The Fulbright Program
The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange History Board Members Message for 2016-2017 Grantees Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association Fulbright Taiwan U.S. Alumni Network EducationUSA
學術交流基金會簡介 簡史 董事會成員 執行長的話 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會 (美國) 美國教育資訊中心
3 4 7 8 10 11 12
Fulbright Scholarships Grants for Scholars Grants for Students Grants for K-12 Teachers
傅爾布萊特獎學金 學者獎助 學生獎助 教師獎助
13 14 16 16
Foundation “FSE” Scholarships Grants for TEFL Trainers Other Exchange Activities
學術交流基金會獎學金 TEFL顧問獎助 其他交流活動
18 18 19
2016-2017 Grantees’ Profiles Grant Foci U.S. Senior Scholars Taiwan Senior Scholars Taiwan Non-Academic Professionals Grantee Map U.S. Fellows Taiwan Fellows Fulbright Taiwan Experiences U.S. M.A. Students Taiwan Teachers U.S. English Teaching Assistants
本年度獲獎者簡介 焦點議題 美國資深學者 台灣資深學者 台灣專業人員 獲獎者分布地圖 美國青年學人 台灣青年學人 交流經驗分享 美國碩士生 台灣教師 美國英語協同教學助理
20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
2016-2017 Planned Activities
Taiwan Information
Foundation Staff
Cooperation & Sponsors
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
THE FULBRIGHT PROGRAM 傅爾布萊特計畫 “The Fulbright Program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs, and thereby increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.” - Senator J. William Fulbright
The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 in the aftermath of WWII, as an initiative of Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, who believed that a program of educational and cultural exchange between the people of the United States and those of other nations could play an important role in building lasting world peace. The purpose of the program is “to enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of the other countries.” Grants are made to U.S. citizens and nationals of other countries for a variety of educational activities, primarily university teaching, advanced research, graduate studies, non-academic professional programs in specified fields, and language teaching. Since 1946, over 360,000 talented people worldwide have been awarded Fulbright Scholarships. It is now the largest and one of the most prestigious, educational scholarship programs in the world and operates between the U.S. and more than 160 countries. There are 54 Nobel Laureates and 82 Pulitzer Prize winners who were Fulbright Grantees.
傅爾布萊特計畫成立於1946 (民 35)年,由阿肯色州參議員傅爾布萊特 先生提案。記取二次世界大戰的教訓, 他相信通過教育與文化之交流,讓美國 與各國人民相互了解,將有助於增進世 界和平。傅爾布萊特計畫的目的是「增 進美國政府、美國人民與各國人民的相 互了解」。每年提供獎學金與美國及各 國公民,支持高等教育講學、研究、進 修與專業人才交流等各種教育活動。從 1946年起,全球已經有超過36萬人次獲 得傅爾布萊特獎學金。至今,這個計畫 是美國與全球超過155個國家間最龐大 也最知名的教育交換計畫之一。獲獎者 中共有54位諾貝爾獎得主及82位普立茲 獎獲獎人。
Vice President-Elect Chen, gives a keynote speech titled “Public Health Issues in Taiwan” at the Fulbright Cross-strait Research Workshop in Taipei
What is Fulbright Program?
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Taichung ETA Ida Sobotik teaches Multicultural Awareness at Shang Shih elementary school
Short History 基金會簡史 The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan), supported by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE), and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), is one of the 49 bilateral organizations in the world established specifically to administer the Fulbright educational exchange program. The other 100+ bilateral Fulbright programs are administered by U.S. embassies.
學術交流基金會經費來源主要由中華民國政府 外交部和教育部編列年度預算,美方則由國務 院編列預算,透過美國在臺協會(AIT)支付, 是世界各地50個傅爾布萊特基金會之一,專門 執行傅爾布萊特交換獎學金的業務,另外約 100個國家的傅爾布萊特交換計畫則由美國當 地大使館負責。
Over the past 60+ years, the Foundation has financed over 1600 Taiwan grantees to the U.S. and more than 1400 U.S. grantees to Taiwan. In 1962, the Foundation began the U.S. Education Information Center providing Taiwan students with information about studying in the U.S. Starting in 2003 with 8 teachers, the Foundation began cooperating with Yilan County Government in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) project. Over 12 years, the partnerships have extended to Kaohsiung City, Kinmen County, Taichung City, Taipei City, NTCPA, and Taitung County, and in 2016 80 Fulbright ETAs serve in local schools.
五十多年來,基金會已經選送超過1600位台灣 獲獎人前往美國深造,亦選送超過1400位美國 獲獎人來台交流。自1962(民51)年起,基金會 成立美國教育資訊中心,專為預備赴美留學之 學生提供諮詢及資料服務。自2003(民92)年 起,基金會與宜蘭縣政府開始合作英語協同教 學助理(ETA)計畫,選送8位美籍英語教學助理 至宜蘭縣。經過十數年的發展,高雄市政府、 金門縣政府、台中市政府、台北市政府以及台 東縣政府亦陸續與基金會開始合作此項計畫, 今年共有80位傅爾布萊特美籍英語協同教學助 理於此六縣市服務。
In 2014, the Foundation developed its first strategic partners with the private sector and universities. The Formosa Plastics Group instituted a joint scholarship to support Taiwanese Scholars and Professionals in Early Intervention and Geriatric Health Promotion, and provided financial support for Taitung ETAs. New MA scholarships for Americans were instituted with National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, and National Cheng Kung University. In all, up to 167 places, are now available for US and Taiwan grantees.
在2014(民103)年,基金會首度與私人企業及 國立大學合作組成策略夥伴。台塑集團與基金 會成立聯合獎學金資助台灣學者與專業人員至 美國研究早期療育與老人健康促進,並贊助台 東縣英語協同教師計畫。此外,國立臺灣大 學、國立政治大學以及國立成功大學與基金會 成立聯合獎學金贊助美國優秀學生來台攻讀碩 士。共計有164名獎助席次可提供給台灣與美 國受獎者。
1947 United States Educational Foundation in China 美國在華教育基金會成立
1946 The Fulbright Act (Public Law 584; 79th Congress) 傅爾布萊特法案通過
1964 A new educational and cultural exchange agreement is signed 簽訂新版中美教育文化交換計劃協定
1962 U.S. Education Information Center established 美國教育資訊中心成立
1957 The Fulbright Program in Taiwan 傅爾布萊特交換計畫於台灣啟動
1979 The Foundation renamed as the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
原美國在中華民國教育基金會更名為學術交流 基金會,繼續執行傅爾布萊特交換計畫
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Timeline 基金會年表 2017 Celebrates 60 years of Educational Exchange 慶祝台美教育交流60週年
1992 Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association is founded
2010 New exchange of letters between TECRO and AIT concerning FSE are signed
1,400 American Alumni 1,600 Taiwanese Alumni
臺北經濟文化代表處與美國在臺協會簽訂 新版交換信件
2003 First ETA program started in Yilan County
第一個傅爾布萊特英語協同教學助理計畫 (ETA) 於宜蘭縣成立
2008 Second ETA program started in Kaohsiung City 第二個ETA計畫於高雄市成立
2012 New ETA programs started at Taipei, | Taichung, Kinmen, NTCPA, and Taitung 2014 臺北、台中、金門、戲曲學院、台東 等ETA計畫相繼成立
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
Honorary Board Chair Moy, CCNAA Director General Chang, Board Directors, and distinguished guests with U.S. grantees at Welcome Party
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Meet the Board Directors 董事成員 Fulbright Taiwan is overseen by a Board of Directors of five Taiwanese and five U.S. members. The Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is the Honorary Chairman of the Board. The Executive Director, under supervision of the Board, administers Fulbright Taiwan.
