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St. Albans Messenger | Thursday, October 25, 2018
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Employment and Legals EMPLOYMENT
CARPENTERS Frame & Finish Tired of short work weeks, no overtime and layoffs? Then join our company today. 45+ hours/week, secure employment, opportunity to advance. Call Sweeney & Belisle or 802-355-0836 or email: pfssnb@gmail.com
PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF HIGHGATE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Thursday, November 8, 2018 @ 6pm Notice is hereby given that pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 4464 - 4465, The Development Review Board will hold its regularly scheduled public hearing on Thursday, November 8, 2018 beginning at 6:00pm in the Community Room of the Municipal Office Building, 2996 VT Route 78, to hear the following applicants: • Brosseau, Danie & Lise 2 Lot Subdivision Final Plan Review 1062 Brosseau Road Medium Density Residential District Application documents are on file for public review at the Municipal Office Building at 2996 VT Route 78 during normal business hours or by appointment. In accordance with 24 V.S.A. 4464, participation in a local public hearing proceeding by an interested person, as defined in 24 V.S.A. 4465, is a prerequisite to the right to file a subsequent appeal of a decision resulting from that proceeding. The Highgate Development Review Board Highgate Zoning Administrator, Anna Roberts 868-4697 x209 zoning@highgatevt.org STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION FRANKLIN UNIT DOCKET NO. 169-5-17 Frcv PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, v. NORTH COUNTRY AIR SYSTEMS, LLC, JASON WATERHOUSE, a/k/a JASON A. WATERHOUSE, LUCINDA WATERHOUSE, a/k/a LUCINDA C. WATERHOUSE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, and OCCUPANTS residing at 3868 Reservoir Road, Berkshire, Vermont, Defendants. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE By virtue of the Judgment Order, Decree of Foreclosure and Order for Public Sale entered on February 8, 2018, and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by North Country Air Systems, LLC, dated
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November 7, 2013 and recorded in Volume 83 at Pages 462-469 of the Town of Berkshire Land Records, which Mortgage Peoples Trust Company is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the undersigned will cause to be sold to the highest bidder at Public Auction at 3868 Reservoir Road, Berkshire, Vermont, at 11:00 a.m. on the 15th day of November, 2018, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage. The property is known as 3868 Reservoir Road, Berkshire, Vermont. The real estate is described in the aforesaid Mortgage as follows: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to North Country Air Systems, LLC by Warranty Deed of Lynne F. Bullock dated November 7, 2013 and recorded in Volume 83, Page 460 of the Town of Berkshire Land Records. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Lynne F. Bullock by Warranty Deed of Harvey J. Mayo dated June 8, 2001 and recorded June 11, 2001 in Volume 50 at Page 339 of the Town of Berkshire Land Records and being more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land (Lot 3) containing 10.2 acres with all improvements found thereon lying easterly of and adjacent to Town Highway #4 and being more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly edge of the right of way of Town Highway #4 which point is marked by an iron re-bar and which point designates the northwesterly corner of the parcel herein conveyed; thence on the following courses and distances: S 70º 22’ E a distance of 808.81 feet to an iron re-bar; N 81º 70’ E a distance of 323.11 feet to an iron re-bar; N 16º 08’ E a distance of 138.60 feet to an iron re-bar; S 73º46’ E for a distance of 312.09 feet to an iron re-bar; S 07º 42’ W for a distance of 384.41 feet to an iron pin; N 82º 45’ W for a distance of 371.66 feet to an iron re-bar; N 82º 46’ W for a distance of 423.82 feet to an iron re-bar; N 82º 52’ W for a distance of 325.22 feet to an iron re-bar; N 82º 40’ W for a distance of 306.77 feet to an iron re-bar located at the westerly edge of the right of way of Town Highway #4; N 05º 33’ E for a distance of 283.68 feet to a point; N 12º 28’ E for a distance of 97.33 feet to the point
of beginning. Said parcel is bounded on the northerly by Lot 2; on the easterly by lands of the Berkshire Town School District; southerly by Lot 4; and westerly by Town Highway #4. Reference is made to a survey map prepared by Harvey Chaffee dated December 15, 2000, Map No. 200045-1. Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained, all in further aid of this description. TERMS OF SALE: The sale will be held at 3868 Reservoir Road, Berkshire, Vermont. The property shall be sold AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS, WITH NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, subject to all easements, rightsof-way, covenants, permits, reservations and restrictions of record, title defects, unforeclosed liens, environmental hazards, unpaid real estate taxes (delinquent and current), current and delinquent assessments in favor of a homeowners associations, if any, and municipal liens, and subject to the right of the United States of America to redeem the same on or before 120 days from the date of transfer of title to the purchaser at the public sale if its tax liens have not been discharged prior to or as a result of that sale. At the sale, the successful bidder, other than the Mortgagee, shall pay $10,000 down (non-refundable) in cash or bank treasurer check (or a combination thereof). The deposit must be increased to at least 10% of the successful bid within five (5) calendar days of the public sale by an additional payment in cash or by bank treasurer’s check. The successful bidder shall execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement requiring payment of the balance of the purchase price within ten (10) days of entry of the court order confirming the sale. Before being permitted to bid at the sale, bidder shall display to the auctioneer proof of the ability to com-
ply with these require- by order of the court. ments. The successful Other terms to be anbidder, other than the nounced at the sale Mortgagee, must sign a or contact Ward Law, NO CONTINGENCY Pur- PC, 3069 Williston chase and Sale Agree- Road, South Burlingment satisfactory to ton, Vermont 05403; Mortgagee at the sale. (802) 863-0307. Title will be transferred The record owner is by the Order Confirm- entitled to redeem ing Sale. The person the premises at any holding the sale may, time prior to the sale for good cause, post- by paying the full pone the sale for a pe- amount due under riod of up to thirty (30) the Judgment Order, days, from time to time, Decree of Foreclosure until it is completed, and Order of Public giving notice of such Sale dated February adjournment and spec- 8, 2018, including the ifying the new date by costs and expenses public proclamation of sale. at the time and place Dated at South Burlappointed for the sale, ington, Vermont this or by posting notice 28th day of Septemof the adjournment in ber, 2018. a conspicuous place WARD LAW, PC at the location of the Attorneys for Plaintiff sale. Notice of the new By:Cynthia R. sale date shall also be Amrhein, Esq. sent by first class mail, 3069 Williston Road postage prepaid, to South Burlington, VT the Mortgagor at the 05403 Mortgagor’s last known (802) 863-0307 address, at least five (5) days before the new sale date. The public sale may be adjourned for a period of time in excess of thirty (30) days by agreeOur M M ission s tto o eensure nsure tthat hat tthe he rresidents esidents ment ofission the iiMortgaOur s gorof and Mortgagee or Franklin and Grand Isle Counties have
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of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties have access tto o hhigh igh qquality uality sservices, ervices, w which hich access promote hhealthy ealthy lliving iving aand nd eemotional motional promote well-‐being. well-‐being.
