Comm470 (communicating in the virtual workplace) all dqs ,indivi

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COMM470 (Communicating In The Virtual Workplace) All DQs ,Indivi to purchase

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COMM 470 week 1 Individual Analyzing Messages

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Appendix A Select three business-related messages you have sent or received. Analyze these messages using the communication process. The analysis should include the following: Descriptions of the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback Explanations of whether the message and technology were appropriate given the environment and purpose Respond to one of these messages. Use direct, effective writing techniques. Explain how the content, media, and technology of the feedback are appropriate for the purpose and audience. Compose a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes your messages, analyses, response, and rationale.

Format your paper according to APA standards. Discussion Questions As Chapter 2 of Electronic Commerce 2008 indicates, one element defining e-commerce is increased flexibility. In what communication-specific ways might this increased flexibility be negative?

How might the communications needs of a virtual worker differ from those of a more traditional office worker? Based on these needs, how would you structure various types of communications (memo, voice mail message, and so forth) for a virtual worker? Discuss how a manager’s style might need to change if he or she supervises a virtual staff. Chapter 1 of Electronic Commerce 2008 describes a number of forces driving e-commerce. How do these different forces relate to each other?

COMM 470 week 2 Individual Sample Persuasive Message

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Appendix A Identify three behaviors inherent in e-tailing. Note the communications medium in which each behavior occurs. Explain how each medium enables e-commerce. Analyze each behavior using the communication process. The analysis should include descriptions of the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback. Develop a sample persuasive message aimed at a virtual audience. Compose a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes your sample persuasive message and demonstrates how the reviewed messages enable e-commerce. Discussion Questions Chapter 3 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses the new electronic job market. How does this change the hiring process for businesses? Based on your readings and discussions of electronically mediated virtual communication, what would you consider to be the top five communication skills managers and their employees need to communicate effectively in a virtual environment?

Chapter 4 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses a number of electronic marketing techniques that have dubious associations, such as pop-up ads. Select one of these methods with a negative reputation. How might you defend it from a business point of view? What about how you’d defend it from an ethical perspective?

COMM 470 week 3 Individual Business-to-Business Messages

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Appendix A

Select three business-to-business messages. Analyze the messages using the communication process. The analysis should include a descriptive explanation of characteristics that would improve the messages, including the following: Descriptions of the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback Explanations of whether the message and technology were appropriate given the environment and purpose Write a business-to-business message that has ABC Company asking to create a working relationship with XYZ Company. Write an unfavorable reply message to ABC Company. The message can be denying the working relationship, for example, due to ABC’s credit, prices, reputation, services provided, needs, technology, and so on. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that includes your analysis of the business-to-business messages using the communication process. Discussion Questions Chapter 6 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses dynamic pricing. In dynamic pricing, each individual might pay a different price for a product or service. Is this fair? Why or why not? How may communication techniques be used to overcome any issues this may cause? Chapter 6 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses dynamic pricing. In dynamic pricing, each individual might pay a different price for a product or service. Is this fair? Why or why not? How may communication techniques be used to overcome any issues this may cause?

What are the customer satisfaction expectations of business-to-business e-commerce? What communications techniques may e-commerce businesses use to satisfy these expectations? Chapter 5 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses business-to-business sales. How do business-tobusiness sales communications differ from selling to individuals?

COMM 470 week 4 Learning Team Communication Consultants Presentation

Imagine that you are a team of communication consultants assigned with the task of helping a company executive make his team-oriented projects more efficient and effective. The current teams are working but have inefficiencies, and they are not as effective as they could be. The teams are usually given 1- to 2-week deadlines on projects, and each member must contribute equally. Each team member often has other projects he or she needs to complete individually, as well. This is an e-commerce company, and the team members are usually located in different geographically locations.

The company executive is aware that several competitors have been implementing new methods of communication within their teams and have been producing high quality output in less time. The executive is eager to do the same but wants to understand how communications technologies may help their teams’ issues.

Create a 6- to 8-slide persuasive Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that explains how new communication systems provide more options for communication and e-commerce. For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes. Consider your Learning Team as a virtual team. Analyze the communication process within your team. Explain how new communication systems will help improve efficiency in virtual teams.

Discussion Questions

Chapter 8 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses knowledge management (KM) - knowledge sharing in particular. Among other statements, the authors make the point that knowledge is of limited value if it is not shared. It would be relatively easy to share too much information with individual employees, thus overwhelming them and distracting them from their jobs. How might an e-commerce manager handle this challenge? Your company is planning to open new offices in cities in three different countries at the same time. Although you will remain at the corporate headquarters in the United States, you will be accountable for managing the local offices in each country. What communications recommendations will you make to help ensure efficient and effective two-way communication with your new employees? Chapter 9 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses m-commerce. In your own words, how do you think m-commerce communications differs from other e-commerce? Chapter 10 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses e-auctions. By their nature, auctions of any sort carry great variability in price. How would incorporating e-auctions into your business plan complicate business planning, and how might a manager compensate?

COMM 470 week 5 Learning Team Social Media Tools in E-Commerce

Your presentation in Week Four was a success, and the executive wants more. Your team now has the task of helping him launch a new e-commerce unit.

Write a 2,100- to 2,800-word paper that accomplishes the following: Explain how new social media tools may be used to distribute messages to consumers and clients. Explain how to determine the best tools to use in specific situations. Analyze the ethical issues involved in social media use and how to address them. The analysis should include the following: Security concerns, such as identity theft Credibility, maintaining trust and honestly in marketing and advertising, product reviews, and comments Privacy and sharing private information without consent

Maintaining reputation Outline the formal documents needed to launch the new e-commerce unit: the executive summary, business description, operations plan, financial plan, marketing plan, and competitor analysis. Outlines should consist of the following: Thorough lists of the document contents Brief descriptions of each part of the document

Support each step with research, such as examples and case studies. Format your paper according to APA standards. Discussion Questions In general, what ethical challenges exist in e-commerce that do not exist in traditional business? If the ethical challenges are the same, which challenges require more or different attention in e-commerce? When Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses starting a new online business, the authors indicate that an e-commerce start-up is, fundamentally, a start-up. In other words, it shares the same challenges as a traditional business. Is this true? To be more specific, how does the e-commerce component change the challenges in starting a new business? Put yourself into the role of an e-marketer. What new communications techniques or capabilities would you like to have available in the next 5 years and why The online market changes quickly. What role should a business plan play in such a volatile environment? Among other social media tools, Chapter 18 of Electronic Commerce 2008 discusses wikis. Changing someone's words in a traditional book, for example, might range from being rude to legally actionable. You would not do so without asking the author, but this is not the case in a wiki. How do wikis complicate issues of intellectual property, or of manners and ethics? The advent of the Internet and, more specifically, the World Wide Web, has changed the concept of the value of information. Much information that used to cost the consumer (such as product catalogs and technical papers) is now free at the click of a mouse.

Other information that was normally free (such as magazine and newspaper articles that could be copied for personal use) now has a fee attached. In addition, we now have significant ongoing litigation regarding consumers’ rights to authored works, such as songs, pictures, and books. What do you believe

should be your rights as a consumer to information on the Internet? Discuss this question from the point of view of an e-business and of a producer of an authored work.

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