Hrm 323 complete assignments

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HRM 323 Complete Assignments


Product Description

Week 1:

Assignment Human Resource Professional in Employee Relations

Prepare a 350- to 700-word paper in which you address the following:

Provide three examples of behaviors that indicate the existence of conflict among employees.

Describe how the channels of communication influence employee relations.

What are the best practices for conflict management?

Cite at least two references. If you use an additional electronic source, include the URL. If you use an additional printed source, please attach a copy of the data to your paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week 2:

Individual Membership and Retention Paper

Assignment Potential Conflict in the Workplace

Watch the simulation titled, Taking Care of Business!—Preventing Conflict in the Workplace. The simulation provides examples of

various forms of triggers in conflict that may occur in the workplace.

Because audio is not provided in the simulation, rely on the visual

cues presented. After viewing the simulation, you will be able to

identify the warning signs of a potential conflict in the workplace.

Additionally, you will be able to determine if the triggers discussed in

the simulation are at the bump stage, bruise stage, or head banger


Respond to the thread in the main forum by addressing the

following questions (350- to 700-word count):

? Pick three employee situations from the simulation

? Indicate warning signs of potential conflict and the stages in

which a response or intervention is required to address the

situation. Why did you choose that stage?

Format your response consistent w—Preventing

Conflict in the Workplace. The simulation provides examples of

various forms of triggers in conflict that may occur in the workplace.

Because audio is not provided in the simulation, rely on the visual

cues presented. After viewing the simulation, you will be able to

identify the warning signs of a potential conflict in the workplace.

Additionally, you will be able to determine if the triggers discussed in

the simulation are at the bump stage, bruise stage, or head banger


Respond to the thread in the main forum by addressing the

following questions (350- to 700-word count):

? Pick three employee situations from the simulation

? Indicate warning signs of potential conflict and the stages in

which a response or intervention is required to address the

situation. Why did you choose that stage?

Format your response consistent w simulation titled, Taking Care of Business!—Preventing

Conflict in the Workplace. The simulation provides examples of

various forms of triggers in conflict that may occur in the workplace.

Because audio is not provided in the simulation, rely on the visual

cues presented. After viewing the simulation, you will be able to

identify the warning signs of a potential conflict in the workplace.

Additionally, you will be able to determine if the triggers discussed in

the simulation are at the bump stage, bruise stage, or head banger


Respond to the thread in the main forum by addressing the

following questions (350- to 700-word count):

? Pick three employee situations from the simulation

? Indicate warning signs of potential conflict and the stages in

which a response or intervention is required to address the

situation. Why did you choose that stage?

Week 3:

Team Paper and Powerpoint Presentation

Week 4:

Individual Assignment Disciplinary Process

Assume you are in charge of creating a training program for supervisors in administering discipline in the organization.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper that focuses on the major principles of disciplinary action you would stress in this session.

Explain the significance of each principle and how it relates to management.

Create a 3- to 5-slide Microsoft速 PowerPoint速 presentation to highlight those principles.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Team Assignment Union and Management

Imagine you are a Union International representative attempting to resolve a grievance in your organization. The grievance was filed by an employee who is challenging a disciplinary action given by management. You are working with the local members and your legal counsel to decide if the grievance must go to arbitration or not.

Divide your Learning Team into two groups: union and management. Have team members select the group opposite of the one they selected in the management negotiation paper in Week Two. Each group must make a recommendation to its respective organization that is supported by the facts in the case, previous arbitrator's decisions, the cost and benefits of the final award, and the risks associated with the decision. Learning Team findings must

also be supported by outside research involving the case and the arbitration process, and the effective disciplinary system.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary based on your team findings. In your summary, keep in mind that this case involves applications of the disciplinary system. The team must discuss the significance of an effective disciplinary system and how it affects the outcome of this grievance. Additionally, the team must decide the best possible outcome and defend its conclusion.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week 5:

Individual Assignment Research and Reflect

Assume that you are an employee relations specialist in your company. The supervisor who is responsible for this project comes to you asking for your advice for the following issue.

Members of the group have been assigned to different tasks while completing the overall project. Ideally, all pieces of the puzzle will come together smoothly as they are completed. Kelly is working some overtime to ensure that her piece of the project is completed and to meet her deadlines. Donna is assigned to a different piece of the project but does not reflect any sense of urgency. Kelly does not appreciate the approach Donna is taking when attempting to work on her tasks. Kelly is becoming quite frustrated that Donna is barely meeting her personal deadlines.

Kelly comes into work to find out that Donna is taking the weekend off for vacation. Kelly is angry because she is already working overtime, and now she must cover for Donna this weekend.

If no one complains to you as the manager, how would you sense that a conflict is, in fact, brewing? Who is the problem owner?

Discuss problem ownership in which you address the following:

Is your own behavior causing the problem?

Is this a real issue?

What are the assumptions and are they true?

Is Donna aware of her own actions?

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:

From an Employee Relations Specialist perspective, what recommendations do you provide management?

hat strategies would you suggest for this situation?

Would understanding problem ownership be helpful advice to give to management? Why or why not?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Team Reflection of Experiences Paper


How can you become a more effective communicator at work? Is it appropriate to express emotion in the workplace? If so, in what manner and when is it appropriate? What is emotional intelligence and how might you apply it to employee relations?

Describe past instances in which communication has resulted in conflict. Can you identify the real issue(s) of the conflict? Provide examples of how you might avoid the conflict.

In what types of situations would a company and union favor a cooperative labor management relationship? What things can help promote joint labor management cooperation? What can help to undermine it?

What are some of the bargaining consequences for both the union and management of the rising cost of health care? How has it affected labor negotiations?

Please discuss the types of communications needed when a grievance is agreed to or denied. Include the effect of the communications on both employees and management.

Please discuss the concept of progressive discipline and the seven tests for just cause employment terminations. Provide examples of how they might relate to your job or company.

Provide three examples of situations in which you can benefit in conflict resolution by identifying problem ownership. How can this help you to resolve conflict that may exist in the workplace that comes to your attention?

An issue is brought to your attention that one of your employees is being rude to fellow teammates. How will you handle the complaint(s)?

Think back to a time when you were forced to negotiate with an individual. Did you successfully resolve the conflict? How did you and the other individual reach a common goal of finding a solution?

Identify the traits that effective managers possess. What is the significance of the development of these traits? Which of these traits are more important when managing conflict?

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