Res 342 research and evaluation ii complete class

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RES 342 Research and Evaluation II /Complete Class to purchase

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Res 342week 1 Individual Assignment: Assignments from the E-Text

Prepare answers to t

ane and Seward:

Chapter 8 – Chapter Exercises 8.48 and 8.64

Res 342week 1 Individual Assignment: Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis

Use the UOP Online Library or the Electronic Reading Reserve (ERR) to locate a peerreviewed article that reports original research and pertains to a specific, stated hypothesis that was used to validate a research study. Use "major databases (eg ProQuest)" in the Online Collection, and the key search words "research studies in" to obtain an article. You can select communication, finance, economics, marketing, technology, or other faculty approved topic for the research study.

Prepare a 350-700-word analysis of your selected article. Start by identifying and summarizing the hypothesis described in the article. Then explain whether the hypothesis was rejected or accepted, and what the implications of this finding are for the study.

Be sure to properly cite your article, and be prepared to discuss your analysis in class.

Discussion Questions

What are the steps espoused by the textbook (or instructor) for formal hypothesis testing? Explain why the sequence is important? What might happen if the hypothesis test is performed before the researcher has decided on the significance level?

Explain the difference between a left-tailed, two-tailed, and right-tailed test. When would we choose a two-tailed test? How can we tell the direction of the test by looking at a pair of hypothesis? How can we tell which direction (or no direction) to make the hypothesis by looking at the problem statement (research question)?

Explain the difference between the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. How is the null hypothesis chosen (why is it null)? What is the importance of rejecting the null hypothesis in relation of the sample to the population? With a failure to reject the null hypothesis, can we make a general statement about the population based on the sample findings?

What is the different between a hypothesis and a theory. Support your answer with an example.

Selecting type of survey is one of the most critical decisions in social research. What consideration you may use to select a survey method?

Res 342week 2 Team Assignment: One Sample Hypothesis Testing Paper

Using ratio or interval numerical data from one of the data sets available through the “Data Sets” link on your student website, develop one research question from which you will formulate a research hypothesis.

Prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper describing the results of a hypothesis test of one population mean or population proportion. Be sure to include the following in your paper:

Formulate both a numerical and verbal hypothesis statement regarding your research issue. Perform the five-step hypothesis test on data pertaining to your selection. Describe the results of your test, and explain how the findings from this hypothesis testing can be used to answer your research question.

Be sure to include your raw data tables and the results of the computations of your Ztest or t-test in your paper, using both graphical and tabular methods of displaying data and results

Res 342week 2 Individual Assignment: Assignments from the E-Text

Prepare answers to the following assignments from the e-text, Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, by Doane and Seward:

Chapter 9 – Chapter Exercises 9.54, 9.56, 9.62, and 9.64

Note: Methods of computation could include the usage of Excel®, SPSS®, Lotus®, SAS®,

MINITAB速, or by hand computation.

Discussion Questions

What is an independent sample? What is a related sample? When should researchers use different hypothesis tests for independent and related samples? Is one type of sample preferable over the other?

What is a Type I error? Explain how the cumulative Type I error affects your decision making. How is the two independent sample t-test different from ANOVA?

Describe the requirements that must be met before an ANOVA test can be used. Discuss what the researcher should do if one of these requirements is not met.

What is the role of probability in business research?

Discuss the differences between validity and reliability. Are the two concepts related or not. Support your answer with an example.

Res 342week 3 Team Assignment: Two or More Sample Hypothesis Testing Paper

Using numerical data from one of the data sets available through the “Data Sets� link on your student website page, develop one business research question from which you will formulate a research hypothesis that will test two or more populations.

Prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper describing the results of a hypothesis test of two populations or more than two populations (ANOVA). Be sure to include the following in your paper:

Formulate both a numerical and verbal hypothesis statement regarding your research issue. Perform the five-step hypothesis test on data pertaining to your selection. Describe the results of your test, and explain how the findings from this hypothesis

testing can be used to answer your research question.

Be sure to include your raw data tables and the results of your computations in your paper, using both graphical and tabular methods of displaying data and results.

Res 342week 3 Individual Assignment: Assignments from the E-Text

Prepare answers to the following assignments from the e-text, Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, by Doane and Seward:

Chapter 10 – Chapter Exercises 10.30, 10.44, 10.46, and 10.56 Chapter 11 – Chapter Exercise 11.24

Res 342 3 week Individual Assignment: Applying ANOVA and Nonparametric Tests Simulation

Complete the simulation “Applying ANOVA and Nonparametric Tests” located on . Prepare a 350-700-word summary addressing the following items:

What are three lessons you learned relative ANOVA and Nonparametric tests?

As a result of using this simulation, what concepts and analytic tools will you be able to use in your workplace (i.e., how do you expect to apply what you learned)? Based on your experience, what additional information would you recommend to the key decision maker in the simulation to solve the challenge given?

