The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Saturday, February 16, 2013
Classif ieds
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www.samessenger.com Handy Man R.L. Vallee, Inc Duties include car wash cleaning and repair, light station maintenance, training on gas hoses, gas filters and nozzles. Must have valid drivers license. Send resume to: R.L. Vallee, Inc Employment P.O. Box 192 EXPERIENCED REEF- St. Albans, VT 05478 ER DRIVERS: GREAT MANAGEMENT PAY/Freight lanes from POSITION Presque Isle, ME. BosAVAILABLE IN ton-Lehigh, PA. 800ST. ALBANS AREA 277-0212 or primeinc. Must have 3-5 years com. management or building maintenance experience. Must be able to organize daily tasks, schedules and manage staff of 10-11 employees. Strong communication skills a plus. $31,000. - $34,000. per FULL TIME year plus benefits. SEASONAL Please call POSITION 866-321-1001 details at to set up interview.
OFFICE/MEDICAL www.hbgreenhouse. ASSISTANT com or qr code reader: Needed in local medical office. 16 - 18 hours per week. LNA or Clinical assist experience a plus. Can train. Send resume to: PCS 1 Crest Road St. Albans, VT 05478
FAX: 802-527-1948
Restorative LNA Position Franklin County Rehab Center Unique opportunity for an LNA to be a part of the restorative nursing team. Please come in and fill out application or email resume to: jsuder @franklincountyrehab.com 110 Fairfax Road St. Albans, VT. 05478
More Employment On Next Page EMAIL US YOUR AD classiďŹ eds@ samessenger.com
EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com
MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478
Discover the power of what ONE PERSON can do. We’re seeking an energetic, compassionate and deeply committed applicant who seeks to grow their career in a place they’ll love.
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Housekeeping Leadership â&#x2013;Ş Supervisor and Lead Opportunities â&#x2013;Ş Day and Evening Shift Opportunities â&#x2013;Ş Competitive Pay and Benefits Including Paid Time Off â&#x2013;Ş Sign-On Bonus of up to $3,000
We are an equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V.
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Terry Hill Transport
! $$ 4* 09/,8 "54+ #5(+ $: 2)(49 &% /8 4*9904* 58.
The St. Albans Messenger ClassiďŹ eds Advertising You Can Count On! Monday - Saturday Your Ad Will Be In The St. Albans Messenger And Online
The St. Albans Messenger is seeking a highly motivated individual interested in sales. The right candidate for this position should appreciate the need to listen and enjoy developing a long standing rapport with clients. This position will require an individual with excellent customer service skills, and includes general ofďŹ ce duties. Person needs the ability to multi-task and adhere to deadlines and schedules. This team player must, also, have a strong work ethic and the desire to succeed, be dependable and able to work independently and have excellent computer skills (knowledge of Macs and Indesign a plus).
Always Serving Our Readers.
Please send letter of interest and resume to: emerson@samessenger.com or mail to: St. Albans Messenger Attn.: Emerson Lynn 281 North Main Street St. Albans, Vermont 05478
59Catamount Drive Milton, VT 05468
Experienced Diesel Mechanic Are you looking for stable, year-round work? Our growing Central VT trucking company could be the place for you! We are seeking a full-time, experienced mechanic at our Milton location. Knowledge on diesel trucks, trailer and reefer maintenance preferred. Willing to train the right person. We offer a competitive wage and beneďŹ ts package and the oppportunity for a solid future in the trucking business.
Interested in this great opportunity? Call 800-257-2828 or Email resume to; rayr@bellavancetrucking.com EEO
NEWSPAPER HOME DELIVERY SERVICE! No experience necessary. 6 Days a week, 3-4 hours daily, starting at about 11:30am.
Available NOW... Routes in St. Albans, Swanton & Sheldon Area. â&#x20AC;˘Must be 18+, valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, and reliable car with insurance required. â&#x20AC;˘Drivers are independently contracted and bonded. St. Albans
Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or stop by the office, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for application.
Employment Employment
graphic position Graphic designer - web (St. Albans, Vt.) Full time position for a graphic artist with web experience: Vermont daily newspaper in St. Albans has a position for a graphic artist who has an interest in making ideas come alive for our clients. Candidates must be proficient in all Adobe programs, in particular InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. Position is a day-shift, M-F, slot. The right candidate will be a team player and be confident enough to offer insights of their own. Web design skills, including being familiar with code -- WordPress and HTML - a big plus.
