05/02/18 Classifieds

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St. Albans Messenger | Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Our M Mission ission iis s tto o eensure nsure tthat hat tthe he rresidents esidents Our of FFranklin ranklin aand nd GGrand rand IIsle sle CCounties ounties hhave ave of access tto o hhigh igh qquality uality sservices, ervices, w which hich access promote hhealthy ealthy lliving iving aand nd eemotional motional promote well-­‐being.

Therefore, you are RICHFORD, GEORGE S. WOOD hereby notified to apVERMONT (Just Tires) ORDER AND NOTICE pear before said Court, ROAD SERVICE OF HEARING BY PUB- at the time and place TECHNICIAN assigned, to make objecLICATION Wanted tions if you have cause. TO ALL INTERESTED Full Time This is the first action in PERSONS: Experience is a bonus, Whereas, the following this proceeding. If you (will train right candipetition has been made wish to receive notice of date). Must be hardto the Franklin Unit, Pro- future events in this matworking, organized and bate Division of the Ver- ter you must formally enwork well with others, CARPENTERS Help on the Farm mont Superior Court: Pe- ter your appearance with as well as having good HELPER tition to Open a Small the Court by filling Form OUTSIDE HELP communication skills. Seeking a Carpenters P_148. Estate; and WANTED caring for Stop in to fill Helper. Experience a young stock, field work Whereas. a hearing on Dated at St. Albans, Verout an application. must. and odd chores. Must the petition will be held at mont, this 27th day of Ask for Andrew Contact: 3 pm on Tuesday, May April, 2018. have valid drivers 170 Federal Street, 802-868-5186 license. 802-309-4141 22, 2018 at the Franklin Lawrence H. Bruce. Jr., St. Albans COMMERCIAL Probate Division located Judge ROOFERS & at 17 Church Street. St. Publication Date: HAVE SPARE TIME? LABORERS 05/02/2018 Albans, Vermont WANT A Year round, full time It is hereby ordered that PART - TIME positions notice thereof be given JOB? Good wages & by publishing this notice Newspaper benefits in the St. Albans MesHome Delivery Pay negotiable with senger, a newspaper of Service! general circulation. experience 6 days a week, 4 hours Service by publication to EOE/M/F/VET daily, starting at about be complete at least fourDisability Employer 11:30 am. No experiteen days prior to the day NOTICE OF Apply in person at: ence necessary. Must assigned for hearing. PUBLIC HEARING A.C. Hathorne Co. be 18+, valid driver’s license, and reliable car The Franklin Northwest 252 Avenue C with insurance and reg- Supervisory Union will Williston, VT SEEKING hold a public hearing to istration required. 802-862-6473 discuss its application ROUTES SECURITY EARN $500 A DAY for funding of a Title AVAILABLE! OFFICERS (SALES) Final ExVI Indian Education BAKERSFIELD pense Insurance • Full & Part Time Grant. The hearing will FAIRFIELD Exclusive Leads • LoSt. Albans Area take place on May 8, HIGHGATE cal • Training/Support 2018 at 5:00 P.M. at the RICHFORD Campus Security Officer position infull Colchester Professional Security Officers needed, & part • Everyday is Payday Stop by the office to fill Learning Center OfficThe rateVT. of pay isStrong between $13-$15 per area. time Part intime, weekend evenings. customer Colchester, Experience preferred, • Agent Health/Dental out an application. es (Community Room) service strong skills required. Experienced preferred. hour, depending on customer service skills required. experience. Benefits • Incentive St. Albans Messenger located on 49 Church The shifts are 10 hours . Interested candidates pleaseplease call 603-363-8200 Interested candidate contact: Trips Thisorisemail overnight, 281 North Main Street Street in Swanton. 888-363-8200 resume so to candidates CALL 860-357-6904 need to be awake and com.alert for this detail. St. Albans STATE OF VERMONT mjackson@hunternorth. www.fhginsurance. Or call: SUPERIOR COURT Experience with Security, Military, and or com 802-524-9771 Law Enforcement preferred. Customer PROBATE DIVISION Ext. 101 FOOD SERVICE service experience a must. FRANKLIN UNIT

E mployment

Farm Help

Our Mission ission iis s tto o Support nsure tthat hat Specialist he rresidents esidents Community Our M eeOF nsure tthe DIRECTOR FINANCE AND FEATURED P OSITIONS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND FEATURED POSITIONS of FFranklin ranklin nd GGrand rand sle CCounties ounties ave to Seeking Community Support Specialists Seeking Community Support Specialists to of aand IIsle hhave ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Wraparound join our High Fidelity Team. joinaccess our High Fidelity Wraparound Team. access t o h igh q uality s ervices, w hich t o h igh q uality s ervices, w hich Our M iis ttprovides hat EXECUTIVE CCOORDINATOR High Wraparound intensive Our Fidelity Mission ission s tto o eensure nsure hat tthe he rresidents esidents EXECUTIVE High Fidelity Wraparound provides intensive EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR OORDINATOR promote h ealthy l iving a nd e motional NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of F ranklin a nd G rand I sle C ounties hhave support to children, adolescents and their Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and promote h ealthy l iving a nd e motional NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of F ranklin a nd G rand I sle C ounties ave support to children, adolescents and their Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chiefaccess Financial Officer/Director of Finance and families across all environments (community, professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, t o h igh q uality s ervices, w hich families across all environments (community, professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & access t o h igh q uality s ervices, w hich well-­‐ b eing. Administration. Northwestern Counseling & professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, Administration. && home, school) toNorthwestern improve socialCounseling functioning. Administration. Northwestern Counseling

