The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
G.W. Savage has immediate openings for carpenters helpers, laborers, and structural drying technicians in our South Burlington office. We offer competitive wages, health insurance, 401K, in addition to paid holidays and vacations. Applicants must have valid and clean driver’s license and agree to a criminal background check. Please call: 802-660-8900 for an application AUTO SALES HANDY TOYOTA will be moving into their new dealership soon. We have an opportunity for a hard working, customer oriented, selfstarter in our new car sales department. No previous sales experience necessary. Please send resume to: scourville @handycars.com
IMMEDIATE OPENING Handy Chevrolet seeks manager for our automotive reconditioning department. Dealership experience a PLUS!! Responsible for the reconditioning of retail and wholesale vehicles. Will train as to the dealer expectations. Please send resume to: allena@sover.net Or mail to: 699 Highgate Road Saint Albans VT 05478 LNA Part-Time Evening Position Professional skills required. Competitive wages. King’s Daughters Home 802-524-5744 kdhome10 @gmail.com SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Needed in Highgate and Franklin. Great part time job. Most holidays & summers off. Will train. 802-285-2145 TANKER DRIVER Seeking CLASS A, Haz Mat tanker driver. Must be able to enter Canada. Call: 802-598-9395 and leave a message. Help on the Farm
FARM HELP WANTED Full Time Experience in Parlor CHARBONNEAU’S Milking. Vehicle and BODY SHOP drivers license needed. Part-time Auto Body Housing included. Must Repair Tech needed. be a team player and Some experience re- get along with others. quired. Please call: 802-868-2443 802-868-4044 CLASS A CDL drivers needed now! Terminal in Springfield, MA. Weekly home time, new trucks, $.99 fuel for lease ops, practical mile pay. Hirschbach 888-474-0729 DRIVER: CDL-A-VAN & flatbed. New pay package! Very new trucks, benefits after 30 days, great miles, pay, dependable home time, start immediately! CDL graduates needed! 877-917-2266 drivewithwestern.com EXPERIENCED REEFER DRIVERS: GREAT PAY/Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME. Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800277-0212 or primeinc. com. GRAND OPENING Local company with full time PERMANENT work looking for 25 skilled and unskilled people. All departments hiring. $450. - $500. a week to start. Earned paid vacation and bonus’ (qualified). Call 802-662-3768 Email resumes: vtjobs4u@yahoo.com
Business Opportunities
START NOW! RED Hot Dollar. Dollar Plus, Mailbox, Discount Party, Discount Clothing, Teen Store, Fitness Center from $51,900. Worldwide! WWW.DRSS32. COM 1-800-518-3064
OCTOBER 1, 2012 RockTenn in cash or cashier’s 5. Law Enforcement At 7:00 p.m. Attn: Alan Teague check by purchaser at • Update on Road 1. Call to Order 369 Mill Street the time of sale, with the Weight Limit Ordinance 2. Discussion of ProSheldon Springs, balance due at closing. 6. Public Rights-of-Way posed Arena RenovaVT 05485 The sale is subject to • Discuss Tree Cutting tion Options Ph: 802-933-7733 taxes due and owing to Policy in Public ROW 3. Discussion of AnticiFax: 802-933-5326 the City of St. Albans. 7. Public Comments pated Arena RenovaEmail: The mortgagor is en- 8. Any Other Necessary tion Tax Impacts for alteague titled to redeem the Business Swanton, Highgate, & @rocktenn.com premises at any time 9. Executive Session Franklin STATE OF VERMONT prior to the sale by pay- for Litigation 4. Discussion of Pro- SUPERIOR COURT ing the full amount due 10. Adjournment posed Arena Ownerunder the mortgage, CIVIL DIVISION TOWN OF ship Structures including the costs and Franklin Unit SWANTON 5. Any Other Business expenses of the sale. Docket No. AGENDA 6. Executive Session (if Other terms to be anS 448-11 Fc SELECTBOARD needed) PHH Mortgage Corpo- nounced at the sale or REGULAR MEETING 7. Adjournment inquire at Lobe & Forration, Swanton Town tin, 30 Kimball Ave., NOTICE Plaintiff Office Building Ste. 306, South BurlA BETTER v. 1 Academy Street MINI STORAGE Justin A. Rocheleau, ington, VT 05403, (802) Swanton, VT 05488 660-9000. Will be having an auc- E*Trade Bank and Tuesday, tion Saturday Sep- Occupants residing at DATED at South BurOctober 2, 2012 lington, Vermont this tember 29, 2012 at 60 Nason Street, At 7:45 p.m. day of September, A. Call to Order 10:00am. Units that will St. Albans, Vermont, 2012. be auctioned are units Defendants B. Pledge of Allegiance PHH Mortgage Corpo- C. Meeting Topics: 103, 108, 125, 128, NOTICE OF SALE 187, 206. This will be a By virtue and in ex- ration 1. Minutes cash sale. For more in- ecution of the Power By: a) September 18, 2012 formation please call: of Sale contained in a Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. meeting 802-933-7867 2. Old Business certain mortgage given Lobe & Fortin, PLC by Justin A. Rocheleau 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. a) Discuss Purchase Freeze Policy to PHH Mortgage Ser- 306 South Burlington, VT 3. Highway Departvices dated June 17, 05403 ment 2005 and recorded in Town & Village a) Proposed Tree CutVolume 195, Page 152 of Swanton ting & Trimming of the Land Records of AGENDA b) Other Updates the City of St. Albans, of JOINT 4. Law Enforcement & which mortgage the unLEGISLATIVE Fire Department dersigned is the presREQUEST FOR BODY MEETING a) Swanton Village Poent holder, for breach WINTER YARD MONDAY, lice Chief Report MAINTENANCE BIDS of the conditions of said OCTOBER 2, 2012 b) Swanton Village Fire At this time RockTenn mortgage and for the At 7:00 p.m. Chief Report Company’s Missisquoi purposes of foreclosing Mill, located in Shel- the same will be sold Town Office Building 5. Recreation Depart1 Academy Street ment don Springs Vermont, at Public Auction at is accepting bids for 9:00 A.M. on October Swanton, VT 05488 a) Tri-Town Arena Upour winter yard main- 16, 2012, at 60 Nason 1. Call to Order & Roll date 6. Community Project tenance. The Rock- Street, St. Albans, Ver- Call a) Discuss MVU ComTenn plant operates mont all and singular 2. Minutes • Approve Minutes of munity Service Days 24/7, and needs to be the premises described 8/20/2012 JLB Meeting Project able to shuttle trailers in said mortgage: 3. Old Business 7. Public Comments around most hours of To Wit: the day or night. Plow- A parcel of land located • Discuss Equipment 8. Correspondence a) Request for Noning, sanding, and the in Saint Albans, County Tax with Listers 4. Common Interest profit Contribution ability to haul away of Franklin, State of excess snow when the Vermont with a street • Discuss 250th Anni- 9. Any Other Necessary Business need arises are mini- location address of 60 versary Celebration mum requirements. Nason Street, Saint Plowing can be quite Albans, VT, 05478 curintense at times clear- rently owned by Justin A proven manufacturer has several openings in ing trailer lots and A. Rocheleau having a loading docks, and tax identification num- its fast paced, quality orientated environment. you are expected to ber of 26060060, and Responsible, reliable persons with 1+ years of handle the job without more fully described in manufacturing experience preferred. Openings direct supervision. in- the vesting document are weekdays, ďŹ rst shift only. cluding deciding when dated 5/24/02, recordyou need to plow and/ ed on 5/28/02, in liber Please apply in person at: Please apply in person at: or sand. Sanding and 146 page 546 and desThe plowing needs to be ignated as metes and The Yankee Yankee Corp Corp kept up in all yards, bounds property. 125 125 Yankee Yankee Park Park Road, Road, trailer lots and loading Terms of Sale: Georgia, VT Georgia, VT docks especially first $10,000.00 to be paid thing in the morning before traffic begins at 6:00am. Past history based on last five years: Average winter: 260 hrs., High: 350 hrs., Low: 200 hrs. Please submit bids in two different formats: •Hourly charges for plowing, sanding, and The City of St. Albans’ Recreation Department is hauling. accepting applications for a part-time Recreation •Contract price for the Coordinator. This fast-paced department is looking for an energetic person to assist the Director in all entire winters work. aspects of department activity including but not We will offer price prolimited to customer service, website management, tection should oil prices program and event planning and implementation, spiral out of control. as well as facility and ďŹ eld management upkeep. This Invoices should be subposition is 20 hours/week and must be available for mitted monthly for payoccasional evenings and weekends. The hiring pay is ment. $20,000. Bids should be received no later than To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to: Friday October 5, p.strait@stalbansvt.com. 2012. Resume review will begin Thursday, October 4th. If you wish to submit a EOE bid respond to:
Full Time/Part Time
10. Upcoming Events a) VLCT Town Fair on October 4, 2012 11. Executive Session (if needed) 12. Adjournment
Make a difference by assisting elderly residents and residents with disabilities in obtaining needed supportive services from the community to prevent premature and unnecessary institutionalization; assess individual service needs; determine eligibility for public services; and make resource allocation decisions to enable residents to stay in the community longer.
