EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Client: BMW of North America
Period: January 1-December 31
The two segments of our campaign are illustrated by the numbers below. The first represents our Business-toBusiness initiatives while the second conveys our Businessto-Consumer objectives.
Marketing Objective: 1) Throughout 2016, this campaign will establish BMW North America’s partnered hiring tools as an essential element to each Centers’ hiring process. 2) During the months of March-April and SeptemberNovember, this campaign will establish top of mind awareness in regards to the BMW Genius role amidst the minds of qualified, potential employees between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. Communications Objective: 1) This campaign will educate Centers on the ease and value of implementing the various hiring tools and partnered services. 2) This campaign will establish the BMW Genius position as a choice career among job seekers and potential employees who encompass a millennial mindset. Target Audience: 1) All BMW Centers within North America 2) Male and female millennials between the ages of 18 and 35, specifically located within the following 10 cities: Austin, TX; Salt Lake City, UT; San Diego, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Denver, CO; Washington DC; Houston, TX; Las Vegas, NV; San Francisco, CA; Dallas-Ft.Worth, TX. Creative Strategy: 1) As one of the leading luxury auto brands, this campaign will ensure that each BMW center is able to produce “the Ultimate team” to correlate with the Ultimate driving machines they promote to their customers. Through the usage of aesthetically appealing direct mail kits, BMW will provide each of its centers with the hiring tools needed to create an optimized work environment. With the creation of the paper-weight, stress ball, and informational pamphlets, this campaign will produce tangible reminders of why each center should implement these hiring services as a means to improve their sales and overall status. In addition to this, a monthly digital newsletter will showcase a “star” employee found through the usage of these services. This will promote healthy competition amongst centers and a race to produce the Ultimate team of employees.
Budget: $175,000.00
2) This campaign will promote the Genius position through the specific and relevant platforms our target audience uses most frequently. Creative images that convey the qualities of a BMW Genius will be used to attract this audience through social media platforms. A social video campaign showcasing the benefits of becoming a BMW product Genius will be promoted through niche market blog spots, exemplifying a creative and affirmative way of reaching our target audience of social, tech-savvy, millennial individuals. This digital campaign will resonate with the technology-driven target we intend to reach while simultaneously conveying the prestige of the BMW brand. Each element of this campaign will emphasize the “cool-factor” associated with the Genius position and will generate top-of-mind awareness amongst a relevant and interested audience in regards to the Genius role. Media Strategy: 1) A pulsing schedule will define this segment of our campaign. Outreach will kick-off at the start of January, when the BMW hiring toolkit is sent out to each Center. Each toolkit will contain a variety of informative direct mail pieces pertaining to the various hiring services available. These packages will mark the peak of our B2B campaign and will assure that each Center starts the year with the knowledge of these existing services. In addition to this, a monthly digital newsletter will be disseminated to each Center showcasing a “BMW Hudson Hire in the Spotlight.” These digital newsletters will serve as monthly reminders to implement the existing services as a means to produce quality employees and increased sales. 13% of our total budget will be allocated to our Business-to-Business campaign. 2) A flighting schedule will be implemented for this portion of our campaign; with ad messages disseminated throughout a five month period. 46% of our budget will be allocated towards the months of March and April where we will establish a strong social media presence through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter in addition to a social video campaign which we will promote through niche market blog sites. The remaining 39% of our budget will be designated to the three month period between September and November where we will replicate and continue to establish a strong social media presence.
Below is an overview of the research we have compiled for the two-segment campaign we intend to execute for BMW North America. To summarize our findings, we have divided our research pertaining to company, consumer, market, product and competition. The information we acquired through this secondary research process helped to develop the strategies and creative concepts that define this campaign. In addition to these findings, primary research helped generate qualitative and quantitative data beneficial to our overall marketing strategy. The following pages depict the multi-phase research process we conducted as well as outline key findings from the extensive pool of information we gathered.
Company Analysis
stablished in 1975, BMW of North America is a subsidiary of German based enterprise Bayerische Motoren Werke and is the leading company in the luxury car market. The BMW brand was founded in 1916 and has since established itself as an innovative force through the production and promotion of its variety of models. Headquartered in Woodcliff Lake, NJ, BMW also has various corporate divisions across the United States, including a manufacturing plant in South Carolina, a design firm in California and 6 technical training Centers. In addition to these divisions, BMW of North America has an impressive sales network of 339 BMW Centers, illustrating the company’s dedication to implementing the brand nationwide. With such an expansive network of Centers and corporate divisions, BMW emphasizes the value of its employees above all else, and regards its network of employees as a vital element to the operation of the company. According to Glassdoor reviews, BMW ranks highly in employee satisfaction. The company itself has a 4-star rating and CEO Norbert Reithofer has an impressive 91% approval rating. Moreover, 85% of employees would recommend working at BMW to a friend. Positive reviews
on the site praise BMW for providing innovative tools and equipment for employee use, in addition to the development of premium products offered. Negative reviews on the site however, tend to convey the work environment as “overly structured” with several complaints regarding long work hours with inadequate compensation/commission. In addition to BMW’s high regard to the satisfaction of its employees, BMW prides itself on its dedication to its customers. The development of BMW Future Retail further exemplifies the brand’s unyielding commitment to its consumers. The program was first implemented in the French, UK, Chinese, and Dutch markets; and after demonstrating its success, the brand has decided to expand the program by introducing Future Retail to North America. In order to execute Future Retail in the North American market, BMW must first establish a means to employ qualified employees to carry the program through. Those appointed to work for Future Retail must encompass a specialized skill set including strong interpersonal skills, passion for BMW products, and transferable tech knowledge. Ian Robertson, member of the BMW AG Board of Management summarized the current market culture by pinpointing, “The world of retail has changed significantly – customer behavior, needs and expectations have changed, as well as communication
technology.” This notion will be carried forth with the new implementation of Future Retail as each center is charged with modifying its traditional practices. The combined forces of Future Retail and the Genius program define BMW’s strategic response to this changing market. By employing these two tactics, BMW North America hopes to adapt to the cultural changes conveyed by Ian Robertson. These efforts will both enhance “the customer experience” and “set new standards for retail in the automotive industry and beyond.” Looking forward, these modernized programs will set a solid foundation to a continuously progressive brand, dedicated to supreme customer service and quality production.
We will now build upon our strengths and implement a comprehensive program named Future Retail. This will entail a whole range of initiatives and tools designed to enhance the customer experience and to set new standards for retail in the automotive industry and beyond.
- Ian Robertson B a r nes ADVERTISING
Consumer Analysis
espite recent negative stereotypes Generation X associate with millennials, they are essential to the workplace and will continue to comprise a growing population of the workforce. Understanding this generation is key to employers who are in the market to hire tech-savvy, highly educated candidates who seem to be in search of more than just a paycheck. Millennials are driven by lifestyle, they are looking to make a positive social impact amidst their field and continuously seek out jobs that they believe give back to society. This being said, millennials are actively seeking out employers whose corporate responsibility efforts reflect their own personal values. Creatively driven, millennials seek out opportunities to showcase their talents outside of the cubical. According to a recent study conducted by the University of Minnesota, the majority of employees below the age of 35 are beginning to reject the perceived stability of a standard office job in lieu of a more flexible and creative opportunity.
