Watkins Magazine Media Pack 2018

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“I love Watkins Mind Body Spirit. I have the app on my iPad! And the bookshop is one of my favourite places in London. I was one of the regulars when I lived in London and spent many hours in there, making some wonderful discoveries.”



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refresh the mind . heal the body . awaken the spirit


second between book in a series based on exchanges deals with His Holiness and young people and connectivity topics, such as the way electronic loneliness, is transforming the way we relate, and consumer culture, animal protection, environmental sustainability. to polarize At a time when many factors work a build to society, the book explores ways global society based on our interconnectedness beings. In and our commonality as sentient though the book, the Karmapa argues that information global economic integration and technology are making our interdependence we increasingly direct and undeniable, also need to progress from this intellectual awareness of understanding into a deeply felt then will we our interconnectedness. It is only and the be able to transform both ourselves the values society we live in by encompassing and of compassion, responsibility, equality, states: “When respect for diversity. As the book has our understanding of interdependence action, our moved from head to heart and into meaningful.” lives become fully effective and for his With Watkins Books as the venue His book launch in the United Kingdom, the audience. Holiness invited questions from

INTERCONNECTED is the Karmapa’s

A talk with... HIS HOLINE SS THE 17TH KARMAPA at Watkins Books

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On discovering who we truly are The 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley his Dorje, attended the UK launch of and most recent book 'Interconnected' answered questions about his views on spirituality in contemporary life.


• ISSUE 51

conflicting In response to a question on loyalties, the Karmapa responded: and as “Such conflicts are usual in samsara, One such a normal part of cyclic existence. existence could say that the definition of cyclic each other. is for things to be in conflict with of competing And so when we have instances and see which loyalties, we should analyze them on emotions of our loyalties are merely based reasons. and which ones have more authentic examine this Therefore it is very important to break with our own intelligence and really might be things down and see where there harm. We can benefit and where there might be too. We can see our minds working in this way in two have trains of thought that are heading to cultivate separate directions. So we have own mind this faculty of being a judge of our and be and being able to decide for ourselves in the mind our best witness. There is a slogan that training teachings of Tibetan Buddhism to the principle says “Of the two witnesses hold end of the one.” That means It means at the observation and day, you have to trust your own not just reply discernment of your situation and on emotions or others’ opinions.

“It is important not to allow our minds to be completely swayed by external factors, but rather, to hold fast to our own aspirations, and sustain the energy can.” of those aspirations as much as we

he Someone asked the Karmapa how lives. accessed memories of his previous His Holiness answered directly: of “I don’t have any particular memories me to have previous lifetimes. People expect to say that I them, but it is closer to the truth what people have had to work very hard to be look at the expect me to be. For example if I numerous previous 16 Karmapas and at their I worldly and spiritual accomplishments, and me on pressure could feel that this puts the way I I could feel quite intimidated. But role as an really approach this is to view my has been opportunity. An opportunity that the best I can. given to me to help other people expect I try not to focus on what other people me to do.” way to speak When asked: “What is the best of the to Westerners about the nature mind?” His Holiness answered;

is not some kind PSYCHOLOGY the realization that true reality to achieve, and of form we can grasp is difficult at the level we must be careful not to remain From the of an intellectual understanding. phenomena perspective of ultimate truth, the we have of relative truth do not exist; however, so we not yet embodied that ultimate reality, relative truth must place a greater emphasis on on the and place greater emphasis on working relative level of maintaining morality.”



with Your Inner Knowing

speak of “It could happen that when we are the nature of mind, we give an apparently the flaw of clear explanation, but it carries and not causing people to have more thoughts mind. It is truly discover the nature of their many kinds important that we are aware of the our mind. of thoughts and old habits within our mind to The main point here is that we use when we starts process This mind. our observe assumptions loosen our habit of imposing our will allow and projecting our thoughts. This nature. When our mind to return to its empty space for this becomes possible, we will create can discover a new intelligence to arise, and we who we truly are.

own inner knowing by guiding you to carefully listen to your body.

do we Another questioner asked: “How way that is relate to the teachings in a as one more genuine, and not treat them thing for our ego to consume?”


impact on “The information age has a profound know about spirituality. Whatever we want to spiritual traditions is at our fingertips

so many Information on Psychothera so easily.John and can come to us pist J.available Prendergast, PhD, different spiritual traditions is readily a consumerist describes theencouraging over the Internet, benefits of tuning in to the of view of religions, and the abundance confusion. The main inner could lead toof guidance information your body about to learn point of true spiritual practice is


