portfolio / sameeramudgal
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portfolio / sameeramudgal
EDTECH FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Learning Experience Design
Using + Gamification + Augmented Reality + Virtual Reality + U s e r ex p e r i e n c e d e s i g n
+ Va r i o u s a s p e c t s o f Digital design + User Research + M i xe d m e t h o d S u r v e y + Persona development + Rapid Prototyping + Te s t i n g
to improve + Onboarding + Engagement, and + Learning Experience of students in the Online Study Group of Amsterdam Unievrsity of Social Sciences and University of Amsterdam.
+ Problem Definition + Scream Project Management + Presenting Actionable Insights
As part of the traineeship with Digital Society School, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Teaser Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDODPorpSdg
Physical prototype for empathizing
Instagram filters
G a t h e r t o w n - E x p e r i m e n t f o r l e a r n i n g ex p e r i e n c e
H vA V i r t u a l o n M o z i l l a H u b s
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Nutrition India Programme+ nutrition and health initiative for maternal and child health implemented in thousand villages of Maharashtra. + W o r ke d w i t h a consortium of NGOs and private sector organizations such as R e c k i t t B e n c k i s e r, P L A N , V S T F, a n d l o c a l m e d i a partners.
+ Created proposal + Secondary research + Field research + data visualization + ideation for prototypes + strategy with partner organizations + project management
specific & local causes of malnutrition + Monocultures of Produce and Low Dietary Diversity + Te e n a g e p r e g n a n c y + High prevalence of Sickle cell anemia + Cluster migration + Repeated illness
+ research design + tool design + project management + field immersion (rural) + illustration direction and content development
portfolio / sameeramudgal
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portfolio / sameeramudgal
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Master’s Thesis - Behavioral aspects of Circular Economy
P RO J E C T humans across all ages, classes, genders, countries etc. accumulate material objects. the project connects dots between consumerism, ownership, accumulation, antiaccumulation, clutter and sharing on the levels o f i n d i v i d u a l , f a m i l y, c o m m u n i t y a n d c i t y, b a s e d i n t h e c o n t ex t o f D e l h i . the project answers how human relationship with objects can become e a s i e r, w h a t a r e t h e contemporary opinions on possessions, what all can b e s h a r e d a n d h o w. Collaborative consumption i s ex p l o r e d a s n e c e s s a r y t o form the base for circular economy where sharing, which is seen as a cultural a c t i v i t y, p r o g r e s s e s i n t o a n e c o n o m y o f i t s e l f. the research paved way for two interventions; 1. Library of Things which focussed at a community level of collaborative consumption through sharing which was implemented in a residential colony;
2. SwapShop which is platform for individual level collaborative consumption through barter and swapping, implemented in a university space. these i n t e r v e n t i o n s /ex p e r i m e n t s have revealed the ground r e a l i t y, c o m f o r t f a c t o r s and emotions associated specifically with barter and sharing. At the least t h e y a d d t o t h e ex i s t i n g theories and speculations regarding accumulation, sharing and barter by r e v e a l i n g t h e u n ex p e c t e d limits and possibilities of collaborative consumption.
A C C U M U L AT I O N What are urban systems and services for accumulated objects? Can we accumulate sustainably? W h a t i s exc e s s ? How do we accumulate and get rid of objects?
A S S O C I AT E D VA L U E S When are objects assets and liability? What is minimalism in I n d i a n c u l t u ra l c o n t ex t ? How are values interconnected? How does value of objects change?
S H A R I N G VA L U E what is sharing and what value does it have? What is the past, present and future of sharing?
3.1 W H AT I D I D Swapshop + associated with objects can remain ‘fundamentally f l u i d ’, w h i l e a l s o acknowledging individual values such as emotional or aesthetic value (which o f t e n c a n n o t b e ex p r e s s e d in economic terms). the service also became an alternate platform so that disconnected objects are not forgotten in an individual’s mass of accumulation, but rather be shared amongst e a c h o t h e r. SwapShop as a university intervention allowed participants to be able to swap objects for anything on the table. for quality maintenance, the only two criteria were- objects given should not be b r o ke n /e m p t y, r e p l a c e t h e value on the table, “if you think what you are taking i s p r e t t y, s w a p i t f o r s o m e t h i n g p r e t t y “.
portfolio / sameeramudgal
S WA P S H O P ( p a r t i c i p a n t s a n d o b j e c t s t h e y s w a p p e d )
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? ? Case A wishes to declutter
Case C sees an object of value on the table, finds something on-the spot to swap.
Case B has a spare thing, can give away if it’s value is returned
Cas e A
Cas e B
Cas e D
s har e s and s w ap s an e q ual numb e r of ob j e c t s
s w ap s ar t w or k he mad e for a ye ar w i t h b ad q ual i t y ai r p l ane e ar p hone s b e c aus e ‘has a ne e d ‘. O nl y t ake s ob j e c t i f ne e d s
c hoos e ob j e c t s t o s har e w i t h e ac hot he r
at t ac he s p e r s onal not e t o s har e c omi c ’s e mot i onal v al ue
Case D are a group, helping and sharing with eachother
INSIGHTS + Pe op l e ar e at t ac he d t o ob j e c t s + T hi s at t ac hme nt has a ‘v al ue /s ’ w hi c h c an b e s ub j e c t i ve + Pe op l e l i ke t o s e e t hat v al ue b e t rans fe r r e d w he n s har i ng an ob j e c t
t ake hob by mat e r i al t hey w ant t o t r y b ut d o not w ant t o b uy
portfolio / sameeramudgal
S E R V I C E B L U E P R I N T - Localized Advice for Businesses and other Services
how do we connect the new campus of Ambedkar U n i v e r s i t y, D e l h i ( AU D) opening in Karampura with its surrounding neighbourhood, while creating services which a r e s u s t a i n a b l e /m u t u a l l y beneficial and utilize the resources of the parties? the study conducted m a p p i n g exe r c i s e s and interviews with s t a ke h o l d e r s f r o m t h e university and the neighbourhood, to identify needs and strengths of both spaces and to m a ke s u r e t h e u n i v e r s i t y d o e s n’ t g r o w o u t a s a n isolated blind spot for the residents. the attempt was also to find a service which would cater to the students or staff of the u n i v e r s i t y, a n d w h i c h i s relevant for them. L.A.B.S was prototyped with a group of MBA s t u d e n t s o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y, mentored by professor of M a r ke t i n g . the proposed service journey is presented on the right.
