Existing overview 1.0 Existing overview 1.1
The existing site contains a grade 1 listed, 5 storey mid terrace dwelling with a rear accessed 2 storey mews property with garden. The property has undergone major works internally and externally following a planning and listed building consent in 2007 (07/0013/LBC, 07/00130/FULL). The works have been partially undertaken and have been left in semi-derelict state by the former owners. This overview is separated into sections dealing with each floor level and in turn are organised into, comment, photographs, survey plan, original/planning approval drawing. 1.2
The existing mews is not listed but is within the curtilage of the main house. It has undergone extensive works internally following a planning and listed building consent in 2007 (07/0013/LBC, 07/00130/FULL). The works have been partially undertaken and have been left in semi-derelict state by the former owners. 1.3
The existing garden is in poor condition and is need of new landscaping. The Mews property elevations both to Hanover Terrace Mews and to the garden elevation are in a poor state. The primary front elevation of the house to Hanover Terrace is in generally good condition, the painted stucco will however need to be inspected as certain areas are spalling and be repaired by a specialist. 1.4
The proposed internal works have included (partially installed and partially completed): • New walls to form amended and altered accommodation. • Installation of rear infill extension (Fig.03) • New structure to support new internal openings. • New services to all areas. • Raised floors to some internal rooms, notably. second floor rear. • Mews property has been dismantled internally and currently has no internal floor. Fig.01 Front elevation to Hanover Terrace
Existing overview 1.3
Lower Ground Floor
The lower ground floor has windows and access to the front lightwell including level access and openings at the rear to the garden (Fig.03/05). The current condition of this floor is very poor, major internal works have been instigated but have not been completed. Front Lightwell (Fig.07) Both under-pavement vaults have been rendered presumably with water proof render. The steps and undercroft are in need of repairing and restoring, with the incoming services, meters, drainage left exposed.
Front entrance lobby (Fig.05) All existing finishes to walls, floor and ceiling have been removed. All services are exposed and a trench for drainage and incoming services within the floor remains open and exposed. A new concrete floor has been installed at a height above the existing entrance door.
Front Bedroom (Fig.06) All existing finishes to walls, floor and ceiling have been removed. All services are exposed and a new structural steel has been installed in the ceiling area.
Staircase lobby (Fig.04) All existing finishes to walls, floor and ceiling have been removed and all services are exposed. The works to the existing brick vaulted space in the centre of the plan, that was being formed into two spaces store room and bathroom, has compromised the integrity of the brick vaulting: • Where the opening has been formed from the bedroom. • Where services have been cut into the ceiling of the bathroom
Sitting Room (Fig.02) All existing finishes to walls, floor and ceiling have been removed. All services are exposed and a new structural steel has been installed in the side wall to form the opening to the infill extension to the sitting room.
Infill extension to sitting room (Fig.03) The ground bearing slab has been installed as well as the floor/ceiling joists at ground floor level.
Existing overview
Fig.02 Rear closet wing sitting room-lower ground floor
Fig.03 Sitting Room extension-lower ground floor
Fig.04 Staircase lobby-lower ground floor
Fig.06 Bedroom front-lower ground floor
Fig.07 Front lightwell-lower ground floor
Fig.05 Entrance lobby-lower ground floor -lower ground floor
Existing overview 1.4
Ground Floor
The ground floor has access to the front entrance portico including stepped access and openings at the rear to the garden (Fig.09/13). The current condition of this floor is in a poor condition, major internal works have been instigated but have not been completed.
Reception (Fig.08) The painted timber panelling to walls has been retained including the window shutters, although careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The existing chimneypiece is retained and will need to be investigated to establish if it is original and to be repaired and cleaned into working use.
Front entrance lobby (Fig.09) The painted timber panelling to walls has been retained including the high level glazing and entrance door, careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The existing stair and handrail is retained and will need to be investigated to record any maintenance required. The existing floor covering has been stripped out.
Dining room The existing dining room is retained as the original space including chimneypiece, french doors, window shutters and cast iron balcony to external rear. careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The existing chimneypiece is retained and will need to be investigated to establish if it is original and to be repaired and cleaned into working use.
Kitchen (Fig.11) All existing finishes to walls, floor and ceiling have been removed. All services are exposed and a new structural steel has been installed in the side wall to form the opening to the infill extension to the kitchen. Access to the garden is retained, however the rear fenestration/door is not original or of a high quality and will need to be replaced with a new unit (Fig.13)
Infill extension to breakfast room (Fig.10/11) The infill extension has commenced however only the floor joists exist at this level with the opening being formed between it and the kitchen (left boarded up). (Fig.12) Highlights the extent of the existing party wall to No 13 Hanover Terrace.
Existing overview
Fig.09 Entrance lobby-ground floor
Fig.08 Reception front-ground floor Fig.09 Entrance lobby-ground floor
Fig.10 Infill extension-ground floor
Fig.12 Party wall No13-ground floor
Fig.13 Rear elevation-ground floor
Fig.11 Kitchen-ground floor
Existing overview
First Floor
The current condition of this floor is in a poor condition, major internal works have been instigated but have not been completed.
