Together we build a brighter future We achieve breakthroughs by inspiring and connecting people
Our definition of leadership 6 Our leadership model 8 Facts and figures 12 Design principles 14 Example of program design
Example modules within a leadership program
Gamified leadership development 38 Example interventions 40 Track record 42 Learning philosophy 54 Leadership developer 56 Value creation cycle 58 About &samhoud 60 Our experts 62
“Leadership is about inspiring and connecting people in order to create long lasting value for employees, customers, the organization and society. Strong leadership leads to better performance�
OUR LEADERSHIP MODEL According to our leadership model, based on literature and extensive research, succesful leaders follow five principles which influence and strengthen each other. Leaders who have mastered these principles and have the personal power to execute them, are leaders who are able to realize business breakthroughs for their organizations. They create value for employees, customers, the organization and society. The next page elaborates on the definition of these five principles.
Connecting with yourself The leader’s role as an example for others Connecting people The leader’s connecting role in the organization Setting direction The leader’s role as a visionary and strategic direction setter Ensuring execution The leader’s inspiring and disciplinairy role Build a brighter future The leader’s social role in which he takes his responsibility
Connecting people
Connecting with yourself
Ensuring execution
B u il d
a b ri g ht e r f utu r e
Setting direction
In order for leaders to lead others, they need to know and develop themselves. This means, gaining insights in values, strengths, personal paradigms, (limiting) believes and pitfalls. And having a clear understanding of what is needed for future growth
Leaders are responsible for having and communicating a clear vision and strategy, and translating these to clear expectations for teams and individuals on how to realize the vision and strategy
In order to deliver results and create lasting value for employees, customers, the organization and society, a leader should be able to make it happen. Realizing objectives by inspiring and disciplining others to take ownership and to realize results
Being able to connect with others is a crucial leadership skill. This means being open, creating openness, showing interest and giving honest feedback. It is about fostering collaboration, developing people and influencing group dynamics in order to enhance performance
BUILD A BRIGHTER FUTURE Successful leaders are able to seek new opportunities, create strong and lasting relations with internal and external stakeholders and take responsibility for society
+10% personal retention
+14% growth
Results in comparison with organizations with average or a little inspirational leadership. Bruch, H., Vogel, B. 2011. Fully Charged: How Great Leaders Boost Their Organization’s Energy and Ignite High Performance. Harvard Business Review Press, Boston p. 24
Inspirational leadership leads to better organizational performance
employee productivity
+9% overall performance
DESIGN PRINCIPLES To achieve optimal learning effects and impact in daily practice we apply three design principles
Blended learning experience To achieve an optimal learning effect, a blended learning experience is offered keeping different learning styles in mind. These learning styles are based upon our learning philosophy (see appendix for a detailed description of our learning philosophy)
Alignment with vision and strategy In order to anchor new leadership qualities successfully into the organization an integrated approach is essential. A final leadership program is therefore aligned with the mission, vision, cultural values and the strategy of the organization
Impact on organizational level In order to identify the impact of a leadership program and to improve and adjust the program when needed the following aspects are monitored and measured • the impact of the interventions • the impact on business KPI’s • the individual and collective development regarding the leadership qualities
Practice-based learning The interventions of the leadership program are connected to day-to-day operations and challenges the organization faces (via (self-) assessment tools, intervision, business challenges and feedback) Usual unusual approach The interventions are based on a usual unusual approach. This aproach contains inspiring work methods and learning materials (e.g. movies, experience rooms, online social platforms, gaming, employee arenas) and addresses both rational and emotional aspects Lead by example The program is designed in order to inspire and connect leaders to demonstrate the desired leadership behaviour and to be an example for the rest of the organization
Embedding in existing processes It is important that the leadership program is supported by existing processes such as HR and communication and its business planning Co-creation A suitable leadership program will always be developed in cooperation with the client. Co-creation also means that leaders are stimulated to take ownership of the success of their own program and to optimize the program’s impact