Individual Assignment: Quiz

Be prepared to take a quiz on topics covered in the previous weeks.

Discussion Questions

Can the formal hypothesis testing approach be used for nonparametric tests? How are parametric and nonparametric statistics different? How are parametric and nonparametric statistics similar?

Under what circumstances should a nonparametric test be used? Explain. What are the strengths and weaknesses of nonparametric tests? Can the outcomes of nonparametric tests be generalized to populations?

Why do you use the chi-square statistic? What type of data is used with chi square analysis? What are the nonparametric tests that correspond to each type of parametric

test in Week 1 and Week 2?

What are some business situation in which ANOVA would be more appropriate than a (Z) or (t) test?

What are business problems in which the application of Chi ? Square statistic is appropriate?

How can bias affect business decision? Provide an example.

Res 342week 4 Team Assignment: Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing Paper

Using the same research question and data from the Learning Team Meeting Two assignment, conduct the equivalent, nonparametric test of hypothesis using the 5-step process.

Prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper describing the results of the nonparametric hypothesis test. Be sure to include the following in your paper:

Formulate a hypothesis statement regarding your research issue. Perform the five-step hypothesis test on the data. Explain which nonparametric test you used to analyze your data and why you chose that test. Interpret the results of your test, and explain the differences, if any, that you observe from your Week Three paper.

Be sure to include your raw data tables and the results of your computations in your paper, using both graphical and tabular methods of displaying data and results.

Res 342week 4 Individual Assignment: Assignments from the E-Text

Prepare answers to the following assignments from the e-text, Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, by Doane and Seward:

Chapter 15 – Chapter Exercises 15.18, 15.22, 15.24, and 15.28

Note: Methods of computation could include the usage of Excel®, SPSS®, Lotus®, SAS®, MINITAB®, or by hand computation.

Res 342week 4 Individual Assignment: Parametric and Nonparametric Data Identification Assignment

Complete the University of Phoenix Material, “Parametric and Nonparametric Data Identification Assignment” located on your student website.

Individual Assignment: Quiz

Discussion Questions

Does correlation equal causation? Does the strength of correlation depend on the direction? What is the meaning of a zero correlation? Explain your answers.

What is the difference between an independent and a dependent variable? Does a regression model imply causation? Why or why not?

What are the requirements that must be met for a regression analysis? What happens if these requirements are violated?

What is multi-collinearity and how does it affects the multi-regression model?

What are the linear relationship between two variables, both the coefficient of determination and the sample correlation coefficient?

Which tests do you like the most? The (Z) test, the (t) test, ANOVA, or the Chi Square. Please explain.

Res 342week 5 Team Assignment: Regression Paper

Using numerical data from one of the data sets available through the “Data Sets� link on your student website page, develop one research question and formulate a hypothesis which can be tested with linear regression analysis.

Prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper describing the results of the linear regression analysis on your collected data. Be sure to include the following in your paper:

Formulate a hypothesis statement regarding your research issue. Perform a regression hypothesis test on the data. Interpret the results of your regression hypothesis test.

Be sure to include your raw data tables and the results of your computations in your paper, using both graphical and tabular methods of displaying data and results.

Res 342week 5 Individual Assignment: Assignments from the E-Text

Prepare answers to the following assignments from the e-text, Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, by Doane and Seward:

Chapter 12



Chapter Review #1

Chapter Exercises 12.48 and 12.50

Chapter 13

Chapter Exercises 13.30 and 13.32

Chapter 14

Chapter Exercise 14.16

Note: Methods of computation could include the usage of Excel®, SPSS®, Lotus®, SAS®, MINITAB®, or by hand computation.

Res 342week 5 Individual Assignment: Applying Time Series Methodologies Simulation

Complete the simulation “Applying Time Series Methodologies” located on your student website. During the third cycle of the simulation, you will need to make a decision regarding sales forecasts for Blues Inc. After completing the simulation, prepare a 350word memo to Myra Reid, the Vice President, Production, at Blue Inc. In your memo, inform Myra of your forecasts and explain the reasons for your decision. Be sure to take into account the results of the previous two cycles of the simulation in your explanation to Myra.

Individual Assignment: Quiz

Be prepared to take a quiz on topics covered in Week Four.

Discussion Questions

What is the purpose of forecasting? Why are forecasts not always correct? What are the limitations of forecasting?

Why is the trend commonly thought to be the most important component of forecasting? How is the linear trend method related to linear regression? Why are simple moving averages and weighted averages commonly used forms of forecasting?

What’s the most important concept you’ve learned from this course that you can take away and use in either your work or personal life?

Is forecasting important in your organization. What are the limitations of forecasting ?

What are the differences between Six-Sigma and cause-and effect (Ishikawa) diagram. Support your answer with an example.

RES 342 Week 1 to 4 Weekly Summaries are included.

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