12/1/11 Classifieds

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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, December 1, 2011




Always start with a keyword that makes it clear what you are advertising. Include as much description as you can so the buyer or potential employee knows exactly what you are offering. This may avoid unnecessary calls with redundant questions! Don’t be afraid to be creative to make your ad stand apart from the rest! Still need some help, call us and we will help write your ad and design it for FREE!


Business Opportunity

Franklin County Rehab Center We are looking for an RN with 2 years of long term care experience. Knowledge of MDS 2.0 and/or 3.0 a plus, but we are willing to train the right candidate. The position is 2 days per week including every Monday, no weekends.

Please email your resume to: Kate Gladden at: kgladden@franklincountyrehab.com

Employment ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL truck drivers! It’s NOW TIME to get back to work! More freight and top earnings! Call Prime Inc. today! 1-800-277-0212 www.primeinc.com

“Franklin County’s Premiere Choice for Rehabilitation Therapy”

Experienced Plumbers Burlington Falcon Plumbing Service wants to see you if you are an experienced, licensed plumber. We will look at everyone with experience, particularly in gas hot water heating, all aspects of plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning. Come work for a small company with big goals. Excellent benefits. Must be able to work overtime on nights and weekends on a rotating schedule with the other technicians. We are a service company serving the greater Burlington and St. Albans areas. Apply in person or on line at: falconvt.com Send resume to: PO Box 1476 Williston, VT 05495

Regional Coordinator

NFI St. Albans is a community based mental health agency seeking a Regional Coordinator to support programs serving the diverse needs of Franklin/Grand Isle Counties. We are seeking a person with a strong sense of community who can remain centered as a guide and leader for individuals doing this work. The programs of NFI St. Albans include Wraparound, Outpatient Therapy, Juvenile Justice, Post-adoption support, DCF Child and Family Supports, and Community Justice. Extensive supervisory experience, familiarity with these services, and licensure in Social Work, Counseling, or relating field required. Please contact: Benjaminwatts@nafi.com with letter of interest and resume. E.O.E.

DRIVERS WANTED. $7,500. sign-on teams, 51.3¢ per mile. $2,000. sign-on driver, 43.7¢ per mile. CDL-A HazMat. 1-877-628-3748. wwwdriveNCTrans.com

SEASONAL RESTAURANT facility available for lease. Champlain Country Club is looking for interested people for leasing the Clubhouse Restaurant facility for the 2012 golfing season. Great business opportunity. Interested parties please contact: Paul Blanchard 19 Brown Ave. St. Albans, VT 05478 Please respond by: December 15th, 2011.


DRIVERS, PYLE TRANSPORT NEEDS OWNER OPERATORS & COMPANY DRIVERS! Regional truckload operations. HOME EVERY WEEKEND! Vermont Agency 0/0 average $1.84./ mile. Steady, year of Natural Resources Department of round work, requires Environmental CDL-A, 2 years expeConservation rience. Call Charity: Residuals 888-301-5855. www. Management Section DriveforPyle.com NOTICE OF APPLICAENOSBURG TION, ISSUANCE AND AMERICAN LEGION PUBLIC COMMENT Open 7 days, would av- PERIOD ON A FACT erage 20 hours/week. SHEET AND DRAFT Must be able to work SOLID WASTE MANevery 3rd weekend and AGEMENT FACILITY varying days. If interCERTIFICATION ested call Lloyd: 802Public notice is hereby 933-2131. provided that on July JANITORIAL 20, 2011 an application POSITIONS for a solid waste manAvailable in St. Albans agement facility certiarea. Floor care experi- fication was submitted ence a plus. Must have by the Town of Sheldon a clean background to the Department of check and pass drug Environmental Conserscreening. $10./hour vation (Department). starting plus benefits. The application is to Call: 866-321-1001 recertify a wastewaNEED PERSON TO ter treatment biosolids LIVE IN and CARE for management program elderly woman in her which includes an exSt. Albans City home, isting sludge storage exchange for full room/ tank, drying beds for board. Details 802-827- biosolids treatment and 3161. residuals storage, and


disposal at the Waste USA Landfill or Plattsburgh, NY WWTF. The application was reviewed in accordance with 10 V.S.A. 6605 et. seq. and the Vermont Solid Waste Management Rules (Rules). In accordance with ‘6305 (b) of the Rules, public notice is hereby provided that: (A) the Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources has reviewed the application in accordance with the provisions of the statutes and Rules and has determined that it is in compliance with the same; (B) a fact sheet and draft certification have been prepared by the Department in this matter; and, (C) a final certification will be issued on December 16, 2011 without convening a public informational meeting unless a written request for a public informational meeting and extension of the public comment period is received by the Secretary no later than 4:30 p.m. on December 15, 2011. Said request must comprise of a petition of not less than twenty-five (25) residents of the municipality wherein the facility is proposed to be located, or by the legislative body or planning commission of the municipality wherein the facility is proposed to be located, or by a landowner whose property adjoins the property on which the facility is proposed to be located. Copies of the application, fact sheet, and draft certification are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the offices of the Residuals Management Section, Department of Environmental Conservation in Waterbury, VT, and at


SOMETIMES ERRORS OCCUR. After placing an ad, it is your responsibility to check your ad on the first day of publication for any errors. Refunds are not issued for classified ads, but if notification is given to our department after the first day of publication, we will run your corrected ad for one extra day. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect publication of each ad.