DIRECTOR OF Support FINANCE AND FEATURED POSITIONS Seeking Community to Seeking Community Support Specialists to ADMINISTRATION Our M ission s ttFidelity o eensure nsure hat ttSpecialists he rresidents esidents Wraparound ADMINISTRATION join our High Team. Our ission iis o tthat he Wraparound join M our High Fidelity Team. Our M iind s nsure ttprovides hat tthe EXECUTIVE C High Fidelity intensive Our Mission ission s tto o nsure hat he rresidents esidents EXECUTIVE CCOORDINATOR OORDINATOR of ranklin Geerand rand sle ounties have ave High Fidelity Wraparound provides intensive EXECUTIVE OORDINATOR of FFranklin aaWraparound nd G IIsle CCounties h NCSS has opportunity for a consummate of FFFinancial ranklin a nd G rand IIsle C h ave support to children, adolescents and their Chief Officer/Director of Finance and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of ranklin aigh nd G rand sle Counties ounties hhich ave support totan children, adolescents and their Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and access o h q uality s ervices, w NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and access ttto igh q uality ervices, which hich families across all environments (community, professional o ddhirectly upport he EExecutive D irector, access tto h igh q sssttervices, w families across allNorthwestern environments (community, professional o irectly upport he xecutive D irector, Administration. Counseling & access o h igh qsssuality uality ervices, which Administration. Northwestern Counseling & professional t o d irectly upport t he E xecutive D irector, professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling home, school) to improve social functioning. Administration. Northwestern Counseling & promote h ealthy l iving a nd e motional home, school) to improve social functioning. Board oof aand tthe N CSS TT$37MM eam. TT& he promote hhhealthy lliving nd eeemotional motional promote ealthy iving a nd Board f f TTTrustees, rustees, nd he N CSS eadership eam. he promote ealthy iving aLLLaeadership nd motional Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM Board o rustees, a nd t he N CSS eadership T eam. T he Clients present with significant emotional Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he Clients present with significant emotional Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and well-‐being. Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and well-‐ b eing. well-‐being. well-‐being. Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as well as complex successful candidate will possess strong writing and Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as well as complex successful candidate will possess strong writing and oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving treatment needs that warrant a heightened treatment needs that warrant aAND heightened Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking seeking oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal DIRECTOR OF FINANCE skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND Community Support Specialist P DEVELOPMENTAL skills, and be FEATURED detail and deadline driven. Microsoft level of support, mainly in social situations. FEATURED POSITIONS OSITIONS Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking level of support, mainly in social situations. Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work FEATURED P OSITIONS skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft ADMINISTRATION an inspired leader forSupport to work CFO/Director skills, and be are detail and deadline driven. Microsoft Office Suite proficiency is desk top ADMINISTRATION Children identified as returning Office Suite proficiency is required; required; desk top Seeking Community Specialists to Children are identified as returning HOME PROVIDER an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work ADMINISTRATION an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work EXECUTIVE C OORDINATOR closely with the CEO and the leadership Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE C OORDINATOR publishing skills and event planning experience are a closely with the CEO and the leadership from community placements or at risk of Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top join our High Fidelity Wraparound Team. publishing skills and toevent planning experience are a from community placements or at risk of Are you inspired provide care and attention NCSS has an opportunity consummate Chief Financial of Finance and NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate closely with and the leadership Our M ission ithe s Officer/Director o eCEO nsure taafor hat ta residents Chief Officer/Director of Finance and EXECUTIVE CCOORDINATOR leaving the community. is responsible publishing skills and event experience are a team. CFO/Director will possess a strong closely with the CEO and the leadership plus! A The B achelor’s ddtegree iiOORDINATOR n aathat n ppropriate ffdaily ield, pplife lus High Wraparound provides leaving the community. Staff ishe responsible publishing skills and event planning experience are a team. The CFO/Director will possess aintensive strong EXECUTIVE plus! AFidelity BFinancial achelor’s egree n planning n Staff ppropriate ield, lus to another? To be part of person’s professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling & professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, for coordinating services and perspectives Administration. Northwestern Counseling & NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of F ranklin a nd G rand I sle C ounties h ave support to children, adolescents and their Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and for coordinating services and perspectives three to five years relevant experience, or an team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate f ield, p lus financial management background, combined three to five years relevant experience, or an and help them to grow? Do you have skills in team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate f ield, p lus NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he financial management background, combined Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance Board othe f Trustees, and ttreatment he NCSS Leadership T$37MM eam. Tand he Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM across client’s team. Looking Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic families across allNorthwestern environments (community, across the client’s Looking professional to directly suality upport tervices, he Eteam. xecutive Director, access igh qtreatment sThen wmay hich equivalent combination of education and experience American Sign Language? we have successful candidate will possess strong writing Administration. Counseling & three to five years experience, or an equivalent combination of Health education and experience with thorough competencies accounting financial management background, combined successful candidate will possess strong writing and three to five years relevant experience, or and an professional tto o dh irectly srelevant upport tsocial he Ein xecutive Director, with thorough competencies in accounting financial management background, combined Community Mental Center serving for individuals who are comfortable Administration. Northwestern Counseling Community Health Center serving home, to improve functioning. for individuals who are comfortable working Board ocommunication f school) Trustees, and tskills, he Neducation CSS Tworking eam. T& he oral excellent interpersonal promote hMental ealthy living aLeadership nd eand motional the job for you! is required. This could be your opportunity to work in oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal is required. This could be your opportunity to work in Support Services (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM equivalent combination of experience practices, administration, and information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking equivalent combination of education and experience with children of different ages and treatment Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he with thorough competencies in accounting Clients present with significant emotional practices, administration, information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, istreatment seeking with children of different ages and with thorough competencies in accounting skills, and be and deadline driven. Microsoft Support Services (NCSS), a and dynamic $37MM successful will strong writing and skills, and candidate be detail detail and possess deadline driven. Microsoft well-‐being. a quality, mission-‐ d riven organization, where your a quality, mission-‐ d riven organization, where your needs one-on-one across environments. an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work Looking for single person, couple or small family is required. This could be your opportunity to work in Community Mental Health Center serving and needs asrequired; well aswriting complex needs one-on-one environments. an behavioral inspired leader foracross CFO/Director to work is required. This could be your opportunity to work in systems interfaces and advancements, successful candidate will possess strong and Office Suite proficiency is desk top systems interfaces and advancements, practices, administration, and information Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top practices, administration, and information oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, to provide askills warm loving home environment individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in closely with the CEO and the leadership treatment needs that warrant aparticipatory heightened Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, publishing and event planning experience are a a quality, mission-‐ ddand riven organization, where your closely with the CEO and the leadership and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking publishing skills and event planning experience are a a Franklin quality, mission-‐ riven organization, where your oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal combined with a strong belief in DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND combined with aand strong belief in participatory skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft systems interfaces and advancements, FEATURED Pand OSITIONS people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and team player. Applicant will be joining a for ana outgoing sociable 29-year-old man systems interfaces advancements, team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong level of support, mainly in social situations. plus! A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field, plus people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and a team player. Applicant will be joining a Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, is seeking team. The CFO/Director will possess a strong plus! A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field, plus individual e fforts t ruly m ake a r ewarding d ifference iin an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work individual e fforts t ruly m ake a r ewarding d ifference n skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft ADMINISTRATION leadership. Experience in a health care setting Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top dynamic, enthusiastic team, who are motivated with a developmental disability. Must have leadership. Experience in a health care setting three to enthusiastic five years relevant experience, or an a Children are identified as returning love to have have you years join our supportive, team-‐ oor riented financial management background, combined dynamic, team, who are motivated combined with a strong belief in participatory three to five relevant experience, an love to you join our supportive, team-‐ o riented financial management background, combined combined with a strong belief in participatory an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d EXECUTIVE C OORDINATOR closely with the CEO and the leadership people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top to impact the high utilization of residential equivalent combination of education and experience knowledge of American Sign Language (ASL) or publishing skills and event experience are of a involving medical records and billing practices from community placements at risk to impact the high utilization ofor residential equivalent combination of planning education and experience with thorough competencies in accounting organization. involving medical records billing practices with thorough competencies ina accounting organization. leadership. Experience in aaand health care setting NCSS has an opportunity consummate leadership. Experience in health care Chief Financial Officer/Director of and is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love have you join our supportive, team-‐ oostrong riented placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human closely with the CEO the leadership aplus! willingness toand learn. ASL classes are offered toa leaving the community. Staff isFinance responsible is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to have you join our supportive, team-‐ riented publishing skills event planning experience are placements. Bachelor’s Degree in Human team. CFO/Director will possess afsetting to A The Bbe achelor’s degree iMBA aand n afor ppropriate ield, pIf lus practices, administration, and information would a strong plus. or CPA preferred. n practices, administration, and information would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If professional t o d irectly s upport t he E xecutive D irector, a quality, mission-‐driven organization, where your Administration. Northwestern Counseling & Services field required with 1-2 years of you at no cost. Must be comfortable with personal involving medical records and billing practices a systems quality, mission-‐driven organization, where your for coordinating services perspectives organization. Services field required with 1-2 years of involving medical records and billing practices interfaces and advancements, three five years relevant experience, or an organization. team. CFO/Director will possess strong plus! are Ato oThe Bf achelor’s daRECEPTIONIST egree iaabackground, n an aand ppropriate field, lus financial management combined systems interfaces and advancements, RECEPTIONIST Board Tprovide rustees, nd the N CSS Ta eam. Tp he you are looking to join dynamic organization individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in you looking join dynamic organization Support Services (NCSS), aLeadership dynamic $37MM experience in a related field preferred. We care and reasonable transportation to individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in across the client’s treatment team. Looking experience inyears ato related field preferred. We combined with a strong belief in participatory would be aacandidate strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If education equivalent combination of and experience combined with acompetencies strong belief in participatory successful will possess strong writing and would be strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If three to five relevant experience, or an We are also searching for a full-‐ t ime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d with thorough in accounting financial management background, combined We are also searching for a full-‐ t ime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d with a critical mission offer excellent benefits that include paid various appointments activities. Must be Community Mental Health Center serving for individuals who are comfortable working with acommunication critical mission -and/or offer excellent benefits that include paid leadership. Experience in a health care setting oral skills, excellent interpersonal leadership. Experience in a health care setting is required. This could be your opportunity to work in RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-‐oriented you are looking to join a dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐ l ine RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our supportive, team-‐oriented equivalent combination of education and experience vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and over age 21; have valid license, reliable you are looking to join adriver’s dynamic organization Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐ line practices, administration, and information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, istreatment seeking with children of different ages and with thorough competencies in accounting vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and skills, and mission-‐driven be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft involving medical records and billing practices organization. involving medical records and billing practices a quality, organization, where your organization. We also searching for a full-‐ ttime educational assistance. Position starts at phones, scheduling appointments and other transportation, high school orReceptionist. equivalent, We are also searching for a diploma full-‐ ime Receptionist. needs one-on-one environments. anare inspired leader for CFO/Director to work is required. This could be your opportunity to work in educational assistance. Position starts phones, scheduling appointments and other with aa critical mission -- across systems and advancements, Office Suite proficiency is required; desk top with critical mission would be ainterfaces strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If at Please submit resume and letter of interest, and practices, administration, and information would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Please submit resume letter of interest, individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in $35,000 annually. and cleared background screenings and home miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐ l ine $35,000 annually. closely with the CEO and the leadership miscellaneous office duties. Position requires publishing skills and event planning experience are a Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐ l ine a quality, mission-‐ d riven organization, where your RECEPTIONIST you are looking join a dynamic organization combined with ato strong beliefwill in participatory RECEPTIONIST you are looking to join a and dynamic organization including salary requirements, to the Director systems interfaces advancements, including salary requirements, to the people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d and aare team player. Applicant beand joining inspection. team. The CFO/Director will possess aDirector strong excellent computer skills, include Microsoft Office, plus! A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field, plus phones, scheduling appointments other We also searching for full-‐time Receptionist. a excellent computer skills, to a include Microsoft Office, Please visit phones, scheduling appointments and other individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in We are also searching for a Receptionist. with a critical mission -- to with ato critical mission leadership. Experience in afull-‐time health care setting Please submit resume and letter of interest, dynamic, enthusiastic team, who are motivated of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. three five years relevant experience, or tan Please submit resume and letter of interest, love to have you join our supportive, team-‐oriented financial management background, combined of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐line combined with a strong belief in participatory advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ Please call Duties include greeting clients, multi-‐line miscellaneous office duties. answering Position requires advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ task ask careers@ncssinc.org miscellaneous office duties. Position requires people’s lives. Have we described you? If yes, we’d to impact the high utilization of residential equivalent combination of education experience involving medical records and This billing practices phones, scheduling appointments and other with thorough competencies inand accounting organization. including salary requirements, to the Director phones, scheduling appointments and other and reception/office experience. is a full-‐ ttime including salary requirements, to the Director Please submit resume and letter of interest, and reception/office experience. Position This is