Addison 020713 Section A

Page 1

New face

Tigers in OT

Gov. Shumlin named Warren Van Wyck to replace the late Rep. Greg Clark. See Page 3B.


Two teams in search of wins this winter worked overtime for one on Monday. See Sports, Page 1B.

The Young Writers Project recognized an Otter Valley eighthgrader. See Page 5B.



Middlebury, Vermont ◆ Thursday, February 7, 2013 ◆

32 Pages


VUHS bonds go down to defeats

Board will meet on Monday to regroup By ANDY KIRKALDY GHVLH33H6/5/N((%$),/3)0-:­ E'$-/6+8'0?%$)0./R,%),/0'$%(',-$/),/ B+'$(#./?)-'(/()E,/-E)/G'0<',,'$/ R,%),/ O%<:/ 6;:))"/ =),($/ -)-#"%,</ `ZAY/ *%""%),/ -:#-/ -:'/ GRO6/ =)#0(/ :#(/:)8'(/E)+"(/8#./9)0/*#P)0/%*­ 80)?'*',-$/ %,$%('/ #,(/ )+-$%('/ -:'/ $;:))"A N/`aAY/*%""%),/=),(/80)8)$#"/")$-7/ bY[JZc^7/ )0/ ddJad/ 8'0;',-7/ %,/ ;)*­ *%,<"'(/ =#"")-%,</ %,/ -:'/ &?'/N3E­ 6R/-)E,$A// 2-/ E#$/ %,-',('(/ -)/ 9+,(/ *#P)0/ %*80)?'*',-$/ -)/ -:'/ GRO6/ #+(%­ -)0%+*7/ F%-;:',/ #,(/ ;#9'-'0%#K/ ,'E/ 0))&,</%,/$'?'0#"/#0'#$/E:'0'/$;:))"/

)9&;%#"$/ $#%(/ %-/ %$/ =#("./ ,''('(K/ 0'­ 8#?%,</ )9/ ),'/ 8#0F%,</ ")-K/ ),'/ ,'E/ $%('E#"F/#,(/0'8#%0/)9/#,)-:'0K/-0#9­ &;/e)E/%*80)?'*',-$/%,/-:'/8%;FJ+8/ #,(/(0)8J)99/#0'#K/#,(/,'E/="'#;:'0$/ %,/-:'/*%(("'/$;:))"/<.*A/ N/$';),(/`Y/*%""%),/=),(/80)8)$­ #"/ ")$-/ )?'0E:'"*%,<".7/ ^7^[cJ_cZ7/ )0/caAZJYdAa/8'0;',-A/ B:#-/ =),(/ E)+"(/ :#?'/ 9+,('(/ #,/ #0-%&;%#"/$+09#;'/9)0/-:'/$;:))">$/?#0­ $%-./ $);;'0f"#;0)$$'/ &'"(/ #,(/ =+%"-/ #/ $%MJ"#,'/ -0#;F/ -)/ $+00)+,(/ %-A/B:#-/ $';),(7/$*#""'0/=),(/;)+"(/,)-/:#?'/ ='',/ #880)?'(/ $'8#0#-'"./ 90)*/ -:'/ "#0<'0/ =),(7/ #;;)0(%,</ -)/ -:'/ ?)-'/ (See VUHS, Page 16A)

County citizens criticize End of Life Choices bill at legislative breakfast By JOHN FLOWERS

THE HELEN PORTER Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center took delivery on Monday of a physical therapy car that was created through the Han­ UV2Sg4VB/5/6',#-'/O'#"-:/#,(/ naford Career Center in Middlebury and two local businesses. The shortened Ford Escort, nicknamed “The Egg,” will be used by patients needing Q'"9#0'/ !)**%--''/ !:#%0E)*#,/ help adjusting to getting in and out of cars. Independent photo/Trent Campbell

‘Car’ aids in rehabilitation at Helen Porter By JOHN FLOWERS T2SS1HURVW/ 5/ O'"',/ g)0­ -'0/ O'#"-:;#0'/ #,(/ V':#=%"%-#-%),/ !',-'0/ iOgOV!j/ )9&;%#"$/ $8',(/ #/ ")-/ )9/ -%*'/ :'"8%,</ %,P+0'(/ 8#-%',-$/ =';)*'/ *)=%"'/ ',)+<:/ -)/ -#F'/ -:#-/

*+;:J#,-%;%8#-'(/ 0%('/ :)*'A/ B:'./ 0)+-%,'"./80#;-%;'/<'--%,</%,/#,(/)+-/ )9/#/?':%;"'/#$/8#0-/)9/-:'%0/-0#,$%-%),/ -)/%,('8',(',;'7/-:)+<:/80#;-%;'/:#$/ #-/ -%*'$/ 0'X+%0'(/ =+,("%,</ +8/ 9)0/ 8#0F%,</")-/?%$%-$/%,/0#%,/)0/$,)EA

B:#,F$/ -)/ #/ 90+%-9+"/ ;)""#=)0#-%),/ ='-E'',/OgOV!7/-:'/g#-0%;%#/NA/O#,­ ,#9)0(/!#0''0/!',-'0/#,(/$)*'/");#"/ =+$%,'$$'$7/ 0':#=%"%-#-%,</ 8#-%',-$/ E%""/ ='/ #="'/ -)/ 80#;-%;'/ %,/ ;)*9)0-/ #,(/$-."'/9)0/-:'%0/0%('/:)*'/#,(/-:'/

*#,./ )-:'0$/ -:#-/ 9)"")EA/B:'/ 8#0-%'$/ P)%,'(/ 9)0;'$/ -)/ 80)(+;'/ #/ $8';%#""./ *)(%&'(7/ =%<:-J.'"")E/ ;#0/ -:#-/ -:'./ E:''"'(/%,-)/OgOV!/),/T),(#.A N99';-%),#-'"./ (+=='(/ -:'/ C8+<7D/ (See Car, Page 18A)

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8')8"'/ #-/ T),(#.>$/ ('=+-/ "'<%$"#­ -%?'/ =0'#F9#$-/ %,/ U0%(8)0-/ -:#-/ -:'/ *'#$+0'/ %$/ ,'M-/ ('$-%,'(/ -)/ "#,(/ %,/ -:'/6',#-'/I+(%;%#0./!)**%--''/#,(/ -:',/;)*'/='9)0'/-:'/9+""/6',#-'/='­ 9)0'/*#F%,</%-$/E#./-)/-:'/O)+$'A 29/8#$$'(/%,-)/"#E7/6Acc/E)+"(/$'-/ +8/#/80);'$$/9)0/8')8"'/E%-:/#/80)<­ ,)$%$/)9/$%M/)0/9'E'0/*),-:$/-)/"%?'7/ -)/ ?)"+,-#0%"./ ',(/ -:'%0/ )E,/ "%?'$A/ B:'/ 80);'$$/ E)+"(/ %,;"+('/ 0'X+%0'­ *',-$/-:#-/-:'/8#-%',-/*#F'/-E)/)0#"/ 0'X+'$-$/ i%,/ -:'/ 80'$',;'/ )9/ :%$/ )0/ (See Choices, Page 2A)

New county investigator will Students pursue assault, sex crimes reach past Vt. borders By JOHN FLOWERS T2SS1HURVW/5/6-#-'/#,(/");#"/ 8)"%;'/#0'/<'--%,</#/=%</#$$%$-/%,/-:'%0/ %,?'$-%<#-%),$/ )9/ ()*'$-%;/ #$$#+"-/ #,(/ $'M+#"/ #=+$'/ ;#$'$/ -:#,F$/ -)/ #/ ,'E"./ ;0'#-'(/ $'0?%;'/ =#$'(/ %,/ -:'/ N((%$),/ !)+,-./ 6:'0%99>$/ S'8#0-­ *',-/:'#(X+#0-'0$A 2->$/ ;#""'(/ -:'/ N((%$),/ !)+,-./ R,%-/ 9)0/ 68';%#"/ 2,?'$-%<#-%),$7/ )0/ N!R627/ #,(/ %-/ %,;"+('$/ #/ 8#0-J-%*'/ %,?'$-%<#-)0/-)/:'"8/#0'#/"#E/',9)0;'­ *',-/ #<',;%'$/ =0%,</ -)/ P+$-%;'/ 8'0­ 8'-0#-)0$/ )9/ #$$#+"-/ #,(/ $'M/ ;0%*'$/ #<#%,$-/#(+"-$/#,(/;:%"(0',A/ 2-/E#$/),/T#./YZ7/Y[[Z7/-:#-/-:',J L)?A/ I#*'$/ S)+<"#$/ )9/ T%(("'=+0./ $%<,'(/#/"#E/;#""%,</9)0/C68';%#"/2,­ ?'$-%<#-%?'/R,%-$7D/)0/62R$7/-)/='/'$­

Addison County

By the way

Area residents who have been looking for a chance to question the governor on his programs and priorities will have an opportuni­ ty to do so this Monday, Feb. 11, beginning at noon at the Bristol American Legion Hall on Airport Road. Gov. Peter Shumlin will be the guest of honor and lead speaker (See By the way, Page 18A)

Index Obituaries .......................... 6A­7A !"#$$%&'($ ....................... 7B­10B Service Directory .............. 8B­9B Entertainment ........................ 15A !)**+,%-./!#"',(#0 ...... 8A­10A Sports ................................ 1B­4B

-#="%$:'(/%,/;)+,-%'$/-:0)+<:)+-/-:'/ $-#-'/=./Y[[\A U+-/ %-/ -))F/ "),<'0/ -:#,/ 'M8';-'(/ -)/ $'-/ +8/ N((%$),/ !)+,-.>$/ $8';%#"/ %,?'$-%<#-%?'/ +,%-7/ %,/ 8#0-/ (+'/ -)/ #/ "#;F/)9/#880)80%#-'/$8#;'/%,/E:%;:/-)/ ");#-'/ -:'/ $'0?%;'A/ B:'/ $'#0;:/ 9)0/ #/ <))(/ $8)-/ ',('(/ "#$-/ 9#""/ E:',/N(­ (%$),/ !)+,-./ 6:'0%99/ S),/ ]''"'0/ )99'0'(/ -)/ #;;)**)(#-'/ N!R62/ %,/ #0)+,(/ ^7_[[/ $X+#0'/ 9''-/ )9/ 0',)­ ?#-'(/ 9)0*'0/ P#%"/ $8#;'/ E%-:%,/ :%$/ ('8#0-*',->$/ :'#(X+#0-'0$/ ),/ !)+0-/ 6-0''-/ %,/ T%(("'=+0.A/ B:#-/ $8#;'/ :#$/ ='',/ (%?%('(/ %,-)/ #,/ %,-'0?%'E/ 0))*/ 9)0/ -'',/ #,(/ #(+"-/ ?%;-%*$K/ #/ ;:%"(0',>$/%,-'0?%'E/0))*7/#/E#%-%,</ 0))*K/#,(/)9&;'$A (See Crimes, Page 16A)

Brandon may host medical marijuana dispensary By LEE J. KAHRS Brandon Reporter UVN3S43/5/U0#,(),/*#./='/-:'/ $%-'/)9/-:'/,'M-/*'(%;#"/*#0%P+#,#/(%$­ 8',$#0./%,/-:'/$-#-'/)9/G'0*),-A N"'M#,(0#/@)0(/)9/V+-"#,(/!)+,-./ 40<#,%;$/:#$/='',/%,/,'<)-%#-%),/E%-:/ !:+;F/ T%-;:'""/ g0)8'0-%'$/ 0'<#0(%,</ -:'/"'#$'/)9/#/Z7c[[J$X+#0'J9))-/=+%"(­ %,</ #-/ ba/ 1)?'0>$/ 1#,'/ %,/ U0#,(),A/ U+%"-/ %,/ Y[[b7/ -:'/ $-0+;-+0'/ :)+$'(/ #/ E))(/ 9+0,%-+0'/ *#,+9#;-+0%,</ 9#;%"­ %-./)8'0#-'(/=./T%-;:'""/+,-%"/"#-'/"#$-/ year. B:'/80)8'0-./%$/;+00',-"./%,/-:'/0+­ 0#"/('?'")8*',-/h),'/#,(/%$/8'0*%--'(/ 9)0/ "%<:-/ E))(/ *#,+9#;-+0%,<A/ @)0(/ :#$/ &"'(/ 9)0/ #/ ;:#,<'/ )9/ +$'/ -)/ #/ "%­ ;',$'(/ *'(%;#"/ *#0%P+#,#/ (%$8',$#0./ #,(/ *#,+9#;-+0%,</ 9#;%"%-.A/ B:'/ -)E,/ S'?'")8*',-/V'?%'E/U)#0(/E%""/;),­ $%('0/ -:'/ #88"%;#-%),/ #-/ #/ :'#0%,</ ),/ @'=A/ ^\A/B:'/ *''-%,</ E%""/ ='/ :'"(/ #-/ -:'/ U0#,(),/ V'$;+'/ 6X+#(/ =+%"(%,</ ),/V)+-'/c/#-/c/8A*A B:'/ G'0*),-/ T'(%;#"/ T#0%P+#,#/ (See Pot, Page 16A)

‘India Festival’ caps month of exploration By XIAN CHIANG­WAREN 123!413/5/6-+(',-$7/8#0',-$/ #,(/ $-#99/ )9/ -:'/ 1%,;)",/ !)**+­ ,%-./6;:))"/<#-:'0'(/%,/-:'/=+%"(­ %,<>$/ 0';',-"./ 0',)?#-'(/ <.*,#­ $%+*/ "#$-/ @0%(#./ -)/ ;'"'=0#-'/ #/ $8';%#"/ *),-:/ "'#0,%,</ #=)+-/ -:'/ ;+"-+0'/ )9/ 2,(%#A/ B:'/ C2,(%#/ @'$­ -%?#"D/ 9'#-+0'(/ #/ $:#()E/ 8+88'-/ $:)E7/#/80'$',-#-%),/)9/$-+(',-/#0-­ E)0F/ %,/ -0#(%-%),#"/ 2,(%#,/ $-."'$7/ .)<#7/ ('"%;%)+$/ 2,(%#,/ 9))(/ #,(/ “We are #/*#<%;/$:)E/=./ all so ");#"/ *#<%;%#,/ different, B)*/G'0,'0A but at the H#;:/ I#,+#0.7/ -'#;:'0$/ #,(/ $-+­ core we (',-$/ #-/ -:'/ '"­ are all '*',-#0./ $;:))"/ human.” (%?'/ %,-)/ #,/ %,­ — Vijaya -',$%?'/ *),-:J Wunnava "),</ $-+(./ )9/ #/ ;+"-+0'/ (%99'0',-/ 90)*/ -:'%0/ )E,A/ B:'/ -0#(%-%),/ :#$/ ;#00%'(/ ),/ 9)0/ '%<:-/ .'#0$K/ %,/ -:'/ 8#$-7/ $-+(',-$/ :#?'/ "'#0,'(/ #=)+-/ !:%,#7/L:#,#/#,(/*#,./)-:'0/;+"­ tures. C!+"-+0#"/ $-+(%'$/ #0'/ #"E#.$/ #/ *+"-%$',$)0./'M8'0%',;'/9)0/F%($7D/ $#%(/ N,,#/ O)E'""7/ E:)/ -'#;:'$/ -:%0(/#,(/9)+0-:/<0#('A/C2->$/P+$-/$)/ *'*)0#="'/-)/-:'*A/Q'/$-+(./(%9­ 9'0',-/ ;+"-+0'$/ '#;:/ .'#0/ #,(/ F%,­ ('0<#0-',/-:0)+<:/9)+0-:/<0#('/#0'/ 'M8)$'(/ -)/ &?'/ (%99'0',-/ ;+"-+0'$/ %,/;),-0#$-/-)/-:'%0/)E,/;+"-+0'A/N/ ")-/ )9/ -:'%0/ ;),;'8-/ )9/ ;+"-+0'/ ('­ ?'")8$/)?'0/-:)$'/.'#0$AD 2,/-)(#.>$/%,-'0;),,';-'(7/<")=#"/ $);%'-.7/ -'#;:%,</ ;+"-+0#"/ $',$%­ -%?%-./ %$/ %*8)0-#,-7/ $#%(/ N((%$),/ 3)0-:'#$-/ 6+8'0?%$)0./ R,%),/ 6+­ 8'0%,-',(',-/S#?%(/N(#*$A LINCOLN COMMUNITY SCHOOL students Chase Atkins, left, Greyson Dennison and the rest of their CQ'/ ,''(/ -)/ %,-'0#;-/ E%-:/ #""/ ;+"-+0'$/-:0)+<:)+-/-:'/E)0"(7/#,(/ schoolmates practice yoga at the beginning of the school’s “India Festival” last Friday morning. The school was immersed in an intensive month­long study of Indian culture during January. (See India, Page 2A) Independent photo/Trent Campbell

PAGE 2A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013


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(Continued from Page 1A) Next year, the school will likely early learning in that is really our re­ choose somewhere in South Ameri­ sponsibility here,” he said. ca, Melnick and Howell said, prob­ At the India Festival last Friday, ably Peru or Brazil because of com­ Adams praised the Lincoln Commu­ munity members who have roots in nity School’s dedication to a multi­ those two countries. cultural education. “We try to choose a culture that we “The teachers have done just a re­ can gather resources for … it’s been markable job of bringing the world -.#$$'% )@*,-2#"2% 2,% !"&% -.#$4% $)6.% to Lincoln,” he said. people to come so that we’re not try­ The cultural studies month en­ ing to represent something in a two­ courages students to look inward, dimensional way,” Howell said. too. For this year’s study “A lot of our time was “The kids, of India, special weekly spent recognizing as­ visits were arranged with like anysumptions and stereo­ an Indian member of the types, and what we take where, Addison County com­ for granted as being ‘nor­ they’re not munity, Vijaya Wunnava. mal,’” Howell said. “Or afraid to Wunnava, who is the just (recognizing that) events coordinator of the the way we are is actually ask quesEconomics Department part of our own culture. tions. It’s and the coordinator of You know, we have ac­ spontaneous the Jewish Studies Minor cents and we dress funny for them. at Middlebury College, from someone else’s per­ lives in Middlebury with spective. I think that’s They’re curi- her husband, Econom­ one of the most powerful ous about ics Professor Phanindra things.” Wunnava. a lot of “It’s great for us to “I thought this was things.” learn, too,” said Bonnie such a great idea because — Vijaya Melnick, who teaches Wunnava the world is so global­ reading to students in ized now,” Vijaya Wun­ kindergarten through fourth grade. nava said. “This is a great introduc­ “As we’re researching and learning tion. When they’re young, they’re so we’re like, ‘Oh, I didn’t know that.’ open, so ready to absorb anything, It’s really fun for teachers in addi­ ready to explore, they’re curious. As tion to the students.” they grow older, I feel like they will The cultures that are selected for be more receptive — their boundar­ study are not random. “We try to ies have been expanded.” !"##$%&'()*(%+"#%,-*."/0)0*1233454*466789:*;<=7>:*?><@*$A3­ vary geographically, and we try to For Wunnava, the teaching experi­ 6<B3*C<@@23A9D*+6E<<B*:92F739:*43F*:94??*?<>*E7>*7??<>9:*9746EA3G*9E7@* go for some contrast,” Howell ex­ ence was also rewarding. 4H<29*"3FA4*F2>A3G*9E7*@<39E*<?*/4324>DI plained. “The kids, like anywhere, they’re "3F7873F739*8E<9<J->739*C4@8H7BB not afraid to ask questions,” she said. “It’s spontaneous for them. They’re curious about a lot of things.” Wunnava’s work was honored at the beginning of the India Festi­ 6#$% 8)25% #**$#0(.% #"&% <,8.-(3% A2% the conclusion of her month at the Lincoln Community School, she stressed the importance of learning how to understand and love, despite the many differences in the world. “Washington could take a page off them,” she joked, referring to her stu­ dents’ ability to work through differ­ ences. The fundamental lesson? “We are all so different, but at the core we are all human.” “I was very touched by the speech given today, especially her quote, ‘Knowledge ends with love,’” said parent Debra Heleba, who added that the cultural studies program is always “a favorite” for her two girls. “I feel this really captures Lincoln Community School’s philosophy and our teachers’ deep commitment to our children,” Heleba said. “I left the festival feeling extremely proud of $",CK$,*CK!!',"-)*+CLKK$*:92F739*%>AM4*,7=6<@H*BA37:*28*A3*9E7*:6E<<BN:*64?797>A4*?<>*4*E7B8A3G*<?* our town and thankful for its teach­ "3FA43*?<<F*8>784>7F*?<>*43*O"3FA4*P7:9A54BQ*B4:9*P>AF4DI "3F7873F739*8E<9<J->739*C4@8H7BB ers.”

(Continued from Page 1A) agreed with Barnes’ contention that her physician) and one written (wit­ the bill was being rushed. He sug­ nessed) request for a lethal dose of gested that Vermonters be given a medication that the patient cannot chance to vote the measure up or take in a public place. down through a referendum. Ayer said her committee recently “Why can’t the people of Vermont took a week of impassioned testimo­ have a right to have a say about ny on the bill from expert witnesses this?” he said. “Why not wait until and people on both sides of the issue. the next election and have it on the She and her colleagues also received ballot?” hundreds of e­mails from Former Addison Coun­ Vermonters and out­of­ “God put ty Right to Life organi­ staters weighing in on the Treasurer Lucien us here, let zation issue. Ultimately, Ayer Paquette, 96, added his and her colleagues saw God take opposition to S.77. He enough merit in S.77 to us. I don’t said he believed patients pass it along to the Judi­ think the could be coerced into or­ ciary Committee. dering the legal medica­ “This bill is for people Legislature tion and voiced doubts who are dying, for whom should be that someone’s death there is no doubt they are involved at could be accurately fore­ dying,” said Ayer, who al­ all.” cast within six months. luded to testimony from — William Paquette said sick patients people who said they did Keyes of already have the power to not want to live out their Bridport refuse medication and can !"#$% &#'(% )"% *#)"% #"&+,-% avail themselves of hos­ clouded by narcotic pain­ pice care. killers. The current legislation is pat­ “Doctor­assisted suicide I don’t terned after a law already in place in think is good for Vermont,” he said. Oregon. Since being implemented in Tim and Barbara Buskey oper­ 1998, Oregon’s Death with Dignity ate the Vergennes Residential Care Act has seen a total of 1,050 termi­ Home. Tim Buskey was one of those nally ill patients formally request 85,%2.(2)!.&%#/#)"(2%25.%9"&%,:%;):.% medication to hasten death and, of Choices bill in Montpelier. Buskey those, 673 patients took the medica­ said the Vergennes Residential Care tion and died. Oregon’s most recent Home has served a combined total annual report on the act shows that in of 119 residents during his and his 2012, 115 prescriptions were written wife’s watch, with many of them and 66 patients died after ingesting passing away comfortably in the the medication. company of family, friends and hos­ But many who turned out at Mon­ pice workers. day’s breakfast panned the End of “Society must not cast off these Life Choices bill on moral, ethical, programs already in place,” he said -.$)/),0(%#"&%(1)."2)!1%/-,0"&(3 in voicing his opposition to the bill. Shoreham resident Meg Barnes William Keyes of Bridport also questioned the speed at which S.77 panned the legislation. was moving through the Senate this “God put us here, let God take us,” year, a pace she said is not conducive Keyes said. “I don’t think the Legis­ to a full study of the very weighty is­ lature should be involved at all.” sue. But supporters reiterated that S.77 “I am disappointed this is being was designed to give terminally ill rushed through,” said Barnes, who patients an option. also lamented Vermont’s current sui­ “I am happy (the bill) has received cide rate, recently ranked 12th in the a full hearing,” said Rep. Michael nation (per capita). Fisher, D­Lincoln and chairman of “I don’t understand why we need the House Committee on Health to pass such a bill with the number Care. of suicides we have in this Fisher said a physi­ state.” cian can currently legally Ayer said the Legisla­ prescribe enough opiate ture is in no rush to pass drugs to stop a patient’s S.77. She said the General breathing, provided it is Assembly has become done with the intent of well­versed on end­of­life suppressing pain. $./)($#2),"4%5#6)"/%!.$&.&% The End of Life Choic­ no less than a half­dozen es bill, Fisher said, would such initiatives during provide a “regulated pro­ the past 12 years. While cess” for terminally ill pa­ previous bills have failed tients to voluntarily ingest to become law, Ayer be­ “I am happy lethal medication. lieves public opinion and (the bill) has “It is putting the patient the political landscape are received a in control,” Fisher said. now lined up for what of­ full hearing.” WEATHERIZATION !1)#$(%7.$).6.%)(%#%!"#$%2-'% LAW — Rep. at passing the End of Life Other discussion at Michael Fisher Choices bill. Ayer said re­ Monday’s breakfast fo­ cent surveys in Vermont cused on Vermont’s have shown widespread support for “Home Energy Challenge,” through such a law. One such survey revealed which the state wants to weatherize 72 percent support in Addison Coun­ 80,000 homes by the year 2020. The ty, according to Ayer. aim is to prevent residents’ heating But not many of those supporters dollars from escaping through the were in Bridport on Monday. cracks in their homes. The trouble is, Waltham resident Pat Brooks the state is short on funds to imple­ voiced her opposition to S.77 and ment the program. A state task force said it should not be referred to as 5#(%<,#2.&%#"%==>1."2>*.->/#$$,"%2#?% “Death with Dignity,” as some are on home heating fuel as one idea for calling it. funding the $276 million weather­ “There is no dignity with death,” ization effort. she said. “The person has dignity Local lawmakers were skeptical of that is inherent with them as a per­ such a tax gaining a lot of support. son.” “The big picture is very problem­ Prescribing a lethal dose of medi­ atic,” Rep. David Sharpe, D­Bristol, cation, Brooks maintained, runs said of the state’s varied needs and counter to the Hippocratic oath taken shrinking revenues. Sharpe serves by physicians. on the House Ways and Means Com­ “(The oath) is a sign of civilized mittee, which works on tax policy. behavior,” Brooks said. Reporter John Flowers is at Dave Brooks, also of Waltham,

Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 â€” PAGE 3A

Hinesburg station has amenities By ANDY KIRKALDY VERGENNES â€” As the city of Vergennes considers building a new police station, Vergennes Police Chief George Merkel has shared ad­ ditional details about a proposed new police station in Hinesburg, which has been used as a point of compari­ son to Vergennes’ plans. The Hinesburg town manager con­ )/#$=%"(%,(%$#,"-%!',!%;<)+",-*%!'$/$% decided that the town’s new police station did not need separate men’s and women’s locker rooms, but that Hinesburg’s long­range plans called <;/% ,% )!($**% /;;#% ,(=% ,% !/,"("(6% /;;#%!',!%&"--%5$%*',/$=%&"!'%,%)/$% station to be built next door, accord­

ing to Merkel. The Vergennes police station plans include men’s and women’s locker /;;#*%,(=%,%)!($**%/;;#: In a Tuesday phone call with the Independent, Merkel strongly dis­ agreed with the decision not to in­ clude the separate locker rooms in !'$% B2% #"--";(4% C4311D*E8,/$D<;;!% Hinesburg plan, a decision he called â€œunheard ofâ€? for a modern police station. @$/>$-%,-*;%+-,/")$=%!'$%?/;?;*$=% Vergennes station’s patrol room is "(!$(=$=%!;%*$/F$%*$F$(%;<)+$/*4%(;!% 10. Hinesburg has a similarly sized police force to Vergennes, but ac­

cording to Hinesburg Town Manager 7;$%G;-,(6$-;%=;$*%(;!%;<<$/%H09IJK% coverage. L$/6$(($*% /$*"=$(!*% ;(% @,/+'% 3% &"--%F;!$%;(%!'$%+"!.%+;8(+"-M*%B2:N3% million bond proposal to fund a North Main Street land purchase, site development and a roughly O4111D*E8,/$D<;;!% *!,!";(% &"!'% !&;D dozen rooms. Merkel on Tuesday also agreed to sit down with the Independent before the Town Meeting Day vote and dis­ cuss the need for all of the proposal, which has drawn plenty of support ,*% &$--% ,*% *;#$% E8$*!";(*% ,5;8!% "!*% overall size and the need for some of its rooms.

