The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Monday, February 11, 2013
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Business Opportunities
SECURITY OFFICER ST. ALBANS, VT Must be at least 18 years old. High School Diploma/GED required. Basic Computer/Customer Services skills preferred. Ability to walk/sit/stand for extended periods of time. Apply online! www.Securitasjobs. Business com Opportunity Employment (select Springfield Quintessential VT counlocation) try store, full service w/ EXPERIENCED REEFEOE/M/F/V/D RE and 2-2 Bedroom ER DRIVERS: GREAT PAY/Freight lanes from SWANTON BOARD Apartments. Good cash flow. Sales $960,000. Presque Isle, ME. BostonVACANCIES Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 The Swanton Select- Asking $375,000. Ownor primeinc.com. board is seeking ap- er FINANCING AVAILplicants to fill two vol- ABLE. Handy Man Michael Henry unteer positions on its R.L. Vallee, Inc Business Brokers Duties include car wash land use boards. One 802-775-4337 cleaning and repair, light vacancy is for a 3-year MYKEHENRY station maintenance, position on the Devel@aol.com training on gas hoses, gas opment Review Board.
The other vacancy is for a 3-year position on the Planning Commission. Each position requires attendance and participation at one night meet527-1948 ing monthly. Residents Restorative interested in serving their LNA Position community may request Franklin County more information by conRehab Center Unique opportunity for an tacting Town AdministraLNA to be a part of the tor: David Jescavage at restorative nursing team. 802-868-7418. Please come in and fill out application or email resume to: jsuder @franklincountyrehab. Gain the valuable experience needed to com further your career in an office environment! 110 Fairfax Road Details 2nd shift from 3:00pm to 11:30pm St. Albans, VT. 05478 filters and nozzles. Must have valid drivers license. Send resume to: R.L. Vallee, Inc P.O. Box 192 St. Albans, VT 05478
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64"/ 1"6-%*/( 6XVDQ 6SDXOGLQJ ''*$& 0' 5)& 07&3/03 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH RI WKH *RYHUQRU
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Full and part time positions All shifts Come work with a great team Wages based on experience Differentials: $2 for evenings $2.50 for nights Come in for a tour! Or send resume to: Sue.Fortin@kindredhealthcare.com Birchwood Terrace Healthcare 43 Starr Farm Road Burlington, Vermont 05408 802-863-6384 EOE
Franklin Foods is on a mission to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Re-Invent Cream Cheese!â&#x20AC;? These are exciting times at Franklin Foods. Our cream cheese sales are rocketing upward, new customers are coming on board, and we are adding new equipment and technology that will accelerate our growth even more in the future. To help support this growth and assure that we meet our customersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; expectations, we are looking for the following position:
Quality Control Coordinator This position will spend time on the production ďŹ&#x201A;oor verifying that product is being packed to customer and company speciďŹ cations. This person will need to learn all our products and processes to be able to troubleshoot potential issues. A micrological background and previous quality control experience is a large plus. This person will need good computer skills. This person must be able to interact with people from all levels of the company, and be willing to roll up their sleeves and get involved. Future job growth is a real possibility for the person who excels at this position. Franklin Foods offers an outstanding pay scale and beneďŹ t package as well as a friendly, enjoyable work atmosphere. Our Activitiees Committee organizes employee functions including monthly meals, holiday parties, a summer picnic and many other fun activities. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to grow in a fast-paced, innovative dairy company. If you are interested in joining our team, please ďŹ ll out an application at the plant (68 East Street, Enosburg Falls, VT) or mail a resume to the address below.
Franklin Foods Human Resources PO Box 486 Enosburg Falls, VT 05450 Franklin Foods - Extraordinary people making not your ordinary cream cheese
Terry Hill Transport 59Catamount Drive Milton, VT 05468
Experienced Diesel Mechanic Are you looking for stable, year-round work? Our growing Central VT trucking company could be the place for you! We are seeking a full-time, experienced mechanic at our Milton location. Knowledge on diesel trucks, trailer and reefer maintenance preferred. Willing to train the right person. We offer a competitive wage and beneďŹ ts package and the oppportunity for a solid future in the trucking business.