學術交流基金會設有董事會,由臺美雙 方各推派五人組成。董事會名譽主席由 美國在臺協會處長擔任,董事會下設執 行長,並受董事會成員監督。
Kin W. Moy 梅健華 Honorary Chair 榮譽董事長 Director, AIT 美國在台協會處長 Joseph Bookbinder 周書龍 Chair 董事長 Chief, Public Diplomacy Section, AIT 美國在台協會文化新聞組組長 U.S. Members 美國董事
Taiwan Members 臺灣董事
William E. Bryson 柏威廉 Partner, Global Market Advisors GMA國際法律事務所合夥人
Christine M.Y. Hsueh 薛美瑜 Director General, Dept. of North American Affairs, MOFA 外交部北美司司長
Lara Harris 何蘭* Chief, Consular Section, AIT 美國在台協會領事組組長
Te-Chang Lee 李德章 Director, Department of Academic Affairs, Academia Sinica 中央研究院學術及儀器事務處處長
Alys Spensley 蘇阿麗 Director, The American Center, AIT 美國在台協會美國中心主任
Jing-jyi Wu 吳靜吉 Endowed Chair of Creativity, National Chengchi University 政治大學名譽教授
David P. Sun 孫至德 Senior Executive Vice President, Cathay Financial Holding 國泰金控資深副總經理
Min-Ling Yang 楊敏玲 Director General, Dept. of Intl. and Cross-strait Education, MOE 教育部國際及兩岸教育司司長
ex officio William Vocke 李沃奇 Executive Director, Foundation for Scholarly Exchange 學術交流基金會執行長
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
Pan-Chyr Yang 楊泮池 President, National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學校長 *Serves as Treasurer
Message for 2016-2017 Grantees 執行長的話
On behalf of the Board and staff at Fulbright Taiwan, we extend our warmest welcome. Following Senator Fulbright’s vision the simple hope of the program is:
A world with a little and a little less The mission of Fulbright Taiwan is to: • • • • •
Build Knowledge Exchange Cultures Establish Long-term Relationships Change Lives Symbolize Taiwanese-American Friendships
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Dr. Vocke shares cultural insights about U.S. with departing Taiwan grantees
more knowledge conflict. “When you decided to go through the highly competitive process to win a Fulbright scholarship, we trust you had Senator Fulbright’s vision in mind. Receiving a Fulbright invokes ‘a privilege not a right.’ Receiving a Fulbright creates an obligation. So, think about the mission and the hundreds of ways you can embrace it. You will find Taiwanese and Americans eager to help. In terms of building knowledge, you have a particular task or project to complete. You undertake that in a joint partnership between you, your hosts, and Fulbright Taiwan. We hope to help make all three legs of that triangle as strong as possible. We hope you can maximize your experiences, enhance Senator Fulbright’s vision, and contribute to the cultivation of knowledge.
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
The cross-cultural mission is central to ‘a little less conflict.’ We hope that your goodwill and efforts bring understanding between America and Taiwan and that you take home a healthy dose of these wonderful cultures. At its best, this interaction promotes mutual understanding. Look at your fellow grantees in this booklet and get to know them. You should be impressed. Reach out to some. Equally, I hope you reach out to the colleagues you meet in Taiwan or America. In the months ahead, let us know if you need assistance. We are happy and ready to be of service. We wish you a very pleasant and productive stay in America or on this beautiful island. We wish you a very pleasant and productive fellowship. We are pleased you chose Fulbright for your experience.”
Dr. William C. Vocke, Jr. Executive Director, Fulbright Taiwan 執行長 李沃奇博士
Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association 台灣傅爾布萊特 學友會
Dr. Jih-Chu Lee President Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association 李紀珠博士 台灣傅爾布萊特學友會理事長
The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association consists of professionals
and scholars who have studied or conducted research in the US over the last 60+ years. After returning to Taiwan, most serve at their previous organizations. They teach, make contributions and provide feedback in each of their domains, and have significant influence on Taiwanese education, academia, culture, arts, and policy. To stay in touch, enhance friendship, and promote international academic cultural exchanges, the Taiwanese Fulbright alumni established the “Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association” to serve as an exchange platform among alumni.
The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association received its non-profit certificate from the Ministry of Interior in 1992. Its first president was the former president of National Taiwan University, Dr. Zhen Sun. The current and eleventh president is Dr. Jih-Chu Lee, the former Chairperson of the Taiwan Financial Holdings and the Bank of Taiwan. The Taiwan Fulbright Alumni Association holds its alumni supervisory committee coordination meeting between January and February and holds its alumni general conference between April and May. A variety of alumni exchange activities are held annually, such as alumni reading clubs, concerts, and seminars on the experiences of studying in the US. These provide Taiwanese Fulbright alumni an opportunity to exchange and share experiences in academia, culture, art, and education.
者,回國後大多返先前工作崗位服務及 教學,並對其各自領域作出回饋與貢 獻,對台灣社會學術、教育、文化藝術 的影響深鉅。基於聯繫學友、增進情 誼,並促進國際學術文化的交流,故由 台灣傅爾布萊特學友成立「台灣傅爾布 萊特學友會」作為學友間的交流平台。
體,由前國立台灣大學校長孫震博士擔 任第一屆理事長,現任第十一屆理事長 為前台灣金控暨台灣銀行董事長李紀珠 博士。台灣傅爾布萊特學友會於每年 1 至 2 月間舉行學友會理監事會統籌 會務,並於每年 4 月至 5 月舉行學友 大會。同時每年不定期舉行學友交流活 動,如學友讀書會、音樂會及美國求學 經驗座談會等各項交流活動,提供台灣 傅爾布萊特學友在學術、文化、藝術及 教育的經驗交流。
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Fulbright Taiwan U.S. Alumni Network 台灣傅爾布萊特 學友會 (美國)
I saw that America was an open, peace-loving, democratic, and just society governed by law. I learned how U.S. culture attached importance to peace and justice, so that as I lived in Taiwan in later years, I found it very easy to get along with people, and I was able to resolve problems with good reasoning. I must say that the Fulbright Exchange Program has been resoundingly successful for its exchange students in terms of raising the standard of their academic excellence, helping to create their successful career, and promoting their understanding about people on an international level.
“Officially established in May 2015, the Fulbright Taiwan U.S. Alumni Network already has over 250 members spread throughout the world. We believe that the common experience that we all share--living in one of the world’s loveliest countries-- will enable alumni to develop strong friendships over time. As such, our goal is to grow slowly but steadily. We created three chapters in areas with a
high concentration of alumni, hosted a gathering in each location, and setup an Alumni Directory so that our members can connect with each other on an individual basis. But more than anything, we are here to pursue the Fulbright goal of international exchange by deepening and strengthening our mutual connection to Taiwan.” Brian Bumpas Co-Founder Fulbright Taiwan U.S. Alumni Network
Dr. Paul Chiu (邱正雄) Former Vice Premier of Taiwan Chair of Bank Sino-Pack Taiwan Fulbright Grantee 1968-73
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
Free Services
EducationUSA 美國教育資訊中心
Weekly in-house presentation or group advising One-on-One Advising by appointment Answering phone calls and e-mails about studying in the U.S. Monthly electronic newsletter Outreaches to universities and high schools
The U.S. Education Information Center (USEIC) located within Fulbright Taiwan is one of the State Department - affiliated EducationUSA advising centers. It was founded in 1962 and, for many years, was the only EducationUSA advising center in Taiwan. The U.S. remains the top destination for Taiwan students studying abroad. Taiwan used to be the number one sending country of foreign students to the U.S. It remains the number seven top sending country.
EducationUSA is a network of hundreds of advising centers in 170 countries, where millions of international students each year find accurate, comprehensive, and current information about how to apply to accredited U.S. colleges and universities. The EducationUSA network is supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), which strives to foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. EducationUSA advisers and staff work with U.S. higher education professionals to promote international student enrollment.
Learn more about studying in the United States, please go to:
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
13 Taitung ETAs at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fulbright Welcome Reception
Scholars 學者獎助
Other Grants 其他獎助
Dr. Craig Quintero shares his creative inspirations with Taiwan students
Worldwide, the Core Fulbright Scholar Program offers opportunities for over 1200 Americans and 900 non-U.S. grantees for teaching, research, or combination teaching/ research awards in over 125 countries. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars, and many others. Between Taiwan and the U.S. there are approximately 50 scholars and non-academic professionals who receive a grant each year, 10-15 Americans and 30-40 Taiwanese. Taiwan also sponsors 12 Fulbrighters in the International Education Administrators program.
