05/14/18 Classifieds

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St. Albans Messenger | Monday, May 14, 2018

E mployment

CARPENTERS HELPER Seeking a Carpenters Helper. Experience a must. Contact: 802-868-5186 EARN $500 A DAY (SALES) Final Expense Insurance • Exclusive Leads • Local • Training/Support • Everyday is Payday • Agent Health/Dental Benefits • Incentive Trips CALL 860-357-6904 www.fhginsurance. com GEORGE S. WOOD (Just Tires) ROAD SERVICE TECHNICIAN Wanted Full Time Experience is a bonus, (will train right candidate). Must be hardworking, organized and work well with others, as well as having good communication skills. Stop in to fill out an application. Ask for Andrew 170 Federal Street, St. Albans HAVE SPARE TIME? WANT A PART - TIME JOB? Newspaper Home Delivery Service! 6 days a week, 4 hours daily, starting at about 11:30 am. No experience necessary. Must be 18+, valid driver’s license, and reliable car with insurance and registration required. ROUTES AVAILABLE!

HIGHGATE RICHFORD BAKERSFIELD Stop by the office to fill out an application. St. Albans Messenger 281 North Main Street St. Albans Or call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 101 INSIDE COUNTER SALES Swanton Lumber is seeking an Inside Counter Sales person. Experience in building trades is a necessity. Some computer skills needed. Competitive wages, 401K, and profit sharing. Call or email Jeff at: jlearned@ swantonlumber. com or 802-868-3355 PARTS PERSON Part Time & Full Time Apply in person at: Cota’s/NAPA Auto Parts 88 First Street Swanton WANTED Person to rake large yard on High Street in St. Albans. Flexible schedule. TEXT ONLY to 802-370-2198 with hourly rate.



in the Town Office Meeting Room at 1 Academy Street in Swanton, Vermont. The Board will discuss and act on naming a new subdivision road that was approved as part of a 4-lot subdivision off of Upper Ferris Street. Its proposed name is Quarry Lane. It is approximately 1/4 mile long. The Selectboard will consider making “Quarry Lane” its permanent, official name. The public hearing is being conducted pursuant to Sections II and V of the Town of Swanton Ordinance Regarding Enhanced 911 Road

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months STATE OF VERMONT of the first publication of this notice. The claim SUPERIOR COURT must be presented to PROBATE DIVISION me at the address listFranklin Unit ed below with a copy Docket No.: sent to the Court. The 125-4-18 Frpr claim may be barred In re ESTATE of: forever if it is not preBERTON LEVIN sented within the four NOTICE TO (4) month period. CREDITORS Dated: To the Creditors of: 4/3/18 BURTON LEVIN, late of Signature Fairfax, Vermont. of Fiduciary

Naming, Road Signs and Addressing. Members of the public and owners of property abutting the road are welcome to attend the public hearing and offer input.

Our M Mission ission iis s tto o eensure nsure tthat hat tthe he rresidents esidents Our of FFranklin ranklin aand nd G Grand rand IIsle sle CCounties ounties hhave ave of access tto o hhigh igh qquality uality sservices, ervices, w which hich access promote hhealthy ealthy lliving iving aand nd eemotional motional promote well-­‐being. well-­‐being.

Our Mission ission iis s tto o Support nsure tthat hat Specialist he rresidents esidents Community Our M eeOF nsure tthe DIRECTOR FINANCE AND FEATURED POSITIONS

Vermont Tent Company is Hiring! Season running through November 2, 2018 (Will accommodate for summer only employees)


Positions Available: Tent Installers • Wash Bay Associates Linen Assistants • Load Crew Lead

Apply at vttent.com/application

The Town of Sheldon

Is accepting applications for a Highway Maintenance and Water/Wastewater Operator The position requirements are a valid CDL, Class B minimum with proper endorsements as well as a good driving record. The ideal candidate must have a HS diploma or GED. Ability to operate town equipment and perform jobs assigned including general hand labor, truck driving, plowing and sanding, paving and patching preferably at the municipal level. If you don’t already have the required wastewater operator certification then you must pass a domestic wastewater and potable water certification exam within one year of hire.

“Looking to work for a great company?”