91% 6
While these millennials spend a fair share of time partaking in activities outside the office environment, their strong attachments to technology enable them to take on a readily available and accessible title even when off the clock. Studies indicate that millennials are more likely to answer emails when out of the office, whether that is late at night or while on vacation. Evidently, the ways in which millennials engage technology have proven to be monumental in identifying the capabilities this generation has to offer. According to a research report by OMD media, these tech-savvy individuals rate their top digital activities in the following order: using the internet/computer, console gaming, watching television. The amount of time millennials spend online is thus key in considering ways to effectively communicate to this generation. In addition to the qualities millennials encompasses outside of the work environment, the qualities in which they search for when selecting employment opportunities are essential in understanding this generation. Compared to previous generations, millennials are demonstrating increased ambition in their quest for jobs. According to Snagajob, America’s largest hourly
employment network for job seekers and employers, not only are millennials spending more time locating jobs within their expertise, but they are also reengaging with companies at a faster rate and are applying to more jobs compared to past generations. The job search process has thus evolved into a 24/7 activity. To understand the needs of this generation as they enter the workplace, Microsoft conducted a survey of Adult Millennials (1827). The survey showed that 91% of those questioned reported that access to newer, innovative technologies would make them more likely to consider potential job opportunities. Within the corporate world, Millennials are the new workforce. Millennials expect to be listened to and heard by their employers. Otherwise, employers will quickly find their new hires looking for new opportunities and positions for competing companies.
Dealership Employers
Today’s sales companies are facing newfound issues in regards to their hiring tactics. The process of hiring the right person for a specific job has become a top priority on the list of business owners’ concerns, even above sales. Furthermore, dealers claim to be facing a shortage of workers, whether it is customer
of Millennials are more likely to apply to positions that provide access to newer, innovative technology.
Situation Analysis Consumer service people, financial advisors or office managers A survey of 447 hiring professionals across various industries nationwide outlined which hiring methods managers use to locate potential job candidates: 91.1% used newspapers, 87.7% used internal referrals, 24.2% used recruitment research, 54.1% directed recruiting efforts towards colleges and universities, 49.4% used job fairs, 47.2% used third-party recruiters, 65.5% used networking, and 63.3% used job boards. According to a Forbes publication, most hiring managers have no idea what they are looking for in regards to filling positions and simply go through the motions in order to produce quantities rather than
quality employees. These hiring managers feel their job is simply to fill the position for the least amount of money, and despite their best efforts, they may not be experienced interviewers or know how to locate and detect the best candidates. Another negative tendency, is hiring managers’ eagerness to make urgent decisions. Many poor hiring decisions are made due to the demand of filling an open spot as soon as possible. This rushed hiring process has resulted in more employees changing jobs and lower retention rates than what we have seen in previous years. It is thus vital that vehicles and parts are not the only inventory dealers have in stock. Dealerships must maintain an
adequate inventory of potential employees and must perform adequate screening processes prior to hiring these employees. In addition to noting the quality of potential employees, it is also important to note the times in which dealers employ these hires. According to’s career-advice, most companies conduct the majority of hiring decisions just after the holidays and summer seasons. January through March and late September are thus definitive periods when companies are making important hiring decisions. Advertising messages that correlate with these time frames could thus prove to be beneficial in attracting potential employees.
Situation Analysis Primary Research
Primary Research Genius Survey A survey and a focus group were conducted in order to gain insight pertaining to the target audience defining our campaign. The survey was comprised of 17 questions and was disseminated to all current BMW Geniuses via the Genius social network. The questions throughout this survey were designed to shed light on common qualities that current BMW Geniuses possess. Knowledge of these qualities is critical in helping devise a market plan that best reaches potential Genius employees. 75 current Genius employees responded to the survey.
AVERAGE GENIUS AGE: / 20 - 24 yrs / 25 - 34 yrs / 35 - 44 yrs / 45 - 54 yrs / 55 - 64 yrs
Not surprisingly, these Geniuses indicated several similarities in regards to their educational backgrounds, values and other qualities. The majority of Geniuses fit into the millennial age frame as 51 of the respondents were between the ages of 20-34. Moreover, our survey pinpointed that a large number of Geniuses are men as we only received 14 female respondents. These numbers suggest a weakness in the current BMW marketing plan in attracting female employees. As women continue to comprise a growing percentage of the carpurchasing market, it is crucial for BMW to find a way to appeal to a female audience when promoting
7% 8%
34% 49%
the Genius position. When asked the highest level of education they had completed, the majority of Geniuses responded with college (54%) or some college (31%). These statistics indicate that ad messages disseminated nearby or within college towns could be beneficial to promoting the Genius position. The survey also provided information on where and how the current Geniuses first learned about and applied for their positions. The highest percentage of respondents heard about the job through other BMW Center employees (31%), while employeerecruiting services ranked lowest with only 3% of the employees having used this service. Moreover,
93% of Geniuses did not relocate for this job
77% only see themselves 73% of current Geniuses are men staying 1-5 years
Situation Analysis Primary Research 46% of the Geniuses were inhouse hires, demonstrating that a large number of employers fail to look outside their own talent pool for qualified employees. This information is valuable to the creation of our businessto-business objectives, and convincing Centers of the pressing need to better utilize the hiring services BMW offers. Another focus of the survey was to determine whether or not Geniuses were willing to relocate for positions and to gauge how long they expected to hold current positions. As for relocation, an overwhelming number of respondents remained within their hometowns, with only 7% of Geniuses reporting to have moved to fill open positions. With this in mind, it will be essential to market heavily to the geographic locations which are already full of qualified, millennial employees.
Focus Group:
4-yr College Degree
2-yr College Degree
8% Some College
High School / GED
Retention rates amongst current BMW Geniuses does not look promising as 18% percent of respondents expected to remain with BMW for six months-to one year. The majority of respondents (77%) expected to maintain their Genius title for one to five years. These insights highlight the need for finding employees who are a better organizational fit to BMW and who see their positions as a career rather than a placeholder job. A strength for BMW was found in the relationship Geniuses feel they have established with BMW North America Corporate, with 55% of respondents ranking their relationships as a 7 and above on a 1-10 scale. There is always room for improvement however, as 31% of respondents ranked their relationships as a 5 or below. Strengthening the relationships between corporate and individual employees may be key in increased job satisfaction and retention among millennials as they have indicated the desire to engage in corporate culture and offer input on larger levels. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the strengthening of this relationship must be done carefully and without weakening the Geniuses’ relationships with their individual centers.
In order to gain a better understanding of the soon-to-be college graduate pool and their job search process, we conducted a focus group composed of 9 bright, driven college seniors and recent graduates. Participants were asked a series of questions regarding where they search for open positions, what qualities they look for in potential jobs, and other factors that influence their application process.
When asked about employment ad placements, participants expressed distaste towards all forms of banner ads. Most mentioned the affiliation of these types of advertisements with scams lead-ways towards fraudulent sites. We asked their opinion on banner ads displaying employment opportunities and they seemed to be even more turned off. Specifically in reference to observing banner advertisements for job opportunities on a social media sites, one participant stated “the idea of a job banner ad on social medium makes me feel uncomfortable because those sites are used for many different reasons and have pictures of users participating in social activities that may not seem appropriate for the workplace.” They also mentioned feeling overqualified for employment positions advertised through banner advertisements and questioned the credibility of these ads. A major factor that could impact a candidate’s decision to apply to an open position is a company’s ability to promote employees from within. Respondents mentioned how important promotional opportunities are when debating on accepting a job offer. Participants agreed that they would prefer working for one company for a long period of time, but if the company did not allow employees to grow within the organization, it would be a major deterrent. When applying for a company, participants mentioned an inclination to apply for positions where companies fully depict their current employees, company culture, and explain the job with personality as opposed to a generic description.