Rail bridge projects take shape State budgets $9M for Middlebury spans

Ice stream


Independent photo/Trent Campbell

Van Wyck lands Addison­3 seat By JOHN FLOWERS FERRISBURGH â€” Gov. Peter Shumlin has appointed Ferrisburgh Republican Warren Van Wyck to serve out the two­year term of the late Rep. Greg Clark, R­Vergennes, in the Addison­3 House district. Van Wyck, 60, and Mary Ann Castimore of Waltham were the two district Republicans who in mid­Jan­ uary offered to step in for Clark, who ="$=%!/,6"+,--.%"(%,%!/,<)+%,++"=$(!%;(% T;8!$% J% -,*!% U;F$#5$/:% V8!% G,*!"­ more withdrew her name on Jan. 31, citing personal reasons. That left Van Wyck as the lone candidate and even­ tual appointee who on Thursday was *$!%!;%;<)+",--.%R;"(%T$?:%W",($%X,(­ pher, D­Vergennes, in the two­seat district that encompasses Vergennes, Ferrisburgh, Addison, Waltham and Panton. Van Wyck said he received a phone call on Monday from Shumlin con­ )/#"(6%!'$%,??;"(!#$(!: “I had a cordial conversation with '"#% ,5;8!% #.% "(!$/$*!% "(% )--"(6% !'"*% vacancy,â€? Van Wyck said through an e­mail. â€œHe announced he would ap­ point me to the seat effective Thurs­ =,.4%P$5:%J:K Van Wyck was pleased to have received the endorsement of Eileen Clark, Rep. Clark’s widow, in late January. He has pledged to run for the seat in his own right in November ;<%0129: “That the governor selected me ,*% Y,% E8,-")$=% ?$/*;(% !;% )--% !'$% F,­ cancy for the remaining portion of !'$% !$/#% Z2J% LAS% [% 0O0C\M% "*% !'$% #;*!% "#?;/!,(!% ,(=% *"6(")+,(!% *8?­ port,â€? Van Wyck wrote in the email. â€œI am thankful to him for appoint­ "(6%#$%!;%)--%!'$%F,+,(+.:%G$/!,"(-.%

I cannot replace Rep. Greg Clark, yet, I’ll attempt to honor his legacy, his party commitments and concerns of the voters of this district. I look for­ ward to meeting more residents of the district, learning about their needs, serving the constituents of the district and honoring the oath to the Vermont Constitution.â€? Van Wyck listed several goals for !'$% 012CD0129% -$6"*-,!"F$% 5"$(("8#4% including: ]% A$/F"+$% <;/% !'$% +;(*!"!8$(!*% ;<% the district. ]% T$!,"("(6% !'$% .;8(6$/% 6$($/,­ tion in Vermont with economic op­ portunities. ]% [/;#;!"(6% R;5*4% "(+-8="(6% '"6'% !$+'4% &"!'% ,=$E8,!$% &,6$*% <;/% !'$% high cost of living in the state. ]% X"#"!"(6% !,^% "(+/$,*$*% 5,*$=% ;(% wage growth. ]% [/;#;!"(6%!$+'(;-;6.%<;/%6/$,!­ $/%$<)+"$(+"$*%"(%6;F$/(#$(!,-%;?$/,­ tions. ]% [/;#;!"(6% '"6'% E8,-"!.% ,(=% ,<­ fordable post­secondary education for the current job market. ]% [/;#;!"(6%,6/"+8-!8/$4%$*?$+",--.% dairy farming, which he called a ma­ jor economic engine for the district. ]% @,"(!,"("(6% *$/F"+$*% <;/% !'$% $-­ derly, disabled, veterans and military families. Lanpher was pleased to hear about her new colleague. “I am thrilled that through this pro­ cess we have found someone in our district to help represent the people of Addison­3,â€? said Lanpher, who had met with both Van Wyck and Casti­ more prior to the appointment. Lanpher said she looks forward to serving with Van Wyck and will offer him assistance in navigating the legis­

lative process in Montpelier. “I feel my role is to extend my hand to him in developing a working relationship to serve our district in the best possible way,â€? Lanpher said. At the same time the House wel­ comes Van Wyck, it is preparing to pay tribute to Clark, who was a 10­ year veteran of the House Education Committee and a beloved teacher at Mount Abraham Union High School. X,(?'$/%+;()/#$=%!',!%,%/$*;-8!";(% honoring Clark has been drafted and will be read at a time when his fam­ ily can be present at the Statehouse. She added House members have been collecting money to contribute to a scholarship fund being established at Mount Abe in Clark’s name.

By JOHN FLOWERS MIDDLEBURY â€” Gov. Peter Shumlin’s latest transportation bud­ get envisions a cost of $9,013,833 for replacement of the deteriorating bridges that carry Main Street and Merchants Row over the railroad tracks in downtown Middlebury. Construction is anticipated some­ !"#$% &"!'"(% )*+,-% .$,/% 01234% &'"+'% 5$6"(*%78-.%24%0129: The town of Middlebury is cur­ rently laying the groundwork for the major project, which will result "(% *;#$% !/,<)+% =$!;8/*% &'$(% &;/>­ ers replace the two 93­year­old spans in a manner that will allow for pas­ senger rail service to travel along the state’s western corridor rail line. “It’s going to be fairly complex,â€? said former Middlebury Town Man­ ager Bill Finger, recently hired as the local project manager. “And it’s a pretty aggressive schedule,â€? he added. â€œ(The Vermont Agency of Transportation) wants to get the project done.â€? It is a schedule that will be ex­ pedited thanks to Middlebury’s se­ lection for the Federal Highway Administration’s new Every Day Counts program, which provides a more rapid construction schedule for innovative infrastructure projects in communities with a proven track record. Middlebury, Finger noted, proved itself with the recent con­ struction of the Cross Street Bridge, a $16 million undertaking completed in less than two years with a creative )(,(+"(6%?-,(%!',!%"(+-8=$=%-;+,-%;?­ tion taxes and a substantial contribu­ tion from Middlebury College. The Cross Street Bridge is expect­ ed to provide an important thorough­ <,/$%<;/%!/,<)+%&'"-$%!'$%@,"(%A!/$$!% and Merchants Row spans are inca­ pacitated, Finger noted.

“You can operate with just the $(6"($$/*%&"--%/$)($%!'$%?/;R$+!*%,(=% Cross Street Bridge,â€? Finger said of come up with a â€œpreferred alterna­ !'$%!$#?;/,/.%!/,<)+%"(+;(F$("$(+$: tive.â€? One alternative that has already Meanwhile, Finger and town of­ been pitched calls for building a 600­ )+",-*% ',F$% 5$$(% 58*.% !$(="(6% !;% foot, pre­cast concrete tunnel that the many details that will need to be would take the place of the two spans. sorted out before construction can Q'$%?/;?;*$=%!8(($-%&;8-=%,-*;%)--%"(% proceed. a currently open spot between Trian­ The town recently executed an gle Park and St. Stephen’s Episcopal agreement with the Agency of Trans­ Church. The top of the tunnel could portation for the project to be man­ be sodded and seeded. aged locally. Soon Finger stressed that after, the community there is no leading ?8!% ;8!% ,% /$E8$*!% <;/% design at this point, E8,-")+,!";(*% </;#% though it seems fair­ $(6"($$/"(6% )/#*% "(­ ly certain that the terested in designing bridges will not be and planning the new replaced simultane­ bridges. Three engi­ ously and that the ($$/"(6%)/#*%/$*?;(=­ work will not result $=% !;% !'$% /$E8$*!4% /$­ in a raising of the sulting in the selection streetscape in the vi­ of Vanasse Hangen cinity of the bridges, Brustlin Inc., which as some had feared. also worked with the Q'$%)(,-%?/;R$+!%&"--% town on the Cross heavily depend on Street Bridge project. public input, logis­ The town is currently tics, permitting and, negotiating a contract of course, funding BILL  FINGER with VHB, which has â€” with the federal ;<)+$*%"(%P$//"*58/6': government covering â€œI’m optimistic,â€? Finger said of 80 percent of the cost and the state the prospects for a pact with VHB. +;F$/"(6% !'$% ;!'$/% 01% ?$/+$(!:% S(=% HQ'$/$% "*% (;!% !;;% #8+'% ;<% ,% E8$*­ because the project will be heavily tion.â€? reliant on state and federal funding, Once VHB joins the fold, compa­ Finger anticipates some permitting (.%,(=%!;&(%;<)+",-*%&"--%#$$!%&"!'% hurdles â€” probably more than the various stakeholders in the bridge Cross Street Bridge project, which projects. Those stakeholders will in­ was not dependent on state or federal +-8=$% ?/;?$/!.% ;&($/*4% /,"-% ;<)+",-*% money. and downtown merchants who will â€œI think the pieces are starting to be affected by the work. Finger said come together,â€? he said of the proj­ !'$% )/*!% #$$!"(6*% &"!'% !';*$% ?,/!"$*% ect. will begin next month. Reporter John Flowers is at It is through those meetings that

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PAGE 4A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013



Guest Editorial

to the Editor

Will health care reform deliver true savings? Republican legislators have taken the Shumlin administration to task for failing to articulate how the state’s health care reform 54<$</+5=$7#$2)4)(#=,$4*$0#>+30#=$79$54<A$!"#$4=.3)3*-04-3/)$ contends it has “substantially” complied, and labels the partisan display a “stunt.” There is a defensible argument to be had on both sides. Repub­ licans are correct that the law addressed the need to identify and -/$#K8543)$-"#$.#4)*$46435475#$-/$2)4)(#$-"#$"#45-"$(40#$0#1/0.$ law. The Democrats — and the Shumlin administration — are correct that the rules of the game changed after the law was passed. It was thought that Vermont would be able to get federal waivers to allow it to skip the need for a health care exchange and go directly to a universal payer system. That didn’t happen, which means the deadline for full implementation slides to 2017. By any reasonable standard, that should also mean more time -/$8+-$-"#$2)4)(3):$854)$3)$854(#A And, from a purely political point of view, the Republicans in the Legislature have so little power that their complaints are not 53@#59$-/$:#)#04-#$4$*3:)32(4)-$1/55/<3):A But the administration — and the Legislature’s Democrats — have a bigger problem: What’s beginning to become evident is that reforming the system is a gargantuan task and one that may not yield any real savings. Selling this to the public may be a challenge they had not contemplated. When the University of Massachusetts delivered its study of the proposed single­payer system — which included, at a vague 5#6#5,$4$=3*(+**3/)$/1$8/-#)-345$2)4)(3):$L$3-$(/)(5+=#=$-"4-$-"#$ 854)$</+5=$*46#$MNO$.3553/)$-"#$20*-$9#40$4)=$47/+-$'AO$8#0(#)-$ over the 2017­2019 cycle. That is nowhere near the amount Vermonters were told when the law was being debated in the Legislature. It’s true the plan would include the uninsured, and it’s true the 854)$</+5=$3)(5+=#$7#--#0$7#)#2-*A$!"#$854)$0#63#<#=$79$PC4**$ is not the same plan proposed by the Legislature. It’s not an apple­to­apples comparison. But telling the vast majority of Vermonters that they will pay the same, or more, for essentially the same service doesn’t match the promise they heard during the health care reform debate. From that perspective, the Republicans are right; the landscape is unsettled, there is no certainty as to where this leads, which causes unease within the business community. Health care costs are a major factor in any business, which means they will delay -"#30$854)*$+)-35$-"#9$"46#$4$20.#0$:04*8$/)$<"4-$53#*$4"#4=A That’s a problem. The UMass report didn’t help. When talk of payroll taxes, etc., is mixed with a projection of little to no savings, then businesses have every reason to become nervous. I-$<355$7#(/.#$=312(+5-$-/$3.8/**375#$1/0$-"#$:/6#0)/0$-/$<45@$ into a business, explain that health care costs will run roughly the same, or more, but that they should feel better because more people are being covered. That doesn’t square with the promise of getting health care costs off the backs of employers, or the promise that the system, once freed of burdensome administra­ tive costs would be far less and the quality would improve. (As a nation, we heard the same promise about the medical savings that would come through improved IT systems. It didn’t happen.) What the report from UMass hints is that the savings in Ver­ mont just aren’t there. Or are at least not there to the degree once thought. Q"/+5=$<#$7#$*+0803*#=J No. How is it that we can add thousands of people to the system, improve the level of services provided, insist on better >+453-9$(40#,$?RS$*46#$./)#9J If the conclusions are to be any different than what the study suggests, it would be advisable for the advocates to begin the explanations. Otherwise, this is an issue that will begin to fall in the skeptics’ favor. It’s a massive task. And, to the administration’s credit, the process has been invaluable in terms of bringing a new level of coordination and cooperation to the Vermont health care system. We’ve also learned more about the system and its strengths and weaknesses, which is central to any path we choose. But the process is at a sensitive position. There is no clear un­ derstanding as to what lies ahead, who will be affected, and how. The doubt is beginning to gallop forth. That needs to change. Emerson Lynn, St. Albans Messenger


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Kim Estey


!4&68H35&<$-.<.Q14B$281$^1QQ133 _4./J5HFB$ 28F.<$-50014$ Brian King $ `1<<5Y14$2.7&845< S.01<6.4$D653&4]L9/1F13314B Jessie Raymond

Vicki Nolette


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Artsy gifts come from the heart With Valentine’s Day on the ho­ rizon, may I suggest that this year, 3)$854(#$/1$7+93):$;/<#0*$;/<)$3)$ from across the equator, we extend our “shop local” philosophy to em­ brace our community artists, who are also our friends and neighbors. Many local artists display their work at area galleries. Here, under /)#$0//1,$9/+$<355$2)=$.4)9$+)3>+#$ and individual pieces that would also make wonderful gifts — whether it be decorations for the home or adornments for the body. Local artists have created paint­ ings and photographs of our be­ loved Vermont landscape, beautiful jewelry and delicate silk scarves, stained glass objects that catch the sun and handcrafted mobiles which spin in the slightest breeze. ?)=$31$3-$3*$;/<#0*$9/+$<4)-,$ 5//@$1/0$=03#=$;/<#0$4004):#.#)-*,$ preserved in a vase or within a picture frame, which will surely /+-54*-$-"#$;/<#0*$=#536#0#=$3)$-"#$ big purple box that you can order off the Internet. Judith Irven Goshen

Thieves strike at many locations

Little house on the ice A FISHING SHANTY sits on top of a frozen Lake Champlain across from Shoreham Monday morning. Independent photo/Trent Campbell

Considering an out­of­this­world offer Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by all the stuff that gets thrown my way — school board stories, per­ */)453-9$80/25#*,$/73-+403#*,$<#==3):*$4)=$#):4:#.#)-*,$ crime stories, gossip and hard news from Montpelier. All the nitty gritty details that make up the grubby lives we human beings endure on this patch of rock hurtling through space. Good grief! Occasionally a guy just wants get away from it all. Now, thanks to the Dutch, I may just get to do that. Recently I heard about Mars One, an international project (based out of Amersfoort, The Netherlands) to put a human colony on the Red Planet in 2023. It was ex­ hilarating to read about such a grand and uplifting project — an imagina­ tive leap into the future that recharges all the youthful enthusiasm I felt for space exploration as a boy during NASA’s manned missions in the ’60s By John and ’70s. McCright In their mission statement, the or­ ganizers of Mars One state that “Mars exploration offers opportunity to cel­ ebrate the power of a united humanity. As with the Apol­ lo Moon landings, a human mission to Mars will inspire generations to believe that all things are possible, that anything can be achieved.” Heady stuff. Their language at times is moving: “Mars One believes it is not only possible, but imperative that we establish a permanent settlement on Mars in order to accelerate our understanding of the formation of the solar system, the origins of life, and of equal importance, our place in the universe.” Boy, talk about losing yourself in a monumen­ tal project that could change all of humanity. Sign me up. It could be a little rough, as with any pioneering ex­ perience, but I don’t think it will be that bad. Space cadets on Mars will get 50 square meters of living space, and, according to the website, get to “prepare fresh food that they themselves grew and harvested.” The gig comes with rovers that are able to race around the surface of the planet; since it is not yet populated,

there are no speed limits. The group that is organizing Mars One will be accept­ ing applications for the trip to Mars from anyone in the </05=A$B4*-$./)-"$C40*$D)#$3**+#=$-"#$74*3($>+4532(4­ tions. It says a cadet must be of normally good health, psychologically stable and stand between 5 foot 1 and -"0##E>+40-#0$3)("#*$4)=$F$1//-$%$4)=$1/+0E21-"*$3)("#*$ tall. I qualify! I suppose I should take pause to wonder why the quali­ 2(4-3/)*$*8#)=$*/$.+("$-3.#$-45@3):$47/+-$(4=#-*$"463):$ 5/-*$/1$G0#*353#)(9H$4)=$G-"#$47353-9$-/$-0+*-AH$D)#$>+4532­ cation pointedly states, “You are at your best when things 40#$4-$-"#30$</0*-AH$I*$-"4-$4$0#=$;4:J A little deeper read of mars­one. com yields the information that the trip to Mars will be seven or eight months long, in a very small space, with lots of noise from ventilation and other life­support systems. Showering with water will not be an option, and cadets will instead wipe themselves with “wet towelettes.” They pointedly say the trip will push cadets “to the very limits of their training and personal capacity.” Hmmm. Looking for some reassurance elsewhere on the Inter­ net, I stumbled across a recent report on a simulated mis­ sion to Mars carried out by the European Space Agency. They put six men through intensive training, then locked them in a windowless “spaceship” in Moscow for 17 months. Their only contact with the outside world was through the Internet and phone lines with a 20­minute delay to mimic how it would be to phone home from Mars. Turns out the men were incredibly bored and spent up to 20 hours a day sleeping. When awake they hung out playing the “Guitar Hero” video game. The study in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” said two of the six “astronauts” were OK at the end of the simulation, but four of them had problems, includ­ (See Clippings, Page 5A)


Consolidating school districts can be tricky A committee in the seven­town, nine­school Addison Central Supervisory Union is considering whether to pro­ pose to the voters that some or all of the ACSU schools be combined into a Regional Education District or RED. The Jeffords Center, a research institute at the University of Vermont, recently completed a report for the Legislature on voluntary school district merger activity, which provides useful information on the experiences of other districts in Vermont. In 2010, the Legislature passed Act 153, providing incentives to school districts to merge voluntarily. Since that time, only one Regional Education District has been approved by the vot­ ers. This is the Mountain Towns RED, which combined the formerly separate districts of Landgrove, Londonderry, By Eric L. Davis Peru and Weston in south­central Ver­ mont into a single RED. Even before the RED was approved, K­8 students from all four of these towns attended the same school, Flood Brook Union School in Londonderry. All four towns offer high school choice, with students attending high schools such as Burr & Burton in Manchester or Black River in Ludlow. Thus, creation of the Mountain Towns RED did not change the number of school buildings in the district. Act 153 requires that an RED be approved by the vot­ ers in every one of the districts involved, so a defeat in one town can reject the proposal for the entire region. In the past two years, voters in four different areas of the state have rejected proposals to combine separate school districts into REDs. Proposals failed in Addison Northwest, Chittenden

Politically Thinking

East, Franklin West and Orange Southwest. Additionally, study committees in Chittenden South and Southwestern Vermont decided not to proceed with RED votes in their districts. Thus, since Act 153 was passed, only the Mountain Towns RED, involving four towns that already shared a K­8 school building, has been approved by the voters. The researchers from the Jeffords Center noted that the two principal ob­ stacles to REDs in those instances in which they have been rejected by the voters were concerns about loss of lo­ cal control and closure of school build­ ings. These two concerns are likely to be major challenges to the creation of an RED in Addison Central, especial­ ly considering a unique aspect of the ACSU, the large share of the district’s population residing in just one town, Middlebury. State statutes governing REDs re­ quire that their boards represent voters in the towns making up the district in proportion to the population of those towns. !"#$%&'&$(#)*+*,$-"#$./*-$0#(#)-$/12(345$(/+)-$46435475#,$ shows that the total population of the seven towns in the ACSU is 14,721. Middlebury, with a population of 8,496, makes up 58 percent of the district’s population. Thus, if an RED were established in the ACSU towns, its board representation would likely be very similar to that on the current UD­3 board governing MUHS and MUMS. The UD­3 board has 13 members, seven from Middlebury and one each from Bridport, Cornwall, Ripton, Salisbury, (See Davis, Page 5A)

Our house in Weybridge was robbed last fall. We had never locked our doors because our house is small and modest and very close to Horse Farm Road. We thought anyone looking at our house or even in through the windows would see that there was nothing here worth stealing. As it happened, we were a little bit right about that and too much wrong. The people who robbed us took six small pieces of gold and silver jewelry. Each one was a gift to me from my mother or my husband. A small handful of rhinestone jew­ elry was also taken, along with the heart box my niece made me when she was small. There were old rhinestone necklaces and earrings I remember my mother wearing when she dressed up, and a pretty necklace and bracelet from my husband, and some brooches and bracelets from my kids who knew I liked sparkles. Altogether, my jewelry was prob­ ably worth almost nothing to the people who took it. To me, they were precious and I’m sad they are gone. I still am surprised that people came into my house and stole things, so I’m writing to those of you who think, like I used to, that they have nothing worth stealing. We just don’t know. Keep yourself safe. Anna Rose Benson Weybridge