Bachelor’s Degree and two to three years’ experience in social service delivery with senior citizens and non-elderly disabled. Individual will work in both an ofďŹ ce and ďŹ eld environment and drive on a regular basis. Grant-funded position is part-time 16 to 20 hours per week and is based in St. Albans. For position details, requirements and qualiďŹ cations, visit www.vsha.org. Cover letter and resume to:
HR, VSHA 1 Prospect Street Montpelier, VT 05602-3556 VSHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
/,-! (!! ! .) %0% ! "/&& .%'! - $! /&! !.1!!( & /,# ! &.$ !(.!, ( . & (- ! &.$ !(.!, $! ),.$!,( %!, !(.!, "), ! &.$ *,)0% !- +/ &%.3 $! &.$ ,! .) * .%!(.- ( )'*!.%.%0! 1 #! ( !(!"%.- .) !'*&)3!!- ) ! )(-% !,! "), .$%- *)-%.%)( *&! -! -/ '%. ,!-/'! ,!-/'! .) .) -/ '%.
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$ 2 #,!#)%,! (). $0. ),#
Inserters needed for fast paced work
environment. Must be able to multitask, lift up to 25 lbs, be dependable and work early mornings, Monday thru Friday. Attention to detail a must and to accurately count. Must be able to supply credible references. Stop in to fill out an application.
St. Albans Messenger 281 North Main Street St. Albans, VT or email: suzanne@samessenger.com
No phone calls, please.
No experience necessary. 6 Days a week, 3-4 hours daily, starting at about 11:30am. Routes available: Swanton, Fairfax and Fletcher
•Must be 18+, valid driver’s license, and reliable car with insurance required. •Drivers are independently contracted and bonded. Call Tammy at 524-9771 ext. 101 or stop by the office, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm for application.
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
Legals Legals NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS CATEGORICALLY EXCLUDED ACTIVITIES TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS: The purpose of this Notice is to identify actions to be taken by the State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (hereinafter Agency) as Grantee and the Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission (TRORC); the Gilman Housing Trust (GHT); and Champlain Housing Trust (CHT) as Subgrantees. On or about October 5, 2012, the Agency will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter HUD) to release funds under the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program (CDBG-DR) associated with Presidentially declared disasters #DR-1995; #DR-4001; and #DR4022. These funds will be used by: TRORC for the match to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program residential and commercial buyouts and other eligible buyouts; GHT as lead for the Housing Recovery Pro-
gram collaborating with the five NeighborWorks Homeownership Centers (HOC’s) around the State to provide grants and/or loans for owner-occupied flood damaged homes for rehabilitation, downpayment assistance and financial counseling; and CHT for the Mobile Home Financing Program collaborating with the five NeighborWorks Homeownership Centers (HOC’s) around the State to provide grants and/or loans to homeowners to assist in the purchase of replacement mobile homes. Projects Titles: State Direct Grants: Residential and Commercial buyouts; Housing Recovery; and Mobile Home Financing for Disaster Recovery Location of Projects: Properties throughout the State that were impacted by one or all of the Presidentially declared disasters: #DR-1995; #DR-4001; and #DR-4022 Estimated Cost of Projects: Residential and Commercial Buyouts - $5,862,530; Housing Recovery - $3,398,649; and Mobile Home Financing $500,000 Projects Summary: Residential and Com-
mercial Buyouts Program will use CDBGDR funding to provide the 25 % match to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) to assist in the acquisition of properties that have been substantially damaged by one of the Disasters identified above and approved by FEMA. These properties will be deeded to the Municipalities in which the property is located to remain forever green with no permanent structures. In addition, there may be instances where some properties will be acquired that were substantially damaged, but did not receive a FEMA approval and therefore, HMGP is not participating and a greater percentage of CDBG-DR funds will be used. Housing Recovery Program will use CDBG-DR funding to provide grants and/ or loans for flood-impacted owner-occupied single-family and multifamily up to 4 units for rehabilitation, downpayment assistance, and financial counseling. Mobile Home Financing Program will use CDBG-DR funds to assist flood-impacted mobile homeowners with financing to acquire replacement mobile home units.
By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. The purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at http://vermont-archives.org/aparules/ovnotices.htm. The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members. To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible. To obtain further information concerning any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (828-2231).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rule 4.000: Certificate of Need Vermont Proposed Rule: 12P048 AGENCY: Green Mountain Care Board
CONCISE SUMMARY: Under current Vermont law, the Department of Financial Regulation (Department) administers the certificate of need (CON) process by reviewing the application of health care facilities for new health care projects and issuing or denying CONs for these projects. The Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB) will acquire sole jurisdiction over all applications for new CONs and over the administration of all existing CONs on January 1, 2013. See 18 V.S.A. §§ 9375 (b)(8), 9431 (B), and 9433, as amended by Act No. 171 (2011 adj. sess.), §§ 12, 15, and 42(h). To its statutory obligation, the GMCB proposes adopting this rule to set forth the process by which new CON applications will be reviewed and approved, approved with conditions or denied. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Michael Donofrio, General Counsel, Green Mountain Care Board 89 Main Street, 3d Floor, Montpelier, VT 05620-3101 Tel: 802-828-4892 Email: michael.donofrio@state.vt.us URL: http://gmcboard. vermont.gov/rules. For Copies: Janet Richard Green Mountain Care Board 89 Main Street, 3d Floor Montpelier, VT 05620-3101 Tel: 802-828-2901 Email: janet. richard@state.vt.us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regulated Drugs Rule Vermont Proposed Rule: 12P049 AGENCY: Human Services, Department of Health CONCISE SUMMARY: This rule amendment seeks to add synthetic stimulants ("bath salts"), synthetic cannabinoids ("fake weed") and other "designer" drugs with no current legitimate human use to the regulated drugs rule. The amendment also adds language including derivatives and analogs of these compounds so that those people intentionally trying to evade the rule can not do so by making small changes in their chemical structure. Adding these substances to the rule allows for effective State enforcement of the prohibitions on their manufacture, sale, and use through the regulated drugs statute at 18 V.S.A. Chapter 84. There are exceptions in the statute for legitimate uses of regulated drugs. The admendment also alphabetizes the compounds so that the rule is easier to use.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Kirk Kimball, Organic Chemistry Program Chief, Vermont Department of Health, PO Box 70 Burlington, VT 054020070 Tel:802-951-1293 Fax: 802-951-1275 Email: kirk.kimball@state.vt.us URL: http://www.healthvermont.gov/regs/index.aspx. For Copies: Bessie Weiss, Assistant Attorney General Vermont Department of Health PO Box 70 Burlington, VT 05402-0070 Tel: 802-652-2092 Fax: 802-9511211 Email: bessie.weiss@state.vt.us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vermont Department of Health Immunization Regulations
Vermont Proposed Rule: 12P050 AGENCY: Human Services, Department of Health CONCISE SUMMARY: The proposed amendment to the Vermont Department of Health Immunizations Regulations is intended to conform to Act 157. The amendments include incorporating new provisions relating to a requirement that parents who wish to exempt their children from state required immunizations sign a statement indicating they have reviewed and understand evidence-based educational material provided by the Department of Health regarding immunizations, including information about the risks of adverse reactions to immunization. In addition the proposed amendment in keeping with Act 157, will require schools and child care facilities to produce an annual report describing immunization status of students.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Tracy Dolan, Deputy Commissioner Vermont Department of Health PO Box 70, Burlington VT 05402 Tel: 802-9515181 Fax: 802-951-1275 Email: tracy.dolan@state.vt.us URL: http://www.healthvermont.gov/regs/index.aspx For Copies: Dixie Henry, Esq.,Vermont Department of Health PO Box 70, Burlington, VT 05402 Tel: 802-863-7281 Fax: 802-951-1275 Email: dixie.henry@state.vt.us -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 V.S.A. Appendix § 122, Fish Management Regulation Vermont Proposed Rule: 12P051 AGENCY: Natural Resources, Fish & WildlifeDept., Fish and Wildlife Board. CONCISE SUMMARY: This is an amendment to 10 V.S.A. Appendix § 122, Section 5, The taking, possessing transporting, use and selling of baitfish. Changes include: 1) Adding four new baitfish species to the statewide approved list and adding two new baitfish species to the Lake Champlain specific approved list; 2) allowing anglers to transport unused commercially purchased baitfish away from a waterbody provided they return to the same waterbody within 96 house to use up that lot of baitfish; editorial changes (e.g. changing "anglers" to "persons").