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
To U.S.
• Senior Research Scholars 資深學者研究獎助金 • Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group, for Senior Scholars 傅爾布萊特—台塑關係企業獎助金 (資深學者) • Experience America Research 博士後赴美研究獎助金
• Research Grants 研究獎助金 • Teaching Grants 教學獎助金 • Cross-Strait Studies Grants 海峽兩岸研究獎助金 • Postdoctoral Research Grants 博士後研究獎助金 • Teaching English as a Foreign Language Grants 英語作為第二語言教學獎助金
To Taiwan
• Scholar-in-Residence Program 傅爾布萊特駐校學者計畫
To U.S.
• Partial Grants 部分獎助金
• Non-Academic Professionals 專業人員及創作藝術家研習獎助金
• U.S. - Taiwan International Education Administrators Program Grants 國際教育守門人計畫獎助金
To Taiwan
• Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group, for Professionals 傅爾布萊特—台塑關係企業獎助金 (專業人員)
Special Projects Indigenous People Initiative Pacific Corals Holistic Project Tomorrow’s Rivers Initiative Cross-straits Studies English Education Project
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
The Core Fulbright Student Study/Research Program worldwide offers opportunities for over 850 U.S students and 4,000 non-U.S. students. These include Distinguished Teacher, study, degree seeking, and research awards. Between Taiwan and the U.S. there are approximately 40, mostly degree seeking, students who receive a grant each year, 15-20 Americans and 20-25 Taiwanese.
Students 學生獎助
Language Teachers 教師與教學助理 獎助
Rebekah Shyloski, English Teaching Assistant (ETA), and her students working on a word puzzle
Fulbright Language Teachers is the newest type of program added in the worldwide Fulbright stable, and programs in 70+ countries or languages are represented globally. Fulbright Taiwan supports the Foreign Language (Mandarin) Teaching Assistants (FLTAs) in America, which FSE joined in 2011, with 5 FLTAs. The English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program in Taiwan, which FSE joined in 2003, has grown from 8 to 80 ETAs today.
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
To U.S.
• Doctoral Dissertation Fulbright Research Grants 國內博士班研究生赴美獎助金 • Study/Research Grants 進修/研究獎助 • M.A. Degree Program Grants 攻讀碩士學位獎助
To U.S.
• Doctoral Degree Program Grants 攻讀博士學位獎助
To Taiwan
• Graduate Study Grants 攻讀博士學位獎助金
• Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) 教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫 • English Teaching Assistant Program (ETA) 美籍英語教學助理計畫 • Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 傅爾布萊特卓越教學獎助計畫
Sandy Tsai and Jessica Dzieweczynski, both Distinguished Award for Teaching grantees participated in Orientation at Washington, D.C.
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
To Taiwan
• Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 傅爾布萊特卓越教學獎助計畫
During their grants, Fulbrighters meet, work, live with, and learn from the people of the host country, sharing academic and daily life. Programs facilitate cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and routine tasks. This allows grantees to gain an appreciation of others’ views, beliefs, behavior, and thought process. Cross-cultural exchange in the Fulbright tradition is the added dimension that hopefully overtime enables ‘a little less conflict.’
TEFL Trainers lead and provide advice to the English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) and Taiwan English teachers. Also, practical classroom visits demonstrate teaching techniques. They plan training courses in cooperation with other English teaching professionals to improve the teaching quality among Taiwan’s English teachers and American ETAs.
TEFL Trainer David Herman shares feedbacks after a co-teaching observation
“FSE” Scholarships
• FSE English Teacher Training & Research Awards 英語教師培訓及研究獎學金
To Taiwan
TEFL Trainers 2
Alexandra Slayton (施愛麗)
Lynn Nakazawa (中澤琳恩)
Elie Yu (游清讌)
M.A., School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute, Vermont Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Award” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
M.S. Ed., University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Award” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
M.A., School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute, Vermont Award Title: “FSE English Teacher Training & Research Award” Host Institution: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
2 = 2nd year of the award
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
FSE hosts various exchange activities to promote the U.S.-Taiwan exchange programs as the broader mandate of the Fulbright program.
Exchange Activities
• National Association of Fellowship Advisors (NAFA) Taiwan Study Tour 美國國家獎學金顧問協會訪華團
To Taiwan
Fellowship Advisors
Deputy Minister Lin, FICHET Chair Su, DICE Director General Yang, and officers at Ministry of Education meeting with Fellowship Advisors
Arthur Casciato
Katerina King
Brian Souders *
Director of the Office of Distinguished Fellowships, Rutgers University
Director of Fellowships, Williams College (MA)
Baltimore County, Director, Study Abroad Office, University of Maryland
Associate Dean of Students; Director of the Career Development Office, Pomona College
Associate Director, Office of Fellowships, Awards, and Resources, Georgetown
Brian Davidson Assistant Director for Fellowships and National Awards, Claremont McKenna
Karla Guinigundo
Associate Director of Global Initiatives, Miami University of Ohio
Anna Kathryn Kendrick
Director of Global Awards and Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature, NYUShanghai
Mary Raymond
Jason Kelly Roberts
Lauren Tuckley Dale Wheeler
Assistant Director, Office of Fellowships, Northwestern University
Director of Prestigious Scholarship Program, Professor of Chemistry, Appalachian State University
Director, Office of National Fellowships, University of New Hampshire
Director, Office of Fellowships, University of Pittsburgh
Jeanne Sokolowski *
Judith (Judy) Zang
* study tour coordinator
學 術 交 流 基 金 會
2016-2017 GRANTEE PROFILES 本年度學人資訊
Dr. Chiung-Tao Shen helps NTU to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) at Alliant University during her Fulbright year.
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Andrew Terwilliger, Ph.D. Candidate, took a participatory approach in his Ethnomusicalogy research.
4% 14% 33%
Grant Foci 23%
焦點議題 26%
Education & Management For The Future
Nurturing education and management talent is crucial to keeping a society dynamic and competitive. Innovative ideas in education and management sustain Taiwan’s development.
New Cultural Insights
Examine the layers of culture, discover new truths from the old, and compare in order to re-define the horizon.
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
Grant Foci of 2016-2017 scholars and fellows
Public Policy That Matters
In the past, Taiwan focused on wealth creation and democratic evolution. Land, community, and health are newer concerns. New public policy research helps define tomorrow’s society.
Cutting Edge Technology & Medical Research
Advanced academic research, medical research, and high technology collaboration is central to Taiwan-US academic exchange. Promoting cuttingedge advances secures the future.
Arts That Uplifts
Art unlocks secrets to escape life’s routine, a kiln enriches collective memories, brushes color our hopes, a melody transforms our spirt ... Through the creativity and innovation of artists, the new is revealed and the old is refocused.
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles U.S. Senior Scholars come to Taiwan on Fulbright grants to teach, to conduct in-depth research in many academic fields (applied policy/social sciences, arts, business, culture, education, humanities, information, media, and social sciences), and to develop lasting professional contacts at Taiwan institutions.