Impact on individual level The individual progress on leadership and competence development of the participants will be monitored through the Leadership Developer (base line and final measurement). See appendix for a detailed description of our Leadership Developer
Empowering followers Involve the followers of a leader, empower them in their following role and inspire them about how they can contribute to the development of their leader
Although each leadership program is custom made, the next pages give you a first glimpse of what a program could look like
Introduction of the topic and its underlying theory
• •
Connect with yourself by having insight in own values, strengths and pitfalls Provide insight into personal leadership style Define a personal breakthrough
Gain insights in building and sustaining a high performing team Enhance the quality of discussions about performance and development
Working on a business challenge
Applying the topic in day-to-day practice Working on personal breakthroughs INSPIRATIONAL MOMENTS Experience the topic in an inspiring and unusual way
e.g. Boxing clinic: Creating awareness of individual leadership styles and personal behavioral patterns
e.g. Herding sheep: Unusual and fun way to experience how to work effectively together as a team
Discussing what the topic means in daily situations Coaching / buddy programs / observations and feedback in daily practice DIGITAL SUPPORT
Serious gaming / VR experience / MOOCs / e-learning / apps
Impact on individual level
Impact on organizational level
Effective leadership programs use different interventions for specific business challenges in order to address all learning styles SETTING DIRECTION •
• •
Create a shared vision and cascade this into department / team plans Provide necessary skills in order to lead change Enable leaders to clearly communicate the vision
Manage performance in order to attain strategic goals Get insight in individual needs and learn how to differentiate in terms of coaching
(in mixed groups and linked to the vision and strategy of the organization)
Working on personal breakthroughs
e.g. Company visit: Visiting a best practice organization in leading change and setting direction
e.g. Collaboration Game: experience the importance of team effectiveness and exposes team dynamics and personal leadership styles.
Coaching / buddy programs / observations and feedback in daily practice
Serious gaming / VR experience / MOOCs / e-learning / apps
Impact on individual level
Impact on organizational level
Connect with the outside world Enable leaders to translate external perspectives in daily practice
“KNOW THYSELF was written over the portal of the antique world. Over the portal of the new world, BE THYSELF shall be written.” Oscar Wilde
Developing leaders on specific leadership competences related to ‘Personal leadership’ and learn how to apply these in practice Providing insight into personal leadership style and determine improvement points Learn to apply a range of different leadership styles
Leadership Developer assessment Prior to the masterclass leaders participate in a selfassessment using our online 360º feedback tool (see appendix for a detailed description). The combination of insights from others (direct reports, team members and supervisor) and own insights gives a complete overview of strengths and development areas
• Sharing life stories Get to know each other and understand themselves and their colleagues in a different (and better) way through sharing life stories in a safe and intimate setting Personal Vision Participants get inspiration regarding and will make a first draft of their own Personal Vision Personal breakthrough and Business challenge Defining a desired personal breakthrough, to be achieved during the program, based on earlier reflection. Regarding the business challenge, participants choose from different strategic challenges the organization is facing and form subgroups based on individual strengths and weaknesses
Applying the leadership qualities in daily practice Working on personal breakthroughs and business challenges
Dialogue with own leader about personal leadership style and concrete improvement points Apply improvement points in daily practice. Keep track of improvements in a personal learning diary Work in subgroups on business challenge
Increasing awareness of individual leadership styles and personal behaviour patterns Creating a deeper understanding of strengths, challenges and ambitions
• •
Boxing Clinic Experience direct and physical feedback through a fun, sportive and confronting challenge in which leaders are pushed to the limit and confronted with their own leadership styles and behaviours Guided Walk During a walk through nature guided by an experienced coach, participants talk about and challenge each other on their personal leadership strengths, challenges and personal breakthroughs (Participants choose one out of two workshops)