Gun control a !"#$%&'()$ As a longtime member of the R4-3/)45$T3;#$?**/(34-3/),$I$4.$/)$ their side. However, I have seen the association get some larger in inter­ est that does not help the legal gun owner. Thirty­ and 50­shot clips are not required for target shooting and are illegal for hunting. A well­placed shot and maybe a follow­up is the name of the game for taking game. Target shooting does not require more than a six­round capacity re­ volver or automatic or for a protec­ tion arm. The NRA went overboard enlisting voters to vote against Obama. Now it’s payback time with legal gun owners getting punished. We have to remember a gun does not kill. The human wielder kills with the gun. So this latest killing of 20 schoolchildren and six of their teachers by a 20­year­old youth would not be so bad if military weapons were not available to him. But a point to ponder is this lad just 2)3*"#=$'%$9#40*$3)$/+0$)/<$0+)­ away school system. It seems those that do this type of shooting have been neglected during their edu­ cational period. Our gun laws are now enough except for being able to purchase military­type weapons or accessories. It will not stop the madman, as Abraham Lincoln was killed with a single­shot muzzleloader; Kennedy, 4$26#E0/+)=$03;#A$!4@3):$:+)*$4<49$ from the public is not the answer. If you did not have an automobile you would not have run it into a large tree, killing yourself and your three buddies, the three nuns in the other car or your own children, if you had obeyed the present laws. So how do we stop people from (See Letter, Page 14A)

Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 — PAGE 5A

Finding human foibles in the police log Vt. economy needs ‘Code Green’ If you’re a regular reader of this We’ll never know. newspaper, no doubt you have at Sometimes the extent of one per­ least occasionally looked at the po­ son’s low­level criminal activity is lice logs — those summaries of the astounding: multiple arrest warrants, human foibles around the county. )-.6,%$ %&/=(%)(&/+B$ DE<*+B$ &-$ .;;F I take a perverse comfort in reading around bad behavior. these accounts. No matter how badly The current local record appears I’ve behaved on a particular day, no to be held by a Ferrisburgh man who matter how disagreeable or inconsid­ was cited for driving with a crimi­ erate I’ve been, it never rises to the nally suspended license. Looking at level of the someone tak­ )"#$ ,;#+B$ G#-'&/)$ C).)#$ (/5$@'#-(%./$A.5+$6-&'$ Police realized the same the town green. Or those guy had been charged people who steal license a reported 52 times for plates and use them to various offenses involv­ obscure their identities ing driving without a so they can pump gas proper license. and then drive off with­ Say what you want out paying. about this guy’s behav­ Drive­offs, it seems, ior, but it’s clear he was are a particularly popular determined to be behind activity. the wheel. It got so bad at one lo­ The logs routinely cal gas station, in fact, contain reports of drivers that the police chief re­ being cited for posses­ cently threatened to stop sion of small amounts of responding to drive­off marijuana. But the docu­ complaints from the sta­ mented alcohol­related tion, because the own­ by Gregory Dennis offenses appear to be ers wouldn’t install a much more serious. pre­pay system on the A Brandon resident, pumps. for example, was cited in Bristol If nothing else, reading police logs last summer for driving under the gives one a heightened sense of sym­ (/A8#/%#$&6$.;%&"&;9$!"#$2-(=#-$3.+$ 1.)"4$ 6&-$ 3".)$ ;.3$ &6,%#-+$ ".=#$ )&$ found dozing at the wheel of his car deal with on a regular basis, from the ./2$0;&%7(/5$)-.6,%$>$3"(;#$1.-7#2$ unpleasant to the simply strange. .)$.$)-.6,%$;(5")9 Middlebury and Vermont State Po­ The news account said the driver lice, for example, investigated a 2011 ".2$H.11.-#/);4$+)&11#2$.)$)"#$)-.6,%$ report of a despondent man who signal, placed the car in neutral, put threatened to kill himself — on top of his foot on the brake and taken a nap Camel’s Hump mountain. in the middle of the road.” They searched in vain for the guy, Not surprisingly, his blood alcohol )&$2#)#-$"('$6-&'$&6,/5$"('+#;69$$:#$ level turned out to be more than twice eventually turned up, alive, in Mas­ the legal limit. Time of the incident? sachusetts. Six in the morning. Maybe he had a better time hiking Another Brandon resident was Camel’s Hump than he’d thought he cited for DUI by state police, when would. he pulled his vehicle behind a closed Last fall, Bristol police investigat­ business “to allow a passenger of his ed the supposed abandonment of a car to vomit.” An eagle­eyed inspec­ dog in Lincoln, because the dog was tor from Liquor Control spotted the said to have urinated on someone’s incident and alerted state police. %.-1#)9$ @)$ ;.+)$ -#1&-)B$ &6,%#-+$ 3#-#$ You have to wonder, too, about trying to determine if a dog that had whether alcohol was involved in been found in Ripton was the same a New Haven incident, in which dog. The log made no mention about a Maine man was found parked in the fate of the carpet. front of a closed retail store while Three days later, Bristol police asleep at the wheel with the engine were looking into a report from a running. Despite the evidence, the woman who claimed a man was call­ man denied all involvement and ing her to say she had his dog locked even claimed someone else — not 81$(/$"#-$%;&+#)9$C"#$;.)#-$)&;2$&6,%#-+$ on the scene — was driving the car. the call was “placed to her in error.” Eventually he acknowledged culpa­ Maybe it was all the same dog — bility. peeing on carpets, getting locked up It’s clear this paper’s editors had a in closets, and getting lost in Ripton? bit of fun with the incident, bannering

Between The Lines

it with what has to be regarded as a serious contender for Headline of the Year: “Man in driver’s seat eventu­ ally admits he is the driver.” I/#$&%%.+(&/.;;4$,/2+$./('.;F-#­ lated incident in the logs, too: a deer blind that fell off a vehicle, the theft of plastic goose decoys, a huge buck suspected to be shot the day after the %;&+#$&6$-(A#$+#.+&/9 My favorite animal story, though, was the Bristol police response to an injured and sick duck found by schoolchildren on the playground .)$J-(+)&;$K;#'#/).-49$@/$&6,%#-$-#­ trieved the duck and took it to a shel­ ter in Shelburne. “One of the sixth­graders,” the re­ port noted, “has named the duck Ed­ ward.” As much as we might smile at some of these incidents, there are oth­ ers that hint at heartbreak. The theft from a Monkton home, for example, of an urn containing a deceased in­ fant’s ashes. Another incident where a mother was allegedly driving along a Middlebury street “for around 200 feet while her 8­year­old daughter was holding onto and running along­ side the vehicle.” The mother later told police she was “not having a good parenting day” but added that she was driving slowly and was “stunned” when she realized her daughter was holding on to the vehicle. Whatever we think of these cases, there’s inevitably one that strikes our fancy. My favorite was a court report about a man captured last year in Starksboro — after being on the lam since 2003. Though he had been convicted of stealing a Bristol police cruiser in 2002 and crashing it in Lincoln, the man claimed to have no memory of the incident. “I’m guessing you probably don’t remember because you were very drunk, based on what I see here,” the judge told him. Where had the man been for the past nine years? “I stayed out of trouble and lived in the woods,” he told the judge. “Most of the time I stayed up on the moun­ tain.” Well, the judge replied, “At least we didn’t have you in another DUI, so I guess there’s something to be said for that.” Gregory Dennis’s column appears here every other Thursday and is ar­ chived on his blog at www.gregden­ Email: gregden­

Clippings (Continued from Page 4A) ing mild depression. And they never even left Earth. Yikes. Worse yet, M. Kerry O’Banion, a professor in the University of Roch­ ester Medical Center, recently re­ leased a report saying radiation dur­ (/5$ +1.%#$ )-.=#;$ 1&+#+$ .$ +(5/(,%./)$ threat to future astronauts. He said in a press release that his study shows that “exposure to radiation levels equivalent to a mission to Mars could produce cognitive problems and speed up changes in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.” Double yikes.

Legislative Review

Letters can be found on Pages 4A and 14A. Real Estate and You

E1&/$-#.2(/5$)"#$,/#$1-(/)$(/$)"#$ Mars One deal I see that the pioneers are being sent on a one­way trip. “They will spend the rest of their lives living and working on Mars.” The voice of Mars One is starting to sound a lot like the voice of HAL, the super computer run amok in “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Plus, I found this little tidbit on mars­one. %&'L$H!&$,/./%#$)"#$'(++(&/B$M.-+$ One will create an international me­ dia event around the project. The au­ dience will help decide as the teams of settlers are selected, follow their extensive training and preparation

for the mission and observe their set­ tling on Mars once arrived.” It’s a reality TV show! With real people putting their real lives on the ;(/#N$!-(1;#$./2$,/.;$4(7#+N OK, OK. I get it. Maybe I haven’t got that kind of right stuff. It’s time for Plan B. Today I’m signing up for cable TV, and tonight I’m going to my 185­square­meter home, making a big bowl of pop­ corn, and snuggling up with my hon­ ey on the couch in front of the tube to watch “Desperate Housewives of New Jersey.” This level of excite­ ment I can handle.

erns separate elementary schools in seven towns. Voters in the smaller towns in the ACSU district could very well be wary of a proposal for a seven­town RED that would eliminate their local school boards and subject the future of their

local elementary school buildings and programs to a district­wide board with a majority of members elected by the voters of Middlebury. Eric L. Davis is professor emeritus of political science at Middlebury Col­ lege.

Davis (Continued from Page 4A) Shoreham and Weybridge. Middle­ bury electing more than half of the board that governs district­wide mid­ dle and high schools is a very different proposition from Middlebury electing more than half of the board that gov­

I was happy the Speaker assigned IP ventures. I am also working with me to another term on the House Rep. Betty Nuovo, D­Middlebury, Committee on Commerce and Eco­ on workforce development for pro­ nomic Development. I believe ours fessions in “the trades.” is a committee well constituted to Budget and tax issues are natu­ deal with the complex economic is­ rally tense this year, as many more sues we are facing in Ver­ proposals and promises mont. have been made than ex­ !"#$ %&''())##*+$ ,-+)$ ists either funding or few weeks were spent the willingness to raise performing our oversight funds. The tension will function of the govern­ play out in big areas like ment agencies within education, transporta­ our legislative purview. tion, health care and hu­ We cover the Agency of man services, but will Commerce and Economic also present serious chal­ Development, the newly lenges to some of the new renamed Department of state initiatives proposed Financial Regulation (in­ — especially in light of surance and securities), the governor’s position the Department of Labor, by Rep. Paul Ralston on not raising “broad­ D-Middlebury the Department of Public based” taxes. Instead, we Service, the Public Ser­ are likely to see increases vice Board, and the Attorney Gen­ in fees and consumption taxes. eral’s consumer protection division. We will be addressing a number We also took testimony from State of provocative issues this session. Auditor Doug Hoffer, State Treasur­ The agenda already includes “death er Beth Pearce and Attorney General with dignity/assisted suicide,” child William Sorrell. immunization, gun legislation, So far, we have seen bills on work­ GMO labeling of food, mandatory ers’ compensation and unemploy­ paid sick leave, and requiring non­ ment insurance reform, a “lemon unionized employees to contribute law” for used vehicle sales, and to the collective bargaining unit “independent contractor” status. It representing union members. appears propane regulation is back While that seems like a lot, by far with at least four member bills in­ the biggest effort will be a legisla­ troduced to deal with some aspect tive response to calls for action on of consumer protection within the climate change. The governor wants propane industry. We have voted out Vermont to show leadership to the one bill allowing workers’ compen­ world on reducing carbon emission, +.)(&/$0#/#,)+$)&$0#$1.(2$3()"$.$2#0()$ even if it hurts us (or some of us). card. The Speaker invited “Vermonter of My focus in committee this year the Year” Bill McKibben to address is developing a suite of legisla­ the assembled House, and after, Bill tive initiatives that I collectively )#+)(,#2$ (/$ &8-$ %&''())##9$ :#$ ".+$ call “Code Green.” Our economy .$5-('$).7#$&/$)"#$+.%-(,%#+$/#%#+­ is changing rapidly. New, growing sary for planetary survival, though I economic opportunities will be built believe his sincerity. from “knowledge capital” — intel­ We are likely to see several legis­ lectual property (IP) like patents, lative initiatives in this area includ­ trademarks, licenses — and manifest ing efforts to enact a moratorium on in software code. Vermont can stake large­scale, ridge­top wind develop­ out a position in this new economy ment. I support the moratorium, and 04$ 2#,/(/5$ .$ 6-.'#3&-7$ &6$ +).)8­ I reject the argument that pausing tory initiatives that make our state for analysis of the impact of existing uniquely attractive as a domicile for projects will signal a weakness on



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by Ingrid Punderson Jackson

HOME SWEET HOME IN MIDDLEBURY Middlebury, Vermont is country !"#"$%& '(& "()& *$+)(,& -+!./0"$%& $+-& 1+)"2+$()& (/& 3+./0+& /41& neighbors and enjoy everything our community has to offer. Families, students, young professionals '$2& 1+("1++)& '!"5+& '1+& 21'-$& (/& Middlebury’s rural atmosphere -6"!+& +$7/8"$%& (6+& ./$#+$"+$.+& of suburban amenities. Addison County is rich in history and .6'1'.(+1,& -"(6& (61++& 6")(/1".& "$$),& (6+& 9/-$& :'!!& 96+'(1+,& ;+10/$(& Folklife Center, National Museum /<&(6+&=/1%'$&:/1)+&'$2&(6+&:+$18& Sheldon Museum of Vermont :")(/18& '!!& 74)(& 0"$4(+)& <1/0& (6+& 9/-$&>1++$&'$2&%'?+3/@&96+&.!+'1& -'(+1)& /<& A((+1& B1++5& C'!!)& D/-& through the heart of Middlebury’s 2/-$(/-$,& '$& +EF4")"(+& +E'0G!+& of the balance of nature and community that makes Middlebury a place like no other. Conveniently !/.'(+2& 3+(-++$& (6+& 0+(1/G/!"('$& cities of Burlington and Rutland, our residents enjoy all the perks of living near a big city but can leave the pavement behind and retreat into the idyllic beauty of the “real” ;+10/$(@& 94.5+2& 3+(-++$& (6+& 0'7+)(8& /<& (6+& >1++$& =/4$('"$)& to the east and the Adirondacks to (6+&-+)(,&="22!+3418&")&5$/-$&</1& (6+& .!'))".& H+-& I$%!'$2& 3+'4(8& /<& ="22!+3418& B/!!+%+,& -6/)+& student life keeps our community "$#"%/1'(+2J34(& -+K1+& $/(& L74)(M& '& ./!!+%+& (/-$@& ="22!+3418& ")& '(& "()& *$+)(& -6+$& -+& ./0+& (/%+(6+1& (/& .+!+31'(+,& -"(6& ./$.+1(),& <+)("#'!),& +E6"3"("/$)& '$2& !+.(41+)& scheduled year round. Middlebury ")& '& (/-$& /<& </41& )+')/$),& -"(6& mountains, forests and lakes to +EG!/1+,& ).6//!)& (/& +24.'(+& /41& future generations, and friendly 34)"$+))+)&-6/&5++G&/41&+./$/08& 34)(!"$%@&C"$2&/4(&6/-&)-++(&6/0+& .'$&3+&"$&="22!+3418J-+K1+&.!/)+& (/&+#+18(6"$%&'$2&'-'8&<1/0&"(&'!!,& -6".6&")&74)(&(6+&-'8&-+&!"5+&"(@& Ingrid Punderson Jackson Real Estate !"#$%!!$&#&#'('!"#$#%%$)*+,'-.// !""$),,$,+,#'01//'23..

climate change resolve. Dissent on this issue does not mean the prob­ lem of climate change isn’t real; it means the proposed solution needs more study before we do things that can not be corrected. Vermont has actually sited some large scale wind projects along with a number of large solar arrays. We have biomass electric generating facilities, and we have seen expansion of methane­ to­electricity projects on our dairy farms. I believe a well managed program — especially large­scale ones — should have a data collec­ tion, evaluation, and feedback loop. It’s just smart. Vermont is also providing a ma­ jor carbon sink in our forests. We are growing more than twice the amount of woody biomass than we harvest each year. This seques­ tration service is made possible in large part by our forward­looking state land use policies, our commit­ ment to land conservation funding through Vermont Housing and Con­ servation Board, and our tax poli­ cies that recognize the use­value of forest and farm land. Nowhere in )"#$2#0.)#$(+$)"(+$+(5/(,%./)$%&/)-(­ bution to climate change abatement even recognized, let alone paid for. The initiative to weatherize homes in Vermont is smart, logical and './.5#.0;#9$ <)$ 3(;;$ ).7#$ +(5/(,%./)$ (/=#+)'#/)$ >$ ,-+)$ )&$ '&0(;(?#$ .$ statewide weatherization industry, then to perform all the work. If the potential savings are as large as ad­ vertised, I would like to see state bonding to capitalize the project on a large scale. This would accomplish the climate change goal while also serving as a major economic stimu­ lus. The bonds would ideally have a revenue stream attached; this would be a good rationale for an all­fuels tax. But, that would run afoul of the governor’s “No increase in ‘broad­ based’ taxes” position. As always, I welcome and appre­ ciate your feedback. Rep. Paul Ralston can be reached at or 802­ 349­7100.

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PAGE 6A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013


Tina Jerome, 42, Whiting

Obituaries Kenneth Carleton, 58, Castleton

CASTLETON — Kenneth James Carleton, 58, died Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013, at his home in Castleton. He was born in Proctor on Oct. 2, 1954. He was the son of Maurice and Jessie (Johnson) Carleton. He grew up in Proctor where he received his early education and graduated from Proctor High School, class of 1972. He afterwards worked at Vermont Marble for a short time before join­ ing the staff at Proctor Trust for a few years. He began his career as a machinist at General Electric in Rutland in October 1978 and was still actively employed there. His family says he was an avid sports fan of all the New England teams, especially the Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots. He enjoyed camping and playing golf and loved spending time with his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Donna M. Carleton of Castleton, whom he married in Rutland on Feb. 24,

1990; his mother, Jessie Carleton of Rutland; two daughters, Amanda Gurney and her husband, Brian, of Rutland and Janelle Lucas and her husband, Josh, of Orwell; two sisters, Ola Jones and her husband, Ron, of Clarendon and Bonnie Blair and her husband, Wayne, of Battle Creek, Mich.; his sister­in­law, Linda Carleton of Brandon; and four grandchildren. Several nieces, neph­ ews and cousins also survive him. He was predeceased by his father, Maurice Carleton; a stepson, Barry Ellison Jr.; a brother, Edward Carleton; and a sister, Shirley Ongerth. The funeral service was held on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013, at 11 a.m. at the United Church of Benson. The @#<3)4&778)@&(()A&07#=)B*(/&1=)&5-­ KENNETH CARLETON ciated. A private graveside commit­ tal service and burial will take place, at a later date, in Riverside Vermont Chapter of the American Cemetery in Proctor. Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Memorial gifts may be made to the P.O. Box 946, Barre, VT 05641.

Thomas Chamberlain, 68, Starksboro STARKSBORO — Thomas Chamberlain, 68, of Starksboro, died on Jan. 30, 2013, in Lake Placid, Fla., after a long and courageous battle 9!/%) B'76&+*18) -01&(!(3) 4#) 6*!+­ tained his love of and zest for life throughout his struggle. He was born on Aug. 24, 1944, in Vergennes, the son of Carl and Lila (O’Bryan) Chamberlain. He was married on May 19, 1962, in Bristol to Patricia Grant. Tom attended school in Monkton and Bristol. He followed the family tradition of being in the construc­ tion business, working as a heavy equipment operator for several area contractors, and later owning his own business. He was a great musician and storyteller, and loved his “little bit of heaven” on the mountain. He is survived by his wife, Pat, of 50 years; son, Richard Chamberlain; daughter and son­in­law, Joni and Michael Ladue; daughter, Christine

Chamberlain; sisters, Brenda Parker and Virginia Greene; grandsons, Jacob Jimmo and Ross Carr; and many nieces, nephews and other extended family members. He was predeceased by his parents; and brothers, John Chamberlain, Ronay Chamberlain and Barry Chamberlain. The family wishes to extend a very special thanks to Tom’s close nephew, Travis Greene, who has given of his time, care, love and support more than a family could ever hope for. The family also thanks close personal friends Chet and Joyce Jewell, who worked with us, cried with us, invited us into their home, fed and cared for all of us through this trying time. Calling hours will be Friday, Feb. 8, from 5­8 p.m. at Brown­McClay Funeral Home in Bristol. A funeral THOMAS CHAMBERLAIN will be held at Brown­McClay Funeral Home at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 9. A luncheon will be held at the American Legion in Bristol at 12:30 5&77&9!+.)/%#)5'+#1*73?

Lisa Sprague, 48, Mineville, N.Y. MINEVILLE, N.Y. — Lisa Rae Sprague, 48, of Mineville, N.Y., died Jan. 13, 3013, at Elizabethtown Community Hospital, with her family by her side. She was born on Dec. 14, 1964, at Elizabethtown Hospital. She was the daughter of Donald and Patricia Sprague. A former resident of Orwell, Vt., she worked at Simmonds Precision in Vergennes, Vt., and elsewhere in

Addison County. She fought multiple sclerosis for over 28 years. Her niece Stacy Anderson and her best friend, Becky Sheppard, were with her constantly during the last seven days of her life. She is survived by her parents, Donald and Patricia Sprague; her daughter, Aubrey Arnell; her siblings, Lynn Anderson, Kevin Sprague, Karen Hammond, David Sprague and Dale Sprague; and many aunts,

uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by her pater­ nal grandparents, Lloyd and Eleanor Sprague; her maternal grandparents, Elmer and Ruth Mitchell; and two uncles, Phil and Gerald Mitchell. There will be no calling hours, per her request. Memorial donations may be made to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or the Moriah Ambulance Squad.

Norma Howland, 94, formerly of Brandon WINDSOR — Norma Madelene Howland, 94, died Friday, Feb. 1, 2013, at the Pines at Rutland. She was born in Hubbardton on June 16, 1918. She was the daugh­ ter of Fred and Catherine (Walsh) Howland. She was a graduate of Brandon High School, class of 1937. She worked as a telephone opera­ tor for New England Telephone in Brandon and Rutland and later was transferred to Windsor. She contin­ ued working for the phone company until her retirement in 1979, follow­ ing more than 36 years of service. Her relatives say she enjoyed travel­ ing, sewing and arts and crafts. She was an accomplished painter in oils. Surviving are her sister­in­law and care provider, Elizabeth Howland, and a brother, Wayne Howland and his wife, Sylvia, all of Brandon. Several nieces, nephews, grand­ nieces, grandnephews, great­grand­ nieces, great­grandnephews and

Eric L. Davis Cornwall, VT Telephone number 802­236­0991 For all calls !"#$%&'()'&*)+%,")%-./" Effective February 4, 2013

cousins also survive her. She was predeceased by her brother Donald F. Howland and her sister Mary C. Howland. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated on Thursday, Feb, 7, 2013, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Brandon. The Rev. Ruel Tumangday, parish administrator, will be the celebrant. A private grave­ side committal service and burial followed in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Following the ceremony the family received friends in the church parish hall, for a time of fellowship and remembrance. Friends were invited to call at the Miller & Ketcham Funeral Home in Brandon on Thursday, Feb. 7, from 9:30­10:30 a.m. Memorial gifts may be made to St. NORMA HOWLAND Mary’s Catholic Church Restoration Fund, 38 Carver St., Brandon, VT 05733, or to The American Heart Hurricane Lane, Williston, VT C((&"!*/!&+) D#16&+/) C5-7!*/#=) EFE) 05495.

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WHITING — Tina M. Jerome, 42, *)1#(!,#+/)&5):%!/!+.)5&1)/%#)B*(/)-<#) years, died Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013, at Porter Hospital, Middlebury. Born in Rutland on Jan. 19, 1971, she was the daughter of Linwood C. and Barbara J. (McGraw) Kennett. She previously lived in East Middlebury and was a homemaker. Her family says she had a fondness for animals and particularly horses. Surviving family members include her husband, Perley J. Jerome of Whiting, whom she married July 28, 2007; one son, Linwood C. Kennett of Bristol; one daughter, Tiffany M. Kennett of Whiting; her mother, Barbara J. Kennett of Shoreham; four brothers, William Corey of Danby, Wayne Corey of Shoreham, Dean Kennett of Bomoseen and John

Kennett of New York; seven sisters, Byrene Bower of Danby, Belinda Burchard of Middlebury, Beverly Burch of Bomoseen, Mary Beth Hire of West Rutland, Lynn Ann Shea of Granville, Amy Kennett of Florida and Diana Hill of Pawlet; one grand­ daughter; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by her father, Linwood C. Kennett. There will be no calling hours. A celebration of her life will be conducted at a time to be announced in the spring at Woodlawn Cemetery in Rochester. She will be buried with her father. Memorial donations may be made to Addison County Humane Society, 236 Boardman St., Middlebury, VT 05753.