U.S. Senior Scholars
Dr. Julia Andrews (安雅蘭)
Dr. Fredy González (高鳴)
Dr. Christine Norton (諾絲婷)
Dr. Barbara Reed (李柏嵐)
Distinguished Professor, Department of History of Art, Ohio State University, Ohio Project Title: “China Roar: Painting Societies and the Creation of Modern Chinese Art” Host Institution: Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of ColoradoBoulder, Colorado Project Title: “The Tong Wars: A Transnational History” Host Institution: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Texas State University-San Marcos, Texas Project Title: “Cultural Bridging Through Shared Adventure” Host Institution: Department of Civic Education and Leadership, National Taiwan Normal University
Professor & Chair, Department of Asian Studies and Religion, Saint Olaf College, Minnesota Project Title: “Buddhist Virtues and Global Universities: Engaging Liberal Arts and Religious Pluralism at a Buddhist University in Taiwan” Host Institution: Department of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
* Cross-strait Study
Dr. Brian Skerratt (施開揚)
Dr. Valerie Soe (蘇杏娟)
Dr. Jane Winn (康涵真)
Dr. Pei-Lin Yu (余琲琳)
Lecturer/Postdoctoral Researcher, The Center for China Studies, The Chinese Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Project Title: “Confluences: Contemporary Taiwanese Poetry in the New Millennium” Host Institution: Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature, National Chengchi University
Associate Professor, Department of Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University, California Project Title: “Love Boat: Taiwan Documentary Film Project” Host Institution: Graduate Institute of the America, Tamkang University
Professor, School of Law, University of Washington, Washington Project Title: “Opening of a CrossStrait Electronic Fund Transfer Link in 2012 as a Comparative Case Study Legal, Administrative and Innovation Cultures” Host Institution: Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Boise State University, Idaho Project Title: “Behavioral Ecology and the Evolution of Indigenous Taiwanese Farming” Host Institution: Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University
** Fulbright Global Scholar Award - Flex
* Cross-strait Study
* Cross-strait Study grants are for scholars who conduct research in area of specialization on an issues concerning the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan. Projects should focus on contemporary topics. Scholars spend a portion of their grant period in Taiwan and a portion in China.
** Fulbright Global Scholar Award - Flex allows U.S. academics and professionals to engage in multi-country, trans-regional projects. As a
worldwide award, U.S. scholars will be able to propose research or combined teaching/research activity in two to three countries with flexible schedule options; trips can be conducted within one academic year or spread over two consecutive years.
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles Taiwan Senior Scholars go to the U.S. on Fulbright grants to conduct in-depth research in many academic fields (applied policy/social sciences, arts, business, culture, education, humanities, information, media, and social sciences) and to develop lasting professional contacts at U.S. institutions.
Taiwan Senior Scholars
Dr. Chien-Chin Chen (陳建錦)
Dr. Jui-Hua Chen (陳瑞樺)
Dr. Shu-Ching Chen (陳淑卿)
Dr. Yu-Lun Chen (陳佑倫)
Associate Professor, Information Management, National Taiwan University Project Title: “A Study of ProteinProtein Interaction Extraction Using Text Mining Techniques” Host Institution: University of California, San Diego, California
Associate Professor, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing Hua University Project Title: “Cultural Politics in the Representation of Immigration: A Comparative Study of Immigration Museums in Different Countries in the Global World” Host Institution: Columbia University, New York
Distinguished Professor and Dean, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chung Hsing University Project Title: “Diaspora as Middle Passage: Journey Across Affective Borders in The Inheritance of Loss and The Book of Salt” Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, California
Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Chung Yuan Christian University Project Title: “Price discovery and informativeness of the order flows in foreign exchange spot and futures markets” Host Institution: Oregon State University, Oregon
Dr. Yuh-Min Chen (陳裕民)
Dr. Yung-Fu Chen (陳永福)
Dr. Kuo-Tai Cheng (鄭國泰)
Dr. Shou-Hsia Cheng (鄭守夏)
Professor, Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Development of a Web Information Analytics Framework and Enabling Technology for Business Intelligence” Host Institution: Rutgers Business School- Newark and New Brunswick, New Jersey
Professor, Department of Dental Technology and Materials Science, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology Project Title: “Design and cross-validation of a clinical decision support system for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases using ANA images” Host Institution: Brigham Young University, Utah
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Cultural Resources, National Hsin-Chu University of Education Project Title: “Public Service Motivation and Job Embeddedness” Host Institution: Indiana University, Indiana
Professor and Chair, Institute of Health Policy and Management College of Public Health, National Taiwan University Project Title: “To understand the strategies, programs and effects of the healthcare reforms conducted under or along with the Affordable Care Act in the US.” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts
See page 21
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles
Dr. Feng-Tsun Chien (簡鳳村)
Dr. Hsueh-Hua Chuang (莊雪華)
Dr. Shih-Chung Hsieh (謝世忠)
Dr. Shu-Wei Hsieh (謝世維)
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Project Title: “Smart Data Pricing with Peer Effects” Host Institution: University of California, Los Angeles, California
Associate Professor, Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University Project Title: “The Impact of Community-based Digital Equity Initiatives on Educational Equity” Host Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minnesota
Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Plural Asian Fourth World: A Comparative Study of Indigenous “Japanese”, Minority “Chinese” and Alternative “Lao” in Transnational Context” Host Institution: University of Oregon, Oregon
Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Daoism and its Social Life in China: An Oral History of Daoism (1949-2015)” Host Institution: Purdue University, Indiana
Dr. Chun-Tsai Hsu (許俊才)
Dr. Mei-Ling Hsu (徐美苓)
Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Affairs and Development, National Dong Hwa University Project Title: “Culturally Competent and Spiritual Social Work: the lessons from the United States” Host Institution: T.B.D.
Dr. Jin-Chu Huang (黃錦珠)
Dr. Li-Chieh Kuo (郭立杰)
Distinguished Professor, Department of Journalism, College of Communication, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Research and Practice in Climate Change Communication in the United States” Host Institution: Yale University, Connecticut
Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chung Cheng University Project Title: “A Study of the Relationship between Newspapers and Magazines in Late Qing and Early Republican China and Female Subjectivity” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts
Associate Dean and Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University Project Title: “Bridging Art, Medicine and Engineering: Biomechanically Identifying Hand Coordination, Fatigue and Playing-related Musculoskeletal Disorders of Pianists” Host Institution: Mayo Clinic, Minnesota
Dr. Leei Lan (藍蕾)
Dr. Feng-Chien Lee (李逢堅)
Dr. Shih-Hsiung Liang (梁世雄)
Dr. Fu-Te Liao (廖福特)
Associate Professor and Director, Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, National Taipei University Project Title: “Cross-Cultural Investigations into EFL Children’s Language Learning Strategies- Bridging Theories to Practice with Pedagogical Implications and Applications” Host Institution: University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education, Soochow University Project Title: “The research on policy implementation of CCSS in America: A close loo k at PA social studies from comparative perspective to Taiwan experience” Host Institution: Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania
Professor, Department of Biotechnology, National Kaohsiung Normal University Project Title: “A journey to explore knowledge and experience on springs protection and restoration in Florida” Host Institution: T.B.D.