a requires full-‐ ime leadership. Experience in aDegree health care setting excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, Jessica Carswell Please submit resume and of interest, or visit our website at: excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to be have you join our supportive, team-‐ oriented placements. Bachelor’s inServices Human miscellaneous office duties. letter Northwestern Counseling & Support practices, administration, and information miscellaneous office duties. Position requires would a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Northwestern Counseling & Support Services position, M-‐ F with some evening hours. High School of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. including salary requirements, to the Director position, M-‐ Fmission-‐driven salary with some evening hours. where High School of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. a quality, organization, your including requirements, to the Director advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ t ask Services field required with 1-2 years of excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, involving medical records and billing practices www.ncssinc.org/careers 802-370-4025 advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ t ask organization. excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, systems interfaces advancements, 107 Fisher Pond Road, RECEPTIONIST you are to join a and dynamic 107 Fisher Pond Road, of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent required. organization NCSS offers individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in of looking Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐task experience in a related field preferred. We advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐task and reception/office experience. This is a full-‐ t ime combined with a strong belief in participatory and reception/office experience. This is a full-‐ t ime would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If We are also searching for a full-‐time Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we you? yes, we’d St. Albans, VT & 05478 competitive wages ages nd xcellent enefits. and reception/office experience. This is If a a full-‐time with areception/office critical mission -described offer excellent benefits that include paid St. VT 05478 Northwestern Counseling Support Services competitive w aaAlbans, nd eexcellent bbSupport and experience. enefits. This is full-‐time Northwestern Counseling & Support Services leadership. Experience a& care setting position, M-‐ FF with some evening hours. Services High School Northwestern Counseling M-‐ with some evening hours. High School RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our team-‐oriented Northwestern Counseling &health Support Services you are looking to join ainsupportive, dynamic organization position, M-‐F with some evening hours. High School Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐line vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan and position, position, M-‐F with some evening hours. High School 107 Fisher Pond Road, involving medical records billing practices 107 Fisher Pond Road, organization. 107 Fisher Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS NCSS offers Diploma or equivalent required. offers 107 Fisher Pond Road, Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers We are also searching for a and full-‐ time Receptionist. Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers educational assistance. Position at phones, scheduling appointments and other Equal Opportunity Employer. Please ssend ccaover llresume etter, rr-esume aand tt hree rrstarts eferences with a critical mission Equal Opportunity Employer. Please end over etter, esume nd hree eferences would be strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If Please submit and letter of interest, St. Albans, VT 05478 competitive ages a nd xcellent enefits. St. VT 05478 St. VT 05478 competitive wages ages aAlbans, nd e xcellent enefits. competitive w aaAlbans, nd enefits. $35,000 annually. St. Albans, VT 05478 miscellaneous office duties. bboobbanswering Position requires competitive ww ages nd eeexcellent xcellent enefits. Duties include greeting clients, multi-‐ line to h r@ncssinc.org oor vvdynamic isit ur w ebsite aat RECEPTIONIST to h r@ncssinc.org r isit ur w ebsite t you are looking to join a organization including salary requirements, toMicrosoft the Director We www.ncssinc.org excellent computer skills, for to a include Office, phones, scheduling and other are also searching full-‐time Receptionist. Equal Opportunity Employer. Please visit Please end ccwww.ncssinc.org/careers. over lletter, rr-esume a nd rreferences with asscritical mission www.ncssinc.org/careers. Equal Opportunity Employer. Please end over etter, appointments esume aletter nd tthree hree eferences Please submit resume and of interest, ofssend Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Equal Opportunity Employer. Duties include greeting clients, answering c over l etter, r esume a nd t hree advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐task Equal Opportunity Employer. to h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite a t Please end c over l etter, r esume a nd t hree eferences Please miscellaneous office duties. Position to hcareers@ncssinc.org r@ncssinc.org or visit our website rrmulti-‐line aeferences t requires www.ncssinc.org phones, scheduling appointments and including salary requirements, to the Director www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org and reception/office experience. ppThis a aafull-‐time to hhor r@ncssinc.org ooto r vvinclude isit oour w ebsite t t other www.ncssinc.org/careers. Please submit and of interest, Please vvresume isit oour C areers age aais t to computer r@ncssinc.org r website isit letter ur wMicrosoft ebsite excellent skills, Office, Please isit ur C areers age t Services visit our at: miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Northwestern Counseling & Support www.ncssinc.org position, M-‐F with some evening hours. High School of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. including salary requirements, to the Director www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew o ur o ther ooOffice, pen www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew o ur o ther pen advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ task excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft www.ncssinc.org/careers Please v isit o ur C areers p age a t Please v isit o ur C areers p age a t 107 Fisher Pond Road, of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or equivalent required. to NCSS offers positions. interpersonal skills, ability multi-‐task advanced positions. www.ncssinc.org/careers tto vview o ther pen and reception/office experience. This a oofull-‐ www.ncssinc.org/careers o the iew our ur o ois ther pen time St.Counseling 05478 competitive wages nd experience. xcellent bSupport and reception/office enefits. is t a full-‐time positions. Northwestern & Services Please vvaAlbans, isit ooeur CCVT areers ppThis age positions. Please isit ur evening areers age aa High position, M-‐ F with some hours. t Services High School Northwestern Counseling & Support M-‐F some evening hours. School position, We aare aawith n E qual O pportunity E mployer. We re n E qual O pportunity E mployer. www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew o ur o ther oooffers pen 107 Fisher Pond Road, 107 Fisher Pond Road, www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew o ur o ther pen Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS offers Diploma or equivalent required. NCSS We a re a n E qual O pportunity E mployer. Equal Opportunity We re an qual Orpportunity Employer. Please send caover lEetter, esume Employer. and three references St.a VT 05478 positions. competitive wwages ages aAlbans, nd xcellent bbenefits. St. Albans, VT 05478 positions. competitive nd eexcellent enefits. to h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite a t IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR “Creating aaa SSStronger W orkforce, “Creating Workforce, orkforce, “Creating tronger “Creating a Stronger tronger W W orkforce, Please send www.ncssinc.org Equal Opportunity cwww.ncssinc.org/careers. over resume a three references one mployee t aaaaEmployer. ime” one e mployee a t ttttnd ime” one eelqual mployee aaPOINT, t ime” one eetter, mployee a t ime” HAND PACKAGERS ROUSES We a re a n E O pportunity Equal Opportunity Employer. We a re a n E qual O pportunity mployer. Please s end c over l etter, r esume a nd EEtmployer. hree rNY eferences to hr@ncssinc.org o r visit our website at www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. NCSS, IInc., 1 07 FFisher isher P ond Rareers oad, SSSur t. A lbans, V T 0 5478 to h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o w ebsite Please v isit o ur C p age a t NCSS, nc., 1 07 isher P ond oad, t. A lbans, V NCSS, I nc., 1 07 F P ond R oad, t. A lbans, 005478 NCSS, Inc., - 1Monday 07 Fisher Pond Road, Friday St. Albans, V VT aT T 0t 5478 5478 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. hr@ncssinc.org “Creating aa through SStronger orkforce, www.ncssinc.org hr@ncssinc.org “Creating tronger W orkforce, www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers to vW iew our aot ther open hr@ncssinc.org hr@ncssinc.org Please v isit o ur C areers p age week with some overtime. 40 hours per one e mployee a t a t ime” positions. one employee t aiew time” www.ncssinc.org/careers tao o our other open Learn Learn m more ore a about bout ovur ur ccareers areers Careers Starting rate,Please $11.50/hour positions. Learn m ore bout oour visit oaaur age at Learn m ore bout ur ccpareers areers Equal Opportunity mployer. NCSS, IIWe nc., 07 PPond RRoad, SSt. lbans, VVT 5478 NCSS, nc., a11re 07 aFFn isher isher ond oad, t. oA AEur lbans, T o00pen 5478 www.ncssinc.org/careers t o v iew other We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. hr@ncssinc.org hr@ncssinc.org positions. “Creating Workforce, orkforce, “Creating aa SStronger tronger W at www.ncssinc.org ww.ncssinc.org w one at eemployee at ot aur a ttime” mployee a ore aabout ccime” areers Learn m ore bout our areers We aLearn re aone n Em qual O pportunity Employer.