Please send resume to: emerson@samessenger.com. distributor of petroleum products
Petroleum distributor seeks a dependable individual who is experienced with diesel and gasoline engines, experience with tankers would be a plus but not a requirement. Must have own tools. Excellent pay and benefits for qualified person. No phone calls will be accepted. Send resume/application to: SB Collins, Inc. Attn.: Bob Clark PO Box 671 St. Albans, VT 05478
Business Opportunities
Business Opportunity Quintessential VT country store, full service w/ RE and 2-2 Bedroom Apartments. Good cash flow. Sales $960,000. Asking $375,000. Owner FINANCING AVAILABLE. Michael Henry Business Brokers 802-775-4337 MYKEHENRY @aol.com
1. Case 2013-007 – Daniel J. Handy Family Trust/Gregory Abbott. 260 North Main Street/Parcel #22,063,260. Applicant requests minor site plan approval. The property is located in the B-2 Business 2 District. A copy of the application is available for review at the Planning/ Zoning Office, Saint Albans City Hall, during regular business hours. Written comments on the application will be accepted until Tuesday, March 4 2013 at 12:00 noon, and should be sent to the above address. Should you require any special accommodations, please contact Michelle Boudreau at 802-524-1500 ext. 262 to ensure appropriate accommodations are made. February 14, 2013 Michelle Boudreau, Administrative Officer
Something Special
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF SAINT ALBANS DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD March 4, 2013 A Public hearing will THANK YOU ST. Jude be held beginning at for prayers answered. 6:30 P.M., on Monday, FC March 4, 2013 in the Council Chambers at Saint Albans City Hall, 100 North Main Street, Visit Us Online at: Saint Albans, Vermont www.samessenger.com 05478 to obtain public comments on the following request:
SWANTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION NIGHT Children who will turn 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2013 are eligible to attend Kindergarten at Swanton Elementary School for the 2013 - 2014 school year. Please plan to join us from 4 - 7 pm on Monday, February 18th, 2013 at the Mary S. Babcock School Building located on Grand Avenue in Swanton to register your child. Parents will need to bring copies of the child’s birth certificate and immunization record.
Appliances ICE CREAM MAKER, Donvier brand, works great, minimal use. Cost $68. new, selling for $23. 802-5273771 WA S H E R / D RY E R , CLEAN, good working condition. Brand new pigtails. $150. 802-796-3119 Antiques CHAFING DISH, VINTAGE 1960’s in orange, mint condition. $30. OBO. 802-4858266 Clothing & Accessories JACKET, DOWN, CHILDS, Gerry, size small, $10. and several more jackets. 802485—8266
Legals Legals TV, RCA, 13”, color with remote and conALE MUGS/STEINS, verter box. $25. 802(6), Early American, 868-0096 pewter. $20. each. 802- VCR’S, (2), WITH re933-8119 motes. Work great. BELLS, SOLID Asking $25. each. 802BRASS, sunflower de- 868-0096 sign, never used. $30. Equipment/Machinery 802-485-8266 SAWMILLS FROM Computers/Supplies ONLY $3997. Make & COMPUTER CHAIR, save money with your EXCELLENT condition. own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. $45. 802-527-7421 In stock ready to ship. COMPUTER MONIFREE Info /DVD: www. TORS, (2), comes with NorwoodSawmills. all cords. Work great. $20. for both. 802-868- com1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N 0096 Collectibles
