Hcs 330 (introduction to health and disease trends) dqs ,all ind

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HCS 330 (Introduction to Health and Disease Trends) DQs ,All Ind purchase


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HCS 330 Week 1 Individual Assignment - Pre-Class Diease Questionnaire

Discuss the Preclass Disease Questionnaire in class. The questionnaire is located in the Materials section of your student Web page. The Preclass Disease Questionnaire is designed to test your current knowledge regarding disease and its impact on society after you have completed the required

HCS 330 Week 2 Individual Assignment - Disease in the News

Write a critical appraisal of a peer-reviewed journal, newspaper, or magazine article that you have recently read concerning one infectious disease trend. Some examples of an infectious disease are Tuberculosis, AIDS, the Bird Flu, Anthrax, or Chickenpox. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, contain the following sections:

Author(s). Provide information about the author(s), including credentials and academic, organizational, or institutional affiliation. Does the author have a bias or vested interest?

Type of article: peer-reviewed journal, newspaper, magazine.

Introduction. What is the article about?

Claims. Does the article make any claims about treatment of the infectious disease?

Does the article provide a national or global perspective about the infectious disease?

Supporting evidence. What scientific evidence does the author(s) present to support his or her claims?



HCS 330 Week 3 Team Assignment - Adopt a Disease Paper

Begin developing the Adopt a Disease Paper due in Week Three. This paper will be posted in your Learning Team by Monday Week 3 at 11:59 pm MST.

Each Learning Team must identify a chronic disease to adopt throughout the duration of the course. Pick a chronic disease in which you are interested in from one of the major disease categories, such as heart disease, respiratory (asthma, smoking), endocrine (diabetic), liver hepatitis, or STDs.

Teams will investigate the history, etiology, affected populations, and possible treatment options (if any) for the selected disease.

Be concise while presenting the most relevant information. In a 700-1,050 word paper, present your findings.

Utilize a minimum of two research sources, with one from UOP Library and the other from rEsource to support your claims.

HCS 330 Week 4 Individual Assignment - Culture and Disease Paper

Select a population of interest as part of your investigation; for example, choose a particular race or ethnicity and how it relates to your infectious disease.

Explore the social and cultural aspects of the disease in a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper.

Include the following information:

o Describe the agent of disease.

o Describe the factors that make this particular population vulnerable to the disease.

o Describe environmental factors that make the population vulnerable to the disease.

o What are the modes for disease transmission?

o What methods are used to control the spread of the disease? What alternative methods are used by the selected population for treatment? What is the effect of alternate treatments?

HCS 330 Week 5 Team Assignment - Adopt a Diease Presentation

Using the disease ‘adopted’ for the week 3 paper, the learning team ‘act’ as Directors of a major national public health group (FDA, DHHS, CDC, etc) and develop a new approach to increase public awareness in a selected community regarding your disease. The community may include current places of employment, health care service area, hospital, nursing home, church, school, etc. When selecting a disease, decide which public health problem is most pressing for this particular community.

Once the disease, agency, and population is selected, include:

Information about the disease (history, causes, treatment options if any, etc)

Possible solutions for reducing the disease in a selected community

Data regarding the number of people affected by the disease

Economic impact on the community

Resources such as Internet sites, books, articles or other related materials to increase the community’s awareness The final product for this presentation is a PowerPoint presentation with 12-15 slides and detailed speaker notes. Utilize a minimum of two research sources, with one from UOP Library and the other from rEsource to support your claims.

Week 1-5 Discussion Questions 1-3 are Included

Prepare a 300+ word paper based on your readings for this week describing “your” definition of the role and application of management functions used by today’s health care managers. Consider the following:

What is the most important role or function for a health care manager?

What is the most significant aspect related to health care management that you want to gain by taking this class?

HCS 325 week 2 Individual Assignment: Effective Communication Paper

Few healthcare workplaces today can be considered true boundaryless organizations. Workplace trends within and outside healthcare are requiring employees to connect with an ever-widening array of coworkers, consultants, off-site employees, and other resources. Whatever form a boundaryless organization takes, sharing knowledge is critical to the organization’s success.

Prepare a 700+ paper in which you consider ways in which your organization currently shares knowledge and/or involves employees in formulating solutions to problems.

What techniques have been most effective for sharing information and ideas?

What techniques were ineffective?

How might these techniques be applied or modified in a healthcare work environment?

How can technology impact this process as well?

Use a minimum of 3 references to support your paper.

HCS 325 week 3 Learning Team Assignment: Presentation Outline

Create a Word document outline for what your Learning Team Power Point presentation will look like in Week 5. In this Word document you will frame the presentation to be given in week 5. Use the requirements given in week 1 to help draft the outline. Although week’s 4 and 5 should not be fully developed they should include surface level-type information. This Word document outline is just a

rough draft; I won’t be concerned or dock points if your Week 5 Power Point presentation does not completely match your Week 3 outline. The intent of the W3 Presentation Outline is just to get your team headed in the right direction, so you have a plan of major points which will be presented in the Final Paper.

This assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 3 by midnight MST. Please have your designated team upload your team’s Presentation Outline in his/her Assignments tab.

HCS 325 week 4 Individual Assignment: Motivational Methods Paper

Within your organization, upper management has decided that certain changes need to be made and it is up to each manager to start preparing their team for the changes. One of the changes that need to be addressed involves motivational techniques. As manager it is your job to research and understand various motivational methods in order to implement them within the team.

Prepare a 1050+ paper in which you discuss at least 3 motivational methods you would apply as a manager and how this change can affect the organization. Provide at least three sources in your response

HCS 325 Week 5 Organizational Structure Presentation

Learning Team Final Assignment: Power Point Presentation

Finalize and submit your Learning Team Power Point Presentation. Make sure that all requirements are met including detailed speaker notes at the bottom of the slides.

Complete Class Discussion Questions Included

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