William Smith, 85, Monkton MONKTON — William Henry Smith, 85, of Monkton died Saturday, Feb. 2, 2013, at Kim and Gary Smith’s home in Bristol. He was born Sept. 21, 1927, in Monkton, the son of Eli and Betsy White Smith. His family says his hobbies were hunting, fishing, woodwork­ ing, and gardening. He loved animals and he had a good sense of humor. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in Germany. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Evelyn Smith of Monkton; four children, Linda Shepard and husband Bruce of Ravenswood, W.V., Michael Smith and wife Cathy of Bristol, Craig Smith of

Mineville, N.Y., and Gary Smith and wife Kimberley of Bristol; four grandchildren; a great­grand­ daughter; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 7, at Brown­McClay Funeral Home in Bristol. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery in Bristol in the spring. Friends may call at Brown­McClay Funeral Home in Bristol on Wednesday, Feb. 6, from 5 to 8 p.m. Memorial contri­ butions may be made to Addison County Home Health & Hospice, PO Box 754, Middlebury, VT 057573, or Alzheimer Foundation of America, 322 Eighth Ave., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001.


Barbara Wheelock, 88, Middlebury MIDDLEBURY — Barbara Wheelock of Middlebury died peacefully on Jan. 28, 2013. Her last month was spent at home as she wished, surrounded by the love of her family. Born at home in South Lincoln on May 20, 1924, she was the daughter of Earl H. and Lucy Belle Lathrop Kelton. Raised along with her sister, Earlene, early recollections were of a simple home and farm life before electricity. Washing the lamp chim­ neys and going after the cows at milking time were daily chores. Leading the horse on the hayfork and earning a penny for each window cleaned on “whitewash” day were part of childhood, as were trips to the !"#$%&'(#) *+,) -(%!+.) !+) /%#) 01&&23) Her best catch was eight trout one morning before school. Farm life, neighboring families, her Kelton and Lathrop grandpar­ ents, aunts, uncles and cousins were all fond memories. She attended the South Lincoln District No. 8 Schoolhouse and after graduation went on to the Montpelier Seminary. Living away from home as a fresh­ man and sophomore, she made new friends and recalled this as a wonder­ ful time in her life. Approaching her junior year and missing home, she joined her friends at Bristol High School. She and her best friend, Alice Newton Bouvier, boarded on Mountain Street at the home of Arlie and Ruth Smith. This became, in her words, “The best year of my life.” In 1940, she met Edward Wheelock of Bristol. They were married in 1941, celebrating 50 years of marriage with friends and family in 1991. While raising their family over the next 25 years, she never lost sight of her dream to become a nurse. In 1966, she enrolled in the Fanny Allen School of Nursing. Upon

BARBARA WHEELOCK graduating she began a 30­plus year career at Porter Hospital. After retirement, there were many years as a Porter Medical Center Volunteer and traveling, especially to the ocean in Maine. In earlier years, she was a member of the Bristol Federated Church, the Rebekah Lodge and Home Dem. 4#1)5*6!78)*79*8()"*6#)-1(/3):#) will remember Gramma’s Christmas Eve, her wonderful cooking, hospi­ tality and love of visits from family and friends. All of us were privileged to spend time with, and to care for our Mom and Gramma over the last month. We will always hear her say, “Have you had enough to eat?” Barbara was predeceased by her parents; her husband, Edward A. Wheelock (1992); sister, Earlene Kelton Miller; sister, Madeline (1913); and brother, Lewis (1918). ;'1<!<!+.) %#1) *1#) -<#) "%!7,1#+=) Gary and wife, Mary, of Wimauma, Fla.; Donna of Orlando, Fla.; Rodney

of Bristol; Debbie and husband, Paul Zeno, of Cornwall; and Susan Gowen of Middlebury. She is also survived by grandchildren Lynn (Phil), Brian (Melissa), Craig (Melissa), Dave (Carol), Dawn, Ben, Chris (Trixie), Andrea (Chris), Hannah (Karl), Wilder (Willow), Graham (Krista), Elliot, Ashley and Emily; 28 great­grandchildren; and three great­great­grandchildren. Barb also leaves a special “daughter,” Michelle Moye; three sisters­in­law, Mary (Arnold) Wheelock, Janice (Robert) Wheelock, and Lois (Ed McIntyre); and her feline companion, “Shelly.” Our heartfelt thanks to the Addison County Home Health and Hospice team for their amazing care and devotion to our mother. Should friends desire, contributions can be made to ACHHH, P.O. Box 754, Middlebury, VT 05753, to support their wonderful work. A memorial service is planned for >*8=),*/#)*+,)/!6#)/&)0#)*++&'+"#,3)?)

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The Addison Independent con­ siders obituaries community news and does not charge to print them,

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Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 — PAGE 7A



Passing the torch, still holding on We knew this day would up the mile of unplowed road Francie’s partner just had rota­ come. We just didn’t think it to Lincoln Gap and tor cuff surgery, would be so soon. stashed them in the so they drove For over 40 years, my husband woods, we could up to Maine to and I have had a New Year’s pick them up on the visit friends. tradition with some friends from descent and sled all Bob threw his our college days. It began when the way down the back out, my two guys, Jim and Bob, hiked up Gap to the cars — brother moved Mount Abraham on New Year’s a whole new twist to Arizona, Eve Day in 1969. Then again in and a hilarious end and Bill and I 1970. Then Jim’s wife, Carolyn, to the day. were visiting joined in, and my husband and As the next our newborn I, and our friend Francie, and a generation grew, grandson. What couple other classmates. Then more and more a bunch of my brother and some more of them became excuses! friends. By the mid­s70s we “ R a m s h a c k l e r s ” So for the were an Established Expedition: and joined us for first time since The Harvey S. Ramshackle the annual ascent. 1969 (I count Memorial New Year’s Eve Day They came up 43 years), none Snowshoe Assault on Mount from Boston and of the origi­ Abraham. (Don’t worry — New York and nal generation By Abi Sessions there wasn’t really a Harvey S. New Haven, from s u m m i t e d Ramshackle to memorialize.) Brattleboro and Mount Abraham The Expedition had rules: Leicester, Vt. And they brought on the Harvey S. Ramshackle lunch at the shelter (primar­ their friends. Some of the friends Memorial New Year’s Eve Day ily an occasion for backpacker needed to be outfitted with extra Snowshoe Assault of 2012. culinary one­upmanship), lots long johns or snow pants, but Instead, the younger generation of choco­ most of them took full possession of that figu­ late, Kahlua made it, and rative torch and carried it all the to toast our many of them way to the top. And a new tradi­ success and a came back the tion was born — a video recorded e called it next year, much at the top and posted that day group photo at the summit. to our delight. In on Facebook. (Of course!) The “passing Yes, even if fact, some years Expedition lives on! the torch” recently we Fortunately, our excuses are you arrive at the summit to the next genera- have been more only temporary conditions, not 45 minutes Youngsters than permanent manifestations of our tion. But that before the last Oldsters! advancing age. person you We called it Jim will have a new hip, didn’t mean that wait until we “passing the Carolyn and Brent rehabilitated we were relinare all there torch” to the shoulders, Bob a better back, for the photo. next generation. and Bill and I will have a one­ quishing our grip T h e But that didn’t year­old grandson. We’ll all be on that torch; we E x p e d i t i o n mean that we right back at it next year, for were just sharing. were relinquish­ the Assault of 2013. This sitting had records: youngest in ing our grip on the sidelines is simply not utero ascent, on that torch; acceptable. We’ve got at least oldest in we were just 10, maybe 15, more good years utero ascent, sharing. in us, we figure. Does a 79­year­ !"#$ %&%"'(!))*$ '+%$ ,-.'$ .%)/0 Until this year, the year of old pulled up the mountain by propelled offspring. Does a excuses. his or her son or daughter with nine­year­old pulled up the Jim’s having a hip replacement a rope around the waist count as mountain by his dad with a rope in February. He made it to the a self­propelled ascent? I sure around his waist count as a self­ shelter where he served up his hope so. propelled ascent? Thai Salmon Balls, then turned Abi Sessions is a retired The Expedition invented new back. Carolyn hurt her shoulder educator with three grown chil­ traditions. Eventually some stacking firewood and couldn’t dren and three grandchildren. 1%"2(.$ !34"1$ (.$ ,1(-%#$ 4('$ raise her arm to pole, so the shel­ She lives in Cornwall with her that if we pulled plastic sleds ter was her final destination too. husband Bill.

Michael Majarian, 80, Monkton MONKTON — Michael S. Majarian, 80, of Monkton, died peacefully at his home on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. He was born in Colchester on Feb. 6, 1932, the son of Michael and Lena (Francis) Majarian. He was educated in Colchester schools and served his country in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. On Aug. 27, 1955, he was married Barbara Baker in Winooski. She predeceased him on Feb. 14, 2005. He worked for many years and

retired from the Lane Press. He is survived by his four children, Barbara Swisher and husband, John, of Greencastle, Pa., Michael Majarian and companion, Tracy Giroux, of Milton, Ann Majarian of Monkton, and Donna Phinney and husband, Robert, of Alstead, N.H.; seven grandchildren; two great­grandsons; a sister, Marguerite Majarian of Colchester; a brother, Harry Majarian of South Burlington; and many nieces and nephews. Besides his wife, he was

predeceased by a son, George “Bub” Hall in 1989; and a brother, Walter Brown, in 1996. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated on Monday, Feb. 4, in Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in Essex Junction. Burial will be at the convenience of the family in East Monkton Cemetery. To send online condolences, visit Memorial contributions may be made to Addison County Home Health and Hospice, P.O. Box 754, Middlebury, VT 05753.

Ways of Seeing

Elaine Holbrook, 75, Salisbury SALISBURY — Elaine Annette Holbrook, age 75, died Monday, Feb. 4, 2013, at her home in Salisbury. Elaine Holbrook was born in Middlebury on Aug. 12, 1937. She was the daughter of Concetto and Dorothy (Bigelow) Poalino. She grew up in Middlebury where she received her early education and had attended Middlebury High School. Sept. 4, 1953 she married the love of her life, Charles Holbrook I, in Middlebury. They moved to Salisbury in 1955 where they lived and raised their family. Charles predeceased Elaine on Nov. 1, 2002. In her earlier years Elaine had worked at Abram’s Department Store in Middlebury. She was an Avon representative over 40 years, proudly winning many awards for her sales. Elaine was a cancer survivor who was a member of the Ova Chick’s Relay for Life team at Middlebury College since 2004 with her daughter Amy. Elaine proudly raised thousands of dollars each year for the American Cancer Society. Elaine loved gardening, so much in fact, that a double knee replace­ ment did not keep her from it. She was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Middlebury where she loved singing in the church choir. But what Elaine loved most in life was her children and her grandchildren. Surviving are three sons, David S. Holbrook & his wife Lynda of East Middlebury, Charles E. Holbrook 55$ 6$ +2.$ ,!"78%$ 94(2.%$ :32'+$ 4/$

Ripton, and James P. Holbrook & his wife Mary of Colchester; three daughters, Cheryl A. Holbrook of Tampa, Fla., Amy R. Holbrook of Salisbury, and Becky L. Holbrook; a stepson, Everett C. Holbrook & +2.$;2/%$<%"2.%$4/$='2.,%)#>$?!2"%@$ three brothers, Concetto “Junior” Poalino & his wife Shirley of Fair A!&%">$ B4C%-'$ D!()2"4$ 6$ ,!"78%$ Marci Mends of Hamburg, N.Y., and Richard Paulino of Chicago, Ill.; two sisters, Dian Fiegl & her husband Eugene of Williamsville, N.Y., and Irene Stoller of Corfu, N.Y. Eighteen grandchildren, 15 great­grandchil­ dren and many nieces, nephews and cousins also survive her. In addition to her husband, she was predeceased by an infant son; Gary Michael Holbrook; a brother, Carl Paulino, who was killed in action in Vietnam; and a grandson, Raymond Charles Holbrook. A memorial Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Middlebury. The Rev. Justin Baker, pastor of Christ the King Catholic Church in Rutland, will be the celebrant. A private grave­ side committal service and burial will take place, at a later date, in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Following the ceremony the family will receive friends at Middlebury American Legion Post 27, for a time of fellowship and remembrance. Friends may call Thursday, Feb. 7,

ACTR expands bus schedule for college Winter Carnival MIDDLEBURY — To accom­ modate spectators and participants of Middlebury College’s Winter Carnival, ACTR will run more frequent buses on its Snow Bowl route Friday, Feb. 15, and Saturday, Feb. 16. The regular commuter hours on this route for Friday remain unchanged. Throughout both Friday and Saturday, ACTR will have 11 depar­ tures starting from Middlebury College’s Adirondack Circle. The ,-.'$ "4"07433('%-$ C(.$ ;2))$ #%I!-'$ from Adirondack Circle at 9:10 a.m. and leave Merchants Row at the Middlebury green at 9:15 a.m. All buses will follow the usual Snow Bowl route through East Middlebury and Ripton. For the rest of the day, departures will be every 35 to 40 minutes. At the end of the day, the last non­commuter return trip from the Snow Bowl will be as usual at 4 p.m. ACTR will have extra buses running for most of the two days to help spec­ tators, skiers and other riders get to and from carnival events. ACTR drivers will have a detailed schedule available on the buses and the schedule will be available at Rikert Ski Center and the Snow

Bowl. In addition, the schedule will be available at www.actr­ and posted at Adirondack Circle and Merchants Row. For more informa­ tion about ACTR bus routes and schedules, call 388­1946 or email info@actr­

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ELAINE HOLBROOK 2013, from 4­7 p.m. at the Miller & Ketcham Funeral Home in Brandon. ?%34-2!)$ 12/'.$ 2"$ )2%($ 4/$ E4;­ ers may be made to Middlebury Volunteer Ambulance Association, 55 Collins Drive, Middlebury, VT 05753, or to the American Cancer Society via her Relay for Life team­ mate and daughter, Amy Holbrook, PO Box 707, East Middlebury, VT 05740, or Relay for Life Vermont Division, 43 Swift St., South Burlington, VT 05403. Arrangements are under the direc­ tion of the Miller & Ketcham Funeral A43%$2"$F-!"#4"G$H

Several area churches will hold special services to mark the beginning of Lent Congregational Church of Middlebury The church will hold an Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m.

Middlebury United Methodist Church Pastor Elisabeth Smith will lead a prayer on Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m. East Middlebury United Methodist Church members are included in this event.

St. Stephen’s on the Green, Middlebury Ash Wednesday services will be held Feb. 13 at 8 a.m., noon and 7 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. Susan ?7J!--*$4/,72!'2"1G

Shoreham Congregational Church A service of forgiveness and ashes to start the season of Lent will be held on Sunday, Feb. 10, at 5 p.m.


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PAGE 8A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013

community Feb



calendar ),++%&3%?( ?:"#3*:"( IJK( *"$>,?%&( IL88( @#;M%( %"3@/( (four winners of $25 each). The host, the Monkton Community Coffeehouse, will provide the tableware and drinks. Proceeds will help the Coffeehouse bring Front Porch Forum to Monkton. !"#"$%& '(#'")%& *#+& ,*-."& +"//")%& '(#%"/%& 0#& Shoreham. Saturday, Feb. 9, 6:30­8:30 p.m., Platt Memorial Library. Music will be performed by the Addison County folk quartet Zephyr. Maple dessert contest and tasting. Tasters can vote for their favor­ ites with cash donations. Dessert entries must be made with Vermont maple syrup and be submitted with a recipe card. Info: 897­2647 or platt@shore­ King Pede party in Ferrisburgh. Saturday, Feb. 9, 6:30­8:30 p.m., Ferrisburgh Community Center and Town Hall. Sandwich supper followed by an evening of fun and card games. Come planning to play King Pede or bring your own favorite card game. Annemieke & Jeremiah in concert in Brandon. Saturday, Feb. 9, 7­9 p.m., Brandon Music. The classical piano and accordion duo play music by composers from Europe and South America. General admission $15; reservations encouraged. (802) 465­4071.

Feb. 10, 8­10 a.m., St. Peter’s Parish Hall. Eggs, hotcakes, French toast, bacon, sausage and more. Adults $8, seniors and kids 6­12 $6, kids under 6 free, ;#H*>*%&(:;(!O%(:@(H:@%(I19'(J8VJ8(@#;M%K(?@#B*"+&(;:@( a free breakfast, and bottle drive; don’t forget to bring your bottles to support the Youth Ministry. Eco­Spirit Award presentation in Middlebury. Sunday, Feb. 10, 4­6 p.m., Ilsley Library. This year’s Eco­Spirit Award will be presented to Dan Shea. A slideshow of his photographs and a drum circle will take place; all are invited to bring a drum and participate. Free yoga/meditation in Middlebury. Sunday, Feb. 10, 4­6 p.m., Otter Creek Yoga in the Marble Works. Monthly community gathering with gentle yoga, medi­ tation and reading the Five Mindfulness Trainings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Beginners welcome. Info: 388­1961. No charge but donations are accepted. Community chorus rehearsal at Middlebury College. Sunday, Feb. 10, 7­8 p.m., Mead Chapel. The !@&3( ),"?#/( @%<%#@&#>( :;( 3<%( T*??>%.,@/( U:>>%+%( Community Chorus 2013 spring season, preparing for spring concerts, May 10 and 12. Open to all interested singers without audition. Info: 443­5356 or 989­7355.

Community Crime Forum in Addison. Thursday, Feb. 7, 6:30­8:30 p.m., Addison Central School. Addison residents are invited to an open discussion about crime in the town of Addison. The group will brainstorm ideas on how to help law enforcement and themselves to be more aware, and determine if there is potential to start a neighborhood watch program. “Iceland Adventure” presentation in Lincoln. Thursday, Feb. 7, 7­9 p.m., Lincoln Library. Mary and John Gemignani will present a slideshow and talk about their trip to Iceland. Photos will be on view in the Community Room as well. Info: 453­2665. Twist O’ Wool Spinning Guild meeting in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 7, 7­9 p.m., American Legion. Kari Chapin, author of “Handmade Marketplace” and “Grow Your Handmade Business” will speak. All are welcome. Info: 453­5960. Jonathan Lorentz Trio in Brandon. Thursday, Feb. 7, 7:30­9:30 p.m., Brandon Music. Lorentz plays jazz saxophone, with John Hunter on bass and Tim Gilmore on drums. General admission $15; reserva­ tions are encouraged. Venue is BYOB. Reservations at (802) 465­4071. Money Smart Child parent workshop in Legislative lunch with Gov. Shumlin Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 7, 7:30­9 in Bristol. Monday, Feb. p.m., Ilsley Library. A free workshop to 11, noon­11:45 a.m., Bristol WEST COAST SWING DANCE LESSONS – Wednesdays help parents teach their children about American Legion. . !"#"$%&'()*+"(,-(./(0#"'(12(#3(45567829( in Middlebury. Feb. 20 and 27, 7:30 to 8:30 at McCullough Early Literacy Story Time in or Student Center, open to the public. $12 per class, students Middlebury. Monday, Feb. 11, Free pizza and childcare provided. free. Friday, Feb. 22, 6:30 to 8:30 at Shelburne Town Hall. Two 10:30­11:15 a.m., Ilsley Library. Join children’s librarian Sarah classes taught by Anne Fleming, then open dance til 11pm. Lawton for stories, rhymes and $30. Wed., Feb. 13, 7:00 - 8:00 at Middlebury Fitness, $12. songs that help young children Tues, March 5 and 12, 6:30 to 9:30, 3 one hour slots open for develop early literacy skills. Book fair in Weybridge. in. Every Monday and private lessons at Town Hall Theater, $50. For more info, Drop Friday, Feb. 8, 8 a.m.­5 p.m., Thursday through Feb. 14. Weybridge Elementary School. Eckankar presentation in Annual book fair featuring a wide variety Middlebury. Monday, Feb. MIDDLEBURY STUDIO SCHOOL – Children’s: Home School 11, 6­7 p.m., Ilsley Library. :;( <*+<6=,#>*3/( ,&%?( !$3*:"( #"?( ":"!$­ 3*:"( ;:@( #?,>3&( #"?( $<*>?@%"'( A:( .%"%!3( Art Feb. 15, Feb. Vacation Drawing Ducks & Vacation Wheel Eckankar of Vermont sponsors the school library. Donated books can be Class Adult: Colour Workshop Feb. 9, Digital Photography this open discussion for people dropped off at the school, or call Mary at Feb. 16, Mon. Night Oils, Tues. Night Watercolor, Weds. of all faiths: Have you ever seen 545­2172 for pickup. an inner light or had strong intu­ Senior luncheon in Bristol. Friday, Feb. 8, Night Wheel, Weds. AM Oils, Contact Barb 247-3702, email *3*:"&K(?@%#H&(:;(M/*"+K(-#&36>*;%( 11:30 a.m.­1:30 p.m., Mary’s at Baldwin, check out: recall or an out­of­body experi­ Creek. CVAA sponsors a luncheon ence? Come share your story. featuring Chef Doug Mack’s talents. KUMON MATH AND READING – an affordable academic Info: Mixed winter greens salad with pears enrichment program Preschool through 12th grade for Addison County Right to and bleu cheese, fresh baked roll, baked students who wish to be challenged or need help catching Life meeting in Middlebury. cod with lemon tarragon butter, rice Monday, Feb. 11, 7­8 p.m., up. Mondays and Thursdays 3:00 6:00pm, 4 Frog Hollow, and vegetable, and chocolate cake with St. Mary’s Parish Hall. Visitors chocolate icing. Suggested donation $5. Middlebury. For more information contact Zelia van den Berg welcome. Info: 388­2898 or Reservations required: 1­800­642­5119. 388-6517 or visit Lunchtime public skating in Middlebury. Book club meeting in Friday, Feb. 8, 12­1 p.m., Memorial NEW! CROSSFIT CLASS AT VERMONT SUN FITNESS – First two Bridport. Monday, Feb. 11, Sports Center. classes free! An exercise modality based on consistently varied 7­8 p.m., Carl Norton Highway All­you­can­eat spaghetti dinner in conference room. movement at a high intensity. Functional movements like Olympic Department Weybridge. Friday, Feb. 8, 5­8 p.m., Discussing “Mystic River” by Weybridge Elementary School. Spaghetti lifts, sprints, squats and pull-ups. Call 388-6888 to register or visit Dennis Lehane. March’s title: and meatballs, green salad, garlic bread, “Love Medicine” by Louise homemade desserts and beverage. Erdrich. Info: 758­2858. Proceeds go toward the Weybridge Volunteer Fire Department. Adults $8, children 6­12 $5, under 6 free. Tickets available at Chocolate Delight Night in New Haven. Saturday, 3<%(3:B"($>%@CD&(:;!$%(:@(#3(3<%(?::@'( Feb. 9, 7­9 p.m., Lincoln Peak Winery. Annual fund­ Exhibit opening reception in Middlebury. Friday, raiser for the New Haven Community Library, open to Public skating in Middlebury. Tuesday, Feb. 8, 5­7 p.m., Vermont Folklife Center. Celebrating ages 12 and up. All kinds of delicious chocolate treats, Feb. 12, 9­10:30 a.m., Memorial Sports the opening of “Parallels,” a photo­documentary by plus cash bar. Admission $10, includes nonalcoholic Center. Libby Hillhouse of Ryegate, pairing photographic beverages. Info: 453­4015. Figure skating in Middlebury. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 10:45 portraits and text drawn from interviews. The exhibit Contra dance in Cornwall. Saturday, Feb. 9, 7­9:30 a.m.­noon, Memorial Sports Center. looks into the lives of low­income Vermonters. On p.m., Cornwall Town Hall. Rachel Nevitt calling, with Adult stick & puck hockey in Middlebury. Tuesday, exhibit Feb. 8­March 30. Info: 388­4964. live music by Red Dog Riley. Cost $5 per person, $20 Feb. 12, noon­1 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. maximum per family. Info: 462­3722. Art exhibit opening lecture at Middlebury College. Mardi Gras Casino Night in Bristol. Saturday, Feb. 9, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 4:30­6 p.m., Mahaney Center for 7­9 p.m., St. Ambrose Church. Tickets $20 per person, the Arts. Juliette Bianco of Dartmouth and Pieter including $150 in gaming chips. Everyone has a great Broucke, Middlebury College professor of history of Yarn­making class in Orwell. chance to win prizes. Appetizers and refreshments art and architecture, present “Nature Transformed,” Saturday, Feb. 9, 9­11 a.m., Orwell Free available. Info: 453­5599. in which they discuss Edward Burtynsky’s career and E*.@#@/'( F@:;%&&*:"#>( !.%@( #@3*&3( 0%#"*%( Bread and Bones farewell concert in Lincoln. Saturday, the process of organizing the “Nature Transformed” G:.%@3&( ?%H:"&3@#3%&( 3<%( -@:$%&&( :;( 3,@"*"+( !.%@( Feb. 9, 7:30­9:30 p.m., Burnham Hall. The Burnham %W<*.*3'( X@%%'( Y";:Z( BBB'H*??>%.,@/'%?,V#@3&( :@( right off the animal into yarn off the spinning wheel. Music Series welcomes Bread and Bones in its last 443­3168. Attendees can take a turn at the carder or try concert before the trio’s members go on to pursue other Shrove Tuesday pancake supper in Cornwall. drop­spindling. musical interests. Richard Ruane on vocals, guitar, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 5:30­7 p.m., Cornwall Invasive insects seminar in Brandon. Saturday, mandolin and ukulele; Beth Duquette on vocals; and Congregational Church. Share a delicious meal of Feb. 9, 10 a.m.­1:30 p.m., Neshobe Sportsman Mitch Barron on fretless, fretted and upright bass and pancakes (gluten­free available), sausages, apple­ Club. Brandon Cadette Girl Scout Troop 30649 vocals. Info: 388­9782. sauce and real maple syrup. Free will donations is hosting this workshop led by Rhonda Mace, Panton Flats EP release party in Vergennes. Saturday, accepted. Info: 462­3111. Vermont state forestry expert. Learn how to iden­ Feb. 9, 8­10 p.m., Vergennes Opera House. This Mardi Community chorus rehearsal at Middlebury tify invasive insects such as the emerald ash borer Gras­themed affair will feature amazing music, cash College. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 7­8 p.m., Mead Chapel. and Asian long­horned beetle. Lunch available for .#@(./(3<%(N"3*?:3%K(#(@#;M%(:;(:@*+*"#>(#>.,H($:O%@(#@3K( A<%(!@&3(A,%&?#/(@%<%#@&#>(:;(3<%(T*??>%.,@/(U:>>%+%( purchase. Info and registration: rhonda.mace@ $:"$%&&*:"&(#"?(H:@%'(P#>;(:;(3<%(@#;M%(-@:$%%?&(B*>>( Community Chorus 2013 spring season, prepar­ or (802) 595­0802. .%"%!3(3<%()$<>%*"(;#H*>/(:;(Q%B(P#O%"K(B<:(@%$%"3>/( ing for spring concerts, May 10 and 12. Open to all Relay for Life kickoff in Middlebury. Saturday, >:&3(3<%*@(<:,&%(*"(#(!@%'(A*$C%3&(IL8(*"(#?O#"$%K(ILJ( interested singers without audition. Info: 443­5356 or Feb. 9, 10 a.m.­noon, Ilsley Library. The American at the door, available at Classic Stitching or the VOH, 989­7355. Cancer Society welcomes team captains and team or 877­6737. Home Energy Saving Workshop in Bristol. Tuesday, participants to the 2013 Relay season, highlight­ Sweethearts Ball in Middlebury. Saturday, Feb. 9, Feb. 12, 7­9 p.m., Howden Hall. Learn to identify and ing event details and offering fundraising tips. Info: 8 p.m.­midnight, Middlebury American Legion. The prevent heat loss in your home and improve its ther­ (802) 872­6307 or Orwell Fire Department’s 50th annual Sweethearts H#>(%;!$*%"$/'(E%#@"(#.:,3(%"%@+/(#,?*3&(#"?(@%.#3%&( Exhibit opening reception in Bristol. Saturday, Feb. Ball, with dance music provided by Triple B Mobile DJ. ,-(3:(I1K888(;@:H([;!$*%"$/(\%@H:"3'(["3%@(3:(B*"(#( 9, 5:30­7:30 p.m., WalkOver Gallery. Celebrating Tickets $15 per couple, $8 per person, available at home energy saving kit. the opening of “Intersection: Presence, Creativity, Hawk’s Country Kitchen, Orwell Gas n’ Go, Buxton’s Dreams,” an exhibit by members of North of Eden, R%"%@#>()3:@%K(;@:H(#"/(S@B%>>(!@%!+<3%@(:@(#3(3<%(?::@'( Archetypal Dreamwork. Live music and poetry at 6:30 p.m. Exhibit runs Feb. 5­28. Moonlight Skate in Ferrisburgh. Saturday, Feb. 9, GED testing in Middlebury. Wednesday, 5:30­8 p.m., Ferrisburgh skating rink, by the school. Feb. 13, 8:45 a.m.­1 p.m., Vermont Adult Food and drinks available for purchase. Info: GMC snowshoe on Buck Mountain in Learning, 282 Boardman St. Pre­registration Waltham. Sunday, Feb. 10, meeting time required. Call 388­4392 for info and to register. Fourth annual Chili Cook­off in Monkton. Saturday, and place TBA. Two­mile round trip trek with eBook and eAudiobook Drop­in Day in Middlebury. Feb. 9, 6­7:30 p.m., Monkton Firehouse. This year, moderately steep ascents; views of Champlain Valley Wednesday, Feb. 13, 10 a.m.­5 p.m., Ilsley Library. instead of restaurant judging, the Chili Cook­off will #"?()"#C%(T:,"3#*"'(U:"3#$3(>%#?%@(G,3<(F%"!%>?(;:@( Bring your Kindle, Nook, iPad or other e­reader and be held as a local social. Bring in enough chili to meeting time and place: 388­5407. we’ll help you load it with books from the library’s feed four people. No electrical outlets available. St. Peter’s Parish breakfast in Vergennes. Sunday, downloadable collection. Info: 388­4095.