LAPTOP, DELL, WORKS great. No charger. $40. 802-8680096 Crafts & Sewing Supplies GRAIN BAGS, VERMONT 100% cotton. Great for quilters. 1940’s in pristine condition. $40. 802-4858266 MATERIAL BARK CLOTH, country village scene and beautiful screen rustic print. Upholstery or curtains. Paid $18./yard, will take $10./yard. 802485-8266 Dishes/Pans/Cups/ Etc. POPCORN SERVING BOWLS and serving dishes, vintage, brushed aluminum. 9 bowls. $40. 802-4858266 RECIPE BOX, ADORABLE ceramic barn silo design w/salt and pepper. Never used. $20. 802-485-8266 Electronics/Cameras/Etc. CAMCORDER, TWO BATTERIES, charger, manual and case. Works great. 802-8680096 DVD PLAYER, WORKS great. $15. 802-868-0096 GAMES, (12), VARIETY for Play Station II, X-Box 360 and X-Box. $5. each. 802-7963119
PLAY STATION I, with couple of games, paddles and hookups. Everything with it. Good working condition. $75. 802-796-3119
TV, PHILLIPS, 20”, color, cable ready with remote. Works great. $20. 802-868-0096
Merchandise Merchandise Garage Sales
Pet Supplies
INDOOR FLEA MARKET Sun., 02/17 9:00am - 3:00pm The Crossing Restaurant Richford, VT 802-848-3096 for information
CAT/DOG BED, CORNER style. New, never used. 27” x 22”. $30. 802-485-8266
HARDWOOD FOR sale, $175./cord. Will deliver. Call for information. 802-868-4163
INDOOR FLEA MARKET Sun., 02/17 9:00am - 3:00pm The Crossing Restaurant Richford, VT 802-848-3096 for information Hunting/Fishing Supplies HAND ICE AUGER, and some fishing equipment. $40. 802782-0394
BED, TWIN, ALL solid maple. Completely sturdy and solid. In perfect condition. $115. 802-527-0677
EARRINGS, STERLING SILVER, 3 pairs. Whale, seal, otter, never used. $20. each 802-485-8266
CHAIR AND COUCH, Lawn/Garden matching. $50. or best offer for both. 802- R O T O T I L L E R , SMALL, 5hp. Runs 528-8938 excellent. $100. 802COCKTAIL COFFEE 868-4471 TABLE, elephant, 3 pieces, 24”l X 20”h, Miscellaneous two glass tops, 41” HEAD and 36”. $100. 802- BOBBLE DOLLS, (6), NFL, San 827-3161 Fransico, 49 ER’s, Joe COFFEE TABLE, Montana. Brand new, in DUNCAN Fife, Walnut box. $10. each. 802with glass top. $80. 868-4194 802-527-7421 FIRE EXTINGUISHEND TABLE, VERY ER, ANTIQUE, Ranheavy. $20. dolph, 6”. $50. 802802-868-4194 485-8266 NIGHT STAND WITH IF YOU USED THE two drawers. Great MERENA IUD becondition. $15. 802tween 2001 - present 868-0096 and suffered perforaOFFICE CHAIR, MA- tion or embedment in PLE, vintage. $45. the uterus requiring 802-933-8119 surgical removal, or RECLINER, LANE, had a child born with DEEP green up- birth defects, you may holstery. Excel- be entitled to compenlent condition all sation. Call Johnson throughout. $135. Law and speak with female staff members 802-527-0677 SOFA, LIKE NEW, 1-800-535-5727
three cushion, cream with red, green and blue floral with throw pillows. $85. 802-527MP3 PLAYER WITH 7421 ear buds and manual. TABLE, STENCILED, Like new. $50. 802- ROUND, four-legged, 752-8411 24.5” tall, 17.5” diam-
SHIRT, REMINGTON, MEN’S, XL, color red, made in U.S. Perfect condition. $15. 802TV, COLOR, 27” with 485-8266 S W E A T E R S , a stand. $25. 802-524MEN’S, L and XL, 2934 Moors, McGregor and Prego. Worn once. $20. each. 802485-8266
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Saturday, February 16, 2013
eter. $75. 8266
MUSIC BOX, SANKYO, merry-goround, beautiful. $40. OBO. 802-485-8266 Musical Items
PIANO BOOK, “The Complete Piano OIL LANTERN, DI- Player” by Kenneth $23. new, ETZ, blue with red Baker. glass, 14”. $25. 802- selling for $10. 802527-3771. 485-8266
VACUUM CLEANER AND Shampooer, Kirby, with attachments. Brand new. Paid $1700. sellTHERMAL MAT FOR ing for half price $850. or dog or cat by Slum- best offer. 802-524-2559 ber Pet, 22 x 18.5. VACUUM, DIRT DEVIL, Brand new, never bagless, cannister. Paid used. $20. 802-485- $100., asking $50. 8028266 326-4260 Skiing/SnowboardWoodstoves/Heating ing/Sleds SKIS AND POLES, HEATER, KEROSENE, cross country, youth. HEAT-MATE, $50. 802$10. 802-933-8119 933-8119 Snowblowers/Plows