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: David Englander, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife 103 South Main Street, Waterbury VT 05671 Tel: 802-2413817 Email: david.englander@state.vt.us URL: http://www.vtfishandwildlife. com/laws_rules.cfm. For Copies: Shawn Good Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife 271 North Main Street, Suite 215 Rutland, VT 05701-2423 Tel: 802-786-3863 Email: shawn. good@state.vt.us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finding of Categorical Exclusion An environmental review for the project has been made by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and is available for public examination and copying at the Agency located at One National Life Drive, Sixth Floor; Montpelier, Vermont 05620 between 8AM and 4PM. This notice applies to those activities which are Categorically Excluded only; other activities not meeting the Categorically Excluded criteria will require an Environmental Assessment. Once each property has been identified the initial Environmental Review Record (ERR) will be supplemented by a site-specific review to be added to the ERR. The activities proposed are Categorically Excluded under HUD regulation 24 CFR Part 58 from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirement under the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL 91-910). Public Comments on Finding All interested agencies, groups and persons disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments for consideration to the Agency no later than October 4, 2012 by close of business. All comments must clearly specify which decision they object to, either the Finding of Categorical Exclusion or the Request for Release of Funds. All comments so received will be considered by the Agency prior to its taking any administrative action or requesting release of funds on the date listed immediately above. Request for Release of Funds The Agency will undertake the project(s) described above with Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds and is certifying that Noelle Mackay in her official capacity as Commissioner of the Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development (DEHCD) consents to accept jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to environmental reviews, decisionmaking, and action; and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The legal effect of the certification is that upon approval, TRORC; GHT; and CHT may use the CDBG-DR funds, and the Agency will have satisfied its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, and other environmental responsibilities listed in 24 CFR Part 58. Objections to Release of Funds HUD will accept objections to its approval of the release of funds and acceptance of the Agency’s certification for a period of 15 days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if it is on one of the following bases: (a) that the certification was not in fact executed by the Certifying Officer approved by the Agency; (b) that the Agency’s environmental review record for the project(s) indicated omission of a required decision, finding, or step applicable to the project(s) in the environmental review process; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the development process have committed funds, incurred costs or undertaken activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD/State; or (d) any
other reason allowed under 24 CFR Part 58 Section 58.75. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures found at 24 CFR Part 58 section 58.76 and shall be addressed to Robert Shumeyko, Director New England Office Office of Community Planning and Development, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Thomas P. O’Neill Building; 10 Causeway Street; Boston, MA 02222-1092. Potential objectors should contact HUD at (617) 994-8376 to verify the actual last day of the objection period. No objection received after 15 days from the date of request for funds listed above will be considered. STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION FRANKLIN UNIT DOCKET NO: S 282-11 Fc WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC., MORTGAGE LOAN ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003OPT1 Plaintiff v. ROBERT L. COMPANION; SAND CANYON CORPORATION F/K/A OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION; Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Robert L. Companion to Option One Mortgage Corporation dated May 30, 2003 and recorded in Book 77 at Page 113 of the City/Town of Sheldon Land Records, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded on November 14, 2007 in Book 98 at Page 190, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on October 16, 2012 at 162 School Street, Sheldon, VT 05483 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To Wit: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Robert L. Companion and Kathryn R. Companion by Warranty Deed of Jodi L. Gabert and Gregory J. Gabert dated of even date herewith and to be recorded int he Town of Sheldon Land Records prior to the recording of this instrument; being more particularly described therein as follows: A parcel of land, together with buildings thereon, located on the northerly side of School Street, sometimes known as Park Street, and having a frontage on said street of 51.58 feet measured along the center line of said street; a back line of 51.39 feet; an easterly line of 128.93 feet; and a westerly line of 128.60 feet. Both the easterly and westerly boundary lines of the lot herein conveyed are measured from the center line of said street. Being Lot No. 62, together with the buildings thereon, as set forth on a survey entitled “Standard packaging Corporation, Village of Sheldon Springs, Robert W. Smith, Registered Land surveyor” dated Fall, 1971 and recorded in the Land Records of the Town of Sheldon. Further being all and the same land and
premises conveyed to Jodi L. Gabert and Gregory J. Gabert by Warranty Deed of Linda A. Fairbanks a/k/a Linda A. Harrod dated July 25, 1996, recorded at Volume 58, Pages 320-321 of the Town of Sheldon Land Records. The land and premises herein conveyed are subject to the following restrictive covenants, conditions and agreements, which run with the land and are binding upon the Grantees herein, their heirs and assigns, viz: 1. Upon construction of a municipal sewage treatment system by the Town of Sheldon or the Village of Sheldon Springs, the Grantees herein, their heirs and assigns, shall at that time, connect to said municipal system as set forth in Enviromential Conservation Agency Subdivision Permit #EC-480. 2. Upon construction of municipal water system and water treatment system by the Town of Sheldon of the Village of Sheldon Springs, the Grantees herein, their heirs and assigns, shall at that time, connect to said municipal system as set forth in the District Enviromental Commission Permit #6F0047. Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned instruments and records, and to the instruments and records therein contained in further aid of this description. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Sheldon. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Inc., Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2003-OPT1, Richard J. Volpe, Esq., Shechtman, Halperin, Savage, LLP, 1080 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860, 877-575-1400, Attorney for Plaintiff (6002257)(Companion)(09-20-12, 09-2712, 10-04-12)(291711) STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION FRANKLIN UNIT DOCKET NO: S 334-11 Fc THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWABS, INC., ASSET- BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-3 Plaintiff v. SHARON MAGGIO; ANDRE MAGGIO; Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Sharon Maggio and Andre Maggio to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. dated February 25, 2005 and recorded in Book 62 at Page 106 of the City/ Town of Franklin Land Records, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded on April 16, 2009 in Book 70 at Page 699, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage
and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on October 4, 2012 at 5302 Main Street, Franklin, VT 05457 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Sharon Maggio and Andre Maggio by Deed of approximately even date and to be recorded in the Town of Franklin Land Records. Said lands and premises being more particularly described as follows: Being all and the same lands and premises as conveyed to The Strateurst Group, N.A., Trustee of the Elizabeth K. Wright Revocable Trust dated February 14, 1991. Parcel No. 1 Being the so-called Limlaw place situated on the easterly side of Main Street in the Village of Franklin and being all and the same land and premises, together with the buildings thereon, conveyed to Richard G. Wright and Elizabeth H. Wright, dated July 26, 1950 and recorded n Book 21, Page 1 of the Town of Franklin Land Records. See also the Judgment Order in the divorce case of Richard G. Wright against Elizabeth H. Wright hereby the foregoing real estate was decreed to Richard G. Wright. Said Judgment Order is recorded in the Franklin Town Land Records at Book 22, Page 187. Parcel No. 2 Being a lot of land consisting of one-half acre, more or less, with buildings thereon, situated on the East side of Main Street, so-called, in the Village of Franklin. This being the same lands and premises which was conveyed to Conrad Gaboriault, by Warranty Deed of Alice Wilcox dated April 11, 1946 and of record at Book 20, Page 75 of the Town of Franklin Land Records. Also reference may be had to the Probate Court Decree recorded in Book 18, Page 496 of the Franklin Town Records. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Franklin. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-3, Richard J. Volpe, Esq., Shechtman, Halperin, Savage, LLP, 1080 Main Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860, 877575-1400, Attorney for Plaintiff (6000026)(Maggio)(09-13-12, 09-2012, 09-27-12)(290386) TOWN OF BAKERSFIELD Property taxes are due: Monday, October 1, 2012 Office hours for Monday the 1st are: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Regular office hours are: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12 noon Second & Fourth Monday evening 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FRANKLIN UNIT CIVIL DIVISION Docket Number S 336-11Fc Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans v. Benjamin H. Nichols Belinda Belmares Alpine Haven Property Owners Association, d/b/a Alpine Haven Association and Occupants of 500 Christmas Road, Montgomery, Vermont Defendants NOTICE OF JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure by Judicial Sale dated March 5 2012, and the Power of Sale contained in mortgages given by Benjamin H. Nichols and Belinda Belmares to Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans dated August 3, 2007, recorded in Book 77 at Page 394 and Book 82 at Page 470, and dated August 3, 2007 and recorded in Book 77 at Page 414 of the Town of Montgomery Land Records, for breach of the conditions of said mortgages and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the undersigned will cause to be sold at public auction (“Sale”) at 11:00 AM on the 11th day of October, 2012, the lands and premises known as 500 Christmas Road, Montgomery, Vermont (“Mortgaged Property”) described as follows: Being all and the same land and premises and right of way conveyed to Benjamin Nichols and Belinda Belmares by Warranty Deed of Carl W. Klasky and Manon C. Klasky dated November 4, 2005 and of record in Book 73 at Pages 323-324 of the Town of Montgomery Land Records. This conveyance is subject to and with the benefit of any utility easements, spring rights, easements for ingress and egress, and rights incidental to each of the same as may appear of record, provided that this paragraph shall not reinstate any such encumbrances previously extinguished by the Marketable Record Title Act, Chapter 5, Subchapter 7, Title 27, Vermont Statutes Annotated. Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the references therein made, and their respective records and references, in further aid of this description. TERMS OF SALE: The Sale will be held at the Mortgaged Property. The Mortgaged Property will be sold “AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS, WITH NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND” subject to all easements, rights of way, covenants, permits, reservations and restrictions of record, title defects, environmental hazards, unpaid real estate taxes (delinquent and current), encumbrances that are not extinguished by the sale, if any, and municipal liens, to the highest bidder for cash. At the Sale, the successful bidder, other than the Mortgagee, shall pay $10,000 of the purchase price in cash or bank treasurer’s check and provide a commitment letter to finance the balance of the purchase price, or other evidence satisfactory to the auctioneer that the bidder has the funds available to complete the purchase. The deposit must be
increased to at least 10% of the successful bid within 7 calendar days after the date of the Sale. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within ten days of entry of a court order confirming the Sale. The successful bidder, other than the Mortgagee, must sign a NO CONTINGENCY purchase and sale agreement satisfactory to Mortgagee at the Sale. Title will be transferred by Order Confirming Judicial Sale. The person holding the Sale may, for good cause, postpone the Sale for a period of up to 30 days, from time to time until it is completed, giving notice of such adjournment and specifying the new date by public proclamation at the time and place appointed for the Sale. Other terms to be announced at the Sale, or contact the undersigned or Terry Owen of the Thomas Hirchak Company at 800-634-7653. The mortgagor Benjamin H. Nichols and Belinda Belmares or their heirs, personal representatives or assigns may redeem the Mortgaged Property at any time prior to the Sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgages, including post-judgment expenses and the costs and expenses of sale. Dated at Cabot, Vermont, this 7th day of September, 2012. Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans By: Steckel Law Office By:/s/ Susan J. Steckel By: Susan J. Steckel, Esq. P. O. Box 247 Marshfield, Vermont 05658-0247 802-563-4400 VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FRANKLIN UNIT PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 82-2012E IN RE THE ESTATE OF: Ruth E Andress LATE OF: St. Albans Town, VERMONT NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the Estate of Ruth E. Andress, late of St. Albans Town, Vermont. I have been appointed as personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described within the four month deadline. Dated: September 17, 2012 Signed: Bonita J. Fish Address: 82 County Road Swanton, VT 05488 Telephone: (8002) 868-2075 Name of the Publication: St. Albans Messenger First Publication Date: September 20, 2012 Second Publication Date: September 27, 2012 Address of Court: Vermont Superior Court Franklin Unit, Probate Division 17 Church Street St. Albans, VT 05478 (802)524-4112
Legals Continued Onto Next Page
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FRANKLIN UNIT PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 62-2012E IN RE THE ESTATE OF: Charles C. Caswell LATE OF: Swanton, VERMONT NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the Estate of Charles C. Caswell, late of Swanton, Vermont. I have been appointed as personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described within the four month deadline. Dated: September 14, 2012 Signed: Peter J. R. Martin, Executor Address: 195 North Main St. St. Albans, VT 05478 Telephone: 802-524-9010 Name of the Publication: St. Albans Messenger First Publication Date: September 20, 2012 Second Publication Date: September 27, 2012 Address of Court: Vermont Superior Court Franklin Unit, Probate Division 17 Church Street St. Albans, VT 05478 (802)524-4112 Notices The Mayor’s Office and City Clerk’s Office will be open for business this Saturday, September 29th. Both offices will be open from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. These hours will be held continuously on the last Saturday of every month.
Notice of Position Vacancy The Grand Isle School Board has a vacancy for a seat as a School Director to serve the balance of a two-year term that expires in 2014. Interested parties must file a petition with the Grand Isle Town Clerk no later than October 1, 2012. ST. ALBANS WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE Starting: Wednesday, September 26 7:00 PM Weekly Weigh-ins Call for more details 802-782-4268
Appliances CUISINART FROZEN YOGURT ice-cream and sorbet maker, like new $20. 802-4858266 MICROWAVE, KENMORE, $50. 802-8684197 POTATO RICER IN stainless steel, perfect condition $30. 802485-8266
Merchandise Merchandise DOLL, VINTAGE, ANIMATED, 24 inches tall, holding a candle. Just beautiful, in perfect condition $60. 802485-8266
Electronics/Cameras/Etc. GAMES, FOR PLAYSTATION 2, (10)., comes with memory card and one wireless VINTAGE 1920’s BLUE paddle. Asking $30. for damask bedspread, 72 all. 802-868-0096 wide, 80 long $20. 802- SURROUND SOUND 485-8266 WITH DVD player and
Auctions Auctions
SOFA WITH CHAIR GARAGE SALE that matches. Beige Sat., 9/29 & Sun., 9/30 with black horses and 9:00am-3:00pm red barns. Very heavy. 2 Pike Drive, $125. 802-933-4748 (Off Kellogg Extension) TABLE, LIGHT COLSt. Albans OR, 3 chairs, butterfly tabletop, $40. 802-933-4748
PLANT LOVERS, IN- ROLLATOR WALKER, DOORS, Ivy’s, $20., $40., or best offer. 802pink vine geranium, 524-1129 $20., green variegated cordata, $20., beautiful foliage climbing vine, white flowering, healthy, GARAGE/YARD SALE $35. 802-868-5177 Sat., 9/29 & Sun., 9/30 PRIVACY HEDGES9:00am-5:00pm BLOWOUT sale 6’ Large maple table w/6 Arborvitae (cedar) chairs and large hutch Regular $129. now made in Richford Ver- $59. Beautiful nursery mont. Large loveseat grown. Free installa- DWARF BABY BUNsofa and chair made by tion and free delivery. NIES, (2), (1) white Flex Seal, 3 years old. 518-536-1367 www. albino, (1) light gray, Bikes, (2) men’s, (1) lostcosttrees.com have to re-home due ladies. Clothes, toys, to allergies, come with PUMPKINS construction heaters cage and all accesso15 at $2. each 75 and 100 BTUs, barries. They love to be 20 at $4. each stools, 5500 generator, held. $90. for everyPlease call: never used. Steel stagthing. 802-393-7542 868-4194 ing, ladders, plus much SHED, $999, 8X8, Ver- KITTENS, (1) MALE, more. mont Post and Beam (1) female, tiger, 6 weeks 245 Tanglewood old. Free. 802-891-6166 Drive, Swanton VT $99 shipping quantities limited www.VTshed. KITTENS, FREE, HUGE MULTI-FAMILY com 866-297-3760 VERY friendly, assorted GARAGE SALE colors. 6 weeks old, box Fri., 9/28 & Sat., 9/29 WEED WACKERS, (2), trained. 802-373-1609 work excellent, both for 8:30am-4:00pm WANTED, KITTEN, Furniture, dishware, $30. 802-868-0096 preferably books, toys, baby Outdoor Furnishings BLACK, male, please call 802items, strollers, lace WISHING WELL, 524-7652 table cloths.
