2 minute read
Introduction to Cruse Scotland
from cruse impact report
by samba dog
This report covers the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic and a period where we continued to meet the challenge of a changing environment.
Although the worst of the pandemic was over, people’s grief was present and ongoing. We are proud that our volunteers and staff were able to respond to increased demand for our services and support clients to live with their grief. At Cruse Scotland, we had one of our busiest years. More than 6,000 people received support from us. Many of these people were seeking support after ‘parking’ their grief whilst the world focussed on the pandemic. We supported many individuals who were unable to say goodbye to loved ones, could not receive support from family and friends, and were denied traditional funeral rituals.
We were able to sustain developments introduced in the previous year. These include: increased capacity to support our volunteers and to deliver specialist training, increased helpline capacity, and greater client accessibility to immediate support. Other highlights for 2021/22 included working with the Scottish Government to deliver training to the Health & Social Care workforce and providing support to workplaces in the aftermath of bereavement by suicide. Improvements were made to the support we offered to people in the early stages of grief, and we further enhanced our supervision policy, which helps safeguard our volunteers, clients, and the organisation. Behind the scenes we completed the first phase development of our website, introduced new branding, and appointed a Fundraising team. It is fitting that in the final year of our Building Resilience Strategy we were able to undertake key tasks and create new roles that will help underpin the charity going forward.

June, Bereavement Counsellor
Highlights for 2021/22
• Continued as a freephone number • Available seven days per week • Opened every day during the festive period • Increased the number of helpline volunteers • Further developed our webchat service in collaboration with GriefChat.
Developed counselling and support services
• Increased our virtual and phone counselling services • Created new facilitated support groups for clients in the early stages of grief • Improved and expanded our support to clients on an individual basis • Introduced a walking group to our peer support service.
Strengthened supervision practice
• Developed and implemented a new Supervision Policy • Recruited a team of highly qualified supervisors to underpin our therapeutic practice • Offered both individual and group supervision to all volunteers in client-facing roles.
Recruitment of a team of freelance trainers
• Increased capacity to deliver a wide and expanding range of training • Delivered training and support sessions to Health and Social Care
Partnership staff – commissioned by the Scottish Government.
Delivered support to workplaces in the aftermath of suicide – on behalf of the Scottish Government
Thank you to all our funders and community supporters over this difficult and challenging year for making sure we were well resourced, flexible in our approach and available every single day to support the bereaved people of Scotland.