DOG, LOST, BEAGLE, female who answers to the name of Digger. Wearing a pink collar with no tags. Missing since 01/28. Last seen on Pion Road in Fairfield. If found please call Lester or Sandy. 802-524-6416 Wanted to Buy
BUYING ANTIQUES Complete households, gold, silver, jewelry, most anything old and of good quality. 40+ years buying! Franklin WATER HEATER, OIL County’s most active fired Toyotomi OM-148. buyer. Fair prices paid! $450. Call 802-309Call Ed Lambert 0556. 802-868-4010 802-782-1223 Lost & Found
SNOWBLOWER, TORO, ELECTRIC, small. For use on decks, sidewalks or steps. Needs electri- CONCRETE BIT, cal power cord. $40. FOUND in St. Albans on www.samessenger.com 802-524-4257 02/13/13. 802-848-3868 SNOWTHROWER, TORO, POWER Max with electric starter, 3 sided snow cab shield attached. Like new. $500. 802-752Crippled Cows Picked Up Daily 8411
Tools CHAINSAW, WILDCAT, NEW in case. Used only once. $100. 802-868-4471 PLUNGE ROUTER, 8.5 amps. $10. 802933-8119
MARIONETTES, (2), likenew. $10. each or $16. for both. Call 802-527-3771
SILVER CHEST, DUNCAN Fife, 4 drawer, walnut hardwood. Excellent condition. 802527-7421
Vacuum Cleaners
Office Supplies OFFICE SUPPLIES, VARIOUS. $15. 802-933-8119
Have You Got Something To Sell? Are You Selling It For $150.00 Or Less? Need To Place An Ad? Give Us A Call The Ad Is FREE!!! 802-524-9771 ext. 117 or 122
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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Saturday, February 16, 2013
Real Real Estate Estate
Auto Sales Sales Auto Cars
PONTIAC, GRAND PRIX,GT,2003. Excellent condition. Loaded with sunroof. Needs nothing. New brakes, starter, have receipts. Summer and winter tires on separate rims. Second owner. 131K, $2,900. firm. 802-5241975, 802-309-3510
Trucks, SUVs & Vans
Your Ad Here!
Call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122
DODGE DAKOTA, SLT, xtra cab, 4x2, standard, 60K, second owner, fiberglass cap. Mint condition. $5,900. firm. 802-524-1975, 802-309-3510 DURANGO, DODGE 2001, loaded with leather, six CD changer, all options, seven passenger. 106K. Needs nothing, very clean, driven daily. $3,400. firm. 802524-1975, 802-3093510 Tires SNOW TIRES, (4), Cooper Wintermaster. 195 65/15’s. $35. for all four tires. 802-5244257 TIRES, BF GOODRICH, (4), summer. Size P245/65R17. $100. for all. 802-3731173
Mobile Homes for rent HIGHGATE CENTER: Newer 2 bedroom, stove, refrigerator. $800./mo. plus utilities. References, security deposit required. Call: 802-527-7312
For Rent
Apartments Unfurnished EAST FAIRFIELD, ROUTE 36, Main Street, 2-3 bedroom. Includes: heat, lights. $800./mo. and $500. security deposit. 802782-9571 LAKE CHAMPLAIN, WEST Swanton, 1 bedroom. Heat/lights, snow/garbage removal. $700./mo. References, first, last and deposit required. 802-868-4806 Now Leasing Final Phase! Open House Sunday’s 12 Noon - 2 pm. 304 South Main Str. St. Albans Town Brand new 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, single story living, underground parking, elevator access, on-site laundry. Available immediately. $1250. and $1350./mo. Advance leasing incentives available. Call for details. 802-881-3003
St. Albans City, 2 bedroom, 1.5 baths, kitchen fully equipped including W/D, full basement. No smoking/pets. Available immediately. $975./mo. Call: 1-800-864-6226 x7852 or 802-524-6763 www.lmsre.com
Roommate Wanted
ST. ALBANS Hill Section Private room, large, high ceilings, hardwood floors, shared kitchen/bath, dining/living. Starting at $435./mo. Includes everything. Responsible persons. Available ST. ALBANS CITY, now. newly remodeled 1 802-497-7983 bedroom. W/D, stove/ Leave a message. refrigerator, off-street parking. $800./mo. 802-372-8410 or 802238-6853.
