How to Create a Banner to Print High-quality banners are used in nearly every common event these days. However, acquiring them from a professional design firm can be pricey. So, rather than have someone else design your banner, try designing and printing it yourself. Things You'll Need 
Adobe Photoshop
Instructions o
1 Create a new image in Photoshop. For a 1-by-6-foot banner, create an image with a resolution of 5,184 by 864 pixels. For a 2-by-10-foot banner, create an image with a resolution of 8,640 by 1,728 pixels. Set each option to have a transparent background.
2 Use the text tool (located on the tool bar and marked with a large "T") to insert your text on the banner. Choose a font and style that fits the theme of the banner's event.
3 Right-click on the text layer, and click on "Blending Options." In this window, apply different effects to the text such as bevels, drop shadows, glows and textures.
4 Create a new layer using the "Layers" section of the file menu. Insert other graphics or designs behind the text layer.
5 Click on "Save As..." in the "File" section of the file menu. Save the file as a .jpg on an SD card or jump drive.
6 Take the drive or card to a printing shop and have it print the banner.
Tips & Warnings
Plan out your banner's design on paper before beginning to work on the computer. For large events, make sure to use only your own work on your banner. Copyrighted material should not be used at public events.
More Resources
Banner Printing 2×4 Banner Printing printing.html 2×6 Banner Printing printing.html 3×5 Banner Printing printing.html 3×6 Banner Printing printing.html 3×8 Banner Printing printing.html 4×6 Banner Printing printing.html 4×8 Banner Printing printing.html 4×10 Banner Printing printing.html