Mgmt591 final exam

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Product Description Leadership & Organization Behavior Final Exam1. TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four emotional intelligence competencies that contribute to understanding ourselves and others within the organizational behavior environment. (Points : 10) 2. (TCO D) Referring to the team decision-making process, define consensus and unanimity and explain the difference between the two.(Points : 10) 3. (TCO E, F) Although conflict is usually considered a negative experience to be avoided, it actually has the potential to produce positive organizational outcomes. Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a positive influence. (Points : 10) 4. (TCO G) There are six sources of position power in organizational settings. Identify and define three of these sources. (Points : 10) 5. (TCO H, I, J) The senior executive team at, after a strategy review session with the Board of Directors, has decided that it's time to invest some time and capital in improving the corporate culture. The company has rebounded from a near calamity two years ago, and while it was a great scramble, the company survived and is in the strongest position ever. They knew that the culture had been strained by the episode and wanted sincerely to work to bring things back to "normal." With the assistance of local HR offices, a case was made to the employee population that certain aspects of their current culture might have suffered over the past few years and that it was time to think about change. They announced that they would be undergoing an organizational culture review and that everyone's opinion was valued. A whopping 79% of the employees participated in the survey that they administered. Senior management had worked with the consultants for a few months before the survey was given and had determined their "Ideal" scores. The survey confirmed their suspicions.

The table below provides you with the percentile scores from the employee population, the ideal scores from management, and the percentage point difference between management's ideal and the actual results. The typical ideal score for companies is also given as a reference point. The overall cultural grouping for the individual cultural norms is also identified. Referencing the information presented above, please analyze the current culture at Identify and describe the cultural aspects that management cites as important and contrast them to the cultural attributes that employees report as being expected. Also, compare and contrast management's ideal results with the typical ideal results. Identify the most significant gaps between management's ideal and the actual results. What conclusions do you draw taking into account all of the facts presented and your analysis? Provide your recommendations for the nexttwo steps in the change process. How would you prioritize and sequence the necessary change? (Points : 40) 6. (TCO C) As a manager you are in a situation where a key employee seems to have lost his excitement about the job. The employee's familiar positive tone and high energy approach to the job and the workplace seem to be on the wane. You really don't know what is going on with this person. But, you can try to start to understand this employee by examining various motivation theories. Use elements from each of Maslow's theory, Herzberg's Two-Factor theory, and Equity theory and assemble your own motivation theory to help you to start understanding this employee. Be sure to fully explain and define all elements that you use in your new model of motivation. Finally, compose a short case to demonstrate how your motivation model can actually be applied. (Points : 40) 7. (TCO G) The Michigan and Ohio State studies represent seminal research on leadership theory. Both studies identified two basic forms of leader behaviors. What were the similarities in the findings from these two studies and what was the significance of the research? (Points : 30) 8. (TCO A, B) In order to meet organizational goals and objectives management must comprehend organizational behavior in relationship to the functions of management. List and describe the management process functions and describe how the five personality traits contribute to the management process. (Points : 30) 9. (TCO E, F) Neff Incorporated is a small business with 100 employees and 4 managers. Susan and Bob work are co-workers at Neff Incorporated. Ever since they were both assigned to work on Project X, they have been arguing about how to meet the goals of that project. On Monday they get into a very loud argument about Project X, in the cafeteria during lunch break. Manager 1 is told about the argument and he sends out an email which says: "Greetings everyone. I heard that there may have been a small disagreement in the cafeteria at lunchtime. I just want you all to know that I appreciate the good work you are all doing on Project X. I know that everyone here really gets along even though a little workplace stress can

sometimes build up. It is good that we have such a warm, friendly group of employees working here at Neff Incorporated". On Tuesday, Susan and Bob get into another argument about Project X at lunchtime. Manager 2 decides that she will deal with the situation this time. She sends them an email stating: "Susan and Bob, you have both worked here at Neff for 5 years and you have worked on many projects together. I know you are both passionate about our mission and goals here at Neff. I also know that you sometimes disagree with each other on how to meet those goals, but we need to look at the big picture. You are both on the same team and both working towards the same goals. Please do not let small disagreements get in the way of this." On Wednesday, Susan and Bob get into a third argument about Project X, in the cafeteria again. Manager 3 decides he is going to handle the situation this time. He sends them an email stating, "Susan and Bob, if you cannot get along and maintain professionalism here at Neff Incorporated, I will have no choice but to terminate you both. Consider this your written warning. These loud arguments in public must stop now". On Thursday, Susan finds that a small cup of water has spilled on her desk. She thinks it may have been Bob who did it but she is not sure. She quietly tells Manager 4 about the situation. Manager 4 asks Susan and Bob to come into her office. She says, "Ok, I understand that on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week you two had loud arguments in the cafeteria about Project X. Let's talk this through in an orderly and respectful fashion. I'm handing you both a sheet of paper. Please list your disagreements about the Project and we will deal with them one by one. Let's get this resolved today." 10. (TCO D) Define the concept of social loafing. Why does social loafing occur? Give an example of social loafing and a suggestion for how to prevent it. (Points : 20)

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