274 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT 05478 Tel: (802) 527-0006 / Fax: (802) 527-0009 / Toll free: 800-557-9056
MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478
graphic position Graphic designer - web (St. Albans, Vt.) Full time position for a graphic artist with web experience: Vermont daily newspaper in St. Albans has a position for a graphic artist who has an interest in making ideas come alive for our clients. Candidates must be proficient in all Adobe programs, in particular InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. Position is a day-shift, M-F, slot. The right candidate will be a team player and be confident enough to offer insights of their own. Web design skills, including being familiar with code -- WordPress and HTML - a big plus.
Please send resume to: emerson@samessenger.com.
Interested in this great opportunity? Call 800-257-2828 or Email resume to; rayr@bellavancetrucking.com EEO
Velan manufactures a world leading range of cast and forged steel gate, globe, check ball, triple offset, knife, gate, highly engineered severe service valves, and steam traps offering superior performance across all major industrial applications. Duties are, but not limited to: To safely perform welding and hard surfacing operations speciďŹ ed by written instructions and Engineering drawings on all types of carbon and alloy steels and stainless steels. Must be able to qualify in one or more of the following welding processs: GMAW, GTAW, SMAW, semi-automatic GMAW and auto PAW. Send resume to:
hr.us@velan.com Or Fax: 802-863-5381 94 Avenue C Williston, VT Velan Valve Corp is an Equal Opportunity Employer
NEWSPAPER HOME DELIVERY SERVICE! No experience necessary. 6 Days a week, 3-4 hours daily, starting at about 11:30am.
Available NOW... Routes in Highgate & Swanton area. â&#x20AC;˘Must be 18+, valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, and reliable car with insurance required. â&#x20AC;˘Drivers are independently contracted and bonded. St. Albans
Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or stop by the office, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for application.
Legals Legals Legals
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Maurice D. Coleman and Jayme L. Sartelle, dated August 27, 2010 and recorded in Book 206 at Pages 768-786 of the land records of the municipality of Fairfax, Vermont, of which mortgage NorthCountry Federal Credit Union is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold to the highest bidder at Public Auction at 15 East Road, Suite 106, Fairfax, Vermont at 12:30 P.M. on the 4th day of March, 2013 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, subject to any unpaid taxes and municipal assessments. The land and premises shall be sold in AS IS condition. The real estate is described in the aforesaid mortgage as follows: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Maurice D. Coleman and Jayme L. Sartelle by Warranty Deed of Champlain Housing Trust, Inc. dated August 27, 2010 and recorded in Volume 206 at Pages 766-767 of the Town of Fairfax Land Records and more particularly described as follows: Being Unit #30 of the Eastfield Condominium, located at 16 East Road, formerly 877 Main Street, in Fairfax, Vermont (the “Unit”) as described and depicted in the Declaration of Condominium for Eastfield Condominium (the “Declaration”), dated December 21, 2006 and recorded in Volume 182, Pages 197-234 of the Town of Fairfax Land Records and as depicted on a plat entitled “Eastfield, Planned Residential Development” prepared by JH Stuart Associates, dated March 2005, revised June 2, 2006 and recorded in Map Slide 255B of the Town of Fairfax Land Records (the “Site Plan”), together with the percentage of undivided interest in the Common Elements as set forth in the Declaration. The layout, location, unit number and dimensions of the Unit are depicted on the Site Plan and floor plans which are Exhibit C to the Declaration. Included herewith, as a Limited Common Element pursuant to Article 4.4 of the Declaration, is use of the parking space in front of the garage of the hereinconveyed Unit. Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained, all in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: The purchaser at the sale shall pay cash or certified funds (or a combination thereof) in full at the time of the sale, OR $10,000 down (non-refundable) at the time of sale and the remainder within ten (10) days of the Vermont Superior Court Franklin Civil Division’s execution of the Order Confirming Sale. The record owner is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the Amended Judgment Order, Decree of Foreclosure, Shortened Redemption Period and Order of Public Sale dated