home, to improve functioning. Board oof f school) Trustees, aand tthe N TT$37MM eam. TThe promote hhealthy lliving aaLLeadership nd eemotional Board rustees, NNCSS CSS eam. promote ealthy iving nd motional Support Services (NCSS), aasocial dynamic Support Services (NCSS), dynamic Board oof f TTTpresent rustees, aand nd tthe he CSS LLeadership eadership TT$37MM eam. TThe he Clients with significant emotional Board rustees, nd he N CSS eadership eam. he Clients present with significant emotional Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and well-­‐ b eing. Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and LEAD FACILITATOR FOR Community Support Specialist well-­‐ b eing. Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as well as complex successful candidate will possess strong writing and Community Mental Health Center serving DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND and behavioral needs as well as complex successful candidate will possess strong writing and FEATURED POF OSITIONS oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center servingto THE ACADEMY LEARNING Seeking Community Support Specialists treatment needs that warrant aa heightened treatment needs that warrant heightened Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking seeking ADMINISTRATION oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND FEATURED P OSITIONS skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft join our High Wraparound Team. level of mainly in FEATURED POSITIONS Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, isissituations. seeking The Academy of Fidelity Learning andriven. “Independent level of support, support, mainly inis social social situations. Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, seeking an inspired leader to work skills, and be detail deadline Microsoft ADMINISTRATION an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work Our MSuite ission is tidentified o and efor nsure hat the returning residents CCOORDINATOR CFO/Director skills, and be EXECUTIVE detail and deadline driven. Microsoft Office proficiency is required; desk top ADMINISTRATION High Fidelity Wraparound intensive Children are as Office Suite proficiency is tprovides required; desk top EXECUTIVE OORDINATOR Skills Building Program” that serves adults with Children are identified as returning an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work EXECUTIVE C OORDINATOR closely with the CEO and the leadership Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of F ranklin a nd G rand I sle C ounties h ave EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR support to children, adolescents and their publishing skills and event planning experience are closely with the CEO and the leadership Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and from community placements or at risk of Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top Intellectual Disabilities. The academy provides publishing skills and event planning experience are a from community placements or at risk ofa NCSS has an opportunity for ofofa a Finance consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director Finance and NCSS has an opportunity for consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate closely with the CEO and the leadership families across all environments (community, Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and leaving the community. Staff is responsible professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, publishing skills and event planning experience are a team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong closely with the CEO and the leadership access to high qopportunity uality saaervices, w hich plus! AA The BBachelor’s ddan egree iin aan ppropriate ffield, pplus individuals with to engage in leaving the community. Staff is responsible publishing skills and event planning experience are a team. CFO/Director will possess a strong Administration. Northwestern Counseling & plus! achelor’s egree n n ppropriate ield, lus professional ttto o sssupport he xecutive irector, professional o dddirectly irectly upport tttsocial he xecutive DD irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & professional irectly upport he EEExecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & home, school) to improve functioning. for coordinating services and perspectives Administration. Northwestern Counseling & hands on learning through theme based activities Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he for coordinating services and perspectives three to five years relevant experience, or an promote h ealthy l iving a nd e motional team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate f ield, p lus financial management background, combined three to five years relevant experience, or an team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate f ield, p lus Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he financial management background, combined Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM Board f Tpresent Trustees, rustees, nd N CSS T$37MM eam. The Board oof the aand ttreatment he Nsignificant CSS eadership TLooking eam. Tare he Support Services (NCSS), dynamic $37MM Clients with emotional across client’s team. Support Services (NCSS), aaaLLeadership dynamic of daily living within their communities. We across the client’s treatment team. Looking Support Services (NCSS), dynamic $37MM successful will possess strong writing and equivalent combination of education experience well-­‐ bbackground, eing. successful candidate will possess strong writing three to five years relevant experience, or an equivalent combination of Health education and experience with thorough competencies inand accounting financial management combined successful candidate will possess strong writing and three to forcandidate five years relevant experience, or and an with thorough competencies in accounting Community Mental Center serving financial management background, combined Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as well as complex for individuals who are comfortable working successful candidate will possess strong writing and Community Mental Health Center serving looking a positive, energetic, individual who for individuals who are comfortable working oral communication excellent interpersonal oral communication excellent interpersonal is rrFranklin equired. TTand his ccof ould bbskills, e yyHealth our oopportunity tto w oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Center is equired. his ould e Isle our pportunity o serving work ork iin n equivalent combination of education experience treatment needs that warrant aand heightened practices, administration, and information Grand Isle Counties, is seeking equivalent combination of education and experience with children different ages and with thorough competencies in accounting practices, administration, anddriven. information Franklin and Grand Counties, istreatment seeking would be responsible for curriculum building, Franklin and Grand Counties, isinterpersonal seeking with children of different ages and treatment with thorough competencies in accounting oral communication skills, excellent skills, and be detail and deadline Microsoft DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft a quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your FEATURED P OSITIONS a quality, mission-­‐ driven organization, where your level of support, mainly in social situations. needs one-on-one across environments. an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work is r equired. T his c ould