Akeley Wood Junior School - Parent Handbook

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Junior School Parent Handbook


from the Head Welcome to the start of your child’s educational adventure at Akeley Wood School. I am delighted that your family is joining the wonderful community here at Akeley’s Wicken Park campus, home to our happy and vibrant Junior School and Nursery. We have an idyllic rural setting where we have developed a leading Forest School provision, enviable sporting facilities and space to focus on play, exploration and discovery. We are a forward-thinking independent school with a pioneering approach to teaching and learning, where we are always seeking ways to improve the children’s experience and attainment. We focus on developing the whole child. We champion the mastery approach to learning: ensuring every child achieves a deep understanding of all objectives. Deliberately small class sizes ensure our teachers can give each child the time and attention they need to develop at their own pace and achieve their full potential. In this booklet you will find lots of practical information about our school and I hope you find it useful. For those with children entering our Reception class and starting school for the first time, we have included a special section with practical advice and ideas so you can help with transition at home. Please do not hesitate to contact me or one of my team should you wish to find out more.

Miss Kara Dowson Head of Akeley Wood Junior School and Nursery


www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231

Introducing the Leadership Team

Mr Simon Antwis Principal

Mr Michael Rice Assistant Head of School

Mrs Jennifer Reeves Assistant Head of School

Akeley Wood School

Akeley Wood Junior School and Nursery

Akeley Wood Junior School and Nursery


The Akeley Learner Profile Our pupils: Are encouraged to develop knowledge and cultural sensitivity and tolerance towards their own cultures, as well as the values and traditions of others and the global community. As a school, we recognise, promote and celebrate human diversity.


Are expected to act with integrity, honesty and with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for themselves and others.


Are expected to take ownership for their actions and the consequences that accompany them.


Are expected to be open-minded, empathetic, compassionate and respectful towards the needs and feelings of others. They are also expected to make a positive difference in their school and their wider communities.


Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in their work and are open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives. They act on creative ideas to make tangible and useful contributions to their community and peers in a range of contexts.


Learn to ask and ponder searching questions related to their learning and plan and carry out investigations linked to these questions. They collect and examine evidence and use a range of cognitive skills to solve problems and evaluate their own and alternative points of view.


Learn to share ideas, points of view, and learning in a range of situations with different audiences. They use writing, speaking and a variety of tools to communicate and embrace multilingualism as they expand their ability to communicate in English and other languages.


Understand that all members of a team have an important role to play, and they learn to adopt different roles as they work with others in a variety of contexts. They are able to work towards goals alongside and in cooperation with others to accomplish diverse tasks.


Learn through a range of themes and subjects and develop proficiency in the sciences, mathematics, technology, English, languages, history and culture, global and local environmental awareness, and the arts.


Discover that success is a process that requires hard work and endurance. They learn to see their tasks through to completion and cope with disappointment when success does not come with the first try. They are encouraged to view failure as a learning tool and not to give up until they have accomplished the goal or task.


Give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations, in order to support their own learning and personal development.


Seek and evaluate a range of viewpoints and are willing to grow from the experience. They are keen to take part in new challenges and the experiences they bring.

Open Minded


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Celebrating Achievements The House Cup Each child belongs to a House for which they can receive House Points linked to our Akeley Learner Profile. Our Houses are: • Pilgrim • Hillcrest

Celebration Assembly This is held each Monday morning with all students and staff at Akeley Wood Junior School. In addition to The House Cup, we also award the the Akeley Learner Profile Cup and Class Attendance trophies.

• Stuart • Thompson The House Cup is awarded in our Celebration Assembly each week.

Fiesta Friday The children learn to be so proud of their learning and look forward to showing it off to their parents and carers.

Rocket Recognition This is another important initiative to support positive behaviour. From Reception to Year 6, Rocket Recognition lanyards are awarded to members of the school community who have gone ‘above and beyond’. Children, teachers and parents can be awarded rockets. They are also encouraged to nominate each other. Parents and other children are encouraged to ask why they have received one to highlight positive reinforcement and attention for going ‘above and beyond’ for each other. Rockets are worn in school until the following Celebration Assembly, followed by Hot Chocolate with the Head. Their names are also displayed on the Rocket Recognition Board in the main reception area.

At the end of each half term we have a ‘Fiesta Friday’ where parents are invited to join us in the classrooms to celebrate their learning in creative ways. You will be informed of the dates for these special events.

‘Dojo’ Rewards We have introduced Class Dojo from Reception upwards. This is an online programme through which children are allocated a monster linked to their House colour. Children are awarded Dojo points for positive behaviour from our Akeley Learner Profile. These count as House Points and children work towards individual recognition certificates and a collective class reward at the end of each half term. The weekly House winner is announced in assembly and the Cup is updated with the corresponding ribbon.