INTERVISION Increasing the impact of the leadership program by sharing experiences and learn from each other Connecting the leadership program to daily practice Increasing mutual involvement and ownership
Intervision Participants reflect in small groups on the effects of their personal leadership development, using real life cases from daily practice. Various intervision methods will be used. Leaders will be trained and stimulated with intervision principles and practical tools to continue intervision after the program
Ensuring impact by continuous digital support and additional inspiration Learning in a new way
A mix of digital interventions can be used to increase the learning impact of the module. For example: inspiring articles related to ‘Personal leadership’ and using the virtual leadership community
“Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability� Patrick Lencioni
Gaining insights in building and sustaining a high performing team Gaining knowledge and skills regarding building and retaining relationships based on trust within teams Enabling leaders to enhance the quality of discussions about performance and development by receiving and giving constructive feedback and effective conflict handling
High performing teams (based on Lencioni’s model) Through a model of high performing teams, participants learn how to create teams that are high on trust, use constructive conflicts, ensure commitment, hold one another accountable and deliver collective results. Strengths and weaknesses of their own teams will be discussed, using the outcomes of the team effectiveness survey. Moreover necessary actions for improvement will be defined Employee arena Investigate how employees currently perceive leadership within the organization and what specific developments they desire Giving and receiving feedback By means of a role-playing game, leaders practice with giving and receiving feedback (the topics of these role-plays are real life issues and challenges). It motivates people to be open and honest about their own behavior. This contributes to elements as trust, openness, responsibility and engagement Conflict handling Interactive workshop regarding conflict handling. Besides insights in different styles and reflecting on own preference styles, participants will practice with an actor
Applying the leadership qualities in daily practice Working on personal breakthroughs and business challenges
Applying the insights and improvement points from the team effectiveness survey in own team Work in subgroups on business challenge
Getting insight in how to build and maintain trusted relations Experiencing the impact of teamwork and of different communication styles on team effectiveness
• •
Speed of Trust Unravel the concept of trust: learn how a lack of trust can influence performance. Learn how personal leadership behaviour impacts trust and become skilled in building trust relationships on a personal level Herding sheep Unusual and fun way to experience how to work effectively together as a team and the influence of different communication styles on realizing team objectives (Participants choose one out of two workshops)
Increasing the impact of the leadership program by sharing experiences and learn from each other Connecting the leadership program to daily practice Increasing mutual involvement and ownership
Intervision Participants reflect in small groups on the effects of their personal leadership development, using real life cases from daily practice. Various intervision methods will be used Leaders will be trained and stimulated with intervision principles and practical tools to continue intervision after the program
Ensuring impact by continuous digital support and additional inspiration Learning in a new way
A mix of digital interventions can be used to increase the learning impact of the module. For example: Playing a digital leadership game to learn to apply different leadership styles; reading inspiring articles related to ‘Connecting people’ and using the virtual leadership community
“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.� Michael Porter
• • •
Enabling leaders to align and cascade vision and strategy Enabling leaders to clearly communicate a change story Providing necessary skills in order to lead change
Dialogue with the Board / MT Presentation and dialogue regarding the most important challenges related to the strategic direction. Attention for the roles and expectations of the leaders regarding the strategy and providing the possibility to ask questions Strategy game Through an interactive board game participants understand the change/strategic direction and related challenges better Change analysis and improvement actions for own department/team Participants analyse within subgroups the desired change within their own unit/department/focus area/team and determine concrete improvement actions and interventions Change story Short introduction with inspiring examples of storytelling. The participants develop, using input of all elements of the Masterclass, their own personal change story and practice with pitching it.