Situation Analysis Market
Market Analysis
ith 36% of the workforce comprised of millennials in 2014 and a projected 46% in 2020, it is clear that the American workplace is in the market for the “millennial mindset.” There is no questioning the prominent role this generation has, and will continue to play in a progressing job market. Forward thinking companies are continually searching for innovative ways to appeal to millennials by modifying recruitment efforts and reinventing the way in which they reach out to potential employees. The question that remains is where these leading companies should direct marketing efforts in order to attract the upper echelon this generation has to offer. According to a recent study conducted by demographer Wendell Cox, contrary to the media-driven stereotype of young millennials relocating to top metropolitan areas, Cox found the
region with the most rapid growth in millennial population existed in the Sun Belt and Intermountain West regions. Leading this growth, is San Antonio, Texas; where the population of people between the ages of 20-29 experienced a 9.2% increase between 2010 and 2013. Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif. (8.3%); Orlando, Fla. (8.1%); and Miami (7.7%) fell just behind San Antonio in millennial growth, signifying additional key markets for this generation. In addition to the Wendell study, Nielsen conducted a Millennial Market demographic study in March of 2014 that indicated similar findings. Nielsen’s Millennials: Breaking the Myth Report identified the majority of top millennial markets in the western portion of the United States. Nielsen defined the list of the top ten cities comprised of the highest performing millennial markets as follows: Austin, TX; Salt Lake City, UT; San Diego, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Denver, CO; Washington DC; Houston, TX; Las Vegas, NV; San Francisco, CA; Dallas-Ft.Worth, TX. More importantly, Nielsen
attributes these highly concentrated millennial markets to the “socially conscious, creative environments” that these cities cultivate. These environments thus attract exactly the type of employee BMW aspires to find in filling Future Retail positions. The BMW Genius, must encompass the qualities embodied by the tech-savvy, educated, diverse, and socially-driven millennial mindset that the above markets are filled with. Recruiting efforts directed towards these specific markets could thus prove to be extremely beneficial in producing talented millennial employees. Concentrating on these specific geographic markets is simply not enough however, as BMW must not only focus on where to attract these millennials, but how they are going to gain their attention. According to a study conducted by Indeed Hiring Lab, 73.4% of job posting clicks from the millennial generation come from mobile platforms, whereas only 26.6% of job post clicks are generated from desktop views. Delving into a more specific observation
Neilson’s Top 10 Performing Millennial Markets
Austin, TX Salt Lake City, UT San Diego, CA Los Angeles, CA Denver, CO Washington, DC Houston, TX Las Vegas, NV San Francisco, CA Dallas-Ft.Worth, TX
of this generation’s job search behavior, millennials tend to conduct most of their searches during the week (Monday-Friday) as opposed to weekends, with most of their searches occurring on Monday mornings. This being said, an increased dissemination of mobile ads displayed on Monday mornings could generate a high reach amidst this audience. In correlation with these mobile searches, companies have the newfound advantage of exceeding geographic recruitment limitations through the promise of social media. Millennials especially, are avid enthusiasts of this digital craze as they switch their attention between media platforms such as laptops, smartphones, tablets and television, 27 times per hour on average. More and more companies are taking note of this trend and implementing “social recruiting” to their outreach strategies. According to a study conducted by Jobvite in 2013, 94% of companies are utilizing social media for recruiting, and because of this, have reported a 49% improvement in candidate quality. While Job boards and professional networking sites are the most commonly used vehicles in terms of recruiting, it is harder to find a cultural fit through these methods; especially considering that millennials comprise the lowest percentage of LinkedIn users (23% of LinkedIn profiles belong to users between the ages of 18-29)- the leading professional networking site. It seems then, that the best way to reach this savvy millennial generation is through their favorite pastime; social media (especially when reaching potential employees that live outside geographic markets with a high concentration of BMW dealerships). However, when it comes
to social media, not all networks are created equally in regards to the job search process. Now more than ever, millennials are taking to new platforms to learn more about job opportunities and the world around them. Blogspots in particular, have evolved as one of the most avidly used mediums amongst this generation. According to a study conducted by Technorati, the average audience for the Top 100 Blogs is comprised of 45% female, 55% male and ranges between the ages of 22 and 38. Considering that millennials define the primary audience amongst this platform, relevant blog spots could serve as a beneficial medium for our campaign. Social videos in particular have become a growing trend amidst advertisers attempting to appeal to this generation as they are easily disseminated across multiple platforms and can be effortlessly shared and tracked based on clicks/engagement. With 3 out of 4 video views, taking place outside Youtube now, the idea of implementing a social video campaign as a segment to promote the Genius program could be a relevant way to reach a millennial based target audience. In addition to these platforms, other social media outlets indicate increased usage amongst millennials. According to Jobvite’s 2015 study, Job Seeker Nation, the leading social network for all job searches is Facebook. 67% of job seekers using social media use Facebook to find possible employment opportunities, 45% of job seekers reported that they used Twitter when searching for a job, followed by the 40% of job seekers taking to LinkedIn as a means to finding employment. Furthermore the majority of job
seekers that use Facebook to assess a company’s culture are millennials (28%). According to Jobvite, “Younger, highly educated people are more likely to use social media to look up information about the skills/experience of current employees at a company of interest.” Company research via social media platforms is thus a job-seeking prerequisite now, especially amongst millennials. The combined forces of reaching out to markets where this generation is highly concentrated and communicating employment opportunities through relevant and innovative social media messages will prove to be the most effective strategy in attracting millennials to the Genius position. The Future Retail Program has the ability to attract desired millennial employees through its various benefits; however, it is the way BMW and its participating dealerships go about this recruitment process that is essential to producing qualified, motivated and fitting Genius candidates.
Companies report a 49% increase in candidate quality because of utilizing social media. B a r nes ADVERTISING
Situation Analysis Product
The product of this campaign is employment: for both business-to-business and businessto-consumer. The ultimate goal is to place better employees in positions at BMW North America. To achieve this goal understanding of the available positions is necessary, along with a comprehension of the type of candidates that BMW is trying to attract. Furthermore, an understanding of the cost of hiring the wrong employee is needed because it will show the urgency in which BMW of North America must place on the hiring process. Along with this an analysis of the hiring services that BMW provides must be done to better grasp the assets that corporate makes available to their Centers.
Situation Analysis Product
Product Analysis
ne of the most important assets to a company is its employees. Therefore, attracting qualified candidates to fill open positions is a high priority amongst top-performing companies. Currently, BMW employee seekers can view open positions on sites such as Indeed and Monster. BMW’s primary application located in the Career section of the BMW website. In addition to this, individual Centers that are owned by large corporations often have an ‘About’ section on their own websites advertising job listings. When job seekers are directed to the employment options in the dealership’s ‘About’ section they are often redirected to the employment page for the corporation that owns the dealership. The cost of hiring an unfit employee can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars which can deeply impact the morale and productivity of a company and its’ employees. The Harvest Business Review reported an 80% employee turnover as a direct result of poor hiring decisions. In addition to this, the Labor Department estimates that it can cost, on average, onethird of a new hires' annual salary to replace the employee. The Society for Human Resources Management found that the longer the
unfit hire remains and the higher position they hold within the company, the greater the cost can become to replace them. Gamble, who runs the Chicagobased Jean Gamble & Associates, believes “wrong hiring” occurs when hiring managers and human resources misunderstand or confuse the job description with the job criteria. Another cause for an ill-fitting employee is “cultural misfit.” Cultural misfit occurs when a candidate clashes with the company’s culture, making it all the more important to implement specific questions relating to company culture as part of the hiring process. Companies can avoid hiring the wrong person by working with recruiters and staffing solution companies who specialize in the company’s field. By providing these recruiters with a clear definition of a position’s responsibilities and the characteristics that the company is looking to find in their hired employees, companies can optimize their hiring process through the screen tests conducted by these recruiting experts. BMW Hiring Services BMW of North America currently utilizes several different services to assist with the hiring and retention of their employees. BMW has secured partnerships with
Hudson Full Service Recruiting, Talent + Assessments and Omnia Group Assessments, as well as TEAM coaching, to ensure that the hiring process is easily facilitated and produces well-qualified candidates. Based in New York, Hudson Global was founded in 2003 and is a full service provider in professional and specialized employee recruitment. The Company focuses on placing mid-level professionals in areas such as information technology, accounting, finance, and legal. Hudson prides itself on introducing distinguished companies to employees that are career oriented, rather than candidates that are simply searching for placeholder positions. Hudson emphasizes its ability in placing the right candidate in the right role for a perfect organizational fit. Similar to Hudson, Talent + Assessments and Omnia Group Assessments help facilitate the hiring process. Talent + and Omnia Group specialize in exposing an individuals “personality tendencies in the workplace,” which provides companies with the insight needed to select, hire, and retain their employees. In addition to these services, BMW also utilizes TEAM coaching, a global professional firm, as a hiring tool. TEAM helps its clients compose and maintain high-performing teams and organizations. BMW North America is currently trying to encourage their centers to use these programs, in order to produce successful, qualified and productive employees.
