THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023
Afternoon Ceremony | 2:30 p.m.
Dr. G. Kevin Randall, Introduction of Graduates
Dr. Henry Howey, Mace Bearer
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023
Morning Ceremony | 9:30 a.m.
Dr. Michael Pass, Introduction of Graduates
Dr. Rob Adams, Mace Bearer
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023
Afternoon Ceremony | 2:30 p.m.
Dr. William Edgington, Introduction of Graduates
Dr. Ross Quarles, Mace Bearer
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023
Morning Ceremony | 9:30 a.m.
Dr. Eric Connolly, Introduction of Graduates
Dr. Jurg Gerber, Mace Bearer
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023
Afternoon Ceremony | 2:30 p.m.
Dr. Emma Bullock, Introduction of Graduates
Dr. David Burris, Mace Bearer
The Presidential Party enters.
Conductor—Dr. Kayoko Dan
Dr. Michael T. Stephenson, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The audience will stand for Posting of the Colors and remain standing respectfully until the ROTC Color Guard has exited the auditorium.
SHSU ROTC Color Guard
[Text: Francis Scott Key; Music: John Stafford Smith]
Dr. Emily Heilman, Song Leader
Dr. Kayoko Dan, Conductor
Dr. Michael T. Stephenson, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Alisa White, President, Sam Houston State University
Jody Czajkoski, Mayor, Conroe
Dr. Ann H. Lê, Tomball ISD
Colonel Travis W. Mills, Commander, 502d Force Support Group
Dr. Alisa White, President, Sam Houston State University
Saturday, May 13, 9:30 a.m.
LTC Joshua Limberg, Professor of Military Science
Mrs. Julia Woods, President, Alumni Board of Directors

[Allen R. Hightower III/Anonymous]
Dr. Emily Heilman, Song Leader
Dr. Kayoko Dan, Conductor
Conductor—Professor Darla McBryde
Audience seated for Processional and Recessional.
As a courtesy, please refrain from using noise makers during the graduation ceremony.
Alisa White, PhD | President
Michael T. Stephenson, PhD | Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Amanda Withers, MBA | Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Operations
Heather Thielemann, EdD | Senior Vice President for Strategic Enrollment and Innovation
Matt Bethea, BAAS | Vice President for University Advancement
Drew Miller, PhD | Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Bobby Williams Jr., MA | Director of Athletics
David Glaser, Major General (ret.), MBA | Chief Strategy Officer
Jeff Harris, MBA | Chief Marketing Officer
McCartney Johnson, EdD | Deputy to the President
Michael T. Stephenson, PhD | Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Anne R. Gaillard, PhD | Vice Provost
Ronald E. Shields, PhD | Dean, College of Arts and Media
Sharmistha Self, PhD | Dean, College of Business Administration
Phillip M. Lyons, PhD | Dean, College of Criminal Justice
Stacey L. Edmonson, EdD | Dean, College of Education
Emily A. Roper, PhD | Dean, College of Health Sciences
Chien-pin Li, PhD | Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Thomas Mohr, DO | Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Melinda Holt, PhD | Interim Dean, College of Science and Engineering Technology
Kenneth E. Hendrickson III, PhD | Dean, The Graduate School
Kimberly Bell, PhD | Dean, Honors College
Brian McCall, Chancellor | Austin
Duke Austin, Chairman | Houston
Garry Crain, First Vice Chairman | San Marcos
Alan L. Tinsley, Second Vice Chairman | Madisonville
Charlie Amato | San Antonio
Sheila Faske | Rose City
Dionicio (Don) Flores | El Paso
Stephen Lee | Beaumont
William F. Scott | Nederland
Gabriel Webb, Student Regent | The Hills
Hail to Sam Houston, School we love best, Mighty in battle, True to the test. Bearkats so loyal, Ever we’ll be. Orange and white will lead Us to victory!
Hail, Alma Mater Hats off to you, Ever you’ll find us Loyal and true; Firm and undaunted, Ever we’ll be, Here’s to the school we love Here’s a toast to thee.
First verse sung at August 9, 2003 commencement by composer Allen R. Hightower III. Second verse, Anonymous.
Dear Graduate,
Congratulations on behalf of the Sam Houston State University faculty, staff, and administration. You are now alumni, and we are delighted you will represent your University in your careers of choice and in your communities. No doubt you have had many opportunities here, and I am looking forward to seeing how you will use what you learned and experienced to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.
Sam Houston State University is privileged to serve a diverse student population, including military-affiliated students, first-generation students, and non-traditional students. Sam Houston is committed to promoting a campus that embraces diversity and inclusion. Each student brings a different story and perspective, which enrich us all.
Our University motto is emblazoned on a wall in Frank Parker Plaza, but more importantly, it is visible in how you, the Bearkats we are recognizing today, live your lives. Our motto, “The measure of a Life is its Service,” provides a meaningful standard by which we can evaluate ourselves as people of purpose who provide value to others. You put the motto in action when you volunteered your time and energy on and off campus, in support of organizations and causes you value.
Today we celebrate you. We celebrate your accomplishments and triumphs. You have demonstrated your ability to overcome challenges and accomplish your goals. You will always have opportunities to add value by engaging in your communities, and I am confident you will do so in ways that will make the world a better place and bring pride to your alma mater.
Many important people supported you on your educational journey. Your family members, friends, mentors, faculty, and staff are applauding for you as you reach this milestone, and I celebrate your achievements with them.
Once a Bearkat, always a Bearkat. And today the entire Bearkat family— tu familia —celebrates your achievement. ¡Felicidades!
Dr. Alisa White

Born and raised in Marlin, Texas, Czajkoski moved to Conroe after touring the country as a professional bull rider and graduating from Sam Houston State University.
Czajkoski and his wife Nicole, a local attorney, were drawn to Conroe by the small town feel and great opportunity that is so abundant. Active members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Czajkoski family includes three children and the cutest little dog you ever saw.
Czajkoski’s focus is to maintain and improve the outstanding quality of life we share here in Conroe— making Conroe a great place to live, learn, work and play.
Czajkoski is known for his “can do” attitude. He is open to new ideas from any source that shares his goal of making Conroe the best that it can be. If you’ve heard Czajkoskiy speak, you have heard “It’s Conroe’s Time to Shine!” and his attitude is that it takes ideas and input from everyone to make Conroe shine.
Czajkoski is committed to bringing and highlighting the multitude of opportunities that Conroe currently has and will develop. Bringing in businesses with good, high paying jobs, providing incubators for new businesses and developing every educational opportunity possible is necessary for Conroe’s citizens to thrive economically. However, Mayor Czajkoski understands that work is not all there is to life. Making the beauty of our lakes, river, forests and trails available to all, nurturing a vibrant arts and entertainment culture and promoting the areas new bars, restaurants and recreational opportunities are all commitments that Mayor Czajkoski has made to the citizens of Conroe.


Dr. Ann H. Lê is a published researcher and speaker in numerous scholarly journals, textbook chapters, conferences, and radio talk shows. She was recently named a SHSU College of Education 2023 Distinguished Educator of the Year. She earned her Bachelor of
Science in Neuroscience Pre-Law and Pre-Med at Baylor University, and Master of Education in Special Education and Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership at Sam Houston State University. Dr. Lê holds additional certifications as an Educational Diagnostician and Principal as an Instructional Leader. She currently serves in a district administrative role as a Behavioral Specialist (MTSS/PBIS) and Student Support Specialist at Tomball ISD. Additionally, she is a special education advocate, and supports building leaders through her consultant work in restorative practices and culturally responsive special education assessments of Asian students.

Colonel Travis W. Mills is the Commander of the 502d Force Support Group, the only Force Support Group in the Department of Defense consisting of two squadrons and over 3,100 Military and Civilian members. The 502d FSG oversees Camp Bullis installation support, Fort Sam Houston chapel and legal services, and Joint Base San Antonio child and youth programs, MoraleWelfare-Recreation, Human Resources, food service, lodging operations and other areas in support of 266 Mission Partners and over 330,000 members of the military community.

Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghan Campaign Medal, GWOT-S Medal, GWOT-E Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, and Overseas Service Ribbon. He has been awarded the Army Parachutist’s Badge, Army Air Assault Badge, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Special Forces Tab, Ranger Tab, and multiple foreign parachutist badges.
His training and education include the Infantry Officer Basic and Advance Courses; the Combined Arms Service and Staff School; Special Forces Qualification Course; Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape; Special Warfare Center and School Indonesian Language Course; United States Army Special Operations Command Jumpmaster Course; the Army Command and General Staff College; and the Senior Service College’s Army Fellows Program.
Colonel Mills is a Distinguished Military Graduate of Sam Houston State University, where he was commissioned as an Infantry Officer in 1999 and later branched Special Forces in 2004.
His awards and decorations include the Bronze
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from SHSU and a master’s in global and international studies from the University of Kansas.
No federal endorsement intended or implied.

The University Mace is symbolic of the authority of the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Office of the President of Sam Houston State University. The senior tenured faculty member carries it during academic convocations. It was first used at summer commencement on August 20, 1988.