December 21, 2012, including the costs and expenses of sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Ward & Babb. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this 1st day of February, 2013. WARD & BABB Attorneys for NorthCountry Federal Credit Union By: Cynthia R. Amrhein, Esq. 3069 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Tel.: (802) 863-0307 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION Franklin Unit Docket No.: 321-7-12 Frcv MERCHANTS BANK Plaintiff vs. 634 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, LLC; BRIAN C. JEWELL; and All UNNAMED OCCUPANTS OF 634 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, HIGHGATE, VERMONT Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by 634 Country Club Estates, LLC to Merchants Bank dated June 24, 2008 and recorded in Book 150, at Page 338 in the Town of Highgate Land Records, for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 AM on February 22, 2013, at the real property located at 634 Country Club Estates in Highgate, Vermont, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage: TO WIT: “Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to 634 Country Club Estates, LLC by Quit Claim Deed of Brian C. Jewell and Linda B. Jewell dated December 29, 2006 and recorded January 3, 2007 in Volume 144, Pages 841-842 of the Town of Highgate Land Records. Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Brian Jewell and Linda Jewell by Warranty Deed of William Tainsh and Nora Tainsh dated October 5, 2004 and recorded in Volume 134, Pages 651-652 of the Town of Highgate Land Records. Being a certain lot of land, together with the buildings thereon, located on the grounds of the Highgate Country Club, Inc. located on the shores of Lake Champlain and being Lot No. 112 as shown on a copy of a map prepared by Paul H. Gates, which is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office in the Town of Highgate. The premises hereby conveyed are subject to a minimum charge of $15.00 per year payable to the Highgate Country Club, Inc., for maintenance of the road. Said property is further subject to the provision that the Highgate Country Club, Inc., will not be responsible for any damage caused from cattle unless the owners of the land hereby conveyed maintain a proper fence on all sides of the property. The premises hereby conveyed are further subject to the restriction that only one (1) habitable building may be erected on said lot. In the event that the premises hereby conveyed are offered for sale, the Highgate Country Club, Inc., must be informed of the prospective buyer and, if sold by Highgate Country Club, Inc., a
charge of 5% commission revers to said club as per its By-laws. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Grantors herein by Warranty Deed of Frances B. Pelkey, dated March 31, 1977 and recorded in Book 58, Page 309 of the Land Records of the Town of Highgate. Further being all and the same land and premises conveyed to William Tainsh and Nora Tainsh by Warranty Deed of Robert Dennis and Sharon Dennis dated September 3, 1982 and of record at Book 62, Page 289 of the Land Records of the Town of Highgate.” Reference may be made to the aforementioned deeds and said bill of sale and to their records, and to all prior deeds and to their respective records, for a more complete and particular description of the land and premises herein conveyed. The property will be sold in its entirety to the highest bidder as a single unit. It is up to each bidder to perform its own due diligence with respect to the property prior to the public sale that a bidder deems sufficient. The public sale of the Mortgaged Property will be as-is, whereis, with the purchaser taking all defects and risks associated with or connected to the property being sold, including but not limited to all risks associated with the following: a. Subject to such facts as an accurate survey and physical inspection of the premises may reveal. b. Subject to easements, restrictions, agreements and all documents of record, if any. c. Subject to unpaid taxes, assessments, water and sewer liens, if any. d. Subject to the rights of tenants and other occupants, if any. e. Subject to state and municipal ordinances, statutes and regulations, including zoning ordinances. f. Subject to all liens of record not foreclosed, equitable or otherwise, whether or not filed. g. Subject to all violations, if any, of environmental laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Vermont, the United States of America, and any political subdivision thereof, whether or not of record. h. Subject to any defects or problems associated with the real estate or any improvements thereon. i. Subject to all violations, if any, other than environmental in nature, of laws, rules and regulations of the State of Vermont, the United States of America, and any political subdivision thereof, whether or not of