How to Make Files for Screen Printing For you to transfer an artwork from a graphic editing software program to a screen printing service, you need a specific file size and format. Most graphics mainly support file formats such as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS files). This program converts artwork such as vector files to pixels or bits as a bitmap image. The file extends in such a way that it makes room for you to open up saved or already created images in the specified file format and resolution for screen printing.
The EPS file type is primarily associated with 'Encapsulated PostScript'. There are two distinct types of .EPs files, one of which is a vector based graphics file and can be opened and easily edited for type, color, etc. in Adobe Illustrator or PC vector based programs like Corel Draw. They can be CMYK color, or flat pantone color based. These files could be "placed' or "imported" into Pagemaker (or Word, Quark, etc.), but not opened by it. They can be almost infinitely scaled in size without degrading the output because they are vector based. The other is an .EPS photo file, flattened, set resolution "picture" type file. It can be opened in PhotoShop or other image editing programs, also placed or imported into Pagemaker (or Word, Quark, etc.), but it will be significantly degraded if scaled beyond the set resolution. These are usually CMYK files, or can be set as Pantone duo-tone, tri-tone files. The initial characters for the EPS format (C5 D0 D3 C6) only works for DOS EPS files. A better magic value (initial characters) may be "%!PS" (25 21 50 53). %!PS does not always appear at the start of the file (though for Unix's ps2epsi it does), but should appear near the start of the file. It should have a version after it, e.g., "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0". Things You'll Need Graphic editing software program, like Photoshop Instructions 1. First go to the graphic editing software program and open the artwork; once opened, the image should automatically appear the program's image pad or drawing area. 2. When it opens, you are free to make any changes you feel like then, you have to save the work on a different file entirely on your computer.
3. Despite that there are different programs running on every system, there must be a window for you to set the width, height and print resolution. You have to check your screen printer's resolution requirements before you save or plug in the right amount. Although it is best to have in mind that the program might automatically make some changes to the width and height of the artwork if a different resolution is plugged in before saving. After that, you can now click on the okay or apply button whichever your screen displays in order to see the screen printer's submittal version on your image pad or drawing area. 4. Now save the file in the format the printer accepts and type the file name in the appropriate place. Go ahead and click on the formatting menu, then choose the EPS file extension; if your software program is that of Photoshop then what you will see will be Photoshop EPS (".EPS). Whereas, there are other options to choose from like "Save as Copy," "Save as Layers," "Save as Thumbnail" and "Save as Lower Case Extension." As soon as you’ve selected the option you want, click on the save button while bearing in mind that some programs might save each color layer separately. The screen printer's requirements will specify if the colors will separation will be needed. Now click on save to open the EPS Options window. 5. On the drop down list of the EPS Options window, select a TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) preview image. This TIFF is used in the exchange of files between applications and computer platforms and also the TIFF is a flexible format supported by most, image-editing and page-layout applications. Although most desktop scanners do produce TIFF images but this process converts the EPS file to an EPS TIFF file. If the program you have installed on your desktop allows at least 1 bit/pixels or 8 bit/pixels, then you will have to refer to your screen printer requirements. The bitmap mode usually performs its task using one of two color values which are normally black and white to represent pixels in an image. 6. Go to the Encoding menu and select the image quality that best suit you such as low, medium, high or maximum quality. Also you will have to refer to your printer’s requirement before you choose the image quality type. 7. After choosing your image quality, click on the “Save” button. Now open the EPS file to preview the graphics before you send it to the screen printer. Example, if the EPS file was save n your desktop, right click on it then scroll down to the properties icon and click on it to ensure that the size of the file meets the requirements on the screen printer’s requirement. Business Card Printing Flyer Printing Postcard Printing Poster Printing Banner Printing Brochure Printing Sticker Printing EDDM Printing‐card‐printing.html‐printing.html‐printing.html‐mail‐printing‐ eddm.html