Situation Analysis Competition
Competition Analysis While BMW continues to hold a prominent status within the market, understanding the competition will provide increased insight pertaining to market trends and successful tactics/ brand strategies. Competitors, including other leading luxury automobile brands along with high end retail companies will be researched, as many of these brands are accredited with high employee retention rates and customer satisfaction. MERCEDES BENZ: Founded in 1926 and based out of Stuttgart, Germany, Mercedes Benz has assumed a solid reputation amidst the minds of luxury car-brand consumers. Ten years prior to the establishment of the BMW North American base, the Mercedes brand was first introduced to the U.S. in 1965; giving the brand a ten year leeway in establishing its legacy. Mercedes USA has 362 associated dealerships that has over 22,000 employees.
GMC-CADILLAC: Founded in Detroit in 1902, Cadillac represents the second oldest American automobile brand. Cadillac laid the foundation for the modern mass production of automobiles with the interchangeability of its precision parts. Cadillac prides itself on innovation and was the first brand to introduce the electric self-starter ignition as well as the first mass-produced car, their signature V-type brand. Cadillac automobiles have been an iconic staple to the U.S. luxury market as evidenced by their impressive sales rates.
LEXUS: Established in the early 1980s, Lexus was first introduced to the US market in 1989, making it the most recent addition to the luxury auto market. Lexus is a division of the Toyota Motor Company and assumes the highest selling make of Japanese premium cars. The US is now Lexus’s largest market and employs over 31,000 people in the United States with an additional 160,000 persons under Lexus and Toyota dealers and suppliers.
STRENGTHS- Mercedes Benz has always been a leading competitor in the luxury automotive industry. The company corporately employs over 1,600 people and is ranked 94th on Fortune’s 2014 “100 Best Companies to Work For.” The brand has held a position on this Fortune list for five consecutive years. Employees have been quoted on stating that Mercedes “is a good company with good benefits” and that it is a “great place to work”.
STRENGTHS- Cadillac’s long and rich history within the United States, has enabled the brand to acquire high credibility and appeal amidst both consumers and potential employees. In 2014 J.D. Power rated Cadillac “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Luxury Brands”. Cadillac believes in hiring people who are skilled at building relationships with customers through earning loyalty and exhibiting exceptional interpersonal skills. Cadillac offers adequate training to employees who do not know much about their cars.
WEAKNESSES- Despite their number one title in customer satisfaction, Cadillac is also not currently listed on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Current employees are not happy with the little opportunity it offers to move into management and they feel as if there is no room to grow within the company. Cadillac also has not expressed any interest in developing or implementing a Future Retail like program.
Situation Analysis Competition STRENGTHS- According to Lexus’s website, they directs its marketing efforts towards portraying an upscale image to their consumers with a focus on after-sale services. The Washington Post states that the majority of Lexus dealerships offer complimentary “courtesy cars” when customer’s cars are being serviced along with free car washes, indicating the brand’s attention to customer service. Consequently, Lexus has one of the highest customer loyalty rates in the industry and continues to hold a rank amidst top Customer Service indexes.
WEAKNESSES- Although no solid statistical information is available at this time, Mercedes is currently in the early stages of implementing a “Genius-like” program. Current employees have negative connotations about the Mercedes work environment, and stated on that there is a “Six month wait before you qualify for benefits” and that because you are working for a dealership “there are fewer holidays than other companies”.
WEAKNESSES- Despite the company’s attention to customer service, their employee satisfaction rates seem to be lacking as Lexus is currently not listed amongst Fortune’s list of “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Lexus, like Mercedes Benz, is in the early stages of drafting a Genius-like program called “Lexpert”, but is still in early phases of this process. From an employee perspective, Lexus does not do well in training and offering advancement within the company. According to, some employees have stated they “were told to go sit in the cars and teach themselves” in regards to training and learning about Lexus vehicles.
Besides the luxury car industry, a threat to BMW finding quality employees comes from high-end retail market stores. These companies are searching for potential candidates with the same qualities as the ones BMW seek: strong interpersonal skills, passion for products, and strong technology skills. To better understand this category of competition, research into a leading company that represents this industry was required. APPLE GENIUS: Each apple store employs a group of “Apple Geniuses” whose task is to provide face-to-face technical support and advice in regards to hardware problems. According to, the Apple Geniuses are asked to use their problem-solving logic and people skills to ensure swift resolutions to technical problems. They must educate themselves and their team members about products, while independently maintaining up-to-date knowledge on these products, much like BMW geniuses. STRENGTHS- According to, Apple Genius’s make an average 43k base salary or $20/hour. This is a higher base salary than the BMW Genius (30k). Apple offers additional compensations to their employees including cash bonuses, stock bonuses, and commission sharing. Employees rate Apple 24.6% above average for compensation and benefits among companies listed on evidencing that the company has acquired a reputable status amidst its employee network. The position’s salary, and wellregarded qualities could serve as a particular threat to the BMW genius position.
WEAKNESS- Aside from the company’s employee satisfaction reports, Apple is not listed as a top 100 company to work for according to Fortune. Apple has a lengthy interviewing process and lists numerous requirements/qualifications for their potential employees. These traits are unappealing to millennial mind-sets looking to fill entry-level positions.
SWOT The business-to-business portion of the campaign examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing BMW North America and its partnered hiring services (Hudson, Omnia Group, Talent +, TEAM coaching). This analysis provides insight in regards to the environment in which the campaign will be placed.
Situation Analysis Swot Strengths:
• Several BMW Centers currently use the partnered hiring services and have exhibited high employment success rates as a result. • Cost of utilizing services is offset by the amount of money saved by hiring an employee with a long retention. • Hiring services provide simple access to an increased number of qualified employees. • Hudson Hiring Service places emphasis on hiring the correct organizational fit. • The process of finding more qualified employees is more easily facilitated when using BMW hiring services, leaving more time to focus on other assets. • TEAM Coaching develops employees that perform and contribute to group work in a professional manner, thus benefiting the overall work environment. • BMW Corporate can easily distribute materials across all BMW Centers with a guaranteed reach and attentiveness to corporate news and market trends/ information.
• Majority of the employees registered on Hudson are not millennials. • Difficult to tailor a single message advocating Hudson to variety of diverse BMW Centers whom may prefer their own hiring techniques (different dealerships have different employee standards and required qualifications). • Centers do not have full control over the hiring process as hires are limited to the candidates registered on Hudson • Utilizing online hiring services can be viewed as a lengthy and sometimes complicated process.
• Hiring services gather a large number of potential employees that each dealership could acquire through implementing these services. • Increased customer service / sales rates as a direct result of these newly employed qualified individuals • Hiring quality employees will eventually lead to increased customer loyalty • A higher retention rate for BMW Center employees could be gained by adopting these services. • Hiring better employees will help increase brand positioning as a non-pressure and friendly environment. • By using these hiring services, Centers will be able to identify employees with specific interests pertaining to each individual position, thus taking on more passionate hires.
• Other luxury auto brands are using these services, thus taking over a portion of the potential employee pool. • LinkedIn, social networking sites, and traditional methods of hire are more commonly used by both employers and prospective candidates. • Personal connection hires comprise a large portion of existing employees, especially in Centers located in smaller cities.