record. j. Subject to prior mortgages of record, if any. The high bidder is responsible for the payment of the property taxes and municipal assessments, (delinquent and current, with all penalties and interest as of the date of closing on the sale of the property after confirmation of the sale by the Vermont Superior Court). In order to qualify to bid at the public sale, at the time of sale, interested persons, other than from the mortgagee, must present to the auctioneer a deposit of $10,000 in the form of cash, a bank treasurer’s check, or certified funds, with the deposit to be increased to 10% of the sale price within 5 days of the public sale, if the deposit does not at least equal 10% of the sale price. The deposit is non-refundable. The mortgagee has the right to credit bid at the sale without producing
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Monday, February 11, 2013
Merchandise Merchandise any deposit. The remaining balance of the purchase price shall be paid in good funds at closing, to occur within thirty (30) days of the public sale or within ten (10) days of Court Confirmation of the Sale by the Vermont Superior Court, Franklin Unit, Civil Division, whichever is later. The sale is subject to confirmation by the Vermont Superior Court, Franklin Unit, Civil Division. The successful bidder, other than the mortgagee, will have to sign a purchase and sale agreement at the conclusion of the public sale. If the Plaintiff makes the highest bid, Plaintiff shall be required to pay cash or certified funds only to the extent that its bid is in excess of the sum due it by the Defendant Mortgagor up to the date of sale under the Judgment and Decree and the costs and expenses of the sale. The person holding the public sale may, for good cause, postpone the sale one or more times for a total time of up to thirty (30) days, by announcing the new sale date to those present at each adjournment or by posting notice at a conspicuous place at the notice of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due mortgagee plaintiff, including all costs and expenses of sale. Other terms to be announced at the time of the sale. Inquiries to auctioneer or mortgagee’s counsel. Sale to be conducted by Vermont licensed auctioneer: Thomas Hirchak, The Thomas Hirchak Company, 1878 Cadys Falls Road, Morrisville, Vermont 05661; 802-888-4662 or 1-800634-SOLD. MERCHANTS BANK By: Elizabeth A. Glynn, Esq. Ryan Smith & Carbine, Ltd. PO Box 310 Rutland, VT 05702 Attorney for Mortgagee/ Plaintiff (802) 786-1000 eag@rsclaw.com STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION Franklin Unit Docket No. 257-5-12 Frcv Residential Credit Solutions, Inc., Plaintiff, v. Allen J. Cook and Sharron Ledoux, and Any Other Occupants of 91 Thomas Street, Richford, Vermont, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed dated July 5, 2007 from Allen J. Cook and Sharron Ledoux in favor of H&R Block Mortgage Corporation. Said Mortgage Deed was recorded on August 10, 2007 in Volume 110, Pages 443-453 of the Town of Richford Land Records. The subject Mortgage were assigned as follows: from H&R Block Mortgage Corporation to Option One Mortgage by Assignment dated December 1, 2008 and recorded on April 9, 2009 in Volume 114, Page 261; and, from Sand Canyon Corporation f/k/a Option One Mortgage Corporation to Saxon Mortgage Services, Inc., by Assignment dated October 19, 2011 and recorded on October 26, 2011 in Volume 122, Page 388 of the Town of Richford Land Records. The undersigned represents the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same which will be sold at Public Auction
at 11:00 o’clock AM, on the 22nd day of February, A.D. 2013, at the subject premises of 91 Thomas Street, Richford, Vermont, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage will be sold as a whole. To wit: “The land referred to in this policy is situated in the STATE OF VERMONT, COUNTY OF FRANKLIN, CITY OF RICHFORD, and described as follows: “PARCEL NO. 1: BEING A PARCEL OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH THE BUILDINGS THEREON, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THOMAS STREET AND ON THE WEST SIDE OF LIBERTY STREET WITH FRONTAGE ON THOMAS STREET OF 138 FEET, MORE OR LESS, AND FRONTAGE ON LIBERTY STREET OF 102 FEET, MORE OR LESS. “PARCEL 2: BEING A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF LIBERTY STREET, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: “BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL NO. 1 LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF LIBERTY STREET AND RUNNING NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST SIDE A DISTANCE OF 55.5 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY ONE POND; THENCE TURNING AND RUNNING WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID POND A DISTANCE OF 120 