The mace was designed and hand crafted by the late Charles R. Jedlicka, Associate Professor of Industrial Technology. The crown is a circular casting bearing the name of the University and date of
The academic costume worn at official functions today originated in the Middle Ages, when a warm gown and hood were useful to university scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. Through the years, the growth in the number of universities caused confusion about the proper regalia so a Code on Academic Costume was established. Today, The American Council on Education reviews and updates these traditions.
The four-sided mortarboard is recommended for both men and women. The cap is always black and should match the material of the robe.
Gowns are generally black. The bachelor’s gown is simple, with long pointed sleeves. The master’s gown will have either long sleeves with narrow wrist opening or long sleeves with the hand emerging from the sleeve at elbow length. The doctor’s gown is fullest in cut with velvet panels down the front and around the neck, as well as three velvet bars on the bell-shaped sleeves.
Length of the hood represents degree level: the master’s hood is three and one-half feet long and the doctor’s hood is four feet long. The velvet trim on the edge of the hood is three inches wide for the master’s degree and five inches wide for the doctor’s degree. The color indicates the field of study. A color or pattern between the trim indicates the university awarding the degree.
establishment, 1879. The circle features the lone star, the state emblem, in the center. Names of past University presidents with their dates of service are engraved on the brass collar below the crown.
The walnut staff is bound in brass and has a hexagonal head with inlays of pecan for the state tree, recessed brass medallions cast with designs for General Sam Houston, Austin Hall, Old Main, Bearkats, and the completion date of the mace. The holder base or stall is six-sided to match the mace head.
To reflect their achievement, graduates who have earned undergraduate academic excellence receive a gold cord at graduation plus an appropriate notation on their academic transcript. The gold cord indicates one of the following academic achievements:
Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude,
Degrees conferred Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude reflect an outstanding grade point average with a minimum of 32 semester hours earned in residence (resident classroom instruction). The distinction and corresponding grade point averages are: Cum Laude 3.50 - 3.66; Magna Cum Laude 3.67 - 3.85; Summa Cum Laude 3.86 - 4.00.
The Department Academic Distinction Program is an individualized learning experience that provides qualified students with a comprehensive introduction to meaningful research under the guidance of a designated faculty advisor.
Participation in the Honors College is based on a competitive selection process and provides outstanding academic opportunities and distinct undergraduate college experiences. Upon successful completion of the requirements of the Honors College—24 semester hours of Honors courses and two special seminars—the student’s academic transcript will indicate graduation “With Honors” and the student may wear an Honors medallion with academic regalia. To be designated as having graduated “With Highest Honors,” the student must also successfully complete a special senior project involving original research and/or an effort of creative expression.
NOTE: Semester credit hours earned in correspondence courses are not considered “resident classroom instruction” hours and are not used in determining the minimum semester credit hour requirement for academic honors: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude, Dean’s List, and President’s Honor Roll. However, the semester credit hours and grade points earned for correspondence courses are included in the calculation of the overall grade point average.
Sam Houston State University is proud to recognize graduating Veterans and military members with a specially designed veterans stole. The orange stole features camouflage tips bearing the SH logo on the right and the American flag with Veteran designation
on the left. On behalf of the entire Sam Houston State University community, President Alisa White and the SHSU Administrative Officers extend their deepest gratitude and congratulations to these distinguished graduates.
Each graduate deserves to have their name heard by family and friends. Students and guests must be courteous and refrain from the use of noise makers and extensive celebrating that disrupts or delays the ceremony, or drowns out the name of another graduate.
Only the official photographer is allowed on the floor. Candidates will cross as listed in the program.
Noah Patrick Abercrombie3
Damaria Abernathy2
Cecilia Svetlana Adair1
Brendan Patrick Adams1
Dana Jessica Adams2
Jacklyn Jenae Adams2
Kathryn Lynn Adams2
Briley Nicole Adcock1
Nathan James Adesso3
Olubunmi Lydia Adesuyi1
Carolina Aguirre2
Rachel Renee Alfredson2
Jonmorgan J. Allen1
Seanmikhals T. Allen2
Eyanna Deshai Allen2
Jennifer C. Allen2
Emily Alvarado3
Rachel Ann Alvarado3, 4
Jacqueline Yamileh Amador1
Jadzya J. Amador2
Geeta Cathyann Amador1
Kimberly Christine Amady-
Cesar Daniel Amaya4
Claire J. Amyx 2
Bailey Marie Anderson1
Maggi Lizette Andres Miguel1
Amanda Jane Anway3
Ruby Arellano2
Destiny Ann Arispe1
Ashley Lizzett Arreola Langarica1
Evan J. Asala3
Diego Alberto Ascencio1
Essha Asif2
Laila Ibrahim Awawdeh2
Erick Baez2
Dylan Carl Bagheri3
Rex Alan Baldwin III1
Kiren Bangash2
Makaul Ann Barbaree2, 4
Elizabeth M. Barrientos1
Kelby Layne Been2, 5
Isabel Martina Behm2
Taryn Brianna Nicole Beijers1
Joshua Adam Bell3
Laura Kate Bender3
Jason Benitez1
Maria Laura Benitez Uriostegui1
April Clare Bennett3
Logan Alexander Betts1
Meghan Elaine Billey1
Nicole Renee Birnbaum2
Douglas Quinn Black1
Kaitlyn Renae Blackstock1
Anastasia Raschelle Blalock 2
Skyler Ann Blanco3
Esperanza Blanco1
Andrew Richard Bollefer3
Katelyn Genese Nikkole Bolton1
Casey Marie Bonner3
Jayelynn Marie Bordeaux3
Alexandra Bosseloo2
Abigail Cross Bowers1
Jennifer Gale Bowman1
Hayley Eileen Boylan1
Alexia R. Brite2
Kaitlyn Annette Brown2
Star Sapphire Brown1, 4
Shauntevia Monet Brown1
Rebecca Anne Broyles1, 4
Bethany Grace Bruton2
Madelyn Renee Bryer1
Kysan Braleigh Buckner2
Lee Harrison Burke2
Madison Renae Burke3, 4
Erik Burmeister1
Estefania Bustos2
Gabrielle Kamille Butler3, 4
Jareya A. Bynum1
Ashley Lauren Byrd2
Catherine Caballero2, 4
Moriah Redd Calavera2
Taylor D. Caldwell1
Nadia Aleena Campos1
Silvia Guadalupe Campos Roman2
Courtney Taylor Cantrell2
Lisette Leilanie Carmona2
Mae Kate Carnes2
Lavoxkeia J. Carnes1
Dominic Karol Carozza3, 4
Heather Lynn Carrier3
Rilee Mikael Carter1
Marc Casper1
Carla Y. Castaneda3
Cinthia Maria Castaneda Otero2
Eliot Agustin Castanon2
David Castillo1
Martina Denise Amar Castro2
Karla Susana Castro1
Jesse Edmundo Ceballos2
Guadalupe Abigail Cerda1
Kayla Erin Chandler2
Jessica M. Chavez1
Brooke Elizabeth Chippi4
Harley Deann Chreene2, 4
Zakary Toshiya Clark1
Ashley Elizabeth Closson1
Christine Michelle Collins1
Paulina Conchas1
Lukas B. Conner1
Evette Cordova1
Lindsey Makena Correa1
Frances Marie Cox3
Aubrey Rose Cranage3
Haylee Elizabeth Cranston1, 4
Carsen E. Creech1
Gabrielle Elizabeth Crouch1
Abbigale Lynn Crump2
Ian Alexander Cruthirds1
Matthew Beane Cullins1
Emily Marie Cwiklik3
Rose Darline Daniel1
Meri Alysse Daniels1
Sayjah Irene Davis2
Emily Lauren Davis1
Summer Nekole Davis3 , 5
Morgan Javohn Dawson2
Emily N. Day1
Angel Manuel De La Cuesta1
Lisandra De Leon2
Cara Ann Degaish3
Madison Elizabeth Devoll2
Elizabeth Ann Dial1
Karina Diaz1
Hannah Grace Dietrich2
Kylann LaLon Dillard-Wentz1
Tomas Diosdado Jr. 2
Emily Morgan Downs2, 5, 6
Regan Caroline Dunn1
Ingris Lizeth Duran3
Ashley Nicole Durbin3, 4
Paul Keith Eagle3 , 6
Kyle Robert Earnest1
Numerals Denote Academic Honors as of the 12th Class Day of Spring 2023
1 = Cum Laude 4 = with Honors/Honors College
2 = Magna Cum Laude 5 = with Highest Honors/Honors College
3 = Summa Cum Laude 6 = with Academic Distinction in an Academic Discipline
Sasha Elizondo2
Deanna K. Elsasser2
John Tyler Ensign1
Elyse T. Escalante3, 4
Jacquelyn Renee Evans1
Adesola Ajoke Samiat Fashola1
Francesca L. Fergason2
Kenia Alejandra Fernandez3
Karla Lizbeth Fernandez2
Hannah Sterling Figer3, 4
Victor Fernando Figueroa2
Courtney Jean Fink 2
Paige Hershman Flint2
Hillary G. Flores2
Wesley Joseph Folse2
Kylie Renee Forgy3
Victoria Fortin1
Kaylee C. Fredella1
Nicholas Nguyen Free1
Matilda Virginia Freelove2
Genesis Fritsche-Sens2
Justin Andrew Froelke3
Caitlin Rose Furley1
Andie Nichole Gabehart3
Jayla Gaines1
Leyla R. Galindo1
Nicholas Alexander Galle3
Andres David Garcia3
Jacqueline Garcia1
Aridnny Camila Garcia1
J Dixon Garner4
Ava G. Garrett2
Jessica Elise Garrett2, 4
Noevely Marcela Garza1
Kayla Garza2, 4
Abigail Gaspar1
Sindy Viridiana Gaspar
Alison Janelle Gaudet3
Pradip Gautam1
Alexander William Gessell2
Joshua Glenn Ghaddar1
Anna G. Gibbons2
Allison Christine Giles2, 5, 6
Elizabeth Rose Gillilan3
Tommy Randell Gilpin2
Kaitlyn Marie Ginn1
Hailey Renee Gomez1
Kelly Jean Gonzalez1
Asher Antonio Gonzalez-Ortiz3
Sarah Ann Goodman2, 4
James C. Graham3
Lindsey Michelle Graham3
Faith N. Grant3, 4
Chandler Jude Green, 4
Arianna Gabrielle Green3, 4
Courtney Marie Gruller2, 4
Crystal Guerrero Ramirez2
Caitlyne E. Guillory1
Brady Kyle Gully1
Brooklynn Paige Guthery2, 4
Brooklynn Paige Guthery2, 4
Ashley Gutierrez 2
Morgan Olivia Haddock 2
Mckenna N. Hammonds1
Kinley Raelyn Hance3
Elliett Claire Hanes3
Jacob A. Harder2
Erica D. Hardway1
Emma Elizabeth Harlow3
Katie Marie Harmon2
Brady G. Harris1
Christina Renee Hart3
Misha Hassan1
Karlee Nicole Havelka3
Alera N. Hazlewood1
Lauren H. Hendrix3
Alexis Michelle Hensley2
Emanuel J. Hernandez3
Daniela Hernandez 2
Daniela Nicole Hernandez3
Jessica Marie Hernandez1
Jennifer Shantal Hernandez2
Emmanuel Herrera1
Makenzie Kathryne Hesse3, 5
Grant Andrew Hetherington1
Ava Faith Higginbotham2
Mia Kate Higginbotham1
Brianna Elaine Hill1, 4
Marissa Watson Hiser1
Emily Grace Hodge2
Javier Enrique Chester Hodges3, 5, 6
Amber Nicole Hogan1
Savana Ruth Holland1
Ashley Nicole Hollway1
Austin Ryan Holmes3, 4
Delaney D. Huda2
Hallee Victoria Hughes2
Carter Neel Hutchison1
Abraham Leonardo IniguezSmith2
Amanda Michele Irons3
Carolina Del Carmen Jaen
Maggie Elizabeth Jedlicka1
Lauren Annette Nicole Jellison2
Miles Jevon Jenkins1
Dylan James Jircik 2
Jamie Johnson3
Hayley Quinn Johnson2, 4
Meredith Lynn Johnson1
Sydney Leann Johnson2
Christopher Anthony Johnson1
Alycia Dychelle Jolivette1
Destiny Shay Jones1
Tyler Michael Jones1
Gabrielle L. Juarez-Carr2
Victoria Grace Jungwirth1
Nicholas Charles Kalef 1
Courtnie Michelle Kaminski2
Jordan Alvin Kearney-Gibbs1
Jacob Ryan Keeton3
Haley Renee Keith3
Kaitlyn Colleen Kelly1
Paige Leeann Kemp4
Cody Maxwell Kettler1
Lisa Inez Kimmey4
Rachel Cathlene King2
Olivia Grace Kirby1
Christine Nicole Kleiser2
Brittany Marie Kmiec2
Gabrielle O. Knotts3, 4
Haley Cherise Kopecki3
Madelyn Clare Kraynik3
Marie Danielle Kubeczka3
Rachael Angelina La Pointe1
Brooke L. Lacox 2
Mackenzie E. Laflamme2
Shelby M. Lane2
Warren Gar Lao4
Hailey Elizabeth Lardi3
Reagan Kelly Lasell1
Hannah Brooke Latham3, 4
Taylor Ann Laux1
Jesse David Lay1
Sabine Avery Lazo3
Thanh Nguyen Dan Le3
Tu Anh Le1
Reaganne A. Leal2
Macy Hope Leamon2
Karly Paige Leamon1
Brett Allen Leblanc1
Sadie Elizabeth LeBleu2
Kaitlyn Nicole Legg2
Peter Francisco Lesikar2
Connor James Levandowski1
Keely L. Lewis2
Kensly Dae Ley1
Sarah Lynn Lightfoot2
Nelle Catherine Liliedahl1
Karla Paola Linares1
Allison Makenna Lindsey3, 4
Peyton Grace Lindsey1
Olivia Christine Long1
Sarah Renee Lopez1
Sissi Lizeth Lopez2
Stephanie M. Lopez1
Madison Marie Loudin1
Jessica Rae Lovell1
Keith Wayne Lovings Jr.1
Heather Nicole Lowery3, 4
Guenevere Mabilin3
Samantha Nichole Machen2
Nathan T. Maduta1
Brooke Victoria Magner2
Jordan Alexis Malcolm1
Julian Alexander Maldonado2
Italia B. Maldonado Torres3
Matthew Ellis Malyon3, 4
Arthur Henry Mangum1
Sophia Marie Manix1
Abigail M. Mann2
Madison Emma-Mae Manning1
Kaitlin Elizabeth Marr1
Steven Matthew Marsh1
Sarah Anne Martin1
Andrea Rebeca Martinez2, 4
Malik Aman Mason3
Ashley M. Massie2, 4
Jennifer Scothern Mathis3
Presley Marie McBride1
Brandon Alexander
Sophia Maureen McCure2
Alexander Hamilton McGarity1, 4
Anna M. McGee1
Kelsey Elizabeth McGinn1
Maggie Ayres McInnis3
Lamaiya Janel Stacia McInnis2, 4
Hadyn Richard Mcintyre1
Ally Rae McKinney1
Paulina Nicole Medina1
Jose Luis Medrano2
Rahul Meduri3, 6
Hannah Rose Odell Meidel1
Kathryn Leigh Meier3
Angelina M. Mendoza2
Carla Maria Meza1
Teagan J. Mies3, 4
Desiree Renee Miller1
Anna Grace Miller2
Kaycee Alexis Miller2
Jailene Adamaris Miranda, 4
Lindsay Mae Mitchell1
Gloria Stephanie Moctezuma
Palma1 Andrew Mojica2
Julian David Monroig2
Cayley M. Montes3
Ashley M. Montoya1
Madison Amber Moody2
Lea Renae Moore3, 4
Carlos A. Morales1
Sebastian Noel Morales1
Esmeralda Morales2
Janeth Moreno3
Maria Del Carmen Moreno Morales2
Sumayah Elaine Muhammad1
Lydia Marie Muir3
Nicole Renee Mullan1
Danielle Alexia Najera1
Cristal Veronica Navarrete3
Marlee Nicole Neill1
Chloé Rose Marie Nemitz1
Alyssa Kaylyn Newman2, 5, 6
Thanh Chau Nguyen2
Gabriela Lizette Nieto1
Chinedum Clinton Nmereole1
Lindsay Ann Norman4
Reece Michael Novicke3
Courtney Deshawn Odom2
Israel Jessica Nkiruka Ogu3
Nicole Ifeanyichukwu
Okoronkwo2, 4
Daisy Kristina Olmos2
Kassidy Lyn Osburn2
Katelyn M. Ostby2, 4
Izaias Daniel Oviedo3, 4
Melissa Renee Owens2
Korri Elizabeth Owens1
Melody Grace Ozaki Pronk 2
Jordan T. Pace1, 4
April Marie Palmer2
Emily Dawn Parker1
Thomas Andrew Parker1
Jaron W. Parten2
Caitlyn Lauren Paschal1
Rebecca Lynn Peach3
Jurnee Nevaeh Peikert2, 5
Pierce Tatum Pennington2
Michelle Elizabeth Pepper1
Melissa Perez-Ramirez1
Reighan Trá Perkins2
Zariah Denise Pettus1, 4
Hannah G. Pharis1
Crosby Pineda1
Kelseajo Nicole Pipkin1
Madison D. Plotner3, 4
Bailey Patricia Poston1
Trebor Truax Powell2
Candace Faye Prater1
Jessica Mechell Preuss2
Natalie Helene Pruett1
Anika Leatrice Qualls3, 4
Fe Gypsy Joyce Quimbo2
Caleb Salomon Ramirez1
Shaynea L. Redmond2
Reese Nichole Reynolds1
Tanner Ray Rhodes1
Hailey Nicole Richardson3, 4
Amber Alyse Richey2
Jessica Nicole Riddle1
Anthony Rene Rincon2, 4
Daniel Aaron Ringo1
Kaylee N. Ringuet2
Cody Dean Risner1
Andrew Mark Ritch2
Bryanna Jade Rivas1
Jose Manuel Rivera1
Alejandra Crystal Rivera Alvarado2
Isabel Maria Rivera Burkholder1
Whitney Alayna Roberson2
Emily Mary Roberts3
Abigail Robles-Ramirez1
Shayla Myana Rocker2
David A. Rodriguez1
Isabella Ann Kuechler
Jackeline Mariel Rodriguez1
Damian Alejandro Rojo1
Cody Gomez Roman1
Annalisa Mya Romero1
Matthew L. Rosa1
Viera Permata Rosada2
Crystal Elizabeth Rubio4
Kayla A. Ruiz3
Jacob Thomas Russell1
Reese Victoria Ryan2
Vivian Dam Sahrman2
Ashley A. Salmeron1
Savanah Rose Salois2
Sandy Sanchez2
Elizabeth Monserrat Sarinana1
Jessica Lyn Saul3
Jessica L. Schmitt3
Makenna Nicole Schroeder2
Mason Anderson Schroth2
Alyssa Renee Schulte2
Sydney Rae Schultz3
Rebecca Lynn Schulze1
Michael Jay Seals1
Mateo Seghezzo Alvarez3
Mireya Jocelyn Serrano2
Lisa Marie Sevilla3
Jakobson Shane Sewall1, 4
Sidney Diana Seymour3
Toneelea Elysabeth Shaftner2
Bishnu Sharma1
Jacqueline June Lixue
Dannielle Alexis Shaw3
Aaron Ronald Sheets3
Amor Lamihney Sheffield1, 4
Mackenzie Danielle Shelton3
Kento Shirakawa2
Jacob Joseph Siebanoller1
Candace Renee Simpson1
Maria Michelle Simpson1
Ryan Jeffrey Sly4
Brendan Graham Smith2
Alexandra Jolie Smith1
Jenna Elizabeth Smith3
Jordyn N. Smith2
Brett Daniel Smith2
Joshua K. Snider2
Leon Soares Queiroz3
Lindsay Elizabeth Soileau1
Ismarel Solis3
Michaela Jean Sosa2
Christian M. Soto2
Alexandra N. Spears3, 4
Kylee B. Spradling2
Meg Mccatheren Standley2
Jacob Ross Stanton1
Kobe D. Sterling2
Virginia Carolyn Stevens2
Savannah Josephine Stewart2
Andrew Scott Streby2
Grace A. Strouhal3
Anna Marie Suchma1
William Austin Sumner1
Brandelyn Kaede Swindell2
Joshua Dylan Talaber2
Ireri Mariana Tamayo1
Sergio Tamez Jr.1
Megan Elyse Tarkington2
Faith Eleanor Tauriainen1
Emily P. Telg3
Jarrett Evan Thompson2, 4
William Daniel Hale Timms1
Glendaliris Torres Greaux 2, 5, 6
Jared David Trevino1, 4
Regan Truong2
Megan Jennifer Turner1
Victoria Grace Turpin2
Karmen Alexis Tyllick 2, 4
Jessica Marie Ulicnik1
Kenajah Renee Upchurch1
Macie Alyse Upchurch2
Nicole Alexia Urriburu1, 4
Christian Valle3
Shelby Lynn Vandeflier1
Amanda Nicole Vaughan3
Timiya Ariel Vaughn3
Jennifer Karina Vazquez2, 4
Cailyn Jo Vickery2
Wyatt Alvarez Villanti2
Tesla Vongsaphay1
Allison Paige Wallace3
Clayton Odell Walters1
Syed Ali - Mohammad Waqif 1
Grace Elizabeth Wardwell2
Kalyn Mary Weaverling1
Ivana Irene Mazzella Wedel2
Eric Lewis Weingart2
Austin Wayne Weirich2
Anna Christine Wentzlaff2, 5
Kaley Suzanne Werner2
Olivia Hale Westerburg2
Brittanie M. Weston1
Morgan E. White2
Karlyn Lynette Wilder1
Kendreal Wayne Williams II1
Mckenzie Paige Williams1
Amber Paige Williams1
Darion Ann Williamson2
Kathryn-Anne Eireen Willy1, 4
Andrew Robert Wilson1
Ashley Marie Wilson2
Alexis Kayte Wilson1
Clifford Thomas Witten1, 4
Reid Benjamin Wolanin1, 4
Nicole Elizabeth Wolff2
Jonathan Nguyen Wolken1
Harrison Parker Wolny1
Norman Takuya Wooldridge1
Johanna Grace WylieTurner1
Vivian Yboa Andrade1, 4
Raul Antonio Zablah Vasquez2
Hillary Allison Zach3, 4
Sophia Leigh-Anne Zecchinelli1
Regan M. Zivney3, 4
Breanna Elizabeth Zupan2
Academic honors are designated only for undergraduate students completing their baccalaureate degrees. The only honors recognized on-stage at commencement are Latin honors, Honors College, and Academic Distinction in a specific discipline. The list includes all students who applied through 02/01/2023 Records protected by Confidentiality are not listed.
Second Lieutenant Ethan Bahr grew up in New Caney, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems with a minor in Military Science. Bahr is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as a Signal Officer.
Second Lieutenant Camille Dang-Fouty grew up in Purdon, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Dang-Fouty is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Air Defense Artillery Officer.
Second Lieutenant Benjamin Dene grew up in Tyler, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science and Psychology. Second Lieutenant Dene was recognized by Cadet Command as a distinguished military graduate; ranking in the top 20% of all Cadets in the nation. Dene is a first-generation Bearkat and firstgeneration Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as a Branch Detailed Field Artillery Officer to Military Intelligence Officer.
Second Lieutenant Alexander Dieck grew up in Monterrey, Mexico and is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Dieck is a first-generation Bearkat and firstgeneration Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Air Defense Artillery Officer.
Second Lieutenant Giuliana Greco-Casas grew up in Humble, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Greco-Casas is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve in the Reserve component.
Second Lieutenant Marlon Hardeman grew up in Spring, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Finance with a minor in Military Science. Hardeman is a first-generation Bearkat and firstgeneration Army Officer, who will serve in the Reserve component.
Second Lieutenant Britney Loerwald grew up in League City, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Loerwald is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve in the National Guard.
Second Lieutenant Lindsay Mitchell grew up in Rio Ranch, New Mexico and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Political Science. Mitchell is a first-generation Bearkat and third-generation Army Officer, who will serve in the National Guard.
Second Lieutenant Julian Monroig grew up in Friendswood, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Second Lieutenant Monroig was recognized by Cadet Command as a distinguished military graduate; ranking in the top 20% of all Cadets in the nation. Monroig is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Infantry Officer.
Second Lieutenant Matthew Pilgrim grew up in Spring, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Pilgrim is a first-generation Bearkat and firstgeneration Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Infantry Officer.
Second Lieutenant Kaleb Rios grew up in Round Rock, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Rios is a first-generation Bearkat and second-generation Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Ordinance Officer.
Second Lieutenant Rudy Rochat grew up in Mason, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Rochat is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve in the National Guard.
Second Lieutenant Xiomara Santiago grew up in Kingwood, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science with a minor in Military Science. Santiago is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve in the Reserve component.
Second Lieutenant Brendan Smith grew up in Tomball, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business with a minor in Military Science. Smith is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as a Transportation Officer.
Second Lieutenant Deena Stone grew up in Bellville, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Victim Studies with a minor in Military Science. Stone is a third-generation Bearkat and Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Aviation Officer.
Second Lieutenant William Sumner grew up in League City, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science. Second Lieutenant Sumner was recognized by Cadet Command as a distinguished military graduate; ranking in the top 20% of all Cadets in the nation. Sumner is a first-generation Bearkat and firstgeneration Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as an Armor Officer.
Second Lieutenant Yatta Towouh grew up in Killeen, Texas and is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science and Legal Studies. Towouh is a first-generation Bearkat and first-generation Army Officer, who will serve on active duty as a Chemical Officer.
Animation BFA
Art BA
Art and Social Practice MFA
Band Studies MA
Dance BFA, MFA
Digital Media MA
Digital Media Production MFA
Film and T.V. Production BFA
Graphic Design BFA
Mass Communication BA
Music BA, BM, MM
Music Therapy BM
Musical Theatre BFA
Photography BFA
Studio Art BFA
Theatre BFA
The hands hold and present the flame of human creativity. The blue radiant circle represents the dissemination of creative endeavor to the world at large. In these images the important meaning-making functions of the Arts—Visual Art, Music, Theatre, and Dance—are merged with the many modes of communication that are studied and practiced in the field of media.
Sherry Andersen
Brittney Michelle Davis
Samuel Tiago Rodrigues De Souza
Priyanka Sophia Emmons
Marco Tulio Hernandez Ardila
Daniela Katherine Herrera Garcia
Shaba Shalom Jackson
Brendan Patrick Adams
Prince Roverto Othello Alfaro
Bailey Marie Anderson
Jonathan David Andino
Joseph R. Ashley
Lucianna Astorga
Kelsey Frances Averill
Erick Baez
Aliyah Yasmeen Barnes
Mark James Beckham
Laura Kate Bender
Alyssa Morgan Bennett
Alona Khoptynets
Madelyn Marie Klumb
Joshua A. Martinez
Liz Valentina Munoz Morales
Tyler Brandon Orcutt
Jake Alan Portie
Krysta L. Quiambao
William Xavier Rodriguez
Lauren Rose Serrano
Kristen Renee Stevens
Parikesit Tanudjaja
Lilly Rae Thurman
Juan Diego Vega Ordonez
Sarah E. Vickery
Meghan Elaine Billey
Megan Elise Bolt
Jacob Josue Bonilla
Bartholomew Booth Jr.
Abigail Cross Bowers
Madisen N. Brimmer
Stacy Racine Brown
Mya Lynae Bryant
Brandon Michael Burgos
Lee Harrison Burke
Colleen E. Canavan
Courtney Taylor Cantrell
Sebastian Cantu
Dominic Karol Carozza
Jordan Alexis Carreon
Caden Wade Casey
Seth I. Casias
Amanda Lynn Castagnaro
Eliot Agustin Castanon
Serena Elise Castillo
Erich Raymond Cater
Jesse Edmundo Ceballos
Christa Elizabeth Charles
Quan Chung
Brandon Isaiah Collins
Lukas B. Conner
Morgan Catherine Cowell
Carsen E. Creech
Gabrielle Elizabeth Crouch
Justin Curry
Sayjah Irene Davis
Leila De La Cruz
Cara Ann Degaish
Madison Elizabeth Devoll
Samantha N. Devora
Isaiah Angel Diaz
Erika Grace Doyle
Marcus Nathaniel Edwards
Leticia Elias
Fernando Esparza
Kadan A. Evans
Rebekah Elaine Evans
Andrew Carl Fernandez
Hannah Sterling Figer
Rebekah Leanne Fleming
Amy L. Fonseca
Victoria Fortin
Matilda Virginia Freelove
Leyla R. Galindo
German Alejandro Garay
Andres David Garcia
Jacqueline Garcia
Allison Christine Giles
Maria De Los Angel Gonzalez
Stefhany Gonzalez
Sharif Aponte Goodlette
Avery Charles Gore
Courtney Marie Gruller
Madison Claire Guidry
Elliett Claire Hanes
Heather Elizabeth Hardy
Karlee Nicole Havelka
Micah Jahmel Hepburn
Juan Antonio Hernandez
Macy Leigh Herrera
Angel Nicole Hickerson
Paul Josiah Hill
Jacob Andrew Hively
Emily Grace Hodge
Savana Ruth Holland
Kamryn Alexis Horn
Abraham Leonardo Iniguez-Smith
Michael Giovanni Ippolito
Carolina Del Carmen Jaen Toral
Rayevin Lee Johnson
Kianna Michelle Jones
Tre’Von Samuel Jones
Victoria Grace Jungwirth
Rustam Kenneth Kaunas
Cassy Lee Kearley
Lisa Inez Kimmey
Rachel Cathlene King
Leigh Ann Kirkland
Rebeca Lynn Kortz
Angela Marie Koskowich
Ivy Marcene Kramer
Madelyn Clare Kraynik
Brandon Taylor Kubena
Mackenzie E. Laflamme
Shelby M. Lane
Abigail Faith Langlais
Nikolai Hunter Langley
Jesse David Lay
Keely L. Lewis
Nelle Catherine Liliedahl
Allison Makenna Lindsey
Peyton Grace Lindsey
Keith Wayne Lovings Jr.
Brandon Michael Lozano
Jessie Whitney Madere
Arthur Henry Mangum
Madison Emma-Mae Manning
Matthew Brock Manuel
Kailyn Bre’Ann Mayes - Nickerson
Grace M. Maynard
Presley Marie McBride
Maggie Ayres McInnis
Maci Carolyn McShan
Brandon Alexander McCormick
Kathryn Leigh Meier
Tiffany Lynn Moore
Carlos A. Morales
Gabriela Brianna Morales
Sydni Mckinnley Moreland
Jette Louise Morris
Alejandro Navarrete
Seth Zander Neal
Jordan Marissa Nebeker
Taylor Ariyana Nelson
Riley N. Nesbit
Lillian Elizabeth Newsom
Chau Van Nguyen
Trent Wilson Nichols
Natalia Isabelle Ocanas
Emily Breanne Ognisty
Adetokunbo Maureen Ogunleye
Isoken Venice Ijeoma Osagie
Michael Romello Osborne
Melody Grace Ozaki Pronk
Ebony Lashawn Parson
Rylie Jane Patrick
Pierce Tatum Pennington
Michelle Elizabeth Pepper
Maria F. Perez
Reighan Trá Perkins
Kelseajo Nicole Pipkin
Bailey Patricia Poston
Trebor Truax Powell
Jacob Tyler Pratt
Genaro J. Prieto
Mauricio Arath Prieto
Fe Gypsy Joyce Quimbo
Patrick Malik Randall
Henry Louis Reynolds
Reese Nichole Reynolds
Andrew Mark Ritch
Jose Manuel Rivera
Andres Rangel Rodriguez
Omar Saldierna
Ashley A. Salmeron
Savanah Rose Salois
Jessica Lyn Saul
Hannah Marie Sawyer
Michael Jay Seals
Mateo Seghezzo Alvarez
Jesse Serpas
Dannielle Alexis Shaw
Joshua Myles Shaw
Allysa Kristine Sims
Keith A. Skarke
Alyssa Michelle Snider
Joshua K. Snider
Thalia Kaitlyn Soto
Meg Mccatheren Standley
Dakota Lane Stevenson
Evan J. Stielow
Cameron Khalil Stokes
Grace A. Strouhal
Rwanda Roslynn Tauaa
Kaitlyn Dawn Taylor
Lawrence Thomas III
William Daniel Hale Timms
Glendaliris Torres Greaux
Rien K. Travis
Regan Truong
Caitlyn Michelle Tucker
Joe Grady Tucker
Khaila Nicole Turner
Alyssa M. Vaclavik
Cailyn Jo Vickery
Tesla Vongsaphay
Reanna M. Waddell
Allison Paige Wallace
Zoe Grace Watrous
Sarah Alixandria Weeks
Mackenzie Taylor Wells
Sierra Leeann West
Olivia Hale Westerburg
Hannah Faith Whittington
Mckenzie Elizabeth Wiatrek
Hannah Leigh Williams
Andrew Robert Wilson
Peyton Leann Wilson
Sarah Margaret Wolsky
Johanna Grace WylieTurner
Accounting BBA, MS
Banking and Financial Institutions BBA, MBA
Business Administration MBA
Economics BBA
Entrepreneurship BBA
Finance BBA
General Business Administration BBA
Human Resource Management BBA
International Business BBA
Management BBA
Management Information Systems BBA
Marketing BBA
Project Management MS
Supply Chain Management BBA
The globe represents the international economy and the development of international trade and exchange. The handshake represents the human commitment to teamwork, leadership, diversity, and ethical business practices. The bar and line graphs represent the financial markets and the use of data in the pursuit of quality, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Naushin Jahangir Abidi
Philippa Jayne Ainsworth
Katelyn Nicole Allen
Jase Tobin Ashcraft
Erika Janette Briseno
Amanda Lea Burris
Brandon Allen Caldwell
Zachary Daniel Cantu
Julissa Castillo
Brooke Adrienne Catapano
Elise Noelle Chambers
Lusine Chobanyan
Kara Leeann Eddlemon
Nu’Nicka Tavannah Epps
Madison Bailey Frusha
Virginia Irene Gallow
Carson Brett Gordon
Kisha Goudeau
Audrey Veronique Haddad
Kamille Lynette Harris
Misty Michelle Harris
Stacie Nicole Haynes
Robert Francis Helwick
Bea Katrina Hernandez
Madison Elizabeth Hollingsworth
Precious Khaliah Horton
Morgan Rena Knesek
Patricia Marie Lund
Christopher Maher
Natali Welch Maness
Lane Thomas McGehee
Derek J. McKee
Joseph William Mesa
Bryan Keith Mortenson
Katie Kan Nong
Devon Duff Oleary
Olivia Zavala Parra
Javier Ismael Pena
Ashley Marie Penny
Colton J. Portwood
Jeannine Verenice Ramirez Gonzalez
Rene David Ramos
Anthony E. Ray
Samiksha Ray
Noverlena Nicole Releford
Mathian Reese Riendeau
Brianna Raquel Rodriguez
Justin Francis Rogers
Jessica Rubio
Nicholas Dalton Smith
Maribeth Jacobs Start
Tristan Charnell Stewart
Josie Loraine Stowers
Kaylee Jo Thompson
John Isaac Velazquez
Oscar Eduardo Veliz
Alexis Nicole Villarreal
Anson Wayne Ward
Noah Patrick Abercrombie
Damaria Abernathy
Zachary William Adams
Catherine Maria Aguilar
Roshan Pranali Ahuja
Chase Matthew Alarid
David Alcala
Fernando J. Alegria
Damaris Ibeth Alfaro
Bertha Alicia Allemore
Katie Lynn Allen
Ekene Chidubem Anazodo
Mary Claire Bela-Ong Arceo
Armando G. Arras
Luz Maria Arriola
Diego Alberto Ascencio
Christopher Jordan Avants
Elara Noelle Bailey
Logan Dean Baird
Jada E. Banks
Javier Alan Barrera
Logan Paige Bartholet
Maci Renee Bassett
Kassandra Ann Bautista
Joshua Adam Bell
Jessi Alane Belz
Christian Raymon Berry
Logan Alexander Betts
Reagan Amae Blackburn
Melissa Susan Boland
Andrew Richard Bollefer
Alexa Jean Bolton
Allicenne Nicole Bonin
LaNaysha Charmayne Boudreaux
Jennifer Gale Bowman
Naima Arielle Bradshaw
Alexia R. Brite
Solomon Traevion Brooks
Charaye Danielle Brown
Qwen’Darius De’Andre Brown
Katln A. Bruce
Tanner Jakob Bub
Will Lane Burgess
Megan Nicole Byrd
Travis Royce Callaway
Amelia C. Campbell
Karina M. Cantu
Savannah Claire Carr
Kyle Brently Williams
Tony Deon Williams
Trevor Ryan Williams
Tristan Stone Williams
Cole Williford
Mercedes Rudy Yanes
Nolan Ray Carter
Lauryn Grace Cash
Carla Y. Castaneda
Jacqueline Castilleja
David Brenden Castner
David Brenden Castner
Martina Denise Amar Castro
Sheena Danese Cater
Joshua David Chavez
Connor Lochlainn Clancy
Theiny Sothy Collins
Cameron Blake Cooper
Jacob Michael Cottle
Nathan Patrick Cravens
Jonathan Samuel Crow
Ian Alexander Cruthirds
Dalton Reid Daniel
Adam Paul Davis
Denise Alyse Davis
Yasmin Deleon
Denisse Delfin Martinez
Roy Gonzalo Deluna
Ojas T. Desai
Anthea Jo Diaz
Tomas Diosdado Jr.
Sharrell Drawsand
Jonathan Harris Driskell
Caleb Anderson Dupre
Ashley Nicole Durbin
Samuel Esparza
Yulissa Espinal
Lydia Morkor Ettu
Kaosisochukwu Ezeagu
Marian Flores
Wesley Joseph Folse
Tyler Lee Francione
Jada E. Freeland
Justin Andrew Froelke
Gilbert Joseph Fuentes
Ivan Fuentes
Jayla Gaines
April Christine Gamer
Alfonso Garcia
Elysia Alexis Garcia
Oriana A. Gasperi
Seth Joseph George
Alexander William Gessell
Joshua Glenn Ghaddar
Jacob Andres Gomez
Calista Mina Gonzales
Andy Alberto Gonzalez
James C. Graham
Natalie Virginia Grams
Noah Scott Grenier
Megan Lea Griffin
Cade Michael Grych
Tamarkus R. Guinn
Nathan Matthew Gullo
Brooklynn Paige Guthery
Anayansi Rocio Gutierrez
Morgan Olivia Haddock
Kinley Raelyn Hance
Marlon Charles Hardeman
Marlon Charles Hardeman
Barrett Krause Harvey
Amanda S. Hays
Sabrina Sheree Head
Evey Marie Heard
Sara Elizabeth Helguero
Nolan William Hendrix
Emanuel J. Hernandez
Juan Angel Reyes Hernandez
Avyatar Hes
Makenzie Kathryne Hesse
Elyce Nicole Hill
Emily Eve Hoffart
Mason Joseph Hoke
Madalyn Faith Hollingsworth
Machaia J. Holton
Raymond Reed Honshtein
Justin Myles Horton
Andrew W. Houston
Ting-Wei Hsieh
Rebecca Eileen Huerta
Thomas Hilton Ivey III
Gena Paola Izaguirre
Baylea Raye Jackson
Jacob Edward Jackson
Luchas James Johnson Jr.
Chase Stephen Jones
Reba Roxanne Jones
Reba Roxanne Jones
Tristan B. Jones
Alyssa Mychaelah Jordan
Noe Yannick Kabongo
Nicholas Charles Kalef
Joseph Amin Kardanimoghaddam
Jordan Alvin Kearney-Gibbs
Jacob Ryan Keeton
Joseph Brennan Keiser
James Kelley