Research Professor, Institute of Law, Academia Sinica Project Title: “International Comparative Analyses of National Human Rights Institutions –– Searching for Ideal Rule and Model” Host Institution: New York University, New York
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles
Dr. Ho-Yi Lin (林鶴宜)
Dr. Chao-Lin Liu (劉昭麟)
Dr. Huei-Mei Liu (劉惠美)
Dr. Hui-Mei Liu (劉惠美)
Professor, Department of Drama and Theatre, National Taiwan University Project Title: “The ‘Adaptation’ of Translation, On the Importance and Feasibility of Yuan Edition as Yuan Zaju Literary Reading” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts
Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Text Mining of Historical Documents for Assisting Chinese Studies” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts
Professor, Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University Project Title: “Assessing Speech Perception Deficits in Children with Specific Language Impairment: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches” Host Institution: University of Washington, Washington
Professor, Statistics, National Chengchi University Project Title: “Big Data analysis for online social networks and Construct more powerful tests for simple order testing problem about gamma distribution” Host Institution: Arizona State University, Arizona
Dr. Yuan-Ju Liu (劉苑如)
Dr. Jenn-Chyun Shieh (謝鎮群)
Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosphy, Academia Sinica Project Title: “Campaign Against the Heartland: Liu Yu’s Campaigns and Textual Transmissions in Early Medieval Chinese Literature” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts
Dr. Feng-Ming Tsao (曹峰銘)
Dr. Ching-Yi Wu (吳菁宜)
Director and Associate Professor, Well-being Research Center/ General Studies, Tajen University Project Title: “Religious Education and Well-being” Host Institution: Yale Divinity School, Connecticut
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Effects of Social Interaction and Language Experiences on Speech Perception Development in Children” Host Institution: University of Washington, Washington
Professor and Chair, Dept. of Occupational Therapy and Graduate Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Chang Gung University Project Title: “Combining Cognitive and Physical Training to Improve Cognition, Function, and Quality of Life for Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Efficacy Study” Host Institution: University of Southern California, California
Dr. Yen-Chun Wu (吳彥濬)
Dr. Kai-Ping Yao (姚開屏)
Dr. Yu-Chu Yeh (葉玉珠)
Dr. Wen-Hsuan Hou (侯文萱)
Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy, National Taiwan Normal University Project Title: “Logistics Development of Emerging Markets in Asia” Host Institution: University of Michigan, Michigan
Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University Project Title: “The Applications of Psychometrics on the Quality of Life Studies for Cancer Patients” Host Institution: Northwestern University, Illinois
Distinguished Professor, Institute of Teacher Education, National Chengchi University Project Title: “The Application of game-based learning and educational neuroscience in the learning of creativity” Host Institution: University of Virginia, Virginia
Associate Professor, Master Program in Long-Term Care, College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Project Title: “Development of Individualized Health Literacy Programs to Promote Physical, Psychological and Social Health for Elderly People” Host Institution: University of Southern California, California + Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group Senior Scholars
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright Senior Scholar Profiles
Dr. Hsien-Wen Kuo (郭憲文)
Yi-Li Lee (李怡俐)
Professor, Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, National Yang-Ming University Project Title: “Development on healthy aging indicators and health promotion programs for older adults in Taiwan” Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley, California + Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group Senior Scholars
Post-Doc Research Fellow, College of Law, National Taiwan University Project Title: “Judicial Strategies for Transitional Justice in East Asia: A Comparative Contextual Analysis” Host Institution: Harvard University, Massachusetts ++ Experience America Grant
+ Fulbright-Formosa Plastics Group Senior Scholar Grants provide scholars
with opportunities to conduct in-depth research in Early Intervention and Geriatric Health Promotion and to develop lasting professional contacts at U.S. institutions.
++ Experience America Grants are designed for people who received their doctoral
degrees from Taiwan or other non-English speaking countries. The grants provide an opportunity for scholars to conduct research and establish scholarly contacts in the U.S. academic world in many academic fields (applied policy/social sciences, arts, business, culture, education, humanities, information, media, and social sciences).
Taiwan grantees join the Pre-departure Orientation and U.S. grantees’ Farewell Party in Taipei
Non-Academic Professionals
Chai-Chi Lee (李佳麒)
Hang-Yu Liu (劉航煜)
Actor & Teacher, National Guoguang Opera Company Project Title: “Peking Opera: The Possibility of a Rebirth through Observing Western Theatre” Host Institution: Chinese Theatre Works, New York
Cloud Gate Wanderer/ Independent Artist/ Freelancer Project Title: “Exploration on the ABT Ballet Pedagogy program in NYU” Host Institution: New York University, New York
Non-Academic Professionals go to the U.S. on Fulbright grants to enhance their professional expertise through visits, observation, formal study (non-degree), or participation in training sessions in the United States for 3 to 10 months
See page 21
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
In 2016-2017, the number of grantees has gone up to a record high of 167.
Grantees by Award Categories
80 60
20 0
Lecturer & Researcher
Fellow/Student American
Language Teacher
Grantees Distribution
Central 中部 4 12 South 南部 10 37
North 北部 42 45
West 西部 14 19
East 東部 2 15
In Taiwan Taiwanese origination = 58 American destination = 109
Northeast 東北部 16 42
Midwest 中西部 15 20
South 南部 11 28 In U.S. Taiwanese destination = 56 American origination = 109
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright Fellow Profiles
U.S. Fellows are students who come to Taiwan on Fulbright grants to study or conduct research projects.
U.S. Fellows
Kevin Buckelew (呂凱文)
Andy Chang (張宏久)
Kristina Chyn (秦雅倫)
Rose Doerfler (杜玫瑰)
Ph.D. Candidate, East Asian Languages & Culture, Columbia University, New York Project Title: “Pregnant Metaphor: Language, Practice, and Embodiment in Medieval Chinese Buddhism” Host Institution: Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica
Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, University of California – Berkeley, California Project Title: “Heroes of Globalization - Migration, Social Mobility, and Cultural Change in Taiwan and Indonesia” Host Institution: Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University * Fulbright Hays Program
Ph.D. Candidate, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Texas A& M University – College Station, Texas Project Title: “Indirect Effects of Roads and Road Densities on Native Island Reptiles and Amphibians” Host Institution: Zoology Division, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
B.A./B.S., Chemical Engineering / Chinese, University of Notre Dame, Indiana Project Title: “A Low-Cost Platform for the Detection of Genetically Modified Rice” Host Institution: Department of Chemical Engineering, Yuan Ze University
Kay Duffy (杜圭)
Gina Elia (艾真)
Hannah Fazio (梅海娜)
Ira Hubert (胡安華)
Ph.D. Candidate, Chinese Literature, Princeton University, New Jersey Project Title: “The North in the South: Articulations of State Power in Seasonal Compositions” Host Institution: Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University
Ph.D. Candidate, Chinese Literature, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Project Title: “Shifting Concepts of Religion and Modernity in Republican-Era Chinese Literature” Host Institution: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
B.A., International Relations, Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Canada Project Title: “Investigation of NGO’s Roles in the Legalization of SameSex Marriage in Taiwan” Host Institution: Department of Speech Communication, Shih Hsin University
Ph.D. Candidate, International Relations History, McGill University, Quebec, Canada Project Title: “The Middle East in the Making of Taiwan’s Foreign Policy, 1955-1972” Host Institution: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
* Fulbright Hays Program provides grants to individual U.S. K-14 pre-teachers, teachers and administrators, pre-doctoral students and
postdoctoral faculty, as well as to U.S. institutions and organizations. Funding supports research and training efforts overseas, which focus on non-Western foreign languages and area studies.
+ Doctoral Dissertation Grants are designed to assist doctoral candidates at Taiwan universities in all academic fields in: applied policy/ social sciences, arts, business, culture, education, humanities, information, media, social sciences, and STEM field. Grantees working on a doctoral dissertation topics consult scholars, collect data, and/or audit courses at a U.S. university or research institution.
2 = 2nd year of the award
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright Fellow Profiles
Taiwan Fellows go to the United States on Fulbright grants to pursue doctoral degrees or work on their dissertation research projects.
See page 21
Taiwan Fellows 2
Ting-Yu Wang (王廷宇)
Yu-Ping Chang (張瑜玶)
Nan-Hsu Chen (陳南旭)
Pei-Chun Hsieh (謝佩君)
PhD Candidate, Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University Discipline: Anthropology Host Institution: University of Virginia, Virginia + Doctoral Dissertation Grant
Research Fellow, Taiwan Solidarity Union Discipline: International Relations Host Institution: Kansas State University, Kansas
PhD student, National Taiwan University Discipline: History Host Institution: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Staff,Public Relation Office Taipei Fine Art Museum Discipline: Art History Host Institution: Binghamton University - State University of New York, New York
Ching-Hui Hsu (許淨惠)
Hsiao-Ping Hsu (許曉平)
Ying-Min Kuo (郭盈旻)
Yu-Hsien Sung (宋昱嫺)
School Counselor, Kaohsiung Municipal Nan Cheng Elementary School Discipline: Psychology Host Institution: Western Michigan University, Michigan
Geography Teacher, National Hualien High School Discipline: Geography Host Institution: University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Research Assistant, Center for Economic Forecasting Chung-Hua, Institution for Economic Research Discipline: Economics Host Institution: Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma
Administrative Assistant, National Cheng Kung University Discipline: Political Science Host Institution: University of South Carolina, South Carolina
Shu-Wen Tang (湯舒雯)
Yun-Ju Chen (陳韻如)
Ying-Hsiu Chou (周盈秀)
Hsuan-Yu Lin (林宣佑)
Author, Freelancer Discipline: Area Studies Host Institution: University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Freelance Translator & Part-time Occupational Therapist Host Institution: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Editor, Language Training & Testing Center Host Institution: University of Washington, Washington
PhD student, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University Host Institution: University of Virginia, Virginia
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright Fellow Profiles
Chun-Han Huang (黃俊翰)
Ruo-Fan Liu (劉若凡)
Ho-Chieh Lin (林和傑)
Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, Soochow University Host Institution: University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Associate Researcher, Taiwan Thinktank Discipline: Sociology Host Institution: University of Wisconsin- Madison, Wisconsin
Elementary Teacher, Qing Shui Elementary School, New Taipei City Discipline: Teaching and Learning Host Institution: Ohio State University, Ohio
Fulbright Taiwan Experiences 經驗分享
“Research & Reflections” an online journal of Fulbright Taiwan experiences
Check the following websites to learn about the Fulbright experiences in depth! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Home / Scholarship Opportunities English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program “Research & Reflections” Online Journal YouTube Channel Facebook Page
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright M.A. Student Profiles
M.A. students come to Taiwan for two years on Fulbright grants to study for degrees at prestigious local universities, including: National Chengchi University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Taiwan University.
