Mis 535 (managerial appl of info tech keller) entire course

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MIS 535 (Managerial Appl of Info Tech Keller) Entire Course Purchase here


Product Description The Implementation of a CRM System and E-Commerce to Improve Circuit City’s …3 Pages A+ Abstract This paper describes the recommendations for addressing Circuit City’s problems with regards to its declining sales and revenue as caused by its poor quality of customer service. It is recommended that the company implements a CRM system to improve its… Week 4: Midterm Exam (TCO A) Domino's upgraded Pulse Evolution system incorporated a Pizza Tracker functionality that shows the progression of individual pizza orders. This is an example of using information systems to achieve which business objective? (Points : 10) (TCO A) Cloud computing (Points : 10) (TCO A) Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with computer hardware, software, data management technology, and the people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization's (Points : 10) (TCO A) The hardware and software used to transfer data in an organization is called (Points : 10)

(TCO B) Internet technology (Points : 10) (TCO B) The value chain model (Points : 10) (TCO B) For which of the following industries has the Internet as a whole been a disruptive technology? (Points : 10) (TCO C) The difference between competitors because of the wide availability of information. (Points : 10) (TCO C) Which common database challenge is illustrated by the text's discussion of receiving multiple pieces of the same direct mail advertising with an identical address? (Points : 10) (TCO D) Which of the following is not an example of the emerging mobile computing platforms? (Points : 10) (TCO A) Define operational excellence. How can information systems help achieve it? (Points : 25) TCO A) What is the difference between information technology and information systems? Describe some of the functions of information systems. (Points : 25) (TCO A) List and describe the four information systems serving each of the major functional areas of a business (Points : 20) (TCO B) List three organizational factors that can prevent a firm from fully realizing the benefits of a new information system, and provide examples of each. (Points : 20) (TCO B) How have mobile devices and social media changed the work environment? (Points : 25) (TCO C) The small publishing company you work for wants to create a new database for storing information about all of its author contracts. What factors will influence how you design the database? (Points : 25) (TCO C) What types of relationships are possible in a relational database? Describe and give an example of each (Points : 25) (TCO D) What is Web 3.0, and how do you think Web 3.0 developments could impact businesses? (TCO D) Describe and explain the idea of network neutrality. Are you in favor of network neutrality? Why or why not? (Points : 25)

(TCO D) Describe the effect of cloud computing on traditional IT infrastructure. (Points : 25)

MIS 535 Homework Week 1 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20) MIS 535 Homework Week 2 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20) MIS 535 Homework Week 3 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20) MIS 535 Homework Week 4 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20) MIS 535 Homework Week 5 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20) MIS 535 Homework Week 6 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20) MIS 535 Homework Week 7 A+ Keller 100% (Points : 20)

MIS 535 Discussions All 7 Weeks Posted by All Students 619 Pages

Week 1 Discussions 1 MIS in Your Pocket 47 Pages Can you run your company out of your pocket? Discuss how smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices can be used in running a business. Consider all types of devices such as Android, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone 7 Week 1 Discussions 2 Collaborative Culture in Business 44 Pages What is a collaborative culture in a business, and how can technology promote and support this culture? Week 2 Discussions 1 Strategic IT 57 Pages It has been stated that IT provides a competitive edge to organizations. Can you think of a company that uses IT strategically? Perform some research on such a company and discuss its case in this thread. Make sure to use this week's material in your analysis e.g. use Porter value chain or other strategic frameworks.

Week 2 Discussions 2 Twitter Searches for a Business Model 47 Pages Read the case study, Twitter Searches for a Business Model, and let’s see if we can draw some conclusions. Week 3 Discussions 1 Users and Database Design 47 Pages To what extent should end users be involved in the design of a database? How have our ideas of agile development environments affected this traditionally non-user input environment? Week 3 Discussions 2 Database in the World of Internet Search 46 Pages What types of databases are used by companies like Google in implementing worldwide search engines? Week 4 Discussions 1 Internet and the Web? 46 Pages The Internet and the Web are not the same thing. What is the difference between the Internet and the Web? Let’s discuss what the Internet is and how many kinds of traffic, including Web traffic, can run on the Internet. What are the key technologies the Internet is based on? Week 4 Discussions 2 Internet Tools 40 Pages Discuss the advantages of some of the current technologies described in our reading this week including VoIP, Unified Communications, Virtual Private Networks, Wi-Fi and wireless technologies like RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks. Are there risks associated with any of these tools? Week 5 Discussions 1 Cloud Services Go Mainstream 49 Pages Read the Case Study, “Salesforce.com: Cloud Services Go Mainstream,” in Chapter 5 of the Laudon text. What are the benefits of a cloud deployment forSalesforce.com? How will Cloud Computing change the traditional IT infrastructure? Week 5 Discussions 2 Business Value of Enterprise Systems 39 Pages Define an enterprise system and explain how enterprise software works. Select one type of Enterprise system and describe how it helps businesses achieve operational excellence. Week 6 Discussions 1 Agile Methodologies 43 Pages Discuss how the emergence of agile methodologies has changed the IT system building model.