Reception (Fig.14) The painted timber door frames and skirtings have been retained including the windows and window shutters, although careful inspection will need to be undertaken to ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The existing chimneypiece is retained and will need to be investigated to establish if it is original and to be repaired and cleaned into working use.
Study (Fig.16) The painted timber door frames and skirtings have been retained including chimneypiece, french doors, window shutters and cast iron balcony to external rear. careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The existing chimneypiece is retained and will need to be investigated to establish if it is original and to be repaired and cleaned into working use.
Cloak room, wc and tea room All existing finishes to walls, floor and ceiling have been removed. All services are exposed and a new stepped floor level has been created where the extension has been constructed. A new side window has been incorporated to match the existing as the planning approval, however the rear doors/window is not original as this is part of the new works forming part of the approval and the units are of a low quality and will need to be replaced with a new unit (Fig.13)
Roof over closet wing (Fig.15) The existing roof over the closet wing (cloak room/wc+tea room) has been instigated but not completed as it is still requiring insulating, flashing and needs copings to all three sides including sealing. It is not know at this stage if the roof is laid to falls as indicated on the drawings.
Existing overview
Fig.15 Roof over closet wing -first floor
Fig.14 Reception-first floor
Fig.16 study-first floor
Existing overview
Second Floor
The current condition of this floor is in a poor condition, major internal works have been instigated but have not been completed.
Master bedroom (Fig.17) The existing bedroom is retained as the original plan including the chimneypiece, windows, window shutters and door openings, however the doors have not been retained. careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The existing chimneypiece is retained and will need to be investigated to establish if it is original and to be repaired and cleaned into working use. (Fig.17).
Bathroom and robes (Fig.18) The existing bathroom and robes are retained as the original plan including the stepped access into the bathroom (Fig.18). All services are exposed including drainage, plumbing and electrics. The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The existing window is retained.
Landing (Fig.19) The existing landing and window (Fig.19) is retained and all in need of restoring and cleaning.
Existing overview
Fig.17 chimneypiece master bedroom-second floor
Fig.18 window to landing -second floor
Fig.19 bathroom and robes-second floor
Existing overview
Third Floor and Roof
The current condition of this floor is in a poor condition, major internal works have been instigated but have not been completed.
Bedroom 1 and en-suite The existing bedroom is retained as the original plan including the chimneypiece, windows, and door openings, however the doors have not been retained. careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The recent dropped coffered ceiling within this bedroom will be removed. The existing floor covering has been stripped out. The en-suite has been instigated but all services are exposed including drainage, plumbing and electrics and no sanitaryware has been installed.
Playroom The existing room retained as the original plan including the windows, and door openings, however the doors have not been retained. careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). All electrical services have been left exposed.
Bedroom 2 and en-suite The existing bedroom is retained as the original plan including the en-suite, windows, and door openings, however the doors have not been retained. careful inspection will need to be undertaken to, ensure that these items are repaired and cleaned into working use (where appropriate). The en-suite has been instigated but all services are exposed including drainage, plumbing and electrics and no sanitaryware has been installed.
Staircase and landing (Fig.20) The existing staircase and transition from the second floor landing has been retained including the glass hexagonal skylight over the landing at third floor level. All electrical services have been left exposed. Roof (Fig.21/22) The existing roof has been modified. The sarking felt above the joists is clearly visible above the pitched roof boarding. Some new rafters have been installed alongside existing rafters. Is clearly visible that the roof has not been fully insulated or completed and it is questionable if some of the work will need to be re-constructed where new and old elements have been pieced together. A concise survey will have to be undertaken to record the roof construction prior to instigating any remedial works.
Existing overview
Fig.21 construction-third floor/roof
Fig.20 stair and access to -third floor
Fig.22 services-third floor/roof
Existing overview
Mews building
The existing mews is in poor condition both externally and internally. The building is in need of a full refurbishment to restore its historic fabric. There is currently no access into this building due to the staircase being removed and the fact that the works have not been advanced enough.
Elevation to Hanover Terrace Mews (Fig.25) The existing elevation has been partially modified in accordance with the planning approval, however the elevation is in a very poor state with obvious signs of water ingress where roof flashings/rainwater outlets are compromised. Each of the Mews properties has undergone various changes and adaptations as can be viewed (Fig.26) on the street view.
Elevation to Garden (Fig.23/24) The rear elevation and ground floor extension has been constructed partially in accordance with the planning approval. The first floor fenestration differs from the approved elevation in that the 1st floor windows have been modified to include a centrally placed access to the flat roof of the extension, through a pair of french doors. The ground floor openings to the extension have been created however the windows and doors at ground floor level have not been installed.
Ground Floor No access has been gained during the initial site survey, therefore no further comments can be made with concern to the works approved or constructed internally.
First Floor No access has been gained during the initial site survey, therefore no further comments can be made with concern to the works approved or constructed internally.
Existing overview
Fig.23 aerial view of Mews to garden
Fig.25 Mews elevation
Fig.24 aerial view of Mews to garden Fig.26 Hanover Mews Terrace