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY LEON BEGNOCKE AND WIFE; THENCE TURNING AND RUNNING SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID BEGNOCHE A DISTANCE OF 55 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY ONE CASAVANT AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL NO. 1 TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEGINNING.” Terms of Sale: Purchaser at the sale shall pay cash or certified funds, or produce a commitment letter from a bank or mortgage company or other lender licensed to do business in the State of Vermont at the time of the sale for the amount of the winning bid. In any case the winning bidder shall be required to produce $10,000.00 (ten-thousand dollars) cash or certified funds at the close of auction as the deposit against the sale. The sale will be subject to the Confirmation Order of the Franklin Superior Court. The property will be sold subject to all unpaid property taxes and town/city assessments, if any. In the event the auction terms are confirmed by the Superior Court aforesaid, and the winning bidder is unwilling or unable consummate the sale, the deposit shall be forfeit. In the event the sale is not confirmed the deposit will be returned without interest. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Grant C. Rees, Attorney, PO Box 108, Milton, Vermont 05468, 802-893-7400. By: Grant C. Rees, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff Publication Dates: anuary 28, 2013 February 4, 2013 February 11, 2013
Auto Sales Sales Auto Farm Equipment
Garage Sales
COW, NECK CHAINS. (50), $1. each. 802782-5000
INDOOR FLEA MARKET Sun., 02/17 9:00am - 3:00pm The Crossing Restaurant Richford, VT 802-848-3096 for information
Firewood HARDWOOD FOR sale, $175./cord. Will deliver. Call for information. 802-868-4163 Merchandise
INDOOR FLEA MARKET Sun., 02/17 9:00am - 3:00pm The Crossing Restaurant Richford, VT 802-848-3096 for information
END TABLE, VERY heavy. $20. Call 802- CHAIR AND COUCH, matching. $50. or best 868-4194 offer for both. 802-5288938 Appliances
COCKTAIL COFFEE TABLE, elephant, 3 pieces, 24”l X 20”h, two glass tops, 41” and Jewelry 36”. $100. 802-827EARRINGS, STER3161 Antiques COFFEE TABLE, LING SILVER, 3 pairs. otter, DUNCAN Fife, Walnut Whale, seal, CHAFING DISH, VINwith glass top. $80. never used. $20. each TAGE 1960’s in orange, 802-485-8266 802-527-7421 mint condition. $30. COFFEE TABLE, OAK, Miscellaneous OBO. 802-485-8266 late 30’s early 40’s. Clothing & AccesBOBBLE HEAD $100. 802-527-7421 sories DOLLS, (6), NFL, CABINET, San Fransico, 49 JACKET, DOWN, CURIO CHILDS, Gerry, size WALNUT color, six ER’s, Joe Montana. small, $10. and sev- glass shelves. 6’h X Brand new, in box. eral more jackets. 802- 28”w, brass handles. $10. each. 802-868$80. 802-527-7421 485—8266 4194 JACKET, MENS, NEW, END TABLE, VERY IF YOU USED THE heavy. $20. size 38-40. $15. MERENA IUD be802-868-4194 Ski Pants, kids size 5tween 2001 - present 6, brand new. $15. SOFA, FREE, QUEEN and suffered perforaBoots, 2-3 years old, size, gold with green tion or embedment in kids size 10. Brand new print. You pick up. 802- the uterus requiring $10. 524-2934 surgical removal, or Scrub pants (6), ladies SOFA, LIKE NEW, had a child born with 1 and 2 XL, scrub shirts three cushion, cream birth defects, you may (6), ladies 2 XL. Ex- with red, green and be entitled to compencellent condition. $4. blue floral with throw sation. Call Johnson each. pillows. $85. 802-527- Law and speak with Call 802-782-9436 female staff members 7421 Collectibles TABLE, STENCILED, 1-800-535-5727 ICE CREAM MAKER, Donvier brand, works great, minimal use. Cost $68. new, selling for $23. 802-527-3771
ROUND, four-legged, ALE MUGS/STEINS, 24.5” tall, 17.5” diame(6), Early American, ter. $75. 802-485-8266 pewter. $20. each. 802933-8119 Furnishings BELLS, SOLID MATTRESS, PILLOW BRASS, sunflower de- TOP, and box spring, sign, never used. $30. brand new. $150. Call 802-485-8266 802-796-3119 Computers/Supplies
SILVER CHEST, DUNCAN Fife, 4 drawer, COMPUTER CHAIR, walnut hardwood. ExEXCELLENT condi- cellent condition. 802tion. $45. 802-527- 527-7421 7421 COMPUTER MONITORS, (2), comes with all cords. Work great. $20. for both. 802868-0096 COMPUTER TABLE DESK, free, 4’ x 2’. You pick up. 802-5242934 LAPTOP, DELL, WORKS great. No charger. $40. 802868-0096 Crafts & Sewing Supplies MATERIAL BARK CLOTH, country village scene and beautiful screen rustic print. Upholstery or curtains. Paid $18./yard, will take $10./yard. 802485-8266 Dishes/Pans/Cups/ Etc. RECIPE BOX, ADORABLE ceramic barn silo design w/salt and pepper. Never used. $20. 802-485-8266 Electronics/Cameras/Etc. ALERT SYSTEM, LOGITECH, one monitor, detector camera, and infrared camera. Hook up to computer. Paid over $500. Selling for $150. firm. 802933-6219 CAMCORDER, TWO BATTERIES, charger, manual and case. Works great. 802-8680096 COLOR TV, $25. You pick up. 802-524-2934 DVD PLAYER, WORKS great. $15. 802-868-0096 TV (3) 13”. $50.00 for all. Call to inquire. 802-796-3119 VCR’S, (2), WITH remotes. Work great. Asking $25. each. 802-868-0096 Equipment/Machinery SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $3997. Make & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info /DVD: www. NorwoodSawmills. com1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N