Preparing for Reception: A Foundation for the Future A word of encouragement for our new Reception parents prior to the September transition from Nicola Kenny, our Foundation Stage Phase Leader… September is an exciting time for both teachers and pupils, but more so for those children who will be starting school for the first time. Whilst it can be a little daunting, most children settle quickly and easily into their new surroundings. Throughout their lives our children will go through many phases of transition, and with a little help, preparation and encouragement they are able to cope, and indeed flourish during these times. There are a few things you can do as parents / carers to help in the weeks and months ahead. Firstly, don’t worry Children commence school with a wide range of experiences and abilities. Some have already been in a nursery environment, others to playgroups, and some have had very little experience outside of the home environment. Teachers are there to help everyone progress at their own level.

Share experiences Your child doesn’t need to be able to read, write or count before they start school. However, it is helpful if you have shared experiences of reading stories together to build a love of books and engaged them with activities to become familiar with mark making, such as painting, and handling large crayons and chalks.

Build their curiosity Many activities such as singing, playing games, talking about nature and having fun with numbers will begin to build your child’s enthusiasm for learning and a curiosity to want to investigate the world for themselves.

Little jobs for little hands Help your child build the skills to become an independent thinker and learner. Little things like putting on their own shoes and coat, hanging up their bag, washing their hands or helping you to tidy away can prepare them for listening and following instructions, and to encourage them to become independent. The school will provide you with information about starting Reception and we will also share a child friendly version. It is important to discuss these, looking at the pictures and talking about the positive things they are looking forward to seeing and doing upon arrival at school. Visit the school with your child before they start. The school will have open days and other informal events, as well as a specific day for the children to experience their transition with their new class. Sharing your child’s interests and strengths with the teachers will enable them to provide opportunities to enthuse individual children, which can be shared verbally or through an ‘All About Me’ booklet. The most important thing is to promote a relaxed and positive attitude to their new beginning. Providing them with the opportunity to visit their setting and focusing on the positives will be enough to make them feel settled. It is often us as parents that worry, but children are naturally sociable, quick to make friends and love starting school. They are ready for the next stage in their learning and will blossom as they grow during their first year at school. The progress that follows is amazing and you will look back and wonder why you ever worried in the first place.


www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231

Information, Communication and Parent / Carer liaison Information Evenings… the virtual way Until we can throw open our doors once again, we would like to extend an invitation to join us… virtually. Miss Kara Dowson, Head of School will be running a series of online Information and Transition Evenings via Microsoft Teams for parents and carers. These are designed to give you the very latest information on the curriculum specific to your child’s year group, to set expectations about your child’s attainment, to meet the teaching staff and specialist subject teachers, to communicate end of year expectations and to answer any questions you may have.

Cognita Connect Cognita Connect is our new parent portal app, dedicated to transform the communication between us in school, and you as parents. The app is designed to bring you closer to your child’s learning experience, giving you 24-hour access to personalised news and information via your mobile, tablet or desktop advice. Through a targeted newsfeed, tailored notification and smart calendar, Cognita Connect allows you to manage important information about our students’ progress in a familiar, digital experience and keeps you up to date with latest news and events. Other key features:

• All other learning platforms will be accessible via the app keeping things streamlined Launching June 2020, parents will each have their own individual logins to the app and once registered, it will include everything you need under one roof. .

Attainment and Progress Reports We have recently launched ‘OTrack at Akeley’, creating our own unique and bespoke reporting and attainment system. A seamless way of gaining visual access to your child’s learning journey and promoting partnerships with parents. OTrack is a system that teachers use regularly as an assessment tool to track children’s attainment against expectations in each lesson. The full compliment of subjects across the AWJS curriculum will be reported using our leading attainment criteria. Our new OTrack reports include: • Attainment • Subjects • Progress • Next Steps More information and detail about this leading offering will be included in the Information Evenings and in direct dialogue with your child’s class teacher.

• View letters and give trip permissions • Make payments for trips, clubs and wraparound care* – from September • View achievements* - from January • Access school reports* - from January • See timetables • Book parents evening slots* – from September • Complete online forms e.g. Change of address, medical information


The Curriculum We are proud of our exciting and varied curriculum at Akeley Wood Junior School. It is under constant scrutiny and review to ensure it provides focus on the development of knowledge and skills in a fun, interactive and responsible way. We encourage active participation, independent learning and collaboration. We aim to provide a curriculum to develop children who love learning. We understand that the curriculum, both within taught lessons and beyond in the behaviour we foster and develop, should create an environment where academic risk-taking, questioning and debating, challenging thinking and the freedom to learn from mistakes are all encouraged.