• •
Applying the leadership qualities in daily practice Working on personal breakthroughs and business challenges
Implementing actions regarding change analysis of own department/ team Pitching personal change story in practice Work in subgroups on business challenge
Being inspired by best-practice organizations and connect with the outside world
• • Company visit Learn from the best in class: see and experience how leading change and setting direction are applied in other organizations. Which insights do participants get from this visit for the organization and themselves? Resistance to change Change is often accompanied with resistance. Through this inspiring and interactive workshop participants get equipped with the skills how to coach people and how to deal with resistance
Increasing the impact of the leadership program by sharing experiences and learn from each other Connecting the leadership program to daily practice Increasing mutual involvement and ownership
Intervision Participants reflect in small groups on the effects of their personal leadership development, using real life cases from daily practice. Various intervision methods will be used Leaders will be trained and stimulated with intervision principles and practical tools to continue intervision after the program
Ensuring impact by continuous digital support and additional inspiration Learning in a new way
A mix of digital interventions can be used to increase the learning impact of the module. For example: e-college change management, inspiring articles and client cases related to ‘Leading change’ and using the virtual leadership community
“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Alvin Toffler
“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” Michael Porter
• • •
Enabling leaders to manage performance in order to attain strategic goals Creating a balance between inspiring and disciplining people in order to get things done Getting insight in individual needs of your team and learn how to differentiate in terms of coaching
High performing employees Who are the current key players within the teams, the leaders, the middle group and laggards? Using theory based on the ABC-methodology and situational leadership, leaders learn how to adjust their approach based on the characteristics of team members in order to ensure execution Performance dialogues Learning to have effective and structured dialogues with team members in order to increase the performance of the team. Practising with different real-life cases: (e.g planning/ result dialogues, feedback dialogues and project management dialogues) Power Class Through a powerful and inspirational skills training, leaders discover and apply different influencing and power styles. How do others respond to me? How can I influence them to act differently? What should I do different? During this part of the program, participants will recognize their own preferred styles and learn to apply different styles to have more impact on others in daily life
• • •
Applying the leadership qualities in daily practice Working on personal breakthroughs and business challenges
Practice with performance dialogues Experiment with different influencing and power styles Work in subgroups on business challenge
Experiencing dominant leadership style in ambiguous situations Being inspired by best-practice organizations and connect with the outside world
• •
Collaboration Game All elements of collaboration – challenges and benefits - will be experienced by playing this serious game. The players need to work together as a team and will experience the importance of team effectiveness. This game exposes team dynamics and gives participants insight into their personal style Guest speaker Participants learn from the bestpractices of a professor, a sport coach or a conductor. He / she talks about how to deal with different people in a team, ensure performance and apply different leadership styles
Increasing the impact of the leadership program by sharing experiences and learn from each other Connecting the leadership program to daily practice Increasing mutual involvement and ownership
Intervision Participants reflect in small groups on the effects of their personal leadership development, using real life cases from daily practice. Various intervision methods will be used Leaders will be trained and stimulated with intervision principles and practical tools to continue intervision after the program
Ensuring impact by continuous digital support and additional inspiration Learning in a new way
A mix of digital interventions can be used to increase the learning impact of the module. For example: Inspiring articles and client cases related to ‘Ensuring execution’ and using the virtual leadership community
“While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.� Steve Jobs
Enhancing situational awareness: get a better understanding of developments and opportunities in the external world Enabling leaders to translate the external perspective to their role as leader in daily practice
Leadership and society Leadership is not limited to the work frontier. It extends to all of society. Participants will be inspired with some vivid examples of (great) leaders and social change. Moreover, participants discuss the importance and meaning of their leadership role in society: What does this role mean in daily practice? How can this be applied internally and externally? Connection Arena In dialogue with relevant internal and external stakeholders who play an essential role in realizing the vision and strategy of the organization (e.g. citizens, neighbors, organizations, suppliers, environmental groups) Digital Dialogue A global network of vloggers provides input and feedback on external trends, societal issues and/or new opportunities during an interactive session Practical challenge Participants are asked to form ideas on how to solve a specific social issue / dilemma within the context of the organization. The most inspiring idea is translated into a collective work assignment
Applying the leadership qualities in daily practice Working on personal breakthroughs and business challenges