TIRES, FIRESTONE, WINTERFORCE, (4), 225-75-R16. $100. for all 4. 802-782-0394
• Tires • State Inspection • Service Snow Machine, Trailer Service
LAMOTHE’S REPAIR SHOP Newton Rd., St. Albans | 802.524.6867
ST. ALBANS, 50 Congress Street, huge 1 bedroom, W/ D, offstreet parking, trash/snow, water. No pets/smoking. $750./mo. plus utilities. Available immediately. 802-238-9120 or 802-658-3253.
Contact us at:
Progressive Auto Sales
69 Jewett Ave., Swanton, VT 802-524-3040 Has two full time technicians to serve you
HOMEOWNERS MARKETPLACE Reach over 15,000 readers every day in the St. Albans Messenger!
Oil Change ONLY $19.95*
*Includes 5 quarts of oil and standard filter. Diesel and Synthetic extra
4 Weeks for only $40. Call today to advertise! 802-524-9771 x 117 or x122
This is a packge for people who are selling their home on their own (without the help of a realtor). The package includes a color home display ad in Saturday’s paper and a classified line listing Monday through Saturday which includes a photo of the home! PLUS your classified line listing appears on our website. All for one economical price!!
Please call for more information: 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122 or email: classifieds@samessenger.com
This directory will appear in the St. Albans Messenger Monday-Saturday, and in the Messenger Extra - Jan. 2nd to April 15th.
DOROTHY’S Tax & Business Service, LLC BOOKKEEPING & TAX PREPARATION Individual • Self-Employed • Corporate Reasonable Rates • Quickbooks 26 Years Experience
H & R BLOCK TAX SERVICES 178 Swanton Road, St. Albans Commons (next to Price Chopper Grocery Store)
St. Albans, VT • 802-524-3140
71 Racine Road, Milton
Leslie S. Bourbeau, CPA, PLLC Accounting/Taxation/Audit Business & Personal
QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor Evenings & Weekend Appointments | Free Consultations
4657 Lower Newton Rd., Swanton VT 05488 802 370-2119 Leslie@LBCPA.net LBCPA.net
Cota CPA, PC
Certified Public Accountant & Consultant Corporation•Personal•VT & Out of State Tax Returns Audits • Reviews • Compilations
Raymond S. Cota, CPA
The Place To Advertise
Saturdays by Appointment
General Repairs • Tires • Alignment
FAX US 527-1948
Curt’s Automotive
13 Beauregard Drive, St. Albans (802) 524-2824 8am-5pm Mon-Fri
ST. ALBANS CITY, spacious, first floor, 1 bedroom w/heat, lights/appliances, including W/D, water/snow/garbage. No smoking/pets. $875./mo. rent, $875. security. References. 802-309-1721
ST. ALBANS, 2 Bedroom units at Hawks Nest 55+. Rent is $910./mo. Includes all utilities plus storage and cable tv. Income restrictions do apply. Please call 802-5279870 or email ONE BEDROOM Jaime APTS, Nice locations. @epmanagement Clean, quiet. Heated, for an application. appliances, yard mainST. ALBANS, 2 bedtenance, rubbish. Some with laundry rooms. room, second floor, all Deposit. Also 1st floor appliances, sunroom, furnished apartment. good location. $750./ mo. References required. 1 bedroom, second 802-527-7263 floor, new remodel, office space, $750./mo. Bruley & Bruley Inc. 802-524-2100
Toll Free 800-244-0451Fax: 802-878-1449
www.cotacpa.com Email: rcota@cotacpa.com 64 Knight Lane (PO Box 1405) Williston, VT• 802-878-1158
TABS, Inc. Tax & Bookkeeping Services
Call today to schedule your advertisement in this directory 802-524-9771, ext 117 or 122
42 Jewell Street, Saint Albans, VT 05478
Business • Personal • Bookkeeping • Payroll
Accounting/tAx ServiceS
(802) 527-9788
Night and Weekend Appointments Available
319 So. Main St. (Rt. 7), St. Albans, VT
“Keeping TABS for you!”