Sharma ji
Sharma ji’s workshop
Sharma ji’s product
Query from potential client “ m y p r o d u c t w h i c h i s a m o t o r c y c l e s p o ke s e l l s ra r e l y. h o w d o I i n c r e a s e m y clientele?” “is there another product which I can venture into with the same skillset and resources?”
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for Urban Underpriveledged
Imarti cloth is used as a tool to dispense batter into hot oil and form spiral shapes.
Tandoor ka
is washed and changed everyday.
of a certain thickness so that It is made of one it can ooze out single layer of from the hole accurately. has a hole in the middle through which the batter is squeezed out. into a more sophisticated tool by adding a small nozzle made of brass in it to squeeze the batter in a
It is made of 4 layers of cloth. the inner most layer is made of thick jute, coiled in a spiral. it is then wrapped around a cotton cloth, which is again wrapped around another cotton cloth. the outer most layer is mostly made with kitchen cloth which gives its distinct checked red and white appeal.
Cloth in Functionality A narrative of cloth in material culture
Imarti ka
dough to the inner walls of the tandoor (Oven).
IMARTI (Fried Fermented dough) Technique
Tandoor cloth is used
this photo essay ex p l o r e d ‘c l o t h’ a n d delved into different meanings and forms that accompany it. Research and ex p l o r a t i o n y i e l d e d cloth as a tool, a means to accessible free f o o d , a s s h e l t e r, i n semiotics, as a means of barter and trade and such. The brief was narrowed down to form a 10 page book which ex p l o r e d c l o t h a s a tool in two situations, jalebi / imarti ka kapda and tandoor ka kapda.
Tandoor ki Roti (Bread) Technique
IMARTI (Fried Fermented dough) Technique
Photo Essay
Imarti cloth is Fermented dough) IMARTI (Fried used as a tool to is washed Technique and changed dough) dispense batter Fermented IMARTI (Fried into hot oil and everyday. Technique form spiral Imarti cloth is ofwashed a certain shapes. used as a tool to is thickness so that Imarti cloth is and changed dispense batter it can ooze out It is made ofand one is washed used as aoiltool to everyday. into hot fromchanged the hole singlespiral layer of and dispense batter form accurately. everyday. into hot oil and of a certain shapes. has a spiral hole in the thickness so that form middle through ofcan a certain shapes. ooze out It is made of one it which layer the batter thickness so that from the hole single of is is squeezed it can ooze out It made of out. one accurately. single layerinofthe from the hole has a hole middle through accurately. intoaahole more has in the which the batter sophisticated middle through is squeezed out. tool bythe adding which batter a small nozzle is squeezed out. made of brass into a more in it to squeeze sophisticated the batter in a into abymore tool adding asophisticated small nozzle material of the tool byofadding made brass cotton. acloth small nozzle in it toissqueeze made of brass the batter in a in it to squeeze the batterofinthe a material cloth is cotton. material of the cloth is cotton.
portfolio / sameeramudgal
material of the cloth is cotton.
Tandoor ki Roti (Bread) Technique Tandoor cloth is used dough to the inner walls of the tandoor (Oven). It is made of 4 layers of cloth. the inner most layer is made of thick jute, coiled in a spiral. it is then wrapped around a cotton cloth, which is again wrapped around another cotton cloth. the outer most layer is mostly made with kitchen cloth which gives its distinct checked red and white appeal.
“All objects, all phases of culture are alive. they have voices. they speak of their history and interrelatedness, and they are all talking at once!” Camille Paglia
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portfolio / sameeramudgal
BRANDING Visual Design- Bacardi and Social by Impressario
P RO J E C T “the last Super”(left) and “floaty” (left bottom) were submitted as ex h i b i t i o n c o n c e p t s f o r Bacardi, developed for a corporate event. Floaty was selected, and went for fabrication.
Brand identity research Visual Design Concept creation Ideation
M E D I A V I S UA L S a new branch of Social by Impressario opened in Va s a n t K u n j , D e l h i a n d t h e t h e m e w a s Wa b i S a b i . following visuals were created for the media event. the first concept was of creating four artworks, each of 16x24 inches, made up of smaller cards which would be personalized and given to each media professional. the artworks would be paper waste, glued t o g e t h e r. the second concept was an Indian interpretation o f Wa b i S a b i w h e r e b r o ke n a n d b u r n t pottery form various pottery villages of Delhi would be collected and presented as an ex h i b i t , e a c h c o n t a i n i n g a personalized card for media professionals.
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portfolio / sameeramudgal
thank you
Sameera Mudgal UX researcher designer futurist
Amsterdam +31 684239175 sameera.mudgal4@gmail.com English , Hindi w w w. lin ke d i n.com/i n/s a meera -mudg a l -4 0 1 8 8 8 6 8 w w w. in st ag ra m.com/s a meera mudg a l w w w. b e h an ce.net/s a meera mudg a l
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