DIRECTOR FINANCE AND have to FEATURED POSITIONS of FFranklin ranklin nd G GOF rand Isle sle CCounties ounties Seeking Community Support Specialists RPM Engines, a leading high performance Seeking Community Support Specialists of aand rand have to ADMINISTRATION IWraparound ADMINISTRATION join our High Fidelity Team. Wraparound joinaccess our High Fidelity Team. access tEXECUTIVE o hhWraparound igh qeeuality uality sprovides ervices, w hich t o igh q s ervices, w hich machine shop, is seeking a full time Our M ission i s t o nsure t hat t he r esidents C OORDINATOR High Fidelity intensive Our M ission i s t o nsure t hat t he r esidents EXECUTIVE CCOORDINATOR High Fidelity Wraparound provides intensive EXECUTIVE OORDINATOR promote h ealthy l iving a nd e motional NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of FFFinancial ranklin a nd G rand IIsle C ounties h ave support to children, adolescents and their Chief Officer/Director of Finance and promote h ealthy l iving a nd e motional NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of ranklin a nd G rand sle C ounties h ave support to children, adolescents and their Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and individual to join their team. Candidates NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chief Financial Financial Officer/Director ofa (community, Finance and NCSS has an directly opportunity for Eof consummate Chief Officer/Director Finance and families across all environments professional tto upport he D irector, access tto h igh q ssttervices, w families across all environments (community, professional o upport he EExecutive xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & access o ddirectly h igh qsssuality uality ervices, which hich well-­‐ b eing. Administration. Northwestern Counseling & well-­‐being. professional t o irectly upport t he xecutive D irector, professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & should be self-motivated, driven with a home, school) to improve social functioning. Administration. Northwestern Counseling home, to improve functioning. Board oof f school) TTrustees, aand tthe N CSS TT$37MM eam. TT& he promote h lliving a nd e Board rustees, nd he N CSS eadership eam. he promote healthy ealthy iving aLLLeadership nd emotional motional Support Services (NCSS), aasocial dynamic Support Services (NCSS), dynamic $37MM Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS eadership T eam. T he Clients present with significant emotional Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he Clients present with significant emotional Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and positive attitude. Experience is a plus but well-­‐being. Support Services (NCSS), a well dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and LEAD FACILITATOR FOR Community Support Specialist well-­‐being. Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as as complex successful candidate will possess strong writing and Community Mental Health Center serving DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND and behavioral needs as well as complex successful candidate will possess strong writing and FEATURED POF OSITIONS oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving THE ACADEMY LEARNING Seeking Community Support Specialists to treatment needs that warrant a heightened will train the right person. treatment needs that warrant a heightened Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking ADMINISTRATION oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND P ADMINISTRATION skills, and be detail and deadline Microsoft OF FINANCE AND FEATURED skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft join our High Wraparound Team. level of support, mainly in situations. FEATURED POSITIONS OSITIONS Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking The Academy of Fidelity Learning andriven. “Independent level ofDIRECTOR support, mainly inis social social situations. Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft ADMINISTRATION an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work Our Building M ission is tidentified o and ensure hat the returning residents CCOORDINATOR that skills, and be EXECUTIVE detail deadline driven. Microsoft Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top ADMINISTRATION Send or drop off resume at High Fidelity Wraparound intensive Children are as Office Suite proficiency is tprovides required; desk top EXECUTIVE OORDINATOR Skills Program” serves adults with Children are identified as returning an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work anof inspired leader forCCOORDINATOR CFO/Director to work EXECUTIVE closely with CEO leadership Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top NCSS has opportunity for a consummate Fcommunity ranklin athe nd Gplacements rand Isle Cthe ounties hrisk ave EXECUTIVE OORDINATOR support toan children, adolescents and their publishing skills and event planning experience are a closely with the CEO and the leadership Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and from or at of Office Suite proficiency is and required; desk top Intellectual Disabilities. The academy provides publishing skills and event planning experience are a 331 Carpenter Hill Road, from community placements or at risk of NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and NCSS has opportunity a consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate closely with the leadership families across all environments (community, Chief Officer/Director of Finance and leaving the community. is responsible professional tCFO/Director o directly sopportunity upport he Eof xecutive Dstrong irector, publishing skills and event experience are a team. will possess aahich closely with the CEO and the leadership access tan o hthe igh qCEO staafor ervices, w plus! A B achelor’s ddan egree iin aaand n ppropriate ffield, pplus individuals with to engage leaving the community. Staff isFinance responsible publishing skills event planning experience are a team. The will possess strong Administration. Northwestern Counseling &in plus! A The BFinancial achelor’s egree n planning n Staff ppropriate ield, lus Georgia, VT professional tCFO/Director dddand irectly sssuality upport he Executive xecutive Director, irector, professional tto o irectly upport tttsocial he E D Administration. Northwestern Counseling & professional o irectly upport he E xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & home, school) to improve functioning. for coordinating services and perspectives Administration. Northwestern Counseling & hands on learning through based Board rustees, addand tthe CSS eadership eam. Tlus he for coordinating services three five relevant experience, or an promote hyears ealthy living nd eperspectives motional team. CFO/Director will possess aTeam. strong plus! AAoto f ooThe BBf f Tachelor’s egree iiN n aatheme n ppropriate ffactivities ield, financial management background, combined three to five years relevant experience, or TTpphe an team. The CFO/Director will possess strong plus! achelor’s egree n significant n aaaaLLaLLand ppropriate ield, lus Board T rustees, nd he N CSS eadership T financial management background, combined Support Services (NCSS), dynamic $37MM Board Trustees, rustees, and nd N CSS eadership Ta eam. he or email rpm8000@comcast.net Board o f T a t he N CSS eadership T eam. T he Support Services (NCSS), dynamic $37MM Clients present with emotional across the client’s treatment team. Looking Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM of dailythorough living within their communities. We are across the client’s treatment team. Looking Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful will possess strong writing and equivalent combination of education and experience well-­‐being. successful candidate will possess strong writing three to five years relevant experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience with competencies in accounting financial management background, combined successful candidate will possess strong writing and three to forcandidate five years relevant experience, or and an with thorough competencies in accounting Community Mental Health Center serving financial management background, combined Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as well as complex for individuals who are comfortable working successful candidate will possess strong writing and Community Mental Health Center serving looking a positive, energetic, individual who for individuals who are comfortable working EOE oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal is required. This could be your opportunity to work in oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving is required. This could be your opportunity to work in equivalent combination of education and experience treatment needs that warrant a heightened practices, administration, and information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking equivalent combination of education and experience with children of different ages and treatment with thorough competencies in accounting practices, administration, and information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking would be responsible for curriculum building, Franklin and Grand Counties, is seeking with children of different ages and treatment with thorough competencies in accounting oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft DIRECTOR OF deadline FINANCE AND skills, and be FEATURED detail and deadline driven. Microsoft skills, and be detail and driven. Microsoft a quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your P OSITIONS a quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your level of support, mainly in social situations. needs one-on-one across environments. an inspired leader for CFO/Director work is required. This could be your opportunity to work in Franklin and Grandfor Isle Counties, isto seeking facilitator training, outcomes reporting, and needs one-on-one across environments. aninspired inspired leader for CFO/Director to work is