Sizes: 2.5 x 1”...$130. 2.5 x 2”...$230. 2.5 x 4”...$520.
NEWSPAPER HOME DELIVERY SERVICE! No experience necessary. 6 Days a week, 3-4 hours daily, starting at about 11:30am.
Available NOW... Routes in St. Albans, Swanton & Sheldon Area. •Must be 18+, valid driver’s license, and reliable car with insurance required. •Drivers are independently contracted and bonded. St. Albans
Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or stop by the office, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for application.
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Saturday, February 16, 2013
Real Real Estate Estate For Sale
Homes for sale
North Professionals
Stacie Callan
Bakersfield - Looking for that great bank owned deal? This is it!! Adorable cape with 3 bedroom, 1.5 baths, updated and move in ready. 2 car garage, landscaping, stone walk way, large deck open to spacious back yard. Only 15 miles from I89 yet the privacy of the country. ONLY $169,000.Call Stacie Callan for details 802782-3813.
Fletcher - $235,000. - 13.6 mostly wooded acres with tappable maples. House has 3 bedrooms, 2 3/4 baths, cathedral ceiling in living room and kitchen. Lower level could be great set up for in-law bedroom suite, 2+ car garage with space above. Under 14 miles to St. Albans and under 19 miles to Essex. Franklin - $179,900. To Be Built Proposed 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath, Raised Ranch with open floor plan and 2 car Garage on 4.65acres OR bring what you want built, choose from 3 lots 4.65 - 17.7 acres to be priced accordingly. Call Dusty Trail Realty, LLC 802849-6605 “HARBOR VIEW” - St. Albans Newest Neighborhood - Build packages starting at $267,900. Gorgeous views, 81 acres of common land, public water and sewer, numerous plans to choose from, 100% USDA financing and closing cost assistance available to qualified buyers, within minutes to I89, medical center and downtown. Jon Templeton, Realtor, ABR, 864-7444 x19 or 238-9736, Larkin Realty, www.harborviewstalbans.com
HIGHGATE Asking Only: $269,000. Less $6,000. Back at Closing Highgate just 2 miles from Exit 21, Swanton. 5 star home on 1.04 acers. 8 miles from Highgate Shopping Center and new WalMart. Vacant, move-in ready. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, jet tub and double vanity. Hardwood flooring and tile. Kitchen has all appliances plus Wine Cooler. New blinds in all windows. New paved driveway. A must see home. Town appraisal $293,800. Owner: 802-868-3410 Directions: I-89, Exit 21 right on to Route 78, left on to Frontage Road, go 2 miles. House is on left. 33 Heritage Lane. Luxury Town Homes In West Vista - Bright and spacious, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, private deck off of the living room. Near the Rail Trail. St Albans Favorite New Neighborhood. Open House Sundays 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, $259,000. to $272,000. Rood – Castillo Team, RE/MAX Destinations Wendy Castillo 802272-1955, David Rood 802-309-9218
ONE LEVEL COMFORT - $245,000. - 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, single level home on 3+ acres. Open floor plan with ceramic tile and radiant heat. The kitchen includes all new stainless steel appliances, granite countertops with attached island bar. Large gas fireplace with stunning mantle, a vaulted ceiling, and elegant chandelier. Master bedroom with vaulted ceiling includes a large end suite bath with whirlpool tub, separate shower, and walk-in closet. Bonus room above the garage, perfect for an additional bedroom or office. MOVE RIGHT IN$234,900. - This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, newly constructed colonial sits on a nicely treed and open lot. Radiant heat, high end laminate and tile flooring throughout. Solid pine doors, second floor laundry, plumbed for central vacuum. It features a full basement ,and an over-sized 2 car garage. Call Rachel Smith at S.R. Smith Real Estate (802) 5246717
Services Services
Mobile homes for sale
ENOSBURG FALLS $149,900. 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, 1,344 sq. ft. doublewide on 10 acres. Bright open floor plan. Shows like new. Includes pellet stove, dishwasher/refrigerator and gas range. Drilled well and conventional septic. Large garden tub in master bath. Two large decks to enjoy the beautiful meadow and mountain views. 30 minutes from Jay Peak and Smugglers Notch. Ready to move in. Must see! 802-393-9860 joyce_minow @myfairpoint.net
Lessons Guitar Lessons Jason Whalon Graduate of Atlanta Institute of Music. Now accepting students for instruction. All levels/ ages. (802)524-0062
Classes AIRLINES ARE HIRING. Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-202-0386.