200± vehicles . Open to the Public! REPOS, CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs & MORE! 131 dOrset lANe, WIllIstON, vt Saturday, SepteMber 29 @ 10aM reGIsTer FroM 8aM
TWIN BED, HEAD and foot board and rails. VINTAGE SNOOPY all speakers. Works $30. 802-868-4197 LUNCH box and ther- great. $50. 802-868Furnishings mos bottle in excellent 0096 shape $40. 802-485- Equipment/Machin- BEDDING BY BROOK 8266 ery of Canada, full size SAW, flannel set in pink, very VINTAGE TV LAMP, in CHAIN perfect condition $30. HUSQVARNA, 440 X warm, used once, get Torq E series. 16” blade ready for Winter. $30. 802-485-8266 VINTAGE TV TRAYS with extra chain. Excel- 802-485-8266 CARS: ’05 Volvo XC90 great for time on patio, lent condition. Comes ’09 Chevy Malibu ’05 Kia Sorento with chain guard, gas 4 solid oak on holder ’08 Ford Focus ’05 Kia Sedona (2) tank, file, wrench and $20. 802-485-8266 ’05 Saab 9-5 ’03 Ford Expedition bar oil. Asking $150. VINTAGE TV TRAYS, or best offer. 802-868’04 Chrysler Sebring TRUCKS: (4), solid oak on holder. 7811 ’04 Mazda 3 ’07 Ford F150 $20. 802-485-8266 SAWMILLS FROM ’04 Saturn VUE ’04 Ford F150 ONLY $3997. Make/ Beauty Supplies ’03 Chevy Cavalier ’03 Ford F150 save money with your ’03 Ford Focus ’02 GMC Sierra JEAN NATE, NEVER own bandmill. Cut ’03 Saab 9-5 ’02 Dodge Ram used, box of body pow- lumber any dimenGarage Sales ’03 Toyota Corolla ’00 Dodge Ram der, set of soap, mois- sion. In stock ready to ture massage, bath lo- ship. FREE Info /DVD: SUVs, VANS, ’99 GMC Sierra ANNUAL tion and bath bubbles, www.norwoodsawmills. CROSSOVERS: ’98 Ford F150 (2) GARAGE SALE all for $30. 802-485- com1-800-578-1363 ’07 Dodge Caliber ’97 Chevy K1500 Sat., 9/29 LARGE, brand new. 141 High Street, 8266 Snowblowers/Plows Ext. 300N 9:00am-5:00pm ’07 GMC Acadia & MANY MORE! $65. 802-868-4471 St. Albans New and used clothes, Exercise/Sporting SNOW BLOWER $50. Building Materials THCAuction.com . autoinfo@THCAuction.com LARGE GARAGE Miscellaneous winter jackets, houseEquipment Call 802-827-3116 Thomas Hirchak Co. . 800-474-6132 SALE DOORS & WINDOWS BAG OF GOLF tee’s, hold items, a little bit of SNOW BLOWER, Sat., 9/29 & Sun., 9/30 1950’s GENERAL CLEARANCE everything. Foreclosure: 3,500± SF Home/ $1. 802-868-7613 ELECTRIC kitchen ELECTRIC start, older 10:00am-4:00pm Many sizes and styles 118 Spring Street, Office on 28.6± Acres w/Buildings clock, oval design, model, runs excellent. BUCKET OF GOLF Wide variety of household to choose from Swanton white with pink, keeps $100. 802-868-4471 balls, used. $2. 802contents. All must go! 3564 glOver street, glOver, vt Scratch & dent and FINAL CHANCE perfect time. $30. 802868-7613 12 Twin Court, Thursday, ocTober 4 @ 9:30aM misorders GARAGE SALE Tools 485-8266 St. Albans GOLF CLUBS, USED, All sales final! Fri., 9/28 BEAUTIFUL CAR- S A L A M A N D E R , with bag, good condition. Come to: 1:00pm-5:00pm Jewelry RIAGE CLOCK, bat- 60,000 BTU, good $10. 802-868-7613 Sticks & Stuff Sat., 9/29 TONGUE RINGS, tery operated, new, working condition. $75. St. Albans 8:00am-3:00pm GOLF SHOES, (2), (1) keeps perfect time, size 802-370-2354 or call size 9, $10., (1) size Lots more baby toys, BRAND new, (3) yel4 by 2.75. $30. 802low, (1) orange, (4) 802-524-2136 11.5, $5. both pairs like baby gear, collectables, Lost & Found blue, (2) red, (2) pink, 485-8266 Ext. 233 or 208 and antiques. new. 802-868-7613 (9) designs. $7./each. 566 Maquam Shore CLAIROL MASSAGHOT WATER TANK, FOUND CAT, FEMALE, There are three structures on this 28.6± 802-393-7542 Road, St. Albans ER, FOOT fixer, used all gray with white spot on acre Glover property. The house has 4 good working condition. Firearms,Bows, Etc (1 mile north of Newonce. $20. 802-485-8266 chest, short haired, about BR & 2 BA & an office for the industrial $75. 802-370-2354 Lawn/Garden GUN CABINET, ton Road.) CLOCK, ROUND, SIZE 4 pounds, green/yellow buildings: a 5,280± SF quonset and a Clothing & AccesHOLDS 7 guns, $50. ACORN SQUASH, 8”, with duck design eyes, found on 9/8 near 10,164± industrial building. Former GARAGE SALE sories 802-868-4197 LARGE, (20), for $2.25 in back ground, make storage unit behind Pa- sawmill & fence manufacturing company Fri., 9/28 thru 3 MEN’S COATS, M U Z Z L E L O A D E R , each. 802-868-4194 Sun., 9/30 Acu-rite USA 1993, quins. 802-393-1958 American Eagle, size BLACK DIAMOND, 50 with Glover Street frontage. 8:00am-4:00pm B U T T E R N U T keeps perfect time. LOST, medium, new condi- calibre. Excellent condiKAYAK, Generator Set, LARGE, $20. 802-485-8266 tion, fall/winter, rain and tion. $250. 802-524-5070 Antique bureaus and SQUASH, GREEN, on or about Caterpillar, Model furniture, guns, boat, ca- $2.50 each. 802-868Spring. $50. firm. 802I PHONE CASE, for 09/05/12 during last 3306; Skid Steer noes, trapping supplies, 4194 933-9909 Firewood 3G, (1) black and pink, rain storm. Seen last Loader, Bobcat, 4 wheelers, collectables. on Beebe Road, Swan(1) black and green. CAB FOR LAWN tracMAN’S NEWSBOY DRIED KINDLING, $3./ 289 Bradley Hill Model S300; Saw ton. Reward offered. tor. $125. Call 802-827- New, never been used. CAP, size 7 1/2, col- BOX, or both for $5. Road, Milton Mill Rig, Lane, Model $10./each. 802-393- Call 802-782-1852. 3116 or medium blue, US 802-868-7975 802-524-3818 Special; Resaw, made, never worn $25. GARDEN BELLS OF 7542 Morgan, 120” blade; FIREWOOD Live & Online! 802-485-8266 solid brass, with sun- ICE CREAM MAKER, CONTINUED Gang Rip Saw, HARDWOOD, CUT, Sawmill & Fence Your Ad Here flower design, never with box and directions. PANTS, JOHNSON SPLIT and delivered ON NEXT Cornell, Model 27; equipment will (802)524-9771 used. $30. 802-485Works great. $20. 802WOOLEN MILLS, (3), in Lamoille, Frankin, PAGE be auctioned on Skid Steer Loader, ext. 117 or 122 8266 868-4194 Size 40, 42, and 48. Grand Isle counties. Thursday, Oct. 4 Gehl, Model 6635SXT Leg length 29. Excel@ 10AM 802-238-6723 & MUCH MORE! lent condition. $30. per proxibid.com/ Check our website FIREWOOD FOR pair. 802-524-5070 thomashirchak for more info! SALE, 16” dry, $225./ GOING...GOING...SOLD!! PANTS, SIZE XL $4., cord, pickup. 802-782ABsOlUte AUCtION - FOreClOsUre size 14-16 $4., size 18- 2217 Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Sharp Former “eden general store” 20 $3., all in good conPreview at 9:00 a.m. FIREWOOD, MIXED dition. 802-782-9436 At the home of Mike Marrier 2918 verMONt rOUte 100, edeN, vt DRY hardwood. Call for 31 Elm Avenue, Richford, Vermont SCRUBS, SHIRT AND prices. 802-524-2350 friday, october 5 @ 11aM pants size 1 and 2 XL in Directions: From Main Street in Richford, turn right onto Province excellent condition. $4./ Furniture Street, take second left onto Elm Street and watch for auction each. 802-782-9436 signs. BRAND NEW QUEEN SWEATER, SIZE 22Household items: 40,000 BTU wood pellet stove, LG side by side refrigerator w/ice mattress set, comes 24, excellent condition. maker and water dispenser, Frigidaire upright freezer, 42” Sony flat screen TV, with matching box $4. 802-782-9436 La-Z-boy recliner, coffee table, baker’s rack, kitchen table with 4 chairs, marble stands, spring, still in plastic, Sweat-Comings bureaus, cuckoo clock, foosball and air hockey table, lighthouse bird WINTER JACKETS, can help with delivery. bath, Nascar car collection (approximately 80 cars), Victrola record player, plus many COLUMBIA, wom- $150. 