare an action plan to use lateral and vertical collaboration.

Identify the key stakeholders and their roles needed to achieve the organizational goals, and recommend the collaborative interactions among the key stakeholders to facilitate the organization’s success. Discussion Questions What are the different types of strategies? What are the differences among these strategies? How do you determine which type of strategy is most appropriate for your organization? Enlist different types of strategies? Explain the differences among these strategies? Which strategy is best suited to your organization how will you decide? Explain strategic objectives and its purposes? How does a strategic objective become effective? Give examples of strategic objectives for your organization or a similar organization. Explain the difference among strategic objectives, long-term objectives and short-term objectives? How are objectives and goals related? Give example of this relationship. Define corporate governance? What is its role in strategic planning and how is it important? Illustrate your answer with an example.

BUS 475 Week 4 Individual Assignment - Strategic Plan, Part III-Balanced Scorecard Resources: Exhibit 7-1 in Ch. 7 of Strategic Management Develop the strategic objectives for your business in the format of a balanced scorecard. The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis. Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives: Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Market share Revenues and costs Profitability Competitive position

Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Customer retention or turnover Customer satisfaction Customer value

Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Measure of process performance Productivity or productivity improvement Operations metrics

Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as: Employee satisfaction Employee turnover or retention Level of organizational capability Nature of organizational culture or climate Technological innovation Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the following four balanced scorecard areas identified above (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week Three. Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection. For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, "The percentage of increase in market share." The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of "Increase market share" could be "Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years" of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.) Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that explains your critical thinking on how you derived your objectives from your vision, mission, values, and SWOTT analysis. Format paper according to APA guidelines.

BUS 475 Week 4 Team Assignment - Communication Plan Outline Develop a generic communications plan and template. This template will be used to develop a communication plan for your Final Strategic Plan, due in Week Five. Discussion Questions

Why is it important to continuously update the implementation and communication of a strategic plan? Who should be responsible for updating and communicating a strategic plan? Why? Explain the reason of constant and essential updating of implementation and communication of a strategic plan? Who should be the in charge of the task i.e. updating and communicating a strategic plan? Why? Was the strategic plan of your organization been communicated to you? If yes then who and how was it communicated? If not how does it affect you organizational effectiveness? In general is it essential for the employees of the organization to know the strategic plan? Support reasons. What factors should be taken into account while developing a roadmap for a strategic plan? Give examples of external and internal change agents? What role change agents perform in the implementation of a roadmap for a strategic plan?

BUS 475 Week 5 Final Strategic Plan and Presentation Resources: Vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecards, and communication plan Write a 700- to 1,050-word section for your strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics. Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Finally, recommend actions needed to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and how they can improve corporate citizenship. Combine your completed strategic plan. This includes the vision, mission, values, SWOTT analysis, balanced scorecard, and communication plan. Your consolidated final strategic plan should be 2,800 to 4,200 words in length. Prepare three to five MicrosoftÂŽ PowerPointÂŽ slides, in which you briefly outline the vision, mission, values, and balanced scorecard that you have developed for your business. Share your presentation with your classmates and provide substantive feedback by commenting on the work of your classmates.

Discussion Questions What are examples of regulatory issues that affect the controlling aspect of a strategic plan? What are examples of organizations that have failed to comply with regulatory requirements in controlling their strategic plans? What were some repercussions that these organizations have faced? Why supervision and management of strategic plans is essential? Who should be in charge for supervising and managing strategic plans? Why? What are the drawbacks faced if fall short of supervising and managing the strategic plans?

As an employee describe your role in the strategic planning process of an organization. Also highlight your role in implementation process and in supervisizing and managing processes of an organization Week 1 Discussion Question Select a small business that you may want to start. What is strategic management and planning? Why would a strategic plan be important to the success of this business? How are the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing a strategic plan? Week 2,3 and 4 Summaries are Included

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