b e y our o pportunity t o w ork i n Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking facilitator training, outcomes reporting, and needs one-on-one across environments. an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work is r equired. T his c ould b e y our o pportunity t o w ork i n systems interfaces and advancements, Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top systems interfaces and advancements, an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work practices, administration, and information Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft ADMINISTRATION practices, administration, and information Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top individual eefforts ttthe ruly m ake aaand rrewarding ddreturning ifference iin Children are identified as Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, individual fforts ruly mCEO ake organization, ewarding ifference n closely with the leadership hands on teaching. Applicant must have the Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, publishing skills and event planning experience are a a quality, mission-­‐ d riven where your closely with the CEO and the leadership publishing skills and event planning experience are a an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work a quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your combined with aa strong belief in participatory EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR combined with strong belief in participatory closely with the CEO and the leadership Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top systems interfaces and advancements, publishing skills and event planning experience are from community placements or at risk of people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and a team player. Applicant will be joining aa systems interfaces and advancements, team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate f ield, p lus ability to develop a learning environment people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and a team player. Applicant will be joining team. The CFO/Director possess strong plus! A Financial Beeachelor’s degree in will aaan afor ppropriate field, plus iin individual fforts ttruly m ake ewarding ddaifference NCSS has an opportunity a consummate individual fforts ruly m ake ewarding ifference n aa Chief Officer/Director of Finance and leadership. Experience aa n rrStaff health care closely with the CEO the leadership leaving the community. is responsible dynamic, enthusiastic team, who are motivated publishing skills and event planning experience are leadership. Experience in health care setting team. CFO/Director will possess afsetting strong plus! A The Bto achelor’s degree iin n supportive, aand appropriate ield, pan lus three five years relevant experience, or love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ o riented that supports and motivates personal growth financial management background, combined dynamic, enthusiastic team, who are motivated combined with a strong belief in participatory three to five years relevant experience, or an love to have you join our team-­‐ o riented financial management background, combined combined with a strong belief in participatory professional to Have directly support the Eyou? xecutive Director, people’s lives. we described If yes, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & people’s lives. Have we described you? If experience yes, we’d for coordinating services to impact the high utilization of residential AUTOMOTIVE MACHINIST equivalent combination of education and involving medical records billing practices according to the individual’s goals towards three five years relevant experience, or Twe’d an to impact the high utilization ofperspectives residential team. CFO/Director will possess aeam. strong equivalent combination of education and experience with in accounting plus! Ato oThe Bthorough dacompetencies egree ibackground, aaand n health aLand ppropriate fsetting ield, phe lus organization. involving medical records and billing financial combined with thorough competencies in accounting organization. Board f achelor’s Tmanagement rustees, nd the Nn CSS eadership Tpractices leadership. Experience in care Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM leadership. Experience in a health care setting across the client’s treatment team. Looking is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ o riented placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human is required. This could be your opportunity to work in independence. Job requires maintaining “Looking for an opportunity to work for love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ o riented placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human practices, administration, and information equivalent combination of education and experience would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If successful candidate will possess strong writing and three to five years relevant experience, or practices, administration, and information would bemanagement afield strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. Ifan with thorough competencies in1-2 accounting financial combined background, Mental Health Center serving a Community quality, mission-­‐ riven organization, where your for individuals who are comfortable working Services required with years of involving medical records and billing practices a quality, mission-­‐ ddriven organization, where a great company? Come and check out effective relationships students, parents/ organization. Services field required with 1-2 involving medical records and billing practices interfaces and advancements, oral communication excellent interpersonal organization. is rsystems equired. Tand his cof ould bskills, e of ywith our opportunity tyears o wyour ork of in systems interfaces and advancements, RECEPTIONIST you are looking to join a dynamic organization equivalent combination education and experience RECEPTIONIST individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in you are looking to join a dynamic organization practices, administration, and information Franklin Grand Isle Counties, is seeking with children different ages and treatment experience in a related field preferred. We with thorough competencies in accounting individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in RPM Engines – a leading high performance home providers, agency contacts, co-facilitators, experience in a related field preferred. We skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft combined with a strong belief in participatory would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If combined with a strong belief in participatory a quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If We are also searching for a full-­‐ t ime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d We are also searching a tyou? ime Receptionist. needs one-on-one environments. an leader CFO/Director people’s lives. Have we If to yes, is with rleadership. equired. This could bfor e for yacross our othat pportunity tsetting o work wwe’d ork aainspired critical mission --described offer excellent benefits include paid machine shop in New England.” and community partners. Candidate should with critical mission systems interfaces and advancements, offer excellent benefits that include paid Office Suite proficiency is a full-­‐ required; desk top in practices, administration, and information Experience in care leadership. Experience in a rhealth health care setting RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ o riented individual e fforts t ruly m ake a ewarding d ifference i n you are looking to join a dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ l ine RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ o riented Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and closely with the CEO and the leadership you are looking to join a dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ line publishing skills and event planning experience are a possess a bachelor’ sholidays, degree inpension education, special a combined quality, mission-­‐ riven organization, where your vacation, 11 paid plan and RPM Engines is seeking a qualified with adstrong belief in participatory involving medical records and billing practices organization. involving medical records and billing practices systems interfaces advancements, organization. We are searching for a full-­‐ ttime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we you? If yes, and aaa Ateam player. Applicant will be educational assistance. Position starts phones, scheduling and other team. The CFO/Director possess aifference strong plus! also Beachelor’s degree in and aan appropriate fjoining ield, pwe’d lus at We are also searching for a will full-­‐ ime Receptionist. education experience aappointments plus. educational assistance. Position starts ata phones, scheduling appointments and other with critical mission --described automotive machinist to join their team. with critical mission individual fforts t ruly m ake r ewarding d would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Please submit resume and letter of interest, would be aExperience strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. Ifan in Please submit resume and letter of interest, supportive, leadership. in a who health care setting dynamic, enthusiastic team, are motivated $35,000 annually. three to five years relevant experience, or love to include have you join our team-­‐ o riented financial management background, combined miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Duties greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ l ine combined with a strong belief in participatory $35,000 annually. Qualified candidates should be proficient miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ l ine RECEPTIONIST you are looking to join aaeducation dynamic organization people’s lives. Have we described you? If experience yes, we’d RECEPTIONIST To apply for this position please you are looking to join dynamic organization including salary requirements, to the Director to impact the high utilization of residential equivalent combination of including salary requirements, to the Director involving medical records andtime billing practices in machining aspects, engine assembly, with thorough competencies inand accounting organization. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, phones, scheduling appointments and other We are also searching for a Receptionist. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, Please leadership. Experience insupportive, afull-­‐ health care setting phones, scheduling appointments and other We are also searching for a visit full-­‐ time at Receptionist. with ahave critical mission -website with a critical mission is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to you join our team-­‐ oriented visit our placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Please submit resume and letter of interest, problem solving, customer service and of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Please submit resume and letter interest, practices, administration, and information of be Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. would acareers@ncssinc.org strong plus.duties. MBA or CPAof preferred. If organization, Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ lline advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ttask Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ ine miscellaneous office Position requires advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ask a quality, mission-­‐ d riven where your miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Services field required withbilling 1-2 years of involving medical records and practices maintaining a professional and organization. www.ncssinc.org/careers systems interfaces and advancements, phones, scheduling appointments and other including salary requirements, to the Director phones, scheduling appointments and other RECEPTIONIST and reception/office experience. This is a full-­‐ ttime including salary requirements, topreferred. the Director you are looking join awebsite dynamic organization Please submit resume and letter of interest, individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in and reception/office experience. This is a requires full-­‐ ime excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, experience in office ato related field We Please submit resume and letter of interest, or visit our at: efficient environment. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, miscellaneous office duties. Position or email your resume and cover letter combined with a strong belief in participatory Northwestern Counseling & Support Services would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If miscellaneous duties. Position requires Northwestern Counseling &full-­‐ Support Services We are also searching a hr@ncssinc.org. tto ime Receptionist. people’s Have we for you? If yes, School we’d position, M-­‐ FF salary with some evening hours. Director High of Human Resources, including requirements, the position, M-­‐lives. with some evening hours. High School with critical mission -described offer benefits that include paid ofaexcellent Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. including salary requirements, to the Director advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ttask excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, www.ncssinc.org/careers Position is Monday through Friday advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ask excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, leadership. Experience in a health care setting to careers@ncssinc.org RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ omulti-­‐ riented 107 Fisher Pond Road, you are looking to join a dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering l ine 107 Fisher Pond Road, of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or medical equivalent required. is NCSS advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ttask 8:00am to 4:30pm. advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ask and reception/office experience. billing This a full-­‐ ttime involving records practices and reception/office experience. is a starts full-­‐toffers ime organization. We are also searching for a and full-­‐ tThis ime is educational assistance. Position at St. VT 05478 phones, scheduling appointments and competitive w ages aaAlbans, nd eexcellent bbSupport and reception/office experience. enefits. This a full-­‐ ime St. Albans, VT 05478 with a critical mission -evening Northwestern Counseling & competitive w ages nd xcellent enefits. and reception/office experience. This is Receptionist. a Services full-­‐School tother ime Northwestern Counseling & Support Services would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Send or drop off resume at Please submit resume and letter of interest, position, M-­‐ F with some hours. High Northwestern Counseling & Support Services position, M-­‐ F with some evening hours. High School Northwestern Counseling & Support Services $35,000 annually. position, M-­‐ F with some evening hours. High School miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ l ine position, M-­‐ F with some evening hours. High School RECEPTIONIST you are or looking to join Pond a required. dynamic 331 Carpenter Hill Road, 107 Fisher Pond Road, 107 Fisher Road, including salary requirements, to organization the Director 107 Fisher Road, Diploma equivalent required. NCSS offers Diploma or equivalent NCSS offers 107 Fisherresume Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Equal Opportunity Employer. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, Please end over etter, nd hree eferences phones, scheduling appointments and other We are also searching for a visit full-­‐ time Receptionist. Equal Opportunity Employer. Please Please ssaend ccwover lletter, r-esume aaenefits. nd tthree rreferences with critical mission Georgia, VT St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive ages a nd e xcellent b Please submit resume and letter of interest, St. Albans, VT 05478 St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive wages ages and nd eeexcellent xcellent bbbanswering enefits. competitive w a enefits. ofto Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive w ages a nd xcellent enefits. Duties include greeting clients, multi-­‐ advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ task oor r vvisit w t t line miscellaneous office duties. to hhr@ncssinc.org r@ncssinc.org isit oour ur Position website ebsite aarequires or email to rpm8000@comcast.net careers@ncssinc.org scheduling appointments and other phones, including salary requirements, tothree the Director www.ncssinc.org and reception/office experience. This is a full-­‐ time Equal Opportunity Employer. Please submit resume andEmployer. letter of interest, Please ssend ccwww.ncssinc.org/careers. over lletter, rresume and rreferences www.ncssinc.org/careers. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, Equal Opportunity EOE Please end over etter, esume nd three eferences or visit our website at: miscellaneous office duties. aaSupport Position requires Northwestern Counseling &Employer. Services Equal Opportunity Employer. Please ssend c over l etter, r esume nd t hree r eferences Equal Opportunity to h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite a t M-­‐ F with some evening hours. High School of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Please end c over l etter, r esume a nd t hree r eferences position, including salary requirements, to the Director to hcomputer r@ncssinc.org r vinclude isit our wMicrosoft ebsite at Office, advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ task excellent skills, oto www.ncssinc.org/careers www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. 107 www.ncssinc.org to r@ncssinc.org ooPond vvrequired. isit ooRoad, ur w t t offers www.ncssinc.org/careers. of h Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent NCSS Please vvFisher isit oour CCr r areers ppThis age aais t t a aafull-­‐ to hHuman r@ncssinc.org isit ur w ebsite ebsite advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ task Please isit ur areers age and reception/office experience. t ime and www.ncssinc.org St.Counseling VT 05478 competitive wwww.ncssinc.org/careers. ages aAlbans, nd experience. excellent bSupport reception/office enefits. This is a Services full-­‐ time www.ncssinc.org/careers tto vview oour oot ther oopen Northwestern & www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers o iew ur ther pen Please v isit o ur C areers p age a position, M-­‐ F with some evening hours. High School Northwestern & Support Services visit our evening Careers page a t High M-­‐Please F with Counseling some hours. School position, positions. positions. www.ncssinc.org/careers tto oour other Fisher Pond Road, www.ncssinc.org/careers o vview iew ur ther oopen pen 107 Fisher Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Diploma or 107 equivalent required. oNCSS offers Equal Opportunity Employer. Please send Please cover lvvetter, resume and three positions. isit ooeur CCVT areers ppage aat t references positions. Please isit ur areers age St. Albans, 05478 competitive w ages a nd xcellent b enefits. St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive wages and eOxcellent to hr@ncssinc.org or vtisit obenefits. ur wur ebsite at We re n EEqual qual pportunity mployer. We aare aan Opportunity mployer. www.ncssinc.org/careers oother www.ncssinc.org/careers to o vview iew EEooEEmployer. ur ther oopen pen We aare aan EEqual O pportunity Please www.ncssinc.org We re n qual O pportunity mployer. www.ncssinc.org/careers. Equal Opportunity Employer. send cover letter, resume and three references positions. positions. Equal Opportunity Employer. cover letter, roesume nd wtebsite hree raeferences to “Creating hr@ncssinc.org r visit W oaur t Please send aaa SSStronger orkforce, “Creating W orkforce, “Creating tronger orkforce, “Creating a Stronger tronger W W orkforce, www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. to hr@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite at Please v isit o ur C areers p age a t one e mployee a t a t ime” one e mployee a t a t ime” ime” employee mployee aat t aa ttime” We aaVermont, re one n EEequal qual pportunity mployer. of The WestRock Missisquoi Mill in Sheldon Springs a tmanufacturer We re aaone n OOpportunity EEur mployer. www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers o v iew o o ther open Please visit our Careers page at 100% recycled boxboard, is currently accepting applications for regular full NCSS, IInc., 07 isher ond Road, oad, SSSt. A lbans, V T 005478 NCSS, nc., 111107 07 FFFFisher isher PPPPpositions. ond R oad, t. AA lbans, VV T oT 5478 NCSS, I nc., ond t. lbans, 005478 www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew o ur o ther pen NCSS, I nc., 07 isher ond R oad, S t. A lbans, V T 5478 time entry-level production work. Candidates must be able to work a variety hr@ncssinc.org “Creating aa positions. SStronger W hr@ncssinc.org “Creating tronger Workforce, orkforce, hr@ncssinc.org Please v isit o ur C areers p age a t hr@ncssinc.org of jobs and rotating shifts.one employee at a time” one equal mployee aiew tcime” We are an Em Oaabout pportunity mployer. www.ncssinc.org/careers Learn ore tao oot vur oEur other open ore O bout ur careers areers We aLearn re an Emqual pportunity Employer. Learn m more ore bout oour ur ccareers areers Entry level starting pay $16.83/hour. Learn aabout positions. NCSS, 11“Creating 07 RRoad, t. WSSorkforce, orkforce, NCSS, IInc., nc., “Creating 07 FFisher isher aaPP Sond ond oad, t. AAlbans, lbans, VVT T 005478 5478 Stronger tronger W New hires will begin training for the Fifth Hand/Broke Hustler position. This is the entry one mployee a t a t ime” one ehr@ncssinc.org e mployee a t a t ime” hr@ncssinc.org We will are abe n Equal Employer. level position on the papermaking machines. Training for aOpportunity wide variety of tasks. Upon satisfactory completion of training, the rate of pay for this position is $18.69/hour. at w ww.ncssinc.org NCSS, I nc., 1 07 F isher P ond R oad, S t. A lbans, at w ww.ncssinc.org NCSS, Inc., 1Learn 07 Fisher Pond Road, Scct. areers Albans, VVT T 05478 05478 m ore aabout oour Learn mhr@ncssinc.org ore bout ur areers “Creating a S tronger W orkforce, hr@ncssinc.org at ww.ncssinc.org at wmployee ww.ncssinc.org one ew at a time” WestRock offers an excellent benefit package that includes Learn more about our careers medical, dental, vision and life insurance, our careers Learn m ore a bout vacation plan, pension, 401(k) plan with employer match,