802-557-0675 more household items too numerous to list. en’s, (2), size meCHAIRS, (2), ONE is Tools and outdoor equipment: Car dolly with winch, Honda lawn mower, set of dium, 2 in 1 type, like loading ramps, propane heater, MTD snowblower, wheel barrow, chop saw, shop vac, new, $25./each. 802- a rocking chair and the other is a regular chair. bench grinder, step ladder, misc. tools, Buddy heater with propane tanks, Craftsman 933-6840 Both are wooden. $15. 15 gallon air compressor, sythe, Coleman gas grill. WOMEN’S CLOTH- for both. 802-370-0715 ING, WINTER sweatAuctioneer’s comment: Mike has asked us to help him sell out because he is ROOM ers and jeans, sizes DINING going to be wintering in Florida. He has some nice household items. Come on up and spend the day with 8 and 10. $3.-$5. per CHAIRS and rockers, (12), $5./each, or all for 8,300± SF building, former store, gas us! item. 802-933-6840 $50. 802-868-7975 station, post office with 5 rental apartments Terms and conditions: Everything sold as is, where Children’s Items on 4.9± acres, including a mobile home & GLIDER ROCKER, is. 10% Buyer’s premium... cash or good check... lunch an additional mobile home lot. Busy Rt. 100 GREAT shape. $25. available. Bring a chair. EVENFLO EXERSAUlocation w/rental income potential. Sells to 802-868-0096 Auctioneers: Mark Waterhouse 802-848-3553 CER IN primary colors the highest bidder, regardless of price! Josh Waterhouse 802-848-9257 with animal/farm theme, H E A D B O A R D , QUEEN SIZE, asking $25. Call 802-524-9043 For Info & Terms: THCAuction.com $25. please call 802or 802-527-0420. Thomas Hirchak Co. · 800-634-7653 285-6663 GRACO BABY SWING, Olivia pattern. HOPE CHEST, CEDAR ���������������������������������������������� In like new condition, Lane. Excellent condionly used for one baby. tion. $150. or best offer. �������� ��������������������������������������� Costs $150. new. Ask- 802-524-3882 ing $75. Please call KITCHEN HUTCH, MA����������������������������������������������� 802-524-9043 or 802- PLE color knotty pine, ��������������������������������� ����� ���������� 527-0420. 6 ft. tall, x 17” deep x SIT AND STAND, two 29” wide, 3 shelves on ���������������������������������������������� tone blue, can be a top, 2 doors on bottom double stroller. Works enclosed shelves. Askgreat, great shape. ing $150. or best offer. 802-285-2235 $60. 802-393-7542 ����������������������������������������� ����������
Garage Sale
WAGON, STEP 2, new, green, holds 2 children, waist seat belt, door, small storage tote. Great shape. $60. 802393-7542 Crafts & Sewing Supplies CRAFT ITEMS, LARGE box of styrofoam in different shapes, $20. for all. 802-485-8266 CRAFT ITEMS, LARGE box of yards of burlap, in natural and different colors beautiful. $30. 802-485-8266
MATTRESS AND BOX spring, queen size, in Milton. FREE 802-370-2354 MATTRESS AND MATCHING box spring, full size, Serta Perfect Sleeper. Smoke/pet free home, fine quality, in absolutely excellent condition all throughout. $125. 802-527-0677 QUEEN SIZE BED, with box spring and mattress. $145. 802868-7975
SLEIGH BED, TWIN size, from 1930’s in Antiques YARN, DIFFERENT solid Mahogany, comAntique Randolph “6” COLORS, a large pletely sturdy and solid. fire extinguisher, $50. amount, all for $10. In perfect condition. 802-485-8266 $120. 802-527-0677 802-485-8266
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Lost & Found
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
Auto Auto Sales Sales
MISSING CAT (Barney) Yellow tabby, reward offered, Lost near 171 High Street. If seen call 802-524-5686 or 802527-1522. Wanted to Buy BUYING ANTIQUES, Estate Lots, Gold, Silver Jewelry, most anything old. 40 Years Buying. Fair Prices. Ed Lambert Antiques. 802-868-4010 802-782-1223 WANTED Old B.B. guns, Winchester model 94 30/30 rifles and 4’ plastic molded Xmas snowmen. Call 802-3932131.
GIROUX’S AUTO SALES 802-766-4924 Southern Quality Preowned Vehicles 24 Joseph St., Derby VT 05829 Take I-91 North, Exit 28 Right of I-91 Next to Shell Station 2004 Buick Rendezvous, Auto, V-6, AWD, loaded, mint interior, two tone, rust free, runs and looks excellent. $6295. 2000 Subaru Legacy GT, 5-speed, 2.5 liter, AWD, loaded, double p. moonroofs, mint interior, rust free, runs and looks sharp. $5995. 1999 Ford Ranger EX Cab, 4-door, auto, V-6, 4.0 liter, 4x4, 55K miles, A/C, nice interior, silver, rust free, runs and looks sharp. $6495. 2001 Volkswagon New Beetle TDI GLS, auto, turbo diesel, mint heated leather, 1-owner, loaded, 85K miles, rust free runs and looks new. $8295.
2001 Saturn SL 1, auto, 4cyl., 74K miles, mint interior, A/C, rust free, beautiful car, must see. $4695. 1999 Subaru Legacy Outback, auto, AWD, loaded, mint interior, rust free, runs and looks sharp. $5295. 2000 Honda Odyssey, auto, V-6, 43K miles, auto, 4-doors, 7-passenger, loaded, mint interior, rust free, gray, runs and looks beautiful $8295. 2000 Chevy Blazer Z-R2 LS, auto, 4x4, loaded, p. moonroof, mint interior, rust free, runs and looks sharp. $5295. 1989 Ford XLT Club Wagon, auto, threequarter ton, 7.3 diesel, mint interior, loaded, rust free, excellent condition throughout, must see. $5295. 2003 Oldsmobile Bravada Smart Trak, auto, 4.2 liter, AWD, loaded, p.moonroof, p. seats, heated leather, black, rust free, must see. $6295. 2003 Chevy S-10 ExCab Z R2 LS, auto, 4.3, 4x4, loaded, mint interior, 86K miles, 3rd door, rust free, mint condition throughout, must see. $9295. 2001 Honda Odyssey LX, auto, 3.5 liter, 6 cyl., 1-owner, 4-door, loaded, mint interior, immaculate throughout. $7995. 2002 Chevy Trail Blazer LS, auto, 4.2 liter, 4x4, mint interior, loaded, well maintained, rust free, runs and looks sharp. $4995. 2002 Volkswagon New Beetle GLS, auto, 2.0, 4 cyl. nice interior, 93K miles, loaded, P. moonroof, black, rust free, sharp. $6295. 1998 Ford Expodition XLT, auto, 4x4, 5.4 liter, loaded, nice leather, 3rd seat, well maintained, runs and looks sharp. $4995. 2003 Nissan Frontier Ex Cab XE, auto, V-6, 4x4, tilt, A/C, nice interior, rust free, runs and looks sharp. $7995.
Real Real Estate Estate For Rent
MUSTANG Convertible, 1987, PW, PS, P-Top, Radio/CD, Apartments Unfurnished Auto, 4 cylinder, NADA book $6,078. asking 2 BEDROOM, SOUTH $3,195. Car is a Clas- Alburgh location, heat sic. 802-524-4968 included, newly renovated, no pets. First Motorcycles for Sale and security deposit $675./mo. HONDA MOTOR- required CYCLE, 400 cc, minor Call Mike at 802-309work needed. $150. 1582. Call 802-827-3116.
Parts/Accessories CARRY ALL CARRIER, attachable with reese hitch. $75. 802527-7094 or 802-7821299 TRUCK CAP, OLDER, $50. or best offer. 802868-7067
304 South Main Str. St. Albans Town Brand new 2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, single story living, underground parking, elevator access, onsite laundry. Available immediately. $1250. & $1350./mo. Call for details 802881-3003.
Tires TIRES, (2), 215/45/ R17, mud/snow, $50. 802-868-0096 TIRES, (2), MUD & snow, great shape, P205/55/R16. $60. for both. 802-868-0096 Rvs/Motorhomes/ Campers CAMPER, FREE, 8X28, needs to be moved. Will make a great hunting camp. First come, first served. 802-524-7418, leave a message.