NOTICE TO First Publication Date: CREDITORS November 23, 2011 Publication To the creditors of the Second Estate of Aubrey B. Date: Vieta, late of Highgate, November 30, 2011 Vermont. I have been Address of Court: Superior appointed as personal Vermont representative of the Court above named estate. Franklin Unit, All creditors having Probate Division claims against the es- 17 Church Street tate must present their St. Albans, VT 05478 claims in writing within (802) 524-4112 four months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described within the four month deadline. Dated: October 26, 2011 Signed: Carl Vieta, Executor VERMONT Address: SUPERIOR COURT Notices c/o Peter J. R. Martin, FRANKLIN UNIT NOTICE OF PROBATE DIVISION Esq., 527-1948 195 North Main St., St. PUBLIC HEARING DOCKET NO. Albans, VT 05478 ST. ALBANS CITY 76-2011E PLANNING IN RE THE ESTATE Telephone: (802) 524-9010 COMMISSION OF: MONDAY, Name of the PublicaAubrey B. Vieta DECEMBER 19, 2011 LATE OF: tion: 6:00 PM Highgate, VERMONT St. Albans Messenger ST. ALBANS CITY HALL legals. notices. letters to creditors. foreclosures. name changes. personals. 100 NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. ALBANS, VT The St. Albans City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider two changes to the St. Albans City Land Use Development RegulaACT 250 NOTICE tions. MINOR APPLICATION # 6F0092-4B Section 704 –Design 10 V.S.A., SECTIONS 6001 - 6092 Advisory Board: The Planning Com- On November 21, 2011, 600 Realty Development, LLC, 600 Industrial Park Road, St. mission will consider a Albans, VT 05478 filed application #6F0092-4B to construct 20 new vehicle parking spaces change to Design Advi- and pave 20 existing gravel spaces at an existing indeustrial/manufacturing complex. The Project is located at 600 Industrial Park Road (Superior Technical Ceramics) in the Town sory Board term limits of St. Albans, Vermont. and other items. Purpose: To allow for The District Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule full merger of Design 51 -- Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for Advisory Board and review at the Town Office, the County Regional Planning Commission, and the office listed Planning Commission below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources member appointments. Board’s web site (www.nrb.state.vt.us/lup) by clicking on “Act 250 database” and entering Geographic Areas Af- the case number above. fected: All of City of St. No hearing will be held unless, on or before Friday, December 16, 2011, a party notifies Albans. the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing Section 517 – Signs the municipal offices of the applicant at 1640 Main Street, Sheldon, VT 05483. Written public comments regarding the fact sheet and draft certification are hereby solicited by the Agency. Any comments regarding these documents must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m. on December 15, 2011, and should be submitted to: Allison Lowry, Environmental Analyst Residuals Management Section 103 South Main St. – Sewing Bldg. Waterbury, VT 056710405 Telephone: (802) 338-4833 e-mail: Allison.Lowry@state. vt.us

Place Your Ad


Monday ................ Noon Friday Tuesday ............... Noon Monday Wednesday.......... Noon Tuesday Thursday.............. Noon Wednesday Friday................... Noon Thursday Saturday .............. Noon Thursday For display ads or ads requiring a proof please allow us extra time.

CONTACT US FOR PhoNE: 802-524-9771.... Gail x117 Rachel x122 FAx: 802-527-1948 A FREE QUOTE OR EMAIl: classifieds@samessenger.com TO PLACE AN AD: MAIl: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478




802-524-9771 Ext 117 or 122

The Planning Commission will consider a change to sign design standards, with a focus on methods of illumination. Purpose: To update the City’s sign design regulations in light of new sign technologies, specifically LED lights. Geographic Areas Affected: All of City of St. Albans. Full texts of these revisions may be viewed at the St. Albans City Planning and Zoning Office, St. Albans City Hall, 100 North Main Street. If special accommodations are required, please contact Michelle Boudreau at 802-5241500 x262 or m.boudreau @stalbansvt.com

Legals Continued Onto Next Page FAX US



or the commission set the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by Friday, December 16, 2011.

Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 23rd day of November, 2011.

By Stephanie H. Monaghan, Natural Resources Board, District Coordinator, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452, T/ 802-879-5662, E/ stephanie.monaghan@state.vt.us

“Would you like to have an extra $150.00 per week for the holidays?” We’ll even deliver the papers to you!



ilable Route Ava ichford ely! R Immediat Apply in person at The St. Albans Messenger 281 North Main Street St. Albans, VT EOE

Individuals who apply for the positions must have: •Valid driver’s license and insurance •Basic knowledge of Franklin County •Reliability and punctuality •Need to be available between the hours of 11:30AM and 5:00PM

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION # 6F0092-6A 10 V.S.A., SECTIONS 6001 - 6092

On November 21, 2011, 500 Realty Development, LLC, 500 Industrial Park Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 filed application #6F0092-6A to construct 24 new paved vehicle parking spaces and pave existing gravel drive areas at an existing industrial/manufacturing complex. The Project is located at 500 Industrial Park Road (Superior Technical Ceramics) in the Town of St. Albans, Vermont.

The District Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 -- Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Town Office, the County Regional Planning Commission, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (www.nrb.state.vt.us/lup) by clicking on “Act 250 database” and entering the case number above.

No hearing will be held unless, on or before Friday, December 16, 2011, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission set the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by Friday, December 16, 2011. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 23rd day of November, 2011.

By Stephanie H. Monaghan, Natural Resources Board, District Coordinator, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452, T/ 802-879-5662, E/ stephanie.monaghan@state.vt.us



ApplicAnces. Antiques. bikes. building supplies. clothing. electronics. Furniture. lAwn & gArden.

The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, December 1, 2011 cArs. trucks, suVs & VAns. pArts Vehicles. pArts/Accesories. tires.

Merchandise Motors For Sale Legals Continued


Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Vans, & More!

Sat., Dec. 3 @ 10AM · Register from 8AM

Thomas Hirchak Co. 131 Dorset Ln., Williston, VT

Cars: SUVs, Vans & ‘05 Ford Five Hundred Crossovers: ‘04 Honda Civic ‘06 Chevy Equinox ‘04 Suzuki SX4 ‘05 Ford Freestar ‘04 Toyota Prius ‘04 Mercury Mountaineer ‘03 Kia Optima Trucks: ‘03 Mitsubishi Galant ‘07 Honda Ridgeline ‘03 VW Passat ‘06 Chevy Silverado ‘02 Chevy Cavalier ‘05 GMC Sierra ‘02 Honda Civic ‘04 Ford F-350 ‘02 Pontiac Firebird ‘03 Ford F-350 ‘01 Ford Focus Special Interest: ‘01 Nissan Sentra (2) ‘07 Honda AquaTrax ‘01 Subaru Outback F-12s with Trailer ‘01 Toyota Corolla Preview these Personal ‘00 Audi A6 Watercraft on Friday, ‘00 Ford Mustang December 2 ‘00 Ford Taurus from 1-4PM! ‘00 VW Beetle & Many More! ‘99 Ford Taurus List Subject to Change

Check Web for Updates: THCAuction.com

800-474-6132 · 802-878-9200

BanK LIQUIDaTIon · eVeryTHInG MUST Go! 8,000± DVDs $3/ea. or 4/$10 - Blu-ray $5/ea. Saturday, Dec. 3, 8AM - 2PM - A variety of genres! Sale @ Thomas Hirchak Co., 131 Dorset Ln., Williston, VT