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Edge of the Arctic MARY AND JOHN GAMIGNANI present “Iceland Adventure,” a slideshow and talk about their trip to the scenic northern European island, at the Lincoln Library tonight, Thursday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m.


Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 — PAGE 9A


A delightful night DELECTABLE CHOCOLATE TREATS from a past Chocolate Delight Night hint at the goodies to be served at this year’s event, Saturday, Feb. 9, at 7 p.m. at Lincoln Peak Vineyard in New Haven. An annual fundraiser for the New Haven Community Library, this elegant evening is reserved for chocolate lovers 12 years or older. Toddler TaeKwon Do in Middlebury. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 10:30­11:15 a.m., Ilsley Library. Instructor Kellie Thomas leads a playful introduction to an ancient martial art. Toddlers and preschoolers will learn basic movements to help improve their balance, focus and coordination. Drop in. Info: 388­4097. Wednesdays through Feb. 13. Youth media lab in Middlebury. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 3:30­4:30 p.m., Ilsley Library. Kids in grades 3 and up are invited to join library and MCTV staff to make movies and learn about technology using MCTV’s state­of­the­art media stations. Every Wednesday. Space is limited; pre­register at the children’s desk, by calling 388­4097, or by emailing sarah.lawton@ Dinner and Conversation with Friends at Middlebury College. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 6­7:30 p.m., Mahaney Center for the Arts, lower lobby. Enjoy dinner and creative conversation about the arts in our community. Shai Wosner’s piano concert follows. Dinner tickets $25. Info: or 443­3168. King Pede party in Ferrisburgh. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 6:30­8:30 p.m., Ferrisburgh Community Center and Town Hall. Sandwich supper followed by an evening of fun and card games. Come planning to play King Pede or bring your own favorite card game. Presentation on Civil War medicine in Ferrisburgh. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 7­9 p.m., Ferrisburgh Town Hall/Community Center. The Ferrisburgh Historical Society welcomes local history expert Dan Cole, who presents “Pills and Potions, Liquor and Laudanum: Medicine in the Civil War Era.” Info: 425­4505. Shai Wosner piano concert at Middlebury College. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 7:30­9:30 p.m., Mahaney Center for the Arts. Israeli­born pianist Shai Wosner returns !"#!$%#&"''%(%)#*%#+,-!#./0,-#&"1."-%,-#2&$34%,!#/56# Widmann, then Debussy and Beethoven. Reserved seating. Tickets $20/15/6. Info: arts or 443­3168. One Billion Rising event at Middlebury College. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 10 p.m.­midnight, McCullough Social Space. Middlebury College campus lead­ ers, directors, dancers, singers, writers, set direc­ tors, and DJs invite all to come out against sexual violence. Listen and watch dances, music and poetry by students; eat snacks; dance; and speak up. Info:




Monthly wildlife walk in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 14, 8­10 a.m., Otter View Park and Hurd Grassland. A monthly OCAS­MALT event, inviting community members to help survey birds and other wildlife. Meet at Otter View Park parking area, corner of Weybridge Street and Pulp Mill Bridge Road. Shorter and longer routes possible. Leader: Ron Payne. Come for all or part of the walk. Beginning birders welcome. Info: 388­1007 or 388­6829. Public skating in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 14, 9­10:30 a.m., Memorial Sports Center. Early Literacy Story Time in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 14, 10:30­11:15 a.m., Ilsley Library. Join chil­ dren’s librarian Sarah Lawton for stories, rhymes and songs that help young children develop early literacy skills. Drop in. Every Monday and Thursday through Feb. 14. Senior luncheon in Bristol. Thursday, Feb. 14, 11:30 a.m.­1:30 p.m., Bristol Masonic Hall. CVAA sponsors this favorite meal, this month featuring beef stroga­ noff, soup ’n salad, veggies and dessert. Suggested donation $3. Reservations required: 453­3451. Transportation via ACTR: 388­1946. One Billion Rising event in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 14, noon­1 p.m., Court Square, across from the Middlebury Inn. WomenSafe is leading this gathering to raise awareness of domestic and sexual violence, part of a global activist event. Bring hand­held signs and come dance, drum or read poetry or spoken word. Info: or www.onebillionris­ Black & White Cabaret in Vergennes. Thursday, Feb. 14, 6:30­8:30 p.m., Vergennes Union Middle School gymnasium. The VUHS Music Department invites the public to an evening of solo and small­ensemble music performed by music students. Desserts and beverages served. General admission $5. Proceeds 4%5%+!#!$%#-&$"'/,-$0.#7356#7",#!$%#*0($#2&$""'#8/56# and Chorus Festival in Williamsburg, Va., in April. Otter Creek Audubon lecture in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 14, 7­9 p.m., Ilsley Library. Mike Winslow presents “Owls of Vermont,” part of Otter Creek Audubon’s 2013 Cabin Fever Lecture Series. “Play On” on stage in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 14, 8­10 p.m., Town Hall Theater. Middlebury Community Players present this hilarious farce by Rick Abbot, in which a hapless community theater group struggles to mount a new production. Tickets, $17, available at !$%#9*9#4":#"7+&%;#<=>?@>>>#",#AAA)!"A5$/''!$%/!%,) org. Also Feb. 15­17.




Lunchtime public skating in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 15, noon­1 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Exhibit opening reception in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 15, 5­7 p.m., Edgewater Gallery, 1 Mill St. Celebrating the art of Eliza Stamps, the gallery’s Featured Artist of the Month. Also, Stamps will tell fortunes using a deck of 50 cards of her own design. Info: 458­0098, justine@edgewatergallery­ or www.edgewa­ tergallery­

!"#$%&'()*(+),-./-'(0'%(*12(#"(341$4""4'5 Friday, Feb. 15, 5­6:30 p.m., St. Peter’s Parish Hall. Battered baked haddock, fries, macaroni and cheese, green beans. Adults $9, ages 6­12 $6, $28 family maximum. Please bring a dessert to share. Strumstick gathering in Bristol. Friday, Feb. 15, 6­8 p.m., Recycled Reading of Vermont, 25A Main St. All are invited to come for a great evening of play­ ing, learning and sharing this awesome instruments. Strumsticks available. Drop in any time between 6 and 8 p.m. “Play On” on stage in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 15, 8­10 p.m., Town Hall Theater. Middlebury Community Players present this hilarious farce by Rick Abbot, in which a hapless community theater group struggles to mount a new production. Tickets, $17, available at !$%#9*9#4":#"7+&%;#<=>?@>>>#",#AAA)!"A5$/''!$%/!%,) org. Also Feb. 16 and 17.




“Jane Eyre” on screen at Middlebury College. Saturday, Feb. 16, 3 and 8 p.m., Dana Auditorium. A smoldering version of the Brontë classic in which a plain governess falls in '"B%#A0!$#$%,#!$",5C#%1.'"C%,;#"5'C#!"#+56#$%,#$/..0­ ness jeopardized by a Gothic secret. Free. Info: www. or 443­3168. Valentine’s Day dinner dance in Vergennes. Saturday, Feb. 16, 6:30­11:30 p.m., Vergennes Eagles Club. Steak dinner at 6:30, followed by dancing with the Classic Country Band from 7:30­11:30. Tickets $10 each, on sale at the Eagles Club, 877­2055. “Play On” on stage in Middlebury. Saturday, Feb. 16, 8­10 p.m., Town Hall Theater. Middlebury Community Players present this hilarious farce by Rick Abbot, in which a hapless community theater group struggles to mount a new production. Tickets, $17, available at !$%# 9*9# 4":# "7+&%;# <=>?@>>># ",# AAA)!"A5$/''!$%­ Also Feb. 17. DJ Skate Night in Middlebury. Saturday, Feb. 16, 8­10 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Friends of Middlebury Hockey and Addison Central Teens co­sponsor a night of roller­rink­style ice skating. Skate rentals available. Adults $5, students $3. All ages and abili­ ties welcome.




All­you­can­eat pancake breakfast in Addison. Sunday, Feb. 17, 7­11 a.m., Addison Fire Station. Plain and blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon, home fries, coffee, hot chocolate and orange juice. Adults $6, kids under 12 $4. Funds raised will be used to purchase equip­ ment for the Addison Volunteer Fire Department. Info: 759­2237. Breakfast buffet in Bristol. Sunday, Feb. 17, 7:30­10:30 a.m., Bristol American Legion. All­you­can­eat break­ fast buffet offered by the Bristol American Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Cost $8 per person. Third Sunday of the month. Romance Half­Marathon ski tour in Ripton. Sunday, Feb. 17, 9:30 a.m.­2:30 p.m., Rikert Nordic Center. A relaxed 25K ski tour through Rikert’s outer trails and part of the Catamount Trail. Timed race option for those who want to compete. Hot food stops in the stadium as well as on a hilltop at the course’s far point. Several loop options available. Après­ski party in the Bread Loaf barn with local food served. Cost $35 per person. Register at 443­2744. “Play On” on stage in Middlebury. Sunday, Feb. 17, 2­4 p.m., Town Hall Theater. Middlebury Community Players present this hilarious farce by Rick Abbot, in which a hapless community theater group struggles to mount a new production. Tickets, $17, available at !$%# 9*9# 4":# "7+&%;# <=>?@>>># ",# AAA)!"A5$/''!$%­ ASL interpretation available. Public skating in Middlebury. Sunday, Feb. 17, 3:30­5 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Community chorus rehearsal at Middlebury College. Sunday, Feb. 17, 7­8 p.m., Mead Chapel. Rehearsal of the Middlebury College Community Chorus 2013 spring season, preparing for spring concerts, May 10 and 12. Open to all interested singers without audi­ tion. Info: 443­5356 or 989­7355.




Legislative breakfast in Middlebury. Monday, Feb. 18, 7­8:45 a.m., Middlebury American Legion. Breakfast at 7 a.m., program 7:30­8:45. Senior luncheon in Bristol. Monday, Feb. 18, 10:30 a.m.­12:30 p.m., Cubbers Restaurant. CVAA spon­ sors this monthly event for down­home cooking and friendly service. Menu TBA. Suggested donation $5. Reservations required: 1­800­642­5119. Public skating in Middlebury. Monday, Feb. 18, 12:15­1:30 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Stick and puck hockey in Middlebury. Monday, Feb. 18, 1:15­2:45 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Stick and puck hockey in Middlebury. Monday, Feb. 18, 1:45­2:45 p.m., Memorial Sports Center.




Special senior luncheon and live music in Middlebury. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 10:30 a.m.­2 p.m., Russ Sholes Senior Center. CVAA sponsors this event. The Shader Croft Band will perform from 11 a.m.­2 p.m. Menu is roast pork

with gravy, mashed red potatoes, green leaf salad, applesauce, wheat dinner roll and yellow yogurt cake. Suggested donation $4. Bring your own place setting. Reservations required by Feb. 15: 1­800­642­5119, ext. 634. Free transportation via ACTR: 388­1946. Figure skating in Middlebury. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 10:45 a.m.­noon, Memorial Sports Center. Public skating in Middlebury. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1­2:15 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Adult stick & puck hockey in Middlebury. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2:30­3:30 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Community chorus rehearsal at Middlebury College. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 7­8 p.m., Mead Chapel. Rehearsal of the Middlebury College Community Chorus 2013 spring season, preparing for spring concerts, May 10 and 12. Open to all interested singers without audi­ tion. Info: 443­5356 or 989­7355.




Senior luncheon in Bridport. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 11 a.m.­1 p.m., Bridport Grange. CVAA invites seniors to this luncheon of roast turkey with gravy, mashed pota­ toes, winter squash and chocolate cake with choco­ late frosting. Suggested donation $4. Reservations required: 1­800­642­5119, ext. 615. Bring your own place setting. Free transportation with ACTR: 388­1946. Senior luncheon in Bristol. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 11:30 a.m.­1:30 p.m., Bristol American Legion. CVAA sponsors this luncheon of roast turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, winter squash and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Suggested donation $4. Bring your own place setting. Reservations required: 1­800­642­5119, ext. 610. Transportation via ACTR: 388­1946. Public skating in Middlebury. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1­2:15 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Stick and puck hockey in Middlebury. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2:30­3:30 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Dance lecture/demonstration at Middlebury College. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 4:30­6:30 p.m., Mahaney Center for the Arts. Assistant Professor of Dance Catherine Cabeen presents “Hair Trigger: Femininity, D4E%&!0+&/!0"5# /56# F0"'%5&%;G# -$/,05(# !$%# $0-!",0&# research and creative process that fuels her compa­ ny’s latest work, “Fire!” Free. Info: www.middlebury. edu/arts or 443­3168. 67+8(0"9":#"$(.44&#"$(#"(;1#'&),5 Wednesday, Feb. 20, 7­9 p.m., Holley Hall. Property Assessed Clean H5%,(C# IJKLHM# +5/5&05(# 7",# 8,0-!"'# 0-# "5# !$%# !"A5# warning. Bristol residents are encouraged to come learn about PACE with Bob Donnis before voting at Town Meeting. Also learn about the Home Energy Challenge from Matt Sharpe. Blues jam in Middlebury. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 8­10 p.m., 51 Main. Dennis Willmott from Left Eye Jump will provide lead guitar, bass and drums if you need backup or take a break and let you play. Bring your instrument and get ready to jam. Info: www.go51main. com.




Senior luncheon in Vergennes. Thursday, Feb. 21, 11 a.m.­1 p.m., St. Peter’s Parish Hall. CVAA sponsors this -%50",#1%/'#"7#$/56?&/,B%6#1/,05/!%6#N/5O#-!%/O#A0!$# horseradish sauce, baked stuffed potato, Caribbean blend vegetables, Mesclun mix salad, dinner roll and apple and peach crisp. There will be entertainment before lunch (to be announced). Bring your own place setting. Suggested donation $4. Reservations required: 1­800­642­5119, ext. 615. Free transporta­ tion through ACTR: 388­1946. Public skating in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 21, 1­2:15 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Stick and puck hockey in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 21, 2:30­3:30 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Intermediate bridge class in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 21, 6­7:30 p.m., Ilsley LIbrary Vermont Room, -%&"56#N"",)#P0-%'/#J/'1%,#05B0!%-#4,06(%#.'/C%,-#!"# come to play and learn some basic conventions in a free class running Thursdays through April 18. Open games weekly. Louise Acker will teach on Feb. 21, March 21 and April 18. Registration is required for the entire class session. Sign up at the Ilsley. Info: 462­3373. GMC Taylor Series Lecture on Moosalamoo in Middlebury. Thursday, Feb. 21, 7­9 p.m., Ilsley Library. Holly Knox, recreation and trail coordinator with the Rochester and Middlebury ranger districts, presents “Adventures in Our Backyard: Moosalamoo National Recreation Area.” Sponsored by the Breadloaf Section of the Green Mountain Club. Presentation on retracing the Klondike gold rush in Vergennes. Thursday, Feb. 21, 7­9 p.m., Bixby Memorial Library. Hiker and backpacker Ivor Hughes presents “The Klondike Gold Rush _ A Nostalgic Journey to Retrace the Prospectors’ Footsteps.” Hughes gives a presentation on his hike up the Seattle coast into Canada and eventually to Alaska, on the path taken by some 100,000 prospectors after the gold strike of 1897. A Third Thursday event. Free. Info: 877­2211.




<=#$%&'>(+9.419>(7:&#)">?(2)-&%(0,.­ making camp in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 22, 9 a.m.­noon, Ilsley Library. Free four­day workshop for kids in grades 3 and up to learn the fundamentals of video production. Advance



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PAGE 10A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013


registration required; space is limited. Register at 388­4097 or Senior luncheon in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 22, 11:30 a.m.­1:30 p.m., Rosie’s Restaurant. CVAA and Rosie’s part­ ner to bring area seniors a monthly luncheon. Macaroni and cheese, fresh fruit and rice pudding. Suggested donation $5. Reservations required: 1­800­642­5119. Public skating in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 22, 1­2:15 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. Stick and puck hockey in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 22, 2:30­3:30 p.m., Memorial Sports Center. !"#$"#% &'(% )*+% ,#% -*,'$./0 Friday, Feb. 22, 5­7 p.m., St. Ambrose Church. Fourteenth annual Lenten all­you­can­eat !"#$%&'($)*+,$-./,01*"$%&-*1$2&$3+4*1$#+112/45$6&*./#$%&-*"5$ coleslaw, beverage and dessert. Adults $12, children under 77$895$-::*1-+;*$%+:-,'$2%$!<*$8=9($>.%2?$@9=AB@CC($ 1.2#$.2#%345%'"'',.#%,#%-*,'$./0 Friday, Feb. 22, 6­8 p.m., Recycled Reading of Vermont, 25A Main St. All are invited ;2$ /2:*$ :+4*$ :0"-/($ D&-.E$ '20&$ +/20";-/$ -.";&0:*.;$ +.1$ "#+&*$+$;0.*$2&$;F2($G,,$";',*"$F*,/2:*?$%2,45$3,0*"5$H*,;-/5$ traditional and original tunes and songs. Drop in any time after 6 p.m. 67(../%.)%8.79%:%8.//%7.#7"*$%,#%;,<</"=>*+0 Friday, Feb. BB5$IAC?=J$K(:(5$L2F.$M+,,$L#*+;*&($H,-.;$D-*&:+.$+.1$#-"$ &2/4*&$%&-*.1"$F2&4$F-;#$'20.E$:0"-/-+."$%2&$+$"2,-1$F**45$ *.1-.E$-.$;#-"$3,2FA20;$/2./*&;($6&**($>.%2?$=CBANBBB($

LIVE MUSI C -*"#$% ?(.54'% @>4*$"$% ,#% ;,<</"=>*+0 Thursday, Feb. 7, 8­10 p.m., 51 Main. ?("%A9"?.#"'%,#%-*,'$./0 Friday, Feb. 8, 6­8 p.m., Recycled Reading of Vermont, 25A Main St. -.=% ;479"#B,"% -4#<% ,#% ;,<</"=>*+0 Friday, Feb. 8, 9 p.m.­midnight, 51 Main. -.=% C4D#.#% ?*,.% ,#% ;,<</"=>*+0 Saturday, Feb. 9, 9 p.m.­midnight, 51 Main. E*"<% -4*#"'% 4#<% !,B% F/"G"/4#<% ,#% ;,<</"=>*+0 Thursday, Feb. 14, 7:30­9 p.m., Carol’s Hungry Mind Café. !.#D).*<% 8.2% ,#% ;,<</"=>*+0 Friday, Feb. 15, 6:30­8:30 K(:(5$LF2$D&2;#*&"$L+<*&.($ Gumbo Ya Ya in Middlebury. Friday, Feb. 15, 9 p.m.­midnight, 51 Main. H.(#%F*""7(IF.="+%C4$.'I!>74'%J</"*%?*,.%,#%;,<</"=>*+0 Saturday, Feb. 16, 9 p.m.­midnight, 51 Main. 3 Sheets 2 the Wind in Middlebury. Saturday, Feb. 16, 10 K(:(A:-1.-E#;5$LF2$D&2;#*&"$L+<*&.($ ?("%-,D%;"4#%6.>#<%;47(,#"%,#%;,<</"=>*+0 Friday, Feb. 22, 9 p.m.­midnight, 51 Main. 8"(4=% 8.4<(.>'"% ,#% ;,<</"=>*+0 Friday, Feb. 22, 10 K(:(A:-1.-E#;5$LF2$D&2;#*&"$L+<*&.($