Call: 1-800-864-6226 x7852 or 802-524-6763 www.lmsre.com
INTRODUCING BROOKSIDE II St. Albans Newest and Finest Residential Community Open House By Appointment Starting July 5th Featuring: 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Rent Includes: covered parking, heat electric, water, cable, garbage, storage, use of 3-season patio, community room and exercise room. Now accepting applications for occupancy. Please call: EP Management 1-800-272-4205 (Located at corner of Route 104 and Fairfax Street)
SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM, East Fairfield, 2nd floor, large closet, W/D hookup, dishwasher, yards, gardens, quiet, safe. heat/ hot water included, No pets/smoking. $725./ mo. Deposit. Contact Lynn at 802-343-8033. ST. ALBANS, 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex, heat included. No pets. First month rent plus security deposit, references. $1,200./mo. 802-527-7464 Leave message SWANTON 2 BEDROOM, easy access to Interstate I-89, W/D in basement, first month rent free. Call 802-7526008 or 802-868-4838 for rental application.
ONE BEDROOM APTS, Nice locations. Clean, quiet. Heated, appliances, yard maintenance, rubbish. Some with laundry rooms. Deposit. Also 1st floor furnished apartment. References required. 802-527-7263 RICHFORD, 3 BEDROOM apartment, ground floor, off street parking. Includes cable/ wireless internet. No pets. $600./mo. Security/references required. 802-255-3012
2012 Autumn Harvest West Swanton Orchards Gift Shop & Cider Mill 752 North River Street West Swanton, VT
Looking for a car to drive down the highway?
Check out the Messenger Classified
Motor Section!
Great Gift Selections
•Vermont Products •VT Solmate Socks •Local Art Work •PYO Apples
4 Weeks for only $40. Call today to advertise! 802-524-9771 x 117 or x122
Curt’s Automotive
13 Beauregard Drive, St. Albans (802) 524-2824 8am-5pm Mon-Fri Saturdays by Appointment
General Repairs • Tires • Alignment
BOAT & WATER CRAFT REPAIR Winterization, Shrinkwrap & Storage
• Tires • State Inspection • Service
LAMOTHE’S REPAIR SHOP Newton Rd., St. Albans | 802.524.6867
Nick’s Auto Repair 802-370-5133
8:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri OPEN SATURDAYS
22 Stebbins Street St. Albans, VT Relocated from Swanton Sunoco
Buying and Selling Good Used Cars
Progressive Auto Sales
69 Jewett Ave., Swanton, VT 802-524-3040 Has two full time technicians to serve you
Oil Change ONLY $19.95*
*Includes 5 quarts of oil and standard filter. Diesel and Synthetic extra
Champlain Chevrolet Inc. *GM Certified Technicians*
- Auto Repair - Oil Changes - Tires - Alignments - VT State Inspection - Auto Detailing 57 Missisquoi St., Enosburg Falls, VT
(802) 933-4455
September 5th thru October 31st
Beaver Meadow Greenhouses
“ Drive A Little, Save A Lot!”
At our Rte. 118 location
Our own MUMS are in bloom!
House Plants•Herbs Roses•Perennials Shrubs & Trees
2 LOCATIONS: Rt. 118/Montgomery Rd., 802-933-4116 Woodward Neighborhood Rd., Enosburgh, 802-933-4073
See us at the Farmers Market, Taylor Park, St. Albans, Sats. 9-2
Harvest Festival Sept. 22 & 23
•Sweet Apple Cider •Cider Donuts •Fresh Baked Pies
Hall’s Orchard 4461 Main St., Isle La Motte, VT
(802) 928-3226
Open Daily July-January, 8:00am-5:00pm
apples •pears •farm stand •honey • maple syrup •pumpkins • corn maze •sweet cider • cider apples readily available or pick your own.
Just 4 miles from Swanton Village
Call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122
➠General Repairs ➠Tires ➠VT State Inspection
Adver�se Your Rental Property Here!
86 South St., South Hero, VT 802 372-4848 Ron & Celia Hackett
Handpicked or Pick Your Own
• Cider Donuts • Apple Crisp • Sweet Cider • Maple Syrup • Honey • Pumpkins • Winter Squash • Gourds • Mums
VT Products Open Daily Until Dec. 31st
Picnic & Play Area!
Display Ad Pricing 2x2 ad for $128.00 For All 8 Weeks 2x4 ad for $224.00 Call Lindsey at 802-524-9771 x122
Cider donuts available Saturday & Sunday made with our own Sweet Cider! Retail & Wholesale •Pick Your Own •School Tours
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
Real Real Estate Estate For Sale
Homes for sale
Easy One Floor Living - Brand new - New listing - Just finished - $189,900. 1344 sq. ft. with appliances included. Great views , great location. 2 bedroom , 1 and 3/4 baths. Full basement, attached garage Beautiful One Owner Home - $172,900. Large bedrooms, master with full bath, entry half bath, dining room with parquet floors. Full basement with attached finished garage Move Right In $166,500. - Open floor plan, comfortable front porch, back patio, large kitchen with pantry, central vacuum, first floor laundry. Ready for Occupancy - $164,000. - Handicap assessable unit with open floor plan. Freshly painted, full basement, attached garage. Great location. All offers considered. Call Rachel Smith at S.R. Smith Real Estate (802) 5246717
Services Services
ST. ALBANS - End Unit in West Vista Bright and spacious 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, private deck off of the dining/living room. Quality Sheppard Custom Homes construction. GE kitchen appliances included. Optional central air, central vac., basement with large Auto Services window could be finF&S TOWING ished for even more Junk Car Removal living space. 2 car atFlatbed tached garage. ConWrecker Service venient location away from traffic, yet close to Paying $100.-$500. for junk vehicles. shopping, downtown, 60 Mile Radius of hospital and interstate. Burlington. Entrance to rail trail. 802-372-6431 Carefree, not mainte802-310-9191 nance living. $259,000. Rood – Castillo Team, Child Care Services RE/MAX Destinations Wendy Castillo 802HIGHGATE 272-1955, David Rood REGISTERED 802-309-9218 DAYCARE Has three toddler/preschool openings. Great rates! Call Angela: 802-868-6038.
PRICE REDUCED 3 BEDROOM, RANCH Enosburg, country,10 acres, open concept, new windows/roof. Possible owner financing. $89,000. or $110,000 w/2 car garage. 802-933-2747
SECLUDED COUNTRY HOME, 2,700 sq. ft., perfect for a growing family, built in 1992, 10 wooded acres, open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, fieldstone fireplace, beamed ceilings, new roof, attached 2 car garage, detached 30’x40’ shop, hobby sugaring possible/firewood, Wood Gasification furnace with 1,400 gal. storage. 24’x24’ wood shed. Enosburg Center, VT $260,000. Motivated Seller (802)933-7766
SHELDON VILLAGE 110 BRIDGE STREET 1842 Colonial, 1 acre lot, completely updated. 3 bedrooms, den w/fireplace, living room, kitchen w/brick hearth, dining room. Oil and wood furnaces. $180,000. 802-285-6352
ENOSBURG FALLS PRICED TO SELL 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage, on quiet cul-de-sac. Home sets on half acre lot TWO STORY in beautiful country On 10 Acres setting. Oil/wood fur- 5 bedroom, full basenace. ment. New windows/ $145,000. roof/furnace. Call 802-933-8886 $120,000. For an Appointment Call: 802-933-2747
callus 524-9771 x117/122
ST. ALBANS: WELLMAINTAINED 3 bedroom, 1 bath raised ranch on cul-de-sac. Finished downstairs has extra-large family room, office area and new carpet. Spacious back yard, large deck and storage shed. Price Reduced $174,500. Call 802-734-3637. Mobile homes for sale BEAUTIFUL 1468 SQ. FT. mobile home, on .50 acre. 4 bed, 3 bath. Rock fireplace, fenced yard, pool, 10x12 shed. Appraised $73,000. asking $62,000. 8 Kings Court, Richford. For walk-through: Call Don 802-848-3864 Real Estate Wanted LOOKING FOR GOOD used Doublewide. Newer model, good condition, no longer than 50-52’, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Reasonable offer. 802-848-7653 or leave message.
LOOKING FOR A fun loving place to bring your loved ones? Registered daycare has full-time openings for all ages. Hours 7:00am5:00pm. Meals and snacks provided. Lots of TLC. Call Debbie: 802-868-5849
RESPONSIBLE Lessons CHILDCARE PROVIDER available to work Guitar Lessons in your home, own Jason Whalon transportation, flexible Graduate of Atlanta hours. Call 802-324- Institute of Music. Now 0202. accepting students for instruction. All levels/ Classes ages. (802)524-0062 AIRLINES ARE HIRING. Train for hands on aviation career. FAA approved program, financial aid if qualified-Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-2020386.