Work in subgroups on solving a specific social issue / dilemma
Enhancing situational awareness and connect to the outside world Being inspired by best-practice organizations and connect with the outside world
• •
Trend watcher Together with a trend watcher, participants reflect on trends, societal issues / opportunities, paradigm shifts and / or new opportunities in the external world Inspirational visit Visiting a leading example that excels at translating external perspective in internal business operations
Increasing the impact of the leadership program by sharing experiences and learn from each other Connecting the leadership program to daily practice Increasing mutual involvement and ownership
Intervision Participants reflect in small groups on the effects of their personal leadership development, using real life cases from daily practice. Various intervision methods will be used Leaders will be trained and stimulated with intervision principles and practical tools to continue intervision after the program
Ensuring impact by continuous digital support and additional inspiration Learning in a new way
A mix of digital interventions can be used to increase the learning impact of the module. For example: Inspiring articles and client cases related to ‘Build a brighter future’ and using the virtual leadership community
SERIOUS GAMES Gamification The essence of serious games is creating experiences in which players are challenged to solve real life dilemmas. In the game they can experiment, enabling them to build knowledge and skills and making them aware of their behavior in that situation. This makes them better able to take on these challenges in real life Objectives of gamified leadership development • Providing a safe environment to experiment with things that are too hard, risky, or costly to experiment with in real life • Stimulating the learning process by social interaction and teamwork • Helping the participant to internalize theory by providing a meaningful context • Reaching a large amount of people in an individual and intensive learning experience with low impact on daily work • Stimulating the learning process by continuous learning, knowledge, inspiration and competition that is relevant, instantly useful, and fun • Creating continuous feedback through personal scores, reports and graphs charting behavior • Creating energy and a positive buzz in the organization Examples of professional development through gaming • Invest in Leadership development • Increase employee engagement • Improve chain cooperation • Recruit and assess new top talent • Develop professional skills (strategic buying, sales, project management etc.)
INTERVENTIONS Live the vision and mission from ‘roots’ to ‘branches’
Get inspired by inspirational leaders
Collaboration arenas to improve effectiveness
Create urgency by visualizing the competition
Experience the effect of direct and physical feedback Herd sheep to boost team effectiveness
Improve interaction with others in a conducting class Get inspired by visiting a ‘best practice’ organization
ACHMEA Key questions and challenges
&samhoud interventions
Translate the company’s vision and strategy into a leadership program for all leadership levels Improve change skills within the entire management (appr. 160 people from board – team leaders) Improve our operational efficiency based on a sustainable approach from the LEAN methodology
Developing and introducing a change philosophy from identity and strategy aligned with a vision on leadership Introducing an innovative way of lean management (in cooperation with McKinsey) which leads to short term results and a sustainable culture of continuous improvement Designing and facilitating a leadership program focused on vision and strategy implementation and team development Selecting and training of in-house facilitators
“Hiring &samhoud is the best investment I ever made” Achmea
• •
• •
Understanding, internalization and execution of identity and strategy by managers at all levels Insights on personal leadership styles Improvement of team effectiveness and individual performance Improvements in costs and efficiency due to lean program Achmea is still continuing this program successfully with their own facilitators
MONTBLANC Key questions and challenges
&samhoud interventions
• •
Embed a strong corporate identity aligned with the larger than life brand of Montblanc Change the corporate culture into a Global Luxury Maison, in which the management is in the lead Create shared value Develop personal leadership effectiveness
Facilitate dialogue on the identity, brand and values of Montblanc which underlines a performance culture Foster a leadership culture within Montblanc based on clearly defined roles and responsibilities Enhance personal leadership, people leadership, and business leadership through practice, feedback, inspiration and connection Global roll out of core values
• • • •
Increased team performance of the board Improved collaboration between board en direct reports Core values defined and shared Core values translated into leadership principles Motor created for further business development
“Thanks to &samhoud, a shared corporate culture was achieved by defining and sharing our company values” Montblanc
NESTLÉ PURINA Key questions and challenges
&samhoud interventions
Become a high performing team with high sense of result focus, trust and ownership Increase ownership and engagement for common objectives Share collective challenges and prioritize strategy for the upcoming years Steer and monitor the progress upon this
Inspiration from the outside world (cases and best and worst practices of other companies) Share experiences on change implementations within own work field (share successes and lessons learned) Bringing in client and employee perceptions through feedback arenas Teaching how to develop a personal change story to increase personal ownership and transformational knowledge Communicate constantly and openly about the change in one on ones, breakfast news, team meetings, newsletters, etc.