Find A HANDYMAN in the Messenger CLASSIFIEDS
ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality . Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 888-2161791 www.CenturaOnline.com
Chiropractic, Gym, & Nutritional Therapy
drmolly.com 802-527-2225
Rainville Chiropractic Dr. Martha R. Rainville and Dr. Michele Wilkie
(802) 868-2100
William T. Counos, II
Kissane Associates 2 North Main St., St. Albans
(802) 524-9546 x15
Timothy S. Hawkins, Esq.
PRICE REDUCED 3 BEDROOM, RANCH Enosburg, country,10 acres, open concept, new windows/roof. Possible owner financing. $89,000. or $100,000 NEW LISTING - TO w/2 car garage. 802-933-2747 BE BUILT - $229,900. - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Custom build this colonial and make it yours. Lot and builder ready to go. Visit Us Online at: Beautiful mountain www.samessenger.com views. Country location. Minutes to all conveniences and I-89. 35 minutes to Burlington. NEW CONSTRUCTION - $228,900. - Customize this home to meet your needs. 3 bedroom home with possibility of an upgrade to a bonus room above the garage. Open floor plan. Covered country front porch. Full basement, and attached garage. Treed and open lot in a beautiful country development.
St. Albans Messenger
Real Estate, Wills & Estates, Bankruptcy, Evictions
17 Stebbins St., St. Albans, VT 05478 7am-5pm evenings & weekends
802 524-1434 We are a debt relief agency
Timothy G. Hurlbut, Esq. GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW
375 Lake Road, Suite 2A, St. Albans, VT
(802) 527-7200
tim@vtlaw.us Emphasizing Estate Planning & Real Estate
DENIED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY? Local Experienced Attorney Representation
Attorney Paula J. Kane
Land for sale
18 Kingman St., St. Albans, VT 05478
COMMERCIAL LAND, 50 acres, Route 7, Georgia. Valid State of Vermont WW Permit w/septic design of 2320 gallons/day. Electrical power is there. Includes all engineers plans for site boundries, septic system plans, topographic survey, site plans. $295,000. OBRO. 802-893-6219
(802) 524-7338
GET HURT? GET MARTIN! Peter J.R. Martin Attorney at Law
195 N. Main St., St. Albans, VT 05478
(802) 524-9010 (800) 227-1349
CRIMINAL DEFENSE Peter J.R. Martin Attorney at Law
195 N. Main St., St. Albans, VT 05478
(802) 524-9010 (800) 227-1349
Get Ready for Winter... it’s on the way!
Snow Removal
195 N. Main St., St. Albans, VT 05478
CNB Lawn Care & Snowplowing Salting/Sanding Snow Removal Mowing • Mulching Rototilling • Bush Hogging Stone/Gravel Spring/Fall Cleanup • Landscaping • Free Estimates • Insured
Call Chris: Home 802-527-0316 Cell 802-782-2523
Peter J.R. Martin Attorney at Law
(802) 524-9010 (800) 227-1349
Grant C. Rees Attorney at Law
BANKRUPTCY: Stop Foreclosurer and Repossession Personal Injury/Accident Claims
164 Rte 7 South, Milton, Vermont
(802) 893-7400
•Snow Plowing •Salting/Sanding •Backhoe Removal •Roof Shoveling
To advertise Call (802) 524-9771
On Call Service
Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week
802-285-6245 • 370-4303
Call today to place your ad 802-524-9771 ext 117 or 122 St Albans Messenger.
Six Weeks For Only $120. (That’s only $20/week.)
We are a debt relief agency.
Gail Ext. 117 • Fax (802) 527-1948
Email: classifieds@samessenger.com