required. This could be your opportunity to work in systems interfaces and advancements, Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top St. Alba systems interfaces and advancements, an leader to work practices, administration, and information Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft ADMINISTRATION practices, administration, and information CFO/Director Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in ns Children are as returning Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in closely with the CEO and leadership hands on teaching. Applicant must have the Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, publishing skills and event planning experience are a a quality, mission-­‐ ddidentified riven organization, where your closely with the CEO and the the leadership publishing skills and event planning experience are a an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work a quality, mission-­‐ riven organization, where your combined with a strong belief in participatory EXECUTIVE C OORDINATOR combined with a strong belief in participatory closely with the CEO and the leadership Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top systems interfaces and advancements, publishing skills and event planning experience are a from community placements or at risk of people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and a team player. Applicant will be joining a Tuesday, systems interfaces and advancements, team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field, plus ability to develop a learning environment people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and a team player. Applicant will be joining a team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field, plus August individual fforts ruly m ake ewarding ifference n NCSS has an opportunity a consummate individual eewith fforts ttruly m ake aawill ewarding ddmotivated ifference iin Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and 22, 2017 leadership. Experience aa n rrStaff health care closely the CEO the leadership leaving the community. is responsible dynamic, enthusiastic team, who are publishing skills and event planning experience are a leadership. Experience in health care setting team. CFO/Director possess afsetting plus! A The Bto achelor’s iin n aand afor ppropriate ield, pan lus three five years relevant experience, or love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ ostrong riented that supports and motivates personal growth financial management background, combined dynamic, enthusiastic team, are motivated combined with aadegree strong belief participatory three to five years experience, or an love to have join our supportive, team-­‐ riented financial management background, combined combined with strong belief in participatory professional tyou o Have directly srelevant upport twho he Ein xecutive Doirector, people’s lives. we described you? If yes, we’d Administration. Northwestern Counseling & people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d for coordinating services and perspectives to impact the high utilization of residential equivalent combination of education and experience involving medical records and billing practices according to the individual’s goals towards three to five years relevant experience, or an to impact the high utilization of residential team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong equivalent combination of education and experience with thorough competencies in accounting plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate f ield, p lus organization. involving medical records billing financial combined with in accounting organization. Board othorough f Tmanagement rustees, acompetencies nd the background, NCSS Leadership Tpractices eam. The leadership. Experience in aaand care setting Support Services (NCSS), ahealth dynamic $37MM leadership. Experience in health care setting across the client’s treatment team. Looking is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ ooriented placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human is required. This could be your opportunity to work in independence. Job requires maintaining love to thorough have you join our supportive, team-­‐ riented placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human practices, administration, and information equivalent combination of possess education and experience would be aacandidate strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If successful will strong writing and background, three to five years relevant experience, or practices, administration, and information would be strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. Ifan with competencies in1-2 accounting financial management combined Community Mental Health Center serving a quality, mission-­‐driven organization, where your for individuals who are comfortable working Services field required with years of involving medical records and billing practices a quality, mission-­‐driven organization, where your effective relationships with students, parents/ organization. Services field required with 1-2 years of involving medical records and billing practices systems interfaces and advancements, oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal organization. is required. This could be your opportunity to work in systems interfaces and advancements, RECEPTIONIST you are looking to join aaeducation dynamic organization equivalent combination of and experience RECEPTIONIST individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in you are looking to join dynamic organization practices, administration, and information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking with children of different ages and treatment experience in a related field preferred. We with thorough competencies in accounting individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in home providers, agency contacts, co-facilitators, experience in a related field preferred. We skills, and be detail and MBA deadline driven. Microsoft combined with a strong belief in participatory would be a strong plus. or CPA preferred. If combined with a strong belief in participatory a quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If We also searching for a full-­‐ ttyou? ime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we If yes, we’d We are also searching for a ime Receptionist. needs one-on-one across environments. anare leader for CFO/Director work people’s lives. Have we described you? If to yes, we’d is required. This could be your opportunity to work in with aainspired critical mission --described offer excellent benefits that include paid and community partners. Candidate should with critical mission systems interfaces and advancements, offer excellent benefits that include paid Office Suite proficiency is a full-­‐ required; desk top practices, administration, and information leadership. Experience care setting leadership. Experience in a health health care setting RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐oriented individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in you are looking to join aain dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ lline RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐oriented Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and closely with the CEO and the leadership you are looking to join dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ ine publishing skills and event planning experience are a possess a bachelor’s degree in education, special a combined quality, mission-­‐ d riven organization, where your vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and with a strong belief in participatory involving medical records and billing practices organization. involving medical records and billing practices systems interfaces and advancements, organization. We are also searching for a full-­‐ ttime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we you? If yes, we’d and aaa team player. Applicant will be joining a educational assistance. Position starts at phones, scheduling other team. The CFO/Director will possess aifference strong plus! A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field, plus We are also searching for a ime Receptionist. education experience plus. educational assistance. Position starts at phones, scheduling appointments and other with critical mission --described with critical mission individual esubmit fforts truly maappointments ake aa rfull-­‐ ewarding dand in would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Please resume letter of interest, and would be aExperience strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Please submit resume and of interest, leadership. in health care setting dynamic, enthusiastic team, who are motivated $35,000 annually. three to five years relevant experience, or an love to include have you join our supportive, team-­‐ orequires riented financial management background, combined miscellaneous office duties. letter Position Sarah Al Duties greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ l ine combined with a strong belief in participatory $35,000 annually. miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ l ine lerton go RECEPTIONIST you are looking to join a dynamic organization people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d RECEPTIONIST To apply for this position please ing to SA you are looking to join aeducation dynamic organization including salary requirements, to the Director to impact the high utilization of residential equivalent combination of and experience including salary requirements, to the Director involving medical records and billing practices TEC with thorough competencies in accounting organization. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, phones, scheduling appointments and other We are also searching for a full-­‐time Receptionist. