Samaya Tantra
The Way of the Senses A Medita)on Workshop Karen Kruger E: M: 0723596119
About the Workshop
Samaya Tantra is a )meless synthesis of two ideals: union with the Divine and perfect alignment with space and )me.
The genius of the ancient Indian mys)cs has leA us a rich legacy of knowledge which puts man’s quest for enlightenment and for health, happiness and prosperity in perfect balance. This secret knowledge, passed down in an ancient oral tradi)on for thousands of years, is an authen)c spiritual art perfectly preserved for today’s world.
Tantric knowledge is oAen used today as a remedial measure for physical healing, material problems and spiritual challenges. Some)mes cosmic forces try to disturb people and disrupt their lives and their spiritual journeys. Tantra has the ability to connect you to this cosmic wobble of consciousness and allow you to make right choices.
In the Samaya Tantric process we come to understand the vibra)onal makeup of what we consider to be life and the principles of how to alter our material circumstances on the path of ascension. Tantra is a highly spiritual technology, eternally pure, whose goal is full control of the physical senses and the ability to connect directly with the Supreme Divine Power. This workshop is guided by Author TLB Kruger who has been a Spiritual Adept for over 30 years now studying with various masters. He introduces you to the profound Spacial and Dynamic Medita)on processes and techniques that you can apply in your every day life to bring you closer to balance and happiness you search for.
Move through life with full awareness and live your life fully in balance and happiness.
RegistraHon Details:
This is a 12 week program. The Sunday morning workshop starts 24th January from 9am to 10am or you can register for the evening program that starts on the 26th January from 7pm to 8pm. Cost is R850 payable on registra)on.