Target Audience & Campaign objectives
Primary Target Audience: Centers that are currently using their own hiring techniques in lieu of the hiring services provided by BMW North America. This target includes both geographic extremes: Centers located in large metropolitan areas, as well as Centers located in smaller cities or more remote regions. Secondary Target Audience: BMW Centers that have adopted one or more of the partnered services but similarly conduct the majority of hiring decisions based on their own techniques. These Centers have hired less than 10 employees from partnered services and are not necessarily using these tools to their fullest potential. Specifically, this secondary target will be comprised of Centers who tend to make hiring decisions based on connections or personal ties.
Marketing Objective: Throughout the 2016 calendar year, this campaign will establish the partnered hiring tools offered by BMW North America as essential elements when making hiring decisions. Overall, this campaign will increase the total rate of BMW employees hired through partnered services by 45%. Furthermore, this campaign will decrease each individual Center’s cost of finding, losing and replacing new hires. Communication Objective: This campaign will educate Centers on the ease of implementing the various hiring tools and partnered services. It will advocate and position these services as the most efficient method of hiring qualified employees. These messages will be directed towards both BMW Centers that are currently using the offered hiring services and those who have not yet incorporated them into their hiring routine.
Creative Strategy
Positioning: Partnered hiring services (Hudson, Omnia Group, Talent +, TEAM coaching) will be positioned as the number one way in attaining qualified employees amidst all BMW Centers. This campaign will position the implementation of these services as the methodology guaranteed to produce qualified employees that will enhance each Center’s overall success.
Elements: The creative strategy within this B2B campaign will place a strong emphasis on the direct mail pieces disseminated to each individual Center. These direct mail components will arrive in a custom designed “BMW Toolbox” package prior to the month of January, when Centers are beginning to think about taking on new hires. Each toolbox will contain informational pamphlets that explicitly detail the benefits of using each individual partnered hiring service (Hudson, Omnia Group, Talent +, TEAM coaching). These four pamphlets will clearly explain the process of enacting these services with simple, step-by-step instructions, in addition to informing Centers on how to use each of these four services in order receive optimized results. In addition to these pamphlets, the BMW toolbox will contain several creative elements that will emphasize the existence of BMW’s partnered
Strategic Focal Point: This campaign will establish BMW’s partnered hiring services as both efficient and effective tools, vital to each individual Center’s overall work environment and budget. The focus of this campaign will be to convince each Center to implement the hiring services. Furthermore, this campaign will position the implementation of these services as the only methodology guaranteed to produce qualified employees that will enhance each center’s work environment.
hiring services. Each box will also contain a “Perfect Employee ID Badge,” a stress ball and a glass paperweight. The ID badge will be used to highlight qualities a Center should be looking for amidst potential employees and that potential employees with these qualities can be found using the hiring services BMW has partnered with. The stress ball will be inscripted with the BMW logo on one side and a simple reminder that using the Hudson hiring service will prevent stress on the other. Similarly, the glass paperweight will be included in each of the toolboxes, engraved with the four partnered hiring services and the BMW logo as well as an additional reminder that a unfit hire often weighs down the entire work team. These tangible elements will serve as constant reminders for Centers to make use of the partnered hiring services as a means to provide each Center with the ultimate hiring tools. In addition to the direct mail
hiring tool kits, a monthly digital reminder will be distributed to each Center advocating these services. Each month, this digital newsletter will feature a different BMW Center employee who has exemplified what it means to be a successful employee. These employees will be chosen for being hired through the available hiring services provided by BMW of North America and their standout performance. The email will also include a link that will direct the Centers to a more indepth article featured on a BMW employee blogspot. This article will recount how the specific employee was hired (through which service) as well as what the employee has done to benefit the individual Center and BMW image. These digital newsletters will serve as a constant reminder to implement the various hiring services as well as promote friendly competition among Centers who wish to have their employees showcased on the newsletter. B a r nes ADVERTISING
Media Strategy Overview
Our Marketing Strategy will be to increase the number of successful hires amongst BMW Centers and decrease unnecessary spending on employee turnover. This campaign will specifically target the 352 BMW North America Centers nationwide, owned by public or privately held organizations. The positive relationship between BMW North America and its individual Centers will be broadcasted to successfully communicate the importance of using the partnered hiring services offered. Direct mail pieces will be utilized to reach Centers and convince them to alter their current hiring tactics. Alongside the direct mailing package, a monthly digital newsletter will be sent out via email to individual BMW Centers. This newsletter has the ability to measure reach with ‘read receipt’ technology and through click rates through embedded links. Similarly, the number of Centers that implement the hiring services will be used to measure accountability of this campaign.
This campaign will run throughout the entire calendar year of 2016. With ad messages distributed through a pulsing schedule, the majority of our budget will be allocated to the month of January. In January, the direct mail package will be distributed to all Centers in order to establish initial awareness of BMW hiring services. This will create the perception that these tools represent the best way for Centers to make educated hiring decisions. Throughout the remainder of 2016, the only media distributed to Centers will be in the form of a digital monthly newsletter. This newsletter will re-establish the importance of BMW hiring services and assure that these hiring sites remain top-of-mind when hiring new employees.
The Ultimate hiring Toolkit
Media Strategy The BMW Toolbox The 10x10x10” cardboard BMW Toolbox will cost $3,295 to produce and will be distributed to each individual Center on January 19, 2016. A direct mail package will be an easy and efficient way of targeting all BMW Centers and will enable accountability to be accurately measured. The following elements will be included in the “Ultimate Hiring Toolkit:” The Paperweight As a tangible element, the glass paperweight will serve as a daily reminder to hiring managers of the partnered hiring services available. An aesthetic and practical keepsake, the paperweight will be engraved with a frosted BMW logo, surrounded by the names of the four hiring services. The top surface of the paperweight will read “Bad Hire Weighing You Down?” The production of 340 4x4x4” cube paper weights will require $5,205 of the budget. The Stress Ball Another tangible element to add to our toolkit will similarly serve as a light-hearted reminder to make use of the available hiring services. Inscripted with the phrase “Bad Hire Stressing You Out?,” the stress ball will be a fun reminder to hiring managers of the importance in hiring the perfect fit the first time around. The production and design costs for 400 stress balls equates to $750.
Informational Pamphlets The BMW Toolbox will also include Four Pamphlets highlighting the benefits of each hiring service. These six-page, high quality, brochure-like pamphlets will provide detailed information on the use of each service, and instructions on how to implement them within each individual Center. $4,295 of the budget will be designated to the production of these informational pamphlets which will encourage Centers to utilize the promoted services. The Ideal BMW Employee Badge The final element included within the BMW Ultimate Hiring Toolkit will be the Ideal BMW Employee badge. While Centers may not keep hold of this particular element, the badge has the potential to immediately boost interest in regards to the available hiring services. The badge will display qualities every hiring manager looks for in a standout candidate. The ID badge will drive hiring managers to commence an improved hiring search process which they can reference with a description of the four partnered services located on the back of the badge. The total production cost for the BMW Employee Badge equates to $5,460.
Public Relations
In addition to our direct mail toolkit, we will allocate $2,800 to the production of a monthly newsletter distributed to each individual Center. Each month, the newsletter will highlight an employee hired using one of the BMW North America hiring services. This feature; “Hudson Hire in The Spotlight” will generate healthy competition amongst Centers to implement these hiring tools as a means to optimize their sales. Once a month an employee and their exemplary performance will be featured in the newsletter to validate the importance of finding the right hire using these services. This PR communication is vital in promoting a continuous positive image of the available hiring services to individual Centers from Corporate BMW. B a r nes ADVERTISING
Advertising Executions
Eye-catching design will attract Centers to find out whats inside.
A friendly and playful reminder to use better hiring practices.
The qualities that will help your employees become the "Driving Force of your company".
Advertising Executions
Informative and simple descriptions of each hiring service will be the first thing Centers see.
A digital newsletter will be sent at the beginning of each month during the year to showcase the success of an employee hired through Hudson.
A paperweight will serve as a constant reminder of the difference hiring the right organizational fit can make.
SWOT The business-to-consumer portion of the campaign is a look into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for finding high performing candidates to place in open BMW positions at various Center locations. This analysis will give better insight into the environment in which the campaign will be placed.