Apply in person at: Belcam Inc., 27 Montgomery St., Rouses Point, NY 12979 at www.ncssinc.org
NCSS, Inc., 07 FFisher isher ond R Road, oad, SSt. at www.ncssinc.org NCSS, Inc., 1107 PPond t. A Albans, lbans, VVT T 05478 05478 Social Work Care Coordinators/Wellness hr@ncssinc.org “Creating aCounselors Stronger Workforce, hr@ncssinc.org
Court Officer (18047) Long-term temporary opening available with primary responsibility for the security of court house. The officer preforms security checks, provides general assistance to the judge and office related tasks or any court related business as directed. Located in St. Albans, VT. High School graduate and two years of work experience involving security or a profession that requires appearing in court e.g. social worker, police officer, probation officer. Starting at $16.66 per hour. Open until filled. Candidates shall submit a complete Judicial Branch Application (Job Code: 18047) and resume. An electronic version of the Application and a more detailed job description may be found at: https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/ employment-opportunities/staff-openings Equal opportunity employer
Our M Mission ission iis s tto o eensure nsure tthat hat tthe he rresidents esidents Our of FFranklin ranklin aand nd GGrand rand IIsle sle CCounties ounties hhave ave of access t o h igh q uality s ervices, w hich access to high quality services, which promote hhealthy ealthy lliving iving aand nd eemotional motional promote well-‐being.
FEATURED Support POSITIONS Seeking Community Specialists to ADMINISTRATION Wraparound Team. ADMINISTRATION join our High Fidelity Our Mission is to ensure that the residents of Franklin and EXECUTIVE CCOORDINATOR Our Fidelity Mission is to ensure tprovides hat the residents High Wraparound intensive EXECUTIVE OORDINATOR Grand Isle Counties have access to high quality services, which NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate of F ranklin a nd G rand I sle C ounties have support to children, adolescents and their Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and NCSS has an living opportunity for ofa Finance consummate promote healthy and emotional well-being. Chief Financial Officer/Director and families across allNorthwestern environments (community, access to directly high qsuality stervices, which professional tto upport he EExecutive D irector, Administration. Counseling & professional o d irectly s upport t he xecutive D irector, Administration. Northwestern Counseling home, school) to improve social functioning. Board of Trustees, and (NCSS), the NCSS aaLeadership eam. T& he PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT -T$37MM CHILD promote healthy living nd emotional Support Services dynamic Board o f T rustees, a nd t he N CSS L eadership T eam. T he Clients present with significant emotional Supportinterested Serviceswell-‐being. (NCSS), a dynamic $37MM successful candidate will possess strong writing and Seeking an individual in working as a Personal Care Attendant Community Mental Health Center serving and behavioral needs as well aswriting complex successful candidate will possess strong and with a 4 year oral old male. Interested applicant must be open to working communication skills, excellent interpersonal Community Mental Health Center serving treatment needs that warrant aAND heightened Franklin and Grand IsleFINANCE Counties, is seeking oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal with children with mobility issues and developmental delays. DIRECTOR OF skills, and be FEATURED detail and deadline driven. Microsoft POSITIONS Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, issituations. seeking level of support, mainly in social Support willOffice occur in the child’s home. This position entails an inspired leader for CFO/Director to work skills, and be detail and deadline driven. Microsoft ADMINISTRATION is required; Suite are proficiency desk top Children identified as returning an pre-school inspired leader forCOORDINATOR CFO/Director to work providing after support, transportation when EXECUTIVE closely with the CEO the Office Suite proficiency is and required; top from community placements orleadership atdesk risk ofa needed, publishing skills and event planning experience are and some out door recreation. NCSS has an opportunity for a consummate Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance and closely with the CEOin planning the leadership leaving the community. is responsible publishing skills and event experience are a team. CFO/Director will possess afield, strong plus! A The Bachelor’s degree aand n Staff appropriate plus professional to directly support the Executive Director, Administration. Northwestern Counseling for coordinating services perspectives three five years relevant experience, or T& an team. CFO/Director will possess strong plus! Ato oThe Bf achelor’s dand egree ibackground, an aLand ppropriate field, phe lus financial combined Board Tmanagement rustees, the Nn CSS eadership Ta-eam. PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT TEEN Support Services a dynamic $37MM across thecombination client’s(NCSS), treatment team. Looking equivalent of possess education experience successful candidate will strong writing three to five years relevant experience, or and an with thorough competencies inand accounting financial background, combined We are looking for an management energetic, compassionate, and dedicated PCA Community Mental Health Center serving for individuals who are comfortable working oral communication skills, excellent and interpersonal is required. This could be your opportunity to work in equivalent combination of education experience to support a curious 15-year old, who has Sturge-Weber practices, administration, and information Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, istreatment seeking Syndrome - a with children of different ages and with thorough competencies in accounting skills, and mission-‐ be detail and deadline driven. where Microsoft a dexplore riven organization, your seizure disorder. He loves to the outside, board games, needs one-on-one an inspired leader CFO/Director to work is systems rquality, equired. This could bfor e yacross our pportunity to play work interfaces and advancements, Office Suite proficiency is orequired; desk top in practices, administration, andenvironments. information e fforts t ruly m ake a r ewarding d ifference in experience read books, individual and hang out. Ideal candidate will have Individuals should be self-motivated, organized, closely the CEOorganization, and the leadership publishing skills and event planning experience are a a combined quality, with mission-‐ d riven where your with a strong belief in participatory systems interfaces and advancements, working withpeople’s children/teens with developmental disabilities and lives. Have we described you? If afjoining yes, we’d and a team player. Applicant will be a team. The CFO/Director will possess strong plus! A B achelor’s d egree i n a n a ppropriate ield, p lus individual efforts truly make aa rewarding difference in leadership. Experience in