ONGOINGEVENTS D'$/+;*E2&'?$6+&:*&"O$)+&4*;"5$PK2&;"5$H,03"$Q$R&E+.-S+;-2."5$ T2<*&.:*.;$Q$U2,-;-/"5$D-.E25$60.1AV+-"-.E$P+,*"5$W+./*5$ )0"-/5$ G&;"$ Q$ X10/+;-2.5$ M*+,;#$ Q$ U+&*.;-.E5$ )*+,"5$ G&;$ XY#-3-;"$Q$)0"*0:"5$Z-3&+&'$U&2E&+:"( EJ8;K86L%;J8MK?6 )-11,*30&'$ 6+&:*&"O$ )+&4*;($ [-.;*&$ :+&4*;$ +;$ )+&'$ M2E+.$ X,*:*.;+&'$ P/#22,$ *<*&'$ P+;0&1+'$ -.$ \2<*:3*&5$ W*/*:3*&5$ )+&/#$ +.1$ GK&-,5$ N?=J$ +(:(A7$ K(:($ \2$ :+&4*;$ in January or February. Local produce, meats, cheese +.1$ *EE"5$ 3+4*1$ E221"5$ ]+:"5$ K&*K+&*1$ %221"$ +.1$ /&+%;"($ XDL$ +.1$ 1*3-;$ /+&1"$ F*,/2:*($ >.%2?$ NCNA^J7B$ 2&$ FFF( )-11,*30&'6+&:*&")+&4*;(2&E( 6NO8?6 H2A*1$ <2,,*'3+,,$ -.$ )-11,*30&'($ U-/4A0K$ E+:*"$ )2.1+'5$ IAN$ K(:(5$ )-11,*30&'$ )0.-/-K+,$ T':($ _+/4$ D&2F.5$ =CCAB9JB`$ D&0/*$+;$)-11,*30&'$V*/&*+;-2.$W*K+&;:*.;5$=CCAC7J=( F!A-6%:%O8CJPQRJ?QOP6

ACT (Addison Central Teens). Drop­in hours during the school '*+&"?$ )2.1+'5$L0*"1+'5$L#0&"1+'5$ =A^$ K(:(`$ [*1.*"1+'$ +.1$ 6&-1+'5$ =AI$ K(:($ N@$ )+-.$ P;($ a)-11,*30&'$L2F.$ R%!/*$ 30-,1-.Eb5$3*,2F$&*/($E':($L**.$1&2KA-.$"K+/*$%2&$4-1"($M+.E$ out with friends, play pool, watch movies, and eat great food. D+4-.E?$*<*&'$L#0&"1+'$%&2:$=?=JA9$K(:($>.%2?$=CCA=N7J$2&$ Addison County Amateur Radio Association. Sunday, 8 p.m. R.$ ;#*$ +-&$ 2.$ /,03$ &*K*+;*&$ 7@I(=^c7@I(N^$ )MS5$ 7JJ$ MS$ +//*""$;2.*($\2.:*:3*&"$+.1$<-"-;2&"$F*,/2:*( G11-"2.$ H20.;'$ X:*&E*./'$ U,+..-.E$ H2::-;;**($ Z+";$ [*1.*"1+'5$9$K(:($P;+;*$U2,-/*$D+&&+/4"($U03,-/$-.<-;*1( G11-"2.$H20.;'$V*K03,-/+.$U+&;'($L#-&1$6&-1+'5$I$K(:(5$>,",*'$ Library, Middlebury. 897­2744. G:*&-/+.$ Z*E-2.$ G0Y-,-+&'$ U2";$ BI($ 620&;#$ )2.1+'5$ I$ K(:($ G:*&-/+.$Z*E-2.5$[-,"2.$V2+15$)-11,*30&'( G11-"2.$ H20.;'$ H20./-,$ GE+-.";$ W2:*";-/$ +.1$ P*Y0+,$ Violence. Fourth Tuesday, noon­1:30 p.m. Addison County Courthouse in Middlebury. 388­9180. D&+.12.$Z-2."$H,03($6-&";$+.1$;#-&1$L0*"1+'5$I$K(:(5$D&+.12.$ Senior Center. D&+.12.$ P*.-2&$ H-;-S*.$ H*.;*&($ 79N7$ 62&*";$ W+,*$ V2+1($ 247­3121. L#*$M03$L**.$H*.;*&$+.1$P4+;*K+&4($77J$G-&K2&;$W&-<*5$D&-";2,($ RK*.$ :-4*$ .-E#;5$ !&";$ L#0&"1+'$ 2%$ ;#*$ :2.;#5$ 9?=JAI?=J$ p.m., free for all ages; reserve a spot at >.%2?$@9=A=^IC$2&$FFF(3&-";2,"4+;*K+&4(/2:( ZTDLd$aZ*"3-+.5$T+'5$D-"*Y0+,5$L&+."E*.1*&5$d0**&b($e20;#$ support group meets Monday nights, 4­6 p.m., Turningpoint H*.;*&5$)+&3,*$[2&4"5$)-11,*30&'($>.%2?$=CCA@B@N( Middlebury Garden Club. Second Tuesday. Location varies. D+&3+&+?$=CCACB^C( \XGL$ a\2&;#*+";$ G11-"2.$ L*,*<-"-2.b$ H#+..*,$ 7^($ 620&;#$ )2.1+'5$ 9AI$ K(:($ \XGL$ ";01-2$ -.$ D&-";2,($ D&0/*$ W0./+.5$ \*"#23*$PK2&;":+.$H,03($P*/2.1$)2.1+'5$^$K(:($K2;,0/4`$I$ K(:($:**;-.E($NI$6&2E$M2,,2F$V2+1$-.$D&+.12.( R;;*&$ H&**4$ U2*;"($ RK*.$ K2*;&'$ F2&4"#2K$ #*,1$ L#0&"1+'"5$ 7A=$K(:($>,",*'$Z-3&+&'$-.$)-11,*30&'($U2*;"$2%$+,,$+E*"$+&*$ -.<-;*1$ ;2$ "#+&*$ ;#*-&$ K2*;&'$ %2&$ %**13+/45$ *./20&+E*:*.;$ +.1$2K;-2.+,$F**4,'$+""-E.:*.;"($D&-.E$+$K2*:$2&$;F2$;2$ "#+&*$aK,0"$BJ$/2K-*"b($Z*1$3'$W+<-1$[*-.";2/4($6&**( R&F*,,$ M-";2&-/+,$ P2/-*;'($ 620&;#$ L0*"1+'5$ I?=J$ K(:($ R&F*,,$ Free Library. UGHL$aU*2K,*$2%$G11-"2.$H20.;'$L2E*;#*&b($L#-&1$L#0&"1+'5$ 77?=J$+(:(A7$K(:($f*&:2.;$";+;*$2%!/*$30-,1-.E$2.$XY/#+.E*$ St. in Middlebury, Health Department conference room. 989­8141. Salisbury Historical Society. First Saturday, 9:30­10:45 a.m. Salisbury Congregational Church. Samaritan’s Cupboard. Assembly of God Christian Center, 7I9N$V20;*$I5$f*&E*..*"($L#-&1$L#0&"1+'$;#&20E#$R/;23*&($ H2:*$ "#+&*$ -1*+"$ +.1$ /&+%;$ "-:K,*$ -;*:"$ %2&$ RK*&+;-2.$ H#&-";:+"$H#-,1$"#2*32Y*"($ f*&E*..*"$ Z-2."$ H,03($ 6-&";$ +.1$ ;#-&1$ [*1.*"1+'5$ ^$ K(:(5$ Vergennes American Legion. Social hour at 6, dinner at ^?@9$ F-;#$ :**;-.E$ %2,,2F-.E($ f-"-;2&"$ F*,/2:*($ >.%2?$ aCJBb$ 870­7070 or COSK8P;KP?%:%NO!Q?QF6 G11-"2.$ U*+/*$ H2+,-;-2.($ P+;0&1+'5$ 7J?=JA77$ +(:($ L&-+.E,*$ U+&4$-.$)-11,*30&'( H-;-S*."$%2&$H2.";-;0;-2.+,$T2<*&.:*.;$-.$D&-1K2&;($L#0&"1+'5$ IAN$K(:($D&-1K2&;$H2::0.-;'$P/#22,($Z*+&.$+320;$;#*$g(P($ and Vermont constitutions and how to defend our rights. 6-<*AL2F.$ G&*+$ f-E-,$ %2&$ U*+/*($ 6&-1+'5$ 9A9?=J$ K(:($ D&-";2,$ E&**.($G,,$F*,/2:*$;2$"K*+4$20;$%2&$F2&,1$K*+/*( Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles Mobile Service Van. P*/2.1$ +.1$ %20&;#$ [*1.*"1+'"5$ C?=J$ +(:(A@$ K(:(`$ X<*&'$ Thursday, 8:30 a.m.­3:15 p.m. Addison County Courthouse, -.$ )-11,*30&'($ L#*$ <+.$ 2%%*&"$ F&-;;*.$ *Y+:"5$ /0";2:*&$ service and road tests. 828­2000. -QPCO G:*&-/+.$ Z*E-2.$ M+,,5$ )-11,*30&'($ [*1.*"1+'($ W22&"$ 2K*.$

Two by two Q68JK!QU-O8P%6VJQ%WO6PK8%*"$>*#'%$.%;,<U </"=>*+% F.//"D"L'% ;4(4#"+% F"#$"*% ).*% $("% J*$'% .#%W"<#"'<4+T%E"=0%XYT%4$%Z[Y\%]050%).*%4%],4#.% 7.#7"*$%,#%2(,7(%("%&*'$%]4,*'%67(>="*$%4#<%W,<U 54##T%$("#%1"=>''+%4#<%-""$(.G"#0%F.#7"*$D.U "*'%54+%24#$%$.%&*'$%4$$"#<%1,##"*%4#<%F.#G"*U sation With Friends, a chance to talk about arts in our community, at 6 p.m. in the lower lobby. Get $,79"$'%).*%$("%7.#7"*$%4#<I.*%$("%<,##"*%4$%2220 5,<</"=>*+0"<>I4*$'%.*%^^YUYX_`0 9?=J$K(:($F-;#$*+&,'$3-&1"($_+/4K2;$8=5JJJ($6221$+<+-,+3,*($ D*.*!;"$<*;*&+."5$"/#2,+&"#-K"$+.1$/2::0.-;'$K&2E&+:"($ 388­9311. D&+.12.$P*.-2&$H*.;*&5$D&+.12.($6-&";$+.1$;#-&1$)2.1+'"($^$ p.m. Refreshments sold. 247­3121. D&+.12.$ G:*&-/+.$ Z*E-2.($ L0*"1+'5$ F+&:A0K"$ ^?79$ K(:(5$ regular games 7 p.m. Food available, complimentary hot tea and coffee. f6[$ U2";$ ICB=5$ )-11,*30&'($ )2.1+'($ W22&"$ 2K*.$ 9$ K(:(5$ h0-/4-*"$^?79$K(:(5$&*E0,+&$3-.E2$I$K(:($=CCAN@^C( EAP18JQ6QPC%6J!K6 D-Y3'$ )*:2&-+,$ Z-3&+&'$ D224$ P+,*5$ f*&E*..*"($ )2.1+'5$ 12:30­8 p.m.; Tuesday­Friday, 12:30­5 p.m.; Saturday, 10 +(:(AB$K(:($[-1*$<+&-*;'$2%$3224"5$:+.'$/0&&*.;($U&2/**1"$ support library programs and materials. D&+.12.$6&**$U03,-/$Z-3&+&'$D224$P+,*($)+'$=AR/;($7=5$BJ7B($ Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.­4 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.­2 p.m. Sales support the purchase of materials for the circulat­ ing library collections. >,",*'$U03,-/$Z-3&+&'$D224$P+,*($6-&";$P+;0&1+'5$77$+(:(A=$K(:($ >.%2?$=CCA@JN9( V-K;2.$g.-;*1$)*;#21-";$H#0&/#$6,*+$)+&4*;c6+&:*&"O$)+&4*;($

Saturdays, 9 a.m.­noon until late fall. Food, antiques, quilts, 3224"$+.1$:2&*($f*.12&"O$%**"$3*.*!;$/#0&/#$&*";2&+;-2.($ >.%2?$=CCAB^@J( P;($ U*;*&O"$ H,2"*;$ -.$ f*&E*..*"($ D*#-.1$ P;($ U*;*&O"($ RK*.$ Fridays 10 a.m.­4 p.m., Saturdays, 10 a.m.­noon, and by +KK2-.;:*.;$ +;$ I9NABC@9($ P+,*"$ "0KK2&;$ P;($ U*;*&O"($ >.%2?$ 877­2367 or LF2$D&2;#*&"$L+<*&.O"$H#+&-;+3,*$)2.1+'"($6-&";$)2.1+'($7J$ percent of entire day’s proceeds go to designated charity. 1JPFKT%;A6QFT%J8?6%:%K1AFJ?QOP D&-1E*$ /,03$ -.$ )-11,*30&'($ L#0&"1+'"5$ 9?=JAI?9J$ K(:(5$ >,",*'$ Z-3&+&'($ P-.E,*$ K,+'*&$ F*,/2:*($ >.%2?$ @^BA==I=$ 2&$ H#*""$ /,03$ -.$ D&+.12.($ P+;0&1+'"5$ 7B?=J$ K(:(5$ D&+.12.$ Library. All ages and abilities welcome. H2,,*E*$ P*""-2.$ %2&$ P*.-2&"$ -.$ )-11,*30&'($ X,1*&,'$ P*&<-/*"5$ 77B$ XY/#+.E*$ P;($ H,+""*"$ %2&$ K*2K,*$ 2<*&$ ^J$ -.$ 3+"-/$ computer, opera, politics, history, international law and more. Call 388­3983 or e­mail H2:K0;*&$,+3$2K*.$#20&"$-.$D&-";2,($)2.1+'AL#0&"1+'5$=?=JAI$ K(:(5$ )20.;$ G3&+#+:$ g.-2.$ M-E#$ P/#22,$ ,-3&+&'($ 6&**$ access to the library’s electronic resources, courtesy of e­Vermont funding. H&+%;$ F2&4"#2K$ -.$ 62&*";$ W+,*($ L0*"1+'5$ ^?=JAC$ K(:(5$ Z-<-.E$ [+;*&"$G""*:3,'$2%$T21$H#0&/#5$V20;*$9=($6&**$F2&4"#2K$ %2&$4.-;;-.E5$/&2/#*;-.E5$2&$2;#*&$/&+%;"($H2%%**$"*&<*1($>.%2?$ 247­3637. W&0:$H2,,*/;-<*($T&20K$1&0::-.E($X<*&'$)2.1+'5$7JA77$+(:(5$ 777$)+K,*$P;($-.$;#*$)+&3,*$[2&4"$+;$M0+&1$P;01-2($Z*1$3'$ ,2/+,$K*&/0""-2.-";$[-,,$P:-;#($RK*.$;2$+,,($>.%2?$FFF(1&0:­ French conversation group and lunch in Middlebury. Second P+;0&1+'$2%$;#*$:2.;#5$7$K(:(5$97$)+-.($X.]2'$un déjeuner français$ F-;#$ %&**$ +%;*&A,0./#$ /2%%**($ >.%2?$ //#+:3*&,+-.i Jam session for teens in Middlebury. Second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 3:30­4:30 p.m., Addison Central L**.$ H*.;*&5$ N@$ )+-.$ P;($ D&-.E$ '20&$ 2F.$ -.";&0:*.;$ 2&$ borrow one of ours. To register, call Robin or Jutta at 388­3910. j.-;;-.E$ +.1$ V0E$ M224-.E$ -.$ D&+.12.($ 6-&";$ +.1$ ;#-&1$ [*1.*"1+'"$2%$*+/#$:2.;#5$^?=JAC?=J$K(:($D&+.12.$Z-3&+&'($ U&2]*/;$"#+&-.E5$-1*+$E+;#*&-.E$+.1$;*Y;-,*$/+:+&+1*&-*( j.-;;-.E$E&20K$-.$D&+.12.($L#0&"1+'5$7A=$K(:(5$D&+.12.$P*.-2&$ Center. 247­3121. j.-;;-.E$E&20K$-.$Z-./2,.($P0.1+'$a*Y/*K;$,+";$P0.1+'$2%$;#*$ month), 3­5 p.m. Lincoln Library. 453­2665. Knitting group in Vergennes. Third Saturday, 11 a.m.­1 p.m. D-Y3'$ )*:2&-+,$ Z-3&+&'($ >.%2&:+,$ +""-";+./*$ K&2<-1*1($ G&+3*,,+$ M2,S+K%*,5$ @@=A9BC@$ aF**41+'"b5$ CIIAB7IB$ a*<*.-.E"b$2&$+&+#2i<*&-S2.(.*;( Maiden Vermont women’s barbershop chorus, under the direc­ ;-2.$2%$Z-.1-$D2&;.*'5$-"$2K*.$;2$F2:*.$2%$+,,$+E*"($L#*$E&20K$ sings four­part a cappella music from traditional barbershop ;2$ 122AF2K$ +.1$ D&2+1F+'($ V*#*+&"+,"$L#0&"1+'"5$ IAN?=J$ K(:(5$H2&.F+,,$P/#22,($>.%2?$NCNA9@=9$2&$E2$;2$FFF(:+-1­ )-11,*30&'$H2,,*E*$H2::0.-;'$H#2&0"($)*+1$H#+K*,($RK*.$ to all singers without auditions. Conductor Jeff Rehbach, 443­5811; manager Mary Longey, 236­7933.

See an extended calendar and a full listing of


on the Web at

Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 — PAGE 11A



Goings on



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Jackson, Provencher UPIVPMMP&" W" F$,''." ,'8" &?.S3.'" :,2()0'" 0X" U.-9.''.)" ,''0>'2."?3.".'9,9.H.'?"0X"?3.$-" 8,>93?.-4" +-$)?$'." A;" :,2()0'4" ?0" B$23,.%" A;" " /-01.'23.-4" )0'" 0X" J0)?.-" ,'8" A$'8," /-01.'23.-" 0X" &,%$)7>-6;" @'" Y2?;" <Z4" <=[O4" L.88$'9"3,)"7..'"S%,''.8",?"?3." Y%8"A,'?.-'"$'"C3,-%0??.;

Waltham to lose a school director, Panton will be seeking selectman BY ANDY KIRKALDY \'" /,'?0'4" K0L'" C%.-(" :.,'" /@MKYM"W"@"%0'9?$H."5,%?3,H" B$%%.-" ),$8" &.%.2?H,'" #$%%" )2300%"8$-.2?0-"L$%%"-.S0-?.8%6")?.S" A,''$'9^)" ?.-H" L$%%" .a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“In my mind ,'"0S.'").,?"?3.-.;" ).-1.8" '0?" 0'%6" @" S0)$?$0'" 0'" ?3." 0'" ?3." U]G&" that’s a huge loss, /,'?0'" 70,-8" 0X" 70,-84" 7>?" ,%)0" (Kristin Bristow %$)?.-)" -.H,$')" ?3." @ML&]" 0S.'" ,X?.-" ," <=[<" 70,-84" X0-" ,70>?" has) been a huge -.)$9',?$0';" ," 8.2,8.R,'8R,R champion of the \'" @88$)0'4" 3,%X4" Y^#-$.'" ),$84" L3.-." 10?.-)" L$%%" schools and the ,'8" L$%%" 7." )0-.%6" 2,)?" S,S.-" 7,%%0?)" H$)).8" >'%.))" )3." district.” 0'"B,-23"b4").%.2?R 3,)" ," %,)?RH$'>?." — Tom O’Brien, Addison 70,-8" $'2>H7.'?)" 23,'9."0X"3.,-?;" Northwest Supervisory &?.1.'" K0--.6" ,'8" _\'" H6" H$'8" Union Superintendent :06" /0>%$0?" X$%.8" ?3,?^)","3>9."%0))4`" S,S.-)" ,'8" ,-." Y^#-$.'" ),$8;" ->''$'9">'0SS0).8" _&3.^)"7..'","3>9." X0-"?3-..R",'8"?L0R 23,HS$0'" 0X" ?3." )2300%)" ,'8" ?3." 6.,-"?.-H)4"-.)S.2?$1.%6;" 8$)?-$2?;` @%)0" >'0SS0).8" ,-." ?3-.." I.)$8.'?)" L$%%" ,22.S?" '0H$',R @88$)0'" C.'?-,%" &2300%" 70,-8" ?$0')" X-0H" ?3." X%00-" ?0" -.S%,2." 2,'8$8,?.)c" V.0-9." A,L-.'2." X0-" #-$)?0L4" L30" 20>%8" '0?" 7." $HH.R ,"?3-..R6.,-"?.-H4"K$H"A$'8.'H.6-" 8$,?.%6"-.,23.8"7.X0-."?3."8.,8%$'." X0-" ," ?L0R6.,-" ?.-H4" ,'8" :$%%" X0-"?3$)".8$?$0'"0X"?3."Independent; #0>-9.0$)" X0-" ?3." 7,%,'2." 0X" ," @%)0" $'" 5,%?3,H4" ?3." ?.-H)" ?.-H" ?0" L3$23" )3." L,)" ,SS0$'?.8" 0X" &.%.2?H,'" +.1$'" #0>-80'4" $'"<=[<; U.-9.''.)" ]'$0'" P%.H.'?,-6" K0L'" C%.-(" B,-$%%," 5.774" &2300%"70,-8"H.H7.-"+,?."B,-?$'4" L30" L,)" ,SS0$'?.8" $'" :,'>,-6" ?0" ,'8"K0L'"C%.-("B,-6"+$')0'",%)0" -.S%,2." %0'9?$H." ?0L'" 2%.-(" :,'." ,%%".aS$-."$'"B,-23;" V-,2." >S0'" V-,2.^)" -.?$-.H.'?4" $)" +$')0'" ),$8" )3." L0>%8" )..(" ?0" 0'" ?3." 7,%%0?" X0-" ?3." X$-)?" ?$H." W" 7." '0H$',?.8" ,9,$'4" ,'8" ?3,?" $?" 5.77"$)"->''$'9">'0SS0).8"X0-"3.-" L,)" 3.-" >'8.-)?,'8$'9" ?3,?" 70?3" S0)$?$0'; #0>-80'" ,'8" B,-?$'" ,%)0" 30S." ?0" Andy Kirkaldy may be reached at -.?,$'"?3.$-"S0)$?$0');"

milestones births

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Don’t miss the winter wellness focus in the upcoming

Ta­da! FERRISBURGH CENTRAL SCHOOL students perform a circus routine during a performance at Vergennes Union Middle School last Friday. The performance was the culmination of a week­long workshop with Circus Smirkus artist­in­residence Joni White­Hansen. Photo by Phil Gramling

Womensafe and Midd. College join One Billion Rising Global campaign aims to stop violence against women and girls B\FFAP#]IN" W" Y'." #$%%$0'" I$)$'9"W"?3."%,-9.)?"8,6"0X",2?$0'"$'" ?3."3$)?0-6"0X"URF,64","9%07,%",2?$1R $)?"H01.H.'?"?0".'8"1$0%.'2.",9,$')?" L0H.'" ,'8" 9$-%)" W" L$%%" 7." 2.%.R 7-,?.8"L$?3".1.'?)"$'"B$88%.7>-6"0'" 5.8'.)8,6" ,'8" K3>-)8,64" J.7;" [O" ,'8"[T; B$88%.7>-6"C0%%.9."2,HS>)"%.,8R .-)4"8$-.2?0-)4"8,'2.-)4")$'9.-)4"L-$?R .-)4").?"8$-.2?0-)",'8"F:)"L$%%"9,?3.-" 0'" 5.8'.)8,64" J.7;" [O4" X-0H" [="

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FAR must raise $60K Addison Co. 4-H competed to test alcoholism drug in horse hippology contest #I\F/YIK" W" K3." #-$8S0-?R 7,).8" J0>'8,?$0'" X0-" @%2030%$)H" I.).,-23" DJ@IE" ,''0>'2.)" ?3." %,>'23" 0X" ," H,f0-" X>'8-,$)$'9" 2,HS,$9'" 0X" nZ=4===" ?0" 3.%S" X>'8" ," )?>86" 0'" ?3." .XX.2?)" 0X" #,2%0X.'" 0'",%2030%"8.S.'8.'2.;"K3$)"S0?.'R ?$,%%6" 7-.,(?3-0>93" -.).,-23" L$%%" 7." 20'8>2?.8" ,?" ?3." ]'$1.-)$?6" 0X" /.'')6%1,'$," ,)" ,'" ,88$?$0'" ?0" ," n[RH$%%$0'RS%>)" 9-,'?" X-0H" ?3." M,?$0',%" \')?$?>?.)" 0X" G.,%?3" DM\GE" ?3,?" L$%%" X02>)" 0'" ?3." .Xg2,26" 0X" #,2%0X.'"0'"'$20?$'.",88$2?$0';"K3." H0'.6"-,$).8"76"J@I"L$%%"X>'8"?3." ,%2030%$)H" S0-?$0'" 0X" ?3." -.).,-23;" I.,%$Q$'9" ?3$)" H,6" 7." ,'" $HS0-R ?,'?" )?.S" ?0L,-8" 8.X.,?$'9" ?3$)" ,%%R .'20HS,))$'9" 8$).,).4" J@I" 30S.)" ?0"-.,23"?3."-.k>$-.8"90,%"0X"nZ=4===" 76"&.S?;"[; \'" %$H$?.8" )?>8$.)" ?3." H.8$2,?$0'" #,2%0X.'" 3,)" )30L'" 9-.,?" S-0H$)." $'"8.2-.,)$'9",88$2?$1."2-,1$'9;"K3." ]'$1.-)$?6" 0X" /.'')6%1,'$," ,%-.,86" 3,)"?3."M\G"9-,'?"?0")?>86"7,2%0X.'"