“The team spirit and the performance focus has grown significantly in the last months and the team is more solid and united” Nestlé Purina
• • • •
Objectives are operationalized to team and individual levels Involvement is strong and clear Improvement in naming, identifying and tackling issues Increased collaboration and ‘sense of a team’ Improvement of trust
HUISMAN Key questions and challenges
&samhoud interventions
A strong (international) growth in the passed years combined with a changing market, caused a demand for: • Development of leadership within the organization – from content-driven to project-driven based on the Huisman leadership model • Professionalization of the internal organization without losing creativity, flexibility and effectivity
Design and facilitation of an international leadership program at all leadership layers within the organization, with the following topics: • Increase authenticity of leaders • Work on connection with yourself using the results of the Leadership Developer • Sharpening the vision and strategy and cascading strategy into department, team and individual agreements • Practicing with pitching a personalized Huisman story • Insights into the performance of own team • Learn to apply different influencing styles to increase effectiveness
Personal development: participants have better insight in their own strengths and improvement points as a leader (based on the Huisman leadership model) and they are provided with practical tools and insights to develop their improvement points Professionalization within the organization: (amongst others) improved alignment within business planning cycle
“The leadership program has supported me strongly to provide more direction to my team. The feedback I received from the Employee Engagement Survey and the 360⁰ Leadership Developer helped me to determine the longer term strategy for my department and helped me to test my plans” Huisman
HEINEKEN Key questions and challenges
&samhoud interventions
Leadership program in the context of the Heineken Management Development program ‘from excellent manager to excellent leader’ Increase personal leadership, entrepreneurship and authenticity of leaders Use MD’s drive and learning abilities to create more value for the organization
• • • •
Personal vision and strategy program (during a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella) Development of a Heineken business game, focusing on realizing impact on customer, employee and financial value Facilitation of developing personal stories: the story of… Master class on value creation Define winning strategies Inspiring others through a Heineken TEDx and a mentoring program
All participants have defined their vision; their higher goal, audacious goal, core values and core qualities Participants are capable of developing others, based on their resources from authenticity and personal leadership Participants use their authenticity for the organization through the Heineken business game
“I never formulated my higher goal (purpose in life) before. The setting, the group and facilitators were very good. I like the &samhoud approach and atmosphere” Heineken
TNT Key questions and challenges
&samhoud interventions
• •
What is the new vision and change approach? How to align the global senior management upon shared values? How to translate a new global vision into a TNT Asia Pacific strategy? How to execute LEAN as one of the Asia Pacific Key Strategic Pillars?
Supporting the CEO and Board with global vision development through multiple workshops in all global regions Conducting interventions with the TNT Asia Pacific top team in order to anchor behavioral change, using the Leadership Model as the basis for the interventions and translating vision into strategy Training leaders as teachers to make sure that vision, brand and strategy are communicated, lived and executed throughout the whole organization Developing and training Green, Orange and White Belt LEAN Experts
“It is challenging, it motivates you and makes us go the extra mile” TNT
• •
Created a shared vision of TNT Leaders have the skills and knowhow to live the vision and execute the strategy Given insight on a successful change process Team roles defined
LEARNING PHILOSOPHY In designing a leadership program or interventions, &samhoud follows the learning philosophy. This philosophy states, that by designing the program with different elements in mind, the development of leadership is most effective. ‘Learn to be’ – Personal development By gaining insight in one’s own qualities and personality, connection with yourself is strengthened. Instruments such as personal vision are used to help leaders develop themselves purposely. ‘Learn to listen and trust’ – Feedback By learning how to cope with constructive feedback from others, leaders are able to focus their efforts in improving themselves as leaders. By giving and receiving feedback in management teams, effective team work is stimulated. ‘Learn to think’ – Conceptual insight By sharing important ideas and concepts for breakthrough leadership, leaders can incorporate lessons learned and new insights into their leadership. Also, important trends and developments in ones own market are important in building the conceptual insight of leaders. ‘Learn to do’ – Acquiring skills By practicing necessary skills, leaders learn how to deal with certain developments and situations in their daily practice. ‘Learn to inspire’ – Inspiring and connecting All the different elements are connected, because all are designed and incorporated in programs with inspiration and connection in mind. By making learning into an experience in which the I, we (team and organization) and them (customer and stakeholder) are continuously brought in to intensify the learning experience.