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, Please visit leadership. Experience in a health care setting phones, scheduling appointments and other We are also searching for a full-­‐time Receptionist. with a critical mission with a critical mission is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to have you join our supportive, team-­‐ o riented visit our website at placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Please submit resume and letter of interest, S of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Please submit resume and letter of interest, practices, administration, and information of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐line advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ t ask Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐line miscellaneous office duties. Position requires advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ t ask careers@ncssinc.org a quality, mission-­‐driven organization, where your miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Services field required withbilling 1-2 years of involving medical records and practices organization. www.ncssinc.org/careers systems interfaces and advancements, phones, scheduling appointments and other including salary requirements, to the Director phones, scheduling appointments and other RECEPTIONIST and reception/office experience. This is a full-­‐ ttime including salary requirements, to the Director you are looking join awebsite dynamic organization Please submit resume and letter of interest, individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in and reception/office experience. This is a requires full-­‐ ime excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, experience in office ato related field preferred. We Please submit resume of interest, or visit our at: excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, miscellaneous duties. letter Position or email resume and cover letter combined with a strong belief in participatory Northwestern Counseling & Support Services would be aFyour strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If and miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Northwestern Counseling & Support Services We are also searching for a full-­‐ t ime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d position, M-­‐ with some evening hours. High School of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. including salary requirements, to the Director position, M-­‐ F salary with some hours. Director High Office, School with aexcellent critical mission -evening offer benefits that include paid of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. including requirements, toMicrosoft the advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ttask excellent computer skills, to include www.ncssinc.org/careers advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ ask excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, leadership. Experience a health care setting to careers@ncssinc.org RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our team-­‐oriented 107 Fisher Pond Road, you are looking to join ainsupportive, dynamic Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ line 107 Fisher Pond Road, of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent required. organization NCSS offers vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐task advanced interpersonal skills, the to multi-­‐task and reception/office experience. billing This is a full-­‐ ttand ime involving medical records andability practices and reception/office experience. This is a full-­‐ ime organization. We are also searching for a & full-­‐ time is educational assistance. Position starts at St. VT 05478 phones, scheduling appointments and other competitive w ages aaAlbans, nd eexcellent bbSupport and reception/office experience. enefits. This a full-­‐time St. Albans, 05478 with a critical mission -evening Northwestern Counseling Services competitive w nd xcellent enefits. and reception/office experience. This is Receptionist. a full-­‐time Northwestern Counseling & Support Services would be strong plus. MBA or CPA of preferred. If Please submit resume and& letter interest, VT position, M-­‐ FFa ages with some hours. Services High School Northwestern Counseling position, M-­‐ with some evening hours. High School Northwestern Counseling & Support Support Services $35,000 annually. position, M-­‐F with some evening hours. High School office duties. Position requires Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-­‐ line miscellaneous position, M-­‐F with some evening hours. High School RECEPTIONIST you are looking to join a dynamic organization 107 Fisher Pond Road, 107 Fisher Pond Road, including salary requirements, to the Director 107 Fisher Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers 107 Fisher Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Equal Opportunity Employer. excellent computer skills, appointments to include Office, Please ssaend ccover lletter, rr-esume aand tthree rreferences phones, scheduling and other We are also searching for a full-­‐time Receptionist. Equal Opportunity Employer. Please visit Please end over etter, esume nd Microsoft hree eferences with critical mission St. Albans, VT 05478 ‘I’ve se competitive w ages a nd e xcellent b enefits. Please submit resume and of interest, St. Albans, VT 05478 St. VT 05478 competitive wages ages aAlbans, nd e excellent xcellent bletter enefits. competitive w aaAlbans, nd bbanswering enefits. ofto Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. en so m St. VT 05478 competitive w ages nd e xcellent enefits. Duties include greeting clients, multi-­‐line advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite a t miscellaneous office duties. Position requires any k to hr@ncssinc.org or visit our website at task careers@ncssinc.org Sarah Al ids grow scheduling appointments and other phones, lerton up..’’ including salary requirements, to the Director www.ncssinc.org and reception/office experience. This is a full-­‐ t ime www.ncssinc.org/careers. Equal Opportunity Employer. Please submit resume andEmployer. letter ofat: interest, Please ssend ccwww.ncssinc.org/careers. over lletter, rresume a nd tthree rreferences H excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, Equal Opportunity Please end over etter, esume a nd hree eferences or visit our website a l miscellaneous office aSupport Position requires ting Northwestern Counseling &Employer. Services Equal Opportunity Employer. Please ssend cc over lletter, rrduties. esume nd ttebsite hree rraaeferences s Equal Opportunity to h r@ncssinc.org o r vvisit o ur w t M-­‐ F with some evening hours. High School h Please end over etter, esume a nd hree eferences of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. position, including salary requirements, to the Director o W to h r@ncssinc.org o r isit o ur w ebsite t r o e rk advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-­‐ t ask l excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, shop gea www.ncssinc.org/careers www.ncssinc.org red to ho and erosi www.ncssinc.org/careers. 107 www.ncssinc.org to r@ncssinc.org ooPond vvrequired. isit ur w t t offers www.ncssinc.org/careers. of h Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent NCSS Please vvFisher isit oour CCr age aato t to hHuman r@ncssinc.org r areers isit oRoad, ur w ebsite ebsite advanced interpersonal skills, the o ability on in Fr meowner Please isit experience. ur areers age t multi-­‐task and ppThis is a aafull-­‐ time reception/office s www.ncssinc.org anklin St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive w ages a nd e xcellent b enefits. and reception/office experience. This is a full-­‐time www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers tto vview oour oopen Northwestern Counseling Support Services www.ncssinc.org/careers o && iew ur aoot t ther ther pen vvsome isit o C p position, M-­‐ FPlease www.ncssinc.org/careers. with evening hours. High School Northwestern Counseling Support Services Please isit our ur Careers areers page age a position, M-­‐F with some evening hours. High School www.ncssinc.org/careers positions. positions. t o v iew o ur o ther o pen Fisher Road, www.ncssinc.org/careers to view our ther open 107 Fisher Pond Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. oNCSS NCSS offers Diploma or 107 equivalent required. offers Equal Opportunity Employer. Please send cover lvetter, resume and t hree positions. Please isit ooeur CCVT areers ppage aat t references St. A positions. Please isit ur areers age St.v 05478 competitive wages ages aAlbans, nd xcellent bbenefits. St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive w a nd e xcellent enefits. lbans to hr@ncssinc.org or vtisit our wur ebsite at We re aan n EEqual qual O Opportunity pportunity mployer. We aare mployer. www.ncssinc.org/careers oother www.ncssinc.org/careers to o vview iew EEooEEmployer. ur ther oopen pen gets We Equal a a E qual Please www.ncssinc.org are re an n Opportunity Eletter, qual O Orpportunity pportunity mployer. Employer. sWe end cwww.ncssinc.org/careers. over esume a nd t hree r eferences positions. positions. Equal Opportunity Employer. c over l etter, r esume a nd t hree r eferences to “Creating h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite a t Please send a S tronger W orkforce, “Creating aaa SSStronger Workforce, orkforce, “Creating tronger “Creating tronger W W orkforce, www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. to hr@ncssinc.org vaaaaisit ur website Please veeeeisit our oCr areers page at at one mployee t ime” mployee t one mployee t aaaa o ttttime” ime” one mployee t ime” We aare aaone n E qual O pportunity EEmployer. We re n E qual O pportunity mployer. www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew o ur other open Please visit our Careers page at IInc., 07 Fisher P ond R oad, SSSt. Albans, V T 0 5478 NCSS, nc., 07 F isher P P ond R Road, oad, t. lbans, VV 5478 positions. NCSS, IInc., 111107 ond t. lbans, 005478 NCSS, www.ncssinc.org/careers to view oAA ur other NCSS, nc., 07 FFisher isher P ond R oad, S t. 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Water/Wastewater Certification