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PIANO BOOK, “The Complete Piano Player” by Kenneth Baker. $23. new, selling for $10. 802527-3771. Snowblowers/Plows SNOWBLOWER,TORO, ELECTRIC, small. For use on decks, sidewalks or steps. Needs electrical power cord. $40. 802524-4257 Vacuum Cleaners VACUUM CLEANER AND Shampooer, Kirby, with attachments. Brand new. Paid $1700. selling for half price $850. or best offer. 802-524-2559 Lost & Found DOG, LOST, BEAGLE, female who answers to the name of Digger. Wearing a pink collar with no tags. Missing since 01/28. Last seen on Pion Road in Fairfield. If found please call Lester or Sandy. 802-524-6416
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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Monday, Feb. 11, 2013
St. Albans driver escapes injury in four-car wreck By Messenger Staff
ILLISTON — Snow storm and slick conditions led to a four-car accident on I-89 on Friday morning in Williston. A St. Albans resident involved in the mishap, escaped injuries. According to Vermont State Police Briana L. Aylward, 20, of Waterbury, was traveling north on I-89 at about 7:25 a.m. when she lost control of the Chevrolet Aveo she was driving, crossed the median, and struck a car being driven south by Gregory Nagurney, 34, of Richmond. Aylward’s vehicle kept moving and collided head first with a Nissan Frontier truck being driven south by Alan J. Andress, 29, of Cape Charles, Va.
Jordan Maynard, 27, of St. Albans was traveling south behind Andress and was unable to stop in in time to avoid crashing into the rear of Andress’ truck. Aylward and a passenger in Andress’s vehicle were transported to Fletcher Allen Health Care for nonlife threatening injuries. Aylward was ticketed for failure to maintain control of her vehicle and no insurance. In addition to Vermont State Police, the Department of Motor Vehicles Enforcement Unit, and representatives of Richmond Fire, Bolton Fire, Richmond Rescue, University of Vermont Rescue and Williston Rescue, responded to the scene.
Technical hearings begin on Vermont Yankee permit
ARRE, Vt. (AP) — The Vermont state panel that regulates utilities is beginning a new round of technical hearings on the future of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant. The Public Service Board is meeting in Barre to hear witnesses on plant owner Entergy Corp.’s bid for a certificate of public good to operate the Vernon reactor until 2032. The hearings begin Monday and then move back to Montpelier for four days next week. Entergy is trying to get a state permit to match its federal license. The plant has been embroiled in a series of legal battles with the Shumlin administration and Legislature, tried to get the plant to shut down when it turned 40 last March 21.
Arrests continued from page 1
the value of the items taken from the house, nor did the provide specifics about the incident. Three search warrants for two homes and a vehicle were obtained by VSP. Police recovered several pieces of evidence that had allegedly been stolen, including copper piping, assorted copper pieces, and heating oil. Both St. Francis and Mossey were held on $10,000 bail at Northwest State Correctional Facility after being arrested. The men are charged with burglary, possession of stolen property, and possession of burglary tools.
Town continued from page 1 announced that roughly a dozen names of interested parties had been submitted in hopes of being seated on the three- to five-member board. The majority of those potential committee members were from St. Albans Town, but a few lived in the city. At that time selectman Steve Coon recommended finding out more about the applicants and the grant that will fund the study before making a final decision. When the board met on
Jan. 28, about half of the applicants had provided more information. Since there was not a strict timeframe for the project, the board decided to wait until all the requested information had been returned. “There’s a lot of people pretty excited about this project,” town manager Carrie Johnson said then. Also to be discussed at tonight’s meeting is the town’s contract with the Franklin County Humane Society and the dedication of the town’s annual report.
bles, The comfort and sweetness of Peace. Arrangements are under the direction of The Kidder Memorial Home, 89 Grand Ave., Swanton, VT 05488.
