5 minute read
1. When and why did you join Toastmasters?
I joined Toastmasters in September 1998. I joined the Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Chapter (1950U). I joined the chapter by accident as my superior wanted me to attend with him. But on day one, I knew that I was there to stay for a long time.
2. Tell us about your work profile, your family, and any hobbies and interests outside of Toastmasters?
As of date, for the last four years, I am the Group Chief Administrative Officer in a Liquid Logistics company managing almost all support units. Previously for 28 years I have been in the Banking fraternity. My family is me, my wife and my daughter. My wife was a banker and is now a home maker. My daughter is an Architect and a professional dancer. My hobbies are reading, watching movies and learning from life’s valuable lessons.
3. How has Toastmasters helped mold you into the leader you are known as today?
While I have been a leader in my school and college life, Toastmasters has brought in me the maturity which a leader should have. A leader is defined as “One who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”. I had the basics of leadership grinded into me by watching efficient leaders performing at all levels. Every leader has a different approach and it is great to learn by watching them in action. A leader is also one whom people look up to for solutions to their problems. In Toastmasters, while we cannot provide solutions to all problems, we can at least provide them the guidance to handle issues or such problems. This is done by reading and understanding the rules and regulations stipulated by the Organization –so I have spent quite some time of my life in reading and understanding these regulations. People are the strength behind a leader’s success and today, I am what I am because of our members.
4. What is the inspiration behind pursuing DTM for a record third time?
The inspiration is all about learning. When I did my first DTM, there were times when I was not aware as to why I was taking up this level and doubts of whether I performed to the best of my capabilities or could I do better? The challenge in me made me take up this path the second time. By the time I chose to start the second time, the whole program had changed and the manuals had changed too. This gave me the impetus to do better and also an opportunity for me to complete six more advanced manuals (there are a total of 15). The third time I started doing this path is because I wanted to master the art of communicating to people in a manner where they could understand better through clarity. But the best part of it all is because we have lots of stories to tell in our lives and share it with people for their benefit that being a DTM once and doing 40 projects may not be sufficient to share all of our stories.
5. Tell us about your herculean role as a mentor so many clubs in UAE. What advice do you have for mentor-mentee relationships?
I don’t call this task as herculean. Where there is passion, there is no scope for any other emotion. I love mentoring and he lping people improve their lives through better communication and by becoming better leaders. When we mentor a club, we are actually creating leaders out of that club and if the leaders have to be successful, they need to have good communication skills. Good communication skills come through performing, practicing and persevering efforts towards the goal. These can be achieved through the guidance of a senior member who has done it all and fortunately, I have landed in the position of this Senior Toastmaster member who has got the opportunity to create more leaders.
Mentor-Mentee relationship is a very holy one. This is built on one single word which has the whole world underneath –TRUST. It is a partnership for a lifetime and it is a selfless relationship. In this relation, the mentor wishes that one day, my mentee should supersede my skills and be better than me. The mentee wishes that he or she can learn and be equal to, if not more the mentor in terms of quality. So, for all those who wish to have mentors, don’t just chose one because you need to do a projec t or go through a difficult patch in your life, chose well and chose brave so that your mentor will be a life time guide or advise for you in every field and in every part of your life as you wish.
6. What is your advice to new toastmasters looking to enhance their communication and leadership skills?
My advice to all new Toastmasters is that “Rome was not built in a day” and therefore, do not try to rush through seeking immediate or quick results. There is no short-cut to success. One point which all need to understand is that a strong foundation provides the opportunity to expand beyond horizons. So, first build that strong foundation by sheer hard work, perseverance & positive attitude. The rest will happen as if it is magic.
7. If you had one piece of advice for every Toastmaster, what would it be?
The one piece of advice for every Toastmaster is cultivate the skills of communicating to an audience in a manner which they will understand. As they say, do not listen to speak, listen to understand and then Speak.
DTM Balaji - Moods
8. What motivates you to continue the journey of Toastmasters?
The one word Passion and the second word People. These two will always be with me and I shall forever be with Toastmasters.
9. One word to describe what toastmasters gives to an individual?
THE WORLD. As the Past International President and the first lady member of Toastmaster, Helen Blanchard has said –“If you can get out of Toastmasters all that you can get out of Toastmasters, you will never get out of Toastmasters”.
This personal interview was headed by TM Huzaiffa, our VP, Public Relations after great coaxing and conditioning. TM Huzzaifa felt Balaji was too amazing a personality for him to sit with and ask questions. We are glad both the amazed and the amazing came out happy and with flying colors. Thank you VP, PR for the painstaking efforts! ;)