A Water and Wastewater Operator Certificate is essential or the ability to pass a Vermont Domestic Wastewater and Potable Water certification exam. A background check as well as drug and alcohol testing are required. Random testing will be done yearly. A close proximity to the town and garage is beneficial. Salary, health insurance, and municipal retirement benefit package to be negotiated by Selectboard. The Town of Sheldon is an Equal Opportunity Employer For more information Contact Town Office at: (802) 933-2524 Applications are available at the Sheldon Municipal Offices 1640 Main Street, Sheldon VT 05483 Or online at: tc@sheldonvt.com All applications are due no later than May 31, 2018



t’s Oldest








New ch apter f or l

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: ROAD NAMING: Notice is hereby given that the Town of Swanton Selectboard will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of naming a new road on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 7:05 p.m.

Franklin Probate Court Address of Probate Court: 17 Church Street St. Albans, VT 05478

Geraline Levin Executor/ Administrator Geraline Lois Levin Mailing Address c/o Hobart Popick, Langrock Sperry & Wool PO Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402 Phone Number 802-864-0217 Email hpopick@langrock.com Name of Publication: St. Albans Messenger Publication Date: 05/14/18 Name of Probate Court:










ed in 186




By ELA INE EZE Messenge RINS nity this r Staff Writ fall, er the assista becoming nt libr ian at T. AL BANS St. Alb arar Edu cat dren, — Chi ans Tow ion al lln the sec guardians (SATEC Cen ter filled ond floo ). St. Alb “I nee ans Fre r of the ded Monda e had a job health y morni Library that benefit ering Allerto s,” around ng, gath n. h“I’v libraria chi e been said time her n Sarah ldren’s parte for as she years Allerto all read, the so n se it was sang, and dan and-bo a nutslts kin ced her acted throug sion d of h way aro deciia season story hour I’m ver und that. like ed y gratefu But found Yes ter professional. l to hav a day e Allert in a libr new position on’ wa s still library s last at with kid ary, still wor , king s.” years witwrapping up the “I’m 18 hour. Sheh one final have to thrilled tha stor t ing role will be swi y it’s stil make a cha if I tchs in the l nge love to something tha , commu do,” tI One coushe said. ld see ® See this LIBRA RY on page 5

More than some of 30 children and her favo rite child parents gather ren’s boo arou ks for stor nd as St. Alba ns Free y hour Mon Library’ day mor s Children ning.


Be a very important part of the team that prepares the St. Albans Messenger to be delivered throughout our Franklin County communities! Have some spare time? Not really ready to leave the workforce? Extra CASH is always a good thing! Sound like you? Than we want YOU as an

INSERTER ’s Libraria

RANK LIN — eager Lake Car mi quickly to make a reside differe nts nce the ning’s may want to y can attend presen see We tation on nat dnesday eve ural sho reland



n Sarah ELAINE EZERINS, Allerton Mess reads and enger Staff acts out

erosion Wedne control at the sday eve Frankl ning. in Hom The estead and theFranklin Wa tershed Lake (LCSG) Com Cha Patters organized the mplain Sea mit on, LCS presen Grant water quality G’s land-use tation. Lin da educato planni ng and r, will be pre senti

with Fra erosion nk Shumw ay, a control contrac certified nat tor from ur Swanto n

needed for fast paced work environment. soProduction/Inserters can do this... lar lift up to 25You Multi-task, lbs., have the ability to count and work quickly and accurately with hands, learn and pay attention to detail. Must be dependable, on time, and have reliable attendance to support the rest of your TEAM!


hr@ncssinc.org at ww.ncssinc.org at ew wmployee ww.ncssinc.org one at a time”

Learn more about our careers

our careers Learn more about

NCSS, Inc., 107 Fisher Pond Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 hr@ncssinc.org at w at www.ncssinc.org ww.ncssinc.org at www.ncssinc.org Learn more about our careers

at www.ncssinc.org

at www.ncssinc.org



Stop in to fill out an application: St. Albans Messenger, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT or email: cwillis@samessenger.com NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE.

The TEAM is waiting for you!


6 Days a week, 4 hours daily, starting at about 11:00am. Must be 18+, valid driver’s license, and reliable car with insurance & registration required. Call 524-9771 ext. 100 or stop by the office, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for application.