U.S. M.A. Students 2
Daniel Glockler (葛樂德)
Emily Rose Grubb (葛明麗)
Kaiwen Lin (林凱文)
Grant Nordby (羅若彬)
B.S., Comparative Politics / Chinese, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York Host Institution: International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, National Chengchi University
B.A., International Relations, University of Delaware, Delaware Host Institution: International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, National Chengchi University
B.A./B.S., Comparative Politics / Chinese, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York Host Institution: International Master’s Program in International Studies, National Chengchi University
B.A., Global Studies / International Policy, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Nebraska Host Institution: International Master’s Program in International Studies, National Chengchi University
Joey Ching (程鳳)
Colby Hyde (周海闊)
Honore Johnson (林安諾)
Amos Lee (李浩晟)
B.S., Political Science / Chinese, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Host Institution: International Master’s Program in International Studies, National Chengchi University
B.S., Environmental Science / Chinese, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York Host Institution: International Master’s Program in Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University
B.S., Industrial and Labor Relations / Law and Society, Cornell University, New York Host Institution: International Master’s Program in International Studies, National Chengchi University
B.A. / B.S., Economics / Chinese, United States Military Academy at West Point, New York Host Institution: International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, National Chengchi University
Elyse Mark (麥麗施)
Tyler Prochazka (羅泰)
B.A., English / Chinese / German / Business, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania Host Institution: International Master’s Program in International Studies, National Chengchi University
B.A., International Affairs / Asian Religions and Cultures / Economics, Western Kentucky University, Kentucky Host Institution: International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, National Chengchi University
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2 = 2nd year of the award See page 21
2016-2017 Taiwan Fulbright DA & FLTA Profiles
Teachers go to the United States on Fulbright grants to study, teach, observe classes, or work on educational projects.
Taiwan Teachers
Wei-Feng Peng (彭偉峰)
Jhen-Yi Wu (吳貞宜)
Prospective Principal, Da Ren Elementary School, Taichung City Project title: “Science Maker, We are creator” Host Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana + Distinguished Award in Teaching
Teacher/ Director, Bo-Ai Elementary School, Tainan City/ Tainan English Village Project title: “Toward a Wonderland: The Design of Scenario Based Learning Template at Small-Scale Forms” Host Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana + Distinguished Award in Teaching
Yi Chen (陳毅)
Ai-Chun Huang (黃愛淳)
Ya-Hui Huang (黃雅惠)
Yen-Chen Huang (黃彥辰)
Graduate student, MA program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Chengchi University Host Institution: Western Kentucky University, Kentucky ++ FLTA
Fine Art Teacher, National Taichung First Senior High School Host Institution: Lewis & Clark College, Oregon ++ FLTA
English Teacher, Taichung Second Senior High School Host Institution: The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. ++ FLTA
Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University Host Institution: University of Notre Dame, Indiana ++ FLTA
Hui-Hsin Hung (洪慧欣) English Teacher, The Affiliated Senior High School of National Kaohsiung Normal University Host Institution: Case Western Reserve University, Ohio ++ FLTA
Former DA and FLTA share their experience for the departing grantees
+ Distinguished Awards in Teaching recognize and encourage excellence in teaching in Taiwan and the U.S. Teachers receive grants to study at a university, observe classes, and complete a project pertaining to their field of educational inquiry during their time abroad. ++ Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program sends early career educators from Taiwan to U.S. colleges and universities to study English and to teach Mandarin, assist in language instruction, and serve as cultural ambassadors on campus.
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright ETA Profiles
English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) come to Taiwan on Fulbright grants to serve in K-12 schools and local communities, frequently in remote, minority, or underprivileged areas.
U.S. English Teaching Assistants 2
Brett Burk (呂凱天)
Robert Haley II (黃力行)
Tyler Johnson (莊泰樂)
B.A., Linguistics / TESL, University of Iowa, Iowa
B.S., International Affairs, The Florida State University, Florida
B.A., Chinese Studies, University of South Carolina, South Carolina
Alexander Lee (李擎昌)
Manna Selassie (西馬娜)
Lin Wang (王琳)
B.A., English / Women and Gender Studies, San Francisco State University, California
B.A., Diplomacy and World Affairs, Occidental College, California
B.A., Chemistry / Dance, Arizona State University, Arizona
Taipei ETAs 6
Yilan ETAs 8
2 = 2nd year of the award Celia Bradley (李亞玫)
Shelbey Keegan (紀元華)
B.A., International Studies / History, Nazareth College of Rochester, New York * NTCPA
B.A., Foreign Affairs / East Asian Studies, University of Virginia, Virginia * NTCPA
* NTCPA National Taiwan College of Performing Arts
Laura Becker (畢小瀾)
Jessica Brumley (李潔)
Kayla Chen (陳淑平)
B.A., Chinese, Hamilton College, New York
B.A., English for Secondary Teachers / Literature, Western Kentucky University, Kentucky
B.A., Government, Harvard University, Massachusetts
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright ETA Profiles
Karen Du (杜倍萱)
Jonathan Formella (富明杰)
Ross Medico (馬思國)
Eric Nevalsky (錢俊瑞)
B.A., Elementary Education / English Creative Writing, The City University of New York – Hunter College, New York
B.A., History / East Asian Studies University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin
B.A., Political Science / History, State University of New York – Stony Brook, New York
B.A., International Affairs, Georgetown University, District of Columbia
Gabriel Pike (裴凱芮)
Kaohsiung ETAs 13
B.A., Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Kentucky
Jacob Surges (施嘉禾)
Johnathan Appel (艾強生)
B.A., University Scholar, Baylor University, Texas
B.A., Political Science, Amherst College, Massachusetts
Brian Bartholomew (畢彬銳)
Sarah Case (陸思慧)
Clara Echeverria-Ng (黃觀春)
Nicola Fry (傅鶯)
B.A., Economics / Political Science / Chinese, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hills, North Carolina
M.A., East Asian Studies, Stanford University, California
B.A., International Relations / Public Communications, Syracuse University, New York
B.A., Sociology / Asian Studies, Pitzer College, California
Lydia Grek (康麗雅)
Gretchen Hughes (休珍珠)
Benjamin Kaplan (康本明)
Olivia Schwartzman (舒薇雅)
B.A., Chinese / Asian Studies, College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts
B.A., Management Leadership / Mandarin Chinese, College of Saint Benedict, Minnesota
B.S., Global Public Health / Applied Psychology, New York University, New York
B.A., Creative Writing / Art History, Oberlin College, Ohio
Katherine Shafer (夏伊帆)
Michelle She (佘日佳)
Lily Susman (岳珍妮)
B.A., International Studies / Spanish / Italian / Latin American, Elon University, North Carolina
B.S., Education / 2nd Language Studies, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