Week 6 Discussions 2 Role of Senior Management 38 Pages What role does senior management play in the establishment of effective information system planning in a corporation? Week 7 Discussions 1 How Phishing Attacks Have Compromised Major System 40 Pages Major corporations, governments, and other organizations are hacked each week, mostly by means of phishing attacks. Describe how users and IT organizations should arm themselves against these attacks. Week 7 Discussions 2 Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and other Social Media 36 Pages What are the social and security issues for individuals and organizations relative to personal and business use of social media?

MIS 535 Final Exam All 3 Sets (TCO A) Which of the following decisions require knowledge based on collaboration and interaction? (Points : 4) (TCO A) The costs for firms operating on a global scale have been drastically reduced by (Points : 4) (TCO B) Which of the following businesses use the market creator business model? (Points : 5) (TCO B) ________ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system. (Points : 5) (TCO C) The type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables is the (Points : 4) (TCO C) A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the (Points : 4) (TCO D) The telephone system is an example of a ______ network. (Points : 4) (TCO D) To use the analog telephone system for sending digital data, you must also use. (Points : 4) (TCO E) Enterprise applications have become easier to install because: (Points : 5) (TCO E) Which of the following factors provides an understanding of why computing resources today are ever more available than in previous decades? (Points : 5) (TCO F) Agile Methodologies (Points : 4) (TCO G) A salesperson clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the competitor's advertising costs up. This is an example of (Points : 4)

(TCO A) Assess at least two benefits of using enterprise systems. (Points : 20) (TCO A) You have been hired to work with 10 salespeople from different branches of a national business in creating an online training site for new Sales employees. Identify six collaboration tools that are available to help the team work together. Which single tool would be the most helpful for the project, in your opinion, and why? (Points : 25) (TCO A) You work for an auto manufacturer and distributor. How could you use information systems to achieve greater customer intimacy? (Points : 25) (TCO B) Describe four types of application that are especially well-suited for mobile-commerce (Points : 20) (TCO B)You are evaluating BI software from a variety of vendors. Identify six elements in the BI environment. Use your understanding of the importance of these elements to formulate six questions to ask the vendor in order to determine how their software will interplay with your needs. (Points : 25) (TCO B) You are advising the owner of Small town Computer, a new, local computer repair store that also builds custom computers to order. What competitive strategies could Small town Computer exert? Which ones will it have difficulty exercising? (Points : 25) (TCO C) What types of relationships are possible in a relational database? Describe and give an example of each. (Points : 20) (TCO C) If you were to design the new contracts database for a publishing house what fields do you anticipate needing? Which of these fields might be in use in other databases used by the company? (Points : 25) (TCO C) Describe the ways in which database technologies could be used by an office stationery supply company to achieve low-cost leadership. (Points : 25) (TCO D) What is cloud computing and how do you think its developments could impact businesses? (Points : 20) (TCO D) How are RFID systems used in inventory control and supply chain management? (Points : 25) (TCO D) What are the business advantages of using voice over IP (VOIP) technology? (Points ; 25) (TCO E) What additional complexities are faced in global supply chains? How does the Internet help in managing global supply chains? (Points ; 20)

(TCO E) Explain why standards are so important in information technology? What standards have been important for the growth of Internet technologies? (Points: 25) (TCO E) Distinguish between grid computing, cloud computing, and utility computing. (Points : 25) (TCO F) What qualities of object-oriented development make this method especially suitable for Internet applications? (Points ; 20) (TCO F) You have been hired as a consultant for a nationwide real estate firm, Cross & Deptford, who are interested in achieving better organization between branches by updating their information systems, but are not sure what will suit their needs. What will you recommend they do in order to determine the most effective IT projects? (Points ; 25) (TCO F) Differentiate between intangible and tangible benefits and list three examples of each. In what types of systems are intangible benefits more predominant? (Points : 25) (TCO G) Discuss the issue of security challenges on the Internet as that issue applies to a global enterprise. List at least 5 Internet security challenges (Points : 20) TCO G) Define the basic concept of responsibility, accountability, and liability as applied to ethical decision. How are these concepts related? (Points : 25) (TCO G) How is the security of a firm’s information system and data affected by its people, organization, and technology? In the contribution of one of these dimensions any more important than the other? Why? (Points : 25)

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