How To Prepare Photos for Spot Colour Printing Advertising nowadays have become one of the most tedious job because of the huge competition in the market. There are many brands which sell the same quality of products as yours but the only place where you can dominate others is by creating a colourful and effective advertising of your agency or firm. There used to be a time where people use to include black and white colours as a primary colour because it was cost effective but in the present situation it is not possible to do the same thing. You have to use spot colours which will be used in highlighting your work. You need to experiment your preparation at very good level and sort out the best fit for the spot colour. This can be done easily by the use of Photoshop, which will help you in adding touches of colour. So, how will you do that? Let us discuss on it briefly keeping all the considerations and procedure in our mind.
You can start it by opening the Photoshop and the file or image which you want to manipulate by selecting the file>open>select a file and click open. First of all you will need to convert your image file into black and white format for this select the grayscale present in image>mode>grayscale. This will automatically change your image in a black and white image. After this you have to save the image in a JPEG file and close it. Reopen it after the saving is done and you will see the black and white image after which you need to select image>mode>RGB colour, which will include the spot colour to your file. Choose any of the suitable colour by clicking a large and front square placed at the bottom of the toolbar. Select the text tool from the tools palette. Select and try to drag it towards the text box in order to add a text into your work. You also have the option of colour replacement for which you just need to select the colour replacement brush. Adjusting the size and shape of the brush according to the requirement of the time. After this you just need to select the element onto which you want to add the spot colour and it should be enclosed in-between the lines of that particular object. You have to recheck everything properly and see for the errors you have made before you make a move to finally print option. Finally, save the project in a PDF format, which will be suitable for printing. There are some of the things you should stress on in order to make it an effective and successful project for yourself. Try to maintain the same spot colour throughout your photo because any additional colour added to it cannot be supported by the printer or it will not be cost effective for you. So, it is better to know the limit of your work before moving on to print it. Business Card Printing Flyer Printing Postcard Printing Poster Printing Banner Printing Brochure Printing Sticker Printing EDDM Printing‐card‐printing.html‐printing.html‐printing.html‐mail‐printing‐ eddm.html