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Beeson Divinity School Announces New Ph.D., Master’s Degrees
The number of degrees at Beeson Divinity School continues to grow. In December, the school announced the creation of the Doctor of Philosophy in Theology for the Church, which is the fi rst research doctoral degree off ered by Samford in its 180-year history. This spring, Beeson Divinity added a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling and a Master of Theology Degree.
The Ph.D. in Theology for the Church will equip graduates for theologically robust ministry in and for the church of Jesus Christ. The program’s focus is not restricted to ecclesiology; rather, it attends to theology broadly understood as rigorous scholarship in service to the church.
The program will require the completion of a common set of courses focused on both the Old and New Testament, historical theology and practical theology, successful passage of comprehensive exams, and dissertation research and writing. Students will work closely with a faculty member, who will act as a resource and guide for students’ research and supervise them in their dissertation work.
Douglas A. Sweeney, dean of Beeson Divinity School, said his prayer is that this program will be a gift to the church.
“We believe that the clergy ought to be the most influential biblical and theological leaders of God’s people,” Sweeney said. “So, we’ve designed the only Ph.D. program we know of to equip them for just this ministry. Our goal is to underwrite ecclesial theology—theology done in, with and for the church of Christ to the greater glory of God—on the part of its pastors and denominational leaders.”
Starting in the fall of 2024, Beeson will offer its first counseling-focused degree program, the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling. Students will take courses in biblical and theological studies as well as in counseling theory and practice, helping them learn to integrate the two.
“This is one of those fields of ministry in which demand outstrips supply,” Sweeney said. “Under the guidance of the Lord and the leadership of our own professor, Gordon Bals, we hope to graduate a steady stream of biblically and theologically informed Christian counselors who will step into the gap and serve those who want care.”
The Master of Theology program will launch in the spring of 2024. The curriculum will provide advanced theological study beyond Master of Divinity studies as further preparation for ministry and/or as preparation for research doctoral studies. The goals of the program are to sharpen students’ skills in biblical exegesis, historical theology and/or preaching and pastoral care; to form students further in spiritual maturity; and to help students develop competence in research and writing, preparing some for doctoral work. ◗
Scan the QR code to learn more about these new degrees. samford.edu/beeson-divinity/degrees