T. ALBANS TOWN — Janet M. Pare, age 46, a lifetime resident of St. Albans, passed away on Feb. 8, 2013. Born in St. Albans on Feb. 6, 1967, she was the beloved daughter of Marie E. (Barrett) and Hubert J. Pare who both predeceased her. She leaves behind three sisters and brother-inlaws Deborah St. Francis and husband, Thomas of Swanton, Nancy Savary and husband, Gary of Wareham, Mass., and Laura Rocheleau and husband, Michael of St. Albans. She also leaves several aunts and uncles, but she had a special place in her heart for Rita Gosselin, a cherished aunt whom she deeply admired. She also leaves behind two nephews Jesse Rocheleau and Chad Rocheleau along with many cousins. Janet was a caring sister who enjoyed the outdoors, fishing and summers at camp. She also liked playing bingo along with Yahtzee and trivia games, but mostly she enjoyed music and loved to sing. She will be deeply missed, but never forgotten by her three sisters. In keeping with the family’s wishes there will be no public funeral services or visiting hours. Interment will be held at the convenience of her family in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, St. Albans. Should friends or relatives desire, gifts in Janet’s memory can be made to Franklin County Home Health Agency, 3 Home Health Circle, St. Albans, Vt. Condolences may be sent to Janet’s family online through www.kiddermemorial.com. Special thanks to all the staff at Franklin County Rehab for all the care and compassion you gave Janet. After the clouds, the sunshine After the winter, the spring After the shower, the rainbow For life is a changeable thing; After the night, the morning, Bidding all darkness cease, After life’s cares and trou-
T. ALBANS — Patricia O’Sullivan Walsh, RN a longtime area resident passed away Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, at the Franklin County Rehab Center with her loving family at her side. She was born in Burlington on Dec. 20, 1932, the daughter of the late James O’Sullivan and Bertha Mead O’Sullivan Chase. On Nov. 28, 1953, in St. Albans, Patty married Thomas W. Walsh who survives her. She was a 1950 graduate of St. Mary’s High School and a 1953 graduate of the Mary Fletcher School of Nursing where she received a degree in nursing. Patty was employed for 48 years as a registered nurse at Northwestern Medical Center (formerly Kerbs) mostly in the emergency department and for a short period as assistant director of nursing. She retired in 2000. Patty was a communicant of St. Mary’s Parish, a member of the NMC Auxiliary, Franklin County BPW, a former board member of Franklin County Home Health Agency and the Lund Family Center. For 50 years, without fail, she enjoyed her Monday night card games. She will continue those games in heaven with Hilda, Elaine, Betty and June. Sue and Alice will continue here in their memory. Survivors include her husband of 59 years, Thomas; their sons and wives Timothy and Robin, Daniel and Susan, Stephen and Beth, Patrick and
Tareyn, Michael and Shelly, Andrew and Chandra and Thomas and Barbara; their daughters Peggy Jehle and her husband, Craig, Lucy Hurlbut and her husband, Timothy and Katie Walsh-Lizewski; her grandchildren Erin and Doug Kopacz, Sean, Eric, Hollie, Jenna, Jessica, Jonathan, Ben and Anna Walsh, Andrew, James and Megan Jehle; Cameron, Connor, Brady and Noah Walsh; Kevin, Katie and Patrick Hurlbut; Marnie and Michael Walsh; William and Chaland Lizewski; Stephen and John Martin and Melissa Grin and her great-grandchildren, Isaac, Connor and Cayden Walsh. Patty is also survived by her brother, David Chase and his wife, Louise; her sister, Alice Sturgeon; sister-in-law, Eleanor Walsh O’Brien; brothers-in-law William Walsh and his wife, Judy, and Maurice Walsh and his wife, Barbara; a special nephew, number 11 kid, Christopher Walsh, the sevent Smith “kids” and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, Patty was preceded in death by her stepfather, James Otis Chase; her brother, James O’Sullivan; sister, Molly and her husband, Armand Demers; brother-in-law, Mitchell Sturgeon; brother-in-law, Robert Walsh and her dear friend, Mary Jane Smith. Patty’s family would like to thank the wonderful staff of Franklin County Rehab Center for their loving care. There will be no public visitation. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013, at 11 a.m. in St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Fairfield Street. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Franklin County Home Health Agency, 3 Home Health Circle, St. Albans, Vermont 05478. Private messages of condolence to the Walsh family are welcome at www.healdfuneralhome.com.