Fairfield, Bakersfield, Highgate and Richford Routes






2018 unless other arrangements have been made with Management. All sales are final and as is. 3. Purchase must be made in cash and paid in advance of the removal of the contents of the unit. $50.00 cash deposit shall be made AUCTION and will be refunded DANYOW when totally emptied MINI-STORAGE, LLC and broom cleaned. 1052 Vermont 4. Sale of tenants storRoute 78 age contents may be Highgate, VT terminated by full paySat., May 19, 2018 ment of balances due at 10:00 A.M. through 5:00 P.M. on Approximately 1 mile Wednesday, May 16, East of the Airport. 2018. The contents in storage MOUNT CALVARY of the following tenants. Reason, non-payment/ AND HOLY CROSS CEMETERIES abandonment. Storage Please help us clean contents of: up our cemeteries by removing any items Mr. Jeff Young that were placed on 75 Martell Road Alburgh, Vermont the graves during the winter. You may plant 05440 real flowers, annuals or perennials, up to one Ms. Jessica Lewis foot, only in front of a 127 St. Paul Street monument. In most of Apt. 2-9 Burlington, Vermont the cemeteries area, the following are not 05401 permitted for safety of 1. Contents will be sold our staff and the public. in their entirety, parted • No plastic, ceramic, out and/or be subject glass flowers or ornato reserve bid price at ments the discretion of the • No fencing of any kind management at public • No mulch, bark or stone ground cover auction. 2. All contents must be • Shrubs and small removed by 7:00 P.M. trees need to be on Sunday, May 20, trimmed


St. Albans Messenger | Monday, May 14, 2018

Thank you for your assistance: Mount Calvary and Holy Cross Associations



TREDMILL, NORDIC TRACK, New, still in packaging, model/sku NTL16915, purchased 2/20/17. Asking $500 OBO. 802-752-6394 Furniture

STATE OF VERMONT Surplus Vehicle/Equipment Auction: NOTE CORRECTED DATE - Saturday, May 12, 2018; 10:00AM. Central Garage, 1756 US Route 302, Berlin, VT. Call 1-800-536-1401, Ext. 110. www.Auctions International.com


MALE, AGE 41, 6 feet tall, 220 lbs., black hair, brown eyes. Easy going, loves hanging out. Likes games, fishing. Highgate resident. Searching for female, age 20’s-60’s, with similar interests. Call Joe, 802-868-0998.

L egals St. Albans City School presents: WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN!

St. Albans City School would like to welcome all incoming Kindergarteners (children who will be 5 before September 1st, 2018) and their parents to the 2018-2019 school year. You are invited to visit us in the Kindergarten on Thursday, May 17th from 6:00 pm to 7 pm. Registration material for Kindergarten screenings will be available. Your child’s immunization records and birth certificate are required.

For more information, call Helene Biggie at 527-0565 @ ext. 1101.

OH, MOST BEAUTIFUL flower of Mt. Carmel. Fruitful vine splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3X). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3x) Holy Spirit you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in Eternal Glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer 3 consecutive days. After 3 days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. (When published sign with your initials ) RC

Appliances R E F R I G E R AT O R , KENMORE COMP A C T , 24.5”Wx26”Dx59.5”H, 4.5 cubic feet, like new, 3 years old, Frost-free, stainless steel with levelers. $400. OBO. 802-2852114 Books/Reading Material COOKBOOK, HARDCOVER SET (13), Time Life The Good Cook/Techniques & Recipes. Includes Meats, Poultry, Bread, Desserts, Preserving etc. Very good condition, $58 for set. 802891-6140 Clothing & Accessories C A R P E N T E R JEANS, MEN’S Lee, sizes W34-30 (5), W34-32, W32-30, W36-30. $10 each or $75 for all. Call 802868-3269 mornings

POWER LIFT CHAIR, excellent condition. $500. 802-370-0406 SOFA CHAISE, ENGLAND burgundy. Excellent condition. Please call 802-5245464 Lawn/Garden PRIVACY HEDGES SPRING BLOWOUT SALE 6FT Arborvitae, reg $179. Now $75. Beautiful, Nursery Grown, FREE INS TA L L AT I O N / F R E E delivery, Limited Supply! Order NOW: 518536-1367 www.lowcosttree farm.com


PUPPIES, CHOCOLATE LAB, AKC, 8 weeks old 5/18/18. $850. Call Jonathan 802-309-0906

SAFETY SHOES, WOMEN’S Wolverine, size 8.5. Brand Pet Supplies new, worn 2 weeks, paid $130. Selling for FISH TANK, LARGE $40. Call 80-868-3269 55 gallon, mornings 3’Lx12.5”Wx25”H. Comes with heat eleCollectibles ment, colored pebALARM CLOCK, bles, and heavy wood P O C A H O N T A S , stand, $50. Call 802Plays “Colors of the 524-9468 Wind”, good condition, $4. Call 802-8916140 Exercise/Sporting Equipment INLINE SKATES, SENECA, “Marauder”, white with pink and purple, size 4 girls, like new condition in original box, $20. Call 802-8916140


g n i m o s s o l B y a d i l Ho y r o t c Dire Beaver Meadow Greenhouses OVER 40 YEARS OF GROWING! 2 locations: Route 118/Montgomery Road & Woodward Neighorborhood Road, Enosburg, VT

Quality Plants Grown Here•Low Prices•Great Assortment

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from trees, shrubs, perennials & annuals, to vegetable garden needs Come see us 7 days a week!

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Mother’s Day - 05/13/18 Memorial Day - 05/28/18 Father’s Day - 06/17/18 Independence Day - 07/04/18 To advertise in this directory! Call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 122

St. Albans Messenger


Health Sick & tired of being Sick & tired?