qualities we our own mind. One of the main is the develop through practicing spirituality so that it is not always n 1983, I metour to focus the mind ability European This recognition gradually unfolded to things outside. Advaita by attending away master carried Jean Klein while more we into the body, especially the its own ground, deeply holdBay to the he was is able in teaching mind Since morality heart area, over a series of retreats over ourselves. until Area, and control I knew focus morethat he and was my gain teacher. 2006, when there was no longer a natural I studied about finding who or is his path with him true spiritual A closely until death movement attention inward. to attend them. Since then, fifteen years turning Inby we are addition what later. to our offering this deepening has continued on its own, the with “When we practice the path of spiritual stick to dialogues able be we musta deep encouraged do this, Tothat a penetrating into the core of the body. awakening we do so by going through listeningfundamental the mother of them and self-investigation, question, Jean earlier As this inner knowing has grown sequence of stages. And it is in the entire attention in taught aall: I? Our amyoga veryWho what of subtle or form that what strength and clarity over the years, stages that the principle of adapting it was influenced byhere.” Kashmiri Shaivism. is placed what has radiated out into all areas of my should be adopted and abandoning life, It involved a slow and careful body Therefore including my work with students and should be abandoned is emphasized. sensing that further catalyzed my native a Buddhist clients. As I was able to attune with ethical discipline is paramount for this sensitivity. During those years with Jean, of the path to knowing in myself, I could sense and practitioner in the initial stages I would occasionally be awakened after we begin support its unfolding in others. I began spiritual awakening. As we progress, two clunghours of deep sleep by various knots to recognize the subtle somatic signs to transcend our concepts that previously in the energy body working of themselves be taken and this flame of inner knowing emerging to the true existence of things to in out. These workouts left me exhausted the true others. Whenever it did, people reported given up. When we come closer to and drained in the morning. of content feeling more alive, real, connected, nature, the mind becomes freer When Jean died in 1998, I thought I and empowered. As I recognized and about what to adopt and reject. But was done with teachers and just needed mirrored this unfolding process of inner to cook on my own. However, a year knowing back to them, it strengthened later I met a relatively young Californian their recognition of this knowing within named Adyashanti. Much to my surprise, themselves, which, in turn, led them I sensed the same radiant presence to be more self-confident and selfand beautiful clarity in Adya, as he is trusting. I discovered that once I began • 09 AUTUMN 2017 • WWW.WATKINSMAGAZINE.COM called, as I did in Jean, despite marked to point out these quiet bodily signs of differences in their ages, personalities, inner knowing, people gradually began backgrounds, and teaching styles. to recognize, trust, and act upon them However, a certain loyalty to Jean made by themselves. Their inner authority me keep my distance from Adya until I quickly grew. was invited by a friend to attend a small Based upon my decades of close work private retreat at the base of Mount with clients and students, I believe that Whitney, in the eastern Sierras, in 2001. anyone can get in touch with their inner During an exchange with Adya on the knowing. The principles of sensing inner final evening of the retreat, I recognized knowing and developing self-trust are infinity looking out first through his universal. While an outer guide can be eyes and then my own. There was a very helpful at times, these principles can spontaneous seeing that I was the be learned without a therapist, mentor, infinite that I had experienced as a boy. or teacher. In Touch will show you how. I clearly was not who I thought I was! It is a mirror to help you recognize your

The next question concerned and going beyond it.


With inner knowing, we feel our way through life moment to moment with greater availability and creativity. JOHN J. PRENDERGAST PHD

Discovering inner resonance is my term for the process of learning to carefully listen to our body and recognize when it is telling us that we are resonating or attuning with our inner knowing. It comprises several steps. The first step is to have an intellectual openness to the possibility that there are other ways of knowing than the rational mind. If we have a strong belief that inner knowing is a fantasy and that only analytic thought is trustworthy, we will not be open to listening to our body in a new way. It will be seen at best as a waste of time and at worst as self-delusive. Take a minute and review your beliefs on the subject. Notice if there is some part of you that deeply doubts the possibility of an essential inner knowing. Make friends with it. Welcome it into awareness and get to know it better. At its core there may be some fear of being disappointed and hurt. An innocent trusting or early sensitivity may have been ridiculed or dismissed in a harsh family upbringing or school experience, exploited and distorted by an extreme religious doctrine, or badly burned in an intimate relationship. In most cases, our doubt about an essential inner knowing is simply a matter of neglect. Our modern culture and education emphasize the value of rational, analytic thought, which is at the core of science and technology. Objective knowledge is verifiable, while subjective knowledge or wisdom apparently isn’t. So inner knowing is left in the shadows, discarded as untrustworthy and without value. Yet objective knowledge without wisdom gives us many material possibilities with little real guidance about how to live in a way that is authentic, intimate, and deeply satisfying. It also leaves us with nuclear weapons and increasingly acute global warming and climate change. The rational mind is a good servant, but a poor master. It is important that it sees its limits and recognizes its rightful place as a useful tool. Our happiness and the planet’s health depend on it. If we are sufficiently open-minded, the next step is to begin to listen to our body. If we are willing and able to WINTER 2017 • WWW.WATKINSMAGAZINE.COM

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2018 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE ISSUE Spring 2018, #53 Summer 2018, #54 Autumn 2018, #55 Winter 2018-2019, #56 Spring 2019, #57

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Watkins MIND BODY SPIRIT is a quarterly magazine published by UK’s oldest esoteric bookshop.

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