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Health & Well­being Supplement in the Thursday, February 14th edition. ADDISON COUNTY


VERMONT’S TWICE­WEEKLY NEWSPAPER !"##$%&'()*+,-+./0/1+2+34.56+14478988+2+:::;<##"=>?@?#%A%?#%?B;C>D+ !""#$"""%&%'())*+,-./ "00#12!2%&%3+.4+55+6

PAGE 12A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013

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H&4$)&45&<+.$#;#$&+)&[+/"#& W+%,(%9&*7$%$&H&-/$!&)(&3(&)(&:7$:6& (-)&)7$&#$*&*+")&/)+J&$+:7&5$+%0&SK 7$&"/&+&,.(#!$&'%(4&\$##/5.<+#"+&+#!& "4>%$//$!&4$&%"37)&+*+50&SK7$&."6$/&+&3((!& book, work in the garden, and spending ;4$&*")7&(-%&!+-37)$%/&+#!&3%+#!/(#0&&1& .(<$&('&3$.+)(&+#!&%$!&*"#$&4"37)&,$&45& ,"33$/)&:(4>$;;(#0&SK7$&"/&<$%5&3((!& +)&(%3+#"]+;(#&+#!&)+/6Z(%"$#)$!9&,-)& +8$%&+.4(/)&^P&5$+%/&7"/K7$%&4+"#& >%(L$:)&"/&/;..&#()&:(4>.$)$!& +#!&H&+4&<$%5&)7+#6'-.0

A5&?+.$#;#$&"/&/4+%)&_\7@`9&!$!":+)$!9& +%;:-.+)$9&*$.:(4"#39&)7$&>$%'$:)&7(/)9& professionally respected, recently promoted )(&)(>&>(/";(#9&.(<$/&)(&7$+%&>$(>.$=/& /)(%"$/9&+#!&3%$*&->&"#&H#!"+#+0&&

A5&<+.$#;#$&(*#/&+&#"85& shop on Main Street with a ,$+-;'-.&,+:6&>(%:70

My spouse spends the days keeping our neighbors warm and 7$.>"#3&)(&"4>%(<$&A"!!.$,-%50&&1)& #"37)&/K7$&$#L(5/&/>$#!"#3&;4$&*")7& '%"$#!/9&'+4".5&+#!&>.+5"#3&\+!!.$&[+..0&& T#&)7$&*$$6$#!/&5(-&4+5&E#!& 45&>+%)#$%&+)&)7$&S#(*&[(*.& teaching our toddler how to ski.




My partner is a :(.(%'-.&>$%/(#&*7(&E#!/& "#/>"%+;(#&"#&)7$&.+#!/:+>$0& One might say this work is a holy mission that comes to mind when dishing out dessert.

Correctly match the local couples and enter to win one of three amazing Valentine’s Day packages, donated from some of our favorite local businesses. to the tries in before n e r u t yo Bring Independen 13 for ry n a o u is r d b d e A sday, F enter Wedne r chance to u g o y win . the dra


A5&/"3#"E:+#)&()7$%& really knows Addison County geography and the way around a home.

You may also submit your entry by sending an email to Christy@ addisonindependent. com.

Prizes can be redeemed at any time, not just on Valentine’s Day!





A5&<+.$#;#$&"/&+#&1!!"/(#& #+;<$&*7(&3%$*&->&4".6"#3&:(*/& +#!&4+6"#3&7+50&H&6#$*&/K7$&*+/&)7$&(#$& *7$#&H&.$+%#$!&)7"/&/(4$(#$&+.%$+!5&6#$*& 7(*&)(&/$*&(#&+&,-R(#&+#!&4+6$&+&)-#+& :+//$%(.$&'%(4&/:%+):70&T-%&!+-37)$%/&7+<$& 45&/>(-/$&U*%+>>$!&+%(-#!&)7$"%&E#3$%/V0& SK7$&.(<$/&1-/;#&W$+.$5/9&+#;I-$&:+%/9& +-!"(&,((6/9&X%$+)&@+#$/9&)7$&Y010& @(!3$%/9&+#!&4$0






Your Answers: A Name:



Middlebury Inn

Floral Design & Gifts

8 Bakery Lane,Middlebury, DowntownVt.Middlebury, VT !"#$%!!$%&""'(')))$*+,--,.*/-01232$4,.

he warm and cozy atmosphere of the charming Waybury Inn will make this complimentary !"##$%&'(%&)*(&+&'+,-.(-/&!+)$0&1&2(%+.&+%%+#3$4$#)& from Blossom Basket&*"..&,$&5(-%/&)(&)+6$&7(4$&+8$%& )7$&4$+.9&/(&5(-&:+#&)%$+/-%$&)7"/&%(4+#;:&$<$#"#3& .(#3&+8$%&")=/&>+/)0



Fire and Ice

The Blossom Basket


7+%$&5(-%&?+.$#;#$=/&@+5&*")7&5(-%&7(#$5&+)&Fire & Ice Restaurant& "#& A"!!.$,-%5& *")7& +& BCD& 3"8& :$%;E:+)$&'(%&5(-%&4$+.0&F"%$&G&H:$=/&:.+//":&:7+%4&+#!& "4>%$//"<$&4$#-&*"..&,$&/-%$&)(&/+;/'5&+#5&>+.+)$0&1& .(<$.5&,(-I-$)&!(#+)$!&'%(4&Middlebury Floral will 7$.>&5(-&"4>%$//&5(-%&!+)$&$<$#&'-%)7$%9&4+6"#3&)7"/& +&?+.$#;#$=/&@+5&5(-=..&,()7&%$4$4,$%0&

C Address:

A5&/>(-/$&"/&+#&(8$#&/$$#& Main Street “mogul “ who hangs out in an old ice cream parlor.

You could say that my partner inherited a :(##$:;(#&)(&.+#!&+#!&>%(>$%)5& '%(4&7$%&'+)7$%9&+#!&:(#<$5/&)7"/& "#)$%$/)&)(&4+#50&W(*$<$%9&#(&.+#!$!& gentry here; rather down‐to‐earth 6"#!#$//&+/&+&!$E#"#3&'$+)-%$0&N+/& A5&<+.$#;#$&/>$#!/&)7$&!+5/& named an All‐American and chasing our busy 2 year old and Rookie of the Year in a sport !$/"3#"#3&>+>$%&>%(!-:)/0&1#5&'%$$&;4$& *7$%$&)7$&)-%'&"/&$<$%Z is spent with friends and family. This changing. />$:"+.&/(4$(#$&+./(&E#!/&;4$&)(& make the holidays in Middlebury <$%5&4$%%5Q


The Waybury Inn



A5&/"3#"E:+#)&()7$%& knows history on land (%&*+)$%&,-)&7"/K7$%&& '+<(%")$&>+/;4$&"/& around the court.


A5&/>(-/$&"/&:7+R59&+!<$#)-%(-/9& >%(#$&)(&%(-;#$9&(-)%+3$(-/9&;%$.$//9& +#!&:7%(#":+..5&.+)$0&SK7$&7+/&)7$&$5$&('& +#&+%;/)&+#!&.(<$/&)(&'$$!&>$(>.$0&H& feel treasured and am endlessly entertained.

Call for a free consultation

Use these descrip tions, as well as any other insider information you may have, to match th e pairs!




Bristol, Vt.


*$$>&5(-%&<+.$#;#$&(J&7"/K7$%&'$$)&*")7&)7"/&3$)+*+5& package. Enjoy a complimentary nights stay at the 7"/)(%":& +#!& %(4+#;:& Middlebury Inn where a fresh 2(%+.& !"/>.+5& '%(4& Just Because Flowers will brighten the room. Wake up for a complimentary breakfast and head to Waterfalls Day Spa&)(&$#L(5&+&!$$>&%$.+M+;(#& )%$+)4$#)0&N")7&+&BOPP&3"8&:$%;E:+)$&)(&)7$&/>+9&5(-=..& be well on your way to bliss and just may decide to make +&7+,")&(-)&('&)7"/&.-M-%"(-/&>%+:;:$Q

F Phone:

Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 â€” PAGE 13A

Happy Valentines Day! Here are some great ideas for your Sweetheart! 'PS "MM :PVS 4XFFUIFBSUT #JH 4NBMM SAY IT WITH DINNER.


Valentine’s Weekend   Thurs­Sun,14 th­17th



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PAGE 14A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013

Letters to the Editor !"#$#%&$#%'&()%*&+,%-(%."),-/-&(0&,,-,1#2%,3-/-2#%4-55 Physician­assisted suicide (Bill :;<<=$>'$*$)>9#$!&0?*-$"0&'#1$@5>(#$ *))5&>-A$0-$("#$05('>8#1$75($%))#8$ with dangerous and deadly contents ("*($+>))$-0($7#$*33*&#-($5-(>)$>(2'$ (00$)*(#, B$ !">'$7>))$>'$-0($*705($("#$ >-8>C>85*)2'$&>A"($(0$8>#D$75($&*("#&$ about giving doctors the right to kill. It is the physician who must determine whether or not the patient E@5*)>%#'F$/0&$*''>'(#8$'5>4>8#;$G/$ 0-#$804(0&$+0-2($'5330&($>(1$3*(>#-('$ and/or families may continue to 804(0&H'"03$5-(>)$("#.$%-8$'06#0-#$ who is willing to write the deadly prescription. It will destroy the trust between doctor and patient. B$ :5>4>8#$>'$-0($>))#A*)$-0+1$75($ by legitimizing suicide as a “legal 6#8>4*)$(&#*(6#-(1F$>($+>))$*))0+$ insurance companies to withdraw payments for legitimate medical treatment and palliative care in favor of providing death by doctor prescription. Oregon has already documented instances of this hap­ pening. As health care coverage 7#406#'$60&#$*-8$60&#$#I3#-'>C#1$ and as our state tries to implement ("#$'>-A)#H3*.#&$'.'(#61$("#$8#4>­ sion to cut costs by rationing health­ care will become the rule rather ("*-$("#$#I4#3(>0-;$J5&("#&60&#1$>($ will discourage the funding of other health care services such as Hospice and VNA and thereby eliminate the E&>A"($(0$4"00'#F$/0&$("0'#$+"0$80$ not want to end their lives prema­ turely. B$ K''>'(#8$'5>4>8#$>'$-0($E"#*)("$ 4*&#;F$G($+>))$35($*$(#&&>7)#$*88>(>0-*)$ burden on patients who have just received a terminal diagnosis. They will now have to try to justify their 8#'>&#$(0$)>C#1$9-0+>-A$+"*($*$%-*-­ cial and emotional burden it will be to their families if the insurance company withdraws medical cover­ age (except for paying the $75 for a lethal prescription). It will certainly limit the options available. B$ L".'>4>*-H*''>'(#8$'5>4>8#$ (PAS) is not necessary. According to 60'($6#8>4*)$3&*4(>(>0-#&'1$+#$4*-$ already eliminate 99.99 percent of

all pain. With the amazing strides >-$3*))>*(>C#$4*&#1$+#$*-8$05&$)0C#8$ ones do not have to suffer as people might have in the past. According to an article by Carl Zimmer in the June 2011 issue of Discover Maga­ zine, scientists have traced chronic pain to a defect in a single region of the brain and a drug has already been developed to neutralize the brain activity that makes pain pos­ sible. The drug has already been tested successfully on animals and there are “no obvious side effects … NB001 represents a milestone. G($'"0+'$("*($'4>#-(>'('$%A"(>-A$ pain now know where chronic pain )>C#';F B$ LK:$80#'$-0($>-'5&#$E8#*("$ +>("$8>A->(.F,$K$3"*&6*4>'($*($ the public hearing on Jan. 29 in M0-(3#)>#&$(#'(>%#8$("*($*$3#&'0-$ can already cause their own death by taking an overdose of certain over­the­counter drugs. He also said ("*($("#$0-).$E*''>'(*-4#F$("*($("#$ patient receives from the doctor is writing the prescription. The person >'$("#-$)#/($(0$8#4>8#$"0+1$+"#-1$ +".1$*-8$#C#-$>/$(0$*86>->'(#&$("#$ 90 pills on their own. Some people cannot take the complete dosage before succumbing to the throes of vomiting or they may change their 6>-8'$>-$("#$3&04#''1$*-8$+"*($80$ the witnesses present at the death do ("#-N$OC#-$("#$&#@5#'($/0&6$("*($("#$ 3*(>#-($65'($%))$05($(0$&#@5#'($LK:$ states that “although most deaths 6*.$0445&$+>(">-$P$"05&'1$6.$8#*("$ 6*.$(*9#$)0-A#&1F$0&$>($6*.$-0($#C#-$ cause the person to die. Accord­ >-A$(0$(">'$7>))1$("#$'(*(#$+>))$9##3$ track of “the number of instances in which medication was taken by a @5*)>%#8$3*(>#-($(0$"*'(#-$8#*("$75($ /*>)#8$(0$"*C#$("#$>-(#-8#8$#//#4(;F$ There are no guarantees of a peace­ /5)1$3*>-H/&##$8#*("$+>("$LK:; B$ !"#$'(*(#$+>))$7#$/*)'>/.>-A$("#>&$ own their records regarding assisted '5>4>8#$7#4*5'#$("#$8#*("$4#&(>%4*(#$ “shall list the underlying disease *'$("#$4*5'#$0/$8#*(";F$Q0-2($>($ make tracking assisted suicide more 8>/%45)(1$*-8R0&$6*9#$>($#*'>#&$/0&$

doctors to prescribe the drugs know­ ing that they will never be held accountable to anyone for prescrib­ ing them? In a landmark right­to­die 4*'#$>-$K5'(&*)>*1$*$+06*-$>-$"#&$ 40s was diagnosed with terminal cancer and fought for the right to receive death by a lethal prescrip­ tion. After she received the prescrip­ (>0-1$"#&$&#'0)C#$+*>C#&#8$5-(>)$'"#$ was encouraged by the Hemlock Society to become the poster person for their cause. With much media *((#-(>0-1$'"#$+#-($("&05A"$+>("$ the suicide. When the autopsy was 80-#1$>($+*'$8#(#&6>-#8$("*($("#$ woman had been completely free /&06$4*-4#&1$75($8>8$"*C#$*$(&#*(*7)#$ constriction in her bowel (Wesley J. Smith, Forced Exit). Doctors 6*9#$6>'(*9#'$#C#&.$8*.1$*-8$-0$ one can predict with certainty how long someone has to live. There are many such stories about patients +"0$+#&#$A>C#-$'>I$60-("'$(0$)>C#1$ but went on to defy the experts by )>C>-A$@5>(#$406/0&(*7).$/0&$6*-.$ years after their diagnosis. B$ !"#$'(*(#$0/$M*''*4"5'#(('$ recently voted against PAS in a statewide referendum. Although the 7>))$+*'$0&>A>-*)).$#I3#4(#8$(0$3*''1$ as the voters learned more and more about the inherent dangers of such )#A>')*(>0-1$("#.$(5&-#8$*+*.$/&06$ it. It does make you wonder why the Vermont Legislature is trying to railroad this bill through again be­ fore it has the chance to be carefully researched and considered. What we need at the end of our lives is excellent palliative care and the sup­ port of those who love us. If the line between natural death and deliber­ *(#).$(*9>-A$'06#0-#2'$)>/#$7#406#'$ 7)5&&#81$("#-$E("#$5)(>6*(#$4*'5*)(.$ +>))$7#$"#*)("$4*&#$*'$+#$9-0+$>(F$ ST*C>8$:(#C#-'1$MT1$MK1$/&06$">'$ *&(>4)#$EU#("*)$V063*''>0-F=; Please deluge your senators and representatives with phone calls and emails asking them to vote against this evil. This could be our last chance to do the right thing. Donna Scott North Ferrisburgh

Letters can be found on Pages 4A and 14A.

Give a cheer

MOST OF THE fans in the student section in the Middlebury Union High School gymnasium leap to their feet after a basket by the Tiger boys’ basketball team during the game against Vergennes last Friday. Independent photo/Trent Campbell

Letter (Continued from Page 4A) killing each other? You cannot. Thousands of years of people kill­ ing people should tell you that you cannot. What has happened today is too much law for the criminal. !"#$%&'($)*+,$*-$#.#$/0&$*-$#.#1$ a life for a life. Like in the days humans were settling this country they cleaned out those that preyed on the innocent. Today big dol­ )*&'1$)*+.#&'2$/##'1$3&0'#45(0&'1$

judges for the criminal plus his little prison stay for taking a life is no deterrent to curb people killing people. A background search to purchase *$%&#*&6$6*.$7#$'06#$"#)3$75($ this shooter of children had a clean record. A fellow went into a gun '(0&#1$(0)8$("#$4)#&9$"#$-##8#8$*$ .44 magnum double Derringer. The 4)#&9$"*8$0-#$75($"#$"*8$(0$%))$05($ a search record and take it to law

enforcement to be checked as to his status as not a criminal fellow. Some days later he came back to the gun store with his search record approved for a gun purchase. The clerk asked him what he would use the gun for. He stated he was a hit man and needed this type for a rubout. His clean record was proof that he was a professional. Arnold C. Gale Salisbury

Thanks to so many generous business sponsors and community supporters, the 2013 Tournament raised over for the Cancer Patient Support Program!


SUPERSTAR LEVEL !""#$%&'(&")*)&")&+','-.)'/%0$)'-01")0$','-2%'30%+.)0$'-14)0&'5'6%7&8)','9:-;'<=>? Ann Clark Ltd. Booby Bags Gale Hurd JD Fuller Plumbing & Heating The Little Pressroom !"#$%&'()$*&$+",)-$./$011)-

/!-'-C(D;'6E:E6 The Lodge at Otter Creek McDaniel Chiropractic MacIntyre Services LLC Middlebury Sweets Otter Creek Brewing/Wolaver’s Randy’s Middlebury Service Center

The Right Fix Syd Johnson Sundby$2",3$+"3$."45-$6"-78$ Two Valley Moose Woodchuck Hard Cider

3CE!;!9!F'6E:E6 Aubuchon Hardware Autumn Gold Bourdeau Bros. Bread Loaf Corporation Burton Snowboards Champlain Construction Chevalier Fire Protections LLC Desabrais Glass Divorce Mediation Center Forth n’ Goal Sports Foster Motors Glen Peck Electric Goodro Lumber Green Peppers Greg’s Meat Market Holden Insurance

JW and DE Ryan +5115-94*-$:5(*$.;5$<)8*,4$:",4-),8 Langrock Sperry & Wool Marbleworks Pharmacy Marsh & Wagner Middlebury College Middlebury Eye Associates Middlebury Family Health Mike’s Fuels, LLC Middlebury Bagel and Delicatessen 2*-7"3$+-59=48$ Napa Auto Parts of Middlebury National Bank of Middlebury Noonie’s Northern Timbers Patricia Hannaford Career Center

Porter Hospital Ramunto’s Sicilian Pizza rk Miles Rouse Tire Sales Sanel Auto Parts Sheehan Construction Shoreham Upholstery SMB Custom Landworks Swift House Inn Town of Middlebury Parks and Recreation VMS Construction WaterRock Communications The Wheel Inn Wolcott Construction Woodware Wright Hartman Construction

Burnham Excavating Cacklin Hens: A Vermont Yarn, Beads & Gift Emporium Carla Tighe Coldwell Banker Bill Beck Real Estate

ASSIST LEVEL Distinctive Paint and Interiors G. Stone Commercial Grapevine Grille L&R Trucking 2">1)')178$"4$25771)?@,3 Middlebury Fitness

Monument Farms Pratt’s Store Rolling Calendar- Susan Mock Waterfalls Day Spa York Hill Pottery


Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 — PAGE 15A

‘Quartet’ director Dustin Hoffman in tune with actors Quartet; Running time: 1:38; Rat­ ing: PG­13 How often do you see a nearly perfect movie? “Quartet” is just that. First credit goes to Dustin Hoffman who exploded into our movie lives 46 years ago as “The Graduate.” !"#$%&'%()%*+%,*-%./-'%011"/'%20,*+3% the camera, he has directed a good story with great sensitivity and an uncanny sense of timing. In Beecham House, a home for retired musicians, Hoffman knows exactly how long to stay with sad­ ness, loss or wit when lingering #"453%,&60%200+%"60/7*558%9*-%:4*;7% cuts among emotions move the story &5"+<% :4*;75=% &-% ',0% >/*+;*>&5% >5&=­ ers reveal themselves. He navigates >0/10;'5=% &% -;/*>'% 2=% ?"+&53% 9&/­ #""3% ',&'% *-% 1455% "1% &//"#-% '"% 2"',% ',0%14++=%2"+0%&+3%',0%,0&/'8 @"% *+'0/>/0'% ',*-% </&+3% ;"A2*+&­ tion, add a cast that knows exactly

what to do with the material. The less. Together they make the movie residents of the retirement home are soar. >5&=03% 2=% &;'4&5% A4-*­ M*51% FN*55=% E"++"55=I% cians with strong careers *-% ',0% /0-*30+'% L*/'% #*',% &% 20,*+3% ',0A8% B% "+5=% #*-,% smart remark who steps ',0*/% -,"/'% 2*"-% ,&3% 200+% ;5"-0%'"%',0%5*+0%24'%+060/% -,"#+% &'% ',0% 20<*++*+<% ;/"--0-% *'8% E*--=% FO&45*+0% instead of in the ending E"55*+-I%*-%',0%#&/A%1/*0+3% credits. Throughout the with good intentions who A"6*0%',0=%-'/"55%',0%20&4­ is just a mite out of touch tiful lawn, play the music #*',% /0&5*'=8% ?0<<*0% F@"A% they love, and indulge in E"4/'0+&=I% *-% ',0% -0/*­ the politics and emotions ous, contained man with inherent in any gathering. a sad secret. Jean (Maggie With the approach of PA*',I%*-%',0%1&2503%-*+<0/% C0/3*D-% 2*/',3&=$% E03/*;% By Joan Ellis who arrives on a wave of FG*;,&05% H&A2"+I% *-% 3*­ reluctance and sprinkles recting a gala that will her grumpiness widely honor the composer and raise money throughout The Beecham. Her ar­ for Beecham House. He chooses as rival ignites an inspired sparring his showstopper four opera singers match among the four leads that al­ #"/53% 1&A"4-% &-% ',0% :4&/'0'% 1/"A% '0/+&'0-%20&4'*1455=%20'#00+%;"A03=% J?*<"50''"8K% @,0% 1"4/% >/"10--*"+&5% and loss. &;'"/-% #,"% .55% ',0-0% /"50-% &/0% L&#­ Loss is a strong thread in this

Movie Review

story. These musicians, who have so loved their art during successful careers, have already faced the loss "1%>0/1"/A*+<%2=%',0%'*A0%',0=%;"A0% to The Beecham. The movie offers a real understanding of the loss of the gift of talent to old age. They have a 2*'%A"/0%'"%5"-0%',&+%',0%/0-'%"1%4-8 Within the parameters of these <*60+-$% ',0% >/*A&/=% :4&/'0'% 3"0-+D'% waste a second. As the world’s mas­ ter of the pause, Maggie Smith can wring laughter from the hardest heart. @"A%E"4/'0+&=$%-"%3*<+*.03%060+% as he thaws in the presence of the secret that has saddened him for so long, is the perfect foil for Maggie Smith. As a team, the four leads are as perfectly in tune with each other in old age as their characters once #0/0% &-% ',0% :4&/'0'% *+% J?*<"50''"8K% O50&-0$%Q4-'%<"8%

Rokeby Museum to show ‘The Abolitionists’ on Feb. 24 RS??BPNT?H9% U% @,0% /0;0+'% ONP% 3";4A0+'&/=% J@,0% V2"5*'*"+­ *-'-K%#*55%'&70%;0+'0/%-'&<0%&'%?"702=% G4-04A% *+% R0//*-24/<,% "+% P4+3&=$% R028%WX$%&'%W%>8A8 @,0% ?"702=% #*55% -,"#% &% ,&51Y ,"4/%"1%0Z;0/>'-%1/"A%',0%2/"&3;&-'$% which aired in January on Vermont O425*;% @0506*-*"+$% 1"55"#03% 2=% &%

panel discussion. The three­part series focuses on .60% 70=% .<4/0-% 1/"A% [\',Y;0+'4/=% America’s most important reform movement. William Lloyd Garri­ son, Frederick Douglass, Angelina Grimke, Harriet Beecher Stowe and John Brown all played different /"50-$% 24'% 0&;,% A&30% &% 5&-'*+<% ;"+­

'/*24'*"+8% V2"5*'*"+*-'-% &+3% ',0*/% A"60A0+'%,&60%"1'0+%200+%-*305*+03% in American history, and this series makes a convincing case for their 0+34/*+<% -*<+*.;&+;08% @,0=% #0/0% "/3*+&/=% >0">50$% 24'% ',0=% A&30% 0Z­ traordinary change. ?"702=% G4-04A% *-% &% !&'*"+&5% Historic Landmark designated for

*'-% 0Z;0>'*"+&5% T+30/</"4+3% ?&*5­ road history. Its mission is to con­ nect visitors with the human side "1% ',0% T+30/</"4+3% ?&*5/"&3% &+3% #*',% ',0% &2"5*'*"+*-'% ?"2*+-"+-$% #,"%5*603%"+%',*-%-*'0%1"/%+0&/5=%W]]% years. For more information contact Jane M*55*&A-"+%&'%/"702=^;"A;&-'8+0'8

Dining and Entertainment !"#$%&'$()&*" HANNAH CORMIER PREPARES to take a bow at the conclusion of a Vermont Sun School of Dance routine performed during halftime of a Middlebury Union High School varsity dance competition last month. Independent photo/Trent Campbell

Rikert Center to host cross country ski half marathon ?BO@_!% U% @,0% ?*70/'% !"/3*;% E0+'0/% &+3% E&'&A"4+'% @/&*5% V--"­ ;*&'*"+%#*55%,"-'%',0%?"A&+;0%9&51Y G&/&',"+%@"4/%"+%P4+3&=$%R028%[($% \`a]%&8A8%'"%W`a]%>8A8%&'%',0%?*70/'% !"/3*;% E0+'0/% "+% ',0% N/0&3% b"&1% ;&A>4-%*+%?*>'"+8 P7*0/-% #*55% #*+3% ',/"4<,% ?*70/'D-% many outer trails #,0/0%?"20/'%R/"-'% once walked, and will follow parts of Vermont’s expansive E&'&A"4+'% trail. This relaxed and fun tour also has a timed race option for those

1005*+<%;"A>0'*'*608%@,0%-7*%#*55%20% W)% 7*5"A0'0/-% &+3% 10&'4/0% '#"% "/% three long loops, with hot food stops *+% 2"',% ',0% -'&3*4A% &-% #055% &-% "+% &% remote hilltop at the course’s far >"*+'8%O&/'*;*>&+'-%A&=%">'%'"%-7*%"+0% of the shorter loops. The event culminates in an après­ -7*%>&/'=%*+%',0%N/0&3%b"&1%2&/+%#*',% 1""3% 1/"A% ',0% E,*>A&+$% M&=24/=$% &+3% N54020//=% 9*55% *++-8% @,0% ;"-'% *-%ca)%>0/%>0/-"+8%E&55%XXaYW(XX%'"% register.