Chiropractic, Gym, & Nutritional Therapy

drmolly.com 802-527-2225

Your ad here! Call 802-524-9771 x 117 or 122

Insurance The Resources to Better Protect You 22 First Street Swanton

800-296-5722 kinneypike.com

Marketplace Insurance Center

Your Business Insurance Professionals

802-527-0121 jimm@marketplaceinsurance.com

Legal CAR CRASH? William T. Counos, II

Kissane Associates 2 North Main St., St. Albans

(802) 524-9546 x15

Timothy S. Hawkins, Esq. Real Estate, Wills & Estates, Bankruptcy, Evictions

17 Stebbins St., St. Albans, VT 05478 7am-5pm evenings & weekends

802 524-1434

We are a debt relief agency

HEHIR LAW OFFICE, PLLC Brian Hehir, Attorney Serving the area for 22 years. Real Estate, Including: Sales and Purchases, Landlord/Tenant, Boundary Disputes, Zoning, Subdivision. Also: Wills, Probate, Injury and Business Matters. 239 South Union St., Burlington 802-862-2006 • www.hehirlaw.com


Including But Not By Way of Limitation, All Aspects of Real Estate (Closings to Litigation), Estate Planning & Administration, Business Formation, Purchases & Sales, Tenant Evictions & General Litigation.

375 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT tim@vtlaw.us (802) 527-7200

To advertise Call (802) 524-9771 Gail x117 • Fax (802) 527-1948 Email: classifieds@samessenger.com Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week

St. Albans Messenger | Monday, May 14, 2018


Merchandise Vehicles

Rentals & FoR sale


Pellet/Woodstoves/ Heating FUEL TANKS, (2), large, with piping and some fuel. Always been undercover. Asking $100. for all. 802-309-4062 WOOD BOX, NICE old farmhouse wood box. Ideal for your kindling and small wood. $75. 802-309-4062 Wanted to Buy

2013 Nissan Sentra SV, auto, FWD, CD player, air conditioning, 45K miles $8,500.

BUYING ANTIQUES Complete households, most anything old/of good quality. 45+ years buying! Fair prices paid! Call Ed Lambert Parts/Accessories 802-528-5651 or LADDER RACK FOR 802-782-1223 cargo van, in very good St. Albans shape. $50. 802-524FREON R12 WANT- 4083 ED: CERTIFIED BUYER will PAY CA$H for R12 cylinders or cases of cans. (312)2919169; www.refrigerant finders.com

Cars Tires WINTER TIRES MOUNTED on rims, 225/75 R16, half inch tread, lightly used. $50. 802-524-4083

Real Estate

living room with gas fireplace. Much potential. 802-752-8810

2005 Subaru Impreza RS, auto, AWD, CD player, air conditioning, ST. ALBANS CITY 142K miles Hill Section. 4 bed$4,495. room, 3 bath colonial. Central air, kitchen 2014 Buick Regal Turfully equipped. Hardbo, auto, FWD, backup wood floors, 2 car camera, navigation, attached garage, no heated seats, sunroof, pets/no smoking. 34K miles $1,900./mo. $13,900. GEORGIA CHEVROLET HHR, Immaculate ranch, 3 2009, 4 DOOR, in- bedrrom, 1 full bath, spected through 4/19, full unfinished base4 new tires, excel- ment, 1 car attached lent condition, 75,600 garage. No pets/no miles. $5,900. 802- smoking. $1,500./ 524-2988 mo. Call: TOYOTA TACOMA, 1-800-864-6226 2011, 2 wd, 5 speed x7852 standard, excellent or 802-343-0540 condition,142,000 www.fourseasons miles. $7,500 O.B.O. sir.com 802-393-2131 ST. ALBANS CITY, 1 BEDROOM, second floor. Appliances, W/D hookups, water, snow/ garbage removal included, off-street parking. No pets. $750./mo. Call 802-238-6853 Homes for rent 4 BEDROOM, 3 bath home, 2 car attached garage, private country setting. W/D hookups, trash included. $1,500./ mo. plus utilities. Non smokers only. References, deposit/first/last required. 802-524-0119

for Sale


ST. ALBANS TOWN Easy living at The Village At Franklin Park. Beautiful and NEW high end and quality constructed units. Enjoy close proximity to the interstate, hospital, shopping and bike path. Homes are built as one level with plans and room for expansion up-stairs. Each unit has many accessibility features, open floor plans, and spacious room sizes. With several models to choose from these homes are built to suit your needs. So come take a look at our fully finished model and start planning your home! CHERYL B O I S S O N E A U L T, 802-370-0529, CHERYLSELLSVT@ GMAIL.COM

SWANTON 6 Samhannah Drive Reduced Price $184,900 2 bedroom (includes large master), 2 bath condo. Handicap accessible, sun room, walk-in shower. Dry, full basement. 802-782-8789

XARELTO and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-5355727


May Be Found In Our Homes For Sale Section


Take A Look!!

Auto Service


Curt’s Automotive

13 Beauregard Drive, St. Albans (802) 524-2824 8am-5pm Mon-Fri Saturdays by Appointment

General Repairs • Tires • Alignment

Inboard & Outboard, Motors & Drive Units

2013 Honda Pilot Touring, auto, AWD, heated Seats, navigation, third row seating, 50K miles $21,500. 2014 Ford Fusion Titanium, auto, FWD, backup camera, navigation, heated seats, sunroof, 66K miles $13,900.

• Tires • State Inspection • Service

Homes for sale

Adopting A Pet Makes The World A Better Place!

Saving Cats & Dogs since 1964

Vehicle RepaiR

2015 Mazda 3 Sport, auto, FWD,backup camera, heated seats, navigation, 29K miles $11,500.

Humane Society Sponsorship Honor Roll

Franklin County Animal Rescue

Boat RepaiR & peRsonal WateRcRaft

For Rent

Servi c es

lamothe’s RepaiR shop

30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • info@fcarpets.org • FranklinCountyAnimal Rescue.org

“OSCAR” Oscar is about 8 years old. He likes his independence, but knows how to have fun. His curiosity is always entertaining, and is a loving kitty.