Sydnee R. Kemp
Paige E. Keys
Avery E. Kieso
Cameron Mitchell Kim
Brandon Christopher Klepac
Brooklyn Nicole Kopecky
Sean William Kovar
Rachael Angelina La Pointe
Jeric David Lambert
Aliya Lene Lane
Tara L. Lauersdorf
Jordan Lawrence
Thanh Nguyen Dan Le
Tu Anh Le
Janeen Ann Leach
Kaitlyn Nicole Legg
Alicia Sade Lerma
Connor James Levandowski
Brittany Faith Levasseur
Brenda Gabriela Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
Jessica Rae Lovell
Austin John Lunsford
Nicole Sandra Makukutu
Julian Alexander Maldonado
Matthew Ellis Malyon
Madeline A. Mann
Avianna Victoria Mars
Katelyn Blanche Ann Martin
Manuel Alejandro Martinez
Nivea E. Martinez
Jaelyn Elizabeth McCully
Zahria Dejane McGill
Elijah Sayeed McWilliams
Grant Hayden Oliver Meili
Joyleen Mercado
Karolina M. Migut
Barrett Lee Miller
Desiree Renee Miller
Syed Shuaib Mohiuddin
Maria Del Carmen Moreno Morales
Janeth Moreno
Sarah Nicole Moreno
Laura Nolasco Torres
Lindsay Ann Norman
Morgan Rose O’Mahoney
Kimberli Ann Oliney
Alfredo Olvera
Erin Rebeca Osborn
Katelyn M. Ostby
Sheila Kelise Page
Joi G. Palmer
Cipriano Jose Pantoja
Chasmin Alexis Marchelle Parker
Deshasian K. Pate
Michael Ray Peeples
Andrew Pelayo
Oscar C. Perez
Leah B. Perry
Amanda Beth Phillips
Sagar Poudel
Candace Faye Prater
Anika Leatrice Qualls
Ryan Thomas Ramey
Ariana Noel Ramirez
Melissa Beatriz Recinos
Mark Anthony Reyes
Lauren Alyssa Reyna
Simone Latrease Rhynes
Connor Dale Rice
Kayla Brooke Richards
Dontrell Lamarc Ringer
Rashel T. Rivera
Dalton Scott Roger
Carlos Alberto Rojas
Timothy Walker Roland
Cassidy Grace Rollins
Viera Permata Rosada
Logan Bryce Rose
Hunter Douglas Rosplock
Anna Lisa Russell
Jana L. Russell
Joseph Landon Rutledge
Victoria Lynn Rydzeski
Vincent Salvatore Saia
Alexander Alvaro Salazar
Carlos A. Salcido
Rebecca Lynn Schulze
Noah Joseph Sentmanat
Lisa Marie Sevilla
Jade Simmone Shalow
Kaitlin Brianna Shea
James Taylor Sheffield
Kento Shirakawa
Kaushal Shrestha
Drew Edwin Simental
Brendan Graham Smith
Cody Smith
Kori Allison Smith
Krystal Renee Smith
Savannah Caroline Smith
Shelby N. Smith
Parris Sneed
Anthony J. Sojka
Gilda Yesenia Solis
Ethan M. Sonnier
Justin Lynn Speights
Teresa Dawn Stout
Andrew Scott Streby
Joshua Dylan Talaber
Brandon Alan Targac
Dominique E. Taylor
Raymond Shu Teng
Jarrett Evan Thompson
Jacob Ryan Thrash
Jaaron Tate Tillmon
Cristal Trejo
Estephanie Anne Trevino
Alexis Cameron Marie Trone
Brittany A. Tutor