Situation Analysis Swot Strengths:
• BMW has an existing reputation for high employee regard and satisfaction. • High brand equity allows for job searches to have a positive perception of BMW as a company. • BMW offers each Center the opportunity to utilize hiring services in order to develop high performing teams. • When applying for a BMW Genius position, job descriptions are clear and discuss the availability for comprehensive training to ensure that every Genius has the required knowledge to succeed. • According to Glassdoor ratings, BMW ranks high in employee satisfaction, with over 85% of employees saying they would recommend their position to a friend.
• There are negative connotations and misconceptions about working in the automobile sales industry. • Job applicants are generally unaware of the available employment opportunities offered by individual BMW Centers. • There are a limited number of Centers who rely on the available hiring services and not all Centers have implemented the Genius program. • Many recent college graduates have higher expectations in regards to starting salaries and express interest in a higher salary than what a Genius position can offer them. • BMW is not listed in the top 100 companies to work for according to Fortune's’ list.
• The number of millennials entering the workforce is steadily increasing and it is projected that by 2020, 46% of the workforce will be comprised of this generation. • BMW Genius positions offer a career that varies from a typical office job, thus correlating to millennials’ demand for a more balanced worklife ratio. • Availability to place BMW car enthusiasts in an environment where they are able to thrive and exhibit their passion • A large majority of millennials utilize social media to search for employment opportunities. • Majority of millennials’ job searches are generated via mobile platforms on Monday mornings
• Several top competitors are beginning to implement programs similar to the BMW Genius program. • Competitors within every industry are utilizing social media to search for potential employers • Majority of millennials view their current position as a placeholder and actively seek out other opportunities • Working in the car industry is not top of mind amongst millennial job searchers. • Majority of companies in various industries are looking to hire millennials to promote growth opportunities. B a r nes ADVERTISING
millennial millennial millennial millennial millennial
Target Audience & Campaign objectives
Target audience: This campaign will target male and female millennial mind-sets between the ages of 18 and 35, living in the ten metropolitan cities we identified in our research as high millennial markets. These individuals are open-minded and looking for an outlet to express their various passions and interpersonal skills. These young millennials are tech-savvy individuals who regularly interact with social media. Although this target is not limited to car and brand enthusiasts, passion is a defining quality in which each of these individuals possess. Overall, this target audience is looking to change their current employment situation or jump start their careers. Psychographics/Lifestyles: This target is open to new opportunities and finding innovative ways of doing things. They are knowledge enthusiasts and constantly fidgeting with the latest tech gadgets. They are turned off by monotonous employment opportunities and are intrigued by careers that combine technology with communication and creative opportunities. This target enjoys meeting new people and developing relationships with those around them. They value a workplace that puts employee respect at the same level as customer satisfaction.
Media Usage: This audience is comprised of heavy users of digital media in all forms; from internet to social media and on various mobile platforms. They spend a lot of time on the web browsing topics of interests, including enthusiast blogs. The target often feels overcrowded by advertising and do their best to avoid ad messages conveying irrelevant content. They have been conditioned to avoid banner ads, therefore the usage of suggested posts is a more practical decision. These millennials do most of their job searches through social media sites such as LinkedIn and company official websites. Correspondingly, this target relies on platforms such as to gain genuine insight on company culture.
Marketing Objective: Throughout the months of March-April and September-November, this campaign will establish top of mind awareness in regards to the Genius position amongst the minds of qualified potential employees between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. The campaign will increase website traffic to by 26% amidst the target audience. Communication objective: This campaign will establish the BMW position as a choice career among employees with a millennial mindset. It will establish the Genius role as an engaging, technology oriented and network-based position, that offers a balanced ratio between social life and work.
Creative Strategy
Strategic Focal Point: This campaign will generate awareness for the Genius position amidst millennials and qualified employees through social media platforms that appeal to this audience.
Positioning: We will promote the Genius position as a desired employment opportunity amidst this audience of millennial mind-sets. The position will be presented as a career, not just a job. Big Idea: The main objective of this campaign will be to: Generate awareness in regards to the Genius position amongst a millennial target audience through relevant social media platforms and increase the number of qualified Genius applicants amongst all BMW North America Centers Elements:
The creative strategy carried out by this portion of the campaign will solely focus on digital elements as a means to spread awareness and attract potential Genius employees. This campaign will illustrate the benefits associated with becoming a BMW Genius while appealing to a tailored target audience of potential Genius employees. By executing an entirely digital campaign, we will be able to reach our desired target audience in a more efficient manner. This segment of the campaign will consist of the following digital elements as a means to attract the millennial mind-sets that constantly make use of these platforms: Sponsored Posts via Facebook, Sponsored Ads via LinkedIn, Sponsored Tweets, as well as a social video campaign promoted via niche market sponsored blog posts. These ads will showcase millennials in a
variety of settings that highlight the qualities in which the Genius position requires, parallel to daily activities that millennials partake in. These image-focused ads will tie in with the typical millennial news feed, but will stand out in terms of attracting the right potential candidates. This unified set of ads will contain an image of a millennial in a leisure setting exhibiting a specific Genius quality, in addition to the back-drop of the BMW Genius job description with that specific quality highlighted. In addition to these components, the ad will provide content that explains the Genius position as well as a link that will direct the viewer to apply online. The majority of our B2C campaign however, will be allocated towards niche market blog sponsored posts. As the latest digital trend, social video campaigns have a guarantee of reaching large masses of millennials who actively seek out information via popular blog spots.
With 3 out of every 4 video views taking place outside Youtube, this portion of our campaign will generate the large majority of reach amidst the target audience. The social video will promote the Genius position in a futuristic and intriguing manner. By showcasing the Genius Convention in Munich, the video will appeal to the large number of millennials who are looking to create a network on a global scale. Interviews with current BMW Genius employees will recount the qualities they are able to make use of on a daily basis as well as their favorite “Genius moments.” This social video will emphasize the “coolfactor” associated with being a BMW Genius that will appeal to the specific target audience. By implementing this innovative and growing creative strategy, we will reach the large majority of millennials who rely on blog spots to acquire news and information and who exhibit the qualities that resonate with the Genius position. B a r nes ADVERTISING
To ensure the success of the marketing objective, the campaign will direct a heavy amount of advertisements to members of the target audience who are located in ten cities across the nation. These ten cities were defined as areas with the highest performing millennial markets and include Austin, TX; Salt Lake City, UT; San Diego, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Denver, CO; Washington DC; Houston, TX; Las Vegas, NV; San Francisco, CA; Dallas-Ft.Worth, TX. Aside from these ten cities, marketing efforts will be distributed to all individuals encompassed within the target audience. This campaign will rely solely on internet advertising to reach the desired target audience. The top activity millennials engage themselves with is time on the internet on all types of platforms and thus is a key element to use in reaching them. These advertisements will be displayed on the social media sites Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn because of the considerable amount of time the target audience spends on these sites. Facebook has been found to be the leading social network site for all job searches followed by Twitter and LinkedIn. Social media advertisements will be placed in the form of sponsored and promoted posts in order to stray away from banner ads and the negative associations that millennials have given them.
Media Strategy
This campaign will take place between March 1, 2016 to November 30, 2016. Over this seven month span, the advertisements will be controlled in a split flighting schedule, March – April and September – November. The months before, between and after these two periods will have no advertising spend. These two periods have been found to be the highest hiring periods and is therefore important to have the best quality of applicants applying for the open positions. In the first and second flight periods, advertising will be utilized to both educate job seekers and increase the number of applicants. The use of this digital media campaign will immediately spike the interest of the target audience and promote millennial mindset job seekers to apply. After April 30 and until September 1, no paid forms of advertising will be utilized. On September 1, digital advertisements will again be displayed to target audience members on their social media sites and niche blogs. Each of these five months will have equal amounts of spending, but because the second flighting period is longer it is allocated a larger portion of the budget. Media Objectives for March & April During the months of March and April this campaign will inform and convince quality applicants to apply for available employment opportunities at BMW Centers with the following objectives: • Digital advertising will reach 65% of the target audience with a frequency of 3. • Niche market blog sponsored posts will reach 30% of the target audience with a frequency of 2.