Wednesday, December 14 @ 10AM View and Register from 9AM

310 South Old Route 4 Fort Ann, NY

Partial List: Komatsu PC300 Hydraulic Excavator, ‘97; Gehl Skid Steer Loader, (2) IR 185 CFM Tag Along Air Compressors, Dresser LeRoi 750 CFM Tag Along Air Compressor, Cee-Jay Tool Company HDS-16/RIBT/STL/NVG Hydraulic Stone Splitter, w/ hydraulic pack; Weigh-Tronix WI-125 Digital Pallet Scale; (2) MK Block Saws; (7) 1 CY Dump Hoppers; Large quantity of processed stone selling in trade lots; AND MUCH MORE! Terms: Payment in Full Day of Sale. 10% Buyers Premium, 16% Internet Buyer’s Premium, Other Terms at Sale. Can’t make it to the auction? Leave a bid with us ahead of time, or you can pre-bid on Proxibid.com!

Call for Info or visit THCAuction.com

THOMAS HIRCHAK CO. · 802-878-9200

TOUCH LAMPS, SMALL, (2), one is with eagles and the other is with deer, wolf and indiTV, COLOR, FREE, an. $30. for both or best 13”. Works great. Free. offer. 802-528-8938 802-524-5092 Garage Sales Equipment/MachinCollectibles INDOOR FLEA Antiques ery BELLS, (85), MARKET POULAN CHAIN SAW, HULA HOOP, VIN$1. each. Sun., 12/11 model # 4200, great TAGE 1940’s, wooden. 802-524-9689 9:00am - 3:00pm shape. Asking $75. Call In beautiful colors. Will Dairy Center BRIDAL DOLL, 802-848-3277. not find one like this. Stonebrook 1950’s, over two feet. SAWMILLS FROM Perfect shape. $100. Route 105 Beautiful, still in origiONLY $3997. Make Enosburg Falls, VT 802-485-8266 nal box. $90. 802-485- money & save money Books/Reading Different vendors and 8266 with your own bandmill. crafters. If interested in EMAILED MaterialADVERTISEMENT a spot call Tim at BOOK, PLAYERS OF PORCELAIN DOLLS, Cut lumber any dimen(25), asking $3. each. sion. In stock ready to ADVERTISING INSERTION ORDER 802-782-2101. Cooperstown, Baseball’s Hall of Fame, 258 Please call 802-524- ship. FREE Info & DVD: 5092. w w w. N o r w o o d S a w Holiday Items Thomas Hirchak Company pages. Never used. mills.com/300N 1-800SPORTS CARDS Amy Crawford MakeFrom: a nice Christmas CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Phone: 800-634-7653 present. $65. 802-485- - OVER 60 complete 578-1363 Ext. 300N AND Sounds musical Exercise/Sporting 8266Fax: 802-888-2211 sets of sports cards. light show. Use indoor Equipment Mint condition. $400. COMMUNITY COLor outside. 20 Christmas EXERCISE BIKE, carols in 3 modes. Still To: BOOKS, Gail Wells (21), 802-524-3455 LEGE Company: St. Albans MessengerDOLLS, - Classifieds (3), WESLO with moveable in box, never used. Cost 2000-2002 editions. In WALKING Phone: 802-524-9771 ext.for 117$5. class or 103 Two small handles. Very good $130. will take $50. obo. excellent condition, as- one sorted subjects. Call for ones, $3./pair. Call 802- condition. $45. 802- 802-485-8266 868-7975 PCI: $7.50$20. 524-5092. moreCost information. CHRISTMAS PAPER for all. 802-868-7613. WHISKERS CAT AND IN red and green RubFirewood 1c= 1 3/8 dog knick knacks, (8),. bermaid container, 32” Bicycles FIRE- long, 22” wide. All new 2c= 2 3/4 $5. each or all for $30. KINDLING WOOD, FREE, St. Al- paper for $50. 802-4853c= 4BIKE, 1/4 GIRLS LIKE 802-393-2744 bans. Good for heating 8266 4c= 5 3/4 new. $35. Call 802Children’s Items barns, garages, sugar868-6015. ing but not your home. DOLL, VINTAGE ANIREGULAR PAPER: DOLL, CUTE, SOFT, Old, dry, slats, 2x4’s, MATED Clothing & AccesChristmas 2c=4.25 loveable. Great for plywood boards from doll. 24 inches tall with sories 3c= 6.4375LADIES, young child. 25 inches BATH ROBE, old buildings, etc. 802- Scottish attire, holding a candle. Just beautiVanity Fair, XXL, beau- long. New. $10. 802- 527-2300 TODAY’S 11/29/11 ful. Her head and the 485-8266 tiful blue. New DATE: tags still KINDLING WOOD, candle move when NAME FILE: 12012011SAM on it. $20.OF802-485Crafts & Sewing DRY, (2), boxes. $3. turned on. Has an on/ 8266DATE(S) TO RUN: 12/01/11Supplies each or both for $5. off switch. Excellent SIZE OF AD: 2x10 BEAD/CRAFT KIT, COAT, FULL LENGTH, 802-868-7975 condition. $60. 802EMAILED TO: classifieds@samessenger.com 41”, woman’s vintage huge, make your own 485-8266 scrunchies/barrettes Furniture Gordon of PhiladelORNAMENT, CHRISTphia. Very expensive, etc, many beads. New, Irish green corduroy. never been used, great BED, WANTED, FREE, MAS PRECIOUS MoSize: 16. Like new Christmas gift, ages 1/2 size, frame with box ments collection, boy shape. $40. 802-485- 5+. $15. Call 802-891- spring and mattress. xmas tree, 1995. Never Good condition. Call: out of package. $10. 6140. 8266 802-528-8938 802-485-8266 OWL COLLECTOR, COAT, WOMAN’S, BUREAU, SMALL, Hunting/Fishing Supcrewel AUSTRIAN Imperial BEAUTIFUL plies boiled wool collection, stitch design. Four BROWN with shelves. BOW, RECURVE, 36”, sleeve 23”, light owls on a tree. Framed $25. 802-528-8938 DRESSER, BROWN, YOUTH. Good condigreen. Size: 14. $20. 28x20. 802-485-8266 802-485-8266 Dishes/Pans/Cups/ 42”Lx22”W, 2 small tion, lightly used. $100. drawers at top and 2 802-524-3063 Etc. HOLIDAY DRESSSHANTY, WEST deep drawers in bot- FISHING ES, red velvet, long- GLASSES, sleeved, white collar VIRGINIA, (8), made in tom, great condition, SHAPPELL, 2 man. asking $75. 802-848- Very good condition. w/lace trim & bow, size US, no lead. Rose glow 3277. Asking $100. 802-782cranberry, 22KT gold rim. 18 months, excellent condition, $3. Light Mint condition. In original FUTON, OAK WOOD, 4468 blue velvet, short, box. Great gift. $70. 802- great condition. $75. Lawn/Garden or best offer. 802-524sleeved, sleeves white 485-8266 w/pink hearts, lace trim ROASTING PAN WITH 9011 BLACKBERRY BUSHES (10), $20. for & bow, size 18 months, cover, vintage, aluminum, KITCHEN TABLE, all. 802-524-3882 good condition, $2. 18”Lx11”Wx3.75” Deep, ROUND, no chairs. Red velvet jumper w/ good condition, $4.50. $25. 802-393-2744 Miscellaneous white turtleneck, lace Call 802-891-6140. ROCKING CHAIR, COcollar/cuffs, size 3T, ROASTING PAN, LONIAL, Rock Maple. JENNY LIND CHANGgood condition, $3. 1930’s. Vintage all glass $100. 802-485-8266 ING table, brand new, Call 802-891-6140 never been used, made in US, 16” long Furnishings cherry color. Paid $100. JACKET, MAN’S, 10.5” wide in perfect WOOLRICH, XL, poly- shape. Ready for the MATTRESS WITH asking $60. 802-782ester microfleece, dark Holiday’s. $50. 802-485- MATCHING box spring. 9910. blue. New. $50. or best 8266 Fits full size, Sealy PosMusical Items offer. 802-485-8266 Electronics/Camturepedic. Perfect coneras/Etc. dition all throughout. MUSIC BOX, ANGEL, MICRO FLEECE playing Silent Night. PANTS, Campmor, AT&T CELL PHONE, $145. 802-527-0677 mens, black, xx large. model #U2800A. $15. PILLOW FOR BED, $20. 802-485-8266 New with tags. $40. 802-393-2744 watching TV or read- MUSIC BOX, SAN802-485-8266 DVD PLAYER, JVC, ing in bed. Never used. KYO, merry-go-round with horse. Beautiful. comes with remote. $30. 802-485-8266 Works great. Asking $50. SHEETS, FROM $40. 802-485-8266 802-868-6015. BROOK of Canada, full Movies/CDs/Tapes/ EMAILED ADVERTISEMENT Etc. RADIO, RCA, HAS CD size, pink, acrylic and player and hookup for polyester. Very warm, NATURE MOTION ADVERTISING INSERTION ORDER MP3 player. $40. 802- like new. $30. 802-485PICTURE. $30. 868-6015. 8266 802-393-2744