health care setting behavioral needs. oversight and support will dynamic, team, who are motivated love to Ongoing have you years join our supportive, team-‐ oor riented three to enthusiastic five relevant experience, an be provided financial management background, combined combined with a strong belief in participatory people’s lives. Have we utilization described you? If yes, out we’d with client from a behavior analyst. Goals include hanging equivalent combination of education and experience to impact the high ofaccounting residential involving medical records and billing practices with thorough competencies in organization. leadership. Experience insupportive, aDegree health care setting at home as well asbe bringing him to other activities is required. This could be your opportunity to work in love to have you join our MBA team-‐ oriented placements. Bachelor’s in Human practices, administration, and would a strong plus. or CPAinformation preferred. If within the a quality, field mission-‐driven your community. Services Currently looking fororganization, both weekdays, afternoon and required withbilling 1-2where years of involving medical records and practices organization. systems interfaces and advancements, you are looking toRECEPTIONIST join a dynamic organization individual efforts truly make a rewarding difference in weekend support. This has potential grow intoWe more hours as experience in athe related fieldto preferred. combined with a strong belief in participatory would be a strong plus. MBA or CPA preferred. If We are also searching for a full-‐ t ime Receptionist. people’s lives. Have we described If yes, we’d with aexcellent critical mission the job progresses. The family is -offering competitive wages to the offer benefits thatyou? include paid leadership. Experience a health organization care setting RECEPTIONIST love to have you join our team-‐oriented you are looking to join ainsupportive, dynamic Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐and line vacation, 11 paid holidays, pension plan right candidate. involving medical records and billing practices organization. We are also searching for a full-‐ time Receptionist. educational assistance. Position starts at phones, scheduling appointments and other with a critical mission would be afor strong plus.- MBA or CPA of preferred. If Please submit resume letter interest, and To apply these positions please $35,000 annually. miscellaneous office duties. Position requires Duties include greeting clients, answering multi-‐ l ine RECEPTIONIST you are looking to joinwebsite a dynamic including salaryour requirements, toorganization the Director visit atand excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, phones, scheduling appointments other We are also searching for a visit full-‐time Receptionist. Please with a critical mission - and Please submit resume letter of interest, of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. www.ncssinc.org/careers Duties include greeting clients, answering advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ task miscellaneous office duties. Position multi-‐line requires careers@ncssinc.org phones, scheduling appointments and other including salary requirements, to the Director and reception/office experience. This is a full-‐ time to or email your resume and cover letter Please submit resume and letter of interest, excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, or visit our website at: miscellaneous office duties. Support Position requires Northwestern Counseling & Services position, M-‐ F with some evening hours. High School of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. including salary requirements, to the Director careers@ncssinc.org advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐ task excellent computer skills, to include Microsoft Office, www.ncssinc.org/careers Fisher Pond Road, NCSS offers of Human Resources, hr@ncssinc.org. Diploma or 107 equivalent required. advanced interpersonal skills, the ability to multi-‐task and reception/office experience. This is a full-‐time St.Counseling VT & 05478 competitive wages aAlbans, nd experience. excellent bSupport and reception/office enefits. This is a Services full-‐time Northwestern position, M-‐F with some evening hours. Services High School School Northwestern Counseling & Support with some evening hours. High position, M-‐F 107 Fisher Pond Road, 107 Fisher Pond Road, NCSS Diploma or required. NCSS offers Diploma Equal or equivalent equivalent required. offers Please send cover Opportunity letter, resume Employer. and three references St.aAlbans, VT 05478 competitive wwages ages aAlbans, nd eexcellent xcellent bbenefits. St. VT 05478 competitive nd enefits. to h r@ncssinc.org o r v isit o ur w ebsite a t Please send Equal www.ncssinc.org Opportunity cwww.ncssinc.org/careers. over letter, resume Employer. and three references cover Opportunity letter, roesume nd wtebsite hree raeferences to hEqual r@ncssinc.org r visit Employer. oaur t Please send www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. to hr@ncssinc.org visit our website Please visit our oCr areers page at at www.ncssinc.org www.ncssinc.org/careers. www.ncssinc.org/careers to view our other open Please visit our Careers page at positions. www.ncssinc.org/careers to view our other open Please visit positions. our Careers page at We are an Equal Opportunity mployer. www.ncssinc.org/careers to view oEur other open We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. positions. “Creating Workforce, orkforce, “Creating aa SStronger tronger W one employee at a time” NCSS, Inc., 1107 07 FFisher isher PPond ond R Road, oad, SSt. NCSS, Inc., t. AAlbans, lbans, VVT T 05478 05478 hr@ncssinc.org “Creating a Stronger Workforce, hr@ncssinc.org one employee at a time” Learn more about our careers our careers Learn more about at t aa ttime” ime” employee mployee a We are one aone n Eequal Opportunity Employer.
NCSS, Inc., 107 Fisher Pond Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 hr@ncssinc.org at www.ncssinc.org Learn more about our careers at www.ncssinc.org
at www.ncssinc.org
one ewith mployee at a time” • Working in Primary Care and Specialty Care settings exciting new Learn more about our careers initiative designed to increase access and outcomes, our careers Learn mfor ore aindividuals bout
www.ncssinc.org • Be part of a team providing coordination for Mentalat Health & Substance Use hr@ncssinc.org Disorder
NCSS, Inc., 107 Fisher Pond Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 at www.ncssinc.org at www.ncssinc.org
Learn more about our careers
• Licensed provider in the state of Vermont (LICSW, LCMHC, and/or LADC) will www.ncssinc.org be working within a Medication Assisted Treatmentat (MAT) specialty clinic • MSW with a year or more clinical experience and be on track for licensure To apply for the position please visit our website at www.ncssinc.org/careers or email your resume and cover letter to careers@ncssinc.org
at www.ncssinc.org
Northwestern Counseling & Support Services 107 Fisher Pond Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 Equal Opportunity Employer.