Media Strategy for March & April The first two months of this campaign component will use $98,975 (57%) of the total budget. This spending will be used to reach the target audience through the following media vehicles: niche market blog sponsored posts and social media suggested/promoted posts.
• Social media digital posts will reach 55% of the target audience with a frequency of 3.
Example Advertising Executions
Media Strategy
MARCH & Media Strategy APRIL 57% of our total budget will be allocated towards the months of March and April. During this two month time period we will set aside $100,595 to spend on social media as well as a social video campaign that will be promoted through sponsored posts via niche market blog spots. These joint elements will define the peak of our campaign. Outreach within this two month duration will be vital to this campaign as the majority of job searches amongst millennials occur within this time period through these social platforms. Social media elements will include sponsored posts via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and will be specific to the ten cities within our geographic market. $28,975 will be designated to these social media platforms, with a specific financial breakdown provided in the analysis below. The remaining $50,000 will be allocated to niche market blogs in addition to the $20,000 set aside for the production of the social video. $70,000 will thus go towards the social video campaign as we are confident that these specific mediums will generate quality impressions that will optimize our campaign results. Our campaign will rely heavily on the impressions we receive through these geographic specific sites as well as popularized blog mediums pertaining to the automotive industry, relevant to our target market. Following the production of the promotional social video, we will then reach out to the specific niche blogs/sites found on the extensive site list we have comprised in figure 1 and figure 2. The sitelist includes 30 niche blog spots specific to our target audience, 20 of which are specific to our target geographic markets. We intend to secure 30 sponsored posts over this set time period.
Category Niche Blogs
Each of the included sites caters to a specific audience that defines our target market. The number of unique monthly visitors each of these sites receives will not only increase our impressions, but will assure that the message is disseminated to a relevant and interested audience. Tailored to the specific target market we aspire to reach, these automotive focused sites will generate an estimated 2,590,944 impressions based on the number of unique monthly visitors each of these 10 sites receives. Car enthusiasts comprise each of these site’s audience, which will be imperative to our reach. Outreach will be divided on a monthly basis; with
5 sites agreeing to post the first week of March and the remaining 5 will post within the first week of April. Sponsored post content will be drafted by the individual publisher but will require the inclusion of information in regards to the Genius program, references to the BMW brand and will contain embedded links to direct readers to locate Centers within their region and links to apply online. In addition to these embedded links, publishers will be required to Tweet a link to the article via their site’s Twitter page, as well create a Facebook post with a link to the article. This will optimize the number of impressions as viewers will be exposed to the content
via social media in addition to the publisher site, and furthermore, are enabled to share the content via social media. Content will correlate with the social video, which will be displayed directly above the article. Sponsored posts will be featured on the site’s home page for a full week following the initial post and it will then be determined by the publisher where the article is positioned within the site. While each publisher encompasses their own set price for sponsored posts, the estimated cost per post averages between $300-$1,000 signifying a total spend of $3,000$10,000 on the 10 sponsored posts we secure.
Geographic Niche Sites These sites will reach target audience members living within the specific geographic markets our campaign is directed towards. The sitelist includes 2 specific sites for each of the ten cities we previously identified as our target market. By securing sponsored posts specifically on these sites, we will increase awareness by 30% amongst target audience members living within these regions. Each of these sites receives a high number of daily impressions from
young, driven millennials living within these markets; meaning these viewers will fully represent our target audience. Similar to the category based sites we secure, these sites are centralized around Tech, Lifestyle, News/ Entertainment and Automotive news; however these sites are specific to the geographic regions in which they are published. Of the 20 suggested sites listed, 10 of these posts will be secured on the first of March; followed by
Media Strategy
the publication of the remaining 10 posts on the first of April. These posts will remain situated on the site’s home page for a 7-day period, and it will then be determined by the publisher where the post is moved within the site. Each of these publishers also encompasses their own price for sponsored posts which ranges between $150-$2,000; signifying a total spend of $3,000-$40,000 on the 20 sponsored posts we secure.
Blog Name
# of Unique Monthly Visitors
http://www.autoblog. com
Dub Magazine
The Truth About Cars
High Speed Magazine
Torqued Magazine
BMW Coop
http://www.bmwcoop. com
The Garage
http://thegarageblog. com/garage/
** Unique Monthly Visitor info gathered from**
Figure 1 (Category Niche Blogs)
Media Strategy Blog Name
Geographic Market
Culture Map
Austin, Texas
Austin 360
Austin, Texas
http://www.austin360. com
Houston Chronicle
Houston, Texas cars/news/
Urban Swank
Houston, Texas
Dallas Magazine
Dallas, Texas
http://www.dmagazine. com/
The Dallas Morning News
Dallas, Texas
http://www.dallasnews. com/news/blogs/
City Weekly
Salt Lake City, Utah
http://www.cityweekly. net
Salt Lake Magazine
Salt Lake City, Utah
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA
The Good Life Denver
Denver, CO
http://www.laobserved. com/
The Denver Post
Denver, CO
http://www.denverpost. com/
DC Curbed
Washington DC
We Love DC
Washington DC
http://www.welovedc. com/
Everything Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV
http://blog.caesars. com/las-vegas/
Vital Vegas
Las Vegas, NV
The Bold Italic
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Diego Free Press
San Diego, CA
San Diego City Beat
San Diego, CA
http://www.sdcitybeat. com/
Figure 2 (Geographic Niche Sites)
Social Media Posts
Media Strategy
In addition to the social video campaign, $28,975 will be set aside for social media throughout the months of March and April. Sponsored ads via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter will be disseminated across the geographic markets listed within our target and will thus increase awareness by 40% amidst our target audience per platform. The Genius program will be promoted through these sponsored ads, which will display relevant content to a millennial audience. These sponsored ads will highlight the qualities of a Genius member and will guide viewers to apply for the position online with direct links. These sponsored posts will be optimized to support both desktop newsfeeds along with mobile/portable devices. Specifically, Facebook sponsored posts will reach 40% of our target audience with a frequency of 2. Suggested posts on Twitter, similarly, will reach 40% of our target audience with a projected number of 285,000 impressions. LinkedIn sponsored ads will comprise a lesser, 46,700 impressions, but will be specific in targeting our desired audience within our geographic markets. These ads will be disseminated consistently throughout the two month period with a maximum spend per day, per platform. Interests used to segment the groups of viewers who are exposed to these ads include: automotive, technology, customer service, BMW brand and other relevant content. Media Objectives for September, October & November Continuing to inform and convince quality applicants to apply for available employment opportunities at BMW Centers with the following objectives: Digital advertising will reach 40% of the target audience with a frequency of 3. Media Strategy for September, October & November The last three months of this campaign component will use $36,400 (21%) of the total budget. This spending will be used to reach the target audience through the following media vehicles: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn suggested and promoted posts.
Media September, October, & November Strategy The remaining $36,400 of our budget will be allocated towards the months of September and November, where we will continue our social media presence and finalize our digitally driven campaign. To carry out our social media efforts, we will continue to publish sponsored content/ads via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. These three platforms are imperative to our digital campaign as the majority of Centers conduct hiring decisions throughout these three months and will thus rely on these ads to reach qualified potential candidates.