Academic Curriculum Our taught curriculum broadly follows the English National Curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Kay Stage 2 (KS2). Teachers plan lessons to support children achieve age related End of Year Expectations for their year group. Our pupils take GL Summative Assessments at the end of Years 1-6 in English and Mathematics.

Specialist Subject Curriculum Children at Akeley have access to a variety of specialist teaching throughout the school year. Our specialists in PE, Music, Art, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), Forest School, Design Technology, Computing and Food Technology plan a broad and varied curriculum, based on a comprehensive skills progression.

Extra-Curricular Activities A wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities also supplement the timetabled curriculum. Our pupils are encouraged to take part in an extensive range of Art, Drama, Music, Sport and other activities and clubs. Regular themed days and weeks are held. Pupils are also taken to places of interest on a regular basis. Visits, including residential opportunities, are organised annually, which help develop independence, teamwork and responsibility in a different way to that in school.

Special Educational Needs and Exceptional Potential Programme Our curriculum is inclusive. For those pupils with special educational needs, the school has a well-established Learning Support Department led by the SENCo. We also have an Exceptional Potential Programme, ensuring those children exceeding expectations are challenged appropriately.

Values We are proud to promote British Values in every aspect of school life. These are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231


Home Learning It is important that children develop the necessary skills to work autonomously at home and support their studies with diligent effort in a separate environment from the one provided at school. At Akeley we encourage the children to do this in two ways. Weekly Teachers set weekly home learning on a Wednesday for collection and marking at the start of the following week. The children will receive verbal and some written feedback where applicable and the award of Dojos (House Points) for effort. We also provide parents with a clearer view of how to provide support. These are aligned to age appropriate End of Year Expectations. Occasionally teachers will provide useful prior learning which may be revisiting previous objectives taught or learning about specific content. This is usually optional; however, teachers will stipulate if there is a prior learning task which needs to be completed to inform the following week’s learning.

Reading Our expectation is that children read at home every day. At school we follow the Accelerated Reader reading scheme. Children complete an online assessment to determine which book band at which they are reading. They will choose a book at their own level, upon which guidance is provided. Once they have finished the book, they will take a short quiz on one of the classroom iPads. Parents will be given a login to access their child’s reading record online. As this is clearly a key learning activity, we will ensure that all children, particularly those on the school reading scheme, will be heard to read as often as possible. All children will be assessed via class reading activities and their reading record books. These books will develop their understanding and comprehension as well as their analytical skills.


www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231

The School Day 7.30am – 8.30am Wrap-around care/Breakfast Club (additional charge) 8am – 8.30am Children can be dropped off at the Sports Hall to be supervised 8.30am

Children go to classrooms


Register is taken

9am Lesson begins 10am – 10.30am Morning break (children should bring a healthy plastic-free snack) 12pm – 1.30pm Staggered lunch break, children have half an hour to eat and half an hour to play 3.30pm Pick up for Reception and KS1 who are not in clubs 3.30p - 4pm

Reception and KS1 clubs

3.45pm – 4pm Pick up for KS2 children from outside the Sports Hall for those not in clubs 4pm – 4.45pm

KS2 clubs

4pm – 4.30pm Supervision provided for those not in clubs 3.30pm - 4pm

Reception and KS1 Clubs

4.30pm – 6pm

Wrap-around care/Breakfast Club (additional charge)

SuperCamps (Breakfast and After School Clubs) We are delighted to have SuperCamps running our wrap around care provision through SuperClubs. SuperCamps is part of the Cognita Schools Group and the company has been operating for over 20 years. They work with several Cognita schools and have a strong reputation as one of the leading holiday care providers in the country. At their most recent inspection in 2017 they were awarded a ‘Good with Outstanding Features’ from OFSTED. They have a dedicated booking system and Customer Service Team who will facilitate a smooth and simple process.

Super Clubs run every term time day during the following times: • Morning – 7:30-8:30am • After School – 4pm-6pm Pricing is as follows, per child per day: • Morning - £5.50 for regular bookings, £6.50 for individual ‘ad hoc’ bookings • After School - £10 for regular bookings, £12 for individual ‘ad hoc’ bookings The regular price applies to bookings made for the same session on the same day for the full term in advance. Other bookings will be priced as ‘individual’


Before you start Uniform We consider the presentation of our pupils to be highly important. Our uniform represents the school community, it’s ethos and standards. From our Reception to Year 6 pupils, we want children, staff and parents to take pride in our school through this visual representation of our standards. You will be supplied with a uniform list. Children are required to have a regulation school coat, blazer and school accessories such as hats and gloves. These are all available to purchase from the school uniform shop. The shop is located at the Junior School. You may also like to use the online facility, simply register your details by logging on to www.stevensons.co.uk, locate Akeley Wood and then you can purchase your requirements online for collection from the shop on campus. There is also the option of using the Second Hand Uniform Shop, please enquire at the School Office for details and opening times. Please note that all items of uniform, stationery and personal belongings should be clearly named. Kit checks will be carried out during the first few days of every term.