Your Ad Here!! Call (802) 524-9771 Ext. 122/117
Classifieds | 9
St. Albans Messenger | Thursday, October 25, 2018
Classifieds: Legals, Automotive, Tires, and Merchandise STROLLER, SINGLE SEAT, great shape, $8. 802-527-7891
LEGALS Notices PUBLIC NOTICE HIGHGATE RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGS Monday, November 5, 2018 @ 5:30pm Tuesday, November 20, 2018 @ 5:30pm @ the Highgate Sports Arena Office
AUTOS Parts/Accessories ACI ROLL-UP VINYL pickup bed cover with paperwork, made for Ford F-150 short bed. Asking $75. Call 802782-1558
TWIN BABY CARRIAGE, great shape, $75. 802527-7891 Crafts/Homemade Items/Sewing Mach CRAFT SUPPLIES, MISCELLANEOUS items, 2 boxes. $15 each, or $20 for both. Call 802524-5070 Electronics/ Cameras/Etc. CAMCORDERS (2), COMES with case. $100 for both. Call 802-782-4184 CELL PHONE, AT&T, in excellent condition, works great, no cracks. Asking $30. Call 802-582-5557
More On Next Page
NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF GAS AND OIL LEASE: Pursuant to Title 29 § 563(g) of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, notice is hereby given of the abandonment of a certain Gas and Oil Lease between J. Herbert Severance and Juanita M. Severance (predecessors in title) and Vermont Natural Gas and Mineral Corporation dated December 7, 1957 and recorded in Volume 9, Page 198 of the Town of Colchester Land Records (the “Lease”), which notice is given by Ireland Grove Street Properties, LLC, the current record owner of the following property, all or a portion of which is subject to the Lease: the land and premises conveyed to Ireland Grove Street Properties, LLC by Warranty Deed of John Brigante and Velma Brigante, individually and as Trustee for John and Velma Brigante u/t/a dated April 9, 1996; Frank P. Brigante, individually and as Trustee for Frank P. Brigante u/t/a dated March 5, 1993; and Dorothy E. Brigante, individually and as Trustee for Dorothy E. Brigante u/t/a dated March 5, 1993 to Ireland Grove Street Properties, LLC, dated May 23, 2005 and recorded in Volume 525, Page 629 of said Land Records. The Lease is deemed to have been abandoned inasmuch as the interest thereof (i) has been unused for a continuous period of 10 years after July 1, 1973; and (ii) no statement of interest under subsection (e) of 29 V.S.A. § 563 has been filed at any time within the preceding five years.
Auto Service
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Antiques ROCKING CHAIR, OAK, in good shape. Asking $15. Call 802-868-7469 Clothing & Accessories GIRLS RAINCOAT, HOODED, flannel lined, rose pink, front snaps, 2 pockets, size small (78), excellent condition. $10. Call 802-891-6140 HALLOWEEN SKELETON PAJAMAS, footed, snaps up back, size infant large (18.5-23lbs) excellent condition, worn once. $3. Call 802891-6140 SKI JACKET, BURTON, size medium, like new. Ski boots, Tecnica, size 27.0, (8), like new. $125. package deal. Call for details. 802-524-1139
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TO: Gail Wells COMPANY: CVNG Papers: ER, MI, CS, SAM Class: 1C=1.155; 2C=2.39; 3C=3.62
ADVERTISING INSERTION ORDER Thomas Hirchak Company FROM: Terra Keene Phone: 800-634-7653 • Fax: 802-8 Email: Advertising2@thcauction.co
Simulcast Wed., Nov. 7 @ 10AM
2005 International 4300 SBA Tool Truck w/lift gate, 76,392 miles; MAC, SK, Dewalt & Milwaukee Tools including: 12 Drawer Snap-On Tool Box, Lock n’ Roll; Pry Bars; Laser Thermometers; Bit Sets; Star Drive Sets; Tap & Die Sets; Crimper Sets; Dead Blow Hammers; Dewalt Cordless Impact Drills; SK Socket Sets; Flash lights; Impact Drivers; Impact Wrenches; Pneumatic Ratchets; Cordless Work Lights; Grease Guns; Nut Drivers; Wrench Sets; Punch Sets; Cordless Ratchets; IR Impact Wrench; Vise; Grip Clamps; BL Systems Tire Balancer; Floor Jack; Carbide Bits
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Health, Legal & Insurance Directory
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Call today to advertise! 802-524-9771 x122 or x117
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375 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT tim@vtlaw.us (802) 527-7200
Collectibles CANADIAN EXPLORER MUGS, each has a different Canadian discovery. Asking $1 each. Call 802-868-7469
To advertise Call (802) 524-9771 Gail x117 • Fax (802) 527-1948 Email: classifieds@samessenger.com
EXPO ‘67 GLASSWARE, 14 glasses in total. Asking $1 each. Call 802868-7469
Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week
Computers/Supplies HP PRINTER, OFFICE jet, model J4580, needs work. Free! Call 802524-5070
WINDOWS LAPTOPS, (3) works great, needs charger. $100 each. Call 802-782-4184 Children’s Items & Toys CARRIAGE, CLEAN, GOOD condition, plaid pattern. $70. 802-5277891 CRIB, LARGE SIZE, maple wood. $25. 802-5277891 PLAYPEN, PAK N like new. Green, and blue colors some white. In good condition. 802-527-7891
Play, pink with very $70.
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(802) 524-9771 Ext. 117/122
10 | Classifieds
St. Albans Messenger | Thursday, October 25, 2018
Classifieds: Merchandise, For Rent, and For Sale Shared Housing/ Roommate Wanted
Lawn/Garden BISTRO TABLE WITH two chairs, wrought iron, black, Hampton MERCHANDISE Bay. Brand new, fully assembled. Paid $159.99, selling for DVD PLAYERS, (2), $65. OBO. Moving, both work great. $20 must sell! 802-578each. Call 802-782- 7606 4184 HP LAPTOP, CHARGER included, comes with Windows 10 installed. $95 OBO. Call 802578-7606
SONY DVD/VCR COMBO, works great. Asking $50. Call 802- BORDER COLLIES, FEMALE, 13 weeks old. 782-4184 UTD on shots. $650. STEREO, 5 DISC with each. Call 802-782double cassette 5264, as for Sarah. player, works great. Asking $40. Call 802782-4184 Exercise/Sporting Equipment MOUNTAIN BIKES, (2), both 21”, one Huffy and one Murray. $50 LOST AND FOUND each. Call 802-7824184 Firearms,Bows, Etc MUZZLE LOADER, INLINE .50 caliber, MK93 Knight Legend, takes 209 shotgun primer. Wooden stock, excellent condition, 2.5x32mm scope included. $140. Call 802-777-4124 Furniture LEATHER ROCKER RECLINER, dark green color, very good condition. Asking $50. Call 802-524-5638 Furnishings FIREPLACE TOOL SET, 4 pieces, shovel, poker, broom and stand, black metal, good for camp. $3. Call 802-891-6140 GATE, METAL, WHITE. 50”x54”, only used one day. $100. 802-527-7891 Heavy Equipment 1989 E120B CAT excavator, Town of Enosburgh is accepting sealed bids for a 1989 E120B CAT excavator, approximate hours 15,500 on the machine. Deadline for bids is 11/16/2018 at 3:00 at the Enosburgh Town Office 239 Main St. Enosburg. The selectboard reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. Bids will be opened November 19th at 6:30.