Black & White Cabaret set at VUHS CS?HS!!SP% U% @,0% C0/<0++0-% T+*"+% 9*<,% P;,""5% G4-*;% d0>&/'­ ment will present its annual Black e%M,*'0%E&2&/0'%"+%@,4/-3&=$%R028% [X$%&'%f`a]%>8A8%*+%',0%A*3350%-;,""5% <=A+&-*4A8% @*;70'-% #*55% 20% &6&*5­ &250% &'% ',0% 3""/8% H0+0/&5% &3A*--*"+% is $5 per person.

d05*;*"4-% 30--0/'-% &+3% 2060/&<0-% #*55%20%-0/603%&'%',0%;&2&/0'8%V%6&/*­ 0'=%"1%-"5"%&+3%-A&55%0+-0A250%A4-*;% #*55%20%>0/1"/A03%2=%A4-*;%-'430+'-8% O/";003-% 20+0.'% ',0% -;,"5&/-,*>% fund for the High School Band and E,"/4-%10-'*6&5%*+%M*55*&A-24/<$%C&8$% in April.

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PAGE 16A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013



(Continued from Page 1A) “We would not have been able to do this without (Keeler’s) active support,” said Fred Saar, executive director of ACUSI. “We feel very fortunate to have this space and to be housed here.” The Addison County jail closed last year after the expiration of a 15­year contract with the U.S. Marshals Ser­ vice, which meant the facility no lon­ ger housed federal detainees awaiting trial for various offenses, ranging from !"#$%&'())*+&'+#,%-&$(&.+/0&$+*12'3#405 6(& $"%&7896:& -%%,%.& )#3%& *& 0((.& way to repurpose some of the space, Keeler noted. “With the jail closing, it was an ideal (;;(+$/4#$<&$(&=+#40&#$&"%+%&*4.&,*3%& it happen,” said Keeler, who helped refurbish the space. “It was a win­win for everybody.” Keeler and Saar also feel fortunate to have landed an experienced profes­ sional to serve as ACUSI’s lead inves­ tigator. Retired Vermont State Police Det. Sgt. Ruth Whitney routinely con­ ducted such investigations for 10 years with the VSP. She also previously !(+3%.&1(+&$"%&>#..)%=/+<&?()#'%&@%­ partment and most recently served as a deputy at the Addison County Court­ house. “When this (ACUSI) position (;%4%.& /;A& @(4& *-3%.& #1& :& !(/).& =%& interested in it,” said Whitney, who eagerly accepted and has settled well into the role. Since coming on board in mid­December, Whitney has al­ ready helped area police departments process more than a dozen assault/sex abuse cases. B"#$4%<& .(%-& 4($& *+=#$+*+#)<& $*3%& over cases, but rather is at the disposal of local departments when they need a hand in investigating assault and sex abuse allegations. Local police depart­ ments are often running on tight bud­ gets with limited personnel and are therefore grateful to accept the extra help. Whitney’s duties include inter­ viewing witnesses and the accused, as !%))&*-&!(+3#40&!#$"&($"%+&*0%4'#%-&C& such as the Vermont Center for Crime Victims, WomenSafe, the Counseling Service of Addison County, the Ver­ mont Department of Probation and Parole, and the Vermont Department (1& 8"#).+%4& *4.& D*,#)#%-& E@8DF& C&

(Continued from Page 1A) law of 2004 allows for up to four dis­ pensaries statewide to serve almost 500 patients on the state registry. There are currently two dispensaries up and running, one in Burlington and one in Waterbury. Ford said there are almost 200 patients on the state registry living in four southern counties of Vermont who are unable to access the more northern dispensaries. As of Feb. 1, there were 39 patients on the registry living in Rutland Coun­ ty and 36 patients in Addison County, according to Lindsey Wells, the Medi­ cal Marijuana Program Administrator with the Vermont Criminal Informa­ $#(4& 8%4$%+5& 6"%& -*#.& "%+& (12'%& "*-& no applications for medical marijuana dispensaries in Addison County. By law, a patient must suffer from a “debilitating medical condition” in or­ der to qualify for the medical marijua­ na registry. State law allows patients suffering from illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, HIV, glaucoma, multiple scle­ +(-#-A& !*-$#40& .#-%*-%A& (+& ?*+3#4-(4Q-& disease to access medical marijuana in order to alleviate their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Patients must have the approval of a physician they have been seeing for at least six months, who authorizes the use of medical marijuana for the patient once all other avenues have been exhausted. Patients must be screened by the De­ partment of Public Safety, submit to *&=*'30+(/4.&'"%'3&*4.&*0+%%&$(&4(L 34('3& -%*+'"%-& =<& )*!& %41(+'%,%4$& before being accepted onto the state registry. The dispensaries operate under the authority of the state Department of Public Safety. They must operate by appointment­only, and only one pa­ tient at a time can be seen. The facility must be equipped with surveillance and alarm equipment, including video surveillance cameras and motion de­ tecting lights. Ford said she would re­ quire at least 3,000 square feet of self­ contained space where the marijuana would be both grown and distributed. She also needs at least a 400­amp power supply to run the grow lights. The rub is that while the medical marijuana dispensaries and the use of medical marijuana by those on the reg­

ADDISON COUNTY SHERIFF Don Keeler and Investigator Ruth Whitney stand in the waiting room of the newly established Addison County Unit for Special Investigations. The new service, headquartered in the former coun­ ty jail, will assist area police departments in investigating assaults and sex crimes against adults and children. Independent photo/Trent Campbell

that are customarily involved in the process. “If (the police departments) are (G%+)(*.%.&H&$"%<&34(!&$"%<&'*4&'*))& ,%&$(&;#'3&/;&$"%&'*-%AI&-*#.&B"#$4%<A& !"(&#-&(4&*&JKL"(/+L;%+L!%%3&-'"%.­ ule. 7-3%.&!"*$&-"%&24.-&,(-$&+%!*+.­ #40& *=(/$& "%+& !(+3A& B"#$4%<& -*#.A& M>*3#40& -(,%(4%& *''(/4$*=)%& 1(+& victimizing a child or an adult.” A LOCAL RESOURCE Vergennes Police Chief George >%+3%)&-*#.&B"#$4%<&!*-&*&=#0&"%);&#4& $*3#40&(4&$!(&+%'%4$&'*-%-&M$"*$&!(/).& have been manpower­intensive. We were right in the middle of some other stuff and it made a huge difference for us. Right on the heels of that, she got another case at Vergennes Union Elementary School and helped us out with that. She did a really good job for us and was really helpful.” Bristol Police Chief Kevin Gibbs has, by necessity, been the lead inves­ tigator in all of the major assault/sex crime cases in Bristol for the past 25 years. He credited Whitney with help­ #40&"#,&')%*+&/;&*&$"+%%L<%*+&=*'3)(0& of major cases that he had been unable to complete due to his other responsi­ bilities on the small force. “She has been a really handy re­

source for me, and probably will be in the future,” Gibbs said. Lisa Lax, director of the local Fam­ ily Services Division of the Depart­ ment of Children and Families (DCF), said recent crime trends bear out the need for ACUSI. She said that in Ad­ .#-(4&8(/4$<&./+#40&NKONA&"%+&(12'%& received 607 reports of child abuse and neglect. Of those, 191 resulted in the DCF intervening for child safety reasons. Forty­two of the reports in­ volved allegations of sexual abuse of a child and 32 related to physical abuse reports. “Most of the accepted reports in­ volving child sexual abuse necessitate law enforcement involvement and could thus potentially be supported by an SIU,” Lax said. “Fortunately only a few of the reports involving physical abuse necessitate law enforcement in­ volvement, since most are not serious injuries. By serious injuries we mean "%*.& $+*/,*A& =+(3%4& =(4%-A& -%G%+%& bruising, etc.” Indeed, ACUSI is dealing with some of the more disturbing crimes in soci­ ety, being committed in the shadows. “It’s a topic nobody really wants to $*)3& *=(/$AI& 6**+& -*#.5& MP"%& 1('/-& (1& the SIU really is to minimize the im­ ;*'$&(1&$"%-%&%G%4$-&(4&$"%&3#.-5I

That means interviewing the young victims gently and in an environment that is not intimidating. Organizers of the ACUSI believe they have found that setting at the sheriff’s depart­ ment. A space that was once very in­ stitutional and surrounded by metal bars and heavy doors is now open, brightly painted, non­threatening, and equipped with toys and other props to put victims at ease. “The idea is not to re­traumatize the children and adult victims with the in­ vestigation,” Lax said. Vermont’s SIUs are funded through -$*$%& 0+*4$-5& P"%& 7896:& #4& #$-& 2+-$& cycle has received a $93,790 grant that has included start­up costs, such as new furniture. Repeated annual state funding appears secure, according to Saar. Addison County State’s Attorney David Fenster is pleased to see ACUSI up and running. The added personnel *4.& #4$%+G#%!& +((,& C& !"#'"& *))(!-& for proceedings to be videotaped for '(/+$&-'+/$#4<&C&-"(/).&)%*.&$(&-$+(4­ ger cases for the state to prosecute, Fenster believes. “It is going to be very helpful to have this facility available,” he said. Reporter John Flowers is at johnf@

istry is legal in Vermont, it’s still illegal under federal law. But the Legislature .#.&,*3%&*&;+(G#-#(4&(1&$"%&NKKR&,%.­ ical marijuana law stating that towns in which a dispensary is located can­ not be prosecuted under state law. But the law also allows towns to opt out of the program. Despite the restrictive nature of the )*!A& (12'#*)-& #4& S/$)*4.& 8#$<A& B*))­ ingford, Fair Haven and Stowe were T/#'3&$(&G($%&*0*#4-$&*))(!#40&-/'"&1*­ cilities in their municipalities last fall. But in December, after a number of meetings on the topic including a personal pitch by Ford, the Pittsford selectboard voted 3­2 not to ban a medical marijuana dispensary from town limits. P"%&U+*4.(4&-%)%'$=(*+.&#-&$*3#40& a different approach. Because there is no town bylaw, ordinance or regula­ tion in effect that prohibits the exis­ tence of a medical marijuana facil­ ity in Brandon, the board has left the matter up to Town Zoning Adminis­ trator Tina Wiles, who instructed Ford in a Jan. 9 letter that she would need $(&2)%&1(+&*&'"*40%&(1&/-%5& Ford has been scouting locations for the dispensary since last Septem­ ber when she received conditional '%+$#2'*$#(4& 1+(,& $"%& -$*$%A& *4.& $"%& ')('3& #-& $#'3#405& 6"%& (4)<& "*-& -#V& months from the Sept. 25 date of that '%+$#2'*$#(4&$(&24.&*&-/#$*=)%&)('*$#(4& for a dispensary, which gives her until >*+'"&NW5&6"%&"*-&=%%4&!(+3#40&!#$"& Wiles and town Economic Develop­ ,%4$&X12'%+&6$%G%&U%'3&$(&24.&;(-­ sible locations in Brandon since last month. S%*'"%.&=<&;"(4%&)*-$&!%%3A&D(+.& is cautiously optimistic that the town permitting process will go well. “We’re a less intrusive use than what’s there,” Ford said of the furni­ ture shop. “It should go smoothly, but <(/&4%G%+&34(!5I Ford said she anticipates seeing be­ $!%%4&$!(&*4.&2G%&;*$#%4$-&*&.*<5&6"%& -*#.& #$& "*-& =%%4& *& ;)%*-/+%& !(+3#40& !#$"&(12'#*)-&#4&U+*4.(45 MB%& Y/-$& $"#43& U+*4.(4& "*-& =%%4& 1*=/)(/-AI& -"%& -*#.5& MB%& $"#43& !%& have a spot that will be private yet accessible to our patients. We’re very excited.”

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Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013 — PAGE 17A

PAGE 18A — Addison Independent, Thursday, February 7, 2013

VUHS !"#$%&'(!$)"(*$+,-./0.+$"1&')$%2")$ building safe for our students and (Continued from Page 1A) faculty,” she said. warning the VUHS board OK’d in that next step might be. But O’Brien noted that the leaky Even elements like the proposed December. The VUHS board had cut $300,000 ,&3)/&4+$&5$)2-$+.2&&(6+$3&&047$."4­ catwalks and control room in the from the $6.5 million bond rejected not wait another budget cycle to be auditorium had safety components, by ANwSU residents on Nov. 6, 08-!9$ "4!$ /)$ /+$ )&&$ (")-$ )&$ /4.('!-$ Bristow said, and she also pointed to 3&&047$ :&4-#$ /4$ )2-$ the board’s belief that the most cost­ 2,244­1,653. That bond would have funded al­ “I truly believed Town Meeting Day effective time to make desirable up­ VUHS spending pro­ grades was all at once during a major most all of the elements that we listened posal. project, not in a piecemeal fashion. proposed separately on to the public. O’Brien said in re­ For example, it was the right time to Tuesday. sponse to a question the add air conditioning in the cafeteria, According to AN­ The majority 1&"3!$ %/(($ 2";-$ )&$ <&")$ she said. wSU estimates, ap­ of what we another bond. Without “If you’re doing improvements, you proval of the $4.2 mil­ heard prior to getting into details, he want to do everything,” Bristow said. lion bond could have publicizing the said the board might Bristow said the board also tried to meant a range of prop­ have to focus on the is­ honor feedback, although some issues erty tax increases from second bond +'-+$ )2")$ 03+)$ )3/77-3-!$ about the level of auditorium upgrades about $27 per $100,000 was they felt bond discussions: roof­ were raised after the bond had been of assessed value in the track and Vergennes to roughly !"#$%&'(%)*)'##+% ing, which he called warned. “an absolute need,” and “I truly believed that we listened to $30 per $100,000 of above and other critical issues. the public. The majority of what we assessed value in Ad­ PETER MARKOWSKI, OWNER of Restoration and Performance Motorcars in Ferrisburgh, and Hannaford beyond, and “We have a school heard prior to publicizing the second Career Center students Stephen Lowry and Aaron Clark stand in the Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilita­ dison. in need. That’s what’s 1&4!$%"+$)2-#$5-()$)2-$)3".*$"4!$0-(!$ Approving both can we split )'6-*9#-)#$*26::3*8')"*;!"#*<==1>*%*?65'0#5*@%$*5#('=-#5*)6*%(('()*&%)'#-)(*8')"*%5A7()'-=*)6*=#))'-=*'-*%-5* out of a vehicle. The car, which was chopped down to size at the career center, was delivered to Porter on bonds, or $6.2 million, it, and that’s drove the bond to start was totally above and beyond, and can Monday. with. Perhaps they need we split it, and that’s what we did,” could have meant in­ what we did. Independent photos/Trent Campbell to review that statement =3/+)&%$ +"/!>$ ?@$ )2&'72)$ )2-$ 03+)$ &4-$ creases ranging from I thought the a little less than $40 !,()%*-"%&*.#$% of need,” O’Brien said, would pass because of that.” adding, “The discus­ Bristow said the process would be­ per $100,000 of value in Vergennes to a lit­ pass because of sion has been all along gin again next week when all board is there are safety and members could weigh in. tle more than $44 per that.” (Continued from Page 1A) — Kris Bristow health issues at that “I need to hear from our board $100,000 of value in “egg” and “l’uovo” (the Italian word school, and those are members before we even discuss it,” Addison. for egg), the sleek little rig used to be The VUHS board is set to meet on the issues that need to be addressed.” she said. a rusted­out, 15­year­old Ford Escort Bristow said the hard part is sepa­ O’Brien said discussion will focus Monday night to take stock of the wagon that could easily have been second bond setback and discuss its rating out what are health and safety on what has to be done and what AN­ served its last rites. Someone donated wSU residents will support. next move. Neither board chairwom­ issues. the car to the career center’s automo­ “We truly believe the majority of “That’s always a tough question,” an Kris Bristow nor ANwSU Super­ tive and diesel programs as a project intendent Tom O’Brien on Wednes­ what we had to do … was to get the he said. for its enterprising students. The proj­ ect idea came from HPHRC, and ca­ reer center Executive Director Lynn Coale embraced it. “It was a fun project,” Coale said as he and others gazed upon the 9­foot­ HELEN PORTER INTERIM administrator James Darragh pushes a gram. Nicely played! along with hundreds of thousands (Continued from Page 1A) long, 6­foot­wide car that’s been physical therapy car across the center’s lobby Monday afternoon. The of people in 197 countries — will at the annual “governor’s lunch” downsized Ford Escort, produced through the Hannaford Career Center, mounted on a steel frame with casters If you work at Country Home be stomping out sexual violence at to move it to various training spots in will give recovering patients a chance to practice getting in and out of that is part of the Addison County a car. Legislative Breakfast series spon­ Products, you are pretty fortunate, a “One Billion Rising” dance party the HPHRC building. Career center students were largely Lowry and his colleagues chan­ larly effusive about Broderick’s work sored by Bridport Grange No. 303 according to Vermont Business next Wednesday, Feb. 13. The lo­ and the Addison County Farm Magazine and the Vermont Cham­ cal students are inviting the pub­ responsible for cutting the old Ford neled their collective efforts into on the vehicle. ber of Commerce. Both organiza­ lic to join them from 10 p.m. to Escort down to a user­friendly size fabricating a steel frame onto which “He pretty much took it on,” Bureau. The luncheon will end at tions recently listed the Vergennes midnight at the Crossroads Café and transforming it into a hollow )2-$:&!/0-!$A+.&3)$+2-(($%"+$,(".-!>$ Markowski said of Broderick, who 1:45 p.m. home and garden products manu­ at the McCullough Student Center husk. That frame was equipped with caster shored up the bottom of the “egg,” facturer as one of the “top 21 Best for a dance that will raise aware­ The 14th annual Face Off Against Stephen Lowry, a 16­year­old ju­ wheels to allow it to be manually made sure the doors and trunk func­ Places to Work in Vermont 2013.” ness about the global problem of Breast Cancer hockey tournament, nior from Bridport and Aaron Clark, pushed. )/&4-!$,3&,-3(#$"4!$!/!$"$(&)$&5$04­ an 18­year­old senior from Bristol, “It turned out a lot better than I an­ ish work. Markowski delivered a which brought together women’s This statewide survey and awards rape. The dance will feature per­ were particularly active in the project. ticipated,” Lowry said of the vehicle. vehicle on Monday that, from the hockey teams for a round robin program was designed to iden­ formances by the Poor Form Poets, tify, recognize and honor the best Cheswayo Mphanza, Anna Stevens, Clark participated in work that in­ “It took a lot of trial and error.” exterior, looks like it came off a lot competition last month, was a big places of employment in Vermont, and the a cappella group Bobolinks. success. Not only did the skaters cluded cutting the two back doors out The “egg” left the career center this ready to drive. But of course turning of the car, then welding the two halves past November and made its journey a key in the ignition would be futile; have a great time, but organizers !"#"$%&#'( %)"( *%+%",*( "-.#./01( &%*( DJ Mariam will be laying the tracks. For more information email Karin together. That shrank the car length to Ferrisburgh for work at Restora­ this ride is pretty much made to be told us that they raised more than workforce and businesses. Hanta, or $60,000 for breast cancer patients by more than three feet. Students also tion & Performance Motorcars and stationary — but still very useful. Middlebury College students — call 443­5937. removed the engine, wiring and other Sylvain Broderick’s Auto Body LLC. The new vehicle provides a perfect, via the Cancer Patient Support Pro­ “guts” from the vehicle, which will Peter Markowski of Restoration & indoor training prop for patients now only move with people power. Performance Motorcars was particu­ with impaired mobility as a result of strokes or orthopedic procedures like hip and knee replacements. Under the supervision of HPHRC staffers such as Physical Therapy Assistant Willy Savage, patients can now prac­ tice sliding into, and out of, a realis­ tic facsimile of a vehicle and all its interior pitfalls (dashboard, steering wheel) without having to brave the outdoor elements. Savage said HPHRC routinely works with an orthopedic caseload of 17­25 patients. “It is more ‘car looking’ than I -8,-.)-!9B$ C";"7-$ +"/!$ &5$ )2-$ 04"($ product, adding “you can buy these D:&!/0-!$ ."3+E9$ 1')$ %-$ !&46)$ 2";-$ the budget for it.” Doreen Kadric is admissions di­ 3-.)&3$")$FGFHI>$J2-$:&!/0-!$."3$ has been on the center’s wish list How IS your heating system? around 12 years, she said. “It will be put to good use,” she Need Service? We do that! promised. Need a Cleaning? We do that too! G&3)-3$K-!/."($I-4)-3$&50./"(+$-8­ pressed their gratitude to those who Need Replacement? Let us help you determine if you do! helped hatch the “egg.” FREE ESTIMATES “We could not have accomplished this wonderful project without the contributions and collaboration of the Hannaford Career Center and their students, Peter Markowski and Sylvain Broderick,” said Ron Hallman, Porter’s vice president for development and public relations. “Their generosity and community HELEN PORTER HEALTHCARE and Rehabilitation Center Physical spirit will allow Helen Porter to offer !"#$%&'()*+#,'-*.$'/0-1*2#/)1*"#2&(*&%)'#-)*+%)"$3-*4#-%$5*67)*6/*%*-#8* more comprehensive rehabilitation physical therapy car that was made at the Hannaford Career Center in Middlebury. Career Center Director Lynn Coale watches in the back­ services to countless members of our community.” ground.


By the way


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