SWEATER, WOMAN’S, HERMAN Mehren Norwegian, 100% wool, beautiful design with pewter buttons. Size: small. 802-4858266

TV, 20”, COLOR comes with remote. Works great. $25. 802868-6015.

FORECLOSURE · 3 BEDROOM HOME · 10.1± ACRES Thursday, December 8 @ 11AM Inspect & Register from 10AM

91 Boutah Rd., Alburg, VT

1,104± SF, 3 BR, 2 BA Mobile Home on a 10.1± acre lot. Private water & sewer.

Call for Info Package & Terms or visit THCAuction.com

FIRST NOTICE OF SALE: A Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Public Sale was issued on June 6, 2011, concerning land and premises secured by a mortgage deed from Darwin E. Bevins, Sr. and Susan Bevins to Banknorth, N.A. n/k/a TD Bank, N.A., dated January 27, 2003, recorded February 3, 2003, in Volume 101, Pages 59-74 of the Town of Alburg Land Records. The Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Public Sale provided for a final redemption date of September 24, 2011. Defendants failed to redeem the property. Please take notice that the Property will be sold at Public Auction on December 8, 2011 at 11:00 am, at the Property located at 91 Boutah Road, Alburg, Vermont. The Property to be sold is all and the singular land and premises described more particularly in the said mortgage deed which is the subject of this foreclosure. To wit: Being Lot #5 as shown on a subdivision map entitled “Subdivision Map - Randy Bedard and Marc Boucher Alburg, Vermont” by Brooks Land Surveying, Inc., dated August 31, 1992, which is recorded in Map #190 of the Alburg Land Records. Said Lot #5 contains 10.1 acres, more or less, and is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the westerly sideline of Town Road #6, Boutah Road, so-called, which point marks the northeasterly corner of the within conveyed lot; thence proceeding along the southerly line of Lot #6 on the aforementioned subdivision map in the following courses and distances: North 68°11’38” West a distance of 1,459.35 feet, more or less, North 74°42’50” West a distance of 2,493.42 feet, more or less, North 74°42’50” West a distance of 82.88 feet, more or less, to a point which marks the northwesterly corner of the within described lot; thence turning and proceeding South 14°18’50” West a distance of 100 feet, more or less, along the easterly line of Lot #9 in the aforementioned subdivisions map to a point which marks the southwesterly corner of the within described lot’ thence turning and proceeding in the following courses and distances: South 74°42’50” East a distance of 2,576.30 feet, more or less, South 65°49’05” East a distance of 1,383.73 feet, more or less, along the northerly line of Lot #4 in the aforementioned subdivision map to a point which marks the southeasterly corner of the within described lot; thence turning and proceeding North 43°55’20” East a distance of 115.76 feet, more or less; thence North 44°5’5” East a distance of 53.24 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Darwin Bevins and Susan Bevins by Warranty Deed of Ajit Dutta and Margrit Dutta, dated July 14, 1999, of record in Book 83, Page 343 of the Alburg Land Records. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of Sale: The Property will be sold in its entirety “AS-IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS” (known or unknown), with no representations or warranties of any kind what-so-ever, to the highest bidder as a single unit. It is up to each bidder to perform it’s own due diligence with respect to the Property prior to the Public Sale that a bidder deems sufficient. The Property will be sold subject to any and all, delinquent and current, taxes, municipal assessments, with all penalties and interest, and superior liens of record, restrictions, improvements, covenants, tenancies, rights, encumbrances and matters of any kind and every nature of which may take precedence over the lien of the Mortgage being foreclosed. The high bidder will be responsible for the payment of property taxes and all municipal assessments due (delinquent and current) as of the date of closing on the sale of the Property after Confirmation by the Court. The high bidder shall pay Ten Percent (10%) of the high bid in cash, treasurer’s check or certified check at the time of Auction, although a smaller percentage may be accepted at the discretion of TD Bank, N.A. with the full ten percent (10% ) due within three (3) business days of the Public Sale. The balance of the high bid to be due and paid at closing. Closing to take place within forty five (45) days of the auction or ten (10) business days after confirmation by the court, whichever is longer. The sale is subject to confirmation by the Vermont Superior Court. Failure to pay the balance of the purchase price when due will result in forfeiture of the deposit and shall be applied to cover the expenses of sale and of any subsequent sale, with any amounts remaining to be retained by TD Bank, N.A. The successful bidder, other than Mortgagee, will have to sign a no contingency purchase and sale agreement satisfactory to the mortgagee at the conclusion of the Public Sale. See Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure by Judicial Sale for additional terms and conditions. If there is any change to the date or time of the auction you will be given notice, not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to sale, providing you with the exact date and time of the sale. Pursuant to 12 V.S.A. Section 4532 (i) the mortgagor may have additional rights to redeem the property up to date of sale by paying the full amount due. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Woodward and Kelley, PLLC, 1233 Shelburne Road, Suite D-3, South Burlington, Vermont 05403, telephone (802) 652-9955. The sale to be conducted by Vermont licensed auctioneer, Thomas Hirchak Company, 1878 Cadys Fall Road, Morrisville, VT 05661, telephone (802) 888-4662. Dated at South Burlington, VT this ____ day of October, 2011. By: Marikate E. Kelley, Woodward & Kelley, PLLC, Attorneys for TD Bank, N.A.