Learn to inspire
iring and connecting insp
Learn to be
Learn to listen and trust
Learn to think
Learn to do
Personal development
Conceptual insight
Acquiring skills
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPER The leadership developer maps your leadership profile using a state-of-the-art concept created by Harvard professor Thomas DeLong. The 360° feedback tool gives you this insight into various perspectives of employees, colleagues, managers, clients and others. The Leadership Developer can also be used as a baseline for a leadership program. Areas that require development and steps that need to be taken can be determined, on a personal level as well as within your team. Measuring again afterwards will make the effect visible. Benchmarking with peers is possible.
Do you know what you want and what you are capable of? How is your connection with the organization and are you an example for others?
Are you able to set direction and translate it in a way that inspires people and gives them a specific direction?
To what extend do you succeed in connecting people and in realizing openness and mutual commitment?
Do you achieve results in and ensure that the organization improves continiously? BUILD A BRIGHTER FUTURE How do you contribute to society? And do you create a connection with the outside world?
Mobilise energy
Inspire others
Take ownership Change holistically
Make it happen and improve
Set direction
VALUE CREATION CYCLE Starting and maintaining value creation comprises the following aspects: Mobilise energy Create energy for change by a sense of urgency and sense of excitement Take ownership Let the right people take their responsibility and engage a critical mass to guide the change Set direction Create a vision, brand, business transformation model and strategy that will be the fundament for creating value Make it happen and improve Make it happen and improve by living the vision and brand and by executing the strategy in day to day life. But also by empowering people in a way that they are able to act Inspire others Show and share your success with all external stakeholders, co-create new opportunities Change holistically All these elements have to be enabled and enforced by good leadership, effective teams, a well managed change process and cultural breakthroughs Value Creation is a never ending activity. The different aspects together make a circle: they reinforce each other, and it starts again and again. Every single aspect is crucial for creating value.
ABOUT &SAMHOUD We are a world-class, vision-driven company founded in 1989 and now active in different industries worldwide. We differ in our expertises, but unite in our purpose: Together we build a brighter future. We offer our products and services both in our separate businesses as well as in integrated propositions. We have five businesses:
samhoud places
samhoud consultancy Our world-class management consultancy firm which creates sustainable and measurable value for employees, customers, shareholders and society.
Our Michelin awarded restaurant in Amsterdam where chef Moshik Roth creates gastronomical dishes and innovates food.
samhoud food Our innovative food concept which translates the culinary creations of two Michelin star chef Moshik into oddly delicious products for the masses.
samhoud media Our entrepreneurial young start-up which strives to inspire and connect people by creating breakthrough media concepts and content.
Our serious gaming company which helps individuals, teams, departments and organisations to achieve behavioral change through play.
OUR HOUSE OF CONNECTION We like to make our House of Connection available for meetings and sessions. The House of Connection is an inspiring and unusual location, located at Parkstaat 2 in Utrecht
Tjeertje Vlaskamp +31 6 20 01 94 10
Leonie Arkesteijn +31 6 20 43 83 62 Ingrid Smolders +31 6 51 27 53 05
maliebaan 55 3581 ce utrecht
am hof 20-26 50667 Koeln
the icon, west wing 21-02 no. 1, jalan 1/68F, jalan tun razak 55100 kuala lumpur