In today's generation, women are often seen as the weaker sex—easily dominated by physically strong men. These gender stereotypes mold children's connotations towards the roles or positions that men and women take up in society, therefore drawing a fine line between masculinity and femininity. Gender stereotyping refers to “preconceived assumptions about individuals whose assigned roles are dependent on their gender” (Kiprotich and Chang'orok 73). The gender generalizations made may limit a person's actions and decision-making—especially when that 'person' is on the stage of their childhood and formative years. Children who experience or witness any form of gender discrimination and stereotypes at an early age may find it more challenging to go out of their comfort zones and fit themselves in the larger society as they may be hindered by the 'norms' exposed to them (Tobias). Due to the idea that gender discrimination and stereotypes are evident everywhere, children are led to uphold certain gender no