COOK WANTED We are seeking a Cook to join our dedicated kitchen staff at beautiful Saint Anne’s Shrine! You will assist in the preparation, cooking, and presentation of meals in our professional kitchen serving guests on retreat and those attending mid-week and weekend services. Duties include food preparation, cooking and baking, proper cleanup and safe food handling techniques, food safety regulations, cleanliness, and working with the entire Shrine team to ensure the satisfaction of visitors and guests. Excellent communication skills required.​ ​The position is full time (32-40 hrs per week) yeararound and offers a generous benefits package. Shifts leave evenings mostly available. However, flexibility and weekend work are required. Please contact Sandy at fstanne@pshift. com for an application if you feel you could be the right fit.


INSIDE COUNTER SALES Swanton Lumber is seeking an Inside Counter Sales person. Experience in building trades is a necessity. Some computer skills needed. Competitive wages, 401K, and profit sharing. Call or email Jeff at: jlearned@ swantonlumber. com or 802-868-3355


Must be able to pass background check, drug test, and required paid training.

Please submit resume to mjackson@hunternorth.com

TOWN OF HIGHGATE PART TIME ZONING ADMINISTRATOR The Town of Highgate is seeking qualified applicants for the position of PART TIME ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, 16-20 hours per week. A complete job description and employment application can be found at www.highgatevt.org or by contacting the municipal offices, 868-5002.

MATURE SALES ASSOCIATE Responsible, attention to detail a must. 18 years or older, customer service oriented, some Saturdays a must. Swanton Rexall 44 Merchants Row Swanton 802-868-3338

To apply, please send a letter of interest, resume, list of references (3 personal / 3 professional), and employment application to the Highgate Town Clerk, Wendi Dusablon at: wdusablon@ highgatevt.org or PO Box 189, Highgate Center, VT 05459. No later than Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 4:30pm.

WEEKEND CLEANERS Second and third shift cleaning positions available for Manufacturing site in Georgia. 16 hours per week. Excellent wages. Background check required. Call 802-316-7590

Over the Road Delivery Driver needed for upstate New York, occasional overnights depending on weather. Class A CDL and two years’ experience required. Must have a clean driving record and be able to lift 50lbs repetitively. Prefer if driver could take loaded truck home at night. Pay based on experience, paid vacation and IRA available.

NCSS, 107 Fisher Pond Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 a wellness program andInc., others.

hr@ncssinc.org at at w wwww.ncssinc.org ww.ncssinc.org ww.ncssinc.org from you! Look in the Careers section for Vermont opportunities.Learn Weat to hear mwant ore about our careers

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WestRock Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to creating at www.ncssinc.org and maintaining a diverse workforce: Minorities/Females/ Disabled/Veterans.



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Sarah Al


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Be a very important part of the team that

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erosion Wednesdcontrol at the Frankli ay even n Hom ing. The estead and theFranklin Wat ershed Lake (LCSG) Com Cha Patterso organized the mplain Sea mit water n, LCSG’s landpresentation Grant quality . educato -use plannin Linda r, will be pres g and enti

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Stop in to fill out an application: St. Albans Messenger, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT or email: cwillis@samessenger.com NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE.

The TEAM is waiting for you!



Legals Legals

STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FRANKLIN UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 143-4-17 FRCV JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION v. JOSHUA N. TUCK AKA JOSHUA L. TUCK AND AMANDA L. TUCK OCCUPANTS OF: 185 St. Albans Street, Village of Enosburg Falls, Town of Enosburg VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered September 13, 2017, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Joshua L. Tuck and Amanda L. Tuck to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., dated April 22, 2010 and recorded in Book 117 Page 260 of the land records of the Town of Enosburg, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 185 St. Albans Street, Village of Enosburg Falls, Town of Enosburg, Vermont on May 14, 2018 at 11:00 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Joshua N. Tuck and Amanda L. Tuck by Warranty Deed of Richard V. Brodeur of even date and to be recorded prior to the recording of this instrument in the Town of Enosburg land Records. Being the same lands and premises conveyed to Richard V. Brodeur and Pauline A. Brodeur (deceased) by Warranty Deed of Simeon H. Gervais and Lillian G. Gervais dated June 9, 1971 and recorded June 10, 1971 in Volume 55 at Page 27 of the Town of Enosburgh Land Records, further described as follows, viz: A parcel of land located in the Village of Enosburg Falls, in the Town of Enosburg, County of Franklin and State of Vermont, located on St. Albans Street, so-called and bounded and described substantially as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the premises of one Roland Gagnon; thence turning and running in an easterly direction along the southerly line of St. Albans Street a distance of ninety feet (90’) to an iron stake in the ground; thence turning and running in a southerly direction a distance of two hundred feet (200’) to an iron stake in the ground; thence turning and running in a westerly direction a dis-

tance of (90’) to an iron stake in the ground; thence turning and running in a northerly direction a distance of two hundred (200’) to the point began at. The premises conveyed hereby is bounded on the north by St. Albans Street; on the east by other and remaining lands of Simeon H. and Lillian G. Gervais, on the south by land and premises of S. S. Breault and wife; on the west by land and premises of Roland Gagnon. Being and meaning a portion of the land and premises conveyed to Simeon H. Gervais and Lillian G. Gervais by Warranty Deed of S. S. Breault and Theresa Breault dated June 11, 1965 and recorded in Book 51, Page 265 of the Enosburg Land Records. Reference is made to the aforementioned deed, and to the record thereof and to the deeds and records therein referred to in further aid of this description. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED: March 30, 2018 By: /S/Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032

St. Albans Messenger | Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Merchandise Hall in St. Albans Bay to act on the following agenda: Organizational Meeting to elect Chair, Vice-Chair, and Clerk. New Business: Continued Business: 1. Application of Marcel Lamothe, Lillian DeCell, Gloria Blessington and Claire Ordway requesting an 801 waiver in accordance with Sections 402 and 801 of the St. Albans Town Unified Development Bylaws. The property is located at 987 Bronson Road in the Rural District and owned by the Applicants. Other Business Acceptance of Minutes Adjournment Respectfully Submitted, Rebecca Perron, Zoning Administrator TO ALL ABUTTING LANDOWNERS AND LANDOWNERS ACROSS ROADS: Additional information regarding the application that you are being notified of herein can be reviewed at the St. Albans Town Zoning Office during regular business hours. Copies of this information can be made by you at your own expense. Please be aware that only those interested persons who have participated in a DRB/ Planning Commission proceeding may appeal a decision rendered in that proceeding to the Environmental Court. Pursuant to State statute, participation consists of offering, through oral or written testimony, evidence or a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding. The Town of St Albans does not discriminate on the basis of disability in access to any public meeting. The Boardroom at the St. Albans Town Hall is an accessible meeting site and can be accessed by the ramp located at the side of the building. If you require an alternative communication method in order to fully participate in any of these Town meetings, please contact Aj Johnson at (802) 5278346 or a.johnson@ talbanstown.com at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that alternative arrangements may be made.