B.A., Asian Studies, Bowdoin College, Maine
2 = 2nd year of the award
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright ETA Profiles 2
Kinmen ETAs 24
Travis Trojan (陳丞)
Amy Bauer (鮑艾美)
Danielle Berkowsky (博丹)
B.A., Chinese Studies / German Studies, Wofford College, South Carolina
B.A., TESOL /Communications, Moody Bible Institute, Illinois
B.A., International Relations / Linguistics, Emory University, Georgia
Cody Bijeaux (畢杰)
Alice Chen (陳麗欣)
Savannah Couch (柯文娜)
Megan Ferguson (福梅珍)
B.A., Chinese / International Affairs, University of North Georgia, Georgia
B.A., Anthropology / Biology / Sustainability, University of Rochester, New York
B.A., Theatre / Chinese, Northwestern University, Illinois
B.S., International Relations / Asian Studies, Seton Hall University, New Jersey
Abigail Goodman (古愛碧)
Destinee Gwee (魏淑貞)
Mia Hahn (杭敏雅)
Timothy Juang (莊天迦)
B.A., Political Economy / Asian Studies, Tulane University, Louisiana
B.A., Biochemistry / Chinese / Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa
B.A., Public Policy-Sociology, Pomona College, California
B.A., Sociology, University of Chicago, Illinoi
Samantha Juster (金沙)
Jordan Krause (柯喬登)
Becky Lai (黎秀文)
Jacqueline Leong (梁佳琳)
B.A., International Studies / Chinese, American University, District of Columbia
B.A., Elementary Education / Literacy, International Development Studies, University of Montana, Montana
B.A., Education and Child Study / Mathematics, Smith College, Massachusetts
B.A., Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Massachusetts
Edward Lu (呂紹聞)
Dominique Murdock (莫小英)
Kelly Rae (雷凱莉)
Emily Schell (艾米麗)
B.A., Neurobiology, Harvard University, Massachusetts
M.A.T., Teaching English as a Second Language, University of Southern California, California
B.A., Elementary Education, Furman University, South Carolina
B.A., East Asian Studies / International Relations, Brown University, Rhode Island
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright ETA Profiles
Emily Stein (施蜜莉)
Cristabella Trimble-Quiz (丁貝麗)
Elizabeth Wallingford (韶林)
Laura Wang (王穎)
B.A., Education / Spanish, Hamline University, Minnesota
B.A., Linguistics / Chinese, University of Texas at Austin, Texas
B.A., Anthropology / Music, Wellesley College, Maryland
B.A., English / Chinese / Writing / Translation, University of Iowa, Iowa
Jacob Wassenaar (華明正)
Taichung ETAs 12
B.A., Elementary Education, Central College, Iowa
Tamar Alexanian (亞泰瑪)
Erik Angamarca (安瑞克)
B.A., English / Women’s & Gender Studies / Human & Organization Development, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
B.A., International Political Economics / Chinese Language and Literature, Fordham University, New York
Ryan Chiew (趙益富)
Charles DeBenedetto (鄧才士)
Abigail Gruppuso (顧安潔)
Wenyan He (賀雯妍)
B.A., Anthropology / East Asian Studies, University of Chicago, Illinois
B.A., International Relations / Music, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, New York
B.A., College of East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University, Connecticut
B.A., Economics / Public Policy / Chinese Studies, University of California – Berkeley, California
Abigail Holst (王曉雯)
Lynna Lei (雷麗娜)
Christine Mak (麥桂寧)
B.A., Human Health / Chinese, Emory University, Georgia
B.A., East Asian Studies / Psychology, Colby College, Maine
M.A., Secondary Teaching: Grade 7-12 B.A., International Politics / Chinese / / Biology / Special Education, Fordham Economics, Belmont University, University, New York Tennessee
Salwa Saba (史爍瑩)
Tawni Sasaki (桑寧)
Willie Thompson (唐偉力)
B.A., International Relations / Modern Languages, Knox College, Illinois
B.A., Economics / Chinese Studies, Morehouse College, Georgia
Taitung ETAs 15
Jordan Keehn (鄭海綠) B.A., Chinese, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright ETA Profiles
Britanny Biggs (畢塔妮)
Jessie Bingaman (畢潔心)
Jessica Coke (簡思佳)
Joscelyn Garcia (葛潔西)
M.A.T., Teaching Secondary English, University of Southern California, California
B.A., Chinese / Spanish / Asian Studies, Carthage College, Wisconsin
B.A., History, New Jersey City University, New Jersey
B.A., International Relations / Chinese, Tufts University, Massachusetts
Nicholas Gareca (葛擬古)
Madeline Houts (郝德琳)
Elizabeth King (金麗璇)
James Lassen (藍傑明)
B.A., English / Spanish / Chinese, Temple University, Pennsylvania
B.S., Marketing / Management / Media Analysis / International Business, Arizona State University, Arizona
M.A., English, Ball State University, Indiana
B.A.,International Political Economy / Mandarin, Fordham University, New York
Rebecca Levy (黎沛瑾)
Emily Mavaddat (安美麗)
Rachel O’Meara (歐昕月)
Adelina Pak (朴娜)
B.A., International Relations / East Asian Studies, Brown University, Rhode Island
B.S., Mathematics / Psychology / Medical Physics, University of Denver, Colorado
B.A., Chinese / Linguistics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
B.A., Political Science / History / Psychology, Northwestern University, Illinois
Emma Palm (王愛瑪)
Kathleen Tsai (蔡嘉欣)
B.A., Sociology / TESOL, Azusa Pacific University, California
B.S.,Chemistry / Educational Studies / Biochemistry , Haveford College, Pennsylvania
Learn more about the ETA program in Taiwan, please go to:
2 = 2nd year of the award
Adrian Brandon working on a mural project with third to sixth graders in Kinmen
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
2016 Grantee Dates
2016-2017 Planned Activities 年度活動
8/29 9/09 9/09 9/10 10/05 10/10 11/18 12/07
Fall Semester begins for elementary schools† Orientation & MOFA Reception: U.S. grantees Welcome Party: U.S. grantees Cultural Program: U.S. grantees Research Proposals: Fellows 10-10 National Day Celebration: some U.S. grantees Thanksgiving Dinner: U.S. grantees Fulbright Talks & Interview 1
2017 Grantee Dates Date
1/11 Fulbright Talks & Interview 2 1/20 Winter Break starts for elementary schools† 1/22-24 Mid-Year Conference: U.S. grantees 2/13 Spring Semester begins for elementary schools† 3/05-17 International Education Administrator Seminars 3/06-09 Cross-Straits Research Workshop (Researchers required, Lecturers invited) 4/26 Fulbright Talks & Interview 3 5/03 Fulbright Talks & Interview 4 5/10 Fulbright Talks & Interview 5 5/17 Fulbright Talks & Interview 6 5/24 Fulbright Talks & Interview 7 6/01-02 60 years of Educational Exchange: all grantees 6/07 Fulbright Talks & Interview 8 6/30 Spring Semester ends for elementary schools† Red- Attendance expected † Please check with your host institution's calendar for exact dates
Board Members and Fulbright U.S. Grantees at the Midyear Conference
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
Useful Websites
Emergency Numbers
General 1. Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE) The official site for the Fulbright program in Taiwan, including latest news, online journals, and videos.
Fire and Ambulance (free)
Police (free)
English Directory Assistance
2. American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) AIT functions as the American embassy in Taiwan. Register online with AIT; obtain tax information; get information about document notarization; registering births, marriages, etc. Also has a section on resources in Taiwan for Americans.
International Community Service Hot line
International Operator Assistance
Weather Bureau
Research, study, and teaching
Medical Facilities
1. Academia Sinica This site also has extensive sections in English. Aside from information about research, the institutes, the libraries, etc., there is a section of the website especially for the organization’s foreign employees, which has some useful information about living in the area: http://www.