Equipment In order for children to achieve, we feel it is important for them to take responsibility for their own equipment. The following items are essential pieces of equipment needed each day. • Pilot Frixion Ball Pen – blue (plus a spare one)

• Basic calculator (not scientific)

•F ountain pen with plenty of refills

• Ink eraser pen to accompany fountain pen (no tippex)

• At least three good quality HB pencils plus a mechanical pencil

•Coloured gel pens

• Sharpener

• Coloured pencils

• Rubber

• A named pencil case to hold all stationery

• Ruler 30cm plastic (not metal or flexible)

• Dictionary (Pocket English or Collins Pocket Colour)

• 180° protractor

• Thesaurus

• Scissors

• A named plastic container for Food Technology (your child will be informed when they need to bring this to school)

• Glue Stick (plus a spare one)

• Highlighter pens


www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231

School Uniform SUMMER 2020 Appointments NOW LIVE

To keep both our staff and customers safe, our school shop will be operating on an appointment only basis this summer. Appointments are for new starters only and can now be booked over the phone for an instore fitting. Appointments can be booked between Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July. Space is limited so we recommended booking as soon as possible. Appointments can be booked by calling the school shop on 01727 814360 and speaking to one of Customer Service Team.

Ordering online

Our online store will be operating as normal, we advise you please place your order by July 17th for home delivery.

Keeping you updated

With the current lockdown, retail restrictions and social distancing likely to have a significant impact in the flow of customers through our retail branches over the summer, we are having to revise our operations to maintain a smooth customer service experience. So we can update you on these changes it is important that we ask you register on our website so we can communicate these once we are in a position to reopen.

Unrivalled 120 day returns policy

Our industry-leading 120 day returns policy means you can purchase now with confidence, even if your child has a sudden growth spurt before the start of school.


Safeguarding Akeley Wood Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children. We expect parents, staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All visitors who come to Akeley Wood Junior School will be asked to sign our visitors’ book, issued with a visitor badge and a Visitor lanyard which must be worn at all times on site. Visitors should also be accompanied by an adult at all times. Parents should not move around the school premises unaccompanied. All visitors should return the badge at the end of the visit and sign out. An enhanced DBS disclosure will be required for all staff and regular volunteers. We follow a ‘no phone’ policy at school. Please make sure you do not use your mobile phone within the school premises. Mobile phones may be used in the school car park.

Medical Information We are required to collect medical details for all pupils in our care. We also need to regularly update any specific medical information which you feel is important for us to know. Please feel free to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher if there are any other personal details you feel it necessary to share in order to ensure your child’s general well-being. We understand fully that children can become unwell and may require time off school or perhaps require medication to be administered during the school day. We have a minimum exclusion period of 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea as well as an exclusion period for prescribed antibiotics. Pupils should remain at home a minimum of 24 hours after the first dose antibiotics if it is an antibiotic they have had before. However, if they have not had it before they will need to stay at home for 48 hours from the first dose.


www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231

Any medication required to be taken during the school day must be brought in every morning and handed in to the School Office and then collected and taken home at the end of each day for as long as the medication is required. The school cannot hold any medication on site with the exception of Epipens, Inhalers and medication for long term illnesses. Before we are able to administer medication, a ‘Request to Administer Medication Form’ must be completed in full (copies can be obtained from the School Office). The form requires specific information and we ask for your cooperation in completing this fully before any medication can be dispensed. Once your child has received their medication you will be informed via a MedicalTracker email for your records.

Your Information At Cognita we look after your personal information and only use your personal information for the purpose for which it has been collected. If you would like further information about how and why we use your personal information, please see our privacy notices; these are available here: https:// www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk/privacy-andcookie-policies/

Admissions Checklist What we need from you:

3 Acceptance Form 3 Medical Form 3 Photo consent form 3 Associated Identification • Birth certificate or passport for child • Driving Licence / utility bill for parent(s) What you need from us:

3 Term Dates 3 Uniform List 3 Year Group specific timetable 3 Clubs timetable 3 Wraparound care provision information


Akeley Wood Nursery and Junior School for children aged 12 months to 11 years Wicken Park, Wicken, Milton Keynes, MK19 6DA General enquiries: 01908 571231 Admissions Registrar: 01908 555803



www.akeleywoodschool.co.uk | 01908 571231

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