This Humane Society Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:

Top of the Hill Boarding Kennels Route 78, Highgate Center 802-868-3000

*Daycare*Boarding*Gooming* www.topofthehillkennels-vt.com

Franklin County Animal Rescue Saving Cats & Dogs since 1964

30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • info@fcarpets.org • FranklinCountyAnimal Rescue.org

“THEONA” Theona is a very affectionate 3 year old female cat. She loves people and attention, but is not demanding.

This Animal Rescue Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:

Sponsor Me! Call Franklin County Animal Rescue at 802-524-9650 for more information

Newton Rd., St. Albans | 802.524.6867

Apartments Unfurnished SMALL APARTMENT ON Lakewood Drive, West Swanton. $650./ mo., includes heat and RELOCATING lights. Deposit and ref$266,500. erences required. No Minutes to St. Albans. pets. 802-393-5768 Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath family home on Your Ad Here! over 1 acres. Barn, Call: 802-524-9771 tractor shed, 2 car gaExt. 117 or 122 rage. Sunroom, dining room with pellet stove,


Buying cars & trucks for scrap with towing available and we have a large selection of used auto parts.

802-868-5224 Rt. 78, Swanton

4 Weeks for only $40. Call today to advertise! 802-524-9771 x122 or x117

Real estate Agent Directory Get 6 weeks of advertising in two publications for $135 6 weeks in the Messenger for $90 6 weeks in the EXTRA for $45

Bill Magnus

BROKER, CRS, ABR, SRS, GREEN, e-PRO Email: bmagnus@vermontkw.com Call/Text: 802-363-5000

Mobile App: http://app.kw.com/KW2LYFPDU

Call now and have your business card seen by up to 48,000 readers eaCh week!

802-524-9771 x 117, or 122 or email: callie@samessenger.com

Franklin County Animal Rescue Saving Cats & Dogs since 1964

30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • info@fcarpets.org • FranklinCountyAnimal Rescue.org

“IRIS” Iris is a beautiful 1 year old kitten. She is a little shy when you first meet her, but becomes very friendly and loving once she gets to know you!

This Animal Rescue Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:

Your New Best Friend! Call Franklin County Animal Rescue at 802-524-9650 for more information


St. Albans Messenger | Monday, May 14, 2018


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St. Albans Messenger | Monday, May 14, 2018

HoMe inSPecTion

PeT SiTTing

Jeff Belrose

Trails and Tails Dog Camp


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Note: Bigar’s Stars is based on the degree of your sun at birth. The sign name is simply a label astrologers put on a set of degrees for convenience. For best results, readers should refer to the dates following each sign. A baby born today has a Sun and Moon in Taurus. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday, May 14, 2018: This year your magnetism, creativity and uniqueness dominate. You might experience a particularly special year. You easily can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. If you are single, you could find yourself in a committed relationship, if you so choose. Know what you want. If you are attached, you will feel particularly connected to your significant other. Remember that the strength of your relationship comes from being a duo. A fellow TAURUS understands you much better than many do. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19)  You could feel challenged by someone who considers him- or herself more knowledgeable than you. It is always good to brainstorm without defensiveness. Use your imagination to enhance a conversation. You seem to have many choices. Tonight: Express your emotions. TAURUS (April 20-May 20)  Reach out to someone at a distance. A situation that polarizes you and puts you in a position of responsibility might be misrepresented. A partner or several people might decide to play devil’s advocate. Opportunities flood the moment. Tonight: Listen to other points of view.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)  You could be surprised by what you hear. You might want to have a discussion in private, especially if it does not make sense to you. You’ll find out a lot about one particular person, and will see him or more clearly as a result. Tonight: The less said at first, the better. CANCER (June 21-July 22)  Emphasize getting ahead and enjoying yourself to the max. Move forward with a long-term goal. Everyone seems to have a suggestion or two, and someone close to you wants to play devil’s advocate. Toying with ideas strengthens your decisions. Tonight: Find your friends. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)  A take-charge attitude isn’t likely to surprise those who work with you. People want to share their ideas and brainstorm with you. When you decide on a course of action, others believe that they are part of the decision. Tonight: Your popularity could be overwhelming. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)  Tap into your intellect to resolve someone’s negativity. Understand that only this person can change his or her mind, though you certainly can offer different perspectives. You spark others’ imaginations with your suggestions. Juggle calls. Tonight: Brainstorm the night away. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)  You could be in a position where you have many different interests to satisfy with one decision. At such moments, you might feel as if you are walking through an impossible maze. Everyone seems to want something different from you. Tonight: Use caution with spending. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)  You might be more intense than usual. You’ll find a reason to be inspired, and as a result will start opening up to others. Conversations are animated and lively. Options surround you, and you

might not know which way to turn. Tonight: Invite friends over for a fun happening. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)  You remain sensitive to the various forces around you. You might be focused on work or your accomplishments. You also could be overly concerned about your finances. Don’t let confusion affect your various possibilities. Your imagination is on fire. Tonight: Play it low-key. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)  You might have difficulty moving through a major issue. You have strong feelings about the direction you are heading in. An unusual idea captures your imagination. Decisions could be difficult at first, but once you accept suggestions, you’ll relax. Tonight: Hang with your friends. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)  You might feel as if you can’t come to a decision. Let your imagination surge. Keep an eye on your finances; you don’t want to deal with a perpetual drain on funds. Go with the moment, and don’t let a loved one make demands of you. Tonight: Happiest at home. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)  Reach out for more of what you want. You discover that a close friend is there for you. Communication surges between you and a neighbor. Let go of restraints, which could be self-imposed. Remain easygoing, and go with the moment. Tonight: Say “yes” to an exciting offer. BORN TODAY Filmmaker George Lucas (1944), actress Cate Blanchett (1969), actress Anjelah Johnson (1982) *** Jacqueline Bigar is on the internet at www.jacquelinebigar.com. © 2018 by King Features Syndicate Inc.

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