The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event originally scheduled for 5/5 in Highgate has to be rescheduled. The date will be sometime in August and we will notify the public when we Building Materials have a firm date from NWSWD. We apolo- CONCRETE BLOCKS, FREE, 100 blocks. gize for any inconve802-527-0417 nience. In the meantime, hazardous waste Camping Supplies can be dropped off at the Georgia VT facility. TENT COT, COLEMAN with mattress, only Thank you. Town of St. Albans used once. Bought new at Wal-Mart. $20. 802Office of the 868-7613 Development Clothing & AccesReview Board sories AGENDA The St. Albans Town MEN’S DRESS Development Review PANTS,6 pairs, size Board will meet on May 46x31, different colors 10, 2018 at 6:30 PM available, $11 per pair. at the St. Albans Town 802-527-7891



COMPUTER, IVIEW, LAPTOP, with Windows X, touch screen. Well kept and works perfect, Pink/Purplish color. $75. 802-3931288 or 802-524-0788 Children’s Items & Toys CARRIAGE, CLEAN, GOOD condition, plaid pattern. $75. 802-5277891


Trucks, VANS, & SUV’s SUVs


PRIVACY HEDGES SPRING BLOWOUT SALE 6FT Arborvitae, reg $179. Now $75. Beautiful, Nursery Grown, FREE INSTALLATION/FREE delivery, Limited Supply! Order 2000 PONTIAC MONNOW: 518-536-1367 TANA Van, 6 cylinder, www.lowcosttree 6 seats, 2 sliding doors, farm.com in good condition. $700. Outdoor Furnishings Call 802-868-2870

Parts/Accessories CRIB, LARGE SIZE, CHAR BROIL GRILL, maple wood. $50. 802- 3 burner gas grill, good condition, $15. 802- LOGGING CHAINS, 527-7891 $50. for all. 527-0036 NON MOTORIZED 802-309-4062 CAR, Pink, made for WINDSHIELD, BMW children up to 3 years R1200R, 2 years old in old, $50. 802-527-7891 excellent like new conPLAYPEN, PAK N dition. Sold new $499. Play, like new. Green, Asking $50. 802-868pink and blue colors 7613 with some white. In very good condition. $100. 802-527-7891


STROLLER, SINGLE PUPPIES, CHOCOSEAT, great shape, $8. LATE LAB, AKC, 8 802-527-7891 weeks old 5/18/18. TWIN BABY CAR- $850. Call Jonathan RIAGE, great shape, 802-309-0906 $100. 802-527-7891 Pool/Game Table Furniture PING-PONG TABLE,

CHAIRS, FREE, FOR FREE, fold and roll, painting or for the com- paddles, net. As is, you munity wide yard sale move. 802-868-3631 for 05/19. Call 802-309Tools/Accessories 4062 CHEST OF DRAWERS, CHAINSAW, PORTAwith four drawers, paint- BLE MILLING maed. $35. 802-309-4062 chine. Clamps onto chainsaw bar. No drillDAYBED, NICE, WITH ing required. $100. off white trim brass trim. 802-868-7613 Very good condition with like new Sealy twin Wanted to Buy mattress, $100. Call 802-527-0420 or text ANTIQUES WANTED 3rd Generation VT 802-393-0467 Dealer. Artwork, WatchFurnishings es, Jewelry, Silver, Etc. Call Brian GATE, METAL, 802-272-7527 or www. WHITE. 50”x54”, only bittnerantiques.com used one day. $100. BUYING ANTIQUES 802-527-7891 Complete households, PHOTO FRAME, DIGImost anything old/of TAL, Sungale, screen good quality. 45+ years display is 4x6”, memory buying! Fair prices card not included, like paid! new. $15. 802-848-3336 Call Ed Lambert 802-528-5651 or Health Supplies 802-782-1223 HEATING PAD, SUNSt. Albans BEAM Heat and Massage, 12x13”, used once, like new. $20. Your Ad Here! 802-848-3336 M A S S A G E R , CONAIR, WITH 4 attachments. Like new. $20. 802-848-3336

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HEHIR LAW OFFICE, PLLC Brian Hehir, Attorney Serving the area for 22 years. Real Estate, Including: Sales and Purchases, Landlord/Tenant, Boundary Disputes, Zoning, Subdivision. Also: Wills, Probate, Injury and Business Matters. 239 South Union St., Burlington 802-862-2006 • www.hehirlaw.com


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To advertise Call (802) 524-9771 Gail x117 • Fax (802) 527-1948 Email: classifieds@samessenger.com Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week

St. Albans Messenger | Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Rentals & FoR sale

Real Estate Apartments Unfurnished SMALL APARTMENT ON Lakewood Drive, West Swanton. $650./ mo., includes heat and lights. Deposit and references required. No pets. 802-393-5768 ST. ALBANS Holy Angels Housing Two-bedroom unit available now. Coin-Op Laundry on site. Services Coordinator on staff. 24-Hour Emergency Maintenance. Income limits apply. Rent is approximately 30% of monthly income-utilities included. Must be 62 years of age or older or disabled. Verification of eligibility required. For application call EP Management Corp 802-775-1100 x2 or email lisa@epmanagement.com. Equal Housing Opportunity.