T. ALBANS — Roland Joseph Pion, a lifelong area resident, passed away Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, at the Franklin County Rehab Center with his loving family at his side. Born in Fairfax, on April 7, 1926, he was the
son of the late Florimond and Rosilda (Blain) Pion. Roland was 86 years old. On Nov. 3, 1956, he m a r r i e d Leeta Marie Richards, who survives him. Roland was educated in Fairfield and then joined the U.S. Army serving in combat as an artillery scout during the Korean War. He was honorably discharged on July 22, 1954. In June of 1985, following 38 years of service, he retired as a Plant Engineer from the former H.P. Hood Company. He was a life member of the VFW and American Legion. He was an avid Red Sox fan, deer hunter and ice fisherman and enjoyed the company of his canine companion, Sam. Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Leeta of St. Albans; their children Pierre Pion and his wife, Tiana, of Conroe, Texas, Andrew Pion of St. Albans, Bernard Pion of St. Albans, Glen Pion of St. Albans and Vicki Hemond and her husband, Buddy of St. Albans; his grandchildren Danny Pion, Zachary Pion, Zane Pion, Elizabeth Pion, John Pion, Cody Pion, Staci Pion and Leandra Pion and his great-grandchildren Aaleah and Alexeah. Roland is also survived by his brother, Bert Pion of Fairfield and sister, Pauline Caron, Norwalk Conn., and former daughters-in-law Lori Pion, Debbie Boyer and Mary Pion as well as numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to his parents, Roland was preceded in death by his daughter, Nancy Marie in 1983, his brothers Romeo, Reo and Maurice Pion; his sisters Simone, Rita, Theodora and Florienne and very close nephews Kenneth Labounty and Allen Lavender. Relatives and friends are invited to attend calling hours on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. and again Wednesday, Feb. 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Heald Funeral Home, 87 South Main Street, St. Albans. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. at Holy Angels Catholic Church on Lake Street, with the Reverend Maurice J. Roy as celebrant. Military honors will be accorded the Korean War Veteran with interment to follow in the family lot in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Those planning an expression of sympathy are asked to consider the Franklin County Humane Society, 30 Sunset Meadows, St. Albans, VT 05478. Private messages of condolence are welcome at www.healdsfuneralhome. com.
Pope continued from page 1 successor. He has already hand-picked the bulk of the College of Cardinals — the princes of the church who will elect the next pope — to guarantee his conservative legacy and ensure an orthodox future for the church. There are several papal contenders in the wings, but no obvious front-runner — the same situation when Benedict was elected pontiff in 2005 after the death of Pope John Paul II. The Vatican stressed that no specific medical condition prompted Benedict’s decision, but in recent years, the pope has slowed down significantly, cutting back his foreign travel and limiting his audiences. He now goes to
reezy Acres B GARDEN CENTER & PRIMITIVE BARN Seed Starting Supplies 1904 Sheldon Rd., Swanton•www.breezyacresvt.com 802.524.4141 • NOW OPEN WED-SAT 9-5
and from the altar in St. Peter’s Basilica on a moving platform, to spare him the long walk down the aisle. Occasionally he uses a cane. His 89-year-old brother, Georg Ratzinger, said doctors had recently advised the pope not to take any more trans-Atlantic trips. “His age is weighing on him,” Ratzinger told the dpa news agency. “At this age my brother wants more rest.” Benedict emphasized that carrying out the duties of being pope — the leader of more than a billion Roman Catholics worldwide — requires “both strength of mind and body.” “After having repeat-
edly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry,” he told the cardinals. “In order to govern the bark of St. Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary — strengths which in the last few months, have deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me,” he said. Popes are allowed to resign; church law specifies only that the resignation be “freely made and prop-
erly manifested.” But only a handful have done it. The last pope to resign was Pope Gregory XII, who stepped down in 1415 in a deal to end the Great Western Schism among competing papal claimants. The most famous resignation was Pope Celestine V in 1294; Dante placed him in hell for it. When Benedict was elected at age 78, he was the oldest pope chosen in nearly 300 years. At the time, he has already been planning to retire as the Vatican’s chief orthodoxy watchdog to spend his final years writing in the “peace and quiet” of his native Bavaria. On Monday, Benedict
said he would serve the church for the remainder of his days “through a life dedicated to prayer.” The Vatican said immediately after his resignation, Benedict would go to Castel Gandolfo, the papal summer retreat south of Rome, and then would live in a cloistered monastery. Contenders to be his successor include Cardinal Angelo Scola, archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn,
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the archbishop of Vienna, and Cardinal Marc Ouellet, ® See POPE on page 9A
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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Monday, February 11, 2013
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