Lost & Found
FOR RENT Apartments Unfurnished
RICHFORD Spacious 3 bedroom farm home, one full bath, all new appliances, wonderful views, lawn and snow included, no pets/ non smoking. $1,300/ mo. ST. ALBANS CITY Large 3 bedroom duplex. Hardwood floors throughout. Water, lawn, rubbish, and snow included. No pets, no smoking. $1,600/mo. ST. ALBANS TOWN 2 bedroom condo, end unit. 1 bath, full basement, kitchen fully equipped. No pets, no smoking. $1,050/mo.
SWANTON 2+ bedroom condo, 2 1/2 baths, kitchen 2 MISSING CATS fully equipped. HookREWARD OFFERED ups in full basement. One is white, the 1 car attached gaother is Siamese. rage. No pets, no Both are wearing flea smoking. $1,400/mo. collars. Lost around Prospect Hill area. Call Call: 802-827-2376 1-800-864-6226 x7852 or 802-343-0540 www.fourseasons sir.com
LOOKING TO BUY Wanted to Buy BUYING ANTIQUES Complete households, most anything old/of good quality. 45+ years buying! Fair prices paid! Call Ed Lambert 802-528-5651 or 802-782-1223 St. Albans
RICHFORD APARTMENT, 3 bedroom, Section 8 eligible. Ground floor, offstreet parking. Includes cable. Absolutely no pets, waterbeds, dishwashers. $800./mo. Security/references required. Available 11/1. Call 802-2553012 ST. ALBANS CITY, 3 bedroom duplex, hardwood floors, high ceilings. W/D hookup, trash/snow removal, off-street parking. $1,000./mo. plus utilities. 802-524-1324
ENOSBURG Spacious and bright living area in a picturesque rural setting, shared with a couple who enjoy hiking and camping. $500./mo. (all inclusive). No smoking. No deposit! 802-863-5625 or www.HomeShare Vermont.org http://www.Home ShareVermont.org for application. Interview, references, background checks required. EHO.
Great starter home, open floor plan. 3-4 bedrooms. Large kitchen, plenty of storage. Front and rear wrap around porches. Nature woodwork stairs. Call John at 802-782-1177
HOUSE FOR SALE ST. ALBANS TOWN • 2,150 Square Feet • 3 Bedrooms • 2 1/2 Baths • Hardwood Floors $249,000 Please Call: 802-734-0851 or 802-922-4354
Rob Cioffi
O: (802) 527-7556
C: (802) 309-8825 robcioffi@c21jack.com
ST. ALBANS TOWN $289,000. Check out this conveniently located 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath Colonial featuring an open floor plan, a large living room with gas fireplace, 228 Lake Street master bedroom and St. Albans City bath, partially fin$149,000 ished walkout base100% financing avail- ment, 2-car garage, able for this property. deck, and patio, all Homes for sale
802.782.0400 shawncheney75@gmail.com
Shawn Cheney REALTOR
78 N. Main St. St. Albans VT
on a 1.28-acre lot. Rob Cioffi, Century 21 Jack Associates, Cell: 802-309-8825, Office: 802-527-7556
SWANTON $137,000 One level living in this village home. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1,276 sq. ft. home offering 0.12 acre village lot. The home has two living areas and offers turnkey living. The home has multiple sites for a wood stove or convert to a pellet stove with decorative mantles. LARGE CITY DUPLEX Large city duplex that could be a great owner occupied option. 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, 3,184 sq. ft. home offering a 0.41 acre city lot. This duplex has a 3 bedroom with a 4th office area and a 2 bedroom apartment. Hardwood floors and 2 car detached garage. Shawn Cheney, EXP Realty, 23A First Street, Swanton, VT. 802-782-0400
Take a look at our
Auto Service
Curt’s Automotive
13 Beauregard Drive, St. Albans (802) 524-2824 8am-5pm Mon-Fri
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FREON R12 WANTED: CERTIFIED BUYER will PAY CA$H for R12 cylinders or cases of cans. (312) 291-9169; ST. ALBANS, LARGE 1 www.refrigerant Bedroom, 2nd floor, finders.com includes plowing/rubHoliday Items bish romval. Stove/ CASKET, WOODEN, OLD, Your Ad Here!! Refrigerator, washer/ nice. Great for HallowCall 524-9771 dryer hookups, $650/ mo plus deposit. 802een decorating. $75. Ext. 122/117 309-8122 802-309-4062
Harvest Directory
Fresh local Produce support local farmers
4 weeks for only $40. Call today to advertise! 802-524-9771 x122 or x117
Classifieds | 11
St. Albans Messenger | Thursday, October 25, 2018
of our communities
You should know that the chance of you dying on the way to get a lottery ticket is actually greater than your chance of winning the jackpot. — from the Messenger Cornerstone Group Source: Washington Post
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Our Advertising
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Radon/WateR testing 6 Ethel Court St. Albans, VT 05478 802-309-2648 • 802-527-9881 • belrosej5@yahoo.com
53 Brook Street Richford, VT 05476
Masonry Richard R. Ryea Ritchie R. Ryea
Ryea & Sons Masonry
Mason Contractor • Residential & Commercial Brick, Block, Stone & Metal Liners Fireplaces & Prefab Chimneys a Specialty 1645 St. Albans Rd., Richford, VT 05476 802-848-7175 • Fax: 802-848-7137 vtmasonry.com • ritchie@ryeaandsonsmasonry.com
12 | Classifieds
St. Albans Messenger | Thursday, October 25, 2018
Cornerstones of our communities Welcome to the all-new Cornerstone! Meat Processing You Can’t Beat Our Meat!
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Cornerstone: something of great importance on which everything else depends. Source: Cambridge Dictionary. Community: The people of a district or country considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities; society. Source: Oxford Dictionary.
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classifieds@samessenger.com web: www.samessenger.com fax: 802.527.1948 281 North Main Street St. Albans VT 05478