Kenajah Renee Upchurch
Iliana Marbeli Valdez
Christian Valle
William Ryan Vega
Ethan Alexander Venker
Viviana Verdes
Tracy L. Vick
John Martin VonDerAu
Jacob Ryan Wakeham
Matthew Bryce Wallace
Syed Ali - Mohammad Waqif
Joel Keith Ward
Evan Andrew Watkins
Daniel Joseph Weatherton
Nathaniel William Welch
Kaley Suzanne Werner
Riley K. Willburn
Zachary Bryan Williams
Madison Claire Willis
Gabriella Hope Windell
Mark Edward Windell
Jordan T. Wofford
Jonathan Nguyen Wolken
Braden Lee Wright
Carla Yacarine
Baylee Christine Young
Sophia Leigh-Anne Zecchinelli
Criminal Justice BA, BS, MS, PhD
Criminal Justice and Criminology MA
Criminal Justice Leadership and Management MS
Forensic Science MS, PhD
Homeland Security Studies BA, BS, MS
Victim Services Management MS
Victim Studies BA, BS
The scale represents the spirit of the Latin proverb, Jus est ars boni et aequi, Justice the art of the good and fair. The oak bough with 16 leaves symbolizes strength, while the olive branch with 20 leaves represents peace. The number of leaves recalls the year, 1620, when the pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact, the first American political document, whose purpose was to preserve order by means of the principle of rule of law.
Benjamin Paul Comer, PhD
“Forest for The Trees: Examining State Macro-Level Correlates and Incidents of School Gun Violence”
Chair: Dr. Eric J. Connolly
Susan Jeanette Hoppe, PhD
“Mistreatment of Older Adults and COVID-19 in the U.S.: A Content Analysis of News Media Prior to and During the Pandemic”
Chair: Dr. Mitchel P. Roth
Andra Danielle Lewis-Krick, PhD
“The Evaluation of the Combined Use of UV-Vis Microspectrophotometry and Plane Polarized
Microscopy for the Forensic Examination and Discrimination of Textile Fibers”
Chair: Dr. Patrick Buzzini
Kaitlyn Marie Pederson, PhD
“Criminal Justice Land and the Involvement of ‘System Misfits’”
Chair: Dr. Eric J. Connolly
Taylor D’Nae Robinson, PhD
“Treat Me Right: Black Women’s Experiences with Intimate Partner Violence Service Organizations”
Chair: Dr. Shelly Clevenger
Liza Deneice Allen
Richard Allen Barajas
Noah Mikhail Bernard
Timothy Rodger Bowman
Hayley Morgan Connelly
Kara Megan Cooper
Erin Jane Dalrymple
Stephanie Nicole Del Bosque
Kiara Maria Dietze
Sheridan Elise Fisher
Cesar Ivan Garza Sanchez
Samantha Lynn Gathright
Pilar Alexandra Glaser
Gabriella Granados
Jose Jesus Grijalva
Ashley Kaye Heaton
Meghann Elysse Hebert
Leah Louise Helfrich
Kylie Libbie Abercia
Cecilia Svetlana Adair
Briley Nicole Adcock
Nathan James Adesso
Brisa Aguilar
Gabriella M. Aguilar
Lorena A. Aguilar
Carolina Aguirre
Noel Adan Albiter
Nawal Carla Aldandashi
Jonmorgan J. Allen
Seanmikhals T. Allen
Kaitlin Marie Alston-Schintgen
Ayesha Alvarado
Tiara Nicole Alvarado
Jacqueline Yamileh Amador
Jadzya J. Amador
Jasmine Rose Amara
Boris V. Anderson
Maggi Lizette Andres Miguel
Amanda Jane Anway
Devin Olu Apejua
Ruby Arellano
Destiny Ann Arispe
Daniel Raymond Armenta
Dylan Carl Bagheri
David Balcazar
Jalen Joseph Tyrone Barlow
Lauren Abigail Barnfield
Celeste Andrea Barrera
Catherine Smirna Barreto
Carmela Stephanie Barrientos
Jackson Alexander Hill
Gabrielle Ana Holloman
Zachary Nathaniel Huether
Ashley Lynn Hummel
Allan Jacob
Melanie Dawn Jones
Cassidy Marina Joyal
Akiura Sun Kelly
Makenzie Alexis Kuehn
Eric Macias
Joseph Francis Mahoney
Angelica Chloe Maples
Sarah Danielle Martin
Ciara Ceshae Montgomery
Richard Alonzo Moore
Rana A. Nassar
Stephen Andrew Noorlag
Amanda Olveda
Jemis Veljibhai Patel
Charles Robert Perkins
Alexis Anne Pollard
Diana X. Rocha
Elyssa Simpson
Carley Mariah Soules
Kerri G. Steen
Kyle Ross Stewart
Stephen Christopher Stroman
Joana Vaca
Amparo Nicole Vasquez
Lindsay Nicole Waychoff
Ashley Nicole Weaver
Sara Michele Willer
Robert Wesley Wood
Alyssa Makay Woodley
Elizabeth M. Barrientos
Daniela Alejandra Barrio
Isabel Martina Behm
Koryon Kareem Beltran
Sabrina Frances Benavidez
Eduardo Benitez
Lonesia Latay Bennett
Airiel I. Blackie
Skyler Ann Blanco
Matthew David Boardman
Cassandra Yamile Bocanegra
Katelyn Genese Nikkole Bolton
Casey Marie Bonner
Jayelynn Marie Bordeaux
Hunter J. Brackett
Hanna Rose Bredemeyer
Paul Thomas Briden
Sarah C. Broadbent
Kaitlyn Annette Brown
Myra Nicole Brown
Rebecca Anne Broyles
Bethany Grace Bruton
Britney Jo Brzowski
Madison Renae Burke
Jace William Burns
Amber Daniela Camacho
Gissell Campos Guzman
Silvia Guadalupe Campos Roman
Victoria A. Cantu
Haley Faith Carlin
Cullen Clint Carpenter
Mackenzie J. Carpio
Caleb Dane Carr
Alexis A. Carrillo
Ashlyn Lee Carroll
Collin T. Casady
Joseph Ernest Casarez
David Castillo
Dinorah Castillo
Izabella Elise Castillo
Cade Paul-Robert Castle
Karla Susana Castro
Damiane D. Cauley
Erick Fabian Ceballos
Jessica Anne Ceballos
Hector Mario Cepeda Jr.
Diana Chavira
Cason Montgomery Cheney
Joel Tyler Christie
Zakary Toshiya Clark
Hunter Earl Clayborne
Carla Erin Coaliron
Clayton Lane Cobb
Lacin Coetzee
Courtney Nicole Colca
Ashley Taylor Coleman
Carolyn Renee Collier
Paulina Conchas
Desilyn Denae Cordova
Lindsey Makena Correa
Esma Yuritzy Costilla
Bre’Anna Kalis Crawford
Jalisha L. Crawford
Matthew Beane Cullins
Cindy Elodia Curbow
Camille P. Dang-Fouty
Jacelin Quiana Daniel
Meri Alysse Daniels
Benjamin Reid Danielsen
Tyler R. Davault