for Sale

For Rent

ST. ALBANS CITY Hill Section. 4 bedroom, 3 bath colonial. Central air, kitchen fully equipped. Hardwood floors, 2 car attached garage, no pets/no smoking. $1,900./mo. GEORGIA Immaculate ranch, 3 bedrrom, 1 full bath, full unfinished basement, 1 car attached garage. No pets/no smoking. $1,500./mo. Call: 1-800-864-6226 x7852 or 802-343-0540 www.fourseasons sir.com

Homes for sale

RELOCATING $266,500. Minutes to St. Albans. Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath family home on over 1 acres. Barn, tractor shed, 2 car garage. Sunroom, dining room with pellet stove, living room with gas fireplace. Much potential. 802-752-8810



SWANTON 6 Samhannah Drive Reduced Price $184,900 2 bedroom (includes large master), 2 bath condo. Handicap accessible, sun room, walk-in shower. Dry, full basement. 802-782-8789

Classifieds 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122 classifieds@samessenger.com

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It’s against the law to discriminate when advertising housing related activities. And it’s easier to break the law than you might think. You can’t say “no children” or “adults only.” There is lots you can’t say. The federal government is watching for such discrimination. Let us help you sift through the complexities of the Fair Housing Law. Stay legal. Stay on the right side of the nation’s Fair Housing Law. Call the St. Albans Messenger, 802-524-9771 ext 117 or 122. Talk to our sales professionals.

Franklin County Animal Rescue

Franklin County Animal Rescue

Franklin County Animal Rescue

30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • info@fcarpets.org • FranklinCountyAnimal Rescue.org

30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • info@fcarpets.org • FranklinCountyAnimal Rescue.org

30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • info@fcarpets.org • FranklinCountyAnimal Rescue.org

Saving Cats & Dogs since 1964

“OSCAR” Oscar is about 8 years old. He likes his independence, but knows how to have fun. His curiosity is always entertaining, and is a loving kitty.

This Humane Society Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:

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Saving Cats & Dogs since 1964

“THEONA” Theona is a very affectionate 3 year old female cat. She loves people and attention, but is not demanding.

Saving Cats & Dogs since 1964

“IRIS” Iris is a beautiful 1 year old kitten. She is a little shy when you first meet her, but becomes very friendly and loving once she gets to know you!

This Animal Rescue Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:

This Animal Rescue Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:

Sponsor Me!

Your New Best Friend!

Call Franklin County Animal Rescue at 802-524-9650 for more information

Call Franklin County Animal Rescue at 802-524-9650 for more information

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St. Albans Messenger | Wednesday, May 2, 2018


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St. Albans Messenger | Wednesday, May 2, 2018

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St. Albans Messenger | Wednesday, May 2, 2018

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The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) *** You might need to handle personal matters that you would prefer not to discuss. Be more aware of the risks involved with a joint investment. You and a friend make a good team, and you encourage greater give-and-take. Tonight: Use your instincts when discussing the possibilities. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ***** One-on-one relating flourishes. You are on top of a problem and know what to do. Be willing to share your ideas and move in a new, creative direction. Let your imagination run away with the moment; you could be amazed by the outcome. Tonight: Be with your favorite person. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) **** You are determined to move in a new direction and work with different ideas. You encourage others around you to proceed in a similar direction. Be open about what is going on. You feel the need to complete a project ASAP. Tonight: Discuss a hot issue with friends. CANCER (June 21-July 22) *** Pace yourself, as you have a lot of ground to cover, and quickly at that. Listen to someone else’s suggestion, once he or she grasps the real issue at hand. You have a lot to share, as does the other party. Do not hesitate to open up an intense dialogue. Tonight: Remain positive. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) **** Your fiery personality attracts many admirers. Be more sensitive and compassionate toward a loved one who is trying to get your attention. Your creativity opens up new possibilities; invite a partner to join you. Tonight: Go along with a close friend’s suggestion. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) **** You are full of ideas, yet finding support or mutual agreement might be difficult right now. Others are attached to their way of thinking. Learn to be open to others’ ideas, and you might find that you will be treated in a similar way. Tonight: A partner willingly shares a secret. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ***** Take news with a grain of salt. You might be confused about how to proceed, and others’ feedback is likely to add to the confusion. You inspire many people. Nevertheless, getting a clear message from a key person could be difficult. Tonight: Detach from the moment, if you can. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) **** Keep a conversation moving. Conversations remain active because of your efforts. Listen to what is being shared by others. You can head down a new path with the support of a key person in your life. Understand where you are coming from. Tonight: Let it all hang out. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) **** Your high energy comes through in the least expected way. Extremes seem to mark your choice of plans as well as other people’s suggestions. You hear a lot of gossip and suggestions for changes to make. People are telling it like it is, so listen carefully. Tonight: Take a walk. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) *** You notice that something is going on behind the scenes but you would prefer to stay out of the issue. You’ll choose the right words to express what is on your mind. Follow-through counts. Note what is going on with others. Tonight: Time to make an important personal decision. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) **** Your idea of friendship could need an adjustment, as you discover that a friend is using your good nature for his or her personal benefit. Whether you decide to initiate a call is your decision. Others seem to gravitate toward you at the moment. Tonight: Where the action is. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) **** Stay on top of what you are doing. Fatigue marks the day, so you might want to slow down a bit. An invitation extended to you appears too good to be true. Go along with the moment, and push your expectations aside for now. Tonight: In the whirlwind of the moment.

BORN TODAY Actor Dwayne Johnson (1972), singer/songwriter Lily Allen (1985), actress Ellie Kemper (1980)

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