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Adopting A Pet Makes The World A Better Place! Franklin County Humane Society
30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • http://www.franklincountyhumane.org • info@franklincountyhumae.org
Farm Services ATTENTION FARMERS Disposal service for down/dead cattle/horses. For more information call: 1-888-769-3443
Humane Society Sponsorship Honor Roll...
Your Ad Here!
Call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122
St. Albans Messenger
Chiropractic, Gym, & Nutritional Therapy
drmolly.com 802-527-2225
Hi, I’m Hazel, I am about a year and a half old beautiful tabby with white. I was brought to the shelter by a good samaritan, who found me near death by a dumpster. With lots of TLC and supportive care I am just a beautiful girl ready for a forever home.
This Humane Society Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:
Pinebrook Kennels Boarding * Grooming * Training 524 Lake Road, Milton 802-893-3451 www.vtkennels.com
Franklin County Humane Society
30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • http://www.franklincountyhumane.org •info@franklincountyhumane.org
“Tempest” Hi, I am a 2 1/2 year old happy Terrier mix that is always on the go and loves to go for walks. Due to esophagus issues I need 3-4 small wettened food meals a day to make swallowing easier. My condition is easily manageable and it doesn’t slow me down at all. I run, jump, hike, swim, play ball, and I love to play with kids and other dogs.
This Humane Society Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:
Rainville Chiropractic Dr. Martha R. Rainville and Dr. Michele Wilkie
(802) 868-2100
Top of the Hill Boarding Kennels Route 78, Highgate Center 802-868-3000 * GROOMING * www.topofthehillkennels-vt.com
Franklin County Humane Society
30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • http://www.franklincountyhumane.org • info@franklincountyhumane.org
William T. Counos, II
Kissane Associates 2 North Main St., St. Albans
(802) 524-9546 x15
Timothy S. Hawkins, Esq.
“Garry” Hi I’m a senior who was found roaming the streets. I have a new haircut and new look, but don’t let my toothless grin fool you I am quite peppy, love to play and go for walks. I also love to hangout and cuddle.
Real Estate, Wills & Estates, Bankruptcy, Evictions
17 Stebbins St., St. Albans, VT 05478 7am-5pm evenings & weekends
802 524-1434 We are a debt relief agency
Timothy G. Hurlbut, Esq. GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW
375 Lake Road, Suite 2A, St. Albans, VT
This Humane Society Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:
Wireless Zone® Verizon Premium Wireless Retailer Highgate Commons Shopping Plaza 802-527-5050 www.WirelessZone.com/StAlbans
(802) 527-7200
tim@vtlaw.us Emphasizing Estate Planning & Real Estate
DENIED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY? Local Experienced Attorney Representation
Attorney Paula J. Kane 18 Kingman St., St. Albans, VT 05478
(802) 524-7338
Grant C. Rees Attorney at Law
BANKRUPTCY: Stop Foreclosurer and Repossession Personal Injury/Accident Claims
164 Rte 7 South, Milton, Vermont
(802) 893-7400
We are a debt relief agency.
To advertise Call (802) 524-9771
Gail Ext. 117 or Lindsey Ext. 122 Fax (802) 527-1948 Email: classifieds@samessenger.com
Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week
Franklin County Humane Society
30 Sunset Meadows St. Albans, VT 802-524-9650 • http://www.franklincountyhumane.org • info@franklincountyhumane.org
“Pandora” Hi, I am Pandora a 1 year old who came to the shelter as an expectant mom, all of my kittens have found new homes, now I am waiting for mine. I am medium haired cream/ buff colored tabby. I love to cuddle and snuggle. This Humane Society Pet Ad Is Sponsored By:
YOU! Call 524-9771 ext. 117 or 122 $60./Mo.
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
Business & Service { DIRECTORY }
2.5” x 2” is
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AUCTION WH Auctioneering Services Estate & Consignment Call us for details on turning your “Old" into "GOLD"! Matt Williams, Auctioneer
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Concession Stand On-Site
Matt Williams, Owner
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(across from the VFW)
Curtis Brusoe
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868-4829 • 782-9582 CLASSES
Stella’s Designs, LLC Quilts, Gifts and Education Center Sewing Classes for all ages
Accepting Students for:
Adult beginning Quilting & Childrens beginning Quilting Also Offering Private Sewing Lessons by appointment only
19 First Street, Swanton, VT • 802 868-0684
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Hank Gadouas & son Decorative concrete FounDations anD Floors 9 thibault street swanton, vt 05488 (802) 868-2711 telephone: Hank: (802) 309-0901 tyler: (802) 782-0840
Concrete Work Done?
Roofing, Siding, Window Replacement, Painting, Electrical, Chimney Cleaning & Repair & More.
Call 370-4319
Mike GOSSELIN Construction Building Contractor
New Homes • Additions Kitchens • Baths Decks • Garages Roofs • Siding Sheetrock • Windows Doors • Excavation
FULLY INSURED St. Albans VT | 802-527-0169 Cell | 802-238-1447
J & A EXCAVATING llc Septic Installation & Repair Septic Tank Locating Brushhogging Drainage, Ditching, Stump Removal Driveways, Water Lines, Power Lines Harley Raking Lawns/Leveling Harley Raking of Driveways/Private Roads 24/7 Emergency Digging Trucking: Sand, Stone, Topsoil etc. Residential/Commercial Fully Insured • Free Estimates 802-524-0784 or 752-5949
Mike GOSSELIN Excavation Driveways • Roads •Septic • Sewer Systems Site Work Cellar Holes •Demolition Ponds •Drainage • Trucking
Gravel | Stone | Sand | Top Soil
HAZMAT Certified
Home Construction and Remodeling Residential • Commerical St. Albans VT
RD CONSTRUCTION Windows, doors, roofing, siding, new construction, remodeling, decks, custom work, blown-in insulation, finishing work, flooring, painting & more.
5” Residential & 6” Commercial Custom Gutters •Free Estimates •Fully Insured
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We use Bar Hangers, which are screwed into the Fascia Board for greater durability. • Made from the heaviest weight aluminum .032 gauge. • We offer a 20 yr. warranty on materials and 5 yr. workmanship guarantee.
Jeff Belrose Certified: PHII, IICRC, IOT, CMT, CMP
For Residential Inspections
Construction Roofing RD Construction Louis Hemingway
Residential, Commercial & Manufactured Homes
RADON/WATER TESTING 6 Ethel Court St. Albans, VT 05478 802-309-2648 • 802-527-9881 • belrosej5@yahoo.com
IN THE SPOTLIGHT To advertise in this directory contact us at: (802) 524-9771 ext. 117 or ext. 122 classifieds@samessenger.com
Consulting Designers
Free Estimates
Design & Drafting Services Residential • Multi-Family Light Frame Commercial VT Fire Safety Construction Permits P.O. Box 318, St. Albans Bay, VT
Rototilling, Spring & Fall Cleanups, Lawn Mowing, Perennial Beds, Ornamental Tree & Shrub Care, Vermont Master Gardener
The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, September 27, 2012
Business & Service { DIRECTORY }
VANSLETTE Interior Painting
Shipping, Delivery & Installation throughout ME, NH, MA, CT, New Jersey, NY & VT. $7.50 SHIPPING PER TREE
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brick • block • stonework
Chimneys Brick Fronts Chimney Sweep Roof Painting Shingle and Slate Repairs Fully insured
FREE Estimates Rick GabREE (802) 933-4004 cell 782-2457
Richard R. Ryea Christopher J. Ryea Ritchie R. Ryea
Free estimates
Ryea & Sons
Mason Contractor Residential & Commercial Brick, Block & Stone Fireplaces & Prefab Chimneys a Specialty 1645 St. Albans Rd., Richford, VT 05476 802-848-7175 • Fax: 802-848-7137
Advertise Here. The impact ad that will get your phone ringing! MOTORCYCLE STORAGE
NOW OFFERING Indoor, Heated Motorcycle Storage
$200/season, Oct. - April
POWER SPORTS SALES & SERVICE 191 Lake Street, St. Albans, VT • 802-527-4174
Painting Done? HOT PRESSURE
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PO Box 1224 Enosburg Falls, VT (802) 370-5717 • savoy.eric13@yahoo.com
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Restoring Done?
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Button Professional Land Surveyors, PC
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Travis LaFountain • Highgate, VT 05459
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Lee Paradee
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HEMINGWAY CONSTRUCTION New Construction, Roofing, Siding, Garages, Interior, Flooring, Firewood, Level Buildings RELIABLE SERVICE LOUIE HEMINGWAY,
(802) 782-8148
Providing Commercial and Residential Waste Removal. Recycling available. Call us for Construction Demo, or Clean-out Jobs. Free estimates • 1-800-439-3615