Raegan P. Davis
Morgan Javohn Dawson
Samantha Pauline Day
Joshua Kaleb De La Garza
Ayriela Serena DeLong
Dominique Delarosa
Benjamin Christian Dene
Robert Zachary Derrick
Tatyana Leona Desouza
Alexander Dieck
Autumn Downs
Carmen E. Duran
Takeya Brittany Eady
Misty Dawn Edwards
Nathan Daniel Embrey
John Tyler Ensign
Gabriela Maire Escalante
Erika Esperanza
Erick Arturo Espin
Blakeley Elizabeth Estes
Angelica Elizabeth Estrada Mayorga
Gabriella Renee Eyeington
Madison Marie Faber
Joaquin O. Fernandez
Kenia Alejandra Fernandez
Bethany Ray Fischer
Mattison Clarise Fisk
Phillip Gerard Flaniken
Paige Hershman Flint
Hillary G. Flores
Juan Eduardo Fonseca
Alyssa Cyan Marie Fornales
Asaiah Tashon Franklin
Britney Louise Fritz
Melissa D. Galarza
Diana J. Galeas
Monica Mirella Gaona
Aridnny Camila Garcia
David Gerzain Garcia
Youlissa C. Garcia
J Dixon Garner
Kaitlyn Renee Garner
Ava G. Garrett
Luis A. Garrido
Taryn Lanell Garrison
Noevely Marcela Garza
Sindy Viridiana Gaspar Mendoza
Alison Janelle Gaudet
Alurena Jonna General
Celesse D’Nae Goeyns
Jacqueline Gomez
Joseph Michael Gonzales
Gizel Gonzalez Ulloa
Estefani Gonzalez
Hector Gabriel Gonzalez
Isaac Anthony Gonzalez
Laura Ruby Gonzalez
Teresa Louise Gonzalez
Lindsey Michelle Graham
Faith N. Grant
Gage Michael Grant
Giuliana Maria Greco-Casas
Chandler Jude Green
Hannah Nicole Green
William Green
Maria Clementina Greenhaw
Robert Manuel Greenwald
Stephanie Marie Groves
Isadora U. Guadarrama
Cristina Alecia Guajardo
Crystal Guerrero Ramirez
Brooklynn Paige Guthery
Ashley Gutierrez
Bianca Isabel Gutierrez
Lysa Cervera Hamaker
Jacob A. Harder
Katie Marie Harmon
Megan Leigh Harp
Amanda Elizabeth Harrell
Jamarion Ladarius Damar Hart
Braden Sohn Haskett
William R. Hathaway
Savanna Raye Haverstock
Preslie Rae Hearne
Alex Hernandez
Daniela Hernandez
Daniela Nicole Hernandez
Diana Hernandez
Eric Tristen Hernandez
Jessica Marie Hernandez
Vanessa Izeht Hernandez
Kassandra Alexis Herrada
Lauren Catherine Herren
Audrey Grace Hightower
Brianna Elaine Hill
Marla Mariann Hill
Amber Nicole Hogan
Aleigha Blake Holmes
Kendyll Sha’Rae Horne
Shelby Renee Horne
Ishran Huda
Gavin Jackson Hume
Omar Mohammad Jaber
William Scott Jaeger
Mason C. James
Tabitha J. James
Lauren Annette Nicole Jellison

Miles Jevon Jenkins
Jamie Johnson
Robert William Johnson
Emily Jones
Skylar Alexsys Jones
Tiesha Danae Jones
Alejandro Juarez
Brett Allen Karcher-Bowen
Kaitlyn Colleen Kelly
Beverly Lynne Kennedy
Grayce L. King
Katherine Reda Kirkpatrick
Devin L. Kirksey
Christine Nicole Kleiser
Haley Cherise Kopecki
Jorja Katherine Kreidler
Jonathan T. Lane
Makayla D. Lane
Spencer Lantz
Reagan Kelly Lasell
Meghann Chelsea Laux
Sang H. Le
Risa A. Leal
Macy Hope Leamon
Stephanie Marie Lee
Danielle Faye Lentsch
Alexis D. Leon
Yosselin Leon
Peter Francisco Lesikar
Kensly Dae Ley
Garrett David Lockamy
Britney Nicole Loerwald
Andrea Loflin
Jennifer Annahi Lopez
Marc Anthony Lopez
Lorena Lozano
Jasmine Marie Lugo
Karina Macias
Crystal Denise Marsh
Jacob Noel Martinez
Jazmine Jelena Martinez
Marisol Martinez
Malik Aman Mason
Dean Stewart McCarty
Aryiah Lee’Shae McDaniel
Kaybre D. McFadden
Kelsey Elizabeth McGinn
Shaylie D. McIntire
Emily Grace McKnight
Norma J. Mejia
Elisa Maria Melara
Ana Beatriz Mendez
Caleb Joseph Mendez
Caleb Joseph Mendez
Angelina M. Mendoza
Juliana Mendoza
Hayden Thomas Middleton
Jamie Lynn Miller
Deonshae Armoni Milliner
Lacedra Minor
Megan Isabel Mireles
Andrew Mojica
Julian David Monroig
Emily Claire Montalvo
Jimmy Lee Monteaux
Cayley M. Montes
Brejhai’ Evette Montgomery
Jae’La Manae Moody
Alexis Carolyn Moore
Leslie Morales
Sebastian Noel Morales
Austin David Moravetz
Kelli Mueller
Ashley J. Muldrew
Taylor Charlize Myers
Danielle Alexia Najera
Sofia Isabel Nava
Marlee Nicole Neill
Dylon Matthew Neisner
Jason Michael Newman
Destin Danh-Hoang Nguyen
Thanh Chau Nguyen
Kali M. Nielsen
Raelanah Lexus Nieves
Reece Michael Novicke
Jocelyn Nunez
Ricki Lorene Nunez
Jacob Ethan Nye
Evelyn Ocanas
Israel Jessica Nkiruka Ogu
Izaias Daniel Oviedo
Ramon Andres Patino
D’Angelo Jay Patterson
Cameron Thomas Pavloski
Jurnee Nevaeh Peikert
Lisa Yamelly Pena
Chloe Ilan Penny
Alejandra Noemy Perez
Leslie Jasmin Perez
Melissa Perez-Ramirez
Austin Patrick Peterson
Zariah Denise Pettus
Matthew Alexander Pilgrim
Ryan A. Pingilley
Alexis Dawn Pinon
Madison D. Plotner
Kelsa Gabriella Pompello
Hayden Steele Poole
Hunter J. Poole
Daizha Nyzhae Dominique Pope
Acire Lanay Potter
Paul D. Pyle
Caleb Salomon Ramirez
Julissa Nicole Ramos
Naila Jazmin Ramos
Kerstyn Avery Ramsey
Kyle Patrick Ray
Adan Rebollar
Shaynea L. Redmond
Destinee Mae Reinauer
Molly A. Reinhardt
Alexis Taylor Reyes
Rodolfo Reyna
Nadia Vianey Richter
Michael Lane Riley
Anthony Rene Rincon
Kaleb Joshua Rios
Cody Dean Risner
Bryanna Jade Rivas
Alejandra Crystal Rivera Alvarado
Alexandra Nicole Rivera
Emily Mary Roberts
James C. Robertson
Rudy William Rochat
David A. Rodriguez
Joshua Rodriguez
Katarina Rodriguez
Nicholas Isaiah Rodriguez
Rosario Rodriguez
Cydnee T. Rodriquez
Isabela Carissa Rodriquez
Alfredo Rojas
Cody Gomez Roman
Madison Nichole Rosalez
Crystal Elizabeth Rubio
David Ruiz
Fredrick Nicolas Salazar
Mario Alberto Salinas Rodriguez
Emily G. Santiago
Elizabeth Monserrat Sarinana
Andrea Nicolle Sarmiento
Meghan E. Savage
Mackenzie Brooke Sears
Jakobson Shane Sewall
Rostam Ross Shadparvar
Aaron Ronald Sheets
Esther Shonde
Joseph Dylan Shrawder
Jacob Joseph Siebanoller
Mya A. Skoda
Reese Caroline Sloan Ryan Jeffrey Sly
Brentley C. Smith
Christina Marie Smith
Leon Soares Queiroz
Olushola Oluremi Sokoya
Samantha D. Soledad
Ismarel Solis
Guillermo Solorzano Jr.
Alexandra N. Spears
Mason James Spengler
Nathan Standfield
Matthew R. Steck
Kobe D. Sterling
Savannah Josephine Stewart
Deena Eman Stone
Mia Nicole Strong
William Austin Sumner
Brandelyn Kaede Swindell
Madison Anne Szeszko
Sergio Tamez Jr.
Sharunda Nicole Tarver
Laura A. Teodoro
Jacob Ryan Thomas
Julie Marie Thomas
Lura Christine Alice Barbara Thomas
Lauren Kelly Thompson
Alexander Noe Torres
Milagros Annaid Torres
Ruth Raquel Torres
Yatta F. Towouh
Heather D. Trattles
Jared David Trevino
Ruby Elizabeth Trevino
Lucas James Trojan
Jada Ann Mesa Tucker
Kelly Ann Tumey
Mitchell Dee Turner
Macie Alyse Upchurch
Galilea Uriegas
Ashlynn Kalleen Valenzuela
Isabel Marie Vazquez
Nancy Velasquez
Alan Velez
Wyatt Alvarez Villanti
Heather Viola Wallace
Clayton Odell Walters
Grace Elizabeth Wardwell
Cecilia Anne Weatherford
Megan Leigh Weber
Dylan Cooper Wendt
Anna Christine Wentzlaff
Alana Deja West
Austin M. West
Alexandria Marguerite White
Tony Martez White
Jaylen Williams
Kayla D. Williams
Kendreal Wayne Williams II
Mckenzie M. Williams
Mckenzie Paige Williams
Samantha Jean Williams
Darion Ann Williamson
Andrew Theodore Winston IV IV
Rusty Wisenbaker
Zachary James Woerpel
Reid Benjamin Wolanin
Harrison Parker Wolny
Joseph William Wood
Norman Takuya Wooldridge
Vivian Yboa Andrade
Hillary Allison Zach
Jessica Anne Zahnley
Jade Taylor Zambrano
Jacqueline Zamora
Ashley Michelle Zientek
Michael Nahuel Zingale
Regan M. Zivney
Mason Heath Zunker
Comparative and Global Education MEd
Counseling MA
Counselor Education PhD
Curriculum and Instruction MEd
Developmental Education
Administration EdD
Education BA, BS
Educational Leadership EdD
Higher Education
Administration MA
Higher Education Leadership EdD
Instructional Leadership MA, MEd
Instructional Systems Design and Technology MEd, EdD
Library Science MLS
Literacy EdD
Reading/Language Arts MEd
School Counseling MEd
School Leadership MEd
Special Education MA, MEd
Teaching and Learning MEd
The open book and the lamp of knowledge represent the departments, which embody the value of literacy and education.
Mary Alpaugh, EdD
“A Study of Community College District Corequisite Writing Course Models in the Southwest”
Chair: Dr. Patrick Saxon
Victoria Lashel Brinkman, EdD
“Experiences of Underrepresented Teachers on Campuses with Diverse Student Populations”
Chair: Dr. Julie Combs
Laura Michelle Cardiel, EdD
“Examining the Potential Influence of Membership in a Latin-Based Greek-Lettered Organization on Latine College Students’ Sense of Familismo at a 4-Year, Public Hispanic-Serving Institution in the Southwest”
Chairs: Dr. Ricardo Montelongo
Jamila Cherise Clayton, EdD
“African American Women and The College Presidency: Leadership Pedagogy Through a Social Justice Lens”
Chair: Dr. Paul Eaton
Daniel Christopher Craft, EdD
“Differences in Algebra I End-of-Course Exam
Performance of Texas High School Hispanic Students by Gender and At-Risk Status: A Multiyear Statewide Investigation”
Chair: Dr. John Slate
Leyla Fandey, EdD
“Adult Learners’ Experiences and Perceptions of Barriers in Online Community College Courses”
Chair: Dr. Peggy Holzweiss
Laurel K. Fauster, PhD
“Adverse Childhood Events and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomology in Criminal Justice Students Prior to Active Service as Police Officers”
Chair: Dr. Susan Troncoso Skidmore & Dr. Chi-Sing Li
Christopher D. Fisher, EdD
“The Relationship Between Teacher Performance Assessments and Year-one Novice Teacher Instructional Proficiency: An Exploratory Study”
Chairs: Dr. Chase Young
Erin Nicole Gordon, EdD
“Self-Regulation and Motivation in the Context of Academic Probation: A Phenomenological Study”
Chair: Dr. Nara Martirosyan
Christina Marie Hammons, EdD
“Response to Intervention for Educators: Faith-Based Mindfulness Literacy Practices Perceived Influence on Teacher Self-Efficacy”
Chair: Dr. Lory Hass
Holly Marie Tetreault Moore, EdD
“Perceptions of Novice Elementary School Teachers on Their Preparedness for Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms”
Chair: Dr. Julie Combs & Dr. William Blackwell
Jasandra Lourdes Oeffinger, PhD
“Exploring Self-Compassion Among Adults with Childhood Trauma and Perfectionism”
Chairs: Dr. Yvonne Garza-Chaves
Dionicia Angelica Rivera, EdD
“Online Learning Experiences of Latino Public Middle School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Chair: Dr. Ricardo Montelongo
Luvia Elena Rivera Valles, EdD
“Latino Males Sense of Belonging Experiences in a Community College Developmental Mathematics Classroom.”
Chair: Dr. Nara Martirosyan
Cortney Marie Alfaro
Damaris Algarin
Jessica Renae Altman
Danika Lee Anaya
Anthony Marquise Anderson
Matthew Lee Anderson
Sarah Marie Ardoin
Taylor Michelle Arnett
Charly Adell Baker
Elizabeth Ball
Shelby Nicole Barrow
Sydney Jean Berenzweig
Angela Rae Bernal
Enrique Alejandro Bernal
Jammie Lee Bertrand
Sarah Ellen Blettner
Shawna G. Taylor, EdD
“English Language Learners Who Beat the Odds: A Study of Factors Related to Academically Successful High School Students Classified as ELLs.”
Chair: Dr. Debra Price
Jamie Lane Thompson, EdD
“Video as a Tool to Support Teacher Performance Evaluation Process: Impact on First-Year Teacher Effectiveness”
Chair: Dr. Kimberly LaPrairie & Dr. Victoria Hollas
Laura Christine Walters, EdD
“The Relationship Between Multiplication Fact Automaticity, Mature Number Sense, Mathematics
Anxiety, and Mathematics Success: A Community College Study.”
Chair: Dr. Linda Zientek
Candi L. Ward, EdD
“Increasing Student Success Through Academic Vocabulary Strategies in 5th Grade Science”
Chair: Dr. Benita Brooks & Dr. Lory Haas
Danielle N. White, PhD
“The Quality of Life of Counselors Working with End-ofLife Clients”
Chair: Dr. Chi-Sing Li
Natasha Barber Young , PhD
“Factors Which Influence Emotional Development in Black Adolescents when Their Fathers Die”
Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Sullivan & Dr. Susan Henderson
Nicole Marie Bogusch
Jeanette Marie Bourbeau
Misty Lynn Bowers
Ellie Sophia Bragg
Destinie Breanna Brunson
Ashley Lauren Burks
Destiny Dabrena Burton
Ann A. Caldeiro
Stacey Diane Callaway
Ginger Jeanine Canaan
Shaqwala Antwanita Caston
Sarah Nicole Cehand
Matthew L. Chebret
Jessica Chew
Katrina Marie Comp
Kaylee Conley
Stacey Ann Cortez
Andrew John Coyne
Timothy Daniel Dahlhausen
Tyler D. Davidson
Toi Davis
Rachel Lee DeLoach
Kelsey Louise Di Stefano
Miranda Grace Duncan
Lauren Elizabeth Durbin
Isabella Maria Edmonds
Nicholas Francis Eppinette-Smith
Kayla Michelle Ferguson
Perla Vanessa Flores-Villegas
Makayla Foster
Isabelle Claire Annette Frakey
Elizabeth Noele Franke
Sierra Parker Freeze
Kendal Lynn Gable
Sherry Garner
John Eric Garza
Meagan Qua Garza
Angela Lee Gibbs
Allison Paige Gilbert
Garret James Glass
Adriana Gonzalez Garcia
Haidet Gonzalez
Dee Anna Gray
Lindsay Louise Green
Maegan B. Green
Olivia Gabriela Guerra
Flor Nury Guerrero
Hilda Del Carmen Guerrero
Trinh Nguyen Phuong Ha
Alexis Cherise Harrison
Adriana Natasha Harts
Pamela Faye Hartt
Shelly Radean Heinle
Latasha Henry
Jacob Connor Hiles
Scott Hill
Katherine Renee Holliday
Autumn E. Jackson
Berkeley Lynne Jackson
Cameryn Nicole Jackson
Lisa Michelle Janak
James Peter Jauregui
Angelynn Elizabeth Johnson
Fallon Parnell Jones
Ashley Nicole Abbott
Macie A. Abegglen
Dana Jessica Adams
Jacklyn Jenae Adams
Claire J. Amyx
Bobbie JoNell Anderson
Evan J. Asala
Sylvia Veronica Baeza
Laderrington Devon Baldwin
Jamie Sutherland Beaton
Taryn Brianna Nicole Beijers
Anastasia Raschelle Blalock
Hayley Eileen Boylan
Lindsey Blair Brackin
Karlynn Michelle Braddick
Owen Riley Brock
Katelyn Renee Brooke
Star Sapphire Brown
Stevens Thomson Mason Kahn
Laura Karl
Ashley Sharp Klasing
Kimberly Lynn Kreamer
Cheyenne Marie Kuntz
Ashley Ann Laake
Leonila Lazo
Jessy Elaine Lee
Brisa Kericma Martinez
Mayra Isabel Martinez
Laura Elizabeth Matte
Chelsie Newman McClure
Meredith Anne McCune
Taylor Elaine McDoniel
Allison Taylor McGhee
Lacie K. McKee
Sara Michelle McKinley
Kristen Elise McLemore
Marcus Anthony Medellin
Sumaila Mansoorali Momin
Pamela Moncayo-Morales
Katie Elizabeth Barton Monigold
Margaret Elizabeth Montgomery
Wendy G. Montoya
Dena Ione Morgan
Cacey Michelle Moulis
Sujey C. Myers
Tristan Anthony Myrick
Michael Thomas Ott
Thu Hong Thi Pham
Kristi Goodyear Powitzky
Damini Bharat Prajapati
Esperanza G. Price
Ashley Renee Ramirez
Jennifer Emily Reyes
Viridiana Imme Reyes
Mary Elizabeth Rhoden
Sandi Ricci
Jennifer Schomer Richardson
Sabrina M. Richardson
Alexa Daniela Rodriguez
Elvia L. Rodriguez
Brittney Elaine Roman
Jacqueline Sanchez
Eric Santamaria
Melissa Silva
Ryan Alyssa Snider
Iuliia Soloveva
Ashley Louise Stakes
Rachael A. Stemple
Heide R. Swatzel
Allyson Sweeney
Mollie Elisabeth Taylor
Jailene Gabrielle Tiznado
Mayra Enid Van Donsel
Maria Antonia Vera
Robin Lynn Vitek
Wendy Mauer Voyles
Jade Marie White
Wyndell Reyshon Williams
Joshua Alan Wilson
Kelley Christine Wolf
Carley Michelle Worley
Fatma Betul Yilmaz
Alyssa Marie Studdard Browning
Christina Marie Bumpus
Davarick Dequay Byrd
James Daryl Taer Campos
Caroline Brooke Carlton
Lisette Leilanie Carmona
Rilee Mikael Carter
Ashley Elizabeth Closson
Christine Michelle Collins
Sarah Alexis Copeland
Evette Cordova
Mayeli Cuenca
Hannah Grace Dietrich
Robin Kay Diserens
Hannah Lynn Dowling
Emily Rae Dunn
Jerilyn Nicole Dunn
Ingris Lizeth Duran
Kyle Robert Earnest
Caitlin Corinne Fell
Francesca L. Fergason
Courtney Jean Fink
Nadia Iriz Fonseca
Raya Nicole Fortenberry
Terri D. Frazier
Genesis Fritsche-Sens
Sarah Elizabeth Gammon
Ashlyn Nichole Garcia
Perla Vanessa Garcia
Makayla A. Gilliam
Hailey Renee Gomez
Kelly Jean Gonzalez
Mackenzie Lyn Haas
Jack David Hadland
Lacey Mae Hall
Mckenna N. Hammonds
Christina Renee Hart
Grant Andrew Hetherington
Ava Faith Higginbotham
Deyanira Hinojosa
Marissa Watson Hiser
Talisa Nicole Hitt
Ashley Nicole Hollway
Elissa Kay Hopper
Stephanie Ibarra
Drew Mckenna Imai
Dylan James Jircik
Hayley Quinn Johnson
Meredith Lynn Johnson
Sydney Leann Johnson
Kaitlyn Grace Joyner
Gabrielle L. Juarez-Carr
Katelynn Renae Karns
Brittany Marie Kmiec
Marie Danielle Kubeczka
Danielle Leela Laird
Anthony R. Langston
Hailey Elizabeth Lardi
James Gregory Lea
Brett Allen Leblanc
Katy R. Letney
Sarah Lynn Lightfoot
Karla Paola Linares
Britton Leigh Lipinsky
Olivia Christine Long
Sarah Renee Lopez
Madison Marie Loudin
Kenedi Taylor Lunkin
Sophia Marie Manix
Sarah Anne Martin
Lauren Grace Martinez
Julia Elena Mattingly
Rachelle Rianna McCoy
Anna M. McGee
Ally Rae McKinney
Kindall L. McMahan
Carla Maria Meza
Kendria Dimetria La’Shawn Micheaux
Teagan J. Mies
Lea Renae Moore
Cristal Veronica Navarrete
Bre’Anna Gabrielle O’Neil
Kortney Anne Osburn
Melissa Renee Owens
April Marie Palmer
Rebecca Lynn Peach
Brisa Lucia Perez
Lizeth Perez
Hannah G. Pharis
Alexis Danielle Pongrass
Jordan Matlee Potter
Jessica Mechell Preuss
Amber Price
Natalie Helene Pruett
Taylor Meagan Purdy
Jazmin Rangel
Amber Alyse Richey
Melissa Rivera Martinez
Whitney Alayna Roberson
Madison Brea Rogers
Elsi Marina Romero
Hannah Faith Ross
Skyler Elizabeth Ross
Kiana Nicole Rudd
Arreal Brooke Sallie
Blanca Elizabeth Sanchez
Sandy Sanchez
Sydney Rae Schultz
Stephanie Michelle Sebastian
Jordan Alexandra Sekula
Aidan C. Sheffield
Mackenzie Danielle Shelton
Christian M. Soto
Kylee B. Spradling
Virginia Carolyn Stevens
Brittney Lynne Stuart
Ireri Mariana Tamayo
Faith Eleanor Tauriainen
Amber Nicole Thompson
Timmy Souchay Thongdynalay
Paloma Gisele Tierranegra
Michael Grant Tucker