THOMAS HIRCHAK CO · 800-634-7653 · 802-888-4662

Thomas Hirchak Company From: Amy Crawford PROPOSED STATE RULES Phone: 800-634-7653 ============================================ Fax: 802-888-2211 By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers

of record. The purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond toTo: theGail proposals. Wells The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at http://vermont-archives.org/aparules/ovnotices.htm. The law requires an Company: St. Albans Messenger - Classifieds agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing 802-524-9771 ext. 117 class or 103 byPhone: 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members.

PCI: $7.50arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs ToCost make special please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible.

1c= 1 3/8 To2c= obtain further information concerning any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies 2 3/4 of3c= proposed 4 1/4 rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing 3/4 to4c= the 5Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (828-2231).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGULAR PAPER: Vermont 2c=4.25 Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets Quarantine #3 Noxious Weeds 3c= 6.4375 Vermont Proposed Rule: 11P035 AGENCY: Agriculture, Food & Markets TODAY’S DATE: 11-9-2011


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Timothy F. Schmalz Vermont Agency of DATE(S)Food TO and RUN: 11/10, 11/24, Agriculture, Markets 103 11/17, South Main Street 12/1 Waterbury, Vermont Tel: 802-828-1317 Fax: 802-828-1321 EMail: tim.schmalz@state.vt.us URL: http://vermontagriculture.com SIZE OF AD: 3x7.5”

EMAILED TO: classifieds@samessenger.com

For Copies: Jim Leland Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets 116 State Street Montpelier, Vermont Tel: 802-828-3478 Fax 802-828-1410 E-Mail: LEGAL NOTICE: MUST RUN! jim.leland@state.vt.us

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2009 - Dr. Dynasaur Premium Grace Period and Medicaid and CHIP Coverage of "Lawfully Residing" Children and Pregnant Women Vermont Proposed Rule: 11P036 AGENCY: Human Services FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Stephen Sease Agency of Human Services 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-1201 Tel: 802-769-6279 Fax: 802-769-2086 E-Mail: steve.sease@ahs.state.vt.us URL http://dcf.vermont.gov/esd/rules

For Copies: Afsar Sultana Agency of Human Services 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-1201 Tel: 802-769-6279 Fax: 802-769-2086 E-Mail: afsar.sultana@ahs.state.vt.us

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Birth Control Plus Option Eligibility Rules Vermont Proposed Rule: 11P037 AGENCY: Human Services

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Stephen Sease Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, Economic Services Division 103 South Main Street Waterbury, VT 05671-1201 Tel: 802-769-6279 Fax: 802-769-2086 E-Mail: steve.sease@ahs.state.vt.us URL: http://dcf.vermont.gov/esd/rules

For Copies: Afsar Sultana Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, Economic Services Division 103 South Main Street Waterbury, VT 05671-1201 Tel: 802-769-6279 Fax: 802-769-2086 E-Mail: afsar.sultana@ahs.state.vt.us



CAT, FREE, TO a good home. Female, spayed, box trained, 5 years old. Call: 802-324-8034

Sat. - Sales Only 7:30-Noon

AUDI, 1999, A6, 2.8 V6, AWD, many new parts. Runs great. Needs voltage regulator. All options. $2,500. OBO. 802-393-9445 DONATE YOUR VEHICLE receive free vacation voucher United Breast Cancer Foundation free mammograms, breast cancer info www. ubcf.info. FREE towing, fast, non-runners accepted, 24/7 1-888468-5964