Social Media Posts
To re-establish top of mind awareness in regards to the Genius program, we will continue to disseminate our sponsored ads via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We will, once again, segment the groups by interests pertaining to the Genius Program such as automotive, technology, and customer service. Over the 91 day period, Facebook sponsored posts will reach approximately 60,000 people per day, accounting for a projected 30% reach amongst our target audience defined by the criteria settings we allocate through this platform. Sponsored tweets will reach an average of 214,000 people per day, equating to a 30% reach of the target audience we define through the criteria/settings on Twitter. Lastly, LinkedIn will round off our social media presence with sponsored ads that will account for 46,700 impressions per day. B a r nes ADVERTISING
Advertising Executions
Do you have the skills to become the ultimate driving force for one of the worlds greatest teams? As a suggested Facebook post this advertisement will be more likely seen and trusted by potential employees when compared to banner advertisements.
Everything starts with passion. At BMW our positions are more than just a job. They are a career path to a more successful future. Click to learn more about the Genius position and how to become the ultimate driving force at a center near you!
Do you have the skills to become the ultimate driving force for one of the worlds greatest teams?
A Twitter hash tag will be used throughout the campaign in order to keep track of buzz and feedback from potential employees. Think of it as a conversation starter among millennials.
become #theultimatedrivingforce
Advertising Executions
Executions will be easy to manipulate so that they can fit a variety of different mediums. This type of advertisement is not limited to Geniuses, but can be changed to fit any open BMW of North America position.
On LinkedIn a more detailed description of the position will be available since users will be more engaged in this social medium.
Advertising Executions
This is an example of one of the many sponsored blog post. Each of the 30 sites will display the viral video along with an article explaining the Genius positions.
Advertising Executions This storyboard depicts the viral video on a frame-by-frame basis. The video shows the story of different Geniuses coming together from around the world to collaborate on the Genius position.
Viral Video Storyboard:
Campaign Promotions
Starting September 1, 2016, a social media sweepstakes will be launched to further generate buzz about the Genius position and to promote a high level of engagement between potential employees and BMW of North America. The sweepstakes will be posted on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram via the already existing BMW of North America accounts. The social media sweepstakes will be concentrated to the geographical markets already in place for the social media component of the overall campaign. The posts will revolve around the simple question “What’s your ultimate driving force?” The posts will go on to further explain that to enter the sweepstakes participants must answer the question by responding with a post explaining a quality they possess that would make them the ultimate employee at BMW. Weekly reminder posts will go out for the entire month of September.
The sweepstakes will have two different levels of engagement each having their own unique prizes. Level 1 (text engagement): At this level of the sweepstakes, contestants will reply to the main question via text post submission on their private Twitter or Facebook accounts. A text only reply is considered low engagement and therefore will have a smaller prize amount. The level one prize is a BMW goodie bag featuring BMW logo stickers, water bottles, jump drive, and a custom license plate. Also, included will be a description of the Genius employment opportunity along with steps on how to apply. This level will have 100 winners and be allocated a budget of $5,000.
Level 2 (photo and video engagement): At this level of the sweepstakes contestants will reply to the main question by responding with a text post, coupled with either a picture or video illustrating their ultimate quality on their personal Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts. This type of reply is considered high engagement and therefore will have eight grand-prize winners. The eight winning contestants will attain a paid in full trip to South Carolina for a private tour of the BMW manufacturing plant. Furthermore, the winners will receive a private Skype session with a current BMW genius to talk about the Genius employment opportunity and also to simply discuss new and exciting BMW projects. With transportation and hotel costs approximately $10,000 out of our budget will be allocated to this level of engagement.
The sweepstakes will last exactly one month during which contestants will be able to enter at anytime during the 30 day time span. Along with their replies, contestants will include the hashtag “BecomeTheuUtimateEmployee”. This will allow for easy tracking of all the participants social media posts and also allow a social network to be created where potential employees can see all the different types of qualities a BMW genius may have. Contestant will also be encouraged to share the initial post with friends generating a buzz far greater than just the reach of the initial BMW audience. The ultimate goal of this social media promotion is to engage avid fans of BMW with the brand and turn them into potential employees.
Campaign Promotions
Consumer Micro Insights Another objective of the social sweepstakes campaign will be to increase customer micro-insights. By viewing the type of people who enter the campaign, we will gain a better understanding of the type of people who want to be Genius employees. In future campaigns this will help narrow the focus to a more specific target audience. Furthermore, it will help provide information on the qualities that potential employees consider to be important, which might provide insight into key required skills future advertising must highlight in order to attract new hires. B a r nes ADVERTISING
Evaluation & Media Schedule
Evaluation The overall productivity and success of this dual-component campaign will be measured by (a)the number of qualified applicants for open Center positions and (b)the number of new Centers who take advantage of hiring services offered by BMW of North America to place new employees in the right positions. Through the use of the social media suggested/promoted posts, the number of engagements can be confidently monitored and accountably measured. Niche market blog sponsored posts will enable the measurement of views with click-through numbers and additionally, the number of video shares on various social media platforms. If Genius applicant numbers increase, this will indicate that click-through numbers are significant and video shares are exponential. It is projected that general awareness in regards to the Genius position will expand exponentially across a relevant target audience and that Centers will witness an increase in the quality of applicants. Through analyzing internal data, the business-to-business component of the campaign can be measured by the new number of Centers who implement the partnered hiring services. The six month period following the completion of this campaign can be used to analyze the improvement and retention rates within each individual Center.
Media Schedule Facebook Suggested Posts / March-April & September-November Twitter Promoted Posts / March-April & September-November LinkedIn Advertisements / March-April & September-November Sponsored Viral Videos / March-April
Final budget March/April Social: $28,975 September/October/November Social: $36,400 Viral Video: $71,620 Promotional Contest: $15,000 Ultimate Employee Toolkit: $20,205 Employee Highlight Newsletter: $2,800
$175,000 40
Budget Breakdown
March and April / Media expenditures Facebook sponsored advertisement: • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • $200 per day reaching 86,000 people per day (40% target audience) Twitter promoted tweets: • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • $8 per engagement (max $125 per day) reaching 285,000 people (40% target audience). LinkedIn Advertisements: • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas;
Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • $3.21 CPM for about 46,700 impressions. Social Video Campaign (Niche Market Blog Sponsored Posts): • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • Age 18-35: national spectrum Social Video. • Production Cost: $20,000 Geographic Based (Niche Market Blog Sponsored Posts): • 10 Sponsored Posts first week of March; homepage display 7-day period; $150-$2,000 cost
per publisher ($1,500- $20,000 total cost). • 10 Sponsored Posts first week of April; homepage display 7-day period; $150-$2,000 cost per publisher ($1,500-$20,000 total cost). • Cost of 20 secured Sponsored Posts: $3,000-$40,000. Category Based (Niche Market Blog Sponsored Posts): • Estimated Number of Impressions: 2,590,944 (based on number of unique monthly viewers). • 5 Sponsored Posts first week of March; homepage display 7-day period; $300-$1,000 cost per publisher ($1,500-$5,000 total cost). • 5 Sponsored Posts first week of April; homepage display 7-day period; $300-$1,000 cost per publisher ($1,500-$5,000 total cost). • Cost of 10 secured Sponsored Posts: $3,000-$10,000.
september-November / Media expenditures Facebook Sponsored Posts • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • $125 per day reaching 60,000 people per day (27% target audience). Twitter Sponsored Tweets • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco,
California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • $5 per engagement (max $125 per day) reaching 214,000 people (30% target audience). LinkedIn Advertisements • Age 18-35: Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Denver, Colorado; Washington DC; Las Vegas, Nevada. • $3.21 CPM for about 46,700 impressions.
Other Expenditures • Stress Ball: $2.00 each, $750 total • Paperweight: $14.79 each, $5,205 total • Toolkit Box: $8.85 each, $3,295 total • 4 brochures: $2.95 each, $4,295 total • Badge: $15.50 each, $5,460 total • Newsletter: $2,800 • Video Production: $20,000 • Leftover Costs for Contingency and Shipping: $1,200 • Promotional Contest Prize: $15,000
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SAM BARNES Account Executive & Creative Design
HALEY SIMPSON Project Manager
JC SANDEL Media Planner
HALLIE CROSS Idea Strategist & Copywriter