Hospitals in Taipei
2. National Central Library Comprehensive information about the library and its services to scholars.
3. Mackay Memorial Hospital - Downtown 馬偕紀念醫院 Tel: (02) 2543-3535 | 92 Chungshan N. Rd., Sec 2, Taipei 台北市中山北路2段92號
3. Intl. Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan Univ. The successor to the well-known Stanford Center. Its programs are rigorous and effective, best for serious students who already have some Chinese language training. 4. Ministry of Education Go to this website and click on “Study in Taiwan”, then “Chinese Language Center” on the left sidebar to find a list of places to study Chinese. For information about scholarships for study in Taiwan, click “scholarships” on the sidebar. 5. Study in Taiwan A comprehensive list of English taught degree programs in Taiwan run by the Foundation for International Cooperation In Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET)
1. E-rent: (Chinese) 2. Teaching English and Living in Taiwan: 3. International House of Taipei: soho/6271/ihmain.htm 4. 591 house renting: (Chinese) 5. Taiwan House: (Chinese) 6. Yung Ching House Fun: (Chinese)
Travel and Tourism
1. Tourism Bureau: 2. Taipei Transportation Guide:
1. Taiwan Adventist Hospital 臺安醫院 Tel: (02) 2771-8151 | No. 424, Bade Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei 臺北市八德路2段424號 2. National Taiwan University Hospital 台大醫院 Tel: (02) 2312-3456 | 7 Chungshan S. Rd., Taipei 台北市中山南路7號
4. Cathay General Hospital 國泰綜合醫院 Tel: (02) 2708-2121 | 280, Jen Ai Rd., Sec.4, Taipei 台北市仁愛路4段280號 5. Taipei Veterans General Hospital 台北榮民總醫院 Tel: (02) 2871-2121 | No.201, Sec.2, Shih-Pai Rd., Taipei 台北市石牌路2段201號 6. Cheng Gung Memorial Hospital 台北長庚紀念醫院 Tel: (02) 2713-5211 | 199 Tunhwa N. Rd., Taipei 台北市敦化北路199號 7. Cardinal Tien Hospital 耕莘醫院 Tel: (02) 2219-3391 | 362 Chungcheng Rd., Hsintien, New Taipei City 新北市新店區中 正路362號 8. Shin konk Wu Ho Su Memorial Hospital 新光吳火獅紀念醫院 Tel: (02) 2833-2211 | 95, Wenchang Rd., Taipei 台北市士林區文昌路95號
Hospitals in Kaohsiung 1. Kaohsiung Municipal Min Sheng Hospital 高雄市立民生醫院 Tel: (07) 751-1131 | 134, Kai Hsuan 2nd Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市凱旋二路134號 2. Chung Ho Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Medical University高雄 醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 Tel: (07) 312-1101 | 100, Tzyou 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市自由一路100號 3. Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital 高雄榮民總醫院 Tel: (07) 342-2121 | 386, Tachung 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市大中一路386號 4. Yuan’s General Hospital 阮綜和醫院 Tel: (07) 335-1121 | 162, Chengkung 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 高雄市成功一路162號
Note: Many of the above websites are bilingual, and you must search diligently for the link to the English version, which is usually in small letters in the upper right or left-hand corner of the home page!
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)
Staff FSE Office: (02) 2388-2100 Email:
Hospitals in Yilan 1. Saint Mary’s Hospital Loudong 羅東聖母醫院 Tel: (039) 544-106 | 160, Chung Chang S. Rd. Loudong, Yilan 宜蘭縣羅東鎮中正南路160號 2. National Yang-Ming University Hospital 陽明大學附屬醫院 Tel: (039) 325-192 | 152 Hsinming Rd., Yilan 宜蘭市新民路152號
Hospitals in Kinmen 1. Kinmen Hospital 行政院衛生福利部金門醫院 Tel: (082)332-546 | 2, Fuxing Rd., Jinhu Township, Jinmen County 金門縣金湖鎮新市里復興路2號
Hospitals in Taichung 1. Jen Ai Hospital 仁愛醫療財團法人台中仁愛醫院 Tel: (04) 2225-5450 | 36 Liu Chuan E. Rd., Sec 3, Taichung 台中市柳川東路3段36號 2. Taichung Veterans General Hospital 台中榮民總醫院 Tel: (04) 2359-2525 | 1650, Taiwan Boulevard Sec. 4, Taichung 台中市西屯區臺灣大道4段1650號 3. China Medical Univ. Hospital 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 Tel: (04) 2205-2121 | 2, Yude Rd., Taichung 台中市北區育德路2號 4. HongEn Hospital 宏恩醫院 Tel: (04) 2262-3123 | No. 38-13, Sec. 2, Fuxing Rd., Taichung 台中市南區復興路2段38-13號
Executive Director 執行長 William Vocke 李沃奇
Fulbright Grants 傅爾布萊特獎學金 US Grantees & Regulations Coordinator 美國交換計畫暨法規管理主任 Charlie Cheng 鄭佳力 ext.135 Taiwan Grantees Coordinator 赴美交換計畫主任 Lisa Lin 林芝立 ext.112
English Teaching Assistant Program 協同英語教學計畫 ETA Program Lead Coordinator 協同英語教學計畫管理主任 Kelly Chang 張純怡 ext.136 Yilan ETA Program Coordinator 區域主任(宜蘭) Kelly Lin 林綉雯 Kaohsiung ETA Program Coordinator 區域主任(高雄) Fonda Mao 毛君涵 Taitung ETA Program Coordinator 區域主任(台東) Vivi Lin 林彥屏 Taichung ETA Program Coordinator 區域主任(台中) Athena Hsu 許芸涵 Kinmen ETA Program Assistant Coordinator 區域輔導員(金門) Carrie Chen 陳律妏 Kinmen ETA Program Assistant Coordinator 區域輔導員(金門) Ann Peng 彭安沛
EducationUSA 留美諮詢 EducationUSA & Development Coordinator 教育顧問暨發展主任 Clarence Fu 傅鏡平 ext.142
Finance & Administration 財務與行政
5. Tai An Hospital - Shuang Shi Branch 台安醫院雙十分院 Tel: (04) 2226-8990 | No. 29, Sec. 2, Shuangshi Rd., Taichung 台中市北區雙十路2段29號
Financial Coordinator 財務主任 Cherry Yen 顏佳潁 ext.153 IT & HR Coordinator 資訊管理暨人事主任 Eric Chen 陳照漢 ext.183
6. Cheng Ching Hospital 澄清醫院 Tel: (04) 2463-2250 | No. 118, Sec. 3, Chungkang Rd., Taichung 台中市中港路 3段118號
Marketing & Events 行銷與活動
Hospitals in Taitung 1. Taipei Veterans General Hospital - Taitung Branch 台北榮 總台東分院 Tel: (089) 222-995 | No. 1000, Gengsheng Rd., Taitung 台東市更生路1000號 2. Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital 天主教台東聖母醫院 Tel: (089) 322-833 | No. 2, Hangzhou St., , Taitung 台東市杭州街2號 3. Taitung Christian Hospital 台東基督教醫院 Tel: (089) 960-888 | No. 350, Kaifeng St., Taitung 台東市開封街350號 4. Mackay Memorial Hopital Taitung Branch 台東馬偕醫院 Tel: (089) 310-150 | No.1, Lane 303, Changsha Street, Taitung 台東市長沙街303巷1號
Executive Secretary & Media Producer 執行秘書暨多媒體製作主任 Sam Chiou 邱柏耘 ext.181 Events & Alumni Coordinator 活動策劃暨學友事務主任 Jennifer Wu 吳良儀 ext.152
Program Assistants 計畫助理 Program Assistant 計畫助理 (Taipei ETA, EducationUSA) Sonia Chan 詹瞿燕 ext.139 Program Assistant 計畫助理 (ETA Program, TW Grantees) Iris Chien 簡盈甄 ext.134 Program Assistant 計畫助理 (Finance, US Grantees) Vicky Tsai 蔡孟芬 ext.131 Program Assistant 計畫助理 (General) Jeff Wang 王德仁 ext.137
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan)
This Program is Sponsored by
Cover art by:
學 術 交 流 基 金 會 (Fulbright Taiwan)