CATS, (3), FREE, looking for forever homes for three indoor cats. 2 males, 1 female. Very loving pets. Owner in GIROUX’S nursing home. 802AUTO SALES 527-3784 or 802-393Southern Pre-Owned 9153 Vehicles CHUG, MALE, 21 802-766-4924 months old, 14 pounds. NORTH RT. 5, DERBY Up to date on shots. www.getauto.com Good with dogs/chil- Right of I-91 N. Exit dren. Chases cats. 28, Next to Shell Good boy. $125. 802- 2001 Cadillac DeVille, 868-2408 auto, 32 valve North KITTENS, (2), 1 MALE, Star, mint black, heat1 female, both gray. ed leather, 76K miles, Free. 802-527-0911. power seats, loaded, Call after 3pm. rust free, immaculate KITTENS, FREE, (3), 8 throughout. $8,495. weeks old, box trained. 2003 Saturn VUE, Very playful. Look- auto, 4 cylinder, SUV, ing for forever homes. 4-door, power winPlease bring cat carrier. dows, power locks, A/C, cruise, tilt. NEW 802-933-5015 TRANSMISSION, tires, and brakes. Rust free, Pet Supplies runs and looks excelCAT WINDOW lent. $5,495. SITTING shelf. $5. 1995 Toyota Camry 802-524-9689 LE Station Wagon, Woodstoves/Heating auto, V-6, 1-owner, 3rd seat, loaded, mint CORN STOVE, interior, rust free, must AMAIZABLAZE, 2006, see. $4,595. 60 lb. hopper, heating 2004 Subaru Legacy capacity up to 1,500 Outback Limited Edisq. feet, adjustable tion S.W., auto, AWD, room air fan, primer for loaded, double power seed system, adjust- moonroofs, mint heatable comfort setting ed black leather, imw/10 heat levels. $375. maculate throughout, Cash or money order black/gold, rust free. $9,295. only. 802-868-3309 1999 Volkswagon JetLost & Found ta GLS, 5-speed, 68K CAT, FOUND ON Fed- miles, power mooneral Street in St. Al- roof, loaded, mint intebans. Large, dark tiger rior, rust free, red, runs color, male. Please call and looks excellent. $5,995. 802-527-7603. 1996 Infiniti I30, auto, V-6, 83K miles, mint Wanted to Buy black leather, power BUYING ANTIQUES, moonroof, loaded, Estate Lots, Gold, power seats, immacuSilver Jewelry, most late throughout, rust anything old. 40 Years free. $4,695. Buying. Fair Prices. Ed 1999 Subaru Legacy Lambert Antiques. Outback, auto, AWD, 802-868-4010 82K miles, clean inte802-782-1223 rior, loaded, rust free, runs and looks excelWe Pay $$$! lent. $5,695. We Buy Blu-ray Discs, Xbox 360, Wii, 1998 Ford Expedition PS3, & Nintendo DS XLT, auto, 4x4, 5.4 liter, V-8, loaded, nice Games interior leather, 3rd The FLYING DISC seat, well maintained, 342 Main St., runs and looks sharp, Enosburg Falls must see. $5,495. Monday-Friday 2001 Ford F150 Ex7:00am-6:00pm Cab 4-door XLT, auto, Saturday 4x4, 5.4, V-8, mint in9:00am-4:00pm terior, 1 owner, 89K miles, loaded, immaculate throughout, rust free. $9,595. 1999 Chevy Suburban LS, auto, 4x4, 91,000 miles. Loaded, mint interior, 3rd seat. New tires. Mint throughout. Rust free. Must see. $9,295. 1996 Honda Accord S.W., auto, loaded, leather, p. moonroof, roof rack, low miles for year. Rust free. Must see. $4,395. 1999 Isuzu Trooper, 5 2008 Ford F-450 Crew, speed, 4x4, V-6, 4 door. King ranch, 4x4, diesel, 1 owner. Loaded, mint mint!!! $39,968. STK# interior, black. Rust free. $5,495. 135F1 2005 Ford F-350 Crew, 1999 Chevy Suburban 89K miles, 4x4, diesel, 1500 LS, auto, 4x4, Vwith utility box, clean 10, 9 passenger, mint truck. $19,687. STK# interior, dual heat and A/C, loaded, rust free. 149J2 2000 Ford F-350, die- $6,495. sel, regular cab, flatbed 2001 Honda Odyssey diamond plate steel, 9’ LX, auto 6 cylinder, 3.5 Curtis plow, nice shape. liter, 1 owner, 4-door, $10,248. STK# 184J2. loaded, mint interior, 1999 Ford F-250 Crew rust free, runs and looks Cab, 4x4, gas loaded excellent. $7, 995. truck. $8,900. STK# 2000 Chevy Silverado ExCab LT 1500, auto, 93K1B 2003 Chevy Express 4x4, 3rd door, power Van, 58K miles, 1 own- seats, power windows, er, 8 passenger, green, A/C, tilt cruise, heatnice. $9,432. STK# ed leather, new tires, 62K1 runs and looks sharp. 2010 Chevy Express $6,995. Cargo Van, 15K miles, 2002 Chevy Tahoe LT white, like new, 6.0, AirRide, auto, 4x4, 1 auto, A/C. $22,970. owner, remote starter, STK# P1-45 loaded, mint heated 802-933-4455 leather, 3rd seat, im57 Missisquoi Street, maculate throughout, Enosburg Falls rust free. $10,295. www.champlain chevy.com Parts/Accessories HOURS: HUB CAPS, VINTAGE, Mon., Wed., Fri. Ford LTD and Pointiac, 7:30-7:00 plus more for $50. 802Tues., Thurs. 485-8266. 7:30-5:00


Tires TIRES, MICHELIN, HYDROEDGE, (4), M&S, 225/60/16. Excellent condition. $125. 802-393-2584 TIRES, NEW, ON RIMS, , (2), studded, M&S, 205/75/14. $100 for the pair. 802-8685606 WINTER TIRES, (4), Cooper Weather Master, size 215/60/R16. Approximately 8000 miles. Good shape. $150. 802-527-3709. WINTER TIRES, (4), Hankook, size P205/70/ R15. $50. for all. 802393-7567.


HELMETS, (2), ONE for Polaris snowmobile, one for motorcycle. $20./ea. 802-868-6015.

C A L L U S 8 0 2 . 5 2 4 . 9 7 7 1 E X T 1 1 7 O R 1 2 2


Apartments Unfurnished 302 South Main Str. St. Albans Town Brand new 2 & 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, single story living, underground parking, elevator access, onsite laundry. Available December. $1250. $1325. Call for details 802-881-3003.

ST. ALBANS, SMALL 1 room w/bath efficiency. Second floor, 2 large closets, washer/dryer, water/trash/snow removal included. No smoking/pets. First/last/security deposit, references, credit check. $490./mo. 802-309-8454.