Megan Jennifer Turner
Jessica Marie Ulicnik
Shelby Lynn Vandeflier
Kelsey Renee Villasenor
Sarah Kathleen Walker
Madison Faye West
Brittanie M. Weston
Morgan E. White
Amber Paige Williams
Andrea Jannelle Williams
Hannah Marie Williams
Jasmine Denise Williams
Shelby Joy Williams
Ashley Dawn Wilson
Ashley Marie Wilson
Brooklynn Jade Wilson
Nicole Elizabeth Wolff
Lauryn Diane Woychesin
Athletic Training BS, MSAT
Bilingual Health Care Studies BA
Dietetics MS
Family and Consumer Science BA, BS, MS
Fashion Merchandising BA, BS
Food Science and Nutrition BS
Food Service Management BA, BS
Health BS
Health Care Administration BS
Health Care Quality and Safety MS
Health Sciences BS
Human Performance and Wellness Management BS
Interior Design BA, BS
Kinesiology BA, BS, MS
Nursing BSN
Nursing Practice, MSN
Public Health BS, MPH
Sport Management MS
The simple shape represents a water droplet or the flicker of a flame. When duplicated, the droplet becomes a lotus flower bud symbolizing long life and purity, while growth is demonstrated by the progression from small to large. The final mark demonstrates the connection of organic and inorganic, moving beyond natural, suggesting science, digital and data. These are all direct representations of our mission.
Keyonna Nicole Anderson
Parker Bunn
Amy Cabrera
Seth Adam Castillo
Rebecca Jonelle Jamar
Kathryn Lynn Adams
Olubunmi Lydia Adesuyi
Shanna Beth Adkins
David Aguilar Garcia
Rachel Renee Alfredson
Eyanna Deshai Allen
Kimberly Christine Amady-Syd
Justin Chidera Aneke
Jessica Marie Armstrong
Laila Ibrahim Awawdeh
Oluwatomi Olamide Ayeni
Jessica Selena Baca
Vanessa Montserrat Baldobino
Kiren Bangash
Kelsi Renea Lambright
Payton Samantha Lark
Constandena Nicolaou
Nocona Anne Park
Yanni Joseph Theodosiou
Andrew R. Thornton
Sai Prathyusha Vytla
Iva Yesmin
Jordan A. Barajas
Jo Denise Bear
Maria Laura Benitez Uriostegui
Jason Benitez
Sage Alexandra Benson
Carmela Bianco
Kalynn M. Bickford
Destynie Jarvana Blair-Ligons
Colby Joseph Bonds
Mollie Marie Booth
Nazirah Adeline Branson
Daniel Aaron Bresko
Tayriel Shaniya Brooks
Chyxia Marchell Broussard
Noah R. Browder
Logan Scott Brown
Shauntevia Monet Brown
Madelyn Renee Bryer
Kysan Braleigh Buckner
Nia Antique Bussey
Lauren Mikel Byford
Jareya A. Bynum
Ashley Lauren Byrd
Amy Cabrera
Taylor D. Caldwell
Jamilet Campos
Nadia Aleena Campos
Malinda Love Caperton
Diana M. Carrillo
Rubielyn Jamia Carter
Cinthia Maria Castaneda Otero
Seth Adam Castillo
Maggie Marie Cauffman
Guadalupe Abigail Cerda
Josie Tatiana Chavez
Jadah Yazmene Cheatham
Isbah Choudhury
Austin Lawrence Clark
J’Ashney Joyvette Nicole Cleveland
Nicole R. Coronado
Anij N. Correa-Alverio
Porfirio Covarrubias
Rayven Emaline Criswell
Amanda Marie Crowder
D’Aira L. Crowe
Kelly Stewart Crowson
Carlos Cruz
Elana Rose Cunningham
Rose Darline Daniel
Macy Lyn Davidson
Alyson Faye Davis
Emily Lauren Davis
Lisandra De Leon
Kayce Codell Ililani DeMello
Katherine Elizabeth Dharbal
Elizabeth Ann Dial
Karina Diaz
Kylann LaLon Dillard-Wentz
Johnisha Adoris Lannette Dorsey
Savanna R. Dowdy
Rachel Glynne Downey
Regan Caroline Dunn
Benson Uhunamure Edokpayi
Rajeen Edwards
Harley G. Ekrut
Adam Christian Eubanks
Jacquelyn Renee Evans
Jaylen M. Evans
Jennifer Nicole Falcon
Adesola Ajoke Samiat Fashola
Brian Roy Fisher
Cindy Flores
Maria Ester Fonseca Rodriguez
Eryanah B. Ford
Maegan Danielle Forney
Austin B. Fowler
Stacia Ja’Nae Foy
Kaylee C. Fredella
Andie Nichole Gabehart
Brianna E. Gamboa
Rodrigo A. Garcia Valdivia
Amber Illyana Garcia
Juan Jose Garcia
Lindsie Nicole Garlock
Jalah K. Garner
Natalia Garza
Abigail Gaspar
Rollin Gijon-Diaz
Alec Vashon Gilbert
Kaitlyn Marie Ginn
Jessica Gomez
Eric Gonzalez
Stephanie Nikole Gonzalez
Tamia Janay Gordon
Simone Trinity Graves
Kailyn E. Gray
Arianna Gabrielle Green
Megan Marie Green
Herbert Edgardo Guevara
Alveliz Guzman-Bonilla
Caitlyn Renee Halford
Ashley Lauren Hall
Makaylah Marie Halstead
Sueji Han
Karsyn Lyn Harris
Skyler Elaine Hartman
Misha Hassan
Alera N. Hazlewood
Veronica Henderson
Jennifer Catherine Herbst
Jennifer Shantal Hernandez
Emmanuel Herrera
Adam A. Holloway
Sarah Lillian Holverson
Kennedy Ann Hope
Melissa Leann Horn
Karneisha L. House
Delaney D. Huda
Catelyn Rae Huffman
Samuel Lloyd Hyatt
Sophievy Kelly In
Breanna Rae Ingle
Arriana Diann Islas
Tyler Ann Jackson
Brianna Nicole Jayne
Hadley Nicole Jeffers
Sydni J. Jensen
Christopher Anthony Johnson
Hannah Brooke Johnson
Alycia Dychelle Jolivette
Brooke Anne Jones
Destiny Shay Jones
Jasmine Raquel Jones
Klarissa A. Jones
Juan Julius Jordan
Madilaine Mahealani Katz
Jason Christopher Kilian
Olivia Grace Kirby
Leili M. Krinitskaia
Brooke L. Lacox
Sydney Dawn Lagg
Keila Graciela Larios
Hannah Brooke Latham
Rebecca Denise Lausch
Sadie Elizabeth LeBleu
Reaganne A. Leal
Jace Collin Leamon
Karly Paige Leamon
Carla Carolina Leon
Li Lin
Carlos Alberto Lucio
Nathan T. Maduta
Brooke Victoria Magner
Jordan Alexis Malcolm
Italia B. Maldonado Torres
Abigail M. Mann
Asha Aida Mark
Miguel Angel Martinez Luna
Holly Martinez
Aaron Mata
ReAnna Marie Mathis
Tamia Trenise Matthews
Cole Patrick McCue
Sophia Maureen McCure
Bethany Nicole McFarland
Chelsea Lynn McNorton
Taylor Renee McCreary
Paulina Nicole Medina
Allison L. Melvin
Dora Mercado-Lopez
Dayana Bridget Meyzen Marin
Kevin Jerrod Morrison
Kaitlyn Michele Morton
Natalie Hannah Murphy
Peter Njorige Muturi
Jennifer Anne Nakayama
Rachel Morgan Nerren
Faith Margaret Neuberger
Gabriela Lizette Nieto
Brittany Marie Norman
Nicole C. Oathout
Jaclynn Brooke Obanion
Courtney Deshawn Odom
Nicole Ifeanyichukwu Okoronkwo
Rylan Mitchell Olguin-May
Myranda Renee Oliva
Diana Olivares
Daisy Kristina Olmos
Sarahi Ortez
Linsey Nicole Osbourn
Korri Elizabeth Owens
Emily Dawn Parker
Caitlyn Lauren Paschal
Kiana Tess Peek
Michael Kaine Perkins
Carlie Mae Perry
Grace Ann Pivonka
Nelly Sthefany Posada Martinez
Latreyvia N. Prelow
Emma R. Price
Tim Mateo Pritzkau
Alexis G. Provenzano
Keely Gabrielle Pryor
James Dean Purdy
Jessica Quoyeser
Arnela Rakovac
Julissa Reyes
Marissa Alyce Reyes
Tanner Ray Rhodes
Hannah B. Richardson
Jernessa I. Richardson
Jessica Nicole Riddle
Shelby Noelle Ridley
Shayla Myana Rocker
Britany Jade Rodriguez
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Isabella Ann Kuechler Rodriguez
Jackeline Mariel Rodriguez
Damian Alejandro Rojo

