Crt 205 entire course version 8 (critical thinking)

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CRT 205 Entire Course Version 8 (Critical Thinking) to purchase

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CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 1 DQ 1 Consider the use of critical analytical thinking in everyday situations. Share one example of the use of critical analytical thinking to make a decision. Offer your response to the following questions: What factors did you consider in making this decision? How does critical analytical thinking affect your decision-making? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 1 DQ 2 Summarize the basic elements of critical thinking. What elements were new to your understanding of critical thinking? How will this understanding change the way you approach decisions and arguments? Explain. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 1 How bias influences critical thinking Write a 250- to 350-word original response to the following prompt:

Describe a decision or argument you recently made which was influenced by bias. Reviewing Ch. 1 of Critical Thinking, share what type of bias was in place and how this influenced the outcome of your decision or argument.

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 1 Individual What is critical thinking Write a 250- to 350-word original response to the following prompt:

What is critical thinking?

Use the textbook as your resource and include at least one citation and reference to support your definition.

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 1 Quiz

1.What would you call a set of claims intended to support or prove a conclusion All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 2 DQ 1 What is the difference between an unsound argument and an invalid argument? Give an example of each. When you are building an argument for an issue that is significant to you, do you think it is more important to be sound or valid? Explain your answer. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 2 DQ 2 Inductive and deductive claims such as all, none, or some impact the assertions of argument. As a reader, which are you more receptive to, information that claims to represent all of the cases under discussion or information that claims to represent only some of the cases under discussion? Explain your answer. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 2 Individual Mapping an Argument

Examine 2 of the 4 articles provided by your instructor from the Opposing Viewpoint Resource Center in the University Library.

Write a 350- to 700-word response for each article in which you identify the major components of each article by considering the following questions:

What is the issue? What are the stated and unstated premises? What is the conclusion? Explain your answer.

Format your paper consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 2 Quiz

1.When evaluating an argument with unstated premises, which of the following is the most appropriate tactic? A. Find a claim that would make the argument invalid or weak and evaluate the argument as if this claim had been included. B. Don’t add anything. If the arguer had wanted a claim to be included, he or she would have included it. Evaluate the argument as it stands. C. Find a claim that would make the argument valid or strong and evaluate the argument as if this claim had been included. All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 3 DQ 1 How would you explain the relationship between clear writing and critical thinking? Can you think of times when your ability to think critically was influenced by the writing? What was the result? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 3 DQ 2 How does vagueness and ambiguity impact an argument or claim? Be specific and share an original example of an ambiguous or vague claim. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 3 DQ 3 When writing is vague or ambiguous, do you think critical thinking played a significant role, or not? Why do you think so? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 3 Individual Vagueness Ambiguity and Clarity in Writing Review the written examples in the Associate Level Material: Writing Samples located on your student website. Choose two examples from the Associate Level Material: Writing Samples and respond to the following in 350 to 700 words:

Identify what is vague and what is ambiguous about each. Explain how such vagueness and ambiguity influences understanding. Describe the relationship between critical thinking and clear writing.

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 3 Individual Writing Sample Revisions Review the written examples in the Associate Level Material: Writing Samples located on your student website. Choose two examples from the Associate Level Material: Writing Samples and rewrite them to remove the vagueness and ambiguity. Write a 350- to 700- word response in which you: Provide your rewritten examples.

Describe the relationship between critical thinking and clear writing.

Format your paper consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 3 Quiz

1.What type of definition is used to introduce an unusual or unfamiliar word, to coin new words, or to introduce a new meaning to a familiar word? A. Stipulative definition B. Precising definition C. Explanatory definition D. Persuasive definition All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 4 DQ 1 What factors do you think influence the credibility of the following list of sources: newspaper, magazine, television programs, movies, television news reporting, the Internet, and advertising? Explain your response. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 4 DQ 2 We are all influenced by the media and advertising. What types of advertising campaigns are most effective for you personally? Why? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 4 Individual Evaluating Media for Credibility Watch two current television news programs on the same day and compare them—some examples are Fox News, MSNBC, 60 Minutes, and CNN. Take note of differences in the stories that were covered, the amount of air time devoted to the major stories, and the bias or slant used when presenting a controversial story.

Write a 300- to 700-word response addressing the following:

Include details on the channel watched, the time of the broadcast, and the date. Which news program did you feel was the most credible? Why? What characteristics influenced your decision about the programs’ credibility?

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 4 Quiz

1.What term would you use to describe the broad and vague collection of our general and specific beliefs about the world, typically arrived at through years of education and experience, and typically without our ability to say where it came from? A. Bias B. Background information C. Initial plausibility D. Personal observation All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 5 DQ 1 Images bombard us in daily life. From product advertisements to reality shows, images surround us and make us think. A visual image can be a powerful form of persuasion. Chapter 5 of Critical Thinking offers some examples of such persuasive images. Do you think all visual images are accurate? Share an example of how a visual image has affected you? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 5 DQ 2 Many of the rhetorical devices addressed in Ch. 6 of Critical Thinking connect to the role of emotion in argumentation. Emotion and passion are two powerful entities that affect the outcome of an argument. Is it possible to ensure that emotion does not influence your critical thinking? If yes, how? If no, why not?