SWANTON 2 BEDROOM, offstreet parking, trash included. No CENTRALLY pets/smoking. $775./ LOCATED mo. plus utilities. ReferLarge 1 bedroom, par- ences/deposit required. tially furnished. Heat/ 802-527-1692. hot water, electricity, and garbage included. SWANTON VILLAGE, W/D on site, on and off 2BR, 2nd floor, $700./ street parking. $900./ mo. plus utilities. Refermo. plus first/last/se- ences/security deposit required. 802-527-7312. curity. SWANTON VILLAGE, 2nd floor, 2BR, ceramic tile bath, hardwood floors, appliances, off-street parking, no smoking/pets. 2 months rent free to qualified applicants. References required. Call 802-868ENOSBURG, 2 BED- 4838. ROOM, recently remodeled. $675./mo. SWANTON VILLAGE, plus utilities. 802-373- upstairs apartment, 1 9991 or 802-878-3775 bedroom, no smoking/ pets, clean. Includes ONE BEDROOM water, sewer, 1 parking APTS, Nice locations. space, snow/garbage Clean, quiet. Heated, removal, and W/D. appliances, yard main- $700./mo. plus security/ tenance, rubbish. Some utilities. Call 802-868with laundry rooms. 6338. Deposit. Also 1st floor furnished apartment. SWANTON, RECENTLY RENOVATED, clean References required. 1 bedroom, new appli802-527-7263 ances. Includes heat/ RICHFORD, BEAU- water/parking, trash/ TIFUL 1 bedroom snow removal. Nice apartment available location. No smoking/ for $660./mo. Rent in- pets. $650./mo. 802cludes electricity, heat, 868-3642. hot water, water/sewer SWANTON, and trash removal. Call WEST Champlain, 802-899-3400 for more LAKE information and an ap- small studio apartment. $650./mo. Heat and plication. lights included. No pets. Equal First, last and deposit. Opportunity/Fair Call 802-868-5865. Housing 802-524-2780

ENOSBURG FALLS, 1 bedroom, 1st floor. Heat, hot water, stove, refrigerator included. $725./mo. Deposit, references required. 802-933-4134

RICHFORD, BEAUTIFUL 1 bedroom apartment available. Rent includes electricity, heat, hot water, water/sewer and trash removal. Applicants must qualify for section 8 project based rental assistance. Call 802-899-3400 for more information and an application. Equal Opportunity/Fair Housing

Sheldon Cape, 3-4BR, 2BA, 10 acres, garage, fully equipped kitchen, will consider a pet, no smoking. $1,475./mo. Call: 1-800-864-6226 x7852 or 802-524-6763 www.lmsre.com ST. ALBANS, A must see, large 4 bedroom duplex. Totally renovated in 2010. Formal living room, dining room, family room, office, laundry room. Full basement and attic. Nice yard, off street parking. Includes rubbish removal, water/sewer. $1,250./mo. 802-782-2794 ST. ALBANS, 2 bedroom, first floor, range/ refrigerator, one car parking. No smoking/ pets. Tenants pay heat and electrical. $740./ mo. 802-524-2100, leave message. ST. ALBANS, 2 bedroom, storage, garage space, rubbish/recycling/water, snow removal included. New appliances, new hardwood floor. Non smoking. $750./mo. 802343-6109

Your Ad Here!

Call: 802-524-9771 Ext. 117 or 122

Commercial for rent TURNKEY RESTAURANT FOR LEASE Available 12/1/11. $1000./mo. Fully equipped, working restaurant. One year lease minimum. Deposit/references required. First two months free. Restaurant has coolers, freezers, pizza oven, fryolater, ice machine, bar. Indoor seating for approximately 68. Outside, screened-in dining approximately 30 seats and well lit garden area for outside dining. Overlooks Missisquoi River. Call: 802-527-1692.

ROOMMATE WANTED, share spacious apartment on the Bay with 2 male roommates. Includes heat. $129./ week or $546./mo. Call 802-489-1400. ST. ALBANS, COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom home. $550./mo. plus half electric and gas utilities. 802-309-9086. Ask for Ken.

Real Estate

P.J. Poquette Broker

132 North Main St., at the corner of Hoyt St. in St. Albans 802.524.9501

Cambridge - $92,000. Well maintained 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths mobile home on own lot. Newer floors in the kitchen and bathrooms and a recently added entry/ mudroom. MH has FHA heating system and central air. Lot is an open, level and has good sun exposure.

SWANTON 4 years old, 1,600+ sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 car garage, open floor plan situated on a quiet, mostly wooded 1.7 acres. Minutes to I89. Will consider rent-to-own to approved buyers. $219,000. 802-527-7312

NYS & ADIRONDACKS rustic cozy cabin on 5 acres, $19,995. Over 150 new properties & camps. Minutes to state game lands. New survey, clear title, fully guaranteed. For cozy cabin details call 800229-7843 or visit www. landandcamps.com

HIGHGATE Brand new! 1664 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, oversized garage, wood floors radiant heat, 2nd floor laundry. Nice development, paved road, private, on 1 acre of land, low utilities, conventional septic. $234,000 802-782-9663

Take A Look!!

802-524-9771 Ext.

AIRLINES ARE HIRING. Train for high paying aviation career, FAA approved program, financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-202-0386.

117 or 122

St. Albans Messenger




William T. Counos, II

Kissane Associates 2 North Main St., St. Albans

(802) 524-9546 x15

Timothy G. Hurlbut, Esq. GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW

375 Lake Road, Suite 2A, St. Albans, VT

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tim@vtlaw.us Emphasizing Estate Planning & Real Estate




DENIED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY? Local Experienced Attorney Representation

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Timothy S. Hawkins, Esq.

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17 Stebbins St., St. Albans, VT 05478 7am-5pm evenings & weekends

802 524-1434 We are a debt relief agency

HIGHGATE New style home to be built. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, 1334 sq. ft. Buyer has choice of colors, kitchen and flooring. Propane heat, low utilities and taxes. Other home packages available. $189,900 802-782-9663

May Be Found In Our Homes For Sale Section

Guitar Lessons Jason Whalon Graduate of Atlanta Institute of Music. Now accepting students for instruction. All levels/ ages. (802)524-0062