Rubisela Rojo
Annalisa Mya Romero
Iri Asusena Romero
Jacob Thomas Russell
Kacie Lea Safford
Hilary Brooke Saha
Vivian Dam Sahrman
Emily Sanchez
Jose Luis Sanchez
Melissa Sanchez
Alyssa Jordyn Santoy
Jessica L. Schmitt
Makenna Nicole Schroeder
Allison Rena Schultz
Krista Lynn Scott
Dylanlea Elysabeth Shaftner
Kinsey Gayle Shanks
Noor Nadeem Sheikh
Elexus Keaira Shelvin
Mini Shrestha
Lane Walker Simmons
Carolina Faye Simons
Alexandra Jolie Smith
Dawn E. Smith
Jenna Elizabeth Smith
Jordyn N. Smith
Madison Noelle Smith
Tiara L. Steele
Emily Lois Stoker
Laura Ann Tatum
Emily P. Telg
Aaliyah Shondrelle Thomas
Journey D. Thomas
Ngan N. To
Priscilla Marie Trevino
Victoria Grace Turpin
Nicole Alexia Urriburu
Amanda Nicole Vaughan
Giselle M. Velazco
Andrea Villaneda
Naomi Judy Evangelista Villanueva
Samantha Rose Villarreal
Jessica Villegas
Ngan Thi Hoang Vo
Jadyn Alexandria Walden
Daniel Willis Walker
Faith Erica Wall
Kelsie Blair Watson
Rikesha Nicole Watson
Ivana Irene Mazzella Wedel
Jamil Shawn Whalen
Ashlynn N. White
Kailyn Paige White
Karlyn Lynette Wilder
Autumn Rose Williams
Madelynn Rose Williams
Alexis Kayte Wilson
Weston Kyle Wolfe
Kirsten Dlayne Wright
Mercedes A. Young
Jordan Anette Zamora
Samarah G. Zamora
Clinical Psychology MA, PhD
Studies BA, BS, MA
Creative Writing, Publishing, and Editing MFA
English BA, MA
French BA
History BA, BS, MA
Integrated Studies BS
Philosophy BA
Political Science BA, BS, MA Psychology BS, MA
Public Administration MPA
School Psychology SSP
Sociology BA, BS, MA
Spanish BA, MA
Technical Communication MA
The quill connotes the importance of creative endeavors while the ruler along the rooftops illustrates a concern with the scientific method. The arched lines represent communication and its wide-reaching effects, hovering over the home, which emphasizes the importance of human bonds and of the family’s formative role for the individual. Overlooking all of the other symbols are four face profiles representing the celebration of the diversity that strengthens each of the disciplines within the college.
Alayna Andrea Anderson
Brett Patrick Bagur
Enar Bashimova
Donald W. Bass
Edson Ronaldo Bazan-Davila
Danielle Brene Anthony Castleberry
Elliott Jackson Cochran
Jennifer Sherry Coppock
Abbigayle Mykenzie Creger
Kenneth Culbreath
Patricia Elizabeth Daugherty
Tara Lynette Daugherty
Pernell A. Davis
Kenneth Day
Walt Samuel Dewbre
Madison T. Flowers
Aleisha X. Frazier
Amanda Y. George
Brandon T. Gumarang
Rosalind Jo Hallmark
Leigh Ann Nichole Hess
Barrie Homer
Tahirah Ashanti James
Michael Anthony Jay
Seth Joseph Johnson
Lindsey Elizabeth Kinane
Lesley Marie Kott
Courtney Lancaster
Krista Maria Macumber
Zsnwhe Zsaquel Danielle Matteucci
Mckenzey Briana May
Megan Taylor McKinley
James Michael Mcknight
Julianne Lindsey Merguie
Nicole Susanne Miller
Cynthia Anne Montemayor-Allen
Angelica Mulato
Jennifer Navejas
Adam Jay Norris
Sheri Helen Nuon
Aracelis Fiorella Pizarro De Jesus
Warren Neil Ponder
Kenneth Rehorst
Jay B. Roberts
Robin Kathleen Semelsberger
Avani Dinesh Shah
Ashlye Jeanice Siegfried
Justin David Sowell
Gwendolyn Deann Squires
Danielle Lynne Stein
Jessica Lorraine Stephens
Aaron Lee Street
James Patrick Varelans
William Jason Vause
Justin Ryan Villegas
Sadie Alyn White
William Christopher Whitmire
April Lyn Wilson
Karen Abularach
Yaremith Acuna
Colton Andrew Agnew
Catherine Juliette Aguilera
Kameryn J. Alexander
Emily Alvarado
Kevin Hiram Alvarado
Geeta Cathyann Amador
Cesar Daniel Amaya
Kasey Brooke Ambres
Wrigley Ryan Andrews
Anjelica Jacqueline Arias
Ashley Lizzett Arreola Langarica
Andrea Nicole Arriaga
Essha Asif
Taylor Leann Bachmeyer
Alisea Ann Balderaz
Rex Alan Baldwin III
Amanda Lane Baronaske
Dominique Y. Battle
Trever Blake Beaty
Olivia Marie Bell
Adam Jacobs Bennett
Jacob Ray Berry
Nicole Renee Birnbaum
Esperanza Blanco
Joshua Alan Boles
Alexandra Bosseloo
Tanner P. Boston
Jonah Ethan Boyd
Lanequa Nec’Kole Braden
Coleman Gant Branscum
Eric Tyler Brehm
Jabari Devon-Shaka Budd
Riccy C. Bueso
Harry Damián Cabrera
Aaron Jamal Cade
Shayla Ann Caffey
Haylie Marie Callahan
Amy A. Campuzano
Benjamin Moullet Carino
Mae Kate Carnes
Jillian J. Casburn
Michael James Chambers
Jessica M. Chavez
Austen Brent Christiansen
Heather Elise Coibion
Viktoria M. Conchola
Datyishia Cooper
Kelsey Shea Cowan
Aubrey Rose Cranage
Haylee Elizabeth Cranston
Brittany Anne Crowe
Alyssa Jonea Cureton
Makenzie C. Curry
Claudia Elizabeth Danforth
Summer Nekole Davis
Emily N. Day
Angel Manuel De La Cuesta
Stone William Dorsey
Steven J. Douglas
Emily Morgan Downs
Deborah Jane Duran
Esperanza Duran
Sasha Elizondo
Ashley Brooke Elliott
Kaitlyn Renae Ennis
James Darrell Ferlet
Karla Lizbeth Fernandez
Martin Flores
Micah Illiana Flores
Kylie Renee Forgy
Paige A. Frank
Nicholas Nguyen Free
Allyson Paige Galitz
Kenan Micaiah Garner
Megan Elena Garner
Jessica Elise Garrett
Elizabeth Garza
Mayra Lissette Garza
Cassie Lyn Gates
Milianie Gomez
Asher Antonio Gonzalez-Ortiz
Ashlee Rochelle Goodwin
Reagan Leigh Goodwin
Marqualen Dejuan Grant
Kelle Diane Greene
Caitlyne E. Guillory
James Dillan Haase
Lauren HaeHae
Taylor Madison Hairell-Sweat
Tiana Michelle Hale
Amanda Richelle Hegarty
Jibely Y. Henriquez
Alexis Michelle Hensley
Amanda Marie Henson
Kaitlyn R. Hilbun
Jessica Rene Holt
Robert Thayman House
Anastasia Nichole Howeth
Hallee Victoria Hughes
Carter Neel Hutchison
Kelly Elizabeth Hutnan
Tristan Ekong Ikpe
Amanda Michele Irons
Bertha Veronica Izquierdo
Ashley N. Johnson
Halie N. Johnson
Danyale Tyjaun Jones
Tyler Michael Jones
Kyra B. Jordan
Selena Olivia Juarez
Courtnie Michelle Kaminski
Joseph Amin Kardanimoghaddam
Ethan Royce Kasmir
Elijah Lee Keith
Haley Renee Keith
Paige Leeann Kemp
Eric Wayne King
Zoey Rhianna Kinner
Richard Koester
Delaney Brentyn Kornegay
Alyssa Nicole Krause
Natalie Kwuon
Landon Paul LaPrairie
Hailey M. Lairscey
Lance Taylor Laposki
Sabine Avery Lazo
Samantha Dianne Ledkins
Aili G. Legh-Page
Jaime Jesus Leija
Paige Elaine Lemm
Morgan Mae-Grace Lewis
Emily Christeen Lindahl
Wayne Marlin Livengood III
Brooke Emily Lookabaugh
Sissi Lizeth Lopez
Zanie Arlene Lopez
Stephanie E. Love
Heather Nicole Lowery
Taylor Elizabeth Lyle
Guenevere Mabilin
Anessa D. Martinez
Monserrat Martinez
Jennifer Scothern Mathis
Javion Jacquez May
Alyssa Desiree Mayberry
Leslie M. Mayfield
Paige Lin McConnell
William Logan McCoy
Alyssa J. McIntyre
Nathaniel Da Vante’ McRae
Candy Marie Mejia
Anna Grace Miller
Jade E. Miller
Kaycee Alexis Miller
Jailene Adamaris Miranda
Billy Mitchell
Lindsay Mae Mitchell
Quincy Dalone Mixon
Gloria Stephanie Moctezuma Palma
Ashley M. Montoya
Madison Amber Moody
Vanessa Miranda Morales Mendoza
Elisabeth Ashley Moses
Carolina Mosqueda
Lydia Marie Muir
Joshua Ryan Muirhead
Billy Joe Murphy
Jevin Wayne Murray
Renita Nicole Navy
Chloé Rose Marie Nemitz
Abbagail Newhouse
Alyssa Kaylyn Newman
Megan Braun Nitsch
Cameron Bryce Norden
Ashley Nicole Norman
Daniel Joseph North
Sommer Michelle Norwood
Jalen Keryn O’Brien
Mario Ocampo
Abigail Ochoa
Joshua Thomas Ogden
Megan Marie Oliveira
Kassidy Lyn Osburn
Paige Nicolette Ozbirn
Thomas Andrew Parker
Jaron W. Parten
Xania Dominique Partida
William Robertson Peachee
Chianti Symone’ Pearson
Morgan Lynette Pendygraft
Coral Elizabeth Petillo
Vanessa Antonia Pinto
Selena Cecilio Poindexterbrown
Reagan Machelle Polley
Rikeisha Rashon Potts
Olivia Brianne Powell
Donte Keishawn Powers
Matthew Charles Prichard
Paige Lillie Pullen
Destinee S. Ramirez
Robert Edward Rapp
Michael Alexander Reyes
Shana Nicole Reynolds
Kaylee N. Ringuet
Emily Shae Rivas
Avery Morgan Rock
Mario Alberto Rodriguez Jr.
Trine Enrique Rodriguez
Emily Ceret Romo Leyva
Cambrie Alyse Root
Matthew L. Rosa
Kayla A. Ruiz
Christina Monee Salinas Acker
Raquel Grace Santiago
Xiomara Alejandra Santiago
Nathan David Schlessman
Alyssa Renee Schulte
Mireya Jocelyn Serrano
Joy Sessums
Sidney Diana Seymour
Toneelea Elysabeth Shaftner
Syed Arsal Sharaf
Jacqueline June Lixue Sharples
Lillian Marie Sheats
Amor Lamihney Sheffield
Jaelyn Rose Sheldon
Sara Elizabeth Shelton
Robyn Elizabeth Sikes
Candace Renee Simpson
Dalton A. Singleton
Blake Dean Slade
Hope M. Smith
Sequioa J. Smith
Jennifer Mileigh Soria
Michaela Jean Sosa
Kaitlin Brooke Sprague
Jacob Ross Stanton
Tanner J. Starkey
Jaelyn Sterling
Anna Marie Suchma
Bikesh Suwal
Sally Henson Tanner
Megan Mae Taylor
Naomi Paige Thompson
Kaylee E. Threadgill
Louryn Chanae Tilley
Pearson Nicole Tirado
Giacomo Tiznado
Brianna A. Tyrone
Kaitlyn Jonel Unger
Timiya Ariel Vaughn
Ja’Dae Elaine Vaughns
Jennifer Karina Vazquez
Natalia Judith Villarreal
Seth Lawrence Vinton
Faith Elizabeth Walker
Micah Elizabeth Walker
Tamaira Anese Walker
Chrystina N. Warden
Jillian Irene Waters
Kalyn Mary Weaverling
Morgan E. Wells
Ashley Anne Wendel
Kordney Nycole Wilburn
Jaylen M. Williams
Kenzie Nicole Williams
Taylor Denise Williams
Dyamond Deshae Wilson
Lillie Grace Wright
Maria De Los Angeles Yarborough