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 5 Individual Identifying Rhetorical Devices For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:

Option 1: Article Review Option 2: Video Review

Read the instructions in the Associate Level Material: Identifying Rhetorical Deviceslocated on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 5 Quiz

1.Which of the following descriptions best captures the difference between a euphemism and a dysphemism? A. A dysphemism is employed to create a negative effect on a reader’s attitude, and a euphemism is employed to create a positive effect on a reader’s attitude. B. A dysphemism is a form of rhetoric, but a euphemism is not. C. A euphemism is employed to create a negative effect on a reader’s attitude, and a dysphemism is employed to create a positive effect on a reader’s attitude. D. A euphemism is a form of rhetoric, but a dysphemism is not. All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 6 DQ 1 Choose three fallacies found in Ch. 6 & 7 of Critical Thinking. For each choice, share your explanation of the fallacy (redefine it). Then, share an example of how this has been used by media. Cite and reference the information consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 6 DQ 2 This is a two part DQ. To earn a complete DQ score you must respond fully to at least 2 classmates.

o Part I: Choose a movie you consider to be the best movie ever made. Using as many fallacies as possible, explain why that movie is the best one. o Part II: Review your classmates’ responses to this DQ and identify what fallacies were used and why those do or do not support the classmate’s argument. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 6 Individual Fallacies Drag and Drop Complete the Fallacies Drag and Drop activity located on your student website. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 6 Quiz

1.Which of the following terms describes the fallacy of trying to sidetrack someone by bringing up a related but irrelevant topic? A. Appeal to popularity B. Bandwagon C. Smoke screen D. Common practice All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 7 DQ 1 Deductive reasoning requires that you review each fact presented. Solve the following riddle and share the specific steps you took to reach your conclusion.

Two men and two women—Elliot, Theodore, Shelly, and Tina—are professionals who meet for a conference. One is a Dean of Students, one is a Director of Academic Affairs, one is an Academic Advisor, and one is an instructor. The table at which they are seated is square.

o The instructor sat on Shelly’s left. o The Director sat across from Theodore. o Tina and Elliot sat next to each other. o A man sat on the Dean’s right.

Who is the Academic Advisor? Share your answer and respond to the following: How did you solve this problem? Do you think your method was the best way to solve it, or was it just the best you could come up with at the time? Why? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 7 DQ 2 Inductive reasoning is the process of making generalizations based on patterns or observations. Consider times when you have used inductive reasoning. Provide at least one example and explain why you believe it is inductive reasoning. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 7 Individual Differentiating Reasoning Re-evaluate the articles you examined from the Opposing Viewpoint Resource Center in the University Library in Week Two. Address the following issues in a 250- to 350-word response for each article:

Discuss whether the author used deductive argument or inductive reasoning. Identify the deductive argument, or some of the supporting information for the inductive reasoning. Explain your answer using the course materials to support your findings. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 7 Individual Importance of Deductive Reasoning Read the arguments in the Associate Level Material: Deductive Reasoning located on your student website.

Address the following arguments in a 350- to 500-word response:

Why is it important to understand what is known prior to making a decision? What is the role of deductive reasoning in the decision making process? How does the process of deductive reasoning aid in understanding an argument?

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 8 DQ 1 Describe a time when your moral values influenced the way you responded to an issue. What differences did you notice between your logical reasoning process and your moral reasoning process? What were the possible consequences or outcomes of your decision?

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 8 DQ 2 What do you think it means to use ethics or moral reasoning in your thinking? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 8 Influence of moral reasoning Read the article provided by your instructor from the Opposing Viewpoint Resource Center in the University Library.

Write a 350- to 500-word response to the following:

Focusing on the actions, not the abuse, select one person involved in this case(Assistant Coach/Athletic Director/State Attorney General/School President, etc.) and discuss the following:

What were the actions taken by the person you chose? What was the impact of those actions? If you had held the same position, what action would you have taken? How did your moral reasoning impact your decision?

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 8 Quiz

1.Which of the following terms refers to a moral theory that focuses mainly on consequences? A. Relativism B. Deontology C. Utilitarianism D. Virtue ethics All Questions Answered

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 9 Capstone DQ 1 Has this course influenced the way you respond to media messages? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 9 Capstone DQ 2 Has it influenced the ways in which you will develop your own messages? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 9 Capstone DQ 3 Has it influenced the information sources and other forms of information you will use or avoid in the future? CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 9 Final Project Comprehensive Argument Analysis Resources: Associate Level Materials: Final Project Overview and Timeline and Critical Analysis Forms, and the University Library Use the Associate Level Material: Final Project Overview and Timeline as a guide to complete the Associate Level Material: Critical Analysis Forms. Submit the Associate Level Material: Critical Analysis Forms document to your instructor. CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 9 Individual What is Critical Thinking Revisited

Write a 300- to 500-word response with a detailed, supported explanation to the following question, repeated from Week One, without repeating your week 1 response:

What is critical thinking?

Note. Do not repost your response from Week One.

How is your response different from the one you wrote in Week One?

Format your response consistent with the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook.

CRT 205 Ver. 8 Week 9 Quiz

1.What is the term for a point being debated; or, in other words, a question that is raised when assessing the truth or falsity of a statement? A. Argument B. Issue C. Opinion D. Reason All Questions Answered

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