Land for sale


Brand new in St. Albans Town! Maple kitchen, hardwood floors. Quaint subdivision with country feel, Homes for rent yet convenient to town. ENOSBURG COUN- 1,800 sf plus full baseTRY, small 3 bedroom ment! $255,000. MLS ranch. Big yard and pri- 4021218 PRICE REDUCED - 4 vacy. No pets. $850./mo. bedrooms, wood floors, Afford- first floor laundry, 2 inplus deposit. Call: 802- Like new! ably priced 3 bedroom 933-2747. viting covered porches, home on quiet cul-deR I C H F O R D / B E R K - sac, close to St. Albans municipal water and SHIRE line, 3BR, 2BA, Shopping and I89. En- sewer, high speed inon dead end road. joy the covered front ternet, and updated Beautiful views of Jay porch and private yard. kitchen. $119,900. Peak. No pets. Secu- $199,000. MLS rity/references. $850./ 4087912 Call for Demo. 802-848-7653 or tails. P.J. Poquette, DESIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD - Beautiful 603-669-2446. Realtor 802-524-9501, mountain, lake, sunset 802-238-1602 SWANTON, 3BR, 1.5 views. Large master baths, 2 car garage, suite, complete with bath situated 1.7 acres. and walk-in closet, hard$1,500./mo. Security/ Residential & wood floors. Partially finCommercial references required. Mary Samson ished basement, energy 802-527-7312. REALTOR® efficient home with natu112 No. Main Street Mobile Homes for St. Albans, VT 05478 ral gas heat. $220,000. office 802-524-9526 rent cell 802-309-1223 HIGHGATE CENTER: RETIREMENT CONDO Newer 2 bedroom, Congress Street, St. - Existing condo, bright stove, refrigerator. Albans. Beautiful 3 open floor plan, attached $775./mo. plus utilities. bedroom condo, 1.5 garage, full basement, References, security baths, new roof, win- large front porch, private deposit required. Call: dows, heating, deck. back patio, handicap Hardwood floors in 802-527-7312 shower w/ large bath. dining and living room. Grice Brook Gardens ST. ALBANS CITY, 3 Very well done and Estates. $169,900. bedroom, 1.5 baths, excellent condition, a 14x70. Pets negotiable. must see at…$174,900. Furnished Condo $825./mo. plus utilities 4096929 Call Mary - Overlooking natural and deposit. 802-849Samson at Coldwell 2975. gardens. Presently 2 Banker Choice PropBR. Built as 3 bedroom. Roommate Wanted erties 802-309-1223 Fireplace, furnished, 5 star energy rating. Low ROOMMATE fees $113./mo. Master WANTED Suite with walk-in closet. Clean, quiet, 2 bedBasketball court & swimroom, heated apartming pool. ment near the hospital. $450./mo. plus one-half classifieds@samessenger.com $189,900.Call Rachel Smith at S.R. Smith the electricity. Real Estate (802) 524Call after 4:30PM. 802-393-1308 6717.


EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888-216-1791 www. CenturaOnline.com Lessons

Mobile homes for sale ALBURGH. MOTIVATED seller. Doublewide on it’s own improved lot. Assessed in 2011 for $79,600, will sell for $49,000. Needs a couple cosmetics but is Auto Services in good shape. Neighborhood is on lake F&S TOWING and within mile of boat Junk Car Removal launch. Willing to enFlatbed tertain all offers or even Wrecker Service to trade for property of equal value. Please call Paying $100.-$500. for junk vehicles. Tyler at 802-598-9204. 60 Mile Radius of Burlington. 802-372-6431 802-310-9191 Classes


Cambridge - $60,000. Approved .68 acre building lot that is open with Homes for sale just enough slope for walk out basement. Septic design is for a 3 bedroom conventional system. Nice scenic and Mt. Mansfield views. Rock wall along upper side. Build your year round or seasonal house. Dusty 3 BEDROOM CONDO Trail Realty, LLC 802- DESIGNER QUAL- 849-6605 ITY MAKE-OVER in ENOSBURG, COUNthis roomy, comfortable TRY, 3 bedroom ranch. unit! New flooring, new Open concept, on 10 kitchen, new windows, acres. $105,000. Posfreshly painted … just sibility of owner financfor you! Three beding. rooms, family room, Also coming to a 2 FULL BASEMENT, acre building lot, all deck. Very short disMaple, septic design. tance to downtown. 600 feet plus from the Tucked away from trafroad, driveway done. fic. Affordable HOA fees $50,000. and taxes! St. Albans. 802-933-2747 $145,000. #4041919 Marilyn Lagrow, RE/ MAX Destinations (802) 782-9922. Amazing Price! $199,000., Berkshire - 2 bedroom, 2 bath French-Canadian style log home only 16 miles from Jay Peak. Seller has recently invested $25,000. in updates while keeping all the charming features. Updates include new kitchen counters, fixtures, appliances & cherry flooring. Baths have new granite counters, tiled floors and fixtures and the dining room has beautiful new cherry flooring. Roof has been newly sealed and the trim has all been freshly painted. Situated in 5 serene acres. For information call Attacca Realty / Vermont Outdoor Properties, 802-3559295, www.attaccarealty.com

Real Estate For Sale

PHONE: 802-524-9771 Gail x117 Kristen x122 FAX: 802-527-1948 EMAIL: classifieds@samessenger.com

To advertise Call (802) 524-9771 Gail Ext. 117 or Kristin Ext. 122 • Fax (802) 527-1948 Email: classifieds@samessenger.com

Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week

CHRISTMAS TREE DIRECTORY Get a fresh, local tree this year.

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We offer Segway tours of the farm for $25 or snow tubes and sliding if there is snow.


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Directory will be published Nov. 23 thru Dec. 23.

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Enosburg 1/2 mile


Bakersfield Village

Rt. 108N


ST. ALBANS, 3 bedroom, 53 North Elm Street. Upstairs. No pets. $900./mo. Security deposit, first, last month’s rent. Must have references. Available now. 802-524-3003, 8am-8pm.


homes for sale. land for sale. office space for sale.






The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, December 1, 2011


To advertise in this Directory, please call 524-9771, ext 117 or 122



The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, December 1, 2011

Business & Service { DIRECTORY }


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IN THE SPOTLIGHT To advertise in this directory contact us at: (802) 524-9771 ext. 117 or ext. 122 classifieds@samessenger.com

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The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, December 1, 2011


Business & Service { DIRECTORY }


MASONRY Richard R. Ryea Christopher J. Ryea Ritchie R. Ryea

Free estimates

Ryea & Sons

Mason Contractor Residential & Commercial Brick, Block & Stone Fireplaces & Prefab Chimneys a Specialty



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To advertise in this directory contact us at: (802) 524-9771 ext. 117 or ext. 122 | classifieds@samessenger.com

Green Mountain Residential Excavating Service •Snow Plowing •Snow Removal

Curt’s Automotive

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13 Beauregard Drive, St. Albans (802) 524-2824 8am-5pm Mon-Fri

(802) 782-9612 - Kevin

Saturdays by Appointment

15 Jewett St., Swanton, VT

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Tim Totten 802-370-2486


CNB Lawn Care & Snowplowing

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Want to advertise your snowplowing business?


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And Much Much More... Just Give Us A Call!






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