Soc 315 cultural diversity complete class

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SOC 315 Cultural Diversity / Complete Class to purchase

Product Description

SOC 315 Week 1: Individual Assignment: Cultural Background Summary

Using the UOP Material “You as a Culturally Diverse Entity,� prepare a 700-word Cultural Background Summary of your personal cultural background. This paper should highlight the different sources that have contributed to your cultural background. Additionally, speculate on the extent to which your current identity has been molded by assimilation, acculturation, and/or a climate of pluralism.

SOC 315 Week 1 DQs 1, 2 Included

SOC 315 Week 2: Individual Assignment: Ethnocentrism Matrix

Complete the UOP Material “Ethnocentrism Matrix” by citing the advantages and disadvantages of each “cultural norm” characteristic listed. Be prepared to discuss your answers.

SOC 315 Week 2: Individual Assignment: Media Reaction Paper

Prepare a 700 to 1,050-word Media Reaction Paper reviewing a current newspaper article, magazine article, television show, or motion picture that discusses or illustrates the portrayal of diversity in the media.

In this assignment, address the following questions in relation to the selected article, motion picture, or television show:

Did the article, television show, or motion picture attempt to address the diversity represented in the American landscape?

To what extent do the media rely on stereotypes when depicting a certain group?

Assess whether or not you believe the selected article, television show, or motion picture fostered a better understanding of diversity and multiculturalism. Justify your answer.

SOC 315 Week 2 DQs 1, 2 included

SOC 315 Week 3:Individual Assignment: Intercultural Communication in the Workplace Paper

This assignment asks you to describe, explain, and rectify a situation that illustrates an intercultural communication issue within a work environment. The paper should include the following:

A full description of the communication issue. Describe the context, the principle players, and the outcome of the situation. Be attentive to verbal and nonverbal components in the experience you describe.

A diagnosis of the communication issue. Using two outside sources, research the cultural norms of the principles players involved in the given situation. Explain how these cultural norms may have impacted the communication transaction.

Strategies for dealing with the issue. Using your text, provide several recommendations that would have prevented the issue and paved the way for more effective communication.

This paper should be 1,050 to 1,400 words. Your final paper must include at least two sources (other than the class text) cited properly in the text and with proper reference listings at the end of your paper.

SOC 315 Week 3 Team Assignment: Outline of Diversity Action Plan

Due to future trends in population growth, it will be more important than ever for organizations to prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by diversity. The learning team diversity action plan will consist of a 2800-3500-word report and 20minute presentation (for online students: PowerPoint速 presentation with notes) designed to assist your organization or work group to prepare for these trends. The following are items that should be considered in the diversity action plan:

Using at least two outside sources, the presentation and report should summarize trends in population growth and diversity.

Be sure to include a description of the selected organization or workgroup. Is it a transnational corporation? Does (or will) the workgroup have contact with international vendors? Without this information, it will be difficult to speculate how the trends identified above will impact your organization.

In preparing the diversity action plan, be sure to address the following:


Cultural norms of new groups with whom the organization will come into contact


Opportunities (different approaches to productivity, problem-solving, and so forth) and challenges (including communication barriers) that diversity will present to the organization



How will the organization prepare the workforce to maximize the benefits of diversity and minimize the challenges?

Use at least two relevant outside sources that provide relevant information and/or data that justify the approach of your action plan.

In Week Three, prepare an outline of the report component of the diversity action plan. This outline should include a summary of secondary sources that will be used in the final written report and presentation.

SOC 315 Week 3 DQs 1, 2 included

SOC 315 Week 4: Individual Assignment: Value of Diversity in the Workplace Paper

From personal experience, select an issue in the work environment that may have been more successfully resolved by the presence of a diverse workforce. This paper should be 1,050 to 1,400 words. The paper should include the following:

Include a thorough description of the issue. Be sure to describe the ramifications of the issue on the organization.

Do not simply state that a diverse workforce would have been beneficial in the selected issue. Provide specific details regarding how diversity would have prevented the situation or would have facilitated a more successful resolution to the challenge. Justify your answer.

SOC 315 Week 4: Team Assignment: Diversity Action Plan Rough Draft

Submit the report component of the diversity action plan to the Center for Writing Excellence.

Based on the feedback received on the rough draft from the Center for Writing Excellence, finalize the 2,800 to 3,500-word report for the diversity action plan. The format should be both creative and informative, containing accurate information and research from four to six sources. Students will be graded on the following criteria:

Accuracy of information and concepts and use of credible sources Analysis of information and inclusion of a strong summary and/or conclusion Interesting, creative, and logical presentation of material

Quality of writing and composition Collaborative group involvement in development of the final product

Prepare a project presentation based on the written report for the diversity action plan. Each learning team member will be expected to participate in the presentation and class activity. Students will be graded on the following:

Effectiveness of the activity Suitable use of required time Creativity in delivery of information and utilization of all group members Use of visual aids to enhance the presentation

SOC 315 Week 4 DQs 1, 2

SOC 315 Week 5: Individual Assignment: Legal Issue Analysis

Prepare a 700 to 1,050-word written legal issue analysis of a newspaper or magazine article that discusses a legal aspect of a specific diversity issue (e.g., harassment, ADA, and so forth). Summarize the diversity issue, analyze the legal concerns, and present your thoughts and beliefs regarding the issue. In presenting your thoughts and beliefs, contextualize your opinion in terms of the challenges of managing that diversity issue

within your workplace. Be prepared to discuss your summary.

SOC 315 Week 5: Team Assignment: Diversity Action Plan

Due to future trends in population growth, it will be more important than ever for organizations to prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by diversity. The learning team diversity action plan will consist of a 2800-3500-word report and 20minute presentation (for online students: PowerPoint速 presentation with notes) designed to assist your organization or work group to prepare for these trends. The following are items that should be considered in the diversity action plan:

Using at least two outside sources, the presentation and report should summarize trends in population growth and diversity. Be sure to include a description of the selected organization or workgroup. Is it a transnational corporation? Does (or will) the workgroup have contact with international vendors? Without this information, it will be difficult to speculate how the trends identified above will impact your organization. In preparing the diversity action plan, be sure to address the following:



Cultural norms of new groups with whom the organization will come into contact

Opportunities (different approaches to productivity, problem-solving, and so forth) and challenges (including communication barriers) that diversity will present to the organization



How will the organization prepare the workforce to maximize the benefits of diversity and minimize the challenges?

Use at least two relevant outside sources that provide relevant information and/or data that justify the approach of your action plan.

In Week Three, prepare an outline of the report component of the diversity action plan. This outline should include a summary of secondary sources that will be used in the final written report and presentation.

In Week Four, submit a draft of the written report to the Center for Writing Excellence. Incorporate any feedback provided by the Center for Writing Excellence in your final draft.

SOC 315 Week 5 DQs 1, 2 included?

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