Agricultural Business BS
Agricultural Communications BS
Agricultural Engineering Technology BS
Agriculture MS
Animal Science BS
Applied Arts and Sciences BAAS
Biology BA, BS, MA, MS
Biomedical Sciences BS
Chemistry BS, MS
Composite Science BS
Computing and Data Science MS
Computing Science BS
Construction Management BS
Cybersecurity BS
Digital and Cyber Forensic Science PhD
Digital Forensics MS
Electronics and Computer
Engineering Technology BS
Engineering Design Technology BS
Engineering Technology BS
Environmental Science BS
Forensic Chemistry BS
Geographic Information Systems MS
Geography BA, BS
Geology BS
Information Assurance and Security MS
Interdisciplinary Agriculture BS
Mathematics BA, BS, MA, MS
Mechanical Engineering Technology BS
Physics BS
Plant and Soil Sciences BS
Software Engineering BS
Statistics MS
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Environment MAG
The three columns represent the concept of civilization based on knowledge of the sciences, humanities, and arts. The triangles around the edge represent the disciplines taught in the College of Science and Engineering Technology. The stepped levels represent the bachelor, master’s, and doctoral degree programs offered by the College of Science and Engineering Technology.
Oluwole Stephen Akintoye
Sanjeda Akter
Andrew Tyler Aoueille
Stephanie Laura Beane
Jeffrey Dylan Berg
Lesly Yesenia Berrios
David Duane Brockhausen
Eric Odysseus Callaway
Ashleigh Canales
Jewel Marie Coffey
Mariah Lenise Crowe
Gabrielle Aliese Dives
David Vincent Driskill
Sarah Elizabeth Ellis
Albert Demore Fraley
Clea Elizabeth Garza
Angela Joy Gray
Jennifer Ruth Ryan Grove
Hali Jo Hensley-Hobbs
Sanjaya Malinda Jayasekera
Morgan Ada Johnson
Rachel Marie Johnston
Anisha Koirala
Hashani Dulanga Lokugama
Navya Makkena
Banuka Madhushanka Bandara
Wijerathne Maraka Mudiyanselage
Belinda Falcon Merritt
Melissa Raup Moya
Madan Neupane
Jasper I. Omokaro Jr.
Tiffany Ann Pattillo
Amy Jo Perdreauville
Daisy La Donna Porter
Dinesha Dilrukshi Pulukkutti
Renee Danielle Rhinefort
Dona Imasha Asanthi Saparamadu
Dona Ishara Nuwanthi Saparamadu
Molly Ruth Sarles
Cody Tipton
Jordan Leanne Adams
Dominique Nicole Adkins
Chyna Leigh Allen
Jennifer C. Allen
Rachel Ann Alvarado
Zachry Daniel Anaya
Lauren Alyssa Angus
Travis Alan Arias
Andrew A. Arizmendi
Leviathon Lennon Arnold
Micaela Amari Badger
Guadalupe Ruby Baires
Stephanie Ayomide Bankong
Claudia Alicia Barajas
Makaul Ann Barbaree
Alexander Dean Barton
Colleen Angelle Bassett
Kelby Layne Been
Hannah Layne Belz
Melissa Delfina Benitez
April Clare Bennett
Airam Acilegna Bernal
Tristan Edwin Best
Niranjan Bhattarai
Zachary Taylor Billiter
Douglas Quinn Black
Kevin Brannon Black
Kaitlyn Renae Blackstock
Madison K. Blythe
Lesly Elizabeth Bocanegra
Jayson Jonathan Bohac
Dylan Charles Bradford
Lauren Nicole Brooks
Eric Martin Buckner
Arielle Kathryn Maureen Burfine
Erik Burmeister
Estefania Bustos
Gabrielle Kamille Butler
Catherine Caballero
Moriah Redd Calavera
James Daniel Campos
Diana H. Canchola
Erin E. Carling
Lavoxkeia J. Carnes
Zachary Daniel Carraway
Heather Lynn Carrier
Catherine Lena Carson
Marc Casper
Kenneth Allen Wagner
Ching-Ling Wang
Whitlee Dorothy Josephine Whitlow
Jenna Beth Williams
Stephen Daniel Casper
Destiny Myia Chambers
Kate Lexi Chandler
Kayla Erin Chandler
Diego Enrique Chavez Chorro
Brooke Elizabeth Chippi
Harley Deann Chreene
Claire Marie Cleveland
Hallee B. Cognata
Joseph Colvin
Matthew Ryan Conner
Alexis Keyaria Cook
Clayton Adkin Corley
Corinthian Joseph Cormier
Alejandro Misael Corrales
Preston Lee Cory
Citlally Abigail Covarrubias
Samantha Nicole Cowan
Frances Marie Cox
Jael Jaanai Creel
Jahwaan E. Crews
Abbigale Lynn Crump
Austin Paul Culver
Emily Marie Cwiklik
Darya Khan Dahri
Satori M. Davis
Joshua Ian Defreece
Sarah Katherine Deibert
Sean Garrett Deloughery
Daniel Robert Derheim
Kenton Isaac Hart Devereaux
Ashley Lynn Dirso Perales
Nate Tucker Doelitsch
Isaiah Daniel Dominguez
Austen Tyler Dyer
Paul Keith Eagle
Shawn Philip Edwards II
Deanna K. Elsasser
Elyse T. Escalante
Lisette Escobar
Karleigh Michelle Eversole
Will Travis Fannin
Victor Fernando Figueroa
Kyndall Sanaia Finister
Jasmond Mariah Fisher
Yanet Maricela Flores Trejo
Mauricio Alberto Flores Jr.
Taylor Leigh Frank
Christian Thomas Frohne
Caitlin Rose Furley
Nicholas Alexander Galle
Carlos Eduardo Garcia
Derek M. Garcia
Jayce William Garrison
Kayla Garza
Robert Justin Garza
Pradip Gautam
Anna G. Gibbons
Elizabeth Rose Gillilan
Tommy Randell Gilpin
Sarah Ann Goodman
Danielle Grabert
Cierra B. Greer
Haley Claire Guerrero
Brady Kyle Gully
Isaias Gutierrez
Jacqueline Gutierrez
Thomas C. Gutierrez
Zitlaly Coco Gutierrez
Jason Thomas Hall
Makayla Ronyae Hall
Jessica Renea Ham
Steven M. Hammell
Christian Anthony Hampton
Joseph Hansen
Erica D. Hardway
Mitchell Scott Hargraves
Emma Elizabeth Harlow
Brady G. Harris
Haviland Reece Harris
Aubrey L. Hart
Cody Christopher Hatcher
Maclaye Madison Hatcher
Shakille Malik Heade
Holland Alexa Helton
Lauren H. Hendrix
Jacob H. Henigan
Logan Montgomery Henson
Marlyn Hernandez
Victor Manuel Hernandez
Mia Kate Higginbotham
Melissa Raquel Hinojosa
Keegan A. Hisey
Lawrence Victor Ho
Chelsee Lynn Hobbs
Javier Enrique Chester Hodges
Austin Ryan Holmes
Trevor Dean Hughes
Brodin Buzz Emory Huse
Shelbie Raye Hutchinson
Haven Leighonna Hymes
Paul Alberto Iniguez-Smith

Taylor W. Janak
Maggie Elizabeth Jedlicka
Dedayllan Joseph Johnson
Laneya Alexis Johnson
Theodore Jones II
Brett Olen Jones
Jeane’ Marie Julien
Selim Kandaz
Emily Ann Karr
Cody Maxwell Kettler
Charles S. Kincade
Kyle Alexander Klyng
Megan Ann Kmiec
Gabrielle O. Knotts
Garrison Wyatt Koehn
Kaden Isaac Kornegay
Sezer Kug
Warren Gar Lao
William Alexander Lasater
Taylor Ann Laux
Dallas Renee Le Blanc
Charles Anthony Braxton Lee
Savannah Nicole Lee
Brian Albert Lent
Derrick Bernard Lewis Bin Li
Rachel Alyssa Livings
Stephanie M. Lopez
Mackenzie Alise Love
Logan Michael Lowery
Jacob Lozano
Samantha Nichole Machen
Safiullah Mahmoodzai
Clara Guadalupe Maldonado
Luke Zachary Malnar
Oscar R. Marquina
Kaitlin Elizabeth Marr
Steven Matthew Marsh
Allison Martinez Vazquez
Andrea Rebeca Martinez
Callen M. Martinez
Nevia Yvonne Martinez
Ashley M. Massie
Stephanie E. McAdams
Alexander Hamilton McGarity
Jerry Solon McGrew
Makayla Alise McGruder
Lamaiya Janel Stacia McInnis
Christian James McMurray
Hadyn Richard Mcintyre
Jose Luis Medrano
Rahul Meduri
Hannah Rose Odell Meidel
Sarah Elizabeth Meyer
Grant Marshall Miller
Jonathan Ezekiel Molina
Lillyan E. Molina
Elisabeth Montes
Jordan A. Moore
Esmeralda Morales
Melanie Elaine Morgan
Jocelyn Morris
Vanessa M. Mota
Sumayah Elaine Muhammad
Nicole Renee Mullan
Noeli Guadalupe Munoz
Alex P. Nelson
Aris Nicole Newton
Chinedum Clinton Nmereole
Jordan T. Pace
Corbin Daide Pacheco
Corey J. Peckitt
Richard P. Perez
Ethan Randall Perry
Caleb Michael Pesch
Molly Elizabeth Phipps
Crosby Pineda
Rebekah Paige Poindexter
Emily Ann Purdy
Caitlin Elizabeth Quave
Camille E. Ravara
Billy Dean Reagan Jr.
Kailey Nicole Reed
Edgar Reyes
Caleb Franklin Richardson
Hailey Nicole Richardson
Daniel Aaron Ringo
Isabel Maria Rivera Burkholder
Cecily A. Rivera
Kenneth Roberts
Celine Marie Robertson
Christofher Andrew Robinson
Abigail Robles-Ramirez
Rosario Rocha
Icela Shanavia Rollings
Alexis Marie Rosales
Brandon Matthew Rosales
Alexys Rubio
Reese Victoria Ryan
Ahmet Emin Sancar
Candida Lee Sanders
Carissa Ann Sansom
Christian Laron Sapp
Terri Lea Sarver
Garrett M. Satterfield
Robert Anthony Sauls
Dayton Rylan Schmidt
Mason Anderson Schroth
Annaleisse Marishka Seiber
Zachary A. Seidel
Adam Thomas Seltzer
Brandon Pierce Setser
Bishnu Sharma
Ashley Marie Sherrod
Tyler Dale Short
Zabrina Sifuentes
Julian Rene Silva
Sarah Mikenna Simon
Maria Michelle Simpson
Brett Daniel Smith
Cameron Scott Smith
Katherine Suzanne Smith
Lindsay Elizabeth Soileau
Brenna Spangler
Colton Ray Spinks
Brandon Arthur Stancik
Caitlin Dean Stephens
Dakota Lane Stevenson
Hailey Brooke Stiles
Kshitiz Subba
Michaela Jeeyun Tabor
Christian Javier Tarazona Torres
Megan Elyse Tarkington
Maxwell Silver Thate

Michael Andrew Thebeault
Denitra Nasha Thurman
Nancy Toledo
Christian Joseph Townes
Mason Quinn Trafton
Cole Austin Trammell
James D. Traylor III
Daniel Trejo
Erin Nicole Trejo
Lareyna Alisandra Trinidad
Imani Yasmin Truss
Rayjaa Denise Turner
Karmen Alexis Tyllick
Rohan Udas
Drew Wright Varner
Katherine Nicole Vazquez
Waleska Giselle Vega
Yulizbeth Anahy Vega
Noris Imelda Velasquez
Celeste Regina Weeks
Eric Lewis Weingart
Austin Wayne Weirich
Hunter Crowson Wells
Meagan Whatley
Olivia Lin White
Teresa Allyson White
Lexaley Jo Wiktorik
Lindsey Grace Wilder
Kelton James Williams
Kathryn-Anne Eireen Willy
Kaylah L. Wilson
Riley J. Wilson
Clifford Thomas Witten
Faik Yesilyaprak
Raul Antonio Zablah Vasquez
Brianna Ashley Zayas
Alyson Marie Zelaya
Breanna Elizabeth Zupan
The SHSU Alumni Association is your Bearkat connection and exists to serve and sustain the SHSU alumni network of over 140,000 alumni worldwide. Connecting with your alumni network is your most valuable SHSU asset—right up there with your degree. Ultimately, a strong alumni network enhances the value of your SHSU degree.
Download the SHSU KatApp in the Apple store or Google Play store to manage your alumni association membership and enjoy member only discounts nationwide. Other advantages of membership include:
Invitations to exclusive events
Alumni publications and e-newsletters
Traveling Bearkats program
Networking and volunteer opportunities
Regional clubs and special interest groups
Alumni exclusive pre-game tailgates
Serving the best interest of our members is a top priority, and it is our hope that you find your membership worthy of continuing for years to come. Whether you become a life member at the new graduate
rate of $500 (50% off) or choose to renew your membership each year, you are important to the Alumni Association and the university. We need your continued support each year to ensure SHSU remains an outstanding public university.
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @ SHSUalumniassoc, Facebook @ SHSU Alumni Association
Visit your alumni association at the John R. Ragsdale Alumni Center, 1605 Sam Houston Ave., online at alumni.shsu.edu, or call 800-283-7478.
Mark Tuttle, Chair
Douglas Berg, Vice Chair
Matthew Wagner, Vice Chair
Dustin Gross, Vice Chair
Edward L. Chatal
Anne Gaillard
McCartney Johnson
Stephanie Knific
Kevin Morris
David Naranjo
Juan Nunez
Scott Plugge
Richard Rodriguez
Jonathon Bryson
Nicholas Graves
Jonathan Breazeale
Xiaoman Duan
Kurt Jesswein
Steve Johnson
Hadley Leavell
Bala Maniam
Jeff Strawser
Robert Stretcher
Andia Azimi
Jay Coons
Jurg Gerber
Cassandra Gonzales
Alexander Kinney
Peter Lehmann
Russell Lundberg
Holly Miller
Michael Vaughn
Rita Watkins
Alma Contreras-Vanegas
Daphne Johnson
Joyce McCauley
Melinda Miller
Diana Nabors
Jalene Potter
Laura Burleson
Patrick Davis
Jennifer Didier
Linda James
Rosanne Keathley
Jose Santiago
Courtney Banks
Hillary Langley
Bernadette Pruitt
Feu Lopez Montse
Lee Miller
Ross Guida
John Harris
Shyam Sivankutty Nair
Tarek Trad
Joel Walker USHERS
Diana Brown
Ashton Mouton
Steve Nenninger
Joey Robertson
Laura Sullivan
Christopher Thompson